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Preview Mechanochemical coupling of kinesin studied with the neck linker swing model

Mechanochemical coupling of kinesin studied with the neck linker swing model Yaogen Shu1,∗ and Hualin Shi1 1Institute of Theoretical Physics, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, P. O. Box 2735, Beijing 100080, China (Dated: February 4, 2008) 6 0 Wehaveproposedthenecklinkerswingmodeltoinvestigatethemechanismofmechanochemical 0 couplingofkinesin. TheMichaelis-Menten-like curvefor velocityvsATPconcentration at different 2 loadshasbeenobtained,whichisinagreementwithexperiments. WehavepredictedthatMichaelis constant doesn’t increase monotonically and an elastic instability will happen with increasing of n applied force. a J PACSnumbers: 87.16.Nn 4 2 I. INTRODUCTION headbindsADP.Fordouble-headedbinding,theforward ] head is empty, whilst the rear head binds either ATP or T ADP·P. O Kinesinisamolecularmotorthattransportsorganelles i Kinesinworksinacyclicfashionforseveralintermedi- . and membrane-bound vesicles along a microtubule in o ate states. The Michaelis-Mentenrelationfor the rate of various cells [1, 2]. It takes hundreds of 8 nm steps i ATPhydrolysisisstillabasiclaw[4,9,10,23,24,25,26]. b (the size of tubulin heterodimers composed of α and β The average stepping velocity, however, also has been - subunits)[3, 4, 5] before detachment and the run length q experimentally found obeying the Michaelis-Menten law is longer than 1 µm[3, 4, 5, 6]. This is why kinesin is [ for a range loads[27], which means the mechanochemical called a processive motor. 1 couplingistight,i.e.,kinesinhydrolyzesonemolecularof v Conventional kinesin (hereafter called ‘kinesin’) is a ATP for each 8 nm step[12]. With increasing of the ap- 0 dimer consisting of two identical ∼ 120kD chains, com- pliedforce,thesaturatingvelocitydecreasesasexpected, 4 monlyknownasheavychains. Eachheavychaincontains however, Michaelis constant surprisingly increases[27]. 0 a N-terminalglobularheaddomain,a stalk regionwhich The role of force in the reaction kinetics can be used to 1 is responsibleforheavychaindimerization,atether that investigatethemechanismofmechanochemicalcoupling. 0 joinstheheadandstalk,andaC-terminalfan-shapedtail 6 In this paper, we present a neck linker swing model to domainwhichusuallybindscargofortransportinginliv- 0 investigate the mechanism of mechanochemical coupling ing cell or beadfor applying force in single molecule ma- / of kinesin. We will discuss the effect of applied force o nipulatedexperiments[7,8]. Theheaddomainisahighly on the reaction kinetics and the elastic instability of the i b conservedregionfor different members ofthe kinesin su- complex composed of neck linker and attached head. - perfamily and contains two binding sites. One binds to q microtubule and the other to nucleotides. Two heads al- : v ternately hydrolyze one molecular of ATP for each 8 nm i step[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]. Sometimes, the II. NECK LINKER SWING MODEL X 8-nm step can be resolved into fast and slow substeps, r a eachcorrespondingtoadisplacementof∼4 nm[14]. The Whenaheadattachesmicrotubule,itstether becomes tether is a ∼ 15-amino-acid segment. It becomes immo- a rigid rod that can be bent by an applied force, and we bilizedandextendedtowardstheforwarddirectionwhen call this tether as a neck linker. Otherwise, we call the its head binds microtubule and ATP, and reverts to a tether as a flexible chain if its head is detached[15]. more mobile conformation when phosphate is released An idealized scheme of the relations among nu- after ATP hydrolysis[15]. If the tether is replaced by a cleotides, microtubule and the tether’s conformation is randomsequenceofaminoacids[16]orifitiscross-linked shown in Figure 1a[15, 28, 29, 30]. For attached head, to nucleotides site[17], the kinesin will lose the capabil- if its catalytic cleft is empty, the neck linker tends to be ity of stepping. Therefore, the conformational change of perpendicular to microtubule. ATP binding will change tether seems to be necessary for kinesin to step[15]. the catalyticcleft’s conformation. The allostericinterac- The motility of kinesin can be explained by a “hand tion between two binding sites in the attached head will over hand” model[18, 19, 20, 21]. The two heads trigger neck linker to swing to the forward direction[15]. alternately repeat single- and double-headed binding The neck linker swing model consists of two chemi- with microtubule. A simplified binding mode has been cal transitions (k1 and k3) and two mechanical substeps proposed[22]. For single-headed binding, the attached (k2 and k4) as shown in Figure 1b. This model is con- head either binds ATP or is empty, whilst the detached sistent with the widely accepted model for the kinetic mechanism of kinesin[31]. We just keep their main pro- cesses and rearrange them into steps in our model. This approximation is reasonable for the case that ADP con- ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] centration is low. 2 a power stroke recovery stroke the free head and bead will be thrown forward. A flexble chain power stroke occurs. We assume the motion of bead, l D f stalk by which optical tweezer can applies force on motor, is bead neck linker overdamped, the average velocity is T 1 Microtubule hx˙i= (hfci+hfbi−f) (2) ζ b D D where ζ is the viscous coefficient, hfci and hfbi are av- f f f erage forces generated from ATP binding and releasing (1) (4) P D k4 of the bending energy respectively, that is, hfci+hfbi= n n+1 (∆E +E )/(1L+ℓ). The power stroke rate then is 1 bend 2 D f k1 k3 f k1 k (f)= hx˙i = 1/ζ ∆E1+Ebend −f (3) (2) T k2 (3) T D 2 L/2+ℓ L/2+ℓ(cid:18) L/2+ℓ (cid:19) ∆E is the energy that power stroke outputs, and orig- 1 FIG. 1: (a): An idealized scheme of the relations among nu- inates from the catalytic cleft’s conformational change cleotides, microtubule and the tether’s conformation(not to induced by ATP binding[15]. scale). (b): Neck linker swing model. Two chemical transi- tionsand twomechanicalsubstepsarecoupled alternately to eachother. T,DandPrepresentsATP,ADPandPi respec- C. chemical transition 2: detached head’s ADP tively. releasing and attached head’s ATP hydrolysis In this model, the mechanochemical cycle of kinesin With starting of the power stroke, the random mo- includes four steps: ATP binding; power stroke; ADP tion of the free head will be biased to the forward direc- releasing + ATP hydrolysis and recovery stroke. tion and the flexible chain will be stretched due to neck linker’s throwing and the interaction from the nearest β-tubulin monomer, which greatly increases the proba- bility that the free head reaches the next binding site on the track. It first bind weakly, eventually, releases its A. chemical transition 1: ATP binding ADP and attaches strongly to the track. The stretched chain will shrink and transform into a rigid rod, which Whenaheadstronglyattachestothemicrotubuleand helps the rear head to split the bound ATP, and one of waits for ATP binding, the neck linker will be bent by products, phosphate will be released[15, 22, 30]. This the applied force f to the backward direction with dis- reaction weakens the binding of the rear head with the placement ℓ as shown in Figure 1a. The bending energy microtubule and leads it to detach from the track with E ≈ 1κℓ2 and the force f = dE /dℓ ≈ κℓ in the ADP[15,22,30]. Weassumetherateoftheprocessfrom bend 2 bend case of slight bending, where κ is the bending rigidity. theendofpowerstroketothedetachingofrearhead,k , 3 Theattachedheadwillfinallybearthebendingenergy is independent of applied force. andthe energybarrierfor ATP binding will increase. So ATP binding rate can be written as: D. mechanical substep 2: recovery stroke k (f)=k e−Ebend/kBT[ATP] (1) 1 b The tether linked the forward head now becomes the wherek isATP bindingconstantwithoutappliedforce, b neck linker[15, 22, 30], and will swing to the mechanical k isBoltzmannconstant,andT isabsolutetemperature. B equilibrium position. A recovery stroke occurs. Similar This relationship holds whether [ATP](ATP concentra- with the power stroke, the rate of this step tion) is high or low. During attached head is waiting for ATP binding, the free head can’t reach any binding site 1/ζ ∆E −E 2 bend onthetrackbecausetheend-to-enddistanceofthe flexi- k4(f)= −f (4) L/2−ℓ L/2−ℓ blechainisnotlongenough. Thesesitesareseparatedby (cid:18) (cid:19) a fixed distance (L=8 nm) along the rigid microtubule. where∆E originatesfromthecatalyticcleft’sconforma- 2 tionalchangeinducedbyADPreleasing,whichisconfor- mationally the recovery process of ATP binding. B. mechanical substep 1: power stroke Thecycleisnowreadytorepeat,the differenceisthat rolesofthesetwopartnerheadshaveexchanged. Theki- Once the attached head binds an ATP molecule, neck nesindimerhashydrolyzedoneATPandmovedforward linker will move to the new equilibrium position, and 8 nm with two substeps[15, 28, 29, 30]. Although there 3 aremorethantwochemicaltransitionsasabove,allother TABLE I: The fitted parameters for experimental vmax and chemical processes are rapid rate transitions (random- ness shows that there are only two to three rate-limiting KM versus f[27] with kBTr =4.1pN·nm transitions[27,32,33]). Welumpallotherchemicaltran- fstall κ kb k3 ζ sitions into k . (pN) (pN·nm−1) (µM−1·s−1) (s−1) (pN·s/nm) 3 6.50 1.88 1.33 120 1.45×10−3 III. FITTING AND RESULTS ourmodelis independent ofATP concentration. We can From the time series shown in Figure1b, the average rewrite Eq.(6) and Eq.(7) as time to complete a single enzymatic cycle, hτi, can be computed conveniently[33, 34]. The average velocity of ln KML =−lnk + 1/(2kBT)f2 (9) b kinesin moving along microtubule is vmax κ (cid:18) (cid:19) L 1 1 (1+2f¯)2 (1−2f¯)2 v = L =L 4 1 −1 = vmax[ATP] (5) vmax = k3 + k0 (cid:20)1−f¯∆(1+f¯) + 1−f¯∆(1−f¯)(cid:21)(10) hτi k K +[ATP] i! M Xi=1 andusethemtofitthemeasureddataofvmaxandKMat different loads[27], where f¯ = f/[f (1+f /(κL))], with ∆ stall stall and f¯=f/(κL). The fitted values of f , κ, k , k and stall b 3 1 1 1 −1 ζ arelistedintableI,andthetwofittedcurves,vmax ∼f vmax = L k + k + k (6) and KM ∼f, are shown in Figure 2(a). (cid:18) 2 3 4(cid:19) The fitted stall force f = 6.5 pN is consistent with stall eEbend/kBT vmax measured value[27]. The total energy outputted in one K = (7) M kb L cycle, 2∆E ≈ 74 pN·nm, is less than ∆µ, which demon- strated again that the fitted values are reasonable. The wherevmaxandKMaresaturatingvelocityandMichaelis efficiency of mechanochemical coupling of kinesin, η, is constant respectively. Obviously, the average velocity about93%. However,the efficiencyofmotor,f L/∆µ, stall obeys the Michaelis-Menten law as observed[27]. is about 65%, which is in agreement with experiments. In our model, ∆E and ∆E are independent of ATP 1 2 It is the motion of a silica bead that is measured in concentration. Wedefine theefficiencyofmechanochem- experiment[27]. The radius of the bead, R, is 0.25 µm. icalcoupling ofkinesinasη =(∆E +∆E )/∆µandas- 1 2 The viscousity of water at room temperature, η˜ , is w sume it is a constant,where ∆µ is the free energyexcess about 0.9×10−9pN·s/nm2. The Stokes drag coefficient inonemoleculeATPhydrolysis. Itmustbenotedthatη of the bead can be estimated by 6πRη˜ , and is about w defined here is differentfromthe efficiency of motor. We 4.24×10−3pN·s/nm. Thefittedviscouscoefficientofbead assume kinesin has adjusted ∆E and ∆E to achieve 1 2 in our model, thus, is comparable with the Stokes drag optimal kinetic velocity in evolution. From Eq.(3) and coefficient for a sphere in 0.5 µm diameter at room tem- Eq.(4), we yield ∆E = ∆E ≡ ∆E (< 1∆µ), which 1 2 2 perature. is reasonable with the fact that the catalytic cleft’s con- The widely accepted model for the kinetic mechanism formational change induced by ADP releasing is confor- of kinesin[31] has proposed that the ATP binding rate mationally the recovery process of that induced by ATP is about 2 µM−1·s−1 and the rate from free head’s ADP binding. For simplicity, we introduce the rate of power releasing to attached head’s detaching can be estimated (or recovery)stroke without load, k0 =4∆E/(ζL2). about 70 s−1. In our model, ATP dissociating rate k−1 AccordingtoEqs.(3)and(4), the powerstrokeratek 2 isn’ttakenintoaccount,thisiswhyk isslightlylessthan b decreases with increasing of applied force f, whilst the the proposed value. k also approaches the estimated 3 recoverystrokeratek increasesasshowninFigure2(d). 4 value. At a critical applied force,k becomes zero. We call this 2 critical force as stall force. It can be derived as IV. DISCUSSION ∆E+E (f ) f = bend stall (8) stall L/2+ℓ(f ) stall A. KM no longer increases monotonically with load Ifappliedforceis largerthanthe stallforce,the forcein- duced by conformationchangecan’tovercomeit to push Although the recovery stroke will go faster and faster the kinesin forward along the microtubule. with increasing of applied force, the power stroke will For the case of slight bending of neck linker, Eq.(8) spend more and more time and finally stalls at the stall can be rewritten as f ≈ 2∆E/[L(1+f /(κL))] < force, which leads to the concave down of saturating stall stall ∆µ/L ∼ 10 pN with ∆µ ≈ 80 pN·nm under physiolog- velocity. With low applied force, Michaelis constant ical conditions[35], which is in agreement with the ex- will nearly increase exponentially because eEbend/kBT in- perimental data[27]. It must be noted that stall force in creases faster than vmax decreases. With high force, 4 with increasing of applied force, and its force-extension (a) (c) -1⋅V, (nms)max s• VKmMax µK, (M)M plied force, (pN) bending instability extension reCla.tiovnelcoacnitbyleimvfieitrttsienudgsbaAypTpaPliseicmdopnfolcyrecneeltarasattticisoamntuordaetlinaggaainn.d p A Load (pN) Extension, (nm) With these reasonable fitted parameters, we can use (b) (d) Eq.(5)directlytocomputethedependenceofthevelocity -1⋅city, (nms) s 2 mM ATP → -1Rate, (s) 0.1 mM ATP kkk432 roAenslalstohiaoodnwanistiisnnatFguoirgoaudtrienagg2r(aebne)dm,eltinmhteitttionhgeeoxArpeTetriPicmacleonvntecaleolncdtitrayat-tafi[oo2rn7cs]e.. elo ← • 5 µM ATP k1 It is clear that there are three distinctive regimes of ap- V plied force: (1) If the load is low, chemical transition 2, the process from free head’s ADP releasing to attached Load (pN) Load (pN) head’s ATP hydrolysis,k , is the rate-limiting transition 3 at saturating [ATP] and v ≈ Lk ≈ 900 nm/s, which is FIG.2: (a): Fittingto experimentalvmax and KM vsf[27]. 3 consistent with what is known about the biochemistry The fitted parameters are listed in table I. (b): Dependence of kinesin[37, 38], while ATP binding is the rate-limiting of velocity on load at saturated andlimiting ATPconcentra- tions. The curves are directly from Eq.(5) analytically with transition at low [ATP] and v ≈ Lk1 ≈ 50 nm/s with parametersshownintableI,andtheexperimentaldatacome 5 µM. (2) If load is high, kinesin will stall at the same from Ref[27]. (c): Applied force vs extension. The relation force as discussed in section III whether ATP concen- f =κℓwithκshownintableIisingood agreementwiththe tration is high or low. (3) If applied force is moderate, experimentaldata[22]at lowforce. (d): Dependenceofrates the velocity-force curves display different shapes at low on applied force at 0.1 mM ATP. and saturating ATP concentration respectively. At very low ATP concentration, the velocity decreases exponen- tially as k and looks like linear with load because ATP 1 power stroke becomes the rate-limiting step for the sin- binding is the rate-limiting step. At saturating [ATP], gle enzymatic cycle, so, KM will fall fast as vmax shown the velocity is concave down with load as discussed in in Figure2(a). Michaelis constant no longer increases section IVA. monotonicallywith load. The big errorbar at highforce implies that this prediction is possible. D. two mechanical substeps The two mechanical substeps in this model are con- tributed by the two heads respectively. The recovery B. neck linker’s bending stroke is always a rapid rate step which corresponds to the observedfastsubstep[14]. Ifamoderateloadsuchas Actually, the neck linker’s bending has been uncon- 1.5 pNacts onthe beadandATP concentrationis main- sciously revealed in experiment[22]. With an applied tained at 0.1 mM, the two chemical transitions have the force moving toward the end of microtubule, a simply same rate as shown in Figure2(d). The time spent in elastic model can fit all extension of kinesin-microtubule ATP binding equals that spent in chemical transition 2. complex for double-headed attaching. But the force- Theoretically, 4.8 nm slow substep and 3.2 nm fast sub- extensionrelationinFigure2(c)can’tbefittedbyasame step can be detected directly by single molecular manip- simply elastic model for all extension for single-headed ulated techniques suchas opticaltweezers. The different attaching. With our neck linker swing model, we can load-dependence of these substeps’ rate may be revealed image there are three distinctive regions of force. If the in the future experiment. force is low, the “Extension” is mainly contributed by neck linker bending. We compare the relation f = κℓ to the experimental force-extension data[22] in Figure V. CONCLUSION 2(c). It is very surprising that our model is in agree- ment with experiment very well. With the increasing Weproposedthenecklinkerswingmodelwhichdivides of applied force, a phenomenon of elastic instability[36] the single enzymatic cycle into two chemical transitions will inevitably happen to the complex composed of neck and two mechanical substeps. Each chemical transition linker and attached head. This is why the extension will induce the conformational change in the catalytic rapidly increases while the “applied force” falls fast as cleftandgenerateacorrespondedmechanicalstroke. The themeasureddatainFigure2(c). Afterreachingthenew model can be used to explain the observed substeps[14]. mechanical equilibrium, the complex will further extend The different load-dependence of these two strokes’ rate 5 may be revealed in the future experiment. We have in- experiment at low force[22]. With these reasonable fit- vestigated the mechanism of mechanochemical coupling ted parameters, we can directly use Eq.(5) to describe of kinesin by the influence of applied force on the bend- therelationbetweentheaveragevelocityandloadatdif- ing of neck linker. When attached head is waiting for ferent ATP concentrations, which is in good agreement ATPbinding,thenecklinkerisbentbytheappliedforce. to experimental data[27] as shown in Figure 2(b). In Theattachedheadbearsthenecklinker’sbendingenergy addition, we have predicted Michaelis constant doesn’t andtheenergybarrierforATPbindingincreases. Thisis increasemonotonicallyandanelasticinstabilitywillhap- whyMichaelisconstantincreaseswithappliedforce. Our pentothecomplexcomposedofnecklinkerandattached theoreticalanalysisofaveragevelocityofmotorinEq.(5) head with increasing of applied force. alsoobeysMichaelis-Mentenlawandhasbeenusedtofit the observed saturating velocity and Michaelis constant at different loads[27]. 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