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Mechanisms of Release of Biogenic Amines. Proceedings of an International Wenner–Gren Center Symposium Held in Stockholm, February 1965 PDF

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Preview Mechanisms of Release of Biogenic Amines. Proceedings of an International Wenner–Gren Center Symposium Held in Stockholm, February 1965

Already published in this series: OLFACTION AND TASTE Edited by Y. Zotterman, 1962. LIGHTING PROBLEMS IN HIGHWAY TRAFFIC Edited by E. Ingelstam, 1963. THE STRUCTURE AND METABOLISM OF THE PANCREATIC ISLETS Edited by S. E. Brolin, B. Hellman andH. Knutson, 1964. TOBACCO ALKALOIDS AND RELATED COMPOUNDS Edited by U. S. von Euler, 1965. MECHANISMS OF RELEASE Proceedings of an International Wenner-Gren Center Symposium held in Stockholm, February 1965 EDITED BY U. S. VON EULER S. ROSELL and B. UVNÄS SYMPOSIUM PUBLICATIONS DIVISION PERGAMON PRESS OXFORD · LONDON · EDINBURGH · NEW YORK TORONTO · PARIS · BRAUNSCHWEIG Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford 4 & 5 Fitzroy Square, London W.l Pergamon Press (Scotland) Ltd., 2 & 3 Teviot Place, Edinburgh 1 Pergamon Press Inc., 44-01 21st Street, Long Island City, New York 11101 Pergamon of Canada Ltd., 6 Adelaide Street East, Toronto, Ontario Pergamon Press S.A.R.L., 24 rue des Ecoles, Paris 5e Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn Verlag, Postfach, 185, 33 Braunschweig, W. Germany Copyright © 1966 Pergamon Press Ltd First edition 1966 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 65-28545 PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY BLACKIE & SON LTD., BISHOPBRIGGS, GLASGOW (2684/66) INTRODUCTORY REMARKS Β. UvNÄs LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. On behalf of the Organizing Committee I would like to extend a most cordial welcome to all participants in this Symposium. We are very pleased that so many have accepted our invitation. We are very happy, too, to see so many of those whose contributions may be regarded as milestones on the road leading to our present knowledge of the biogenic amines. It is especially gratifying to see in the audience my predecessor, the Grand Old Man of Swedish pharmacology, well known for his scientific achieve­ ments as well as for his eloquence, Professor Goran Liljestrand. We regret that illness has prevented two members of the Organizing Committee, Professor Hugo Theorell and Professor Nils-Äke Hillarp, from attending this Symposium. May I suggest that we send them some flowers as a token of our sympathy and esteem. The rapid expansion of our knowledge covering the biochemistry, physio­ logy and pharmacology of the biogenic amines stems from the brilliant observations of a few. It suffices for me to mention two names only: Henry Dale and Otto Loewi, whose discoveries of the chemical mediation of nerve effects gained them Nobel Prize awards in 1936. Since their original observa­ tions on acetylchoUne, adrenaline and histamine, the family of the biogenic amines has considerably increased. One of the new family members, nor­ adrenaline, warrants special mention. The recognition by Ulf von Euler of noradrenaline as the adrenergic transmitter is one of the fundamental observations which have guided research on the biogenic amines for two decades. I could name many other researchers—present and absent—whose work has contributed essentially to our present knowledge. However, I will confine myself to only one more. He is not present personally, but he is well known to us by virtue of his classical monograph. Die Biogene Amine, The numerous editions of this work have long been an indispensable source of knowledge for many of us. Markus Guggenheim, Emeritus Professor, celebrates his 80th birthday during our Symposium, on Wednesday 24 February to be exact. May I suggest that we cable our congratulations to him. You may wonder: Why arrange a Symposium around the biogenic amines? These substances have already been the principal topics at a number of Symposia and other scientific gatherings. That may be so, but there is one 2 Β. UVNÄS aspect which has been relatively little discussed. Not only do these amines play an important role as chemical mediators in the peripheral and central nervous system; more and more drugs are found to exert a similar action via the release of amines or by interfering with the release. Release of amines is implicated in functional disturbances characteristic of various diseases. Despite the accumulated evidence which demonstrates the significance of the release of amines in physiology, pharmacology and pathology, we still possess but a fragmentary knowledge of the mechanism of that release. It is the hope of the Organizing Committee that discussions among specialists—morphologists, biochemists, physiologists, pharmacologists, etc. —will result—if not this week, at least later on—in a better understanding of this fundamental process. With these introductory remarks I have the pleasure of opening our Symposium. I hope we shall have some rewarding days with a spirited but friendly scientific debate during our working hours and an equally enjoyable though not strenuous, social life in our free time. CERTAIN CONCEPTS OF CELL STRUCTURE RELEVANT TO RELEASE OF NEUROHUMORAL AGENTS J. DAVID ROBERTSON Harvard Medical School, Research Laboratory, McLean Hospital, Belmont, Massachusetts I SHOULD like to begin by outUning the development of the unit membrane concept and then go on to tell you how this is applicable to the formulation of a concept of cell structure relevant to the release of agents secreted by cells in general, including, of course, neurohumoral agents of various kinds. Figure 1 is an electron micrograph of a human red blood cell that shows the pattern of structure that I refer to by the term "unit membrane". This is a triple-layered structure measuring somewhere around 75 Ä in overall thick­ ness. It consists of a pair of roughly parallel dense lines each about 20 Ä thick, separated by a light central zone on the order of 35 A in thickness. This configuration is now well recognized to be a constant feature of the surfaces of cells, as well as of cell organelles, though about ten years ago when it was first seen it posed a controversial problem. This arose mainly because the structure is not constantly seen, and indeed for a long time was only found in cells that had been fixed with ΚΜηθ4. Even in these cells it was not always demonstrable. Sometimes the cell surface appeared as a thin dense line 50-60 Ä thick, of rather fuzzy quality, which was very difficult to define. At intercellular boundaries two thin dense lines were found separated by an interspace '^100-150 Ä wide. The thin dense lines were regarded as protein. It was speculated that the light interspace between cells might be filled by lipid and that at the free surfaces of cells outside the thin dense line there might be a variable thickness of lipid. The problem of deciding whether or not the particular structure defined as the unit membrane was a meaningful one was settled mainly by studies of nerve myelin and its development. I should like now to trace the evolution of these ideas, fiUing in for you the most significant steps. In general, I shall not illustrate my points with electron micrographs because I have published these elsewhere.^"^ Diagrams seem sufficient for the purposes of this presentation. Only a few electron micrographs will be used to give a few concrete examples of the type of information being dealt with. It was postulated about ten years ago that the nerve myelin sheath might in fact be formed as a spiral evolution of a mesaxon like the ones described 3 J. D. ROBERTSON FIG. 1. Electron micrograph of a thin section of a human red blood cell, showing a portion of the unit membrane at its surface. ΚΜηθ4 fixed, X 280,000. CERTAIN CONCEPTS OF CELL STRUCTURE 5 by Gasser^"^ in non-myelinated nerve fibers. He had shown that the Schwann cell of unmyelinated axons was not a syncytial cell completely enclosing the axons as previously supposed, but that instead the axons were simply pushed into deep troughs in its surface, with the Schwann cell surface membrane running down around the axons as illustrated in Fig. 2. Dr. Betty Geren Uzman^ observed certain non-myelinated fibers in developing chick peri­ pheral nerves in which the mesaxon was elongated in a spiral around the axon. She postulated that myelin might be formed by a further elaboration of such a spiral although the evidence at that time was not sufficient to make this entirely clear. The next step came when the first micrograph of an adult, fully matured, myelinated peripheral nerve fiber was obtained^ in which the spiral nature of the myelin sheath was made evident by the demonstration of both the outer and the inner ends of the mesaxon running off* the compact myelin sheath. The original micrograph pubUshed in 1955 that showed these mesaxons is reproduced in Fig. 2. The quality of the reproduction demon­ strates the deficiencies of the techniques at that time, since the membrane of the Schwann cell appears only as a very fuzzy dense line and it is not at all clear exactly how the surface membrane is related to the compact myelin sheath. This micrograph made it clear that no non-membranous com­ ponents were laid down between the cytoplasmic surfaces of the mesaxon loops, but it was not at all certain that additional non-membranous con­ stituents were not laid down between the outside surfaces of the spiral loops of the mesaxon as the compact myehn sheath evolved. Somewhat later, in 1957,* with the introduction of permanganate fixation, we were able to demonstrate conclusively that compact myelin indeed consisted of nothing but closely packed Schwann cell membrane material with no additional components laid down during its evolution. This was shown by demonstra­ tion of the triple layered unit membrane structure at the surface of the Schwann cell, and by tracing it directly into the compact myelin sheath (see ref. 11). Figure 3 is an illustrative micrograph. Not only did the major dense line originate by intimate apposition of the cytoplasmic surfaces of the mesaxon loop; but also the intraperiod line was demonstrated to originate by a similar apposition, or possibly partial fusion, of the outside surfaces of the Schwann cell membranes making up the mesaxon. At this point it became quite reasonable to conclude that the myelin sheath was in fact nothing but cell membrane material. Figure 4 summarizes diagrammatically the information available at that point. With these facts established, it became possible to extrapolate the known information about myelin directly to the Schwann cell surface and make a deduction about its molecular organization. Previous chemical studies had indicated that the myelin sheath consisted in large part of phosphoHpids and the protein neurokeratin. Polarized light studies by W. J. Schmidtand by Chinn and Schmitt^^ had indicated that the Hpid molecules were probably arranged with their long axes in the radial direction, J. D. ROBERTSON FIG. 2. Electron micrograph of a portion of lizard sciatic myelinated nerve fiber, taken in 1954 (1, outer mesaxon; 2, inner mesaxon; 3, axon-Schwann- membrane). OsO4 fixed, methacrylate embedded, χ 160,000. CERTAIN CONCEPTS OF CELL STRUCTURE FIG. 3. Portion of a developing mouse sciatic nerve fiber, showing myelin in early stage of development of the mesaxon with the relation to the myelin sheath clearly displayed. Note the two unit membranes making up the mesaxon coming together to make the intraperiod line, and the apposition of the mesaxon with the compact myelin to produce the major dense line. ΚΜηθ4 fixed, Araldite embedded, χ 88,000.

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