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Measurement of Temperature and Chemical Composition. Jones' Instrument Technology PDF

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Preview Measurement of Temperature and Chemical Composition. Jones' Instrument Technology

Fourth Edition Jones' Instrument Technology Volume 2 Measurement of Temperature and Chemical Composition Edited by B E Noltingk fsl U T T E R W O R TH |*|E 1 N E M A N N Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP ^ PART OF REED INTERNATIONAL BOOKS OXFORD LONDON BOSTON MUNICH NEW DELHI SINGAPORE SYDNEY TOKYO TORONTO WELLINGTON First published 1985 Reprinted 1987, 1992 © Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd 1992 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright holder except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London, England W1P 9HE. Applications for the copyright holder's written permission to reproduce any part of this publication should be addressed to the publishers. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Jones, E. B. (Ernest Beachcroft) Jones' instrument technology - 4th ed. Vol 2: measurement of temperature and chemical composition 1. Measuring instruments I. Title II. Noltingk, B. E. III. Jones, E. B. (Ernest Beachcroft). Instrument technology 620'. 0044 QC100.5 ISBN 0 7506 0766 1 Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data Jones, E. B. Jones' instrument technology - 4th ed. Includes index. ISBN 0 7506 0766 1 1. Mechanical measurements 2. Measurement of temperature and chemical composition I. Engineering instruments. I. Noltingk, B. E. II. Jones, E. B. (Ernest Beachcroft). Instrument technology TA165.159674 1984 620'.0028 84-4273 Printed and bound in Great Britain by Thomson Litho Ltd, East Kilbride, Scotland. Contributors Sir Claud Hagart-Alexander Bt., BA, MInstMC, DL, had a long experience in instrumentation with ICI Ltd. He is now a director of Instrumentation Systems Ltd. The chapters on Chemical Analysis have been contributed by a team from Central Electricity Research Laboratories. Mr W. G. Cummings BSc, CChem, FRSC, MInstE, MInstMC, was until recently, head of the Analytical Chemistry Section, where Mr A. C. Smith BSc, CChem, FRSC, MInstP, is now in charge; Dr C K. Laird BSc, PhD, CChem, MRSC and Dr K. Torrance BSc, PhD, also work in that Section. Dr D. B. Meadowcroft BSc, PhD, MInstP, MICorrST, is in the Materials Branch of C.E.R.L. Preface As in the first volume of this updated Instrument school put the subject on its curriculum - but only in Technology, I must express my thanks to the con­ the classrooms: there were no pitches to play on and tributors. They have, to a greater or lesser extent (but no balls to play with. Neither instrument technology mainly greater), tolerated my cajoling them in two nor football can be well learned unless the ways. First, to write at all. Secondly, to cover an agreed experimental is blended with the theoretical. range of topics with an agreed thoroughness. I believe Instrument technology has been divided into four that a useful book has emerged. I might especially volumes. It would have been impossibly bulky if it had thank Mr Bill Cummings for applying his practical not! In the first volume we grouped the measurements wisdom to helping define the areas of analytical of mechanical quantities. Here, in the second, we have chemistry that needed to be dealt with in a modern two broad subjects of very wide interest, temperature book on instrument technology. and chemical composition. They are both important I am picking up a frequent theme of E. B. Jones, the for process control, but we have tried not to be tied too original author, in underlining both the value of tightly to on-line instrumentation. Although the titles technicians in today's technical industry and the need do not exactly correspond, it can be seen that between for more of them. We hope that our book will play its them Volumes 1 and 2 of the new edition cover most of part in their training and indeed in the training and the topics appearing in the old Volumes 1 and 2. The understanding of many folk who need to have some new Volume 3 has several new subjects while Volume 4 knowledge of instrumentation. We have tried to tread deals with matters of general interest that stretch a balanced path between the expounding of funda­ across the measurement of many different quantities, mental science and the description of trivial practical justifying its title of Systems. More details can be seen details. But with emphasis on the practical. I was once in the list of contents printed on page v. told the story of a distant country where, yes, they were very keen on football; their ministry of education BEN decreed that there should be football lessons. So every 1985 1 Temperature measurement C. HAGART-ALEXANDER 1.1 Temperature and heat be used or where the distances between the plant measurement locations and the control room are very 1.1.1 Application considerations long it is usually better to use temperature trans­ mitters. These instruments use the same types of Temperature is one of the most frequently used process probes as other temperature measuring instruments. measurements. Almost all chemical processes and The transmitting mechanism is normally attached reactions are temperature-dependent. Not infre­ directly to the probe. It may also have a local readout quently in chemical plant, temperature is the only facility as well as its transmitting function which is to indication of the progress of the process. Where the convert the measurement effect into a pneumatic or temperature is critical to the reaction, a considerable electrical signal suitable for transmission over long loss of product may result from incorrect tempera­ distances' (See Volume 4 on transmitters.) tures. In some cases, loss of control of temperature can Temperature measurement effects are also used result in catastrophic plant failure with the attendant directly for simple control functions such as switching damage and possibly loss of life. on and off an electric heater or the direct operation of a Another area where accurate temperature measure­ valve, i.e. thermostats. ment is essential is in the metallurgical industries. In the case of many metal alloys, typically steel and aluminium alloys, the temperature of the heat treat­ 1.1.2 Definitions ment the metal receives during manufacture is a crucial factor in establishing the mechanical properties of the For the understanding of temperature measurement it finished product. is essential to have an appreciation of the concepts of There are many other areas of industry where temperature and other heat-related phenomena. temperature measurement is essential. Such applica­ tions include steam raising and electricity generation, Temperature plastics manufacture and moulding, milk and dairy products and many other areas of the food industries. The first recorded temperature measurement was Then, of course, where most of us are most aware of carried out by Galileo at the end of the sixteenth temperature is in the heating and air-conditioning century. His thermometer depended on the expansion systems which make so much difference to people's of air. Some form of scale was attached to his personal comfort. apparatus for he mentions 'degrees of heat' in his Instruments for the measurement of temperature, as records. with so many other instruments, are available in a wide As with any other measurement, it is necessary to range of configurations. Everyone must be familiar have agreed and standardized units of measurement. with the ubiquitous liquid-in-glass thermometer. In the case of temperature the internationally There is then a range of dial thermometers with the dial recognized units are the kelvin and the degree Celsius. attached directly to the temperature measuring The definitions of these units are set out in Section 1.2. element, i.e. local reading thermometers. Remote One must differentiate between heat and tem­ reading instruments are also available where the perature. The effect of temperature is the state of measuring system operates the dial directly through a agitation, both oscillation and rotation of molecules in length of metal capillary tubing. The distance between a medium. The higher the temperature of a body the the sensing 'bulb' and the dial, or readout, of these greater the vibrational energy of its molecules and the instruments is limited to about thirty metres. Where greater its potential to transfer this molecular kinetic the temperature readout is required at a long distance energy to another body. Temperature is the potential from the location of the sensing element there are two to cause heat to move from a point of higher tempera­ main options; either an electrical measuring technique ture to one of lower temperature. The rate of heat such as a thermocouple or resistance thermometer can transfer is a function of that temperature difference. 2 Temperature measurement Heat Heat is thermal energy. The quantity of heat in a body is proportional to the temperature ofthat body, i.e. it is its heat capacity multiplied by its absolute temperature. Heat is energy and as such is measured in units of 100 °C energy. Heat is measured in joules. (Before the inter­ national agreements on the SI system of units heat was measured in calories. One calorie was approximately 4.2 joules.) Specific heat capacity Different materials absorb different amounts of heat to produce the same temperature rise. The specific heat capacity, or more usually the specific heat, of a Figure 1.1 Increase of temperature during change of state of substance is the amount of heat which, when absorbed a mass of water under conditions of constant energy input. by 1 kg of that substance, will raise its temperature by one kelvin Specific heat capacity = J kg "l K "1 from water to steam. Once all the water has boiled to Thermal conductivity steam the temperature will rise again but now at yet another rate dependent on the specific heat of steam. The rate at which heat is conducted through a body This is illustrated in Figure 1.1. depends upon the material of the body. Heat travels The amount of heat required to convert a kilogram very quickly along a bar of copper, for instance, but of a substance from solid state to liquid state is the more slowly through iron. In the case of non-metals, 'latent heat of fusion'. ceramics or organic substances, the thermal con­ Likewise the 'latent heat of evaporation' is the duction occurs more slowly still. The heat conductivity amount of heat required to convert a kilogram of is not only a function of the substance but also the form liquid to vapour. of the substance. Plastic foam is used for heat insulation because the gas bubbles in the foam impede This levelling of temperature rise during change of the conduction of heat. Thermal conductivity is state accounts for the constant freezing temperatures measured in terms of: and constant boiling temperatures of pure materials. The units of measurement of latent heat are joules per energy x length kilogram: area x time x temperature difference latent heat = J.kg-1 J.m thermal conductivity = m2.s.K Thermal expansion = J.m" .K" Expansion of solids When a solid is heated, it increases in volume. It increases in length, breadth and thickness. The increase in length of any side of a solid Latent heat will depend upon the original length / , the rise in 0 When a substance changes state from solid to liquid or temperature t, and the coefficient of linear expansion a. from liquid to vapour it absorbs heat without change The coefficient of linear expansion may be defined as of temperature. If a quantity of ice is heated at a the increase in length per unit length when the constant rate its temperature will rise steadily until it temperature is raised 1 K. Thus, if the temperature of a reaches a temperature of 0 °C; at this stage the ice will rod of length /, is raised from 0 °C to t °C, then the new 0 continue to absorb heat with no change of temperature length, l will be given by: v until it has all melted to water. Now as the heat / = / + / .ar = / (l+ar) (1.1) continues to flow into the water the temperature will f 0 0 0 continue to rise but at a different rate from before due The value of the coefficient of expansion varies from to the different specific heat of water compared to ice. substance to substance and the coefficients of linear When the water reaches 100 °C the temperature rise expansion of some common materials are given in will again level off as the water boils, changing state Table 1.1. Temperature and heat 3 Table 1.1 Coefficients of linear expansion of solids made, and a the coefficient of expansion of the metal of Extracted from Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants byt he scale. Kaye and Laby (Longmans). The values given are per kelvin A 1 mm division on the scale will therefore now and, except where some temperature is specified, for a range measure about 20 degrees \+a(t-t)mm (1.3) 2 l Substance a {ppm) An actual length / mm will therefore measure 2 Aluminium 25.5 Copper 16.7 (1.4) Gold 13.9 \+CL(t-t) 2 x Iron (cast) 10.2 The length will therefore appear to be smaller than it Lead 29.1 Nickel 12.8 actually is. To make this error negligibly small, Platinum 8.9 secondary standards of length are made of Invar, a Silver 18.8 nickel steel alloy whose linear coefficient of expansion Tin 21.4 is nearly zero. Brass (typical) 18.9 Constantan (Eureka), Expansion of liquids and gases In dealing with the 60 Cu, 40 Ni 17.0 expansion of liquids and gases it is necessary to Duralumin 22.6 consider the volume expansion, or cubical expansion. Nickel steel, Both liquids and gases have to be held by a container, 10% Ni 13.0 30% Ni 12.0 which will also expand, so that the apparent expansion 36% Ni (Invar) -0.3 to +2.5 of the liquid or gas will be less than the true or absolute 40% Ni 6.0 expansion. The true coefficient of expansion of a liquid Steel 10.5 to 11.6 is equal to the coefficient of apparent expansion plus Phosphor bronze, the coefficient of cubical expansion of the containing 97.6 Cu, 2 Sn, 0.2 P 16.8 vessel. Usually the expansion of a gas is so much Solder, 2 Pb, 1 Sn 25 greater than that of the containing vessel that the Cement and concrete 10 expansion of the vessel may be neglected in com­ Glass (soda) 8.5 Glass (Pyrex) 3 parison with that of the gas. Silica (fused) -80° to0°C 0.22 The coefficient of expansion of a liquid may be Silica (fused) 0° to 100 °C 0.50 defined in two ways. First, there is the zero coefficient of expansion, which is the increase in volume per degree rise in temperature, divided by the volume at The increase in area with temperature, i.e. the 0°C, so that volume V at temperature t is given by: t coefficient of superficial expansion is approximately V=V (l+ßt) (1.5) twice the coefficient of linear expansion. The coefficient t 0 of cubic expansion is almost three times the coefficient where V is the volume at 0 °C and ß is the coefficient of 0 of linear expansion. cubical expansion. In engineering practice it is necessary, especially in There is also the mean coefficient of expansion large structures, to make allowance for thermal between two temperatures. This is the ratio of the expansion. For instance bridges are built with increase in volume per degree rise of temperature, to expansion joints. Many instruments are designed with the original volume. That is, temperature compensation to accommodate thermal (L6) expansion. Thermal expansion can be made use of for ^KS) temperature measurement, as is dealt with in Section 1.3. where V is the volume at temperature t and V is the If great accuracy is required when measuring lengths t u t volume at temperature t . with a scale made of metal, allowance should be made 2 This definition is useful in the case of liquids that do for the increase in length of the scale when its not expand uniformly, e.g. water. temperature is greater than that at which it was calibrated. Owing to the expansion of the scale, a length which was originally / at the temperature t at t l9 Radiation which the scale was calibrated, will have increased to / 2 where There are three ways in which heat may be transferred: conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction is, /2 = /i[l+«('2-'i)] (1.2) as already covered, the direct transfer of heat through Here t is the temperature at which the measurement is matter. Convection is the indirect transfer of heat by 2 4 Temperature measurement the thermally induced circulation of a liquid or gas; in tp= 100 + 2.795 x 10~4(p-1.013 x 10~5) 'forced convection', the circulation is increased by a fan -1.334 x \0~9(p-1.013 x 105)2 (1.7) or pump. Radiation is the direct transfer of heat (or The temperature interval of 100 °C between the ice other form of energy) across space. Thermal radiation point and the steam point is called the fundamental is electromagnetic radiation and comes within the interval. infrared, visible and ultraviolet regions of the electro­ magnetic spectrum. The demarcation between these 1.2.2 Kelvin, absolute or thermodynamic three classes of radiation is rather indefinite but as a temperature scale guide the wavelength bands are shown in Table 1.2. The earlier scales of temperature depended upon the Table 1.2 Wavelengths of thermal radiation change with temperature of some property, such as size, of a substance. Such scales depended upon the Radiation Wavelength {fim) nature of the substance selected. About the middle of the nineteenth century, Lord Kelvin defined a scale of Infrared 100-0.8 temperature in terms of the mechanical work which Visible light 0.8-0.4 may be obtained from a reversible heat engine working Ultraviolet 0.4-0.01 between two temperatures, and which, therefore, does not depend upon the properties of a particular So far as the effective transfer of heat is concerned substance. Kelvin divided the interval between the ice the wavelength band is limited to about 10 fxm in the and steam points into 100 divisions so that one kelvin represents the same temperature interval as one Celsius infrared and to 0.1 /im in the ultraviolet. All the degree. (The unit of the Kelvin or thermodynamic radiation in this band behaves in the same way as light. temperature scale is the 'kelvin'.) The definition of the The radiation travels in straight lines, may be reflected kelvin is the fraction 1/273.16 of the thermodynamic or refracted and the amount of radiant energy falling temperature of the triple point of water. This definition on a unit area of a detector is inversely proportional to was adopted by the thirteenth meeting of the General the square of the distance between the detector and the Conference for Weights and Measures in 1967 (13th radiating source. CGPM, 1967). It has also been established that an ideal gas obeys the gas law PV = RT, where T is the temperature on the 1.2 Temperature scales absolute or kelvin scale and where P is the pressure of the gas, V is the volume occupied and R is the universal To measure and compare temperatures it is necessary gas constant. Thus, the behaviour of an ideal gas forms to have agreed scales of temperature. These tem­ a basis of temperature measurement on the absolute perature scales are defined in terms of physical scale. Unfortunately the ideal gas does not exist, but phenomena which occur at constant temperatures. the so-called permanent gases, such as hydrogen, The temperatures of these phenomena are known as nitrogen, oxygen and helium, obey the law very closely, 'fixed points'. provided the pressure is not too great. For other gases and for the permanent gases at greater pressures, a known correction may be applied to allow for the 1.2.1 Celsius temperature scale departure of the behaviour of the gas from that of an The Celsius temperature scale is defined by inter­ ideal gas. By observing the change of pressure of a national agreement in terms of two fixed points, the ice given mass of gas at constant volume, or the change of point and the steam point. The temperature of the ice volume of the gas at constant pressure, it is possible to point is defined as zero degrees Celsius and the steam measure temperatures on the absolute scale. point as one hundred degrees Celsius. The constant-volume gas thermometer is simpler in The ice point is the temperature at which ice and form, and is easier to use, than the constant-pressure water exist together at a pressure of 1.0132 x 105 gas thermometer. It is, therefore, the form of gas N.m~2 (originally one standard atmosphere = 760 thermometer which is most frequently used. Nitrogen mm of mercury). The ice should be prepared from has been found to be the most suitable gas to use for distilled water in the form of fine shavings and mixed temperature measurement between 500 and 1500 °C, with ice-cold distilled water. while at temperatures below 500 °C hydrogen is used. The steam point is the temperature of distilled water For very low temperatures, helium at low pressure is boiling at a pressure of 1.0132 x 105 N.m-2. The used. temperature at which water boils is very dependent on The relationship between the kelvin and Celsius pressure. At a pressure p, N. m -2 the boiling point of scales is such that zero degrees Celsius is equal to water t in degrees Celsius is given by 273.15 K p Temperature scales 5 f =7-273.15 (1.8) means for identifying any temperature within much narrower limits than is possible on the thermodynamic where t represents the temperature in degrees Celsius scale. and T is the temperature kelvin. The defining fixed points are established by realizing It should be noted that temperatures on the Celsius specified equilibrium states between phases of pure scale are referred to in terms of degrees Celsius, °C, substances. These equilibrium states and the values temperatures on the absolute scale are in kelvins, K, no assigned to them are given in Table 1.4. degree sign being used. For instance the steam point is written in Celsius, 100 °C, but on the Kelvin scale Table 1.4 Defining fixed points of the IPTS-68(1) 373.15 K. Equilibrium state Assigned value of 1.2.3 International Practical Temperature Scale of International Practical temperature 1968 (IPTS-68) '6 8 ^6 8 The gas thermometer, which is the final standard of reference, is, unfortunately, rather complex and Triple point of cumbersome, and entirely unsuitable for industrial equilibrium hydrogen 13.81 K - 259.34 °C Boiling point of use. Temperature measuring instruments capable of a equilibrium hydrogen very high degree of repeatability are available. Use of at pressure of these instruments enables temperatures to be 33 330.6 kN.irT2 17.042 K -256.108 °C reproduced to a very high degree of accuracy, although Boiling point of the actual value of the temperature on the thermo- equilibrium hydrogen 20.28 K - 252.87 °C dynamic scale is not known with the same degree of Boiling point of neon 27.102 K - 246.048 °C accuracy. In order to take advantage of the fact that Triple point of oxygen 54.361 K -218.789 °C temperature scales may be reproduced to a much Boiling point of oxygen 90.188 K -182.962 °C higher degree of accuracy than they can be defined, an Triple point of water(3) 273.16 K 0.01 °C International Practical Temperature Scale was Boiling point of water(2)(3) 373.15 K 100 °C adopted in 1929 and revised in 1948. The latest Freezing point of zinc 692.73 K 419.58 °C Freezing point of silver 1235.08 K 961.93 °C revision of the scale was in 1968 (IPTS-68) and this is Freezing point of gold 1337.58 K 1064.43 °C the scale used in this book. The 1948 scale is still used in many places in industry. The differences between temperatures on the two scales are small, frequently (1) Except for the triple points and one equilibrium hydrogen point (17.042 K) the assigned values of temperature are for equilibrium states at a pressure p0=l within the accuracy of commercial instruments. Table standard atmosphere (101.325kN.m"2). 1.3 shows the deviation of the 1948 scale from the 1968 In the realization of the fixed points small departures from the assigned temperatures will occur as a result of the differing immersion depths of revision. thermometers or the failure to realize the required pressure exactly. If due allowance is made for these small temperature differences, they will not affect the accuracy of realization of the Scale. Table 1.3 Deviation of IPTS-68 from IPTS-48 (2) The equilibrium state between the solid and liquid phases of tin (freezing point of tin has the assigned value of 16 8 = 231.9681 °C and may be used as an alternative to the boiling point of water. '68 (°Q f6 8 4f 8 (3) The water used should have the isotopic composition of ocean water. -200 0.022 -150 -0.013 The scale distinguishes between the International 0 0.000 Practical Kelvin Temperature with the symbol T and 68 50 0.010 the International Practical Celsius Temperature with 100 0.000 the symbol t the relationship between T and t is 200 0.043 68 68 6S 400 0.076 r = 7 -273.15K (1.9) 68 68 600 0.150 1000 1.24 The size of the degree is the same on both scales, being 1/273.16 of the temperature interval between absolute zero and the triple point of water (0.01 °C). Thus, the The International Practical Temperature Scale is interval between the ice point 0°C and the boiling based on a number of defining fixed points each of point of water 100 °C is still 100 Celsius degrees. which has been subject to reliable gas thermometer or Temperatures are expressed in kelvins below 273.15 K radiation thermometer observations and these are (0°C) and degrees Celsius above 0°C. linked by interpolation using instruments which have Temperatures between and above the fixed points the highest degree of reproducibility. In this way the given in Table 1.4 can be interpolated as follows. International Practical Temperature Scale is con­ From 13.81 K to 630.74 °C the standard instrument veniently and accurately reproducible and provides is the platinum resistance thermometer. The ther- 6 Temperature measurement mometer resistor must be strain-free, annealed pure Table 1.5 Secondary reference points (IPTS-68) platinum having a resistance ratio W(T ) defined by 68 Substance Equilibrium Temperature R(T ) state (K) W(Ts) = 68 (1.10) 6 K(273.15K) Normal hydrogen TP 13.956 where R is the resistance, which must not be less than Normal hydrogen BP 20.397 1.392 50 ohms at 7 = 373.15K, i.e. the resistance Neon TP 24.555 ratio 68 Nitrogen TP 63.148 Nitrogen BP 77.342 K(100°C) Carbon dioxide Sublimation point 194.674 R(0°C) Mercury FP 234.288 is greater than the ratio 1.3920 of the 1948 scale, i.e. the Water Ice point 273.15 platinum must be purer. Phenoxy benzine TP 300.02 Below 0 °C the resistance-temperature relationship Benzoic acid TP 395.52 Indium FP 429.784 of the thermometer is found from a reference function Bismuth FP 544.592 and specified deviation equations. From 0°C to Cadmium FP 594.258 630.74 °C two polynomial equations provide the Lead FP 600.652 resistance temperature relationship. This will be Mercury BP 629.81 discussed further in the section on resistance Sulphur BP 717.824 thermometers. Copper/aluminium From 630.74 °C to 1064.43 °C the standard eutectic FP 821.38 instrument is the platinum 10 per cent rhodium/ Antimony FP 903.89 Aluminium FP 933.52 platinum thermocouple, the electromotive force- Copper FP 1357.6 temperature relationship of which is represented by a Nickel FP 1728 quadratic equation and is discussed in the appropriate Cobalt FP 1767 section. Palladium FP 1827 Above 1337.58 K (1064.43 °C) the scale is defined by Platinum FP 2045 Planck's law of radiation with 1337.58 K as the Rhodium FP 2236 reference temperature and the constant c has a value Iridium FP 2720 2 0.014 388 metre kelvin. This will be discussed in the Tungsten FP 3660 section on radiation thermometers. TP: triple point; FP: freezing point; BP: boiling point. In addition to the defining fixed points the temperatures corresponding to secondary points are given. These points, particularly the melting or freezing points of metals, form convenient workshop Table 1.6 Comparison of temperature scales calibration points for temperature measuring devices K °C °F °R (see Table 1.5). Absolute zero 0 -273.15 -523.67 0 Boiling point o 90.19 -182.96 -361.33 162.34 Zero2 Fahrenheit 255.37 -17.78 0 459.67 1.2.4 Fahrenheit and Rankine scales Ice point 273.15 0 32 491.67 Steam point 373.15 100 212 671.67 These two temperature scales are now obsolescent in Freezing point Britain and the United States, but as a great deal of of silver 1235.08 961.93 1763.47 2223.14 engineering data, steam tables etc. have been published using the Fahrenheit and Rankine temperature a short note for reference purposes is relevant. is the temperature in Celsius and / the temperature in Fahrenheit This scale was proposed in 1714. Its Fahrenheit original fixed points were the lowest temperature obtainable with ice and water which was taken as zero. t = Uf-32) (1.11) Human blood heat was made 96 degrees (98.4 on the modern scale). On this scale the ice point is at 32 °F and the steam point at 212 °F. There does not appear to be Rankine The Rankine scale is the thermodynamic any formal definition of the scale. temperature corresponding to Fahrenheit. Zero in To convert from the Fahrenheit to Celsius scale, if t Rankine is of course the same as zero kelvin. On the

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