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Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 1993: Vol 69 Index PDF

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Preview Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 1993: Vol 69 Index

Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 69 (1993) 235 2% Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland Ltd MECHANISMS OF AGEING AND DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT INDEX Volume 69 (1993 Adherence, aging, integrins, polymorphonuclear CD4S5RA, CD45RO, aging, influenza virus, in- cells, respiratory burst, 53 fluenza split-virus vaccine, 79 Age pathology, aging, stress, neurohumoral CD45RO, CD45RA, aging, influenza virus, in- regulation, 93 fluenza split-virus vaccine, 79 Age-related changes, rat serum, heparin-binding Cerebellar cortex, nerve growth factor receptor, growth factors, DNA synthesis, BALB/c 3T3 aging, choline afoscerate, im- cells, 179 munohistochemistry, 119 Age-related decrease in PGI, production, human Chemotherapy, cholecystokinin, brain, intestine, endothelial cells, in vitro ageing, 167 gene, RNA, mRNA, injury, 219 Ageing, interluekin-7, bone marrow, cytokine, Cholecystokinin, brain, intestine, gene, RNA, 109 mRNA, injury, chemotherapy, 219 Ageing, protein synthesis, elongation factors, Choline afoscerate, nerve growth factor receptor, phorbol esters, 193 cerebellar cortex, aging, immunohisto- Aging, adherence, integrins, polymorphonuclear chemistry, 119 cells, respiratory burst, 53 Chromosomal loss, in vitro aging, human diploid Aging, CD45RA, CD45RO, influenza virus, in- fibroblast, SV40 large T antigen, immortal- fluenza split-virus vaccine, 79 ization, 149 Aging, Gompertz function, mortality, epidemi- Cytokine, interluekin-7, ageing, bone marrow, ology, 33 109 Aging, nerve growth factor receptor, cerebellar cortex, choline afoscerate, immunohisto- Disease, mortality analyses, gompertz function, chemistry, 119 weibull function, failure, survival, longitudi- Aging, platelet, protein kinase C, 129 nal analysis, | Aging, stress, neurohumoral regulation, age DNA synthesis, age-related changes, rat serum, pathology, 93 heparin-binding growth factors, BALB/c 3T3 Aging, TNF-a, macrophage, phagocyte, surface cells, 179 antigen, 207 Elongation factors, ageing, protein synthesis, BALB/c 3T3 cells, age-related changes, rat phorbol esters, 193 serum, heparin-binding growth factors, DNA Epidemiology, Gompertz function, mortality, synthesis, 179 aging, 33 Biolimit, human, life-span, biomarker, biopoten- Exercise, body composition, food intake, 161 tial, 65 Biomarker, human, life-span, biolimit, biopoten- Failure, mortality analyses, gompertz function, tial, 65 weibull function, disease, survival, longitudi- Biopotential, human, life-span, biomarker, nal analysis, | biolimit, 65 Fluidity, superoxide radicals, lipid peroxidation, Body composition, exercise, food intake, 161 proteolysis, spawning salmon, 137 Bone marrow, interluekin-7, ageing, cytokine, Food intake, body composition, exercise, 161 109 Brain, cholecystokinin, intestine, gene, RNA, Gene, cholecystokinin, brain, intestine, RNA, mRNA, injury, chemotherapy, 219 mRNA, injury, chemotherapy, 219 236 Gompertz function, mortality analyses, weibull Mortality analyses, gompertz function, weibull function, disease, failure, survival, longitudi- function, disease, failure, survival, longitudi- nal analysis, | nal analysis, | Gompertz function, mortality, aging, epidemi- Mortality, Gompertz function, aging, epidemi- ology, 33 ology, 33 Guinea pig, lactate dehydrogenase, isozymes, on- mRNA, cholecystokinin, brain, intestine, gene, togeny, interactions, 37 RNA, injury, chemotherapy, 219 Heparin-binding growth factors, age-related Nerve growth factor receptor, cerebellar cortex, changes, rat serum, DNA synthesis, BALB/c aging, choline afoscerate, immunohisto- 3T3 cells, 179 chemistry, 119 Human diploid fibroblast, in vitro aging, SV40 Neurohumoral regulation, aging, stress, age large T antigen, immortalization, chromo- pathology, 93 somal loss, 149 Human endothelial cells, in vitro ageing, age- Ontogeny, lactate dehydrogenase, isozymes, in- related decrease in PGI, production, 167 teractions, guinea pig, 37 Human, life-span, biomarker, biolimit, biopoten- tial, 65 Phagocyte, TNF-a, macrophage, surface anti- gen, aging, 207 Immortalization, in vitro aging, human diploid Phorbol esters, ageing, protein synthesis, elonga- fibroblast, SV40 large T antigen, chromo- tion factors, 193 somal loss, 149 Platelet, protein kinase C, aging, 129 Immunohistochemistry, nerve growth factor Polymorphonuclear cells, adherence, aging, in- receptor, cerebellar cortex, aging, choline tegrins, respiratory burst, 53 afoscerate, 119 Protein kinase C, platelet, aging, 129 In vitro ageing, human endothelial cells, age- Protein synthesis, ageing, elongation factors, related decrease in PGI, production, 167 phorbol esters, 193 In vitro aging, human diploid fibroblast, SV40 Proteolysis, superoxide radicals, lipid peroxida- large T antigen, immortalization, chromo- tion, fluidity, spawning salmon, 137 somal loss, 149 Influenza split-virus vaccine, CD45RA, Rat serum, age-related changes, heparin-binding CD45RO, aging, influenza virus, 79 growth factors, DNA synthesis, BALB/c 3T3 Influenza virus, CD4S5RA, CD45RO, aging, in- cells, 179 fluenza split-virus vaccine, 79 Respiratory burst, adherence, aging, integrins, Injury, cholecystokinin, brain, intestine, gene, polymorphonuclear cells, 53 RNA, mRNA, chemotherapy, 219 RNA, cholecystokinin, brain, intestine, gene, Integrins, adherence, aging, polymorphonuclear mRNA, injury, chemotherapy, 219 cells, respiratory burst, 53 Interactions, lactate dehydrogenase, isozymes, Spawning salmon, superoxide radicals, lipid per- ontogeny, guinea pig, 37 oxidation, fluidity, proteolysis, 137 Interluekin-7, ageing, bone marrow, cytokine, Stress, aging, neurohumoral regulation, age 109 pathology, 93 Intestine, cholecystokinin, brain, gene, RNA, Superoxide radicals, lipid peroxidation, fluidity, mRNA, injury, chemotherapy, 219 proteolysis, spawning salmon, |37 Isozymes, lactate dehydrogenase, ontogeny, in- Surface antigen, TNF-a, macrophage, teractions, guinea pig, 37 phagocyte, aging, 207 Survival, mortality analyses, gompertz function, Lactate dehydrogenase, isozymes, ontogeny, in- weibull function, disease, failure, longitudinal teractions, guinea pig, 37 analysis, | Life-span, human, biomarker, biolimit, bio- SV40 large T antigen, in vitro aging, human potential, 65 diploid fibroblast, immortalization, chromo- Lipid peroxidation, superoxide radicals, fluidity, somal loss, 149 proteolysis, spawning salmon, |37 Longitudinal analysis, mortality analyses, TNF-a, macrophage, phagocyte, surface antigen, gompertz function, weibull function, disease, aging, 207 failure, survival, | Weibull function, mortality analyses, gompertz Macrophage, TNF-a, phagocyte, surface anti- function, disease, failure, survival, longitudi- gen, aging, 207 nal analysis, |

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