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Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 1996: Vol 86 Index PDF

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Preview Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 1996: Vol 86 Index

Fis Mechanisms of Ageing and Development ELSEVIER 86 (19962)1 5 Author index Volume 86 (1996) Allen, R.G Hiremath, A.N. 86, 11 Oda, N. 86 Hoffman, B.B. 86, 1! Ogamo Barbieri, D Ortolam, ¢ Barja, G Iguchi, H. 86, 67 Ozaki, N Bell, W. 86, Ishibashi, S. 86, 105 Belmonte, S Paganelli, R Bender, B.S Kaiser. FE 86. 39 Pamplona, R Bersani, fF . 3 Keogh, B.P. 86, 151 Pelletier. J Bertini, F 86, 75 Kinoshita, M. 86, 145 Perry. H.M Béliveau, R. 86, 115 Kojo, S. 86, 67 Pérez-Campo Kraenzle, D. 86, 39 Possekel, S Cadenas, S$ Kreutter, D.K. 86, 39 Prat, J. 8&6 astellani, G Kuroda, N. 86, 27 hin, J.H. 86 Kurokawa, T. 86, 105 Rojas, ¢ 86 ossarizza, A ottey, R 86 ‘ Link, T.A. 86 Sansoni Cristofalo, V.J 151 Londei, M. 86 Sato, f De la Fuente, M. 86, 83 Lopez Torres, M Schafer, S Desrosiers, R.R. 86, 115 Semceuka, T. 66, 27 Dusewey.G.A. 8. 16! Marikovsky, Y , 137 Sosa, M.A. 86, 75 Mhaskar, Y 86 Stevenson, R.W. 86, 39 Edwards, B.J 39 Miyata, Y. 86 Suzuki. T. 86. 145 Miyazawa, T Fagiolo, U. 86, 173 Mizuno, T Takei, S. 86 Ferrandez, M.D. 86, 83 Monti, D. 86, 173 Taylor, S$ Franceschi, C. 86, 173 Morley, J.E Tokumaru, S Fujimoto, K. 86, 145 Miller-Hocker, | 7 Tresini, M. 86 Hammer, C. 86, 197 Nakagawa, Y . Yanagida, J Hashimoto, S.-i. 86, 105 Nakano, M Yoshida, R Mechanisms of Ageing and Development ELSEVIER 86 (1995) 217-220 Subject index Volume 86 (1996) Ageing; Hydroperoxide; Lipid peroxidation; Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity; Natural RD adi,c al ' react‘ ion u(s Mouse) 86, 67 killer; Aging; Exercise; Mice; Sex 86, 83 Aging; Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity; Antioxidants; c-fos; Nordihydroguaiaretic acid; Natural killer; Exercise; Mice; Sex 86, 83 N-acetyl cysteine; Gene expression; Protein ki- nase C; MAP kinase; Proliferative senesence; Aging; c-fos; Nordihydroguaiaretic acid; N- Aging 86, 151 acetyl cysteine; Antioxidants; Gene expression; Protein kinase C; MAP kinase; Proliferative ATP-depletion Erythrocyte Cytoskeleton; senesence 86, 151 Shape; Aging 86, 137 Aging, Carboxy! methylation; Methyltransferase; B-adrenergic receptors; Aging, G proteins; Vas- Kidney cortex; Development 86, 115 cular relaxation 86, 11 c-fos; Nordihydroguaiaretic acid; N-acetyl cys- Aging; Erythrocyte; Cytoskeleton; Shape; ATP- teine; Antioxidants; Gene expression; Protein ki- depletion 86, 137 nase C; MAP kinase; Proliferative senesence-; Aging 86, 151 Aging; G proteins; Vascular relaxation; B-adren- ergic receptors 86, 11 Carboxyl methylation, Methyltransferase,; Kid- ney cortex; Development; Aging 86, 115 Aging; Longevity; Centenarians; CD45 lymphocytes; Immune memory 86, 173 CD45; Aging; Longevity; Centenarians; T lymphocytes; Immune memory 86, 173 Aging; Longevity; Mitochondria; Free radicals; Fatty acids; Unsaturation; Lipid peroxidation; Cell aging; Respiratory chain; Defects of com- Membranes; Liver 86, 53 plex III-V; Immunohistochemistry; Ultracyto- chemistry; Monkey 86, 197 Aging: Microdialysis; Neurotransmitter metabolism; Dopamine; Rat striatum; Sexual Centenarians; Aging; Longevity; CD45; T maturation 86, 95 lymphocytes; Immune memory 86, 173 Aging: Red blood cells; Phosphatidyicholine hy- Cytoskeleton, Erythrocyte; Shape; ATP-deple- droperoxide,; Phosphatidylethanolamine hy- tion; Aging 86, 137 droperoxide 86, 145 Defects of complex III-V; Respiratory chain; Cell Aging; Temperature; Immunology; Infection; aging; Immunohistochemistry; Ultracytochem- Pneumonia; Hypothermia; Influenza 86, | istry; Monkey 86, 197 218 Subject index |M echanisms of Ageing and Development 86 (1996) 217-220 Development; Carboxyl methylation; Methyl- Influenza; Temperature; Aging; Immunology; In- transferase; Kidney cortex; Aging 86, 115 fection; Pneumonia; Hypothermia 86, Dopamine, Microdialysis; Aging; Neurotransmit Kidney cortex; Carboxyl methylation; Methyl- ter metabolism; Rat striatum; Sexual matura- transferase; Development; Aging 86, 115 tion 86, 95 Lectin receptor; Red blood cell ageing; En(a-) En(a-) red blood cell; Red blood cell ageing; red blood cell 86, 27 Lectin receptor 86, 27 Lipid peroxidation; Ageing, Hydroperoxide Energy metabolism; 6-phosphofructo-|-kinase; Radical reaction (Mouse) 86, 67 Postnatal development; Metabolic regulation Protein synthesis; mRNA 86, 161 Lipid peroxidation; Aging; Longevity; Mitochon dria; Free radicals; Fatty acids; Unsaturation Erythrocyte; Cytoskeleton; Shape; ATP-deple Membranes; Liver 86, 53 tion; Aging 86, 137 Liver, Aging; Longevity; Mitochondria; Free Exercise; Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxic- radicals; Fatty acids; Unsaturation; Lipid perox ity; Natural killer; Aging; Mice; Sex 86, 83 idation; Membranes 86, 53 Fatty acids; Aging; Longevity; Mitochondria; Longevity; Aging; Centenarians; CD45 Free radicals; Unsaturation; Lipid peroxidation; lymphocytes; Immune memory 86, 173 Membranes; Liver 86, 53 Longevity; Aging; Mitochondria; Free radicals Free radicals; Aging; Longevity; Mitochondria; Fatty acids; Unsaturation; Lipid peroxidation Fatty acids; Unsaturation; Lipid peroxidation; Membranes; Liver 86, 53 Membranes; Liver 86, 53 mRNA; 6-phosphofructo-|-kinase; Postnatal de- Gene expression; c-fos; Nordihydroguaiaretic velopment; Energy metabolism; Metabolic regu- acid; N-acetyl cysteine; Antioxidants; Protein ki- lation; Protein synthesis 86, 161] nase C; MAP kinase; Proliferative senesence; Aging 86, 151 MAP kinase; c-fos; Nordihydroguaiaretic acid N-acetyl cysteine; Antioxidants; Gene expres G proteins; Aging; Vascular relaxation; B-adren sion; Protein kinase C; Proliferative senesence ergic receptors 86, 11 Aging 86, 15! Hydroperoxide; Ageing; Lipid peroxidation; Radical reaction (Mouse) 86, 67 Membranes; Aging; Longevity; Mitochondria Free radicals; Fatty acids; Unsaturation; Lipid Hypothermia; Temperature; Aging; Immunol- peroxidation; Liver 86, 53> ogy; Infection; Pneumonia; Influenza 86, | Metabolic regulation, 6-phosphofructo-|-kinase Immune memory; Aging; Longevity; Centenari- Postnatal development; Energy metabolism ans; CD45; T lymphocytes 86, 173 Protein synthesis; mRNA _ 86, 161 t hict hemistry; Respiratory chain; Cell Methyltransferase; Carboxyl methylation; Kid- aging; Defects of complex III-V; Ultracytochem- ney cortex; Development; Aging 86, 115 istry; Monkey 86, 197 Mice; Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity; Immunology; Temperature; Aging; Infection; Natural killer; Aging; Exercise; Sex 86, 83 Pneumonia; Hypothermia; Influenza 86, | Microdialysis; Aging; Neurotransmitter Infection, Temperature; Aging; Immunology; metabolism; Dopamine; Rat striatum; Sexual Pneumonia; Hypothermia; Influenza 86, | maturation 86, 95 Subject index | Mechanisms of igcing and Development 86 (1996) 217 —22 19 Mitochondria; Aging, Longevity: Free radicals pression; MAP kinase: Proliferative senesence Fatty acids; Unsaturation; Lipid peroxidation Aging 86, 15! Membranes; Liver 86, 53 Protein synthesis 6-phosphofructo- | -kinase Monkey; Respiratory chain; Cell aging; Defects Postnatal development: Energy metabolism of complex I1I-V; Immunohistochemistry, Ultra Metabolic regulation: mRNA 86, 16! cytochemistry 86, 19 Radical reaction (Mouse). Agcing: Hydroperox \V-acetyl cysteine f Nordihydroguaiaretic ide: Lipid peroxidation 86, 6 acid; Antioxidants; Gene expression; Protem ki nase ( MAP kinase: Proliferative senesence Rat striatum. Microdialysis; Aging: Neurotrans Aging 86, 15! mitter metabolism, Dopamine, Sexual matura Natural killer, Antibody-dependent cellular cyto tor 86. 95 toxicity; Aging: Exercise: Mice: Sex 86, 83 Reactive oxygen. Senescence-accelerated mouse Neurotransmitter metabolism, Microdialysis, Ag (SAM); SAMP8; SAMR|I: Oxidative stress 8 Rat striatum: Sexual matura von Red blood cell ageing mz ed blood cell Nordihydroguaiaretic acid V-acetyl cys Lectin receptor 86, 27 teine; Antioxidants; Gene expression: Protein ki nase C: MAP kinase: Pro senesence Red blood cells; Aging: Phosphatidyicholine hy Aging 86, 15! droperoxide Phosphatidylethanolamine hy droperoxide 86, 145 Oxidative stress, Senescence-accelerated mouse (SAM); SAMP8; SAMR |; Reactive oxygen 86 Respiratory chain, Cell aging: Defects of com ‘iis plex IIl-V; Immunohistochemistry;, Ultracyto chen y; Monkey 86, 197 6-phosphofructo- |-kinase Postnatal develop ment; Energy metabolism; Metabolic regulation SAMP8, Senescence-accelerated mouse (SAM) Protein synthesis; mRNA 86, 161 SAMR Reactive oxygen: Oxidative stress 86 th Phosphatidyicholine hydroperoxide, Red blood cells Aging, Phosphatidyle-thanolamine hy droperoxide 86, 145 SAMRI clerated mouse (SAM) SAMPR Oxidative stress 86 Phosphatidylethanolamine hydroperoxide, Red 105 blood cells; Aging; Phosphatidyicholine hy droperoxide 86, 145 Senescence-accelerated mouse (SAM). SAMPS SAMR I: Reactive oxygen: Oxidative stress 86. Pneumonia, Temperature; Aging, Immunology Infection; Hypothermia; Influenza %6, | Sex; Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity Postnatal development, 6-phosphofructo-!-ki Natural killer; Aging; Exercise; Mice 86, 83 nase; Energy metabolism; Metabolic regulation Protein synthesis; MRNA 86, 161 Sexual maturation, Microdialysis; Aging: Neuro transmitter metabolism, Dopamine, Rat stria Proliferative senesence fos, Nordihydrogua tum 86, 9 iaretic acid; N-acetyl cysteine; Antioxidants Gene expression; Protein kinase C; MAP kinase Shape, Erythrocyte; Cytoskeleton; ATP-deple Aging 86, 151 tion; Aging 86, 137 Protein kinase C; c-fos; Nordihydroguaiaretic Temperature, Aging: Immunology; Infection acid; N-acetyl cysteine; Antioxidants; Gene ex Pneumonia; Hypothermia; Influenza 86, | 220 Subject index |M echanisms of Ageing and Development 86 (1996) 217-220 T lymphocytes; Aging; Longevity; Centenarians; Unsaturation; Aging; Longevity; Mitochondria; CD45; Immune memory 86, 173 Free radicals; Fatty acids; Lipid peroxidation; Membranes; Liver 86, 53 Ultracytochemistry; Respiratory chain; Cell ag- ing; Defects of complex III-V; Immunohisto- Vascular relaxation; Aging; G proteins; B-adren- chemistry; Monkey 86, 197 ergic receptors 86, 11

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