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Preview Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 1996: Vol 92 Table of Contents

Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 92 (1996) 253-254 Volume contents Volume 92 (1996) Mitogenic activity but not phenotype expression of rat osteoprogenitor cells in response to IGF-I is impaired in aged rats H. Tanaka, C.T. Liang (Baltimore MD) ................. Kinetic constants of «-methyl-D-glucoside transport in the chick small intestine during perinatal development M. Moreno, M. Otero, J.A. Tur, J.M. Planas, S. Esteban (Palma de Mallorca (Balears); Barcelona, Spain). .................. 1] Levels and activity of brain protein kinase C « and ¢ during the aging of the medfly I. Galve-Roperh, J.M. Malpartida, P. Garcia-Barreno, A. Haro, Eee Pee COPE, BRS ng. aac cnle eine, sieudceeenictnmatdti t 21 In vitro study of gingival fibroblasts from normal and inflamed tissue: age-related responsiveness R. Solmi, C. Tietz, C. Zucchini, G. Gualandi, A. Pugnaloni, O. Talassi, C. Castaldini, L. Simonelli, G. Biagini (Bologna; Ancona, Italy) . . . 31 A glucose-rich diet shortens longevity of mice W. Mlekusch, M. Lamprecht, K. Ottl, M. Tillian, G. Reibnegger (Graz, I ait) 6 Sh te oe a ek les on ee ci ee eee ee 43 Age-related changes in proliferating cell nuclear antigen levels M. Tanno, M. Ogihara, T. Taguchi (Tokyo, Japan) .......... 53 A tumor preventive effect of dietary restriction is antagonized by a high housing temperature through deprivation of torpor A. Koizumi, Y. Wada, M. Tuskada, T. Kayo, M. Naruse, K. Horiuchi, T. Mogi, M. Yoshioka, M. Sasaki, Y. Miyamaura, T. Abe, K. Ohtomo, R.L. Walford (Akita, Japan; Los Angeles, CA) ............. 67 Nuclear (DNA, RNA, histone and non-histone protein) and nucleolar changes during growth and senescence of may apple leaves P.K. Bhattacharya, A.J. Pappelis, S.-C.D. Lee, J.N. BeMiller, C.S. Karagiannis (Gary, West Lafayette, IN; Carbondale, IL)........ 83 A longitudinal study of human age-related ribosomal RNA gene activity as detected by silver-stained NORs S. Thomas, A.B. Mukherjee (Bronx, NY) ................ 254 Volume contents Differential survival and natural selection: their impact upon aging and cancer mortality J.E. Riggs (Morgantown, WV) Characterization Of IGFBP-3, PAI-| and SPARC mRNA expression in senescent fibroblasts S. Wang, E.J. Moerman, R.A. Jones, R. Thweatt, S. Goldstein (Little Rock, AR; Wynnewood, PA) Long-term effects of caloric restriction initiated at different ages on DNA polymerases in rat brain D.R. Prapurna, K.S. Rao (Hyderabad, India) Age-associated changes in the template-reading fidelity of DNA poly- merase x from regenerating rat liver T. Taguchi, M. Ohashi (Tokyo, Japan) Formation of lipofuscin-like fluorophores by reaction of retinal with photoreceptor outer segments and liposomes M.L. Katz, C.-L. Gao, L.M. Rice (Columbia, MO) Early appearance of abnormality of microperoxisomal enzymes in the cerebral cortex of senescence-accelerated mouse E. Sato, T. Kurokawa, N. Oda, S. Ishibashi (Hiroshima, Japan)... . Increased interleukin-6 production by cerebral cortical tissue of adult versus young mice M.M. Prechel, L. Halbur, S. Devata, A.M. Vaidya, M.R.I. (Maywood, Hines, IL) Perforins in human cytolytic cells: the effect of age E. Mariani, S. Sgobbi, A. Meneghetti, M. Tadolini, A. Tarozzi, M. Sinoppi, L. Cattini, A. Facchini (Bologna, Italy) Developmental changes in innervation of rat extensor digitorum longus muscle R. Cuppini, P. Ambrogini (Urbino, Italy) The prolongation of survival in mice by dietary antioxidants depends on their age by the start of feeding this diet V.G. Bezlepkin, N.P. Sirota, A.I. Gaziev (Moscow Region, Russia) . a-adrenergic, neurokinin and muscarinic receptors in rat mesenteric artery; an mRNA study during postnatal development J.K. Phillips, M. Vidovic, C.E. Hill (Canberra, Australia) I fn a er ee a eee eee IE Salad es Ue eee re es aE a gatas eS aces ae 6k debe I ear ee end Ae tee in te se ate ae Printed in the United Kingdom ® The paper used in this publication meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of

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