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Preview Measurement of the dead layer thickness in a p-type point contact germanium detector

Chinese Physics C Vol. xx, No. x (2014) xxxxxx Measurement of the dead layer thickness in a p-type point contact germanium detector H. Jiang1,2 Q. Yue1,2;1) Y.L. Li1,2;2) K.J. Kang1,2 Y.J. Li1,2 J. LI1,2 S.T. Lin3 S.K. Liu1,2 H. Ma1,2 J.L. Ma1,2 J. Su1,2 H.T. Wong4 L.T. Yang1,2 W. Zhao1,2 Z. Zeng1,2 1 Dept. ofEngineeringPhysics,TsinghuaUniversity,Beijing100084,China 6 2 KeyLaboratoryofParticle&RadiationImaging(TsinghuaUniversity),MinistryofEducation,Beijing100084,China 1 3 CollegeofPhysicalScienceandTechnology,SichuanUniversity,Chengdu610064,China 0 4 InstituteofPhysics,AcademiaSinica,Taipei11529,China 2 n Abstract: A994gmassp-typePCGedetectorwasdeployedbythefirstphaseoftheChinaDarkmatterEXperiment a aimingatthedirectsearchesoflightweaklyinteractingmassiveparticles. Measuringthethicknessofthedeadlayerof J ap-typegermaniumdetectorisanissueofmajorimportancesinceitdeterminesthefiducialmassofthedetector. This 7 workreportsamethodusinganuncollimated133Basourcetodeterminethedeadlayerthickness. Theexperimental 1 design, data analysis and Monte Carlo simulation processes, as well as the statistical and systematic errors are ] described. Anagreementbetweentheexperimentaldataandsimulationresultswasachievedtoderivethethickness t e of the dead layer of 1.02 mm. d - Key words: dead layer, CDEX, PPCGe, Monte Carlo s n PACS: 95.35.+d; 29.40.-n i . s c 1 Introduction anincompletechargecollectionbecauseoftheveryweak i s electricfieldinthisregion[5–7]. Burnsetal. foundthat y the dead layer could be considered as two layers: an in- h The China Dark matter EXperiment (CDEX) aims p active layer where no charge could be collected by the atthedirectsearchesoflightWeaklyInteractingMassive [ electrodes, and a transition layer where the charge col- Particles (WIMPs) employing point-contact germanium lection efficiency increased from zero to one [8]. As a 1 detector(PCGe)attheChinaJinpingUndergroundLab- v result, the events in the dead layer cannot provide us oratory (CJPL), which has about 2400 m of rock over- 5 the primary energies that deposited in the detector and 0 burden. Asthefirststep,CDEXhasreportedtheresults should be discriminated from the bulk events with effi- 3 fromtheCDEXphaseIexperiment(CDEX-1)byusinga ciency correction. At the same time, the fiducial volume 4 p-typePCGe(PPCGe)detector(CDEX-1A)ofmass994 and mass should also be calculated based on the thick- 0 g [1]. PPCGe detector has very excellent properties for . ness of the dead layer. 1 the dark matter search experiment. A small area of the The characteristics of the dead layer have been in- 0 point contact electrode, which can significantly reduce vestigated in some literatures. In 1998, Clouvas used 6 the capacitance, results in the low electronic noise and 1 a formula to describe the charge collection in the dead energy threshold [2]. The CDEX-1A detector can reach : layer. There was a good agreement between the sim- v athresholdof∼400eVee(eedenoteselectron-equivalent i ulation spectrum and experimental spectrum based on X energy) [3]. Besides that, the localized weighting poten- this formula. But they got a dead layer thickness of 2.5 tial resulting in distinct current pulses from individual r mm which had a huge disagreement with the manufac- a interaction charge clouds provides the ability to distin- tory’s result of 0.5 mm [9]. Studies of N. Q. Huy et guishbetweenSingleSiteEvents(SSE)andMultipleSite al. showed that the dead layer thickness increased over Events (MSE) which can be used to reduce the signals timebecausethelithiumdiffusionwashappeningallthe from the background [4]. time [10]. Thus, it is not reliable to use the dead layer However, PPCGe detector has a dead layer at the thicknessgivenbymanufactory. Inordertocalculatethe surface caused by lithium diffusion. Events generating fiducialvolumeandmass,thethicknessofthedeadlayer in the dead layer will lead to a slow rise time pulse and 1)E-mail:[email protected] 2)E-mail:[email protected] (cid:13)c2013 Chinese Physical Society and the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Institute of ModernPhysicsoftheChineseAcademyofSciencesandIOPPublishingLtd 010201-1 Chinese Physics C Vol. xx, No. x (2014) xxxxxx should be measured. low to high energy as shown in Table 1. Lower energy This article reports a measurement of the dead layer photonsaremorelikelytointeractinthesurfacecompar- thickness of the PPCGe detector from CDEX-1A exper- ing to the higher energy photons and due to the partial iment with an uncollimated 133Ba source. In the follow- chargecollection,thesurfaceeventsdonotcontributeto ing sections, the experimental design, data analysis and the photoelectron peaks at all. It means that different MoteCarlosimulationprocesses,aswellasthestatistical deadlayerthicknesseswillcausedifferentintensityratios and systematic errors are discussed. ofphotoelectronpeaksforthegammarayswithdifferent energies. 2 Detector geometry Table 1. Gamma ray intensities of a 133Ba source [11] The CDEX-1A detector was fabricated by Canberra Company. Thegermaniumcrystalhasadiameterof62.2 Energy/keV Intensity/% ±0.1mmandaheightof62.3±0.1mmandisencapsu- 53.16 2.14 lated in a Oxygen Free High Conductivity (OFHC) cop- 79.61 2.65 81.00 32.95 per cryostat. The copper thickness at the endcap side 160.61 0.64 oppositeofthepointcontactis1.5±0.1mmandatthe 223.24 0.45 side is 2.0 ± 0.1 mm. The distance between the endcap 276.40 7.16 andthegermaniumcrystalis4.5±0.1mmandnoother 302.85 18.34 material but vacuum between them. At the side, there 356.01 62.05 are some supports, foils and screws made of OFHC cop- 383.85 8.94 per, lead and brass. The point contact is at the bottom of the crystal and connected to a brass pin to take out Thestepstomeasurethedeadlayerthicknessarefol- the signals. lowing: Firstly,anuncollimated133Basourcewasusedto The PPCGe detector can be distinguished into two get the ratios of different photoelectron peaks in exper- parts: adeadlayerwherenochargeorpartofthecharges iment. Secondly, as all the parameters except the dead is collected by electrodes, a bulk where all the charges layer thickness were known, a series of dead layer thick- deposited in it can be collected by electrodes. Signals nesses were assumed to get the simulation results of the generatinginthedeadlayerhaveamuchslowerrisetime ratios,respectively. Atlast,thedeadlayerthicknesswas and an incomplete charge collection as shown in Fig. 1. derivedbycomparingtheexperimentaldataandsimula- tion data. This method has also been used by GERDA and MAJORANA Collaborations to get the dead layer thickness of their germanium detectors [12]. 133Ba source Dead layer Bulk Bulk Cryostat P o i n t contact Fig.1. Typicalsignalsat∼10keVfromdeadlayer Dead (top)andbulk(bottom). Signalsfromdeadlayer l ayer have a much slower rise time and an incomplete Fig.2. ThelayoutoftheCDEX-1APPCGedetec- charge collection, e.g. the actual deposit energy torandsourceposition. Thepointanddeadlayer is larger than 10 keV. The size of the point and are not shown in scale. thethickofthedeadlayerarenotshowninscale. In the experiment, an uncollimated 133Ba source was 3 Experimental process put right above the detector endcap, as shown in Fig. 2. A height gauge was used to fix the 133Ba source and A 133Ba source is an excellent source to measure the measure the distance between the source and the end- dead layer, which has several photoelectron peaks from cap. Signals from the point contact electrode were fed 010201-2 Chinese Physics C Vol. xx, No. x (2014) xxxxxx into a pulsed reset preamplifier. Then, a shaping am- time difference between the event and its nearest prior plifier at 6us shaping time and a 14 bit 100 MHz flash reset inhibit signal. analog-to-digital convertor (FADC) were used to shape, If the electronic level difference between the baseline amplify and digitize the signals. level to the reset point is less than the voltage drop pro- duced by a large induced current from an incident par- 4 Results and discussion ticle, the output signal just represents part of the total energy deposited in the detector. This effect decreases 4.1 Experimental data analysis thedetectionefficiencyfortheeventsofthesingle-energy incident gamma-rays. And the higher energy particles Astheexperimentisbasedonthecontrastofexperi- are more easier to reset the preamplifier. That means mentalresultsandsimulationresults,itisverynecessary the detection efficiency is energy dependent which will to make sure that the experimental conditions are quite change the ratios of different photoelectron peaks. the same with the simulation conditions. In order to The events selection from preamplifier reset period achieve this goal, several events selections and rejections was derived from the parameter T distribution, aim- should be done in the experimental data before we can − ing at choosing a region where the detection efficiency get the experimental spectrum of a 133Ba source. was energy independent to make sure that the ratios of 4.1.1 Events selection from preamplifier reset period different photoelectron peaks were not affected. Fig. 4 A pulsed reset preamplifier is used by CDEX-1A shows the relationship between the event counts of a PPCGe detector to achieve ultra-low noise level. The 133Ba source and T at the source position of 73 mm. − charge and discharge procedures are shown in Fig. 3(a). It is shown that the event counts were dropped rapidly The baseline level of the preamplifier decreases with the at T > 0.22 s which meant some gamma rays were lost − time due to the continuous leakage current of the de- as the preamplifier was reset by them. In order to avoid tector itself and the induced current (signal) from the the efficiency problem, we set T cut at 0.2 s to reject − incident particles. This is the so called charge proce- the events with T > 0.2 s. − dure. Whenthebaselinelevelreachestotheresetpoint, the preamplifier would be reset immediately to make it work again. This is the so called discharge procedure. 1.2 (a) 1 34 nit) 0.8 U volt (V)-- 21012 signal ounts(Arb. 00..46 Accept Reject - 3 C - 4 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 timing (s) (b) 0 1.0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 T_(s) 0.8 nit0.6 inhibit signal inhibit Fig.4. RelationshipbetweeneventcountsandT− y u at source position 73 mm. The black line is the arbitrar00..24 … T- T+ … eisvetnhteceovuennttscoofutnhtestooftathlesp8e1ctkrueVm.phTohteoerleedctlrionne 0.0 peak. The green line is the event counts of the - 0.2 356keVphotoelectronpeak. Thecountsforpho- 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 timing (s) toelectronpeaksof81keV,356keVandthetotal spectrumhavebeennormalizedtothesamescale Fig. 3. (a) Baseline level of the preamplifier. (b) in this figure. Eachtimethepreamplifierisreset,aresetinhibit signalisobtainedandT meansthetimebetween − the event to its nearest prior reset inhibit signal. 4.1.2 Accidental coincidence events rejection There are some accidental coincidence events in the Each time the preamplifier is reset, a reset inhibit time window of our DAQ system. Since the amplitude signal is obtained as shown in Fig. 3(b) and the typical wasusedtodotheenergycalibration,somelowerenergy averageresetperiodisabout0.4switha133Basourceir- events could be masked by higher energy events which radiationforCDEX-1APPCGedetector. T meansthe would also change the ratios of different energy peaks. − 010201-3 Chinese Physics C Vol. xx, No. x (2014) xxxxxx The rejection criterion of accidental coincidence events is based on the correlation between the maximal ampli- tude(Amp) and the integral of the signal pulse(Q). 103 Fig. 5 shows the relationship between Q and Amp. The main distribution band are normal events because the Q-Amp distribution are linear correlation, while the Counts102 accidentalcoincidenceeventsdisplaydifferentbehaviors. 10 The signal selection region is defined at 3σ of the linear events distribution band. 1 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Energy(keV) Fig. 6. An experimental spectrum of the 133Ba source by CDEX-1A PPCGe detector The fitting result of 81 keV photoelectron peak is shown in Fig. 7(a). As the photoelectron peaks of 79.61 keV and 81 keV are too close to each other, two Gaus- sian functions and a linear function are applied to fit the two peaks and the background. The green line is the Gaussian function of 79.61 keV photoelectron peak, the blue line is the Gaussian function of 81 keV photo- Fig.5. Alltheeventsoutsidethetworedlinesare electron peak, the black line is the linear function of the rejected. Theinsetfigureshowsthe356keVpho- background and the red line is the combined results. toelectron peak and the 3σ cut lines. The fitting result of 356 keV photoelectron peak is showninFig.7(b). AGaussianfunctionandlinearfunc- tion are used to describe the peak region. The relationship between the real rate and measured rate of one certain energy photoelectron peak is shown as the formula below: R =R −2τR R =R (1−2τR ) (1) m r r tot r tot Where R refers to the measured rate of the cer- m tain energy photoelectron peak after the accidental co- incidence events rejection, R refers to the real rate of r the certain energy photoelectron peak detected by the detector, τ refers to the time window of the accidental coincidence,R referstotherealeventrateofthewhole tot spectrum detected by the detector. As the parameter 1−2τR in formula (1) is a con- tot stant term which is energy independent, it would not change the value of ratios of different photoelectron peaks. That means the ratios of measured rates after accidental coincidence events rejection are equal to the ratios of real rates. We can use the measured rates to derivetheratiosofdifferentphotoelectronpeakswithout any correction. 4.1.3 Experimental results After doing all the selections and rejections, an ex- perimentalspectrumofa133BasourceisshowninFig.6. Fig. 7. The fitting results of the 133Ba source. (a) The distance between the source and endcap is 73 mm. The fitting result of 79.6 keV and 81 keV photo- In this spectrum, there were five explicit photoelectron electron peaks. (b) The fitting result of 356 keV peaks: 81keV, 276 keV, 303 keV, 356 keV and 384 keV photoelectron peak. which were used to obtain the dead layer thickness. 010201-4 Chinese Physics C Vol. xx, No. x (2014) xxxxxx The peak area is calculated by the formula below: 106 √ A = 2πσH/W (2) 105 104 Where A refers to the peak area of the photoelectron s nt peak, σ refers to the σ of the fitting result of Gaussian ou103 C function,HreferstothepeakheightandWreferstothe 102 width of each bin in energy. Using the parameters derived from the fitting result 10 ofFig.7,theratiosofdifferentphotoelectronpeakswere 1 obtained as below: 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Energy (keV) Fig. 8. The simulation spectrum of the 133Ba A(356keV) H σ source. Thedistancebetweenthesourceandend- R(81keV,356keV)= = 356keV 356keV cap is 73 mm, and the dead layer thickness is as- A(81keV) H σ 81keV 81keV sumed to be 1.0 mm. As the dead layer is at the surface of germanium de- As depicted in Fig. 9, the points for different dead tector,lowerenergyphotonsaremoresensitivetoitthan layerthicknesseswithstatisticalerrorbarsfromthesim- higher energy photons. The denominator of the ratio ulation show the ratio of the number of events in the 81 was fixed with 81 keV peak area and the numerator was keVphotoelectronpeaktothatinthe356keVphotoelec- changed from 276 keV peak area to 384 keV peak area. tron peak. A quadratic fitting function provides a good Other experimental results were obtained by the same description to the simulation data. The horizontal band method and shown in Table 2. with 1σ error bar shows the ratio that was measured in the experimental data and the vertical band with Table 2. Different energy peak ratios with a dis- 1σ error bar determines the thickness of the dead layer tanceof73mmbetweenthesourcetothedetector by comparing the experimental ratio and the simulation endcap dataimplementingtheinterpolationmethod. Usingthis method, a series of results were obtained as shown in Energypeak/81keV Energypeakratio Table 3. 276keV 0.393±0.005 303keV 0.953±0.009 356keV 2.853±0.023 384keV 0.390±0.005 3.4 3.2 4.2 Simulation data analysis 3 o Geant4 [13] was used to simulate the initial interac- k rati 2.8 tion of a 133Ba source in the PPCGe detector in CDEX- pea 2.6 y 1AexperimentandconstructallthestructuresofCDEX- nerg 2.4 1A detector and shieldings into the simulation program. E 2.2 In the simulation, the dead layer thickness was scanned 2 from 0 mm to 1.4 mm to get different simulation results 1.8 of the 133Ba source. A simulation spectrum of 133Ba 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 Dead layer thickness(mm) source is shown in Fig. 8. As ratios are only concerned Fig.9. Determinationofthethicknessofthedead about the photoelectron peak events deposited all their layer at the source position of 73 mm. The black energyinthebulk,surfaceeventsdonotcontributeatall pointsarefromthesimulation,providingtheratio to the photoelectron peaks no matter partial charge col- of the number of events in the 81 keV photoelec- lected events or no charge collected events. The events tron peak to that in the 356 keV photoelectron inthedeadlayerofpartialchargecollectionwhichwould peak. Thehorizontalbandisfromtheexperimen- contribute to the low energy part of the spectrum were tal data. The vertical band determines the dead simplifiedasnochargecollectedeventsinthesimulation. layerthicknessbycomparingtheexperimentalra- tio and simulation fitting line. The error bars for This is why some small photoelectron peaks can be seen the simulation points are smaller than the data in the simulation spectrum while in the experimental is point size and invisible in the plot. not. 010201-5 Chinese Physics C Vol. xx, No. x (2014) xxxxxx Table 3. The estimated dead layer thicknesses The systematic error caused by accidental coinci- with statistical errors for different energy ratios dence events rejection was derived by changing the of photoelectron peaks normal signals selection region from 3σ region to 5σ region and it was 0.003 mm. Enegypeaks Deadlayerthickness Stat. error /81keV /mm /mm (2) Theaccuracyofsourcelocationanddetectordimen- 276keV 0.994 0.033 sion 303keV 1.035 0.025 Other systematic errors were caused from the accu- 356keV 1.027 0.020 racyofsourcelocation, endcapdimension, andcrys- 384keV 1.010 0.032 tal dimensions. These systematic errors could be obtained by Monte Carlo simulations. We consid- 4.3 Statistical and systematic errors ered the error of endcap thickness to be 0.1 mm. 4.3.1 Statistical error Therefore, the endcap thickness was set as 1.4 mm, 1.5 mm and 1.6 mm in the simulation program, re- In Table 3, several results of the dead layer thick- spectively. Then new dead layer thicknesses were nesseswereobtainedbychoosingdifferentphotoelectron obtained by comparing new Monte Carlo simulation peaks of 133Ba source. As the peak areas were achieved resultswithexperimentalresults. Thedifferencebe- by the formula (2), the statistical errors of these results tween the dead layer thickness results we got from can be achieved by the following steps: 1.4mmand1.6mmthickendcapsimulationmodels Step1: Using the formula below to get the statistical to the 1.5 mm thick endcap simulation model was errors of different photoelectron peak ratios: the systematic error caused by accuracy of endcap dimension. The same method was used to get the (cid:115) systematic errors caused by the accuracy of source A H σ σ2 σ2 σ2 σ2 σ =σ( 1)= 1 1 H1 + σ1 + H2 + σ2 (3) positions, and the accuracy of crystal dimensions. R A H σ H2 σ2 H2 σ2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 All the systematic errors were listed in Table 4. Whereσ referstothestatisticalerrorsofpeakratios,A R i referstothepeakareaofphotoelectronpeaki, H refers i Table 4. Systematic errors to the peak height of photoelectron peak i, σ refers to i thesigmaofphotoelectronpeaki(i=1,2). Alltheerrors Eventsselectionfrompreamplifierresetperiod 0.004mm of peak ratios were also shown in Table 2. Accidentalcoincidenceeventsrejection 0.003mm Step2: The statistical errors of energy peak ratios Sourcelocationaccuracy 0.005mm were added to the experimental result as the blue band Endcapdimensionaccuracy 0.135mm shown in Fig. 9. The blue band has two intersections Crystaldimensionaccuracy 0.022mm with the black line. A red band was derived by the two Totalsystematicerror 0.137mm intersections in Fig. 9 which was the statistical error of the dead layer thickness. All the statistical errors were Afteralltheerrorsincludingstatisticalerrorandsys- obtainedbythismethodandwerealsoshowninTable3. tematic errors were considered, the dead layer thickness Step3: From all the results in Table 3, the central oftheCDEX-1APPCGedetectorwasderivedtobe1.02 value and statistical error of dead layer thickness was ±0.14mm. Thisresultwasalsocross-checkedbychang- derived with weighted average method which was 1.021 ing the 133Ba source position from 73 mm to other three ± 0.013 mm. positionsof42mm,113mmand159mm. Agoodagree- mentwasderivedamongthesedifferentsourcepositions. 4.3.2 Systematic errors The systematic errors arise from: 5 Conclusion (1) Events selections and rejections This paper presents the process of dead layer mea- Thesystematicerrorcausedbyeventsselectionfrom surementexperimentonCEDX-1A.Inthisstudy,a133Ba preamplifier reset period was derived in three steps: source was used to measure the dead layer thickness. Firstly, the T cut was scanned from 0.18 s to 0.22 After all the errors were taken into account including − s. Secondly, by using the same method as T = 0.2 thestatisticalerrorandsystematicerrors,thedeadlayer − s, new results from the new T cut were obtained. thickness was measured to be 1.02 ± 0.14 mm. Statisti- − Finally, by comparing the new results to the old re- cal and systematic errors were studied in detail and the sult, the systematic error caused by events selection endcap dimension accuracy contributed more than 90% from preamplifier reset period was 0.004 mm. of the total systematic error. 010201-6 Chinese Physics C Vol. xx, No. x (2014) xxxxxx References 7 J. L. Campbell et al.,Nucl. Instrum. 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