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Preview Measurement of antiproton annihilation on Cu, Ag and Au with emulsion films

PreprinttypesetinJINSTstyle-HYPERVERSION 7 1 0 2 n a J 3 2 ] x e Measurement of antiproton annihilation on Cu, Ag - p e and Au with emulsion films h [ 1 v 6 0 3 6 0 . 1 0 7 1 S. Aghiona,b, C. Amslerc,d, A. Arigac, T. Arigac∗, G. Bonomie,f, P. Bräunigg, R. S. v: Brusah,i, L. Cabaretj, M. Cacciab,k, R. Caravital,m, F. Castellib,n, G. Cerchiario, D. Xi Comparatj, G. Consolatia,b, A. Demetriog, L. Di Notol,m, M. Doserp, A. Ereditatoc, C. r Evansa,b, R. Ferraguta,b, J. Feselp, A. Fontanaf, S. Gerberp, M. Giammarchii, A. a Gligorovaq, F. Guatierih,i, S. Haiderp, H. Holmestadr, T. Huser, J. Kawadac, A. Kellerbauero, M. Kimurac, D. Krasnickýl,m, V. Lagomarsinol,m, P. Lansonneurs, P. Lebruns, C. Malbrunotd,p, S. Mariazzid, V. Matveevt,u, Z. Mazzottab,n, G. Nebbiav, P. Nedelecs, M. Oberthalerg, N. Pacificoq, D. Paganoe,f, L. Penasah,i, V. Petracekw, C. Pistilloc, F. Prelzb, M. Prevedellix, L. Ravellih,i, B. Rienaeckerp, O. M. Røhner, A. Rotondif,y, M. Sacerdotib,n, H. Sandakerr, R. Santorob,k, P. Scampolic,z, M. Simond, L. Smestadp,aa, F. Sorrentinol,m, G. Testeram, I. C. Tietjep, S. Vamosid, M. Vladymyrovc, E. Widmannd, P. Yzombardj, C. Zimmero,p, J. Zmeskald, N. Zurlof,bb –1– aPolitecnicoofMilano,PiazzaLeonardodaVinci32,20133Milano,Italy bINFNMilano,viaCeloria16,20133,Milano,Italy cLaboratoryforHighEnergyPhysics,AlbertEinsteinCenterforFundamentalPhysics, UniversityofBern,3012Bern,Switzerland dStefanMeyerInstituteforSubatomicPhysics,AustrianAcademyofSciences,Boltzmanngasse3, 1090Vienna,Austria eDepartmentofMechanicalandIndustrialEngineering,UniversityofBrescia,viaBranze38, 25123Brescia,Italy fINFNPavia,viaBassi6,27100Pavia,Italy gKirchhoff-InstituteforPhysics,HeidelbergUniversity,ImNeuenheimerFeld227,69120 Heidelberg,Germany hDepartmentofPhysics,UniversityofTrento,viaSommarive14,38123Povo,Trento,Italy iTIFPA/INFNTrento,viaSommarive14,38123Povo,Trento,Italy jLaboratoireAiméCotton,UniversitéParis-Sud,ENSCachan,CNRS,UniversitéParis-Saclay, 91405OrsayCedex,France kDepartmentofScience,UniversityofInsubria,ViaValleggio11,22100Como,Italy lDepartmentofPhysics,UniversityofGenova,viaDodecaneso33,16146Genova,Italy mINFNGenova,viaDodecaneso33,16146Genova,Italy nDepartmentofPhysics,UniversityofMilano,viaCeloria16,20133Milano,Italy oMaxPlanckInstituteforNuclearPhysics,Saupfercheckweg1,69117Heidelberg,Germany pPhysicsDepartment,CERN,1211Geneva23,Switzerland qInstituteofPhysicsandTechnology,UniversityofBergen,Allégaten55,5007Bergen,Norway rDepartmentofPhysics,UniversityofOslo,SemSælandsvei24,0371Oslo,Norway sInstituteofNuclearPhysics,CNRS/IN2p3,UniversityofLyon1,69622Villeurbanne,France tInstituteforNuclearResearchoftheRussianAcademyofScience,Moscow117312,Russia uJointInstituteforNuclearResearch,141980Dubna,Russia vINFNPadova,viaMarzolo8,35131Padova,Italy wCzechTechnicalUniversity,Prague,Brehova´7,11519Prague1,CzechRepublic xUniversityofBologna,VialeBertiPichat6/2,40126Bologna,Italy yDepartmentofPhysics,UniversityofPavia,viaBassi6,27100Pavia,Italy zDepartmentofPhysics“EttorePancini”,UniversityofNapoliFedericoII,Complesso UniversitariodiMonteS.Angelo,80126,Napoli,Italy aaTheResearchCouncilofNorway,P.O.Box564,NO-1327Lysaker,Norway bbDepartmentofCivilEngineering,UniversityofBrescia,viaBranze43,25123Brescia,Italy E-mail: [email protected] –2– ABSTRACT:Thecharacteristicsoftheprocessoflowenergyantiprotonannihilationonnuclei(e.g. hadronization and product multiplicities) are not well known, and Monte Carlo simulation pack- ages that use different models provide different descriptions of the annihilation events. In this study, we measured the particle multiplicities resulting from antiproton annihilations on nuclei. The results were compared with predictions obtained using different models in simulation tools suchas GEANT4andFLUKA.For thisstudy, we exposedthintargets (Cu, AgandAu) toavery lowenergyantiprotonbeamfromCERN’santiprotondecelerator, exploitingthesecondarybeam- line available in the AEgIS (AD6) experimental zone. The antiproton annihilation products were detectedusingemulsionfilmsdevelopedattheLaboratoryofHighEnergyPhysicsinBernwhere they were analysed at the automatic microscope facility. The fragment multiplicity measured in thisstudyisingoodagreementwithresultsobtainedwithFLUKAsimulationsforbothminimally andheavilyionizingparticles. KEYWORDS: Particledetectors;Emulsiondetectors;Antiprotonannihilations. ∗Correspondingauthor. Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Experimentalsetup 2 3. Dataanalysisandresults 2 4. Conclusions 8 1. Introduction Emulsion films have recently been considered as possible position detectors for low energy anti- matter studies. These studies include the AEgIS experiment at CERN [1, 2, 3, 4] whose goal is themeasurementoftheEarth’sgravitationalaccelerationonantihydrogenatoms. Anothercollab- oration proposed emulsions for their studies on positrons, as described in [5]. In particular, in the case of the AEgIS experiment, the position detector must have a micrometer level resolution to allow the required sensitivity of ∼1% to be obtained for the gravitational acceleration measure- ment. Therefore, the excellent intrinsic spatial resolution of the emulsion detectors [6] has been exploitedsincetheyarecapableofreconstructingtheantihydrogenimpactpointsfromtheannihi- lationproducts. Emulsionfilmsweretestedandtheyexhibitedaspatialresolutionof∼1-2µm[3]. Filmswiththisresolutioncombinedwithatimeofflightdetector,couldallowtheexperimentgoal to be achieved. In the same paper [3], a preliminary study of antiproton-nuclei annihilations was also reported. That study assessed particle multiplicities resulting from antiproton annihilations onemulsionfilmsandaluminium. Recently,againusingtheframeworkoftheAEgISexperiment, analogous measurements were performed by means of a silicon detector acting at the same time asanannihilationtarget[7]. Apartfromtheobviousapplicationsinnuclearphysics,measurement ofthedecayproductsoflowenergyantiprotonannihilationindifferentmaterialsprovidesauseful check of the ability of standard Monte Carlo packages to reproduce fragment multiplicities, type and energy distributions stemming from antiproton (or antineutron) annihilation at rest on nuclei. In fact, although measurements of the multiplicities of pions and other charged particles with en- ergies higher than approximately 50 MeV are available in the literature [8, 9], the production of highly ionizing nuclear fragments with short range has not been sufficiently studied. A measure- mentofthemultiplicitiesofchargedproductsinantiproton-aluminiumannihilationswasreported in[3],althoughthestatisticsperformedinthisstudywere43events,andthetrackingefficiencyof thedetectorwaslimitedto80%. Inthispaper,wepresenttheresultsofastudyofthemultiplicities ofchargedannihilationproductsondifferenttargetmaterials,namelycopper,silverandgold,using emulsiondetectorsattheAntiprotonDecelerator(AD)atCERN. –1– 2. Experimentalsetup Emulsion detectors were used to study the antiproton annihilation products generated in different materials. ThiswasconductedusingasecondarybeamlinelocatedintheAEgISzoneattheAD. Before reaching the targets, the 5.3 MeV antiprotons from the AD (3×107 pbar/shot every 100 s) were moderated in successive steps by means of different titanium and aluminium foils with variable thicknesses. Finally, the beam was collimated in a vacuum test chamber after crossing a vacuum separation window of titanium with a thickness of 12 µm. The emulsion detector was situatedatthedownstreamendofthevacuumchamber(∼1minlength)whereitcouldbereached byadefocusedbeamoflowenergyantiprotons(∼100keV).Thisdistancefromthedegradinglayer wasnecessarytoreducethebackgroundfromannihilationstakingplaceatthemoderator. Asketch of the experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1. The emulsion detector was operated under ordinary vacuum conditions (10−5−10−6 mbar). The antiproton intensity measured by the detector was approximately150/cm2/shot. Figure1. Schematicsetupoftheexperiment. Anenlargedviewofthetargetregionisshownontheright side. Forthisstudytheemulsiondetectors(forareviewontheemulsiontechnologysee [6])were producedattheLaboratoryforHighEnergyPhysics(LHEP)oftheUniversityofBernbypouring the emulsion gel, provided by Nagoya University (Japan), on a glass plate. Glycerin was added to the emulsion gel so that it could operate in vacuum [3]. This emulsion features a very low backgroundwithanumberofthermallyinducedgrainsofapproximately1-2grains/1000µm3 [5]. Foilsofcopper,silverandgold,eachhavingathicknessof10µm,wereplacedastargetsatthe endofthevacuumchamber,infrontoftheemulsiondetectors(onesetupwithcopperandsilverand theotheronewithgold). Withthesesetupsandgiventheantiprotonenergies,alltheannihilations are expected to take place within a few µm of the surface. Fig. 2 shows the targets (2×2 cm2) fixedtotheemulsionfilm(leftandmiddle)andanantiprotonannihilationtakingplacedirectlyon theemulsionsurface(right). Duringdatataking,wecollectedapproximately1500antiprotonsper cm2 inabout10ADshots. 3. Dataanalysisandresults Data recorded by the emulsion detectors were automatically scanned by an optical microscope –2– Figure2. Leftandmiddle: Targetarrangementinthetwosetups,fixedtotheemulsionfilms. Targetsother thanCu,AgandAuwerenotincludedinourstudy. Right: Antiprotonannihilationsonthebareemulsion surface. and then analysed by exploiting a recently developed fast tracking algorithm [10]. The measured tracking efficiency of our detector was approximately 99% for minimally ionizing particles for a wideangularrangeasreportedin[10]. m) 40000 100 ks c mY ( 35000 Bemaruelsion 8900 of tra # 70 30000 60 25000 50 40 20000 30 15000 20 Cu Ag 10000 10 0 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 X (m m) Figure3. Profileofdetectedtracks(XYpositionsoftracksattheemulsionlayer)inoneofthesetups. The toprightpartwasnotincludedinourstudy. Fig.3showstheprofileofdetectedtracks(XYpositionsoftracksattheemulsionlayer)inone of the setups. Among the tracks reconstructed by the above algorithm, we only considered those tracksthatwerelongerthan30µmandinthedirectionoftheantiprotonbeamtoavoidconsidering tracks that were due to the background. An angular cut of 0.4<tanθ<2.0 (22◦<θ<63◦), with θ representing the track angle with respect to the beam direction, was applied. To reconstruct a vertex,twothree-dimensionaltrackswererequired. Theefficiencyofvertexfindingwasestimated by applying the criteria given above to the output of the FLUKA simulation and was found to be 22%forcopper,24%forsilver,and18%forgold. –3– Thepositionofthereconstructedannihilationverticescanbeusedtocalculatethemagnitude oftheactualgapbetweentheemulsionfilmandmetalfoils,whichinprinciplewereputincontact with the detector. The surface topography obtained from the reconstructed vertices is shown in Fig. 4 for copper, silver and gold targets. In our analysis, we only considered regions less than 100µmfromtheemulsionfilmsurfacebecausethevertexfindingefficiencywasuniformwithina fewpercent. Theanalysedfiducialareawas1.68cm2 forthecoppertarget,1.96cm2 forsilverand 0.80cm2 forgold. Figure4. Surfacetopographyforcopper, silverandgoldtargetsobtainedfromthereconstructedvertices. The vertical scale refers to the distance from the emulsion film. The precision of target foil position is approximately14µmintheverticaldirection. Themainsourceofthebackgroundsignalinthereconstructedverticeswasduetoaccidental coincidences of tracks coming from annihilations taking place upstream in the apparatus, which were not completely excluded by the angular cut due to broad angular distribution. The number of background tracks was much larger than the number of signal tracks, while the signal fraction became significant if vertex reconstruction at the position of the target foil was required. The rateofbackgroundverticeswasestimatedbyrandomizingthetrackpositionsintheanalysedarea (keeping the slope information constant), reconstructing the vertices and counting the number of verticesthatmimickedannihilationsinthetarget. The estimated background, which depends on the number of prongs in the event, is shown ontheleftsideofFig.5, whiletherightsideshowsthemultiplicitydistributionsaftersubtraction of the background, compared with the Monte Carlo predictions based on the CHIPS [11] and FTFP (FTFP_BERT_TRV) [12] models in the GEANT4 (4.9.5.p02) and FLUKA (2011.2c) [13] frameworks. A total of 617 signal annihilation vertices were reconstructed for copper, 882 for silverand219forgold. We could also discriminate between heavily ionizing particles (HIPs) such as protons and nuclearfragmentsandminimallyionizingparticles(MIPs),namelypions. Continuousdensetracks corresponded to HIPs, while faint tracks are produced by MIPs, since the aligned grains of these lasttracksareseparated. Thelocalenergydeposition(dE/dx)ofeachtrackcanthenbeassessedin termsofsignaldensity(S.D.)alongthereconstructedtracksusing, S.D.= ∑ S /L. xyz x,y,z∈C –4– ntries600 DBaactak g(arollu)nd a.u. 0.81 DMaCt a(CHIPS) E MC (FTFP) 400 0.6 MC (FLUKA) 0.4 200 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total multiplicity Total multiplicity Copper ntries800 a.u. 0.81 E 600 0.6 400 0.4 200 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total multiplicity Total multiplicity Silver ntries200 a.u. 0.81 E 150 0.6 100 0.4 50 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total multiplicity Total multiplicity Gold Figure5. Left: Backgroundcontributionstothetotalmultiplicitiesforthedifferenttargets. Right: Multi- plicitydistributionsaftersubtractionofthebackground. ThehistogramsshowtheMonteCarlopredictions. D. 20000 10 S. 18000 9 16000 8 14000 7 12000 6 10000 5 8000 4 6000 3 4000 2 2000 1 0 0 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 cosq Figure6. Signaldensity(S.D.)distributionvstrackanglewithrespecttothebeamdirection. Tracksbelow theblacklinearedefinedasbeingminimallyionizing. Here, x, y and z are the coordinates of voxels in the 3D image data. C is a group of voxels in a cylinder along the track, and S is an 8-bit grey-scale signal of the voxel. L is the length of a xyz –5– u. 0.8 Minimum ionizing u. 0.8 Heavily ionizing a. a. Data Data 0.6 0.6 MC (CHIPS) MC (CHIPS) MC (FTFP) MC (FTFP) 0.4 0.4 MC (FLUKA) MC (FLUKA) 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Multiplicity Multiplicity Copper u. 0.8 u. 0.8 a. a. 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Multiplicity Multiplicity Silver u. 0.8 u. 0.8 a. a. 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Multiplicity Multiplicity Gold Figure 7. Reconstructed multiplicity distributions for annihilations in the copper, silver and gold foils for MIPs (left) and HIPs (right). The histograms show the Monte Carlo predictions by CHIPS, FTFP and FLUKA.TheerrorbarsonthehistogramsaccountforuncertaintiesinthedE/dxclassification. AveragemultiplicityforMIPs AveragemultiplicityforHIPs Data CHIPS FTFP FLUKA Data CHIPS FTFP FLUKA Copper 1.07±0.05 0.98+0.07 1.59+0.09 0.83+0.08 1.59±0.06 1.46+0.09 0.60+0.14 1.68+0.11 −0.09 −0.14 −0.11 −0.07 −0.10 −0.08 Silver 1.02±0.04 1.04+0.08 1.64+0.09 0.73+0.07 1.75±0.05 1.33+0.09 0.51+0.14 1.87+0.09 −0.09 −0.13 −0.09 −0.08 −0.09 −0.07 Gold 0.87±0.08 1.21+0.10 1.75+0.09 0.81+0.07 1.67±0.09 1.04+0.11 0.39+0.13 1.60+0.11 −0.11 −0.13 −0.11 −0.09 −0.09 −0.06 Table1. MeasuredaveragemultiplicityandMonteCarlopredictionsbyCHIPS,FTFPandFLUKA.Statis- ticalerrorsarereportedforeachsetofdata. TheerrorsinthepredictionsaccountforuncertaintiesindE/dx classification. reconstructedtrackinthe3Dimagedata. TheS.D.isproportionaltothedE/dxoftheparticleand doesnotdependontheangle. However,thereisasaturationeffectforhigherdE/dxregions. Fig.6 showsthattheS.D.distributionoftracksrevealedapeakat3000forMIPs. AsthesimulateddE/dx distribution of MIPs peaked at 1.2 MeV·g·cm−2, we define particles with dE/dx smaller than 2.4 –6– MeV·g·cm−2, corresponding to an S.D. below 6000 µm−1, as being MIPs. The complementary onesaredefinedasHIPs. Fig.7showsthetrackmultiplicitydistributionsforMIPsandHIPs. Theerrorsonthedataare statistical. The histograms represent the Monte Carlo predictions by CHIPS, FTFP and FLUKA. TheerrorbarsontheMonteCarlopredictionsaccountforuncertaintiesinthedE/dxclassification. These uncertainties were estimated using simulations, which smeared the threshold for assigning tracks to either class of ionizing particles by 20% and checked for effects on the multiplicity dis- tributions for MIPs and HIPs. The statistical errors for the simulations were 0.01-0.02, which are significantlysmallerthantheerrorsreportedabove. Theaveragemultiplicitiesthatweremeasured are summarized in Table 1. Both CHIPS and FLUKA were in good agreement for copper, par- ticularly in the case of MIPs. Neither CHIPS nor FTFP accurately describe particle multiplicity for annihilations on silver and gold nuclei, while FLUKA seems closer to the data than the other models. 3.5 y ultiplicit2.35 Minimum ionizing FCFOTLHuUFrI PPKdSaAta m 2 e ag1.5 r e v 1 A 0.5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Atomic number 3.5 y ultiplicit2.35 Heavily ionizing FCFOTLHuUFrI PPKdSaAta m 2 e ag1.5 r e v 1 A 0.5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Atomic number Figure8. ParticlemultiplicityfromantiprotonannihilationsasafunctionofatomicnumberforMIPs(top) andHIPs(bottom). The mean values of particle multiplicity measured for the three target materials are shown in Fig. 8 as a function of atomic number along with the simulation outcome. Results obtained for MIPs with the FTFP model do not agree with our experimental data for any material, while thoseobtainedwithbothCHIPSandFLUKAareincloseagreementasfarascopperisconcerned, although only FLUKA reproduces the higher atomic number behaviour. Good agreement with CHIPS was also found for annihilation on bare emulsions and for aluminium [3]. Multiplicity related to HIPs is well described by the FLUKA simulation, while the CHIPS and FTFP models clearlyunderestimatethenumberofparticlesproducedbyantiprotonannihilation. –7–

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