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Measuring baryon acoustic oscillations with future SKA surveys 5 1 Philip Bull 1, Stefano Camera2,3, Alvise Raccanelli4,5,6, Chris Blake7, Pedro G. ∗ 0 Ferreira8, Mario G. Santos9,10, Dominik J. Schwarz11 2 1InstituteofTheoreticalAstrophysics,UniversityofOslo,POBoks1029Blindern,0315Oslo, n a Norway;2JodrellBankCentreforAstrophysics,UniversityofManchester,ManchesterM13 J 9PL,UK;3CENTRA,InstitutoSuperiorTecnico,UniversidadedeLisboa,Av. RoviscoPais1, 6 1049-001,Lisboa,Portugal;4DepartmentofPhysics&Astronomy,JohnsHopkinsUniversity, 1 3400N.CharlesSt.,Baltimore,MD21218,USA;5JetPropulsionLaboratory,California ] InstituteofTechnology,PasadenaCA91109,USA;6CaliforniaInstituteofTechnology, O PasadenaCA91125,USA;7CentreforAstrophysics&Supercomputing,SwinburneUniversity C ofTechnology,POBox218,Hawthorn,VIC3122,Australia;8Astrophysics,Universityof . h Oxford,UK;9PhysicsDepartment,UniversityoftheWesternCape,CapeTown7535,South p Africa;10SKASA,3rdFloor,ThePark,ParkRoad,Pinelands,7405,SouthAfrica;11Fakultätfür - o Physik,UniversitätBielefeld,Postfach100131,D-33501Bielefeld,Germany r E-mail: [email protected] t s a [ Theimprintofbaryonacousticoscillations(BAO)inlarge-scalestructurecanbeusedasastan- 1 dard ruler for mapping out the cosmic expansion history, and hence for testing cosmological v models. InthischapterwebrieflydescribethescientificbackgroundtotheBAOtechnique,and 8 8 forecast the potential of the Phase 1 and 2 SKA telescopes to perform BAO surveys using both 0 galaxycataloguesandintensitymapping,assessingtheircompetitivenesswithcurrentandfuture 4 0 opticalgalaxysurveys. Wefindthata25,000deg2 intensitymappingsurveyonaPhase1array . 1 willpreferentiallyconstraintheradialBAO,providingahighlycompetitive2%constraintonthe 0 expansionrateatz 2. A30,000deg2galaxyredshiftsurveyonSKA2willoutperformallother 5 ’ 1 plannedexperimentsforz.1.4. : v i X r a AdvancingAstrophysicswiththeSquareKilometreArray June8-13,2014 GiardiniNaxos,Italy ∗Speaker. ©Copyrightownedbytheauthor(s)underthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlikeLicence. http://pos.sissa.it/ MeasuringBAOwithfutureSKAsurveys PhilipBull 1. Introduction TheBaryonAcousticOscillations(BAO)arearelicfromthetimewhenphotonsandbaryonswere coupledintheearlyUniverse,andconstituteapreferredclusteringscaleinthedistributionofmatter on cosmological scales. Since the physical scale of the oscillations can be inferred from observa- tionsofthecosmicmicrowavebackground(CMB),onecanusethemeasuredapparentsizeofthe BAO as a ‘standard ruler’ in the late-time Universe. Used as a distance measure in this way, the BAO are one of the most powerful cosmological observables that can be derived from large-scale structure(LSS)surveys–makingitpossibletoaccuratelyreconstructthegeometryandexpansion history of the Universe, while being remarkably robust to systematic errors. In combination with theCMBandotherobservations,precisionBAOmeasurementsareabletodecisivelyanswerfun- damentalquestionsaboutthenatureofdarkenergy(especiallyitspossibleevolutionwithredshift), possiblemodificationstoGeneralRelativity,andthespatialcurvatureoftheUniverse. The SKA will be able to measure the BAO in two ways (Fig. 1). The first, us- 0.10 SKA1-MID/SUR (gal.) ing the intensity mapping (IM) technique, 0.05 seeks to reconstruct the cosmological den- 0.00 sity field in three dimensions over unprece- 0.05 dentedlylargevolumes,usingthe21cmspin- 0.10 fliptransitionofneutralhydrogentotracethe density field in redshift space. The second 0.10 SKA1-MID B1 (IM) is a more conventional galaxy redshift sur- 0.05 vey, which will detect many millions of dis- 0.00 crete sources over a wide range of redshifts, 0.05 with accurate redshift determinations com- 0.10 ing from the 21cm line. Of the two, IM is 0.10 SKA2 (gal.) the newer and less-tested method – galaxy 0.05 surveys have been used to great effect as 0.00 probesofLSSoverthepastseveraldecades, whereas the first IM experiments are only 0.05 justcomingonline,andaresubjecttoanum- 0.10 berofpotentialforegroundsandsystematics 10-2 10-1 100 that are yet to be fully quantified. Neverthe- k [Mpc−1] less, an IM survey is the best prospect for doing transformative cosmology with Phase Figure 1: Constraints on the BAO ‘wiggles’, 1 of the SKA – surpassing all existing BAO f (k)=P(k)/P (k) 1 (where P (k) is a BAO- BAO ref ref constraintsatlowredshift,andstronglycom- − freereferencespectrum),combinedoverallavailable plementingfuturesurveysathigherredshift. redshift bins for three SKA galaxy/IM surveys. Full In this chapter, we will review the forecastsaregiveninSection4. physics of the BAO, its suitability for use as a standard ruler, and the current state of the art in BAO measurements from optical and Lyman-α surveys. WewillthendescribetwopossiblemethodsforreconstructingtheBAOwithlargesurveys ontheSKA,andpresentforecastsofthecapabilitiesofSKAPhase1and2foreach. 2 MeasuringBAOwithfutureSKAsurveys PhilipBull 2. BAOasastandardruler IntheearlyUniverse,baryonsandradiationweretightlycoupledtogetherviainteractionswithfree electrons, by Coulomb attraction and Thomson scattering respectively. The tendency of overden- sities in the baryon distribution to collapse under gravity was resisted by the increase in radiation pressure of photons collapsing along with them, setting up acoustic oscillations in the coupled photon-baryon plasma. The speed of sound in the fluid gives rise to a preferred scale – the sound horizon,r –correspondingtothedistanceasoundwavecouldhavetravelledsincetheBigBang. s As the Universe cooled and the relative proportion of radiation to matter fell, Thomson scatter- ing became inefficient and the photons and electrons decoupled, allowing the radiation to stream away. With the radiation pressure gone, the sound waves stalled, and the pattern of over- and under-densitiesthattheyhadset-upwereleftfrozenintothebaryondistributionwithatypicalcor- relation length corresponding to the sound horizon at this time. Cold dark matter, being coupled to the baryonic matter gravitationally, was drawn into the same pattern of fluctuations, leaving a preferreddistancescaleinthetotalmatterdistribution. One can measure this distance scale in a statistical manner by reconstructing the matter cor- relation function, ξ(r)= δ (x)δ (x+r) , from surveys of large-scale structure using galaxies M M h i or other tracers of the matter density field. The BAO scale appears as a relatively broad ‘bump’ feature on 150 Mpc scales, and so large survey volumes are needed to measure it well. One ∼ onlymeasuresarelativedistancescalefromthecorrelationfunction;retrievingphysicaldistances depends on knowing the comoving sound horizon (i.e. the physical scale of the oscillations) as well. ThiscanbecalibratedfromtheCMBangularpowerspectrum,forexample. TheBAOcanbemeasuredseparatelyintheradialandtangentialdirections. Ifonemakesno attempt to separate the two (i.e. by taking an angular average), the distance measured is d(z)= r (z )/D (z),wherez istheredshiftofthebaryondragepoch,andthedilationscaleisgivenby s d V d 1 cz 3 D (z)= (1+z)2D2(z) . (2.1) V A H(z) (cid:18) (cid:19) The expansion rate, H(z), and angular diameter distance, D (z), describe the geometry of the A Universe,someasurementsofD (z)overarangeofredshiftcanbeusedtoconstraintheevolution V oftheequationofstateofdarkenergy,w(z),forexample. AsshownbyEq. (2.1),however,oneonly measuresacombinationofH(z)andD (z),andsomodeldegeneraciescanarise. Thedegeneracy A canbebrokenbyseparatingtheBAOineachdirection;thequadrupoleofthecorrelationfunction issensitivetothecombination F(z)=(1+z)D (z)H(z)/c, (2.2) A and the combination of D and F uniquely determines D and H. In practise, one can separate V A out the tangential and radial directions by marginalising over the shape of the clustering pattern, withoutneedingtounderstandtheeffectsofredshiftspacedistortions(Andersonetal.2013). 2.1 Constrainingdarkenergywithdistancemeasurements A measurement of H(z)and D (z)can be directly related to the dynamics and geometry of space A time. Specifically, the Friedmann equations relate the expansion rate to the energy content and 3 MeasuringBAOwithfutureSKAsurveys PhilipBull curvatureoftheuniversevia 8πG H2(z)= ρ (1+z)3+ρ (1+z)4+ρ (z) κ(1+z)2 M R DE 3 − (cid:2) (cid:3) where ρ and ρ are the energy density in matter and radiation today, κ is the curvature of space M R and ρ (z) encapsulates all the unaccounted “dark” energy which may be contributing to the ex- DE pansion of the universe. This dark energy can take a wide range of different forms: scalar fields (or quintessence) which are analogous to the Higgs field of the standard model (Copeland et al. 2006), gravitational degrees of freedom that are a remnant from higher dimensions, or even more radical modifications to Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity (Clifton et al. 2012). Given its exoticnatureandthefactthatwecannotaccountforthedarkenergywithanyoftheother,known forms of energy, this is a unique opportunity to explore physics beyond the standard model and learnsomethingqualitativelynewaboutthefundamentallawsofnature. To learn about dark energy using BAO, we attempt to pin down its time evolution. Given that we are solely focusing on the dynamics and geometry of the background spacetime, ρ (z) DE is completely determined by its value today, ρ (0), and its equation of state, w(z), such that DE dlnρ /dlnz=3[1+w(z)]. Itisbycharacterisingw(z)thatwehopetolearnabouttheunderlying DE physicsthatisdrivingtheexpansionoftheUniverseatlatetimes. Intheoryw(z)canhaveawide rangeofbehaviours,butinpracticeitisusefultoconsidersimplerparametrizations. Aparticularly popularandusefulparametrisationisto–effectively–Taylorexpandtheequationofstateinterms ofthescalefactora (1+z) 1 sothat − ≡ w w +w (1 a), (2.3) 0 a ’ − where w and w are constants. While clearly oversimplifying the time evolution of w(z) and in 0 a principleonlyaccurateforz 1,thisparametrisationturnsouttocapturethebehaviourofavery (cid:28) broadclassofmodelsfordarkenergy. Furthermore,itcanbeshownthat,undergeneralconditions, there are reasonably tight consistency relations between w and w that can be used to select out 0 a particulartypesofphysicalmodel. Inthispaperwewillusew andw toquantifytheprecisionof 0 a ourconstraints,althoughmoregeneralapproacheshavebeenusedwhichinvolvedecomposingthe fullhistoryofw(z)intosuitablefunctionalcomponents(Zhaoetal.2014). A precise measurement of w and w can lead to profound insights. Current constraints are 0 a weak–especiallyfromz&1–butareconsistentwithw0= 1andwa=0,whichiswhatonemight − expectfromacosmologicalconstant,initselfquitearemarkableresult. Iffutureconstraintsshow thatw = 1andw =0thenitwouldcorrespondtothediscoveryofanewdegreeoffreedomin 0 a 6 − 6 theUniverse: anewfundamentalfieldormodificationstogeneralrelativityoncosmologicalscales. Ifoneweretofindw < 1(thatis,iftheequationofstateweretocrossthe“phantomdivide”at 0 − late times (Caldwell et al. 2003)), then the consequences would be quite dramatic and one would havetoconsiderasubstantialrevisionofthecurrentrulesoffieldtheoryandgravitation. 2.2 Systematiceffectsanddensityfieldreconstruction OneofthemajoradvantagesofusingtheBAOtomeasuredistancesistheirrobustnesstosystematic effects. Since the distance information is primarily contained in the location of a feature in the correlation function (or equivalently the power spectrum), rather than its amplitude or detailed 4 MeasuringBAOwithfutureSKAsurveys PhilipBull shape,thereislittledependenceondifficult-to-calibratequantitiesliketheoverallnormalisationof the matter power spectrum. Nevertheless, the non-linear growth of structure and scale-dependent effectscanblurandbiasthemeasuredlocationoftheBAOfeature,somustbetakenintoaccount. Considerhowgalaxiesrespondtothegrowthoflarge-scalestructure,forexample. Astheyfall towardtheirlocalclustersandsuperclusters,thelarge-scalegalaxypairswhichencodethepristine baryon acoustic scale are shifted to smaller or larger separations, broadening the baryon acoustic peakanddecreasingtheaccuracywithwhichitcanberecovered. Thetechniqueof“density-field reconstruction” (Eisenstein et al. 2006) performs an approximate computation of these motions usingtheobserveddistributionofgalaxies,andhencerestoresobjectstothenear-originalposition in the linear density field. This has the effect of sharpening the acoustic peak and significantly improvingdistancemeasurements. The potential level of improvement depends on the number density of the tracer, as well as the individual noise of the realisation, but for sample variance-limited surveys can be a factor of 2(Seo&Eisenstein2007). ThereconstructiontechniquehasbeenappliedwithsuccesstoBAO ∼ measurementsinthelargestgalaxyredshiftsurveysatintermediateredshifts: theSloanDigitalSky Survey(SDSS)LuminousRedGalaxysample(Padmanabhanetal.2012), theBaryonOscillation SpectroscopicSurvey(BOSS)(Andersonetal.2013)andtheWiggleZSurvey(Kazinetal.2014). Non-linear structure formation can also introduce scale-dependent effects. One typically thinks of the present-day density field becoming significantly non-linear only on scales below 30 Mpc, far below the BAO scale at 150 Mpc. Mode coupling on small scales, and the ∼ ∼ factthattheobservedcorrelationfunctionisaconvolutionoverallFouriermodes,meansthatnon- linear effects have an impact on considerably larger scales, however. Galaxy bias also affects the shiftsintroducedbynon-linearities. Whilenon-lineareffectsthatchangetheshapeoftheclustering patterncanbemarginalisedwithoutbiasingthelocationoftheBAOfeature,thecombinationofall effectscanintroduceamodest(butnon-negligible) 0.1 0.2%biasafterreconstruction(Seoet ∼ − al.2010;Mehtaetal.2011). 2.3 Previousmeasurements SincethefirstsignificantdetectionofthebaryonacousticpeakintheSDSSLuminousRedGalaxy (LRG) sample by (Eisenstein et al. 2005), BAO measurements have improved along with the in- creasing volume mapped by galaxy redshift surveys, and now provide per-cent level distance and expansionmeasurementsatvariouscosmicepochs. Themostprecisecurrentmeasurementsderive fromBOSS(DR11,(Andersonetal.2013)),whichnowoffers2%and1%distancemeasurements atz=0.32andz=0.57respectively,usingnearlyonemilliongalaxiescovering8,500deg2 ofsky andavolumeof13Gpc3. BOSShasalsomeasuredBAOsinthestructureoftheLyman-α foreston thesightlinestoquasars,providinga2%distancemeasurementatz=2.34(Delubacetal.2014). MeasurementsatlowerprecisionhavepreviouslybeenreportedbytheWiggleZDarkEnergy Survey( 4%measurementsintwoindependentbinsatz=0.44andz=0.73,(Kazinetal.2014)), ∼ the6-degreeFieldGalaxySurvey(4.5%measurementinthelocalUniverseatz=0.1,effectively serving as an independent determination of H (Beutler et al. 2011)), and the final SDSS LRG 0 sample(Padmanabhanetal.2012). BAOshavealsobeendetectedinphotometricredshiftsurveys atintermediateredshifts(Seoetal.2012). 5 MeasuringBAOwithfutureSKAsurveys PhilipBull Upcomingopticalandnear-infraredredshiftsurveysenablingBAOmeasurementsincludethe extendedBOSSproject(eBOSS),whichwillprovideprecisiondistancemeasurementsintherange z<1,theHobby-EberlyTelescopeDarkEnergyExperiment(HETDEX),targeting2<z<4,the EuclidandWFIRSTsatellites,andproposedground-basedprojectssuchastheDarkEnergySurvey Instrument(DESI)andtheVISTA/4MOSTtelescope. Ref. (Font-Riberaetal.2013)describehow a combination of these facilities should provide percent-level distance constraints over the range 0<z<4. InthischapterwediscusswhetherSKAsurveysareabletocompeteinthislandscape. 3. Experimentandsurveydesign TherearetwomainmethodsthatcanbeusedtomeasuretheBAOwiththeSKA:agalaxyredshift survey and an intensity mapping survey. In this section, we describe the relative merits of the two methods, and define baseline specifications for both types of survey on the Phase 1 and 2 configurations. 3.1 HIgalaxyredshiftsurvey Galaxiesarebiasedtracersofthecosmologicaldensityfield. Bydetectingmanyindividualgalaxies andmeasuringtheirredshifts,onecanconstrainthemattercorrelationfunction(orequivalently,the power spectrum). As discussed above, redshift surveys at optical wavelengths have been used to greateffectforcosmology,andwiththeSKAonewillbeabletodothesameintheradio. Most important is the choice of target galaxy population. In particular, one requires galaxies withaneasilymeasurableemission/absorptionfeatureformeasuringredshifts–themostappropri- atefortheSKAbeingHI(Santosetal.2014b). ThehighspectralresolutionofSKAreceiversys- temsrivalstheredshiftresolutionofopticalspectroscopicsurveys,andtheirlargebandwidthsallow awideredshiftrangetobecoveredinprinciple. ThePhase1arrayshaveinsufficientsensitivityto yield competitively-sized samples of HI galaxies, however – even with optimistic assumptions, a 10,000 hour survey over 5,000 deg2 with SKA1-MID or SUR will achieve an RMS flux sensitiv- ity ofS 70 100 µJy, equating to roughly 5 106 galaxies out toz 0.5 for a 5σ detection rms ≈ − × ≈ threshold. Thisisworsethantheexpectedyieldfromthefull10,000deg2BOSSsurvey,whichwill becompletedlongbeforePhase1seesfirstlight. SKA2,ontheotherhand,willbefarmoresensi- tive,reachingS 5 µJyfora10,000hoursurveyover30,000deg2,evenwithamorestringent rms ≈ 10σ threshold. The expected yield for such a survey is 109 galaxies between 0.18<z<1.84, ∼ farsurpassinganyplannedopticalornear-infraredsurveyforz.1.4. Thepredictednumberden- sity and bias of HI galaxies for SKA1-MID (including MeerKAT dishes), SKA1-SUR (including ASKAP dishes), and SKA2 are given in Table 1; more details on the sensitivity calculation are giveninSantosetal.(2014b). There are a number of potential systematic effects that can affect galaxy redshift surveys. In largeopticalgalaxysurveysatleast,starsareamajorcontaminant–whileonecandistinguishstars fromgalaxiesbytheircolour,brightstarseffectivelymaskgalaxiesbehindthem,leadingtoacom- plicated angular selection function on the sky. This is less of an issue in the radio, although other contaminants,suchasdiffusegalacticsynchrotronemissionandnon-galaxypointsources,canalso cause problems for the source-finding algorithms used to compile the galaxy catalogue. Source- 6 MeasuringBAOwithfutureSKAsurveys PhilipBull SKA1-MID SKA2 zc n(z)[Mpc−3] b(z) zc n(z)[Mpc−3] b(z) 0.05 2.92 10−2 0.678 0.23 4.43 10−2 0.713 × × 0.15 6.74 10−3 0.727 0.33 2.73 10−2 0.772 × × 0.25 1.71 10−3 0.802 0.43 1.65 10−2 0.837 × × 0.35 4.64 10−4 0.886 0.53 9.89 10−3 0.907 × × 0.45 1.36 10−4 0.975 0.63 5.88 10−3 0.983 × × 0.73 3.48 10 3 1.066 − × SKA1-SUR 0.83 2.05 10 3 1.156 − × z n(z)[Mpc 3] b(z) 0.93 1.21 10 3 1.254 c − − × 0.05 4.14 10−2 0.664 1.03 7.06 10−4 1.360 × × 0.15 8.00 10−3 0.724 1.13 4.11 10−4 1.475 × × 0.25 1.56 10−3 0.802 1.23 2.39 10−4 1.600 × × 0.35 3.39 10−4 0.890 1.33 1.39 10−4 1.735 × × 0.45 7.86 10−5 0.989 1.43 7.99 10−5 1.882 × × 0.55 1.91 10−5 1.099 1.53 4.60 10−5 2.041 × × 0.65 4.77 10−6 1.221 1.63 2.64 10−5 2.214 × × 0.75 1.23 10−6 1.357 1.73 1.51 10−5 2.402 × × 0.85 3.21 10−7 1.507 1.81 9.66 10−6 2.566 × × Table 1: Predicted number density and bias of HI galaxies as a function of redshift, for SKA1-MID (in- cludingMeerKAT,Band2),SUR(includingASKAP),andSKA2(∆z=0.1bins). Allassume10,000hour surveys, over 5,000 deg2 (SKA1-MID and SUR) and 30,000 deg2 (SKA2). The detection thresholds are chosentobe5σ,5σ,and10σ respectively. SeeSantosetal.(2014b)formoredetails. finding in radio data is also made more challenging by needing to search through 3D datacubes resolvedinangleandfrequency,ratherthanjustsetsofdiscrete2Dimages. One should also be careful of source evolution effects. For example, the luminosity function ofthetracerpopulationisexpectedtochangewithredshift,modifyingthenumberofgalaxiesthat can be detected. Depending on the tracer, this limits the useful redshift range of a survey, and complicatesitsselectionfunction. Thisevolutioniscommonlyparametrisedasanevolutionofthe galaxy bias, b(z), and the principal effect on the BAO is to change the shot noise by changing the effectivegalaxynumberdensity,n(z). Itisalsopossiblethatthebiascanbecomescale-dependent, however,whichintroducesthepossibilityofsystematicallybiasingtheBAOscale. As discussed in Section 2.2, redshift space distortions and effects on non-linear scales also affect the measured power spectrum. A simple model for the impact of RSDs and non-linearities onthegalaxypowerspectrumisgivenby(Kasier1987;Seo&Eisenstein2007), Ptot(k) = (b(z)+ f(z)µ2)2e−12k2σN2L(z,µ)P(k,z), (3.1) 1 σ (z,µ) = σ D(z) 1+ f(z)µ2[2+ f(z)] 2 (3.2) NL NL (cid:0) (cid:1) where D(z) is the growth factor, f(z)=dlogD/dloga is the linear growth rate of structure, and P(k,z)istheisotropicmatterpowerspectrum. TheleadingtermofEq. (3.1)istheanisotropydue 7 MeasuringBAOwithfutureSKAsurveys PhilipBull to RSDs (µ cosθ), and the exponential term models the “washing-out” of redshift information ≡ duetoincoherentnon-linearvelocities,characterisedbythevelocitydispersion,σ . Theseeffects NL arediscussedinmoredetailinRaccanellietal.(2014). 3.2 Intensitymappingsurvey Ifoneisonlyinterestedinmeasuringthematterdistributiononlargescales,thereisnotstrictlyany needtoresolveindividualgalaxies. Instead, onecanperformasurveywithrelativelylowangular resolution that detects only the integrated intensity from many unresolved sources. This is called intensitymapping(IM),andallowsextremelylargevolumestobesurveyedveryefficiently. TheSKAwillbecapableofperforminglargeIMsurveysover0.z.3usingtheredshifted neutral hydrogen 21cm emission line (Santos et al. 2014a). Neutral hydrogen is ubiquitous in the late universe, residing principally in dense regions inside galaxies that are shielded from the ionising UV background, and the 21cm line is narrow and relatively unaffected by absorption or contamination by other lines. It is thus an excellent tracer of the matter density field in redshift space. ThebackgroundbrightnesstemperatureoftheHIemissionis(Bulletal.2014) 3 hc3A (1+z)2 10 T = Ω (z)ρ , (3.3) b 32π k m ν2 H(z) HI c,0 B p HI whereA istheEinsteincoefficientforemission,andΩ (z)isthefractionofthecriticaldensity 10 HI today, ρ , in neutral hydrogen. Assuming that HI is a linearly-biased tracer of the total matter c,0 density field, wecan relate fluctuationsin the brightnesstemperature to the(Fourier-transformed) redshift-spacematterdensityperturbation, δTb=TbδHI(k)=Tb(bHI+ fµ2)e−41k2σN2L(z,µ)δM(k), (3.4) where the anisotropic terms are due to RSDs and non-linear growth (Eq. 3.1). One can then measure the 3D redshift-space matter power spectrum, hδM(k)δM∗(k0)i=(2π)3δ(3)(k−k0)P(k), bymappingoutthebrightnesstemperaturedistributioninangleandfrequency,ν =ν /(1+z). HI SKA1-MID SKA1-SUR Band1 Band2 Band1 Band2 T [K] 28 20 50 30 inst z 0.35 0.00 0.58 0.00 min z 3.05 0.49 3.05 1.18 max ν [MHz] 350 950 350 650 min ν [MHz] 1050 1760 900 1670 max D [m] 15 15 12 12 dish δν [kHz] 50 50 50 50 Ω [103 deg2] 25 25 25 25 sur N N 254 1 254 1 60 36 60 36 dish beam × × × × × Table 2: Baseline IM survey specifications for the Phase 1 SKA configurations. SUR is equipped with PAFs;theassumedscalingofthePAFFOVwithfrequencyisexplainedinSantosetal.(2014b). 8 MeasuringBAOwithfutureSKAsurveys PhilipBull Example survey specifications for Phase 1 of the SKA are shown in Table 2. One of the key decisions in designing an IM survey for the SKA will be whether to use the array in autocorrela- tion (single-dish) or cross-correlation (interferometer) mode. As one is interested in mapping out extended structure on comparatively large angular scales rather than detecting individual galaxies that subtend only small angles, the angular sensitivity is an important factor. Roughly speaking, single-dishexperimentsaresensitivetoangularscalesbetweenthefieldofview(FOV)ofasingle dishandthefullareaofthesurvey,whereasinterferometerscanonlyseebetweenthescalescorre- spondingtotheirminimumandmaximumbaselinelengths. Sincetheminimumbaselinecanbeno smallerthanthediameterofasingledish,themaximumpossibleangularscalethatinterferometers aresensitivetoissetbythesingle-dishFOV(i.e. theprimarybeam). Thetwomodesaretherefore insomesensecomplementary(Fig. 2). For the 15m dishes of the SKA, ∼ thephysicalscalescorrespondingtothe BAO are best matched to an autocorre- lation survey for z.1, and an interfer- 2.5 ometric survey at higher z. Having the 2.0 BAOfeaturesfallsomewherewithinan instrument’s resolution window is only 1.5 aminimumrequirement,however–ide- z ally, one should maximise its sensitiv- 1.0 ity at the relevant angular scales too. SD Int. This is trivial in the single-dish case, 0.5 which has an essentially flat response 0.0 overitsfullrangeofangularscales,but 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102 for interferometers there is a strong de- k [Mpc−1] pendence on the detailed baseline dis- Figure 2: Maximum and minimum transverse (angular) tribution. For IM with the SKA, a scalesthatcanbeprobedasafunctionofredshiftinsingle- high density of short baselines is op- dish(autocorrelation)andinterferometermodes,forarep- timal, suggesting an array configura- resentativeSKAarray(15mdisheswithbaselinesrestricted to a 1 km core, and 25,000 deg2 survey area). The BAO tion with highly-clustered stations. For (dashed vertical lines) and comoving horizon scale (grey the currently-proposed SKA1 configu- band)areshownforcomparison. (N.B.thearraywillalso rations, however, the density of short besensitivetostructureintheradial(frequency)direction.) baselines is not high enough, and auto- correlation mode always wins out on sensitivity at low redshift. An interferometric survey would be better suited to BAO detections at high redshift, z>1.5, but this is a less interesting range for constraining dark energy. A proposed dense aperture array component of SKA2 would likely be better suited to intensity mapping; aperture arrays have the large FOV and high density of short baselinesnecessaryforsensitivitytotheangularscalesoftheBAOatlowerz. Though promising, the intensity mapping methodology is not yet mature, and it remains to be seen whether a number of potentially serious issues can be overcome. The most obvious of these is the presence of foreground emission from the galaxy and extragalactic point sources, whichstronglycontaminatestheHIsignal. Fortunately,despitebeingseveralordersofmagnitude brighter,mostoftheforegroundsarespectrallysmoothandsocanbereadilydistinguishedfromall 9 MeasuringBAOwithfutureSKAsurveys PhilipBull butthelargest-scalemodesofthefluctuatingcosmologicalsignal. Moreinsidiousistheleakageof polarisedforegroundemissionintothetotalintensitychannel;thisisnotspectrallysmoothbecause of frequency-dependent Faraday rotation caused by the partially-incoherent magnetic field of the galaxy (Alonso et al. 2014). The issue of foreground contamination is explored in more detail in Wolzetal.(2014). Another significant issue for single-dish surveys in particular is correlated (“1/f”) noise. A well-known problem in CMB analysis, correlated noise from the receiver system and elsewhere dominates the uncorrelated white noise component on long timescales. This causes the signal-to- noiseratiotogrowmoreslowlyasafunctionofintegrationtime,andintroducesstripingartefacts intomapsoftheemission,seriouslyhinderingtherecoveryoflarge-scalemodesofthesignal. For theCMB,thisishandledbyusingreceiverswithlowkneefrequencies(<1Hz),scanningrapidly across the sky, and filtering out timescales longer than 1/f from the time-ordered data. An knee SKA autocorrelation survey would have to adopt similar strategies to make a wide-angle survey viable. Finally, ground pickup/spillover is also an issue for autocorrelation surveys, and must be suppressed(e.g. withgroundshielding),ormappedoutandsubtracted. 4. ForecastsfortheSKA InthissectionwepresentforecastsforBAOdistancemeasurements–andtheresultingconstraints on cosmological parameters – for several SKA configurations, and compare them with what will be possible with other methods in around the same timeframe. The forecasts are based on the Fisher forecasting formalism developed in (Bull et al. 2014), using the number counts from Table 1(galaxysurvey),andexperimentalspecificationssetoutinTable2(IMsurvey). Complementary forecastsforredshiftspacedistortionsaregiveninRaccanellietal.(2014). While there are a number of possible combinations of arrays, frequency bands, and sur- vey modes for both Phase 1 and 2, for compactness we have chosen to concentrate on the best- performing configurations. For example, for Phase 1 we neglect Band 1 of SUR and MID for galaxy surveys, as they will detect comparatively few HI galaxies, and we consider only autocor- relation mode for intensity mapping, since the angular resolution of an interferometric IM survey ontheSKAispoorlymatchedtotheBAOforz.1. Wepresentforecastsonlyforagalaxysurvey forSKA2,althoughitshouldbenotedthatanIMsurveyonamid-frequencyaperturearrayshould beabletoprovidesimilarconstraintsontheBAOouttoz 2. ≈ 4.1 Fisherforecasting Toaccuratelycharacterisetheexpectedperformanceofagivenexperiment,onewouldideallyper- formafullsimulation,incorporatingavarietyofpotentialsystematicandinstrumentaleffects,and runningthesimulateddatathroughtheactualanalysispipeline. Thisiscomputationallyintensive, and detailed aspects of the hardware and signal may not yet be known, as is the case here. Fisher forecastingtakesasimplerapproach,insteadusingtheexpectedpropertiesofthesignalandnoise for an experiment to derive a Gaussian approximation to the likelihood for a set of parameters to be measured. Though clearly not definitive, Fisher forecasts at least take into account important effects like correlations between parameters, and are sufficiently accurate for understanding the relativeperformanceofdifferentexperiments. 10

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