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Preview Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 1994 - 1995: Vol 77 Index

4 BRT. 45 Mechanisms of Ageing and Development ELSEVIER 77 (1995) 235 Author index Volume 77 (1995) Alterman, M.A. 77, | Gamulin, V. 77, 43 Nagata, K. 77, 213 Amenta, F. 77, 149 Gandolfi, M.C. 77, 75 Naves, FJ. 77, 149 Amores, A. 77, 67 Grants, 1.S. 77, 197 Newhouse, Y.G. 77, 197 Anichini, M. 77, 75 Arnalich, F. 77, 67 Hackshaw, K.V. 77, 197 Peterson, T.C. 77, 127 Azhar, S. 77, 13, 27 Hernanz, A. 77, 67 Phillips, G.D. 77, Provinciali, M. 77, 75 Bitta, R.D. 77, 75 Ito, Y. 77, 213 Bonté, F. 77, 83 Ratinaud, M.H. 77, 83 Brown, C.T. 77, 97 Johnson, M. 77, 97 Reaven, E. 77, 13, 27 Busbee, D.L. 77, | Jones, B.D. 77, 141 Riggs, J.E. 77, 227 Julien, R. 77, 83 Rinkevich, B. 77, 43 Cano, J. 77, 185 Rodriguez-Gomez, J.A 77, 185 Cao, L. 77, 27 Knighton, D.R. 77, 141 Rossi, F. 77, 55 Carvan, M.J. 77, | Kozaki, K-i. 77, 213 Cetkovic, H. 77, 43 Kruse, M. 77, 43 Saga, S. 77, 213 Clark, J.A. 77, 127 Sato, T. 77, 213 Colombo, M. 77, 75 Leonardi, M.G. 77, 159 Schultz, J.C. 77, 141 Comolli, R. 77, 159 Loffreda, A. 77, 55 Stone, A.M. 77, 141 Crane, D.I. 77, 109 Croce, F.D. 77, 75 Machado, A. 77, 185 Takechi, H. 77, 213 Maftah, A. 77, 83 Trinkaus-Randall, V 77, 97 Daghetta, L. 77, 75 Mancini, M. 77, 149 Di Stefano, G. 77, 75 Masters, C.J. 77, 109 Vazquez, J.J. 77, 67 Dumas, M. 77, 83 Meissler Jr.. J.J. 77, 169 Vega, J.A. 77, 149 de la Roza, C. 77, 185 Meybeck, A. 77, 83 Vural, M. 77, 97 de Novellis, V. 77, 55 Mikoc, A. 77, 43 Miyaishi, O. 77, 213 Wallace, P.K. 77, 169 Eisenstein, T.K. 77, 169 Morahan, P.S. 77, 169 Whisler, R.L. 77, 197 Murrell, W.G. 77, 109 Willis, R.J. 77, 109 Fabris, N. 77, 75 Miiller, 1.M. 77, 43 Filippelli, A. 77, 55 Miller, W.E.G. 77, 43 Zaccheo, D. 77, 149 mechaniosf amgesin g ‘3, and development Mechanisms of Ageing and Development ELSEVIER 77 (1995) 237-240 Subject index Volume 77 (1995) 20 a-hydroxycholesterol; Corticosterone; High Aging; Macrophage; Biological response density lipoprotein; Selective pathway; ACTH; modifiers; Interferon; Immunotherapy 77, 169 4APP 77, 13 Aging; Monocyte; IL-8; IL-1; TNF 77, 127 4APP; Corticosterone; High density lipoprotein; Selective pathway; ACTH; 20 a-hydroxycholes- Aging; Multiple myeloma; Mortality; Epidemi- terol 77, 13 ology; Differential survival 77, 227 ACTH; Corticosterone; High density lipopro- Aging; Sclera; Glycosaminoglycans; Hydration; tein; Selective pathway; 20 a-hydroxycholesterol; Dermatan sulfate; Chondroitin sulfate 77, 97 4APP 77, 13 Alanine transport; Plasma membrane vesicles; Actin; Myosin; Tropomyosin; Troponin; Atrial Acute-phase response; Liver 77, 159 natriuretic factor; mRNA transcripts; Guinea pig; Tissue development 77, 109 Angiogenesis; Aging; Endothelial cells; Wound healing; Proliferation 77, 141 Acute-phase response; Alanine transport; Plasma membrane vesicles; Liver 77, 159 Antibody response; Interieukin-2; Influenza vaccine; Elderly 77, 75 Ageing; Blood pressure; Heart rate; Vasocon- strictor agents; Vasodilatator agents; Catechol- Apolipoprotein E; High density lipoprotein; amines; Arginine vasopressin 77, 55 Selective pathway; Endocytic pathway; Trigly- cerides; Phospholipids 77, 27 Ageing; Hypothalamus; Median eminence; Monoamines; Immunocytochemistry 77, 185 Arginine vasopressin, Ageing; Blood pressure; Heart rate; Vasoconstrictor agents; Vaso- Aging; Calbindin D-28K; Cerebellar cortex; dilatator agents; Catecholamines 77, 55 Darodipine; Calcium channels; Immunohisto- chemistry 77, 149 Atrial natriuretic factor; Actin; Myosin; Tropomyosin; Troponin; mRNA transcripts, Aging; Cytochrome P450; Calorie restriction Guinea pig; Tissue development 77, 109 77, 1 Biological response modifiers; Aging, Macro- Aging; Endothelial cells; Angiogenesis; Wound phage; Interferon; Immunotherapy 77, 169 healing; Proliferation 77, 141 Blood pressure; Ageing; Heart rate; Vasoconstric- Aging, HSP47 expression; Heat response; Fibro- tor agents; Vasodilatator agents; Catechol- blasts; Procollagen 77, 213 amines; Arginine vasopressin 77, 55 238 Subject index /M echanisms of Ageing and Development 77 (1995) 237-240 Calbindin D-28K; Cerebellar cortex; Aging; Differential survival; Multiple myeloma; Mortali- Darodipine; Calcium channels; Immunohisto- ty; Aging; Epidemiology 77, 227 chemistry 77, 149 Elderly; Interleukin-2; Antibody response; Influ- Calcium channels; Calbindin D-28K; Cerebellar enza vaccine 77, 75 cortex; Aging; Darodipine; Immunohisto- chemistry 77, 149 Endocytic pathway; High density lipoprotein; Selective pathway; Apolipoprotein E; Triglycer- Calorie restriction; Cytochrome P450; Aging ides; Phospholipids 77, 27 77,1 Endothelial cells; Aging; Angiogenesis; Wound Catecholamines; Ageing; Blood pressure; Heart healing; Proliferation 77, 141 rate; Vasoconstrictor agents; Vasodilatator agents; Arginine vasopressin 77, 55 Epidemiology; Multiple myeloma; Mortality; Aging; Differential survival 77, 227 Celi adhesion; Homeodomain; Development; Sponge; Geodia cydonium; Phylogeny; Evolution; Epidermal cell ageing; Skin; Flow cytometry; Monophylogeny 77, 43 Nonyl acridine orange; Rhodamine 123 77, 83 Cell-mediated immune function; Primary anorexia Evolution; Homeodomain; Development; of aging; Idiopathic senile anorexia; Cytokine Sponge; Geodia cydonium; Phylogeny; Mono- production; Peripheral blood mononuclear cells; phylogeny; Cell adhesion 77, 43 Interleukin-18; Interleukin-6; Tumor necrosis factor alpha; Interferon gamma _ 77, 67 Fibroblasts; Aging; HSP47 expression; Heat response; Procollagen 77, 213 Cerebellar cortex; Calbindin D-28K; Aging; Darodipine; Calcium channels; Immunohisto- Flow cytometry; Epidermal cell ageing; Skin; chemistry 77, 149 Nonyl acridine orange; Rhodamine 123 77, 83 Chondroitin sulfate; Sclera; Aging; Glycosamino- glycans; Hydration; Dermatan sulfate 77, 97 Geodia cydonium, Homeodomain; Development; Sponge; Phylogeny; Evolution; Monophylogeny; Corticosterone; High density lipoprotein; Selec- Cell adhesion 77, 43 tive pathway; ACTH; 20 a-hydroxycholesterol; 4APP 77, 13 Glycosaminoglycans; Sclera; Aging; Hydration; Dermatan sulfate; Chondroitin sulfate 77, 97 Cytochrome P450; Aging; Calorie restriction 77, | Guinea pig; Actin; Myosin; Tropomyosin; Troponin; Atrial natriuretic factor; mRNA Cytokine production; Primary anorexia of aging; transcripts; Tissue development 77, 109 Idiopathic senile anorexia; Peripheral blood mononuclear cells; Cell-mediated immune func- Heart rate; Ageing; Blood pressure; Vasocon- tion; Interleukin-18; Interleukin-6; Tumor Strictor agents; Vasodilatator agents; Cate- necrosis factor alpha; Interferon gamma 717, 67 cholamines; Arginine vasopressin 77, 55 Darodipine; Calbindin D-28K; Cerebellar cortex; Heat response; Aging; HSP47 expression; Fibro- Aging; Calcium channels; Immunohisto- blasts; Procollagen 77, 213 chemistry 77, 149 High density lipoprotein; Corticosterone; Selec- Dermatan sulfate; Sclera; Aging; Glycosamino- tive pathway; ACTH; 20 a-hydroxycholesterol; glycans; Hydration; Chondroitin sulfate 77, 97 4APP 77, 13 Development; Homeodomain; Sponge; Geodia High density lipoprotein; Selective pathway; cydonium; Phylogeny; Evolution; Monophylo- Endocytic pathway; Apolipoprotein E; Triglycer- geny; Cell adhesion 77, 43 ides; Phospholipids 77, 27 Subject index /M echanisms of Ageing and Development 77 (1995) 237-240 239 Homeodomain; Development; Sponge; Geodia Interleukin-18; Primary anorexia of aging; Idio- cydonium, Phylogeny; Evolution; Monophylo- pathic senile anorexia; Cytokine production; geny; Cell adhesion 77, 43 Peripheral blood mononuclear cells; Cell- mediated immune function; Interleukin-6; HSP47 expression; Aging; Heat response; Fibro- Tumor necrosis factor alpha; Interferon blasts; Procollagen 77, 213 gamma 77, 67 Human B cells; Human lymphocytes; Human T Interleukin-2; Antibody response; Influenza cells; Protein kinase C; PKC isotypes 77, 197 vaccine; Elderly 77, 75 Human lymphocytes; Human T cells; Human B Interleukin-6; Primary anorexia of aging; Idio- cells; Protein kinase C; PKC isotypes 77, 197 pathic senile anorexia; Cytokine production; Peripheral blood mononuclear cells; Cell- Human T cells; Human lymphocytes; Human B mediated immune function; Interleukin-18; cells; Protein kinase C; PKC isotypes 77, 197 Tumor necrosis factor alpha; Interferon gamma 77, 67 Hydration; Sclera; Aging; Glycosaminoglycans Dermatan sulfate; Chondroitin sulfate 77, 97 Liver; Alanine transport; Plasma membrane vesi- cles; Acute-phase response 77, 159 Hypothalamus; Ageing; Median eminence; Monoamines; Immunocytochemistry 77, 185 Macrophage; Aging; Biological response modi- fiers; Interferon; Immunotherapy 77, 169 Idiopathic senile anorexia; Primary anorexia of Median eminence; Ageing; Hypothalmus; aging; Cytokine production; Peripheral blood Monoamines; Immunocytochemistry 77, 185 mononuclear cells; Cell-mediated immune func- tion; Interleukin-18; Interleukin-6; Tumor Monoamines; Ageing, Hypothalamus; Median necrosis factor alpha; Interferon gamma _ 77, 67 eminence, Immunocytochemistry 77, 185 IL-1; Monocyte; IL-8; TNF; Aging 77, 127 Monocyte; IL-8; IL-1; TNF; Aging 77, 127 IL-8; Monocyte; IL-1; TNF; Aging 77, 127 Monophylogeny; Homeodomain; Development; Sponge; Geodia cydonium, Phylogeny; Evolution; ytochemistry; Ageing; Hypothalamus; Cell adhesion 77, 43 Median eminence; Monoamines 77, 185 Mortality Multiple myeloma; Aging; J 7 hemistry; Calbindin D-28K; Cere- Epidemiology; Differential survival 77, 227 bellar cortex; Aging; Darodipine; Calcium chan- nels 77, 149 mRNA transcripts; Actin; Myosin; Tropomyosin; Troponin; Atrial natriuretic factor; Guinea pig; Immunotherapy; Aging; Macrophage: Biological Tissue development 77, 109 response modifiers; Interferon 77, 169 Multiple myeloma, Mortality; Aging; Epidemi- Influenza vaccine; Interleukin-2; Antibody ology; Differential survival 77, 227 response; Elderly 77, 75 Myosin; Actin; Tropomyosin; Troponin; Atrial Interferon; Aging; Macrophage; Biological natriuretic factor; mRNA transcripts; Guinea response modifiers; Immunotherapy 77, 169 pig; Tissue development 77, 109 Interferon gamma; Primary anorexia of aging; Nonyl acridine orange; Epidermal cell ageing; Idiopathic senile anorexia; Cytokine production; Skin; Flow cytometry; Rhodamine 123 77, 83 Peripheral blood mononuclear cells; Cell- mediated immune function; Interleukin-1; Peripheral blood mononuclear cells; Primary Interleukin-6; Tumor necrosis factor alpha 77, anorexia of aging; Idiopathic senile anorexia; 67 Cytokine production; Cell-mediated immune 240 Subject index / Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 77 (1995) 237-240 function; Interleukin-18; Interleukin-6; Tumor Skin; Epidermal cell ageing; Flow cytometry; necrosis factor alpha; Interferon gamma 77, 67 Nonyl acridine orange; Rhodamine 123 77, 83 Phospholipids; High density lipoprotein; Selective Sponge; Homeodomain; Development; Geodia pathway; Endocytic pathway; Apolipoprotein E; cydonium, Phylogeny; Evolution; Monophylo- Triglycerides 77, 27 geny; Cell adhesion 77, 43 Phylogeny; Homeodomain; Development; Tissue development; Actin; Myosin; Tropo- Sponge; Geodia cydonium;, Evolution; Mono- myosin; Troponin; Atrial natriuretic factor; phylogeny; Cell adhesion 77, 43 mRNA transcripts; Guinea pig 77, 109 PKC isotypes; Human lymphocytes; Human T TNF; Monocyte; IL-8; IL-1; Aging 77, 127 cells; Human B cells; Protein kinase C 77, 197 Triglycerides; High density lipoprotein; Selective Plasma membrane vesicles; Alanine transport; pathway; Endocytic pathway; Apolipoprotein E; Acute-phase response; Liver 77, 159 Phospholipids 77, 27 Primary anorexia of aging; Idiopathic senile Tropomyosin; Actin; Myosin; Troponin; Atrial anorexia; Cytokine production; Peripheral blood natriuretic factor; mRNA transcripts; Guinea mononuclear cells; Cell-mediated immune func- pig; Tissue development 77, 109 tion; Interleukin-18; Interleukin-6; Tumor necrosis factor alpha; Interferon gamma _ 77, 67 Troponin; Actin; Myosin; Tropomyosin; Atrial natriuretic factor; mRNA transcripts; Guinea Procollagen; Aging; HSP47 expression; Heat pig; Tissue development 77, 109 response; Fibroblasts 77, 213 Tumor necrosis factor alpha; Primary anorexia of Proliferation; Aging; Endothelial cells; Angio- aging; Idiopathic senile anorexia; Cytokine genesis; Wound healing 77, 141 production; Peripheral blood mononuclear cells; Cell-mediated immune function; Interleukin-18; Protein kinase C; Human lymphocytes; Human T Interleukin-6; Interferon gamma 77, 67 cells; Human B cells; PKC isotypes 77, 197 Vasoconstrictor agents; Ageing; Blood pressure; Rhodamine 123; Epidermal cell ageing; Skin; Heart rate; Vasodilatator agents; Catechol- Flow cytometry; Nonyl acridine orange 77, 83 amines; Arginine vasopressin 77, 55 Sclera; Aging; Glycosaminoglycans; Hydration; Vasodilatator agents; Ageing; Blood pressure; Dermatan sulfate; Chondroitin sulfate 77, 97 Heart rate; Vasoconstrictor agents; Catechol- amines; Arginine vasopressin 77, 55 Selective pathway; Corticosterone; High density lipoprotein; ACTH; 20 a-hydroxycholesterol; Wound healing; Aging; Endothelial cells; Angio- 4APP 77, 13 genesis; Proliferation 77, 141 Selective pathway; High density lipoprotein; Endocytic pathway; Apolipoprotein E; Triglycer- ides; Phospholipids 77, 27

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