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Measurement of the underlying event in the Drell-Yan process in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV PDF

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Preview Measurement of the underlying event in the Drell-Yan process in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV

EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH (CERN) CERN-PH-EP/2012-085 2013/01/24 CMS-QCD-11-012 Measurement of the underlying event in the Drell–Yan √ process in proton-proton collisions at s = 7TeV 3 ∗ 1 The CMS Collaboration 0 2 n a J 3 2 ] Abstract x e - p Ameasurementoftheunderlyingevent(UE)activityinproton-protoncollisionsata e h centre-of-massenergyof7TeVisperformedusingDrell–Yaneventsinadatasample [ corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.2fb−1, collected by the CMS experi- 2 ment at the LHC. The activity measured in the muonic final state (qq → µ+µ−) is v corrected to the particle level and compared with the predictions of various Monte 1 Carlo generators and hadronization models. The dependence of the UE activity on 1 4 the dimuon invariant mass is well described by PYTHIA and HERWIG++ tunes de- 1 rived from the leading jet/track approach, illustrating the universality of the UE ac- . 4 tivity. TheUEactivityisobservedtobeindependentofthedimuoninvariantmassin 0 the region above 40GeV/c2, while a slow increase is observed with increasing trans- 2 1 verse momentum of the dimuon system. The dependence of the UE activity on the : transversemomentumofthedimuonsystemisaccuratelydescribedbyMADGRAPH, v i whichsimulatesmultiplehardemissions. X r a SubmittedtotheEuropeanPhysicalJournalC ∗SeeAppendixAforthelistofcollaborationmembers 1 1 Introduction In hadron-hadron scattering, the “underlying event” (UE) is defined as any hadronic activity thatcannotbeattributedtotheparticlesoriginatingfromthehardscattering,whichischarac- terized by a large momentum transfer, or to the hadronization of initial- and final-state radi- ation. The UE activity is thus due to the hadronization of partonic constituents, not involved in the hard scattering, that have undergone multiple-parton interactions (MPIs) and to the hadronization of beam remnants that did not participate in other scatterings. These semihard interactionscannotbecompletelydescribedbyperturbativequantumchromodynamics(QCD) andrequireaphenomenologicaldescriptioninvolvingparametersthatmustbetunedwiththe helpofdata[1]. TheexperimentalstudyoftheUEprobesvariousaspectsofhadronproductioninhighenergy hadron-hadron collisions. In particular it is sensitive to the interplay of perturbative methods describingthehardprocessandphenomenologicalmodelsofthesoftinteractionsthatattempt tosimultaneouslydescribeMPIs,initial-andfinal-stateradiation,thecolourflowbetweenfinal state partons, and the hadronisation process. Understanding the UE in terms of particle and energydensitieswillleadtobettermodellingbyMonteCarloprogramsthatareusedinprecise measurementsofstandardmodelprocessesandsearchesfornewphysicsathighenergies. The UE affects the estimation of the efficiency of isolation criteria applied to photons and charged leptons, and the energy scale in jet identification. It also affects the reconstruction efficiency for processes like H→ γγ, where the primary vertex is partly determined from the charged particles originating from the UE. Hard MPIs are an important background for new physics searches,e.g. same-signWproductionfromMPIs[2]isapossiblebackgroundtothesame-sign doubleleptonSUSYsearches[3]. The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) [4], ATLAS, and ALICE experiments have carried out √ UE measurements at centre-of-mass energies ( s) of 0.9TeV and 7TeV using hadronic events (minimum-biasandsingle-jettriggered)containingaleadingtrack-jet[5,6]oraleadingtrack[7, 8]. The analysis of the central charged particles and forward energy flow correlations in hard processes, e.g. pp → W(Z)X → (cid:96)ν((cid:96)(cid:96))X [9], provides supplementary insights into the nature of MPIs. In this paper, we use the Drell–Yan (DY) process [10] with the muonic final state at a centre-of-massenergyof7TeVtoperformacomplementaryUEmeasurement. TheDYprocess withmuonicfinalstateisexperimentallycleanandtheoreticallywellunderstood,allowingthe particles from the UE to be reliably identified. The absence of QCD final-state radiation (FSR) permits a study of different kinematic regions with varying transverse momentum of γ∗/Z duetoharderorsofterinitial-stateradiation(ISR).ThecomparisonoftheUEmeasurementin DY events with QCD events having a leading track-jet is useful for probing the UE activity in differentprocesses. UEmeasurementsusingtheDYprocesshavebeenreportedpreviouslyin √ proton-antiprotoncollisionsat s=1.96TeV[11]. The UE activity at a given centre-of-mass energy is expected to increase with the momentum transfer of the interaction. Events with a harder scale are expected to correspond, on average, to interactions with a smaller impact parameter and, in some models, to more MPIs [12, 13]. This increased activity is observed to reach a plateau for high energy scales corresponding to small impact parameter. In this paper we investigate some aspects of the UE modelling in detailbymeasuringtheinvariantmassdependenceoftheUEactivityforDYeventswithsmall transverse momentum of the DY system. This measurement separates the scale dependence of the UE activity from the ISR effect. The universality of the model parameters, denoted as tunes,implementedinthevariousMCprogramsistestedbycomparingtheirpredictionswith our measurements. The portability of the UE parameters across different event generators, 2 2 Observables combinedinsomecaseswithdifferentpartondistributionfunctions(PDFs),isinvestigatedas well. The modelling of the ISR is studied by measuring the UE activity as a function of the transversemomentumoftheDYsystem. Finally,thedependenceoftheUEactivityonISRand FSRisdeterminedbycomparingthemeasurementsfromDYeventswithpreviousresultsfrom hadroniceventscontainingaleadingjetwhereFSRalsoplaysarole. The outline of the paper is as follows. Section 2 describes the various observables used in the presentstudy. Section3summarizesthedifferentMCmodelsusedandcorrespondingUEpa- rameters. Section 4 presents experimental details: a brief detector description, data samples, eventandtrackselectioncriteria,correctionprocedure,andsystematicuncertainties. Section5 presents the results on UE activity measured in DY events and the comparison with the mea- surementsbasedonaleadingtrack-jet. ThemainresultsaresummarizedinSection6. 2 Observables The UE activity is measured in terms of particle and energy densities. The particle density (1/[∆η∆(∆φ)](cid:104)N (cid:105)) is computed as the average number of primary charged particles per ch ∆ unit pseudorapidity η and per unit azimuthal separation φ (in radians) between a track and the transverse momentum of the dimuon system. The pseudorapidity is defined as η = −ln(tan(θ/2)),whereθisthepolaranglemeasuredwithrespecttotheanticlockwisebeamdi- rection. Theazimuthalangleφismeasuredintheplaneperpendiculartothebeamaxis. Theen- ergydensity(1/[∆η∆(∆φ)](cid:104)Σp (cid:105))isexpressedintermsoftheaverageofthescalarsumofthe T transverse momenta of primary charged particles per unit pseudorapidity per unit azimuthal separation. The ratio of the energy and particle densities, as well as the total charged-particle multiplicity N and the transverse momentum spectrum are also computed. The charged- ch particle multiplicity and transverse momentum distributions are normalized to unit area and to the average number of charged particles per event, respectively. Particles are considered as primary if they originate from the initial proton-proton interaction and are not the decay products of long-lived hadrons with a lifetime exceeding 10−10s. Apart from the muons from the DY process, all charged particles in the central region of the detector with pseudorapidity |η| < 2andwithtransversemomentum p > 0.5GeV/careconsidered. T ∆ The spatial distribution of the tracks is categorized by the azimuthal separation φ. Particle production in the away region (|∆φ| > 120◦) is expected to be dominated by the hardest ISR emissions, which balance the dimuon system. The transverse region (60◦ < |∆φ| < 120◦) and towards region (|∆φ| < 60◦) are more sensitive to soft emissions and, in particular, those due to MPIs. The relevant information about the hard and the soft processes is extracted from the tracking and the muon systems of the CMS detector and thus the derived observables are insensitivetotheuncertaintiesofthecalorimetricmeasurements. TheDYeventswithdimuon mass M aroundtheZresonancearetheleastcontaminatedbybackgroundprocesses(heavy- µµ quark, tt, W+jets, and DY → ττ production) [14, 15] and best suited for the measurement of theUEactivity. TheUEactivityisstudiedasafunctionofthemagnitudeofthedimuontransversemomentum (pµµ = |(cid:126)pµ +(cid:126)pµ |) and as a function of M . The dependence of the UE activity on pµµ T T,1 T,2 µµ T for high-mass dimuon pairs effectively probes the ISR spectrum. In order to minimize the µµ background contamination, the p dependence is studied only in the narrow mass window T 81 < M < 101GeV/c2. IncontrasttothestudyoftheUEactivityinhadroniceventsusinga µµ leading track-jet [5, 6], this energy scale is sufficiently large to saturate the MPI contributions. This observation is verified by studying the UE activity as a function of the dimuon mass in a wider mass range, where the total transverse momentum of the dimuon system is kept to a 3 minimumbyrequiring pµµ < 5GeV/c. T 3 Monte Carlo models TheUEdynamicsarestudiedthroughthecomparisonoftheobservablesindatawithvarious tunes of PYTHIA6 [16] and its successor PYTHIA8 [17, 18]. MADGRAPH (version 5) [19, 20], whichsimulatesuptosixfinal-statefermions(includingthemuons),andPOWHEG[21],which includes next-to-leading-order corrections on the hardest emission, are also compared to our measurements. Forthesetwogenerators,softeremissionsaresimulatedby p -orderedparton T showersusingPYTHIA6tunesandmatchedwiththehardprocessproducedbythegenerators. HadronizationinPYTHIA6andPYTHIA8isbasedontheLundstringfragmentationmodel[22]. The measurements are also compared to predictions of the HERWIG++ [23] angular-ordered partonshowerandclusterhadronizationmodel[24,25]. The UE contributions from MPIs rely on modelling and tuning of the parameters in the MC generators. TheMPImodelofPYTHIAreliesontwofundamentalassumptions[12]: • The ratio of the 2→2 partonic cross section, integrated above a transverse momen- tum cutoff scale, and the total of the hadronic cross section is a measure of the amount of MPIs. The cutoff scale p is introduced to regularize an otherwise di- 0T vergingpartoniccrosssection, p4 σ(p ) = σ(p ) T , (1) T 0T (p2 +p2 )2 T 0T with √ √ √ (cid:18) s (cid:19)(cid:101) p ( s) = p ( s ) √ . (2) 0T 0T 0 s 0 √ Here s = 1.8TeV and (cid:101) is a parameter characterizing the energy dependence of 0 thecutoffscale. • ThenumberofMPIsinaneventhasaPoissondistributionwithameanthatdepends ontheoverlapofthematterdistributionofthehadronsinimpact-parameterspace. The MPI model used here [26] includes showering of the MPI process, which is interleaved withtheISR. The tunes of the models vary mainly in the MPI regularization parameters, p and (cid:101), in the 0T amount of colour reconnection, and in the PDF used. The Z1 tune [27] of PYTHIA6 adopts the results of a global tuning performed by the ATLAS Collaboration [28] and uses the fragmen- tationandcolourreconnectionparametersoftheATLASAMBT1tune[29]. Theparametersof theZ1tunerelatedtotheMPIregularizationcutoffanditsenergydependenceareadjustedto describe previous CMS measurements of the UE activity in hadronic events [6] and uses the CTEQ5L PDF. The Z2 tune of PYTHIA6 is an update of the Z1 tune using CTEQ6L1 [30], the defaultusedinmostCMSgenerators;theregularizationcutoffvalueatthenominalenergyof √ s =1.8TeVisoptimizedto1.832GeV/c. Thevalueoftheenergyevolutionparameterforthe 0 Z2 tune is 0.275, as for the Z1 tune. The 4C [31] tune of PYTHIA8 follows a similar procedure as the ATLAS AMBT1 tune, but includes ALICE multiplicity data as well. The values of the √ p ( s )and(cid:101)parametersforthe4Ctuneare2.085GeV/cand0.19,respectively. Theeffective 0T 0 √ valueof p at s = 7TeVisabout2.7GeV/cforboththeZ2and4Ctunes. 0T 4 4 Experimentalmethods The LHC-UE7-2 tune of HERWIG++ is based on ATLAS measurements of the UE activity in hadronicevents[7]. Theregularizationcutoffparameterp fortheLHC-UE7-2tuneis3.36GeV/c √ 0T at s=7TeV. TheCTEQ6L1PDFisusedinconjunctionwith PYTHIA6Z2, PYTHIA84C, MAD- GRAPHZ2,andHERWIG++LHC-UE7-2,whileCT10[32]isusedforPOWHEG,andCTEQ5Lfor the PYTHIA6Z1simulations. AcomparisonofthesemodelswiththemeasurementsispresentedinSection5. 4 Experimental methods The present analysis is performed with a sample of proton-proton collisions corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.2fb−1, collected in March–August 2011 using the CMS detec- tor[4]. Muons are measured in the pseudorapidity range |η| < 2.4 with a detection system consist- ing of three subsystems: Drift Tubes, Cathode Strip Chambers, and Resistive Plate Chambers. Matchingtracksegmentsfromthemuondetectortothetracksmeasuredintheinnertrackerre- sultsinatransversemomentumresolutionbetween1%and5%for p valuesupto1TeV/c. The T tracker subsystem consists of 1440 silicon-pixel and 15148 silicon-strip detector modules, and it measures charged particle trajectories within the nominal pseudorapidity range |η| < 2.5. The tracker is designed to provide a transverse impact parameter resolution of about 100µm and a transverse momentum resolution of about 0.7% for 1GeV/c charged particles at normal incidence(η =0). The detector response is simulated in detail using the GEANT4 package [33]. The simulated signal and background events, including heavy-quark, tt, W+jets, and DY → ττ production, areprocessedandreconstructedinthesamemannerascollisiondata. 4.1 Event and track selection Thetriggerrequiresthepresenceofatleasttwomuoncandidates. Inperiodsoflowerinstanta- neousluminositybothmuonswererequiredtohave p > 7GeV/c, whileinotherperiodsthe T transversemomentumrequirementswere13GeV/cand8GeV/cfortheleadingandsubleading muons,respectively. Thetriggerefficiencyisabove95%fortheofflineselectedDYeventswith the requirement of 81 < M < 101GeV/c2. The offline selection requires exactly two muons µµ reconstructed in the muon detector and the silicon tracker. Muon candidates are required to satisfy identification criteria based on the number of hits in the muon stations and tracker, transverse impact parameter with respect to the beam axis, and normalized χ2 of the global fit [15]. The backgrounds from jets misidentified as muons and from semileptonic decays of heavyquarksaresuppressedbyapplyinganisolationconditiononthemuoncandidates. The isolationvariable I formuonsisdefinedas I = (cid:8)Σ[p (tracks)+E (EM)+E (HAD)]−π(∆R)2ρ(cid:9)/pµ, (3) T T T T where the sum is defined in a cone of radius ∆R = (cid:112)(∆φ)2+(∆η)2 = 0.3 around the muon ∆ ∆ direction; η and φarethepseudorapidityandazimuthalseparationbetweenthemuonand tracksorcalorimetrictowers. Here p (tracks)isthetransversemomentumoftracks,excluding T muons, with p > 1GeV/c, E (EM) is the transverse energy deposited in the electromagnetic T T calorimeter, E (HAD) is the transverse energy deposited in the hadronic calorimeter, and ρ T is the average energy density [34] in the calorimeter and tracker originating from additional inelastic pp interactions (pile-up) in the same bunch crossing as the DY interaction.The calcu- lation of ρ takes into account the number of reconstructed primary vertices in the event; the 4.2 Correctionsandsystematicuncertainties 5 average value of ρ is 5.6GeV/c. A muon is considered to be isolated if I < 0.15. Because of the energy density correction, the isolation efficiency is independent of the number of pile-up interactions. The selected muons are required to have opposite charges, transverse momenta larger than 20GeV/c, and pseudorapidity |η| < 2.4. Both muons are required to be associated with the same vertex, which is designated as the signal vertex. The selected signal vertex is required to be within ±18cm of the nominal interaction point as measured along the z direction. At least fivetracksarerequiredtobeassociatedwiththesignalvertex,andthetransversedisplacement of the signal vertex from the beam axis is required to be less than 2cm. These criteria select a puresampleofDYeventswithatotalbackgroundcontributionoflessthan0.5%asestimated fromsimulatedevents. Tracks, excludingtheselectedmuons, areconsideredfortheUEmeasurementiftheyarewell reconstructedinthesilicon-pixelandthesilicon-striptracker,have p > 0.5GeV/cand|η| < 2, T andoriginatefromthesignalvertex. Toreducethenumberofimproperlyreconstructedtracks, ahighpurityreconstructionalgorithm[35]isused. Thehighpurityalgorithmrequiresstringent cuts on the number of hits, the normalized χ2 of the track fit, and the consistency of the track originating from a pixel vertex. To reduce the contamination of secondary tracks from decays of long-lived particles and photon conversions, the distances of closest approach between the trackandthesignalvertexinthetransverseplaneandinthelongitudinaldirectionarerequired tobelessthan3timestherespectiveuncertainties. Trackswithpoorlymeasuredmomentaare removedbyrequiringσ(p )/p < 5%,whereσ(p )istheuncertaintyonthe p measurement. T T T T These selection criteria reject about 10% of primary tracks and 95% of misreconstructed and secondary tracks. The selected tracks have a contribution of about 2% from misreconstructed andsecondarytracks. 4.2 Corrections and systematic uncertainties The UE observables, discussed in Section 2, are corrected for detector effects and selection efficiencies. The measured observables are corrected to reflect the activity from all primary charged particles with transverse momentum p > 0.5GeV/c and pseudorapidity |η| < 2. T The particle and energy densities are corrected using a bin-by-bin technique. In the bin-by- bin technique, the correction factor is calculated by taking the bin-by-bin ratio of the particle level and detector level distributions for simulated events and then the measured quantity is multiplied by this correction factor. There is a small growth in the particle and energy densi- µµ ties with increasing p and M in the towards and transverse regions. Because of this slow T µµ µµ growth of densitiesthe bin migration in p and M has a smalleffect on the measurements, T µµ therefore a bin-by-bin method is considered to be sufficiently precise. There is a fast rise in µµ theenergyandparticledensitiesintheawayregionwiththeincreaseof p , butcorrectedre- T sults using a bin-by-bin method are consistent with correction obtained from a Bayesian [36] technique. Thetransversemomentaofthechargedparticleshaveverygoodresolutionandare corrected using a bin-by-bin method. In this analysis the average of the calculated correction factorsfrom PYTHIA6Z2, PYTHIA6D6T,and MADGRAPH Z2isusedtocorrecttheexperimen- tal distributions. The maximum deviation from the average correction factor is taken as the model-dependent systematic uncertainty, estimated to be 0.7–1.4% for the particle and energy densities. Inthecaseofcharged-particlemultiplicity,thereissubstantialbinmigrationandthe corrected results using the Bayesian [36] and bin-by-bin techniques differ by 10–15%. There- fore the charged-particle multiplicity is corrected using a Bayesian unfolding technique with a response matrix obtained using the PYTHIA6 Z2 tune. The systematic uncertainty related to the correction procedure is calculated by unfolding the data with response matrices obtained 6 4 Experimentalmethods usingdifferenttunes. Intheanalyzeddata,thereareonaverage6–7collisionsineachbunchcrossing. Tracksoriginat- ing from these pile-up interactions cause the UE activity to be overestimated, so the measure- mentsarecorrectedforthepresenceofpile-upinteractions. Thecorrectionfactoriscalculated as the ratio of the UE activity for simulated events with and without pile-up. The uncertainty inthemodellingofthepile-upeventsisestimatedbyvaryingthemeanoftheexpectednumber of pile-up events by ±1. This uncertainty in pile-up modelling affects the particle and energy densities by 0.3–1.0%. The effect due to pile-up events is small because only the tracks associ- ated with the same vertex as the muon pair are used. The results are also cross-checked with lowpile-up7TeVdatacollectedduring2010andthedifferencesarefoundtobenegligible. Table1: Summaryofthesystematicuncertaintiesontheparticleandenergydensities(inpercent). The first three rows show the systematic uncertainties for the particle density in the towards, transverse, and away regions. The last three rows report the systematic uncertainties for the energy density. The numbersoutsidetheparenthesesrefertothecasewherethedensitiesaremeasuredasafunctionofM µµ µµ andthoseintheparenthesescorrespondtothemeasurementsasafunctionof p . T Observable model pile-up isolation mis-ID background total µµ µµ µµ µµ µµ µµ Mµµ(pT ) Mµµ(pT ) Mµµ(pT ) Mµµ(pT ) Mµµ(pT ) Mµµ(pT ) 1/[∆η∆(∆φ)](cid:104)N (cid:105)(towards) 0.8(0.8) 1.0(0.9) 0.9–1.5(0.9) 1.0(1.0) 0.7(0.3) 2.0–2.3(1.8) ch 1/[∆η∆(∆φ)](cid:104)N (cid:105)(transverse) 0.7(0.9) 0.9(0.9) 0.8–1.7(0.8) 0.9(0.9) 0.7(0.5) 1.8–2.3(1.8) ch 1/[∆η∆(∆φ)](cid:104)N (cid:105)(away) 0.7(0.6) 0.9(0.3–0.9) 0.8–1.6(0.8) 0.9(0.9) 0.5(0.5) 1.7–2.2(1.5–1.7) ch 1/[∆η∆(∆φ)](cid:104)Σp (cid:105)(towards) 1.2(1.2) 0.8(0.7) 1.1–2.0(1.4) 0.8(0.8) 0.8(0.7) 2.1–2.7(2.2) T 1/[∆η∆(∆φ)](cid:104)Σp (cid:105)(transverse) 1.1(1.4) 0.7(0.7) 1.0–2.5(1.3) 0.8(0.8) 0.8(0.9) 2.0–3.0(2.4) T 1/[∆η∆(∆φ)](cid:104)Σp (cid:105)(away) 1.0(0.8) 0.7(0.3–0.7) 1.1–2.2(1.1) 0.8(0.7) 0.7(0.2) 2.0–2.7(1.6–1.7) T Wealsoconsiderpossiblesystematiceffectsrelatedtotriggerrequirements,differentbeam-axis positionsindataandsimulation,varioustrackselectioncriteria,muonisolation,andmisiden- tificationoftracks. Thecombinedsystematicuncertaintyrelatedtotriggerconditions,thevary- ingbeam-axisposition,andtrackselectionislessthan0.5%. Thesystematicuncertaintydueto isolationiscalculatedbyremovingtheisolationconditioninthesimulatedeventsusedforthe correctionandisfoundtobe0.8–2.5%fortheparticleandenergydensities. Theyieldofsecondarytracksoriginatingfromthedecayoflong-livedparticlesisnotcorrectly predicted by the simulation [37]. To estimate the effect of secondary tracks, a subset of simu- latedeventsiscreatedbyrejectingtracksthatdonothaveamatchingprimarychargedparticle at the generator level. The uncertainty is evaluated by correcting the measurements with this subsetofthesimulatedevents,containingfewersecondarytracks,andisfoundtobe0.7–1.0% fortheparticleandenergydensities. Thoughthetotalcontributionofbackgroundprocessesisverysmall,itaffectsthemeasurement at higher pµµ (50–100GeV/c) and small M (40–60GeV/c2) where the contamination from tt T µµ and DY→ ττ background processes is 1% and 5%, respectively. The particle and energy den- sitiesdifferbetweenDY→ ττ andDY→ µµ (thesignalprocess)by20%. Theparticle(energy) densityforthettbackgroundistwotimes(fourtimes)thatforthesignalprocess. Combination ofthedifferencesinthedensitiesforbackgroundprocessesandrelativebackgroundcontribu- tionsgivesasystematicuncertaintyof0.2–0.9%. Table1summarizesthedominantsystematicuncertaintiesontheparticleandenergydensities. The total systematic uncertainty on the particle and energy densities is in the range 1.5–3.0%, whereas the uncertainties on the track multiplicity and p spectra reach 10% in the tail (not T 7 reported in Table 1). In all figures, inner error bars represent the statistical uncertainty only, whileoutererrorbarsaccountforthequadraticsumofstatisticalandsystematicuncertainties. 5 Results The UE activity in DY events, for charged particles with p > 0.5GeV/c and |η| < 2.0, is T µµ presented as a function of M and p . The multiplicity and the transverse momentum dis- µµ T tributions are also presented for two different sets of events, pµµ < 5GeV/c and 81 < M < T µµ 101GeV/c2. Finally,theUEactivityinthetransverseregioniscomparedwiththatmeasuredin hadroniceventsusingaleadingtrack-jet. 5.1 Underlying event in the Drell–Yan process Theenergy-scaledependenceoftheMPIactivityisstudiedbylimitingtheISR.Toaccomplish this we require the muons to be back-to-back in the transverse plane with pµµ < 5GeV/c and T measure the dependence of the UE activity on the dimuon mass, M . The resulting particle µµ andenergydensitiesareshowninFig.1. Becausetheactivityisalmostidenticalinthetowards andtransverseregions,theyarecombinedas|∆φ| < 120◦. ThecontributionofISRtotheUEac- tivityissmallafterrequiring pµµ < 5GeV/c,asshownbythepredictionof HERWIG++without T MPIs. ThisfigurealsoillustratesthedominantroleofMPIsinourcurrentmodelsastheygen- eratemorethan80%oftheUEactivityintheseISR-reducedevents. Thelackofdependenceof theUEactivityon M withintherangeunderstudy(40–140GeV/c2)indicatesthattheactivity µµ duetoMPIsisconstantatenergyscalesdownto40GeV. Thequantitativedescriptionbymodel tunes based on the minimum-bias and UE observables in hadronic events is illustrated by the MC/Data ratios in Fig. 1. In general, PYTHIA6 Z2, PYTHIA8 4C, and HERWIG++ LHC-UE7-2 describethedensitieswell,whereastheZ2tuneusedtogetherwiththePOWHEGgeneratorun- derestimatesbothdensitiesby5–15%. Both PYTHIA and HERWIG++modeltunesderivedfrom theUEmeasurementinhadroniceventsusingtheleadingjet/trackapproachdescribetheUE activity in the Drell–Yan events equally well and hence illustrate a certain universality of the underlyingeventacrossQCDandelectroweakprocessesinhadroniccollisions. Dependence of the UE activity on the transverse momentum of the dimuon system is shown in Fig. 2 in the towards, transverse, and away regions (top to bottom) for events having M µµ between 81GeV/c2 and 101GeV/c2. At this high energy scale, the pµµ dependence of the UE T µµ activity is sensitive to the ISR. The slope in the p dependence of the UE activity is identical T for a model with and without MPIs and is therefore mainly due to ISR. The predictions of HERWIG++withoutMPIsunderestimatethemeasurementsintheawayregionaswellbecause the MPIs produce particles uniformly in all directions. The UE activity does not fall to zero when pµµ → 0becauseofthepresenceofthehardscalesetby M . T µµ µµ The particle and energy densities in the away region rise sharply with p and, because of T momentumconservationmainlysensitivetothespectrumofthehardestemission,areequally well described by all tunes and generators considered. In the towards and transverse regions µµ there is a slow growth in the particle and energy densities with increasing p . The energy T densityincreasesmorethantheparticledensity,implyingacontinuousincreaseintheaverage µµ transversemomentumofthechargedparticleswith p . Thiseffectisalsoreflectedintheratio T oftheenergydensitytotheparticledensity. Theactivityinthetowardsregionisqualitatively similar to that in the transverse region. Quantitatively, the activity is higher in the transverse regionthanthetowardsregion,aneffectcausedbythespill-overcontributionsfromtherecoil activity in the away region, which balances the dimuon system. This observation is visible in 8 5 Results particledensity energydensity ratioofenergyandparticledensities æÆfDD N)] ( ch1111....2468 DPPPHHyoyaeettwtrrhhawwhiiaaiiegg--g++68 ++ZZ4 2C2LLHHCC--UUEE77--22 (nCoM MSP I)s = 7 TeV æ [GeV/c] pT1111....2468 DPPPHHyoyaeettwtrrhhawwhiiaaiiegg--g++68 ++ZZ4 2C2LLHHCC--UUEE77--22 (nCoM MSP I)s = 7 TeV æ [GeV/c] Nch1111....2468 DPPPHHyoyaeettwtrrhhawwhiiaaiiegg--g++68 ++ZZ4 2C2LLHHCC--UUEE77--22 (CnoM MS P I)s = 7 TeV hD1/[ 1 p(cphmTma >r<g 0e5.d 5G pGeaVert/Vicc/lce,s |h| < 2.0, |D f| < 120o) SÆfD )] ( 1 p(cphmTma >r<g 0e5.d 5G pGeaVert/Vicc/lce,s |h| < 2.0, |D f| < 120o) ÆæS/ p T 1 0.8 T D 0.8 T Æ 0.8 h 0.6 D1/[ 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 charged particles (p > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 2.0, |D f| < 120o) 0.2 0.2 0.2 pmTm < 5 GeV/c T 0 0 0 40 60 80 100 120 140 40 60 80 100 120 140 40 60 80 100 120 140 Mmm [GeV/c2] Mmm [GeV/c2] Mmm [GeV/c2] 1.4 1.4 1.4 æÆfDDhD N)] ( Data 1/[ch111...2311 SSPPPHttyoyeaattwrhhttw..hii aai+eg-- g+68S +yZZ4 s2C2LtH.C-UE7-2 CMS s = 7 TeV æSÆfDDhD p )] ( ata 1/[T111...2311 SSPPPHttyoyeaattwrhhttw..hii aai+eg-- g+68S +yZZ4 s2C2LtH.C-UE7-2 CMS s = 7 TeV æÆæSÆ N/ p MC/Data chT111...2311 SSPPPHttyoyeaattwrhhttw..hii aai+eg-- g+68S +yZZ4 s2C2LtH.C-UE7-2 CMS s = 7 TeV MC/ 0.9 C/D 0.9 0.9 M 0.8 charged particles 0.8 charged particles 0.8 charged particles 0.7 p(pmTm >< 05. 5G GeVe/Vc/c, |h| < 2.0, |D f| < 120o) 0.7 p(pmTm >< 05. 5G GeVe/Vc/c, |h| < 2.0, |D f| < 120o) 0.7 p(pmTm >< 05. 5G GeVe/Vc/c, |h| < 2.0, |D f| < 120o) T T T 0.6 0.6 0.6 40 60 80 100 120 140 40 60 80 100 120 140 40 60 80 100 120 140 Mmm [GeV/c2] Mmm [GeV/c2] Mmm [GeV/c2] Figure 1: Top: The UE activity as a function of the dimuon invariant mass (M ) for events µµ with pµµ < 5GeV/c for charged particles having ∆φ < 120◦: (left) particle density; (centre) T energy density; (right) ratio of the energy and particle densities. The predictions of PYTHIA6 Z2, POWHEG Z2, PYTHIA8 4C, and HERWIG++ LHC-UE7-2 (with and without MPIs) are also displayed. In the top right plot, the structure around 60–80GeV/c2 for HERWIG++ without MPIsreflectstheinfluenceofphotonradiationbyfinal-statemuons,whichisenhancedbelow theZresonance. Bottom: RatiosofthepredictionsofvariousMCmodelsandthemeasurement. Theinnerbandshowsthestatisticaluncertainityofdatawhereastheouterbandrepresentsthe totaluncertainty.

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