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McPhillips' alphabetical and business directory of the District of Saskatchewan, NWT PDF

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Preview McPhillips' alphabetical and business directory of the District of Saskatchewan, NWT

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PRINCE ALBERT ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 w -<2-C3^. ...c *=^' — ^.~:i-.»^#^«i^iS- / ? / «= ~e„-<'-:^. >* CHAt^LES JWAIF}, General fflePGhant t^IVEt^ STf^EET, Ppinee AlbePt, Sask — 2 SASKATCHEWAN DmECTORT. PRINCE ALBERT ADVERTISEMENTS. CAmPBEIili. J. M- EIVER STREET, PRINCE ALBERT, SASK, Wholesale & Retail Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, ^eady-]V[ade Clothing, & ®@®t^ il®©@« Mi&Mw@^@ '» IrliOVH Rfit> FEED, ETC. Farm Produce and Furs Bought and Sold. o9- — SASKATCHEWAN DIRECTORY. PRINCE ALBERT ADVERTISEMENTS. 3 COBNER EIVEE & CHURCH STREETS, PRINCE ALBERT, SASK. & Bankers General Financial Agents. Intereist Allowed on Deposits. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Drafts Issued Available at all Points in the Dominion. Collections Undertaken and Promptly At'^ tended to. Bankers, Cllerchants* Bank of Canada. WAY. B. R. Watchmaker and Jeweller, POST OFFICe BLOCK, RIVER STREET, F^Mffi®© 4lfe©s^t^ ia®fe ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. : c^ ;73 ]V[gPHI1iLlIPS' ^ Alphabetical Business Dit^ectopy OF THE DlSTt^ICT OF Saskatcheuian, I^.W.T., TOGETHER WITH grief {iistorieail §i^etehes Of Prince Albert, Battleford and the Other :;. Settlements in the District. 1888. ?ssss ^ "^RRICEf $1.00-J^ ^ QU'APPELLE, N.W. T. PRINTED AT "THE PROGRESS" BOOK AND JOB OFFICE ^ 1888. Entered accordiiiR to Act of Parliament of Canada, in the year One Tlionsand Eiglit Hundredand Eighty-Eight, by Hunry Thonuift MoPhillips, of the Town of Prince Albert,DistrictofSaskatchewan, N.W.T., intheotliceofthe Minister of Agriculture. BICLIOTHcCA (I ' ttavienst* 6 SASKATCHEWAN DIUECTOKY.—-PRINCE ALHERT ADVERTISEMENTS. "^Z T as \ mal hop to s whi Prii & Walters Baker, pen i\ also A owii tow: nexi A few sist ford cona RIVEt^ STJ^EET, T are < Ppinee Albert, Sask its d com: whi( fort com: T< offic* me y Pi

ge- ies, varieties and colort) bloom from early in spring to the end of August. There is no lack of vegetation of every kind, except in dry seasons where .. oil. I'y .n,. " It is a mistake to suppose that the native cattle could not be improved. My opinion is that the native cattle can be improved
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