Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–17(2014) Printed20January2015 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) Measurements of the Intensity and Polarization of the Anomalous Microwave Emission in the Perseus molecular complex with QUIJOTE 5 1 R. G´enova-Santos1,5(cid:63), J. A. Rubin˜o Mart´ın1,5, R. Rebolo1,5,6, A. Pela´ez-Santos1,5, 0 2 C. H. Lo´pez-Caraballo1,5,7, S. Harper2, R. A. Watson2, M. Ashdown4,8, n R. B. Barreiro3, B. Casaponsa3, C. Dickinson2, J. M. Diego3, R. Ferna´ndez-Cobos3, a J K. J. B. Grainge4,2, D. Herranz3, R. Hoyland1, A. Lasenby4,8, M. Lo´pez-Caniego3, 9 E. Mart´ınez-Gonza´lez3, M. McCulloch2, S. Melhuish2, L. Piccirillo2, Y. C. Perrott4, 1 F. Poidevin1,5, N. Razavi-Ghods4, P.F. Scott4, D. Titterington4, D. Tramonte1,5, ] A P. Vielva3 and R. Vignaga1,5 G 1 Instituto de Astrofis´ıca de Canarias, 38200 La Laguna, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain 2 Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, Alan Turing Building, School of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Manchester, . h Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, U.K p 3 Instituto de F´ısica de Cantabria (CSIC-Universidad de Cantabria), Avda. de los Castros s/n, 39005 Santander, Spain - 4 Astrophysics Group, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, J.J. Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0HE, UK o 5 Departamento de Astrof´ısica, Universidad de La Laguna (ULL), 38206 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain r 6 Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient´ıficas, Spain t s 7 Departamento de F´ısica, Universidad de la Serena, Av. Cisternas 1200, La Serena, Chile a 8 Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0HA [ 1 v AcceptedReceivedInoriginalform 1 9 4 ABSTRACT 4 Anomalous microwave emission (AME) has been observed in numerous sky regions, 0 using different experiments in the frequency range ∼ 10−60 GHz. One of the most 1. scrutinized regions is G159.6-18.5, located within the Perseus molecular complex. In 0 this paper we present further observations of this region (194 hours in total over ≈ 5 250deg2),bothinintensityandinpolarization.Theyspanfourindependentfrequency 1 channels between 10 and 20 GHz, and were gathered with QUIJOTE, a new CMB : experiment with the goal of measuring the polarization of the CMB and Galactic v i foregrounds. When combined with other publicly-available intensity data, we achieve X the most precise spectrum of the AME measured to date in an individual region, r with 13 independent data points between 10 and 50 GHz being dominated by this a emission. The four QUIJOTE data points provide the first independent confirmation of the downturn of the AME spectrum at low frequencies, initially unveiled by the COSMOSOMAS experiment in this region. We accomplish an accurate fit of these data using models based on electric dipole emission from spinning dust grains, and also fit some of the parameters on which these models depend. We also present polarization maps with an angular resolution of ≈ 1◦ and a sensitivity of ≈ 25 µK/beam. From these maps, which are consistent with zero po- larization, we obtain upper limits of Π < 6.3% and < 2.8% (95% C.L.) respectively at 12 and 18 GHz, a frequency range where no AME polarization observations have been reported to date. These constraints are compatible with theoretical predictions of the polarization fraction from electric dipole emission originating from spinning dust grains. At the same time, they rule out several models based on magnetic dipole emission from dust grains ordered in a single magnetic domain, which typically pre- dict higher polarization levels. Future QUIJOTE data in this region may allow more (cid:13)c 2014RAS stringent constraints on the polarization level of the AME. Key words: cosmology:cosmicmicrowavebackground-radiationmechanisms:gen- eral-ISM:individualobjects:G159.6-18.5-diffuseradiation-radiocontinuum:ISM. (cid:63) E-mail:[email protected] 2 R. G´enova-Santos et al. 1 INTRODUCTION G´enova-Santosetal.2011;Vidaletal.2011;PlanckCollab- orationetal.2011,2014a)andextragalactic(Murphyetal. Now that the observations of the temperature anisotropies 2010) clouds have contributed to the understanding of the of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) have reached physicalpropertiesofthisemission.Agreatdealofefforthas levelsofsensitivityandangularresolutionthathaveallowed also been dedicated to theoretical modelling of AME. Elec- thedeterminationofthemaincosmologicalparameterswith tric dipole radiation from very small and rapidly rotating accuraciescloseto1%(Bennettetal.2013;PlanckCollabo- dust grains in the interstellar medium (Draine & Lazarian rationetal.2014c),attentionhasshiftedtothestudyofthe 1998; Ali-Ha¨ımoud et al. 2009; Hoang et al. 2010; Ysard & polarizationoftheseanisotropies.CMBpolarizationalsoen- Verstraete 2010; Silsbee et al. 2011), the so-called spinning codesawealthofcosmologicalinformation.Inparticular,it dustemission,isthescenariothatbestfitstheobservations. isofparamountimportancetostudytheB-modeanisotropy, An alternative mechanism based on magnetic dipole emis- which can only be created by vector or tensor perturba- sionhasalsobeenproposed(Draine&Lazarian1999),with tions, such as those due to primordial gravitational waves a spectrum peaking at higher frequencies. (Kamionkowski et al. 1997; Zaldarriaga & Seljak 1997). As ThecharacterizationofAMEpolarizationpropertiesis all inflationary scenarios are predicted to give rise to gravi- important not only to get further insight into its physical tationalwaves,thisB-modesignalisadefinitetestforinfla- mechanism, but to assess how it could affect experiments tion.Followingpreviousupperlimitsplacedbyexperiments pursuing the primordial B-mode signal in the frequency like QUIET (QUIET Collaboration et al. 2012) or BICEP range 10 to 50 GHz. There are some theoretical studies of (BICEP1 Collaboration et al. 2014), the first detection of the AME polarization in the literature. After the first pre- this signal was claimed in data from the BICEP2 experi- dictionsbyLazarian&Draine(2000)ofspinningdustpolar- ment at 150 GHz, with a level of the tensor-to-scalar ratio ization,morerecentlyHoangetal.(2013)presentedamodel r = 0.20−+00..0075 (BICEP2 Collaboration et al. 2014). How- basedonobservationsoftheUVpolarizationbump,accord- ever, soon after these results were published, some papers ing to which the maximum polarization fraction would be (Flauger et al. 2014; Mortonson & Seljak 2014) appeared ≈ 3%, at a frequency of 5 GHz. In regard to the magnetic pointing out that the BICEP2 team could have underesti- dipoleemissionmodel,whileDraine&Lazarian(1999)pre- mated the contribution from polarized thermal dust emis- dicted high polarization fractions (up to 40 %) in the case sion, leading to a wrong interpretation of their signal. This of dust grains with atomic magnetic moments oriented in a has been recently supported by data from the Planck satel- single domain, Draine & Hensley (2013) recently presented lite,whichhaveshownthatthelevelofpolarizeddustemis- amorerealisticmodel,withrandomly-orientedmagneticin- sionintheregionoftheskycoveredbyBICEP2couldform clusions, which results in lower polarization degrees ((cid:46) 5% asignificantcomponentofthemeasuredsignal(PlanckCol- intherange10−20GHz).However,notmuchisknown,from laboration et al. 2014b), thus causing a likely reduction in theobservationalstandpoint,aboutthepolarizationproper- thelevelofcosmologicalsignalthatcanbeinferredfromthe ties of the AME. Using WMAP 5-year data Macellari et al. BICEP2 results. (2011)setanupperlimitΠ<5%(thisandotherupperlim- Itisthereforeclearthat,anyunambiguousB-modede- itsthatwillbereferredtointhissectionareatthe95%confi- tection requires a full assessment of the level of foreground dencelevel)onthepolarizationfractionofthediffuseAME. contamination and ideally confirmation by independent ex- Someotherconstraintsrefertoindividualclouds.Battistelli periments operating at different frequencies. QUIJOTE is et al. (2006) observed the Perseus molecular complex with one of these experiments, which operates in the frequency the COSMOSOMAS experiment and derived Π=3.41.5 % −1.9 range10-40GHz,andissubjecttodifferentsystematicsand at 11 GHz. Casassus et al. (2008) reported an upper limit foregrounds. QUIJOTE data will also be useful for measur- of < 1.0% at 31 GHz on the ρ Ophiuchi molecular cloud ingthepolarizationoflow-frequencyforegrounds,whichare usingtheCosmicBackgroundImager,whereasMasonetal. known to dominate the underlying primordial B-mode po- (2009) found a maximum of < 2.7% with the Green Bank larization over a wide frequency range, and therefore need Telescope at 9 GHz. More recently, Lo´pez-Caraballo et al. to be characterized and removed from the observed maps. (2011) obtained an upper limit of < 1.0% at 23 GHz on Synchrotron emission from relativistic electrons is the most the Perseus molecular complex using WMAP 7-year data. important contaminant at low frequencies in polarization. Shortly after this paper Dickinson et al. (2011), using the In intensity, free-free emission and the so-called anomalous samedata,obtained<1.4%inthesameregion,and<1.7% microwave emission (AME) also show up in this frequency in ρ Ophiuchi. A detailed review of all these observations, range.Whiletheformerisknowntobepracticallyunpolar- plus some updated constraints in some regions, have been ized(Rybicki&Lightman1979),verylittleisknownabout presented in Rubin˜o-Mart´ın et al. (2012b). thepolarizationleveloftheAME.Sinceitsdiscoveryinthe In this paper we present the first results obtained with 90s(Kogutetal.1996a,b;Leitchetal.1997),manyobserva- the QUIJOTE experiment, that are based on observations tionsinlarge-skyareas(deOliveira-Costaetal.1998,1999; ofG159.6-18.5inthePerseusmolecularcomplex,oneofthe Daviesetal.2006)andinindividualGalactic(Finkbeineret most studied AME regions in the sky (Watson et al. 2005; al.2002;Watsonetal.2005;Casassusetal.2006;Dickinson Tibbs et al. 2010, 2013; Planck Collaboration et al. 2011, et al. 2009; AMI Consortium et al. 2009; Tibbs et al. 2010; 2014a). QUIJOTE observations cover the frequency range (cid:13)c 2014RAS,MNRAS000,1–17 AME observations with QUIJOTE 3 10−20 GHz, where only the COSMOSOMAS experiment sensitivity of (cid:54)1 µK/beam. A more detailed description of had provided observations of the AME before. The goal of the technical and scientific aspects of this project can be this paper is twofold: to confirm the downturn of the AME found in Rubin˜o-Mart´ın et al. (2012a) or in Rebolo et al. spectrumatfrequenciesbelow23GHzthroughsimilarspec- (in preparation). tral sampling but completely independent results to those providedbyCOSMOSOMAS,andtosetconstraintsonthe polarizationleveloftheAMEinthesofarunexploredspec- 2.1.1 Observations tral region between 12 and 20 GHz. Section 2 is dedicated The observations covering the Perseus molecular complex to the description of the observations and the basics of the werecarriedoutbetweenDecember2012andApril2013us- datareduction.Ourmainresultsarepresentedinsection3, ing the MFI, in four frequency bands centred at 11.2, 12.9, whiletheconclusionsofthisworkarediscussedinsection4. 16.7 and 18.7 GHz. The beam FWHMs are 0.87◦, for the twolowerfrequencies,and0.65◦,forthetwohighfrequency bands.Theobservationsconsistedofrasterscansatconstant elevationinordertominimizetheeffectofatmosphericvari- 2 DATA AND METHODOLOGY ations. Each scan had an amplitude in azimuth direction of 2.1 QUIJOTE data 12 degrees centred around the coordinates RA = 3h52m, Dec. = 34◦. This position was chosen to be equidistant be- Thenewdatapresentedinthisarticlewereacquiredwiththe tween the AME cloud G159.6-18.5 and the California HII QUIJOTEexperiment.QUIJOTEisacollaborativeproject region (NGC1499), which is also observed in the scans and thatconsistsoftwotelescopesandthreepolarimeterinstru- is used as a null test for zero polarization. In each raster ments covering respectively the frequencies 10-20, 30 and scan,oftotalintegrationtimeof30-35minutes,thetelescope 40GHz,andlocatedattheTeideObservatory(2400ma.s.l.) movesbackandforthinazimuthatavelocityof1deg/s.A in Tenerife (Spain). The main science driver of this exper- total of 336 raster scans were performed, in four positions iment is to perform observations of the CMB polarization of the polar modulators (0◦, 22.5◦, 45◦ and 67.5◦) in order to constrain the B-mode signal down to r = 0.05, and to to minimize systematics. In total 194.4 hours of data were characterize the polarization of low-frequency foregrounds, accumulated, 23% of which were removed due to being af- mainlysynchrotronemissionandtheAME,sothatthissig- fected by bad weather or instrumental effects, resulting in nalcanberemovedfromtheprimordialmapstoalevelthat a final effective observing time of 148.9 hours. As the MFI will permit reaching the previous level of r. The two QUI- horns are separated typically by 5 degrees on the sky, the JOTEtelescopesarebasedonanoffsetcrossed-Dragonede- skycoverageofeachoneisdifferent.Thetotalskyareacov- sign, with projected apertures of 2.25 m and 1.89 m for the ered by the four horns was respectively 176, 184, 277 and primary and secondary mirrors, and provide highly sym- 261 deg2. metric beams (ellipticity > 0.98) with very low sidelobes ((cid:54)−40dB)andpolarizationleakage((cid:54)−25dB).Thefirst instrument to be fielded on the QUIJOTE first telescope is 2.1.2 Amplitude calibration a multi-frequency instrument (MFI) with 4 horns covering the frequency range 10−20 GHz, and with angular reso- Wedeterminethegaincalibrationfactors(givingtheconver- lutions close to one degree. These detectors are fitted with sionfromvoltagemeasuredinthedetectorstotemperature MMIC low-noise amplifiers (noise temperature better than on the sky) using intensity measurements on Cas A, which 10K),andusesteppedpolarmodulatorstomeasurethepo- is ideal as it is bright and has a very low degree of polar- larizationoftheincomingradiation,providinginstantaneous ization. We do daily 25-min raster scans of 10×10 degrees sensitivities of ≈650 µK s1/2 in four individual frequencies aroundthissourcefromwhichwederivethegaincalibration with nominal figures: 11, 13, 17 and 19 GHz. The median factors for each channel. The output signal of each channel integrated PWV above the observatory is ≈ 4 mm, giving is a combination of the three Stokes parameters I, Q and a zenith atmosphere temperature of ≈ 2 K at 11 GHz and U. According to WMAP the polarized intensity of Cas A ≈ 5 K at 19 GHz. The MFI saw first light on November at 22.8 GHz is P = 0.81±0.05 Jy (polarization fraction 2012andsincethenitisperformingroutineobservationsof Π=0.35±0.02%)(Weilandetal.2011),whichislowenough different Galactic and cosmological regions. The second in- not to be detected in a single raster scan. We can therefore strumentconsistsof31polarimetersat30GHz(TGI,thirty- safely assume Q = U = 0, and use the I flux to calibrate. gigahertz instrument), and is based on the same design of To achieve this we use the modelled spectrum of Weiland theMFIexceptthatthepolarizationmodulationisachieved et al. (2011), which is obtained by fitting a combination of electronically through phase switches. This instrument will WMAP 7-year data and other ancillary data to a logarith- becommissionedduring2015.Finally,thethirdinstrument micquadraticfunction.Thisfunctionisthenintegratedover is planned to have 31 polarimeters at 40 GHz (FGI, forty- the measured spectral transmission of each frequency band gigahertz instrument). Using the TGI and the FGI, which to obtain the reference Cas A fluxes associated with each will provide instantaneous sensitivities of 50 µK s1/2, we channel. plan to survey an area of 3000 deg2 down to a projected Finally,asthepreviousmodelisreferredtoepoch2000, (cid:13)c 2014RAS,MNRAS000,1–17 4 R. G´enova-Santos et al. in order to account for the secular decrease of the Cas A 2.1.4 Map making flux (typically 0.5%/year), we use the Hafez et al. (2008) The four output channels of each frequency band contain a model, which was derived using VSA observations, in order combination of three Stokes parameters I, Q, U. The sum toreferthefinalfluxestothetimeoftheobservations.Inor- ofthesechannels,aftercalibrationoftheirindividualgains, dertocircumventpossibleuncertaintiesassociatedwiththis give I, while the subtraction of pairs of channels gives the secular variation, a more suitable calibration source would following combination of Q and U: be Jupiter. However, owing to its small angular size, this source is severely diluted in the QUIJOTE beams and a V =Qsin(4ϕ +2ϕ )+Ucos(4ϕ +2ϕ ) , (1) sub pm p pm p large number of observations would be required for it to be where ϕ is the position angle of the polar modulator, used as primary calibrator. We point out that, in any case, pm whose reference position is calibrated following the proce- thegaincalibrationwillonlyaffectthemodellingoftheSED dure explained in section 2.1.3, and ϕ is the parallactic in G159.6-18.5. The gain calibration factors will cancel out p angle.Outofthefourchannels,twoarecorrelatedandthere- whendividingthepolarizedintensitybythetotalintensity, foreareaffectedbythesame1/f noise,whilethetwoother and therefore the inferred polarization fractions, which are arenot.Toreconstructthepolarizationsignalwethenonly one of the main goals of this paper, are insensitive to the usethetwocorrelatedchannels,inordertominimizethe1/f absolute flux calibration. contribution. The typical knee frequencies of our receivers aref ∼10−40Hzdependingonthechannel.However,for k the measurement of polarization, the subtraction results in much lower values of f ∼0.1−0.2 Hz. In order to further k reduce the 1/f noise in the final maps, we apply a filter on the time-ordered-data (TOD) by subtracting the median of 2.1.3 Polarization calibration thedatainintervalsof20s,afterbinningthedataat50ms. UndertheassumptionthatthefilteredTODsaredom- One of the main steps of the data processing is the calibra- inatedbywhitenoise,weconsiderthenoisecovariancema- tion of the polarization angle ϕ , which is defined as the 0 trixtobediagonal,ahypothesisthatconsiderablysimplifies referencepositionangleofeachpolarmodulator.Toaccom- the map-making. As the response of our instrument to po- plishthisweuseTauA(alsoknownastheCrabNebula)as larization is a combination of Q and U, in order to recover a calibrator, which is the brightest polarized source in the these Stokes parameters in each pixel we have to combine skyinthemicrowaverange.Weperformdaily25-minraster allthesampleslyinginthatpixelcorrespondingtodifferent scans of 10×10 degrees around this source, from which we angles ϕ = 4ϕ +2ϕ . To do so we use two independent deriveapolarizedfluxthatisafunctionoftheintrinsicQ/I pm p strategies. The first one consists on producing 100 maps, andU/I,ofthepositionofthemodulatorrelativetoϕ and 0 each one corresponding to ϕ angles within a given bin, and of the parallactic angle ϕ . WMAP 7-year results (Weiland p then using the 100 values of each pixel to find the best-fit etal.2011)showthattheQ/I andU/I ratiosforTauAdo solution for Q and U from equation 1. The second strategy notsignificantlyvary(lessthan2%,whichisconsistentwith builds on an analytical χ2 minimization. The different pa- the error of the measurement) between 23 and 94 GHz. We rameters,whicharecombinationsofsinesandcosinesofthe therefore assume that these factors will remain equally un- ϕ angles, are grouped in each pixel, and at the end of the changed down to 10 GHz, and use as reference the WMAP process the Q and U values are computed using the ana- measurementsat22.8GHz,theclosestfrequency.Aswealso lytical formulas that result from this minimization. In both know ϕ , we can therefore fit for ϕ . p 0 casesthedatasamplesareweightedaccordingtotheirnoise, Using 191 raster scans on Tau A throughout a year we which is calculated from the standard deviation calculated have checked that the recovered polarization angle, ϕ , is 0 during the binning of the TODs. stableovertime.Wethencombinealltheseobservationsto ToproducethefinalmapsweuseaHEALPixpixeliza- deriveauniquevalueforeachhorn.Theaccuracyonthede- terminationofthisangleisrespectively0.8◦and0.4◦forthe tion(Go´rskietal.2005)withNside =512(pixelsize6.9ar- cmin),whichissufficientgiventhebeamFWHM.Whilewe twohornsthatwillbeusedinthepolarizationanalysesthat have checked that the maps resulting from the two strate- will be presented in this paper. In QUIET, an experiment which has similarities with QUIJOTE, a precision of 0.5◦ gies are almost identical, in the subsequent analyses we use those resulting from the second method. is achieved by using a combination of Tau A observations withasparse-wire-gridcalibrator(QUIETCollaborationet al. 2012). We point out however that the accurate determi- 2.2 Ancillary data nationofthisangleisimportantonlytoderivepreciseQand U fluxes.Anincorrectanglewillresultinamixingoffluxbe- All the polarization data that will be used in this article (cid:112) tweenQandU,butthepolarizedintensityP = Q2+U2 comesfromtheQUIJOTEexperiment.However,inorderto will remain unchanged. As in this analysis we will get con- obtainthefullspectralenergydistribution(SED)ofG159.6- straintsonthepolarizationfraction,theaccuratecalibration 18.5, from which the residual AME fluxes will be inferred, of the polarization angle is unimportant. we use ancillary data from other experiments. In the low- (cid:13)c 2014RAS,MNRAS000,1–17 AME observations with QUIJOTE 5 frequency range we use the Haslam et al. (1982) map1 at wheren isthenumberofpixelsintheaperture,andT and 1 i 0.408 GHz, the Berkhuijsen (1972) map2 at 0.820 GHz and T represent respectively the pixel thermodynamic temper- j the Reich & Reich (1986) map at 1.4 GHz. atures in the aperture and in the background annulus. The At 10.9, 12.7, 14.7 and 16.3 GHz, similar frequencies medianiscalculatedoverthen pixelsinthisannulus.The 2 to QUIJOTE, we use data from the COSMOSOMAS ex- function a(ν) gives the conversion factor from temperature periment (Watson et al. 2005). In order to minimize the to flux, 1/f noise,thedatafromthisexperimentwasfilteredbythe h2ν4 (cid:18) hν (cid:19) suppression of the first seven harmonics in the FFT of the a(ν)= sinh−2 n Ω , (3) 2k T2 c2 2k T 1 pix circular scans, which results in a flux loss on large angular b cmb b cmb scales. For this reason, the comparison with other experi- where h and k are the Planck and Boltzmann constants, b ments that preserve all the angular scales is not straight- c the speed of light, T = 2.725 K (Mather et al. 1999) cmb forward. It is necessary to account for the flux lost, as it the CMB temperature and Ω the solid angle subtended pix was done in Planck Collaboration et al. (2011). The fluxes by each pixel. presentedinthatpaperarealreadycorrected,sowedirectly Thedeterminationoftheerrorassociatedwiththepre- take those fluxes. vious estimate is crucial for the results of this paper. In Wealsousedatafromthe9-yearreleaseoftheWMAP a hypothetical case of perfect white uncorrelated noise, it satellite3 (Bennett et al. 2013) to provide flux estimates at could easily be estimated through: frequencies23,33,41,61and94GHz.Recentdatafromthe firstreleaseofthePlanckmission4 (PlanckCollaborationet σ(S )=a(ν)(cid:34)(cid:80)ni=11σi2 + π(cid:80)ni=21σj2(cid:35)1/2 , (4) al. 2014c) cover the frequencies 28, 44, 70, 100, 143, 217, ν n2 2 n2 1 2 353,545and857GHz.WealsodownloadthereleasedType where σ represents the error of each pixel. 1 CO maps (Planck Collaboration et al. 2014e), which are However, in QUIJOTE the instrument noise is corre- used to correct the 100, 217 and 353 GHz frequency maps latedduetothepresenceof1/f residuals,andalsothegalac- from the contamination introduced by the CO rotational tic background fluctuations introduce, mainly in intensity, transition lines (1-0), (2-1) and (3-2), respectively. Finally, an important contribution to the error which is correlated in the far-infrared spectral range we use Zodi-Subtracted on the order of the beam size. Ideally we should then use Mission Average (ZSMA) COBE-DIRBE maps (Hauser et the covariance matrices of the instrument and background al. 1998) at 240 µm (1249 GHz), 140 µm (2141 GHz) and noises.Theformercanbeextractedthroughacharacteriza- 100 µm (2998 GHz). tionofthe1/f noisespectrum,howeverthelatterisdifficult todetermine.Instead,inthepreviousequationwecanintro- 2.3 Methodology for flux estimation duceinthedenominatorthenumberofindependentpixelsin the aperture and in the ring, which we will denote respec- Intensityandpolarizationfluxeswillbecalculatedbyapply- tively as n(cid:48) and n(cid:48). The pixel variance will be calculated ing an aperture photometry integration on the maps. This 1 2 from the pixel-to-pixel standard deviation of all the pixel is a well known and widely used technique in this context temperatures T in the background, σ(T ). Obviously, the (Lo´pez-Caraballoetal.2011;Dickinsonetal.2011;G´enova- j j standard deviation of the pixels in the aperture would be Santos et al. 2011), consisting of integrating temperatures biased by the presence of the source. On the contrary, the ofallpixelswithinagivenaperture,andsubtractingaback- standard deviation of the pixels in the ring gives a reason- ground level calculated in an external ring. Instead of the ableestimateofthecontributionsofthebackgroundandof mean,followingPlanckCollaborationetal.(2011),wechose theinstrumentalnoisetothetrueerror.Therefore,thefinal tousethemedianofallthepixelsintheexternalringasthe equation that we will use to estimate errors in this paper estimate of the background level. The median is a better reads as: proxy for the real level in cases of strongly variable back- (cid:115) grounds withmanyoutlier pixels. Theflux is thengivenby 1 π 1 σ(S )=a(ν)σ(T ) + . (5) (cid:34)(cid:80)n1 T (cid:35) ν j n(cid:48)1 2n(cid:48)2 S =a(ν) i=1 i −T˜ , (2) ν n1 j Inthecaseoftheerrorbeingcompletelydominatedby the background, then we could use for n(cid:48) and n(cid:48) the num- 1 2 ber of beams in the aperture and in the background, nb 1 1 WeusethemapsuppliedbyPlataniaetal.(2003). and nb. However, while being particularly strong in inten- 2 2 We projected the map downloaded from sity,thebackgroundfluctuationsfromtheGalacticemission into HEALPix arenotsoimportantinpolarization.Forthisreason,inthis pixelization. case the relative contribution from the 1/f residuals to the 3 Downloaded from the LAMBDA database, uncertainty is significant. To quantify this, we selected 20 4 Downloaded from the Planck Legacy Archive, random positions around our source, G159.6-18.5, and per- formed flux integration on those positions using the same Planck Legacy Archive. aperture and ring sizes. The standard deviation of those (cid:13)c 2014RAS,MNRAS000,1–17 6 R. G´enova-Santos et al. Figure 1. QUIJOTE intensity map at 11 GHz of the whole region covered by the observations (left), in comparison with the WMAP 9-year map at 23 GHz (right). The positions of the G159.6-18.5 molecular cloud, the California HII region (NGC1499) and the 3C84 quasar are marked with crosses. The QUIJOTE map encompasses 277 deg2, contains in total 149 h of observations, and its RMS is ≈80 µK/beam. By comparing the relative amplitudes of California and G159.6-18.5 it can easily be noted how the presence of AME booststhebrightnessofG159.6-18.5at23GHz. fluxes gives a reasonable estimation of the true noise of our 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION fluxestimate.Fromthisanalysiswedeterminedthatforin- tensityn(cid:48) =nb ,whileforpolarizationn(cid:48) =2nb .This 3.1 Maps and consistency tests 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 is what we will use in our estimation of the flux errors. In Fig. 1 we show the intensity map at 11 GHz resulting fromcombining149hofobservations,whereemissionsfrom G159.6-18.5,theCalifornianebula(NGC1499)andthe3C84 quasar are clearly visible. More detailed I, Q and U maps at our four frequencies around the position of G159.6-18.5 are shown in Fig. 2. The Q and U maps on this source are consistentwithzeropolarization,andthereforeupperlimits In cases of low signal-to-noise fluxes, or when placing on the polarized intensity will be extracted in section 3.3. upper limits on the polarized flux P, as it will be our case, Some stripping is clearly visible in the maps, which is pro- it is necessary to de-bias the fluxes derived from the aper- duced by the presence of regions with a higher noise due to ture photometry integration. This requirement comes from alowerintegrationtimeperpixeland,toalesserextent,to the fact that the posterior distribution of the polarized in- 1/f residuals. The inhomogenities in the coverage (integra- tensityP does notfollowanormal (Gaussian) distribution. tiontimeperpixel)mapsarecausedbytheseparationofthe Furthermore P is a quantity that must always be positive, hornsinthefocalplane,whichleadstheskycoveragetobe and this introduces a bias into any estimate. For any true different when we observe the field before or after crossing P we would expect to measure on average a polarization thelocalmeridian.IntheQandU mapsat11and13GHzof 0 P > P . In order to get the de-biased fluxes, P , from Fig. 2, the two orthogonal stripes with clearly higher noise 0 db themeasuredones,P,wechoosetheBayesianapproachde- correspond to regions with integration of ∼ 3−7 s/pixel scribed in Vaillancourt (2006) and in Rubin˜o-Mart´ın et al. (pixelsize6.9arcmin).Bycomparison,inthecentralregion (2012b), consisting of integrating the analytical posterior insidethecirclewhereweperformtheaperturephotometry, probabilitydensityfunctionovertheparameterspaceofthe theintegrationtimeis∼30−35s/pixel,resultinginalower truepolarization.Thesameposteriorcannotbeusedforthe pixel-to-pixel dispersion of the data. polarizationfraction,Π=P/I×100,asitfollowsadifferent An important consistency test, that may reveal the distribution.As,toourknowledge,thereisnotinthelitera- presence of systematics and other spurious effects, is ob- tureanyanalyticalsolutionfortheposteriordistributionof tainedthroughjackknifemaps.Wehaveuniformlysplitour Π,wenumericallyevaluatethisfunctionbyapplyingMonte- full dataset in two halves in such a way that the maps of Carlo simulations. This approach has already been carried number of hits associated to these two halves are as sim- outinL´opez-Caraballoetal.(2011)andinDickinsonetal. ilar as possible. The differences of the two halves divided (2011). by two, for the intensity and polarization maps at our four (cid:13)c 2014RAS,MNRAS000,1–17 AME observations with QUIJOTE 7 Figure 2. Intensity and polarization maps at the QUIJOTE four frequency channels around the G159.6-18.5 molecular cloud. The StokesQandUmapsshowzeropolarization.Thesolidcircleshowstheapertureweuseforfluxintegration,whereasthedashedcontour limits the extent of the ring we use for background subtraction. For comparison, in the last column we plot the corresponding WMAP 9-yearmapsat23GHz. frequencies, are shown in Fig. 3. As expected, the intensity thesource.Inthecirclewithlowskysignalthevaluesinthe emission coming from G159.6-18.5 is consistently cancelled sum and in the difference maps are very similar. out in these maps. While a similar striping pattern to the ThelastcolumnofTable1showtheaverageRMSlev- mapsinFig.2isseen,thesemapsaredominatedbyinstru- elsintheQandU mapsnormalizedbytheintegrationtime mental noise. This is confirmed by the noise values shown per pixel. As the number of hits per pixel is very inhomo- in Table 1, where we compare the pixel-to-pixel RMS cal- geneous, to calculate these numbers we have made a real- culated in two different regions: the external ring that we ization of Gaussian noise in which we assign to each pixel will use for background subtraction when calculating the a noise proportional to t−1/2, where t is the integration pix pix intensity and polarization fluxes, and a region of very low time per pixel, and then calculate the pixel-to-pixel RMS. sky emission enclosed by the dashed circle represented in Theamplitudesofthewhite-noiseinthespectraofthetime- Fig. 3. The RMS values in Q and U are similar in the orig- ordered-datarangebetween898µKs1/2 (at16.7GHz)and inal maps and in the sum and difference of the two halves. 1228µKs1/2 (at11.2GHz)5.1/f residualsmakethenoises They are typically ∼ 250 µK/pixel (pixel size: 6.9 arcmin) or ∼ 25 µK/beam (beam size: 1 ∼ degree). In the case of the I maps, the RMS in the background ring are higher in 5 Note that in this article we are using data from only two out the sum than in the difference because of the emission of of the four horns of QUIJOTE. Then, the global sensitivities of (cid:13)c 2014RAS,MNRAS000,1–17 8 R. G´enova-Santos et al. Figure 3. Jackknife difference maps at the four frequencies around the G159.6-18.5 molecular cloud. The structure of this map is consistentwithinstrumentalnoise,whichispredominantlyGaussian(thestripesareassociatedwithregionswithahighernoisedueto alowerintegrationtimeperpixel-seetextfordetails).InTable1weshowthepixel-to-pixelRMSvaluescalculatedinthebackground annulusenclosedbythetwoconcentriccirclesofthisplotandinthedashedcircle. calculated on the maps only slightly higher, typically by a theQUIJOTEfrequencies,whichisknowntobepractically factor∼15%,confirmingourpreviousstatementthatthese unpolarized. In Fig. 4 we show intensity and polarization maps are dominated by white (Gaussian) noise. mapstowardstheCaliforniaregion,showingthattheQand Another important consistency test for the presence of U maps are consistent with zero polarization. systematics, and in particular for the I to Q/U polariza- tion leakage, is to confirm that our polarization maps are consistentwithnoiseinthepositionofunpolarizedsources. 3.2 Intensity SED This verification is provided by the nearby California HII region, which is also covered by our observations. As any As was indicated in section 2.2, we take the COSMOSO- standardHIIregion,itisdominatedbyfree-freeemissionat MAS fluxes for G159.6-18.5 from Planck Collaboration et al. (2011), which have already been corrected for the flux loss caused by the filtering of COSMOSOMAS data. While √ the experiment are a factor 2 better, i.e. ≈ 650 µK s1/2, the herewewilluseaperturephotometrytoderiveourfluxes,in numberquotedinSection2.1 Planck Collaboration et al. (2014a) they were obtained by (cid:13)c 2014RAS,MNRAS000,1–17 AME observations with QUIJOTE 9 Figure 4. Intensity and polarization maps around the California HII region, at 17 GHz from QUIJOTE and at 23 GHz from WMAP 9-year data. The Stokes Q and U maps show zero polarization as is expected for a free-free dominated region. This test therefore demonstratestheabsenceofsignificantpolarizationsystematicsinherenttoourexperimentortothedataprocessing.Theellipsesshow theapertureandthebackgroundannulusthatweusetoderivepolarizationupperlimitsinthisregion. ν (GHz) σI (µK/pixel) σQ (µK/pixel) σU (µK/pixel) σQ,U (µKs1/2) Map Sum Diff. Map Sum Diff. Map Sum Diff. Map 11.2 1592 1593 1277 389 396 394 361 361 361 1478 12.9 1328 1377 1119 300 308 314 293 301 297 1179 16.7 861 861 755 167 169 171 166 166 161 1158 18.7 1040 1041 966 199 202 213 201 205 201 1461 11.2 1377 1415 1320 406 418 460 315 335 346 1283 12.9 1331 1512 1529 352 387 349 309 339 351 1192 16.7 672 673 651 142 142 140 125 125 136 1009 18.7 803 809 876 149 150 157 164 165 163 1413 Table 1.RMSpixel-to-pixel(pixelsize6.9arcmin)calculatedintheoriginalmaps,andintheaverageanddifferencedividedbytwoof thetwojackknifemaps,intwodifferentregions.Thevaluesaboveandbelowthehorizontallinehavebeencalculatedrespectivelyinthe backgroundannulusandinthedashedcircledepictedinFig.3.Thenumbersinthelastcolumncorrespondtotheaveragenoisesinthe originalQandU mapsnormalizedbytheintegrationtimeperpixel(units:µKs1/2). (cid:13)c 2014RAS,MNRAS000,1–17 10 R. G´enova-Santos et al. Frequency Flux Fluxdensity Telescope/ (GHz) density(Jy) residual(Jy) survey 0.408 10.5±4.0 2.7±4.2 Haslam 0.82 7.4±2.1 0.1±2.4 Dwingeloo 1.42 6.8±1.6 −0.1±2.0 Reich 10.9 16.1±1.8 10.3±1.9 COSMO. 11.2 15.0±2.0 9.2±2.1 QUIJOTE 12.7 20.0±2.2 14.2±2.2 COSMO. 12.9 18.1±2.1 12.4±2.1 QUIJOTE 14.7 28.4±3.1 22.6±3.1 COSMO. 16.3 35.8±4.0 30.0±4.0 COSMO. 16.7 33.9±2.4 28.1±2.5 QUIJOTE 18.7 35.2±3.7 29.2±3.8 QUIJOTE 22.8 40.2±2.4 34.0±2.5 WMAP 28.4 40.4±2.4 33.5±2.6 Planck 33.0 38.1±2.4 30.4±2.8 WMAP 40.7 32.8±2.5 23.1±3.3 WMAP Figure5.SpectralenergydistributionofG159.6-18.5.QUIJOTE 44.1 29.8±2.6 19.1±3.7 Planck datapointsaredepictedinred,togetherwithotherancillarydata 60.8 27.5±3.8 8.3±6.9 WMAP includingCOSMOSOMAS,WMAP9-yeardataandPlanckdata. 70.4 32.3±4.9 5.2±10.0 Planck At intermediate frequencies the excess emission associated with 93.5 59.5±9.3 1.8±22.3 WMAP theAMEclearlyshowsup.Ajointfithasbeenperformedtoall 100 81±17 11±10 Planck the data points except 100 and 217 GHz (which are affected by 143 194±24 −17±82 Planck COcontamination),consistinginthefollowingcomponents:free- 217 1011±122 196±320 Planck free(dottedline),spinningdustfromamixedenvironmentwith 353 4286±446 344±1376 Planck a high-density molecular (long-dashed line) and a low-density 545 14858±1470 208±4588 Planck atomic (dashed line) gas, CMB (dash-dotted line) and thermal 857 45235±4045 −1352±13168 Planck dust(dashed-triple-dottedline).Thesolidlinerepresentsthesum 1249 86696±6674 −4878±25315 DIRBE ofallthecomponents. 2141 114650±6891 6845±43590 DIRBE 2998 54361±2624 −837±28264 DIRBE lowreducedchi-squaredofχ2 =0.098.Themedianofthe red background is computed in an external ring between 1.7◦ √ Table2.FluxdensitiesforG159.6-18.5inthePerseusmolecular and 1.7 2◦, which has the same area as the aperture. The cloud.Allfluxeshavebeencalculatedthroughaperturephotom- derived fluxes in the QUIJOTE maps and in the other an- etry in a ring of radius 1.7◦ and subtrac√ting the median of the cillary maps are listed in Table 2. backgroundinaringbetween1.7◦and1.7 2◦,exceptthosecom- ThefinalSEDisdepictedinFig.5,wherethepresence ing from the COSMOSOMAS experiment (10.9, 12.7, 14.7 and of AME clearly shows up at intermediate frequencies as an 16.3GHz),whichhavebeentakenfromPlanckCollaborationet excess of emission over the other components. The inten- al.(2011).AlsoshownaretheresidualAMEfluxes,obtainedafter subtractionofthefree-free,CMBandthermaldustcomponents. sities derived from these QUIJOTE observations trace, for Thelastcolumnindicatethetelescopeorsurveyfromwhichthe the first time after the original measurements of the COS- datahavebeenextracted. MOSOMAS experiment (Watson et al. 2005), the down- turn of the spectrum at frequencies below ∼ 20 GHz, as it is predicted by spinning dust models. In total, 13 data fitting the amplitude of an elliptical Gaussian with a fixed points are dominated by AME: the four QUIJOTE points, sizeof1.6◦×1.0◦ (FWHM).Inafirst-orderapproximation, thefourCOSMOSOMASpoints,theWMAP22.8,33.0and the fluxes obtained through Gaussian fitting will be equiv- 40.7GHzfrequenciesandthePlanck28.4and44.1GHzfre- alent to those obtained from aperture photometry using a quencies. We perform a joint multi-component fit to all the given aperture size. Therefore, in order to get a reliable in- data, consisting of free-free emission, which dominates in tensitySEDwechooseasizefortheaperturethatgivesthe the low-frequency tail, spinning dust, which dominates the most similar fluxes to those presented in Planck Collabora- intermediate frequencies, a CMB component, and thermal tion et al. (2011) for the Haslam et al. (1982), Berkhuijsen dust, which dominates the high-frequency end. As it was (1972),Reich&Reich(1986),WMAP ,Planck andDIRBE doneinPlanckCollaborationetal.(2011),toavoidpossible maps (it must be noted that the WMAP and Planck maps CO residuals we exclude from the fit the 100 GHz and the used in this work correspond to a different release to that 217 GHz values. We fix the spectrum of the free-free using usedinPlanckCollaborationetal.(2011),butthiswillhave thestandardformulaeshowninPlanckCollaborationetal. a negligible effect). After trying different values, we found (2011), with a value for the electron temperature typical of that a radius of 1.7◦ gives the best agreement, with a very thesolarneighbourhood,T =8000K,andfitforitsampli- e (cid:13)c 2014RAS,MNRAS000,1–17