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Preview Mechanism of antifungal action and resistance to antifungals in fungal disease

Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 12, Supplement 4, 2006 Mechanism of antifungal action and resistance to antifungals in fungal disease P1198 madeearly,localinvasivediseasetendstoprogresswithapoor Management of semi-invasive aspergillosis and prognosis. Initial symptoms are unspecific and an early high indexofsuspicioniscrucial.Weareinterestedintheepidemi- Aspergillus empyema with combination of ology,microbiology,therapyandoutcomeofmucormycosisin systemic antifungals and intrapleural ourinstitution. amphotericin B in an immunocompetent patient Methods: UniversityofGenevaHospitalsisatertiaryhospital Y.Tezer,O.Memikoglu,H.Kur (Ankara,TR) with 1600 acute care beds and 40,000 admissions each year, containingalldisciplinesincludingseveralintensivecareunits The spectrum of pulmonary aspergillosis varies, ranging from and a transplantation centre. Retrospective analysis of all allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis to invasive diseases electronicalandclinicaldatabasesfrom1989till2004.Allresults dependingontheimmunestatusofthepatientandtheunder- containingMucoraleswereanalysed. lying lung condition. Pleural invasion by Aspergillus species Results: We identified 7 cases of infection: 2 bone marrow occurs commonly as a late complication of thoracoplasty with transplant patients, 1 liver transplantation patient, 1 renal bronchopleuralfistula.Rarelytheruptureofcavitaryaspergillosis transplantation patient, 1 patient with AIDS and 2 patients intothepleuralspacecanproduceAspergillusempyema. receiving high doses of steroids. Rhizopus and Absidia sp were Case report: A 39-year old man referred to tertiary hospital, the causative fungus agent in 3 cases each. Survival (3 of 7 withahistoryofdestroyedleftlungandAspergillusfungusball patients)couldonlybeachievedduringlocaldiseasesuchasthe for a thoracotomy in thorax surgery department. He had no involvementoftheorbita,associatedwithearlydiagnosis,early knownmedicalproblemsorsmokinghistory.Hesufferedfrom and aggressive surgical therapy and specific antifungal treat- cough, hemptysis and weight loss for a month. He had been ment.Table1resumesthecharacteristicsoftheinfectioncases. operatedforfungusball.Butafteraweekfeverandleukocytosis In 35 cases the presence of mucormycosis were considered as were predominant. Chest tube continually drained purulent colonisationsincetherewasnoinvasivedisease,nosecondary fluidandair,indicativeofbronchopleuralfistula.Controlthorax prophylaxis,nospecificsurgicalorantifungaltreatmentandno computarized tomography had been confirmed that. Pleural clinicalimportancereportedintherecords.Themostprevalent fluid specimens examined biochemically, microscopically and body sites for colonisation were nasal sinuses and tracheal culturedforbacteria,mycobacteriaandfungi.Inexudativefluid aspirates. Aspergillus fumigatus was grown. Then caspofungin theraphy wasstarted.After14days,duetoculturepositivityandallergic reactions we changed to the liposomal Amphotericin B. After 14days, purulant fluid discharge were continue. On cultures Aspergillusfumigatusweregrown.Thenwecombinedsystemic amfhotericin B withcaspofungin.But purulantfluiddischarge hadnotbeendiminished.Sowedecidedtoattemptintrapleural antifungal treatment and systemic antifungals together. As described in literature, liposomal amphotericin B was given intrapleurally. During theraphy there were no complications occur. After 3weeks his fever and leukocyte were in normal rangeandhisgalactomannanandCRPlevelsweredropped.His chesttubedrainagewasdiminishedbutnotstoppedin66thday. So he required radical surgery with thoracostomy. Then we continuedthetreatmentwithoralvoriconazoleupto6months. Result: After 1year of follow-up, the patient is well. In our experience we were able to control clinic progress of disease when considered fever and status of the patient by using intrapleuralamphotericinBandcombinedsystemicantifungals. Butwewereunabletocontrolaspergillosistotally. Conclusion: Mucormycosis is a rare diseaseeven in a tertiary Conclusion: Asuccessfulmanagementwithremarkableclinical hospital.Disseminatedfungalinfectionshaveapoorprognosis improvement was achieved by pleural drainage, combined andmayevolveintomultiorganfailurewithinashortperiodof antifungaltreatmentandsurgicalapproach. time,whereasearlyrecognizedlocalinfectionscanbesuccess- fullytreated.Inthepresenceofaseverelyimmunocompromized P1199 host,ahighindexofsuspicionremainsmandatory.Physicians Clinical presentation and epidemiology of should be aware of the possibility of this fungal infection in Mucorales infections in Geneva university ordertobeginarapiddiagnosticworkupincludingaggressive hospitals surgical and antimycotic therapy with amphotericin B or I.Uc¸kay,M.Djordjevic,J.Garbino,C.Garzoni,Y.Chalandon, posaconazole. V.Jacomo,P.Rohner,C.VanDelden (Geneva,CH;Nis,CS) Objective: Fungal infections by Mucorales are rare, even in highlyimmunocompromizedpatients.Unlessdiagnosiscanbe 2006ClinicalMicrobiologyandInfection,Volume12,Supplement4 ISSN:1470-9465 Abstracts Methods: We retrospectively evaluated all cases of ZM in P1200 Gregorio Maran˜o´n Hospital from 1987 to 2005. Proven or Caspofungin therapy in documented fungal probable diagnosis of ZM was performed according to estab- infections:Spanishexperiencebeforelicencingof lished criteria (Ascioglu, CID 2002). Vori was introduced for the drug therapeuticuseinourhospitalin2002. Results: During the study period, 10 patients had proven or C.Sanz-Rodriguez,J.M.Cisneros,J.M.Aguado,R.Martino on probableZM(0.6cases/year).Theclinicalformsandunderlying behalfoftheSpanishCaspofunginClinicalStudyGroup conditions of the patients were 1 rhino-cerebral (kidney trans- Objective: Retrospectiveevaluationofclinicaleffectivenessand plant),2sinuses(1diabetesmellitus,1bonemarrowaplasia),3 safetyofcaspofungininthecompassionatetreatmentofinvasive cutaneous(1diabetesmellitusundercorticosteroidtreatment,1 orsuperficialfungalinfectionsbeforemarketingofthedrugin heart transplant, 1 lymphoma), 3 pulmonary (1 COPD under SpaininAugust2002. corticosteroidtreatment,1hearttransplant,1leukaemia)and1 Methods: Eighty-two patients received compassionate treat- cerebral(HIVinfection).Thecaseshadasporadicdistribution. mentwithcaspofungin.Allpatientswereconsideredevaluable OnlyonecaseofZMoccurredaftertheintroductionofVori.The forsafety,yetonlythosetreatedfor‡7daysformouldinfections consumptionofVoriin2004was1110DDDs.Meanconsump- or ‡5days for yeast infections were considered evaluable for tion per month was 88.6 DDDs (Standard deviation of 48.91 clinical effectiveness. Response was graded as favourable DDDs). (completeorpartialresolutionofclinical,microbiologicaland/ Conclusions: Since 2002, therapy with voriconazole in our or radiographic evidence of fungal disease) or unfavourable institutionhasnotbeenassociatedwithchangesintheincidence (stableorprogressivedisease). ofZM. Results: The main underlying disorders were haematological neoplasias(48patients;59%),COPD(9;11%),andAIDS(8;10%). Seventeen patients (21%) underwent an allogeneic stem cell P1202 transplant, while another 6 (7%) were solid organ transplant Candida colonization, colonization index and recipients.Sixty-threepatients(77%)werediagnosedofinvasive mouldinfection(16proven,24probable,23possibleperMSG/ invasive candidiasis in patients at a EORTC criteria), 10 (12%) invasive yeast infection, 7 (9%) multidisciplinary intensive care unit, Sweden esophageal candidiasis, and 2 (2%) tracheobronchial aspergil- C.Agvald-Ohman,L.Klingspor,H.Hjelmqvist,C. losis.Themedianlengthoftherapywas15days(range,2–154), Edlund (Huddinge,SE) typicallya70-mgloadingdosefollowedby50mgdaily.Sixty-six (80%)patientswereevaluableforclinicaleffectiveness.Ofthem, Objectives: Intensivecareunits(ICU)haveemergedasepicen- 63patients(95%)wererefractorytootherantifungals,including tres for fungal infections such as candidaemia. The aim of the 35 (53%) treated with ‡2 drugs. Most patients (63/66; 95%) studywastoinvestigatecandidacolonization,colonizationindex progressedto‡1amphotericinB(amphB)formulations(median (CI) and its relation to invasive candidiasis in patients with a totaldose3,778mg,range60–31,920).Favourableresponserates lengthofICUstay(LOS)‡7days. were66%(21/32)forprovenorprobableinvasiveaspergillosis Materialandmethods: ICUpatientswithaLOS‡7dayswere (caspofunginmonotherapy,62%[8/13]vscombinationtherapy, consecutively included for sampling during Mars 2004–July 68%[13/19]),69%(11/16)forpossibleinvasivemouldinfections, 2005. The study was approved by the Ethical Committee in 67%(6/9)forinvasivecandidiasis,and100%(7/7)foroesopha- Stockholm.Atotalof59patients,38menand21women,mean gealcandidiasis.Onepatientwithdisseminatedfusariosisdidnot age 59years (range 19–81) were included. Mean LOS was respond to caspofungin+liposomal amphB, while another 19.8days (range 7–77) and mean days of ventilation was 16 patient with an invasive yeast infection (species unknown) (range 0–74). A majority of the 59 patients were exposed to respondedfullytocaspofungin+amphBlipidcomplex.Overall, antimycoticdrugsduringtheirICUstay,35receivedfluconaz- thesafetyandtolerabilityprofilewasfavorable;notreatmentwas ole,16liposomalamphotericin3voriconazoleand3caspofun- discontinuedduetocaspofungin-relatedadverseevents. gin.Sampleswerecollectedatday7andthenweeklyaslongas Conclusion: Caspofungin was efficacious and generally well the patient wasadmittedto the ICU. Samplingsites were oral toleratedinthetreatmentofinvasiveandsuperficialAspergillus cavity,lowerairways,urine,bloodandrectumfromallincluded and Candida infections, and provided an alternative for those patients and from drainage and wounds when this was an who failed to respond or became intolerant to other available option. antifungals. Results: Fourteen patients were not colonized by candida (CI=0). C. albicans was isolated from 35 patients, C. glabrata from 10 and 12 had other non-albicans species. Seven patients werecolonizedby‡2speciesofwhomtwoby‡3species.Atthe P1201 firstsamplingoccasion42%ofthepatients(25/59)hadaCI‡0.5, Zygomycosis in a general hospital during a eighthadCI1.0,while26%(8/31)hadanindex‡0.5andtwo 17-year period. Is there an increase in incidence hadCI1.0atday14.Only10patientsorfewerweresampledat after introducing voriconazole? days 21, 28, 35, 42 and 49, range of mean CI were 0.4–0.7.Ten M.Torres-Narbona,J.Guinea,J.Mart´ınez-Alarco´n,T.Pela´ez, patients developed invasive candidiasis, of whom six had P.Mun˜oz,E.Bouza (Madrid,ES) candidaemia. Mean CI for these 10 patients were 0.8 and all invasive species were also colonizing species. Infections were Objectives: Thequestionofanincreaseinthenumberofcases caused by C. albicans (6), C. glabrata (3), C. tropicalis (1) and C. of zygomycosis (ZM) has been raised in American and Euro- dubliniensis (1). Nine patients were treated with at least one pean institutions. The use of voriconazole (Vori) as antifungal antimycotic drug, the majority with liposomal amphotericin. prophylaxismaycorrelatewiththisincreasebutthatmaynotbe The three months mortality among these patients was 70% the case in institutions in which Vori is not used prophylacti- comparedto49%(29/59)amongallincludedpatients. cally. We reviewed the evolution of ZM, before and after the Conclusion: The ICU in the present study is a tertiary unit at introductionofVoriinourhospital. a university hospital and 66% of the patients were treated 2006ClinicalMicrobiologyandInfection,Volume12,Supplement4 ISSN:1470-9465 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 12, Supplement 4, 2006 with immunosuppressive drugs (17/59) and/or cortisone (39/ P1204 59). Despite the fact that all patients were treated with The emergence of caspofungin resistance during antimycotic drugs as soon as CI exceeded 0.5, invasive candidiasis was diagnosed during the ICU stay in 17% of treatment of recurrent Candida glabrata included patients. A high CI was correlated to invasive candidaemia candidiasis and high mortality. N.Daneman,A.K.Chan,S.M.Poutanen,R.Rennie,C.Sand, S.Porter (Toronto,Edmonton,Vancouver,CA) Objective: The development of caspofungin resistance during P1203 treatment has not been frequently described. This report Treatment of invasive Pseudallescheria boydii documents caspofungin resistance emerging during treatment infectionswithvoriconazoleorvoriconazoleplus ofrecurrentCandidaglabratacandidemia. Methods: The patient’s clinical chart was reviewed. Suscepti- caspofungin bility testing of all saved C. glabrata isolates was completed A.Pan,A.Soresina,C.Cattaneo,S.Lorenzotti,S.Magri, following the NCCLS M27-A2 standards. Electrokaryotyping N.Manca,A.Plebani,G.Pinsi,G.Rossi,L.Soavi,L.Signorini, and restriction enzyme pulsed field gel electrophoresis (RE- R.Stellini,G.Carosi (Brescia,IT) PFGE)wereperformedtoassesstherelatednessoftheisolates. Objective: Toreporttheefficacyofnewantifungaldrugsinthe Results: A45yofemalewithCrohn’sdiseasewithfistulaeand treatmentofPseudallescheriaboydiiinfections,todateassociated dependentonTPNwasadmittedinApril2004withC.glabrata withaveryhighmortality. candidemia.Hercentralvenouscatheterwaschangedandshe Methods: Wereport4casesofP.boydiiinfectionssuccessfully wastreatedwith3weeksofcaspofunginat70mgodx1,then treatedwithvoriconazoleatourInstitution. 50mg od with clinical response. Blood cultures and line tip Results: were negative. In January 2005, her C. glabrata candidemia Case 1: A 26-year old male with chronic granulomatous recurred.Hercentrallinewaschangedandcaspofunginatthe disease (CGD) was admitted to the Infectious Disease Depart- samedosewasstarted.Follow-upbloodcultureswerenegative. ment (IDD) and pulmonary and mediastinic lesions identified Ophthalmologic examination and ECG were normal. Line tip on thoracicCTscan.Hyphaewereidentifiedon histologyand cultures were not completed. Her course was complicated by biopsyyieldedP.boydii.Oralvoriconazole wasstartedandan septicshock.AbdominalCTscanrevealedasmallbowelfistula initial reduction of the lesion observed on CT scan. Repeated andintra-abdominalabscess.Broad-spectrumantibacterialther- CT scans performed thereafter monthly showed mild further apywasaddedwithclinicalresponse.Caspofungintherapywas improvement. The patient is now in fair conditions and still discontinuedafter2.5weeks.NinedayslaterinFebruary2005, on oral voriconazole. the patient developed recurrent C. glabrata candidemia. The Case 2: A 54-year old male, woodcrafter, in general good centralcatheterwaschangedandcaspofunginwasre-startedat conditions,wasadmittedtoneurosurgerybecauseofidentifica- the same doses. The line tip grew Candida spp, not albicans. tionofcerebralmassonabrainCTscan.Hewasoperatedand Repeatbloodcultureswerenegative.Caspofunginwascontin- the surgical material showed the presence of hyphae and ued for a total of 1month. Follow-up blood cultures off yieldedP.boydii.Intravenous(IV)voriconazolewasstartedand caspofungin were negative. The patient was lost to follow up reductionofthelesionobservedonCTscan.Voriconazolewas until she returned to hospital in October 2005 with a lower switched to oral formulation after 1month and stopped after gastrointestinal bleed. She died 3days after admission. Ante- 3monthsoftherapy.Onemonthafterstoppingvoriconazolehe mortem blood cultures grew C. glabrata. Multiple C. glabrata stillisinfineconditions. blood culture isolates from April 2004, January 2005, and Case 3: A 70-year old male affected by multiple mieloma, on February 2005 were available for testing. Capsofungin MICs chroniccorticosteroidtherapywasadmittedtothehaematology were0.5mg/L,8mg/L,and>16mg/Lrespectively.Molecular because of respiratory symptoms. No biopsy was performed. testing indicated that the multiple isolates were probably ThesputumcultureyieldedP.boydii.Thepatientwasstartedon related. oralvoriconazoleandanimprovementofthepulmonarylesions Conclusion: Thiscasedemonstratesthatcaspofunginresistance observed over the following months. Treatment with voricon- mayemergeduringtreatment.Anundetectednidusofinfection azolewasstoppedafter3months. may contribute to fungal persistence with development of Case4: A 28-year old male with CGD was admitted to the antifungal resistance despite apparent adequate therapy and IDD because of worsening of pulmonary and mediastinic documentationofnegativebloodculturesaftertreatment. lesions on thoracic CT scan while on voriconazole therapy, observed over a 6months period. After P. boydii was isolated form a biopsy and hyphae identified on histology, a surgical P1205 de-bulking was performed. Caspofungin was associated to Anopen-labelstudyofanidulafunginininvasive voriconazole and improvement of the general conditions candidiasis and candidaemia observed. Combined IV therapy was continued for 4months R.Betts,D.Kett,K.Clark,H.T.Schlamm,D.S.Krause (Rochester, with progressive reduction of the mycosis and improvement Miami,NewYork,US) of his general conditions. Conclusions: Voriconazoleisaneffectiveandsafetherapyfor Objectives: Candida species (spp.) are the leading cause of invasive P. boydii infections either alone or combined with invasivefungalinfectionsinhospitalisedpatients(pts),andare surgery depending on the severity of the disease. Patients associated with excess morbidity and mortality, despite the who fail voriconazole may respond to salvage treatment with availability of several new agents. Anidulafungin (ANID) is a caspofungin. novel echinocandin with potent in vitro and in vivo fungicidal activityagainstCandidaspp.ANIDwassuperiortofluconazole (FLU) in a Phase 3 efficacy study of invasive candidiasis and candidaemia(IC/C)previouslyreported. 2006ClinicalMicrobiologyandInfection,Volume12,Supplement4 ISSN:1470-9465 Abstracts Methods: We conducted an open-label trial of the efficacy of Therefore it is important to test susceptibility to antifungal ANID. In contrast to the Phase 3 trial, pts on prior FLU were agentsinvitroforanyisolatefrombloodsamples,especiallyin allowed.AdultptswithIC/CreceivedaloadingdoseofANID immunocompromizedpatients. on Day 1 of 200mg, then 100mg IV daily for a total of 14– 42days.PtscouldbeswitchedtooralFLUafteratleast10days ofIVANID.PtswereassessedattheendofIVtherapy(EIV), P1207 andat2&6weekfollow-up(FU)aftertheendofalltherapy.A Epidemiology of dermatophytosis in Khouzestan successful global response required clinical improvement and province, southwest Iran, from 2002 to 2005 microbiologicaleradication.TheEIVwastheprimarytimepoint of interest. Safety evaluations included haematology and bio- A.Rafiei,M.Omidian,M.Radmanesh,M.Mapar,R.Yaghobi, chemistry labs and recording of all adverse events (AEs), R.Rasaei,R.Taddaion (Ahwaz,IR) regardlessofattribution. Objectives: Cutaneousfungalinfectionespeciallydermatophy- Results: Thirty three (33) pts were enrolled; 22 completed tosis are common in different parts of Iran. Dermatophyte throughthe6-weekFUvisit.ThemeanAPACHEIIscorewas14 organisms are in constant competition for their particular (range2–27);20%hadscores>20.Presenceofacentralvenous environmentalniche.Thesedatacanbeusedforascertainpast catheterwasthemostcommon(84%)reportedriskfactor.Most and present trends in incidence and the emergence of more (91%)receivedatleastonepriordoseofFLU.Candidaemiawas predominant dermatophytes. The aims of this study were to present in 90% of pts; most had multiple positive cultures at identify the epidemiologic trends and causative organisms of baseline.C.albicansandC.glabratawereisolatedfrom42%and dermatophytosisinKhuzestanprovince. 38%ofpts,respectively.ThemedianexposuretoANIDwas14 Methods: Atotalof2953specimenwerecollectedfrompatients doses.Mostpts(26/33)didnotswitchtooralFLU.Asuccessful clinicallysuspectedtohavefungalinfectionfrom2002through globalresponsewasobservedin21/31(67.7%)culturepositive 2005. Materials collected from hair, nail and skin and were pts. Three pts (9.7%) had persistent infections. On a pathogen investigated by direct examination and cultured in Sabouraud level,successwassimilarforalbicansandnon-albicansisolates. dextrose agar and mycobiotic Agar (Difco). Fungal colonies AEswerereportedbyallpts;11ptshadAEsthatwererelated were identified by macroscopic and microscopic examination perinvestigatorattribution.Only2ptsexperiencedAEsthatled andsupplementarytests. todiscontinuationofstudydrug.Atthe6weekFU79%ofpts Results: Theprevalenceofdermatophytosisamongthesuspec- survived. Few pts experienced infusion reactions. Clinical tedpatientswas24.1%.Themostpredominanttypesofinfection laboratoryresultsdidnotsuggestdrugtoxicity. of dermatophytosis were as follows: Tineacruris (40.1%),Tinea Conclusions: ANID was efficacious and well tolerated. These corporis(14.5%),Tineapedis(14.5%),andTineacapitis(10%)Tinea resultsconfirmandextendthephase3datapreviouslyreported. pedis (6.7%), Tinea faciei (6.5%), Tinea ungium (6.0%) and Tinea barbae(1.2%).Themostfrequentdermatophyteorganismswere: Epidermophytonfloccosum,TrichophytonVerrucosum,Trichophyton P1206 rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Trichophyton Viollaceum, Microsporum canis and Trichophyton schoenleinii. The frequency Systemic fungal infection due to Trichosporon rateofdermatophytosiswashigherinmalesthanfemales.The beigelii in immunocompromized patient durationofinfectionhadawiderangefrom70daysto20years. I.Radonjic,S.Mitrovic,V.ArsicArsenijevic,I.KranjcicZec, Age patients were from 4months to 85years old, but 21– A.Dzamic (Belgrade,CS) 40yearsagegroupwasfoundtobethemostcommoninfected group(45.2%). Objectives: Invasive trichosporonosis caused by yeast Tricho- Conclusion: Dermatophytosisisstilloneofthemostinfectious sporon beigelii often results in rapid, widespread dissemination diseasesinKhozestanandprobablyinIran.Asthecausalagent, and high mortality because diagnostic and therapeutic means the anthropophilic (E. floccosum) and zoophilic (T. verrucosum) havenotbeenestablishedwell.Theauthorsreportacaseoffatal species were the most common dermatophyte of tinea in T.beigeliifungemiaina28-yearoldwomanwithacuteleukemia khozestanprovince,Iran. and neutropenia. The patient was not on antifungal therapy beforethisepisodeoffungemia. Methods: Duringfivedayssevenbloodsampleswerecollected. P1208 AllsampleswereinoculatedonSabourauddextrosebrothand agarandincubatedat37(cid:1)Cfor10days.Yeastswereidentified Cutaneous infection by Absidia corymbifera and bymorphologiccriteria,germtubetest,chlamydosporeforma- Syncephalastrum racemosum treated with tion test and assimilation test API 20 C AUX. Antifungal amphotericin B and surgical debridement susceptibility was evaluated by disk agar diffusion method to R.Bandettini,E.Mantero,A.M.Tamisani,P.Tuo,R.Ceccarelli, amphotericinB,miconazole,ketoconazole,fluconazole,itracon- L.Pescetto,L.Ricagni,G.Melioli (Genoa,IT) azole and flucytosine (1lg and 10lg) and by broth macrodi- lutionmethodforamphotericinB(inoculum104CFU/ml,YNB Objective: The infections by Absidia spp. and Syncephalastrum medium,incubationat37(cid:1)C,24hand48h). spp. are opportunistic invasive diseases in immunocompro- Results: Allbloodsampleswerepositiveandisolatesidentified mized hosts, in patients with underlying disease or with skin asT.beigelii.Allisolateshadthesamepatternofsusceptibility lesions. A high mortality is described even when aggressive in vitro. They were sensitive to miconazole, ketoconazole, invasiveantifungaltherapyandsurgicaldebridementareused. fluconazole,itraconazoleanfflucytosine,butresistanttoamph- Wedescribeaclinicalcaseofapaediatricpatientwithcutaneous otericin B. The resistance to amphotericin B was confirmedby infectionbyAbsidiacorymbiferaandSyncephalastrumracemosum. brothmacrodilutiontestwithMIC=12.8lg/ml. MaterialsandMethods: A1-year-oldchildwashospitalizedin Conclusion: We observed that the strain of T. beigelii was February 2005 for Streptococcus pneumoniae septicemia and primaryresistanttoamphotericinB.AmphotericinBisthemost purpura fulminans followed by severe reliquates like cutaneous importantagentintherapyofdisseminatedfungalinfectionsbut necrosis(hands,feet,legsandnose).ForthisreasoninAprilthe most of T. beigelii strains are resistant to this antifungal. patient was treated with multiple escarectomy and multiple 2006ClinicalMicrobiologyandInfection,Volume12,Supplement4 ISSN:1470-9465 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 12, Supplement 4, 2006 graftsofskinandautologouskeratinocytesbutonlythe50%of andwith2differentPCR-protocols.DNAsequencingoftheITS thetreatedsurfaceimproved.InthehalfofMaysomepiecesof locus, our reference method for molecular identification con- debrided tissue submitted for microbiological examination firmedtheseresults.Twelveweekslater,thepatientwasdoing resulted positive for Absidia corymbifera and Syncephalastrum wellanditraconazolewasreducedtot1·200mg/dforsecon- racemosum.Inthisperiodthepatientpresentedanintermittent daryprophylaxis. fever>38.5(cid:1)C.Thelaboratoryfindingsshowedleukocytosiswith neutrophilia (WBC: 18,000/mmc and neutrophils 79%), CRP>10mg/dl and negative blood cultures. In May 26 an antifungaltherapywithliposomalamphotericinB(10mg/kg/ day) was started and the debridement of cutaneous infected sites was performed. The antifungal treatment was completed withtopicalamphotericinBandcontinueduntilJune13,2005. Results: InMay30themicrobiologicalexaminationsoftheskin biopsies were negative, the fever disappeared and haemato- chemical tests turned to normal values. The side effects of antifungal therapy were not observed. The cutaneous lesions Conclusion: Invasive histoplasmosis is a well-known oppor- recovered and from July the patient had not signs and tunisticinfectioninAIDS-patients.Thegrowthofafilamentous symptomsoffungalinfection. fungus in the blood of this patient was surprising, since this Conclusions: Zygomycosisareverysevereinfectionswithhigh dimorphousorganism normally converts to the yeast phase at mortalitydespitetheuseofinvitroeffectiveantifungaltherapy. 37(cid:1)C. Apparently this conversion did not take place, possibly Wepresentaclinicalcaseofsuccessfultreatmentofcutaneous duetotheculturemediumortheenvironment. infection by Absidia corymbifera and Syncephalastrum racemosum with liposomal amphotericin B and topic amphotericin B, associated with surgical debridement. The therapy was well P1210 toleratedandthepatientrecoveredwithoutanydiffusionofthe infection to other sites. We think that the combination of two Successful therapy of zygomycosis with different approaches, medical and surgical, offers the best posaconazole in a patient intolerant of liposomal chanceforsurvival. amphotericin B S.Savvanis,A.Papadopoulos,D.Kavvatha,H.Giamarellou (Athens,GR) P1209 Introduction: Zygomycosis is a rare invasive fungal infection, The Janus head of histoplasma butincidenceisincreasing.Infectiontypicallyoccursinpatients with immunodeficiency or diabetes mellitus and is associated E.Vlieghe,M.Ieven,H.Jansens,B.Hendriks,K.VandeVyvere, withhighmortalityrates.Treatmentincludessurgicaldebride- P.Fonteyne,E.VandenEnden,R.Colebunders (Antwerp, ment and the use of antifungal agents, such as liposomal Brussels,BE) amphotericinBandnewandinvestigationalazoles(eg,posac- Objectives: To describe an unusual case of invasive infection onazole). withH.capsulatum Case presentation: A 33-year-old woman with an unremarka- Methods: Adescriptionoftheclinical,pathologicalandmicro- ble medicalhistorywasadmittedtothe hospitalwithsignsof biologicalfindings. diabeticketoacidosis,intensepaininherleftshoulderextending Case study: A 33-year old African man was admitted to the to the left upper limb in an ulnary nerve distribution, and hospitalwithfever,nightsweatsandatendermassintheleft Claude Bernard-Horner syndrome. A computed tomography fossailiaca.HewasrecentlydiagnosedHIV-positive,withCD4- scan of the chest revealed a mass in the upper lobe of the left count2ll(0.6%)andviralload649,000copies/ml.Heappeared lung.Thepatientunderwentsurgery,andamassinfiltratingthe ingoodclinicalconditionbesidesageneralisedlymphadenop- cervicalsympatheticchain,thestellateganglion,theleftsubcl- athy, a splenomegaly and a tender mass (7·5cm) in the left avian artery, and the brachial plexus was partially excised. iliacfossa.Therelevantlabanalyseswere:ESR53mm/h,CRP Biopsy specimens revealed aseptate hyphae with right-angle 5mg/dl, Hb 12.5g/dl, thrombocytes 172·109/l, WBC branchingcompatiblewithzygomycosis.Liposomalamphoter- 2.5·109/l, LDH 870U/l. Serology for syphilis and toxoplas- icinBwasinitiatedatadoseof8–12mg/kg/day.Apostoper- mosiswasnegativeandshowedimmunityforCMVandEBV. ativemagneticresonanceimage(MRI)revealedreoccurrenceof Cryptococcus Ag and Histoplasma Ag were negative. Retinal themassinfiltratingtheleftlungapexandthestellateganglion fundoscopyshowednoabnormalities.Culturesofsputumand andextendingtotheC7-Th1intervertebralforamenandtheleft blood remained initially sterile. CT scan of the thorax and subclavian artery, causing focal occlusion, and an embolized abdomenshowedenlargedlymphnodesintheuppermediast- mycoticaneurysm.Newlesionsappearedintheglottisandthe inum, retroperitoneum, peripancreatic, para-aortic and along right upper lobe. The patient received 48g of liposomal thelefta.iliacaexternaandfemoralis;thelatternodesappearing amphotericinBina5-monthperiod;thistherapywasstopped with a necrotic centre. A CT-guided fine-needle biopsy was owing to nephrotoxicity. The patient subsequently received taken from the iliacal mass. Histology of the biopsy showed posaconazole 400mg twice daily as an oral solution for yeast forms of Histoplasma capsulatum. The patient was started 11months. Posaconazole therapy resulted in almost complete on IV liposomal amphotericin-B 3mg/kg and switched after resolution of the pathologic findings and was well tolerated. 10days to PO itraconazole 2·200mg for 3months. The Threemonthsaftertheendofthetreatment,thepatientremains symptoms and the mass subsided soon thereafter. After four in excellent clinical condition, and the latest MRI shows no weeks,growthofafilamentousfunguswasobservedinoneof evidenceofrelapse. themycobacterialbloodculturebottles.ItwasidentifiedasH. Conclusion: Radical surgery combined with control of immu- capsulatum through PCR carried out on a subculture on blood nodeficiencyordiabetesmellitusrepresentsthegoldstandardof agarat37(cid:1)C.Thetestwaspositiveafter2differentextractions treatment for zygomycosis. Antifungal agents may resolve 2006ClinicalMicrobiologyandInfection,Volume12,Supplement4 ISSN:1470-9465 Abstracts remnantlesionsaswellaspreventrelapse.Liposomalampho- related to its poor response to currently available anti-fungal tericinBmaybegivenoverthelongtermwithstrictsurveillance therapy. of toxicity. The investigational antifungal agent posaconazole Case report: A 60-year old Egyptian woman with a systemic has shown high antifungal activity against Zygomycetes with sclerosis and long term corticoid therapy, pulmonary fibrosis lowtoxicity,andmaybeadministeredorally. chronic hepatitis C with cirrhosis, chronic thrombocytopenia and arterial hypertension. The patient was hospitalised for frequent falls and confusion. On admission, the patient was P1211 febrile, sleepy and confused. A CT-scan showed an expansive Carbon assimilation profiles as a tool for lesion compressing the left lateral ventricle. The magnetic Zygomycetes species identification resonance image (MRI) suggested an image of glioblastoma and a chemotherapy was started. The patient developed a P.Schwarz,O.Lortholary,F.Dromer,E.Dannaoui (Paris,FR) progressiverighthemiparesis,aphasiaandworsenedinsenso- Objectives: Identification of Zygomycetes to the genus and/or rium.Cerebralbiopsywasperformedonhospitalday12.Dueto species level remains difficult by standard mycological proce- itslocationresectionwasnotpossibleandaspirationwasdone. dures.Theaimofthisstudywastoevaluatecarbonassimilation ThemicrobiologicalculturesyieldedaCladophialophorabantiana. profiles as a tool for identification of the most common A treatment was initiated with voriconazole 400mg po/12h Zygomycetesresponsibleforinfectionsinhumans. andliposomalamphotericinB7mg/kg/d.TheMRI5daysafter Methods: ID32C yeast identification system was used. Strips showedincreasedsizelesion.Increasedinlivertestssuspected wereinoculated bysporesuspensionsof 47well-characterized hepatictoxicityandvoriconazolewasreplacedbyposaconazole isolatesbelongingto8Zygomycetesspecies(15Rhizopusoryzae,8 400mg/12h. A MRI done after 16days of posaconazole Absidiacorymbifera,7Mucorcircinelloides,7Rhizomucorpusillus,4 treatment showed a similar size of the lesion, but without Rhizopus microsporus, 3 Syncephalastrum racemosum, 2 Mucor peri-lesionaloedema.Inadditiontoherneurologicalproblems indicusand1Cunninghamellabertholletiae).Stripswereincubated the patient developed pneumonia with severe sepsis and at28(cid:1)Candwerereadvisuallyafter72hoursofincubation. continuedtodeteriorateanddied. Results: Overall seventeen carbon sources were useful for Discussion: Phaeohypomycosis is the infection caused by discriminating among the examined Zygomycetes species. The dematiaceaousmouldswhichareuniqueowingtopresenceof assimilationofthemajorityofcarbonsourceswashomogeneous melaninpigmentsintheircellwallsandspores.Melaninmaybe withinagivenspeciesandheterogeneousbetweenspecies.Each a virulence factor in these fungi. Dematiaceous fungi are species showed a specific carbon assimilation profile allowing widespread in the environment especially in the soil and accurateidentificationexceptforM.circinelloidesandM.indicus decayingvegetationOneofthemC.bantianahasapredilection that shared similar profiles.Table 1. Percentage of positive forbraintissue.Recommendationfortherapyisbaseduponthe assimilationresultsforthemostusefulcarbonsources experience of published cases. Long-term survival is reported onlywhencompletesurgicalresectionofthelesionispossible accompanied by an anti-fungal treatment. The recommended treatmentishighdoseofamphotericinBincombinationwitha newtriazoleandifisitpossible5fluctocystosine.Posoconazole could be a new drug option for its better tolerability and less drug-druginteractions. P1213 Clinical and epidemiological analysis of candida bloodstream infection in a university hospital M.Cuervo,M.A.Miguel,M.Lecuona,S.Campos,M.I. Montesinos,A.Torres,T.Delgado,A.Sierra (LaLagunaStaCruz Tenerife,ES) Objectives: Candidasppisemergingasanimportantpathogen or coloniser in hospital settings. The aim of this study was to determine demographic, clinical and microbiologic features in Conclusions: These results demonstrate that diagnosis of the Candidabloodstreaminfectioninourhospital. main pathogenic Zygomycetes to the genus and species level is Methods: Wehaverevisedprospectivelydemographic,clinical possible based on their carbon assimilation profiles. This andmicrobiologicdatafrom125patientswithcandidemiaina technique using a commercially available system provides a periodbetween1/06/2002to1/06/2005.Allthespecimenswere fast and easy tool for identification of the most common performed with Bact/ALERT 3D (bioMe´rieux) initially during Zygomycetesspecies. fivedayseither30daysinspecialcases.Theyeastidentification was performed with ID-YST Vitek2 and/or api 20 C AUX (bioMe´rieux). P1212 Results: Of 33043 blood cultures processed in our laboratory, Is posaconazole a new treatment option for brain 9500shownanykindofgrownand355isolates(3.73%)proved abscess? to be yeast strains which belong to 125 patients. The infection rateofmalesandfemaleswas56.8%and43.2%respectively.The L.Matkham,C.Garzoni,B.Hirschel,S.Harbarth, highestratewasseeninpersons>60yearsold(47.25%)followed K.Bouchuigui-Waf,J.Garbino (Geneva,CH) bythegroup<10yearsold(16.8%),mostfrequentlyrelatedto Introduction: Cladophialophora bantiana is a dematiaceous neonatalperiod,especiallyinprematurenewborn.Moststrains fungus, a rare cause of cerebral abscess. Its high mortality is were recovered from patients attended to internal medicine 2006ClinicalMicrobiologyandInfection,Volume12,Supplement4 ISSN:1470-9465 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 12, Supplement 4, 2006 departments (44%), 31.2% belong to surgical departments and Method: We analysed the hospital charts of all patients that 24.8%wereinintensivecareunits.Ofatotalof125candidemias, received diagnosis of fungal peritonitis between 1992–2004, the most common origins were unknown (52.58% cases) and retrospectively. Patients with either cloudy peritoneal effluent 37.11% were secondary to central venous catheter. The most containingmorethan100whitecells/mm3orsignscompatible commonspeciesisolatedwasC.albicans(51.2%)followedbyC. withperitonitistogetherwithone or moreisolationsof fungal parapsilosis(21.6%),C.tropicalis(14.4%)andC.glabrata(7.2%). pathogenswereconsideredtohavefungalperitonitis. Results: Duringthestudyperiodatotalof9(5males,4females, aged49.0±12.2)of342patients(overallfungalperitonitisrate 2.6%), who were started CAPD had fungal peritonitis. Four patients had diabetes mellitus. The infecting pathogen was Aspergillus spp. in three, Candida parapsilosis in two, Candida trpopicalis in two and Candida albicans in two patients. All but two patients had earlier bacterial peritonitis attacks (mean bacterial peritonitis attack 2.2±1.6, range 0–6). Leucocyte number in peritoneal fluid was 791±504/mm3 (Range 300– 1400/mm3).Overallmortalityratewas22.2%(onewithAsperg- Conclusions: Comparing the distribution of the demographic illusspp.onewithC.parapsilosis).CAPDcatheterwasremoved data to other Spanish hospitals similar results were found. In in all patients. Mean duration of treatment was 27±19days, ourhospital,C.albicanswastheyeastsmostfrequentlyisolated range14–70days).Threepatientsweretreatedwithamphoter- followed by C. parapsilosis, C. tropicalis and C. glabrata. Most icin b deoxycholate, five with flucanazole and one with candidemias were primary or secondary to intravascular cath- amphterivcin b cholesterol dispersion. All patients received eter related infections. It should be necessarily to remove the conventionalantibiotictreatmentbeforethediagnosisoffungal catheterwhenitisnolongeressentialformedicalmanagement. peritonitis. Conclusion: Fungalperitonitisis a mortaland morbid compl- ication of CAPD: Fungi especially non-albicans Candida spp. should be taken into consideration in peritonitis patients not P1214 responsivetoconventionalantibiotics. A prospective French national survey to evaluate renal function in patients treated with P1216 amphotericin B lipid formulations S.Faouzi (Villejuif,FR) Intra-abdominal fungal infection in surgical patients Objective: To evaluate renal function in patients treated with I.Gutie´rrez,N.Batista,A.Varona,O.D´ıez (SantaCruzde Amphotericin B lipid formulations (recommended for treating Tenerife,ES) patientswithrenalfailure). Methods: Aprospectivemulticentrenationalsurveytoevaluate Objective: Several surgical procedures into abdominal cavity the renal function in adult patients (pts) treated for fungal are associated with a high incidence of fungal infections. The infectionswiththetwoavailablelipidformulationsAbelcetand aim of the study is to analyse the clinical an microbiological Ambisome. From April 2003 to December 2004, 99 pts were aspects of patients with abdominal fungal infections after treatedwithlipidformulations,88pts(43F;45M)withmeanage surgicalprocedures. of 49+13years were evaluable from renal safety. 44% of pts Material and methods: We investigated retrospectively forty- hadneutropenia<500/mm3. five patients, admitted to the Surgical Digestive Service for Results: 28pts(32%)weretreatedforinvasivecandidosis,29pts urgent selective surgery. Clinical investigation included: host (33%)foraspergillosisand8pts(9%)forrarefungalinfections.23 and risk factors, history of the disease, surgical procedures, pts(26%)hadempiricaltreatmentforfebrileneutropenia.68%of postoperativecomplications,intraocularfindings.Microbiologi- theptsreceived2ormorenephrotoxicdrugs(72%forAbelcet; cal criterion included: positive cultures from intra-abdominal 61% for Ambisome).60 pts were treated with Abelcet (median liquids and tissues, intraocular and blood samples. Bacterio- dose:4.8g/kg/day)and38ptswithAmbisome(mediandose: logicalandmycologicaltestsincludedculturesforaerobicand 3.3g/kg/day). The mean duration of treatment was anaerobic,yeastandfungi.Fungalisolateswereidentifiedusing 13.5±8days for Abelcet and 15±11days for Ambisome. In standardmycologiclaboratorymethodsandtestedforsuscep- thegroupof26ptswithrenalfailure,nosignificantchangement tibilitytofluconazol(FCZ),amphotericinB(AMB),itraconazol occurred between mean serum creatinine level and creatinine (IT),5-fluorocytosine(5FC)andvoriconazol(VOR). clearanceatbaseline(188+98lmol/l;47+24ml/mn)andend Results: The most commonly identified yeast species were ofthetherapy(173+70lmol/l;45+20ml/mn). Candida albicans (64%), followed by Candida glabrata (21%), Conclusion: Amphotericin B lipid formulations have a good Candida tropicalis (6%), Candida parasilopsis (3%), Candida krusei renal safety profile in patients with either altered or normal (2%), other species (4%). In 67% patients coexisted yeast and renalfunctioncombinedwithnephrotoxicdrugs. bacteria,andin33%pureyeastculturewasfound.Thebacteria most frequently associated were enterobacteria (26%), entero- coccus (25%),non fermentinggram negativerods (18%), gram P1215 positive cocci (20%), other (2%). The predominant fungal Fungal peritonitis in continuous ambulatory association was C. albicans/C. glabrata (64%), C. albicans/C. peritoneal dialysis patients tropicalis (24%). All the yeast isolated showed susceptibility to fluconazol except 50% isolates of C. glabrata and one C. krusei B.Arda,O.Sipahi,G.Asci,M.Ozkahya,S.Ulusoy (Izmir,TR) isolate. From the forty-five patients 45% showed post-surgical Objective: Theaimofthisstudywastoevaluatethecontinuous complications,33%perforationofhollowviscus,11%pancrea- ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) patients with culture titis,and11%biliarypathology.Fivepatientsshowedinvasive provenperitonitisbetween1992–2004inourcenter. fungalinfection,onepresentedmediastinitisandthreedied. 2006ClinicalMicrobiologyandInfection,Volume12,Supplement4 ISSN:1470-9465 Abstracts Conclusions: High percentage of C. glabrata isolated in intra- C/T showed an extended polyp which occupied the left abdominal infections precludes the election of fluconazol as maxillary sinus and protruded from the maxillary sinus empiricantifungaltreatmentinmostseverecases. ostium in the left nostril. Bony erosion of the sinus walls was alsoapparent.Levels offungal-specificIgE(RAST)for Cladospo- riumherbarumandAlternariaalternatawereelevated.Thepolyp P1217 wassurgicallyremovedandfullhistologicalandmicrobiologi- cal investigation followed. The histologic findings included Mucormycoses: a report of eleven cases inflammation of a chronic inflammatory process, presence of T.Turunc,Y.Z.Demiroglu,H.Uncu,S.Colakoglu, allergic mucin, eosinophils and lymphocytes infiltration of the H.Arslan (Baskent,TR) mucosa, whereas Grocott’s and PAS staining rendered fungal Objectives: Mucormycosesareinfectionscausedbyfungiofthe hyphae. After 72hours’ incubation, the histological specimen orderMucorales.Wereviewedtheclinicalfeaturesof11patients culture yielded a dark olive to black fungus identified as who developed mucormycosis. The aim of this study is to Bipolarisspicifera.Conventionalidentificationwasconfirmedby evaluate the clinical spectrum, diagnosis and treatment of sequencing(Marcogen,Seoul,Korea)oftheamplifiedITS1and Mucormycosis. ITS2 regions showing 99% homology (Bioedit) with the pub- Material-methods: This was a retrospective study conducted lished rRNA sequences (GenBank Acc. No AY253918). The overa2-yearperiod(2003–2005).Thestudyincluded10patients patient,afterthesurgicalremovalofthepolyp,receivedtherapy withhematologicmalignancies,diabetesmellitus(DM),chronic withbudesonideanddesloratadineandwasregularlyfollowed renalfailure,anonepatientwasimmunocompetentwithproven upbytheotolaryngologydepartmentofourhospital.Antifun- orprobablemucormycosis. gal therapy was not administered Eight months after his Results: Theresearchdatabaseincludes8menand3women admission to the hospital, recurrence of the disease was (age range: 30–80years; median age: 53.5years). Predisposing observed. conditions in decreasing order of frequency were diabetes Conclusions: Recent evidence supports the theory that AFS mellitus (DM) (4), DM and chronic renal failure (3), DM and represents an immunologic, rather than infectious, disease chronicmyeloidleukemia(2),acutelymphoblasticleukemia(1), process, similar to that of allergic bronchopulmonary fungal and immunocompetent (1). Six patients presented with the disease. Although important, surgery alone does not lead to a rhinocerebral form of the disease and five patients presented long-term disease-free state and plan incorporating medical, withcentralnervaussysteminvolvement.TheMucorspp.was surgicalandimmunologiccareremainsthemostlikelymeansof isolatedfromculturesinfourcaseswhileitwasdiagnosedby providinglong-termcontrolofdisease. histopathological examination along with clinical and radiolo- gicalfindingsinothercases.Sevenpatientsunderwentsurgical treatment. Liposomal amphotericin B (3mg/kg/day) was P1219 administeredinthetreatmentof11patients.Fiveofthepatients respondedwelltothetherapy.Sixpatientsdiedwithin1month Mucormycosis:stillaproblem(areportof4cases) of the diagnosis of fungal infection. Mucormycosis was the L.Ammari,B.Kilani,H.TiouiribenAissa,F.Kanoun, causeofdeathinallofthem. E.Chaker,A.Goubontini,T.BenChaabane (Tunis,TN) Conclusions: Mucormycosis occurs most frequently in neu- tropenic patients with haematological diseases. In our study, Mucormycosis is arare and invasivefungalinfection whichis DM and chronic renal failure were found to be more signifi- frequentlylethal.Itaffectscommonlyonimmunocompromised cantly related with mucormycosis than the hematological patients,especiallydiabetics.Therhinocerebralformisthemost malignities. These results suggest that mucormycosis should frequentcomplication,butotherlocalizationsmayoccur. beconsideredinthedifferentialdiagnosisoforbitalcellulitisnot Objective: The aim of this study is to analyse demographic onlyinthepatientswithhematologicmalignitiesbutalsointhe characteristics,clinicalpresentation,radiologicalfindings,man- patientswithDMand/orchronicrenalfailure. agementandoutcomeofmucormycosis. Methods: Weconductedaretrospectivestudyofpatientswho developedamucormycosisbetweenJanuary1988andDecem- P1218 ber2004andadmittedinthedepartmentofinfectiousdiseases of Rabta hospital in Tunis. Diagnosis of mucormycosis was Bipolarisspiciferaisolationfromthenasalpolyps confirmedbymycologicaland/orhistologicalfindings. of an allergic boy: a case report Results: 4 patients with mucormycosis were included in the A.Sergounioti,H.Kirikou,A.Velegraki,K.Chryssaki, study, 3 male and one female. The mean age is 53years. All M.Choulakis,K.Stefanaki,A.Pangalis (Athens,GR) patientswerediabetics,threeofthemhaddiabeticketoacidosis atthetimeofdiagnosis.Thesitesofinfectionwere:sinonasal(2 Allergic fungal sinusitis (AFS) is a non-invasive form of cases), rhinocerebral infection (2 cases). One patient with paranasal sinus mycosis caused by the dematiaceous fungi, rhinocerebral involvement had carotid artery thrombosis on usually Bipolaris, Curvularia, Exserohilum, Alternaria, Drechslera, RMI.Thedirectdetectionoffungusintissuesandsampleswere andlessoftenbyAspergillus.Wepresentacaseofaboywitha noted in all cases and Rhizopus oryzae grew in 3 cases. Our massive paranasal polyp, from which Bipolaris spicifera was patientsweretreatedwithamphotericinBassociatedtosurgical isolated. debridement of devitalized tissue in 3 cases. A fatal outcome Case report: A 10-year-old immunocompetent boy, with a was observed in two patients, whereas two patients are still historyofallergicrhinitis,nasalcongestion,postnasalpurulent alivewithsequelae:facialparalysisandnumbness(1case)and discharge and restricted nasal breathing during last year, was facialnecrosis(1case). admittedtoourhospitalforinvestigationofhissymptoms.The Conclusion: Mucormycosis remains a severe infection disease clinical examination revealed the presence of a massive polyp indiabeticspatients.Earlydiagnosisandtreatmentaremanda- whichobstructedtheleftnostril.Chestradiographywasnormal. torytoimprovesurvivalandpreventbraindissemination. Theeosinophilsoftheperipheralbloodwerenotelevated.The 2006ClinicalMicrobiologyandInfection,Volume12,Supplement4 ISSN:1470-9465 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 12, Supplement 4, 2006 manuum(5.2%),Tineacapitis(4.3%).ThefrequencyrateofTinea P1220 washigherinmalesthaninfemales.Theanthropophilicspecies Candida deep sternal wound infections: an E. floccosum was the most common dermatophyte causative emerging problem? agentoftinea. T.Ejlertsen,I.Modrau,L.Lemming,B.S.Rasmussen (Aalborg, DK) P1222 Objectives: Deepsternalwoundinfection(DSWI)imposesseri- Caspofungin and G-CSF as first-line therapy of ous consequences to the patient after open heart surgery in terms of significantly increasedmorbidity andmortalityinclu- pulmonary invasive fungal infections in 32 ding prolonged hospital stay. Candida as a causative organism neutropenic patients with haematologic for DSWI has only been reported in few cases in relation to malignancies nosocomial outbreaks. The increasing number of DSWI with A.Candoni (Udine,IT) Candidaatourinstitutionrequiredsystematicinvestigation. Methods: Thestudywasconductedforallopenheartsurgery Caspofunginisalargelipopeptidemoleculeabletoinhibitthe performedatthedepartmentofCardiothoracicSurgeryAalborg enzymecomplex1,3-D-glucansynthetase;thisactionspecifically Hospital,AarhusUniversityHospital,intheperiodofJanuary damages the fungal cell wall. Caspofungin (CAS) is active, in 2001 through December 2004. All cases of DSWI were investi- vitro and in vivo, against most Candida species and Aspergillus gated retrospectively. DSWI was defined as clinical signs of species. Herein we report our experience with this drug as a infection requiring open exploration of the sternum with first-line therapy for pulmonary proven or probable IFI in findings of bacteria or yeast from bone biopsy, deep tissue neutropenicpatientswithhematologicmalignances.Thirty-two biopsy,oraspirationofpericardiacfluid. consecutivepatients(pts)havebeentreatedwithCAS(27acute Results: From year 2001 to 2004, a total of 2138 patients leukemias,3lymphomas,1chronicleukaemiasand1myeloma): underwent an operation involving median sternotomy. DSWI 20malesand12femaleswithamedianageof52yrs(range22– was identified in 39 patients, 29 cases were early onset (0– 72). 16/32 (50%) pts had a relapsed or resistant haematologic 30days),(incidence1.4%);10caseswerelateonset(32–165days). disease,while12ptswereincompleteremissionand4ptswere Twelvepatientsexperiencedmorethanoneepisodeofinfection(a atonsetofdisease;8/32(25%)developedIFIafteraTransplant totalof55episodes).Candidawasafrequentagents(12episodes), (BMT)procedure.Outof32pts,7(22%)hadprovenpulmonary only second to coagulase-negative staphylococci (36 episodes). IFI(7/7Aspergillosis)and25(78%)hadaprobableIFI(defined Re-operation, prolonged stay in ICU, and colonisation with according to international consensus), all 32 cases with pul- Candidapriortoinfectionwererisk-factorsforCandidainfections. monary localization. 31/32 (97%) pts had less than 1000gra- Longterm mortality (0–4years) of patients with Candida DSWI nulocytes/mLlatonsetofinfection.CASwasgivenatthedose was 45%, whereas mortality of patients with DSWI of other of70mgonday1,followedby50mg/daily.Medianduration aetiologywas18%. ofCAStherapywas20days(range8–72);31/31neutropenicpts Conclusions: Candida infections in DSWI following median (100%)receivedG-CSF.Theoverallresponseratewas56%(18/ sternotomy have become a problem of major concern in our 32)with12/18completeresponsesand6/18partialresponses; hospital.Spreadovertimetogetherwithpresenceofseveralrisk 2/32ptshadastabledisease.Twelveoutof32pts(37.5%)did factorscontradictedaclonaloutbreak.Candidainfectionsrequirea not respond and six of them (50%) died for mycotic infection. prolongedcourseofantimycoticchemotherapyandhaveapoor Univariate analysis showed that granulocytes recovery and clinicaloutcome.FindingsofCandidaspeciesfromsternalwound status of haematologic disease were significantly associated to should prompt further investigations including bone or tissue favourable outcome. No adverse clinical effects were reported biopsiestoverifyaDSWI.Antimycoticchemotherapyshouldbe andonlyagradeI-IItransientincreaseofalkalinephosphatase initiatedassoonasadiagnosisofCandidainfectionhasbeenmade. and/or transaminases occurred in 4/32 (12%) pts. After CAS therapy six non-responders and 6 pts with a partial or stable response were rescued with voriconazole. Two out of 6 pts (33%)intheformergroupand6/6(100%)inthelatterobtained P1221 acompleteresolutionofIFI.Ourexperiencesuggestsanefficacy Surveyondermatophytosisinpatientsreferredto of CAS in combination with G-CSF, as first-line treatment of a dermatology hospital in Ghazvin, Iran provenorprobableIFIwithlunglocalization.Thedrugwaswell M.R.Aghamirian,D.Keshavarz,J.H.Hashemi (Ghazvin,IR) tolerated and there were no significant hepatic adverse events even in pts receiving CAS with cyclosporin after a BMT. A Dermatophytosis has been considered to be a major public significant proportion of non-responders or partial responders healthprobleminmanypartsoftheworld.Theaimofthisstudy to CAS can be rescued with a subsequent voriconazole-based wastoidentifyaetiologicalagentsofpatientswithdermatophy- therapy. tosis infections in referred to the dermatology Hospital Boali Sina, Ghazvin, Iran. A total of 341 patients suspected to have dermatophytosis lesions were examined over a period of one P1223 year(2004–2005).Materialcollectedfromskin,hairandnailswas submitted to direct microscopic examination using KOH, Clinicalanalysisofcryptococcalmeningitis(with culturedinsabourauddextroseagarandmicroscopicallyexam- 72 case reports) ined for colony morphology, in order to the identify 116 G.Shi (Shanghai,CN) dermatophytesisolated.Epidermophytonfloccosumwasthemost frequentdermatophyteisolated(32.8%)followedbyTtrichophy- Objectives: To analyse the clinical characteristics, prognosis ton mentagrophytes (22.4%), T. rubrum (18.1%), T. verrucosum anditsrelatedfactorsofpatientswithcryptococcalmeningitis. (17.2%),T.violaceum(0.86%).Tineacruris(31.9%)wasthemost Methods: Clinical information of 72 patients with cryptococcal common type of infection, followed by Tinea corporis (20.7%), meningitis treated in Huashan Hospital from January 2000 to Tineapedis(19%),Tineaunguium(11.2%),Tineafaciei(7.7%),Tinea December2004wereretrospectivelyanalysed. 2006ClinicalMicrobiologyandInfection,Volume12,Supplement4 ISSN:1470-9465 Abstracts Results: Among the 72 patients (46 men and 26 women; disinfectant of gymnasiumand exercise equipments and suffi- mean age, 38.7years), 37 have a background disease: 22 with cientventilationoftheseplacesarerecommended connective tissue disease, 6 with renal insufficiency, 4 with diabetes mellitus, 3 with tuberculosis, 2 with HIV/AIDS. 14 (19.4%) of them have a clear contact history with pigeons. 29 P1225 of them were diagnosed as tubercular meningitis at first, 9 as Slowly progressing, and indolent pulmonary suppurative meningitis, 7 as lupus encephalopathy, 2 as viral encephalitis and 3 as other diseases. And 39 (54.2%) patients mucormycosis (zigomycosis) in a patient with an had recently used glucocorticosteroid and (or) immunosup- underlying multiple sclerosis, managed without pressor. Lab Findings: 57 patients (79.2%) were positive for immunosuppressive therapy CSF India ink smear, 21 (29.2%) positive for Cryptococcus R.Manfredi,L.Calza,F.Chiodo (Bologna,IT) culture, 66 (91.7%) positive for Latex agglutination test (LAT). And 18 patients had markedly elevated intracranial pressure Introduction: Mucormycosis (M) is a infrequent filamentous (‡300mmH2O). Treatment: 37 patients with cerebral ventricle fungal infection borne by a very elevated fatality rate despite dilatation got lateral ventricle drainage, and 33 individuals prompt diagnosis and adequate therapy especially in its implanted Ommaya. 58 patients were treated with a combi- frequent rhinocerebral presentation and/or when decompen- nation of Amphotericin B (AmpB) or its lipid formulations sateddiabetesmellitus,neutropeniaorimmunosuppressionare plus flucytosine. 52 individuals received fluconazole contem- ofconcern. porarily in induction course. 43 were treated with intrathecal Case report: A 53-year-old female patient (p) with a multiple AmpB injection. The average dose of AmpB is 3.06g; length sclerosis previously treated with steroids-azathioprine (but of therapy is between 12weeks and 20months. 54 patients controlledsince3monthswithouttreatment),washospitalized (75%) were cured, 9 (12.5%) improved and 9 (12.5%) died. owingtohemophtoeinabsenceofotherrespiratorysymptoms Conclusion: High rate of misdiagnosis is common to crypto- and fever. Laboratory testing did not disclose significant coccal meningitis. The application of immunosuppressor such abnormalities (WBC, ESR and serum glucose were within as glucocorticosteroid and diseases such as HIV/AIDS cause limits) and tumoral markers tested negative but the detection immunocompromise, which is the major risk for cryptococcal of multiplelunginfiltrates atchestX-rayandHRCT(predom- meningitis. Besides, a contact history with pigeons is another inant at right lobes, with an appreciable air bronchogram), main pathogenic factor. CSF LAT is still the most sensitive prompted a bronchoscopy with biopsy-BAL involving the test for diagnosis. The keys to reduce mortality and improve medialrightlobarbronchusarea.Afteranuncertainmicroscopy prognosis include early diagnosis, combination antifungal (with Aspergillus hyphae still suspected) and negative serum therapy of AmpB with 5-FC, aggressive management of Aspergillusantigensearch,culturesledtotheisolationofMucor elevated intracranial pressure and intracerebral or intrathecal spp., with tested in vitro susceptible to amphotericin B-posac- AmpB. Implantation of Ommaya and intra-Ommaya or onazole and resistant to itraconazole-voriconazole. Liposomal intrathecal AmpB help to reduce the veinal dosage of amphotericin B (3mg/kg/day) was delivered for 6weeks AmpB and to get improvement earlier, and accordingly predominantly on Day-Hospital basis with favourable tolerab- shorten the length of therapy evidently. ility: no hematological, blood chemistry and urinalysis altera- tionsoccurred.Onemonthlaterourpcompletelyrecoveredand a repeated HRCT and bronchoscopy confirmed a complete P1224 clinical,radiologicalandmycologicalcure. The prevalance of aetiologic agents of Discussion: Misarareoccurrenceespeciallywhenneutropenia dermatophytosis in wrestlers in Isfahan, Iran and ketoacidosis are absent. However, anecdotal reports S.Shadzi,A.Karbassian,N.Kassaian,M.Khademi, occurred after trauma and during COPD. Although the usual Z.Nokhodian (Isfahan,IR) portalofentryofMisrespiratory,howevertherhinocerebralM remains the most frequent and life-threatening presentation. Objectives: Due to special conditions of wrestleing sport, this Clinicians should consider M even when obvious risk factors group of athletes are at high risk of dermatophytic infections. and an apparently slow progression are found. Diagnosis These infections are easily transmitted to other populations includes microscopic differentiation from Aspergilli, although eitheringymnasiumorhome.Thepromptdiagnosisofinfection mixedinfectionsarenotsorare.Inpulmonaryforms,percuta- andidentificationoftheaetiologicalagentsofdermatophytoses neous biopsy becomes sometimes needed. Liposomal ampho- would help the prevention and treatment of this group of tericin B remains the treatment of choice but surgery is athleteswhichwastheaimofthisstudy. sometimesnecessarytodebrideextensivenecroticareasdueto Methods: Fifty-sixmalewrestlerssuspectedof havingcutane- angioinvasion;somedoubtremainsabouthperbaricO2therapy. ous dermatophytoses were studied during 2002–2004. Direct Inourp,aslowlyprogressivepulmonaryMwasidentifiedand exam and culture were performed on the collected scraping curedinareasonablyshorttime,eveninabsenceofunderlying, specimens. The identification of fungal species were done by activeriskfactorsandanoverwhelmingclinicalprogression. standardprocedures. Results: The wrestlers in this study were in 17–23years of age and 80% of them stated in their medical history the lack P1226 of shower afterexerciseswasthe majorfactor of infection.On AIDS-defining fungal opportunism in the 12patientsonlydirectexamwasperformedand44specimens were cultured in which 38 (86%) Trichophyton rubrum, 4 (9%) HAART era. Trend of frequency and reduced T. violaceum and 2 (4.5%) Epidermophyton floccosum isolated incidence when HIV protease inhibitors are and identified. administered Conclusion: Regarding to resistance of Trichophyton rubrum to R.Manfredi,L.Calza,F.Chiodo (Bologna,IT) antifungalagents,thenecessityofcultureandidentificationof species involved in wrestlers is emphasized. Also, personal Background: Nine years after the introduction of HAART, hygieneandshowerafterexerciseareimportant.Inaddition,the opportunisticAIDS-relatedmycosesshowaprogressivedropof 2006ClinicalMicrobiologyandInfection,Volume12,Supplement4 ISSN:1470-9465

described in literature, liposomal amphotericin B was given intrapleurally. During intrapleural amphotericin B and combined systemic antifungals.
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