Europhysics Letters PREPRINT Mechanism of Ground State Selection in the Frustrated 4 Molecular Spin Cluster V 15 0 0 2 G.Chaboussant1(∗),S.T.Ochsenbein1,A.Sieber1,H.-U.Gu¨del1,H.Mutka2, A. Mu¨ller3 and B. Barbara4 n a 1 Department of Chemistry, University of Berne, CH-3000 Bern 9, Switzerland. J 2 Institut Laue-Langevin, BP 156, 38042 Grenoble, France. 9 3 Department of Chemistry, University of Bielefeld, 33501 Bielefeld, Germany. 2 4 Laboratoire de Magn´etisme Louis N´eel, CNRS, BP 166, 38042 Grenoble, France. ] l e - tr PACS.75.30.Et – Exchange and superexchange interactions. s PACS.75.50.Xx – Molecular magnets. . t PACS.78.70.Nx – Neutron inelastic scattering. a m - d n Abstract. – Wereportaninelasticneutronscattering(INS)studyunderamagneticfieldon o thefrustrated molecular spin cluster V15. Severalfield-dependenttransitions areobservedand c provide a comprehensive understanding of the low-energy quantum spin states. The energy [ gap 2∆0 ≈ 27(3)µeV between the two lowest S = 1/2 Kramers doublets is unambiguously 1 attributed to a symmetry lowering of the cluster. The INS data are mapped onto an S=1/2 v Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg triangle with scalene distortion. A quantitative description of 4 thewavefunction mixing within theground state is derived. 1 6 1 0 4 Magnetic frustration operates when all the bonds in a magnetically coupled system can- 0 not be satisfied simultaneously. The ground state is then best described by a superposition / of quantum states with well defined probability of occurrence. However, small irregularities t a like lattice strains, structural disorder or quantum fluctuations can relieve part or all of the m frustration, leading to a stabilised ground state with a gap to less favourable ground state - configurations(order bydisorderprinciple[1]). Thefieldoffrustratedmagnetismisextremely d n active,encompassinglow-dimensionalmaterials[2,3],spinglassesorpyrochloresandKagom´e o lattices[4]. Mostofthesematerialsareextendedsystemsexhibitingshort-rangeorquasilong- c rangeorder,asituationrarelyencounteredinmolecularmagnets(orspinclusters)whereeach : v suchclusterinthelatticeismagneticallywellisolatedfromitsneighboursduetothepresence i of surrounding ligands. This magnetic shielding allows the study of the individual behaviour X ofa finite number ofinteractingmagnetic ions. Beside being idealcandidatesto study funda- r a mentalprocesseslikequantumtunnellingorquantumcoherenceatthenanoscale[5],molecular magneticclusters,withtheirwelldefinednuclearitiesandtopologies,alsoconstitutequantum systems in which geometrical frustration effects at the molecular level can be addressed. (∗) Present address: Laboratoire L´eon Brillouin (CNRS-CEA) CEA-Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France. E-mail: [email protected] (cid:13)c EDPSciences 2 EUROPHYSICSLETTERS A prominent example of a magnetically frustrated cluster is given by the the polyoxo- vanadatecomplex K [VIVAs O (D O)] 8D O (hereafterV )whichcontains15V4+ spins 6 15 6 42 2 · 2 15 (S =1/2)distributedovertwohexagonscappingonetrianglewithglobalsphericalshape[6–8]. The clusters have D symmetry without consideration of the hydrogen positions (inside and 3 outside the cluster) and make up a molecular crystal with trigonal symmetry. The V4+ ions are antiferromagnetically (AFM) coupled to their neighbours via oxo-bridges. Within the hexagons, the AFM couplings are very strong (10-20 meV [9]) and the spins on the triangle are coupled to the spins of the hexagons via frustrated exchange couplings, but there are no significant direct exchange pathways between the triangle spins. The coupling between the triangle spins occurs indirectly through the hexagon spins. At low temperatures, the spins on the hexagons are quenched in a singlet (S=0) state, and we are left with the three tri- angle spins. The ground state is then made of two S=1/2 Kramers doublets separated from the S=3/2 quartet state by about 0.315 meV (3.7K) [10,11]. Inelastic neutron scattering (INS) has shown that the two S=1/2 Kramers doublets are split by a gap 2∆ 35µeV [10], 0 ≈ and low-temperature magnetisation data were analysed in terms of a two-levelLandau-Zener model with a gap of about 7 8µeV (80 100 mK) [11]. However, the microscopic origin of − − these gaps remained unclear. Recent theoretical work suggested that Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interactions might be responsible for the gap opening [12]. In the present Letter, we report an INS study under a magnetic field of V and show that 15 deviationsfromtrigonalsymmetryareresponsiblefortheobservedphenomena,notDMinter- actions. AnanalysisofboththeenergylevelsandtheQ-dependenceenablesustocharacterise the distortion and to address the nature of the ground state. The INS experiment was performed on the recently upgraded time-of-flight spectrometer IN5attheInstitutLaue-Langevin(ILL,France)usingcoldneutronsofwavelengthsλ=7.5,9 and 11˚A. Data were collected at temperatures between 40mK and 50mK and corrected for the background and detector efficiency. The magnetic field was provided by a 2.5 Tesla superconducting coil. The instrumental resolution at the elastic line (Γ, Full-Width at Half- Maximum) is Γ = 28µeV at 7.5˚A, Γ = 18 21µeV at 9.0˚A and Γ = 12µeV at 11˚A. We − used a 4.6 g polycrystalline powder sample of fully deuterated V placed under Helium in a 15 rectangular flat Aluminum slab. Figure1 showsINSspectraobtainedat7.5˚Aand9.0˚Afor differentvaluesofthe magnetic field. At H=0T, only one transition can be observed at an energy of 0.335 meV with ≈ Γ 41µeV. This width is 1.5 broader than the instrumental resolution and is intrinsic [14]. ≈ Asthefieldisswitchedon,satellitepeaksappearsymmetricallyoneachsideofthemainpeak but with different intensities. At 1T, there is new intensity at about 0.12 meV. To better characterise it, the difference between the H=0.5/1T and 0T data is shown in fig. 1c along withahigherresolution(λ=11˚A)spectrumobtainedat0.65T.Therearetwopeaksseparated byabout 25 30µeV,andtheirenergiesincreaselinearlywithmagneticfield. Theirwidths ≈ − arefoundtobebetween17and19µeV,intherangeoftheinstrumentalresolution,incontrast to the higher-energy peaks shown in fig. 1. Compiling the information derived from fig. 1, it is possible to draw the field-dependence of the INS transitions (see fig. 2a) where the five transitions are labeled (I) to (V). Tomodelourdata,weconsidertheS =1/2HeisenbergAntiferromagnetic(HAFM)model on a triangle [7,8]: =J S S +J S S +J S S + , (1) 0 12 1 2 23 2 3 13 1 3 H H H where S , S , S denote the spin operators 1,2 and 3, respectively and J is the Heisenberg 1 2 3 ij exchange parameter between spins i and j. =µ H(g S +g S +g S ) is the Zeeman H B 1 1 2 2 3 3 H interaction where the g -tensors are assumed to be diagonal. The Zeeman splitting of the i G. Chaboussant et al.: Ground State Selection in V15 3 (a) (III) (IV) l =7.5Å (b) l =9Å (c)T=45mK T=45mK T=45mK 1.0T (V) l =9Å (I)+(II) s) nsity (arb. unit 00.7.55 TT (III) (IV) 1 .0T (I) (II) l0=.6151TÅ e Int 0T 0 T 0.5T l =9Å 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.05 0.10 0.15 Energy Transfer (meV) Energy Transfer (meV) Fig. 1 – (a) INS spectra at 0,0.5 and 0.75T (λ = 7.5˚A). (b) INS spectra at 0 and 1.0T (λ = 9.0˚A) (c) INSspectra at0.65T (λ=11.0˚A) and differenceplotsbetween non-zeromagnetic field(H=0.5T, 1.0T ) andzero-fielddataobtainedatλ=9.0˚A.DataintheQ-rangebetween0.2˚A−1 and1.1-1.4˚A−1 were grouped together to improve statistics. Solid lines are best fits to the data using Gaussian line shapes and a background. Peaks are labeled as discussed in thetext. energy levels does not depend on the relative orientation to the trigonal axis for isotropic couplings. For the equilateral HAFM triangle case (J = J > 0), the ground state consists ij 0 of two degenerate S=1/2 Kramers doublets separated from the S = 3/2 excited state by 3J /2. The wave functions of the two degenerate S=1/2 Kramers doublets are given by 0 ±1 ±1 Ψ 2 = 0,1, 1 >andΨ 2 = 1,1, 1 >inthebasis S ,S,M >oranylinearcombination 0 | 2 ±2 1 | 2 ±2 | 12 of them. If we assume inequivalent couplings, there is a gap 2∆ between the two Kramers 0 doublets but no splitting in the S = 3/2 state. For instance, in the isosceles case (J = J, 12 J = J = J′) with J > J′, the energy gap becomes 2∆ = J J′ and Ψ±12 is the lowest 13 23 0 − 0 doublet. From the field-dependence of the INS transitions shown in fig. 2a, we can immediately construct the energy diagram shown in fig. 2b corresponding to a distorted S=1/2 HAFM triangle with two S=1/2 doublet states and one S=3/2 quartet state. Note that at T = 45 mK, only the lowest doublet is populated in zero-field. Transitions (I) and (II) are intra- doublet transitions with energies h¯ω =h=gµ H, h¯ω =h+2∆ , and transitions (III) to I B II 0 (V)aretransitionsfromthelowestdoublettotheS=3/2sublevelswith¯hω =3J /2+∆ h, III 0 0 − ¯hω = 3J /2+∆ and h¯ω = 3J /2+∆ +h. The transition h¯ω = 2∆ between the two IV 0 0 V 0 0 0 doublets at zero-field could not be observed due to the width of the elastic line. The solid lines in fig. 2a corresponds to best fits with g = 1.98(3), 2∆ = 27(3)µeV 0.31(4)K and 0 ≈ J = 212(2)µeV 2.46K. The g-factor value is in good agreement with EPR [7,13] and 0 ≈ millimeter rangespectroscopy[15],the gap2∆ is inrelativelygoodagreementwithprevious 0 but less accurate INS measurements [10], and the value of J is very close to the one inferred 0 from magnetisation [11] and INS [10]. So far, the isosceles triangle scenario successfully explains the existing data, but there is no reason, a priori, to choose an isosceles triangle: Lattice distortions, being static or dynamic, will most probably generate a scalene triangle situation. From inspection of the energy levels it is not possible to discriminate between isoscelesandscalenetriangles. We demonstratenowthatthe INSintensitiescandiscriminate between the two models. 4 EUROPHYSICSLETTERS 500 450 (a) (V) (b) +3/2 500 eV)345000 (IV) S=3/2 +1/2 400 mn (300 -1/2 300En eak positio122505000 ((IIII)I) S=1(/V2) (IV)(III) +-31//22 120000ergy (eV)m p 100 2D (II) (I) 0 (I) 0 50 S=1/2 -1/2 -100 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 Magnetic Field (Tesla) Fig. 2 – (a) F ield-dependence energies of the observed INS peaks (I) to (V). Solid lines are linear fits to the data as discussed in the text. (b) Zeeman splittings and assignment of the observed INS transitions. The differential magnetic cross-section for a transition between initial state S ,S,M > 12 with energy E and final state S′ ,S′,M′ > with energy E is given by [16]: | s | 12 f d2σ Q2 dΩdE =BQ (cid:18)1− Qα2(cid:19) eiQ(Ri−Rj) (2) Xα Xi,j S ,S,M Sα S′ ,S′,M′ S′ ,S′,M′ Sα S ,S,M δ(h¯ω+E E ), × h 12 | i | 12 ih 12 | j| 12 i× s− f with B = Ne−βEi |k′| F2(Q) e−2W(Q) . (3) Q Z k · · | | N is the number of magnetic centres in the sample, k and k′ are the initial and final neutron wave-vectors and Q = k k′ is the scattering vector, exp[ 2W(Q)] is the Debye-Waller − − factor, F(Q) is the magnetic form factor of the V4+ ions, R is the position of the ith V4+ i ion in the triangle, α=x,y or z, h¯ω is the energy transfer and Z the partitionfunction. The matrix elements S ,S,M Sα S′ ,S′,M′ are evaluated using irreducible tensor operator h 12 | i | 12 i (ITO) methods [17]. Only the triangular model is considered. In the equilateral case, the zero-field and powder averagedcross-sectionfor the transition S ,S > to S′ ,S′ > is [18]: | 12 | 12 d2σ sin(QR) ′ ′ B 1 (S ,S,S ,S ), (4) dΩdE ∼ Q(cid:18) − QR (cid:19)M 12 12 where R is the V4+-V4+ separation in the triangle and is a number that depends on the M initial and final state quantum numbers. One can show that it makes no difference to the INS intensities in zero magnetic field whether we have S = 0 or S = 1 in the lowest 12 12 doublet. In order to compare the theoretical predictions with our experimental data, we need to consider the effect of the magnetic field. This is done by using the Wigner-Eckart theorem[18]. This leadsto INSintensities depending explicitly onM,M′ withselectionrules M M′ =0, 1. We obtain the following intensity ratios for the doublet-quartet transitions − ± ′ (III:IV:V) = (3:2:1). The intra-doublet transition with ∆S =S S = 1 has the same 12 12− 12 ± G. Chaboussant et al.: Ground State Selection in V15 5 s) (a) H=0T (b) H=0T nit H=1T u b. ar y ( a2=1 sit n nte ak i e P b2=1 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 Q (Å-1) Q (Å-1) Fig. 3 – (a) Q-depen dence of the transitions III + IV + V measured at zero-field, shown in fig. 1. (b) Q-dependence of transition (I) at 1T and λ = 9˚A (open squares) along with the III+IV+V transitions measured at 0T and at thesame wavelength. Lines (dashed and solid) are best fitsusing the calculated Q-dependence(eq. 4) and the V −V distance R=6.92˚A. Dotted lines correspond to theoretical curves with a2=1 and b2=1 (see text). relativeintensity astransition(IV), whereasthe ∆S =0 transitionis calculatedto be three 12 timesmoreintense. Comparisonwiththedatainfig.1showsgood,butnotperfectagreement for the doublet-quartet transitions, as (III) and (IV) have almost equal intensity, instead of the calculated ratio 3/2. From the relative intensity of the intra-doublet transitions we can tentatively assigntransition(I) to have∆S =0 and transition(II) to have∆S = 1. We 12 12 ± already note at this point, however, that transition (I) is weaker than the sum of (III), (IV) and (V). To get further insight into the nature of the transitions, in particular the intra-doublet ones, we now consider their Q-dependence. Fig. 3a shows the Q-dependence of the sum of (III), (IV) and(V), measuredatzero-field. The agreementwith the Q-dependence calculated withEq.4andtheV-V distanceR=6.92˚Aisverygood,aconfirmationthattheS=3/2state is essentially unperturbed. Fig. 3b shows the same transitions, i.e. (III+IV+V) measured at zero-field and λ=9˚A (full circles), in comparison with the Q-dependence of transition (I) at 1Tatthesamewavelength(opensquares)[19]. Whilethedoublettoquartettransitionshows the same Q-dependence as in fig. 3a, the intensity of (I) is much less Q-dependent, almost flat. Theoretically, an intra-doublet transition with ∆S = 1 would be modulated by the 12 ± [1 sin(QR)/QR)]factorineq.4. Ontheotherhand,a∆S =0transitiondoesnotnothave 12 − thisfactoranditsQ-dependenceisessentiallyflat. Wehavealreadytentativelyassignedband (I) to a Zeeman transition within the same doublet (∆S = 0), and the Q-dependence now 12 confirmsthis. However,wealsonote,andfig.3bmakesitveryclear,thattheoverallintensity ofpeak(I)issignificantlysmallerthanthesumof(III+IV+V).Thepure∆S =0transition 12 would have the same intensity, and the pure ∆S = 1 would be three times weaker. This 12 ± ± ± clearly suggests that the two doublets Ψ and Ψ aremixed in V as expected for a scalene 0 1 15 triangle. Defining the lower-lyingdoublet as Ω± =aΨ±+bΨ± (with a2+b2 =1), we get the 0 0 1 following Q-dependent intensity for transition (I): b2 sin(QR) I (Q)=I F2(Q) a2+ 1 , (5) I 0 (cid:20) 3 (cid:18) − QR (cid:19)(cid:21) where I is an intensity factor, kept fixed to the value determined from the intensity of 0 (III+IV+V) at the same wavelength. The dotted lines in fig. 3b represent the disentangled 6 EUROPHYSICSLETTERS situations ([a,b]=[1,0] or [0,1]) and the full line is a best fit to the data corresponding to a2 =0.4andb2 =0.6. ThemixingoftheS =0andS =1statesisquite substantial. One 12 12 parametersetthatproducesthis situationis J =0.21meV,J =0.23meVandJ =0.20 12 23 13 meV. This set is not unique as we only have access to a2 and b2, but it gives a clear idea of the exchange coupling variation caused by the distortion. WenowbrieflydiscusstherelevanceofDzyaloshinskii-Moriya(DM)interactions[12]. The effectofDMinteractionsinthe S=1/2AFM trianglehasbeentreatedin somedetail[20]and we give here the main results. The DM interaction introduces off-diagonal matrix elements which lead to a first order splitting 2∆ of the doublets. If we assume perfect triangular symmetry,wehave2∆=d /√3[21]whered istheDMparameter. IfthesplittinginV was z z 15 duetoDMinteractionsthiswouldleadtod =47µeV.IncontrasttothepureHeisenbergcase, z the energy levels depend explicitly on the relative orientation of the clusters to the magnetic field in this case [20]. In a powder measurement, the overall spectrum will reflect this field dependence by a broadeningof allthe peaks, inparticular the intra-doublettransitions. This is clearly not what we observe experimentally. In addition, the theoretical energy difference 2∆ in the DM model between transitions (I) and (II) is field dependent, decreasing from 27µeV at 0T to 17µeV at 1T for a d value of 47µeV. Again, this is completely incompatible z with our experimental results, which show a field independent energy difference between (I) and (II) as well as a linear field dependence of transitions (III),(IV) and (V), see fig. 2. DM interactionscanthus definitely be ruledout asthe originofthe groundstate splitting in V . 15 The present study demonstrates that the low-energy properties of V are accurately de- 15 scribed by a triangle model with scalene distortion. In particular, the mechanism generating a gap 2∆ = 27(3)µeV between the two Kramers doublets is unambiguously established us- 0 ing both energy and wavefunction information provided by INS. The symmetry lowering is already established from the field dependence of the energy levels. However, only inspection of the intensities and their Q-dependence leads to a detailed knowledge of the wavefunction mixing within the ground state resulting from the scalene distortion of the triangle. An ob- vious source of symmetry lowering is provided by the water molecule located in the center of the spherical cavity of V . Another one is given by some disorder (partial occupancy) on 15 the water structure of the lattice [7,8,22]. This study shows that the impact of very small structural perturbations to relieve magnetic frustration can be sizeable. V constitutes a 15 example of a nanometer-scale system with maximised magnetic frustration (triangle) where order, i.e. a stabilised ground state with a gap to less favourable ”ground states”, is induced by a small structural distortion (disorder). ∗∗∗ We are grateful to F. Mila and M. Elhajal for stimulating discussions, to J.-L. Ragazzoni and S. Jenkins for their technical support at the ILL and to E. Krickemeyer and H. B¨ogge for help in the synthesis. We wish to thank J. Ollivier, M. Plazanet and the IN5 team at the ILL for the very significant improvement of the spectrometer. One of us (A.M) thanks the Deutsche Forschungshemeinschaft and the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie for financial support. This workhasbeensupportedbythe Swiss NationalScience Foundationandbythe TMR programMolnanomag of the European Union (No: HPRN-CT-1999-00012). 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