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Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 1992: Vol 64 Index PDF

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Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 64 (1992) 315 Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland Ltd. MECHANISMS OF AGEING AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHOR INDEX Volume 64 (1992) Globerson, A. Perskin, M.H. Gomi, F. Pieri, C. Hirshfield, A.N. Howard, B.H. Rana, R. Hunt, C.M. Rauterberg, J. Hunter, M. Recchioni, R. Riggs, J.E. Itoh, H. Rittig, M. Robinson, I. Johnson, S.A. Rosenberg, B. Juckett, D.A. Rossodivita, I. Kamiyama, S. Koizumi, A. Sakamoto, K. Sato, T. Kudchodkar, B.J. Smid, F. Stave, G.M. Lacko, A.G. Lee, S.-M. Lipponi, G. Tauchi, H. Luiten, P.G.M. Tittor, F. Liitjen-Drecoll, E. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 64 (1992) 317-319 Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland Ltd. MECHANISMS OF AGEING AND DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT INDEX Volume 64 (1992) Actin, energy restriction, prolactin, pituitary Anticodon loss theory, human mortality, genetic volume, insulin, 21 triplet code, 149 Active E rosette test, T lymphocyagteineg,s i,n o- Aortic nerve stimulation, aging, baroreflex im- sitol lipids, 61 pairment, catecholaminergic lesions, nucleus Adherence, neutrophil, membrane viscosity, tractus solitarius, 6-hydroxydopamine, 69 superoxide anion generation, 293 Ageing, catalase, conjugated-diene formation, Baroreflex impairment, aging, aortic nerve glutathione peroxidase, oxygen absorption, stimulation, catecholaminergic _lesions, lipid peroxidation, superoxide dismutase, nucleus tractus solitarius, 6-hydroxydopa- TBA value, vitamin E, 273 mine, 69 Ageing, cerebral microvasculature, ultrastruc- Biotinylated mtDNA probe, mtDNA content, ture, dihydropyridine, nimodipine, 255 aging, regenerated liver, 85 Ageing, nucleotides, lymphocytes, granulocytes, Blood-brain barrier, in vivo microscopy, FITC- HPLC, | dextran, vascular reactivity, 247 Ageing, T lymphocytes, active E rosette test, ino- Bone marrow, aging, thymic stroma, membrane sitol lipids, 61 polypeptides, 99 Aging, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, moto- Brain fluorophores, neuronal aeroid lipofuscino- neurone disease, mortality, epidemiology2,0 1 sis, chromatography, spectrofluormetry, 303 Aging, aortic nerve stimulation, baroreflex im- pairment, catecholaminergic lesions, nucleus tractus solitarius, 6-hydroxydopamine, 69 C-myb, aging, lymphocytes, proliferative re- Aging, bone marrow, thymic stroma, membrane polypeptides, 99 Aging, emphysema, mortality, epidemiology, 161 Aging, follicle-stimulating hormone, follicle Catalase, ageing, conjugated-diene formation, number, progesterone-induced acyclicity, 111 glutathione peroxidase, oxygen absorption, Aging, glutathione, free radicals, heart, histofluorescence, rat, 37 TBA value, vitamin E, 273 Aging, lymphocytes, proliferative response, Cataract, spin label, lens, fiber cell plasma mem- merocyanine 540, c-myc, c-myb, 177 branes, 133 Aging, lysosomal bodies, protein synthesis, Catecholaminergic lesions, aging, aortic nerve dietary restriction, 49 stimulation, baroreflex: impairment, nucleus Aging, mtDNA content, biotinylated mtDNA tractus solitarius,6 -hydroxyd probe, regenerated liver, 85 Aging, protein synthesis, yeast, cell size, polysome, 235 Aging, rats, lipoproteins, ethyl estradiol, plasma ture, dihydropyridine, nimodipine, 255 LCAT, cholesterol, 123 Cholesterol, aging, rats, lipoproteins, ethyl Alu, 7SL RNA, Alzheimer's disease, 13 estradiol, plasma LCAT, 123 Alzheimer’s disease, 7SL RNA, Alu, 13 Chromatography, neuronal aeroid lipofuscino- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, motoneurone sis, brain fluorophores, spectrofluormetry, disease, mortality, aging, epidemiology, 201 303 318 Conjugated-diene formation, ageing, catalase, Human mortality, genetic triplet code, anticodon glutathione peroxidase, oxygen absorption, loss theory, 149 lipid peroxidation, superoxide dismutase, 6-Hydroxydopamine, aging, aortic nerve stimula- TBA value, vitamin E, 273 tion, baroreflex impairment, catechol- Cytochromes P-450, drug metabolism in aging, aminergic lesions, nucleus tractus solitarius, erythromycin N-demethylation, 189 69 Dietary restriction, lysosomal bodies, protein ytochemistry, type III collagteypne, I V synthesis, aging, 49 athe, type VI i, laminin, synovial Dihydropyridine, ageing, cerebral microvascu- membrane, human, 219 lature, ultrastructure, nimodipine, 255 In vivo microscopy, FITC-dextran, blood-brain Drug metabolism in aging, cytochromes P-450, barrier, vascular reactivity, 247 erythromycin N-demethylation, 189 Inositol lipids, T lymphocytes, ageing, active E rosette test, 61 Emphysema, mortality, aging, epidemiology, 161 Insulin, energy restriction, prolactin, pituitary Energy restriction, prolactin, pituitary volume, volume, actin, 21 actin, insulin, 21 Epidemiology, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Laminin, type III collagen, type IV collagen, type motoneurone disease, mortality, aging, 201 VI collagen, synovial membrane, human, im- Epidemiology, emphysema, mortality, aging, 161 munocytochemistry, 219 Erythromycin N-demethylation, cytochromes Lens, spin label, fiber cell plasma membranes, P-450, drug metabolism in aging, 189 cataract, 133 Ethyl estradiol, aging, rats, lipoproteins, plasma Lipid peroxidation, ageing, catalase, conjugated- LCAT, cholesterol, 123 diene formation, glutathione peroxidase, oxy- gen absorption, superoxide dismutase, TBA Fiber cell plasma membranes, spin label, lens, value, vitamin E, 273 cataract, 133 Lipoproteins, aging, rats, ethyl estradiol, plasma FITC-dextran, in vivo microscopy, blood-brain LCAT, cholesterol, 123 barrier, vascular reactivity, 247 Lymphocytes, ageing, nucleotides, granulocytes, Follicle number, folliclo-ctimulating hormone, HPLC, | aging, progesterone-induced acyclicity1,1 1 Lymphocytes, aging, proliferative response, Follicle-stimulating hormone, follicle number, merocyanine 540, c-myc, c-myb, 177 aging, prog ‘one-induced acyclicity, 111 Lysosomal bodies, protein synthesis, aging, Free radicals, glutathione, heart, histofluor- dietary restriction, 49 escence, aging, rat, 37 Membrane polypeptides, aging, bone marrow, Genetic triplet code, human mortality, anticodon thymic stroma, 99 loss theory, 149 Membrane viscosity, neutrophil, adherence, Glutathione, free radicals, heart, histofluor- superoxide anion generation, 293 escence, aging, rat, 37 Merocyanine 540, aging, lymphocytes, pro- Glutathione peroxidase, ageing, catalase, liferative response, c-myc, c-myb, 177 conjugated-diene formation, oxygen absorp- Mortality, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, tion, lipid peroxidation, superoxide motoneurone disease, aging, epidemiology, dismutase, TBA value, vitamin E, 273 201 Granulocytes, ageing, nucleotides, lymphocytes, Mortality, emphysema, aging, epidemiology, 161 HPLC, | Heart, glutathione, free radicals, Motoneurone disease, amyotrophic lateral histofluorescence, aging, rat, 37 sclerosis, mortality, aging, epidemiology, 201 mtDNA content, biotinylated mtDNA probe, Histofluorescence, glutathione, free radicals, aging, regenerated liver, 85 heart, aging, rat, 37 HPLC, ageing, nucleotides, lymphocytes, Neuronal aeroid lipofuscinosis, brain fluoro- granulocytes, | Human, type III collagen, phores, chromatography, spectrofluormetry, type IV collagen, type VI collagen, laminin, 303 synovial membrane, ytoc y, Neutrophil, adherence, membrane viscosity, 219 superoxide anion generation, 293 Nucleus tractus solitarius, aging, aortic nerve stimulation, baroreflex impairment, catechol- aminergic lesions, 6-hydroxydopamine, 69 Oxygen absorption, ageing, catalase, conjugated- diene formation, glutathione peroxidase, lipid peroxidation, superoxide dismutase, TBA value, vitamin E, 273 T lympahgeinog, cactiyve Et roseettes tes,t, i no- sitol lipids, 61 Pituitary volume, energy restriction, prolactin, TBA value, ageing, catalase, conjugated-diene actin, insulin, 21 formation, glutathione peroxidase, oxygen Plasma LCAT, aging, rats, lipoproteins, ethyl estradiol, cholesterol, 123 Polysome, protein synthesis, yeast, aging, cell size, 235 Pr one-induced acyclicity, follicle-stimu- Type III collagen, type IV collagen, type VI col- lating hormone, follicle number, aging, 111 lagen, laminin, synovial membrane, human, Prolactin, energy restriction, pituitary volume, hemistry, 219 actin, insulin, 21 Type IVc ollagen, type Illc ollagen, typeV Ic ol- Proliferative response, aging, lymphocytes, lagen, laminin, synovial membrane, human, merocyanine 540, c-myc, c-myb, 177 Protein immunocytochemistry2,1 9 Type VI collagen, type III collagen, type IV col- restriction, 49 lagen, laminin, synovial membrane, human, Protein synthesis, yeast, aging, cell size, immunocytochemistry2,1 9 polysome, 235 Rat, glutathione, free radicals, heart, histo- Ultrastructure, ageing, cerebral microvascula- fluorescence, aging, 37 ture, dihydropyridine, nimodipine, 255 Rats, aging, lipoproteins, ethyl estradiol, plasma LCAT, cholesterol, 123 Regenerated liver, mtDNA content, biotinylated mtDNA probe, aging, 85 7SL RNA, Alu, Vascular reactivity, in vivo microscopy, FITC- Alzheimer’s disease, 13 dextran, blood-brain barrier, 247 Vitamin E, ageing, catalase, conjugated-diene Spectrofluormetry, neuronal aeroid lipofuscino- formation, glutathione peroxidase, oxygen sis, brain fluorophores, chromatography, 303 Spin label, lens, fiber cell plasma membranes, dismutase, TBA value, 273 Yeast, protein cataract, 133 synthesis, aging, cell size, polysome, 235

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