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Preview meaning realizations of adverbs of manner in twilight by stephenie meyer and their bahasa ...

MEANING REALIZATIONS OF ADVERBS OF MANNER IN TWILIGHT BY STEPHENIE MEYER AND THEIR BAHASA INDONESIA EXPRESSIONS BY LILY DEVITA SARI A THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Attainment of a Sarjana Sastra Degree in English Language and Literature By: Tri Wahyuni 07211141023 ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE STUDY PROGRAM ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF LANGUAGES AND ARTS STATE UNIVERSITY OF YOGYAKARTA 2014 SURAT PERNYATAAN Yang bertandatangan'di bawah ini, saya: Nama : Tri Wahyuni NIM : 0721 1141023 Jurusan : Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Fakultas : FBS (Bahasa dan Seni) Judul Karya Ilmiah : Meaning Realizations of Adverbs of Manner in Twilight by Stephenie Meyer and Their Bnhasa Indonesin Expressions by Lily Devita Sari lnenyatakan bahwa karya illniah ini adalah hasil pekerjaan saya sendiri. Sepanjang pengetahuan saya, karya illniah ini tidak n~engandung pekerjaan orang lain, kecuali bagian bagian tertentu yang saya kutip dengan inengikuti tatacara penulisan karya ilmiah yang lazim. Apabila pemyataan ini terbukti tidak benar, maka ha1 itu sepenuhnya lnenjadi tanggungjawab saya. Yogyakarta, 20 September 20 14 Tri Wahyuni MOTTOS “But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you, And perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. Allah knows, while ye know not.” The Quran 2:216 (Surah al-Baqarah) “If adversity befalls you, none can remove it except Him. And if happiness approaches you, know that He is over all things competent.” The Quran 6:17 (Surah al-An’am) “And remember when your Lord proclaimed: ‘If ye are grateful, surely We will increase you [in favor]. But if ye show ingratitude, indeed, the punishment is severe’.” The Quran 14:7 {Surah Ibrahim (Abraham)} v DEDICATIONS This thesis is dedicated to: my beloved parents, for so much love they always give. I am really sorry for many things I wish I did not do, and thank you…always thank you. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Alhamdulillah, all praise and love be for Allah SWT, the Almighty for all the blessing without which I would have never completed this thesis writing. I would also like to express my deep gratitude to: 1. Drs. Asruddin B. Tou, M.A., Ph.D. as my first consultant and Andy Bayu Nugroho, M.Hum. as my second consultant who have patiently guided me in developing idea and given advices for the thesis writing process; 2. Susana Widyastuti, M.Hum as my academic consultant who has given academic advices every semester; 3. all lecturers of State University of Yogyakarta for teaching me since the first semester until the graduation; 4. my special parents for the never-ending loves, cares, affections, supports and whose prayers have finally answered for this graduation time and the prayers would always continue until the end of time; 5. my family for support, assistance, love, care, togetherness, ignorance, anger, jokes, laugh, cry, and many wonderful things that we always have in our little house; 6. my nieces and nephews for coloring my times with your innocent laughs: yoshinda, ihval, miss rempong linda, and “poor” little febrian; 7. my cousins for the prayers for me to graduate as soon as possible; 8. friends of class English Literature B 2007: Sherly, Diah, Dinda, Joe, Donny and also friend of class Translation 2007, especially Mbak Ningrum, Herdani, Maya, and Luffy for the colorful and dynamic memories; 9. my lovely friends at Safel: Yenny, Bayan, Wahid, Ulid, Mas Jafar, and many people I met here, for exhausting duties we had to do; for annoying troubles we had to solve together; for scandal-jepit, galau times, and rempong times we had to face; for experiences that I learned; for everything that inspired me; and for lovely moments I always remember; vii 10. my friends of extraordinary Kocak members: Ata, Rita, Dewi, Eras and Betty who color my weekends with your madness and sweep my galauness with our weird “quality time”; 11. the people who have supported and wished the best things for me: my cute ex-students, especially Alya Rachman and Putri Nabila, and Pop BBC’s crew; 12. the people I met in my life until this day, I just want to say: whoever you are, whenever you come, and how long you stay, I believe that your presence in my life carries meanings that I can learn for my life; and 13. all people who have sincerely helped me in finishing this thesis, all of whom I cannot mention one by one. Finally, I realize that this thesis is far from being perfect. I admit for weaknesses as well as mistakes that I have done. Thus, any kind of comments and criticisms for the sake of the betterment of this thesis will be kindly welcomed. Yogyakarta, 20 September 2014 Tri Wahyuni viii TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE ............................................................................................... i APPROVAL SHEET .................................................................................... ii RATIFICATION SHEET ............................................................................ iii SURAT PERNYATAAN ................................................................................ iv DEDICATIONS .......................................................................................... v MOTTOS .................................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................... vii TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................. ix LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES ............................................................ xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................... xiv LIST OF APPENDICES .............................................................................. xv ABSTRACT ................................................................................................ xvi CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................. 1 A. Background of the Study ....................................................................... 1 B. Focus of the Study ................................................................................ 4 C. Objectives of the Study ......................................................................... 5 D. Significance of the Study ...................................................................... 6 CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW ...................................................... 7 A. Theoretical Description ......................................................................... 7 1. Theories of Translation ....................................................................... 7 a. Notions of Translation ..................................................................... 7 b. Kinds of Translation ....................................................................... 8 1) intralingual translation ............................................................... 8 2) interlingual translation ............................................................... 9 3) intersemiotic translation ............................................................. 9 2. Parts of Speech ................................................................................... 9 a. Verbs .............................................................................................. 10 ix b. Nouns ............................................................................................. 11 c. Adjectives ....................................................................................... 12 d. Adverbs .......................................................................................... 12 e. Conjunctions ................................................................................... 13 f. Pronouns ......................................................................................... 14 g. Prepositions .................................................................................... 14 h. Interjections ................................................................................... 15 3. Adverbs .............................................................................................. 15 a. Adverbs in English .......................................................................... 15 b. Adverbs in Bahasa Indonesia ........................................................... 18 c. Adverbs in Systemic Functional Grammar ...................................... 20 4. Adverbs of Manner ............................................................................. 22 5. Twilight .............................................................................................. 31 6. Translation Equivalence ...................................................................... 32 a. Equivalent Meaning ........................................................................ 33 b. Non Equivalent Meaning ................................................................. 35 B. Conceptual Framework .......................................................................... 36 C. Analytical Construct .............................................................................. 37 CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHOD ....................................................... 38 A. Research Approach ................................................................................ 38 B. Data ....................................................................................................... 38 C. Research Instruments ............................................................................. 39 D. Research Procedure ................................................................................ 40 1. Data Collection .................................................................................... 40 2. Data Analysis ...................................................................................... 41 E. Trustworthiness ...................................................................................... 42 CHAPTER IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .......................................... 44 A. Results .................................................................................................. 44 1. The Classification of English Twilight Novel’s Adverbs of Manner and x

FBS (Bahasa dan Seni). Judul Karya Ilmiah : Meaning Realizations of Adverbs of Manner in Twilight by Stephenie Meyer and Their Bnhasa Indonesin.
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