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McLaren, William - Gann Made Easy PDF

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WSS y ANN MADE EA oy \ Fy wun cane ; aN “TABLE OF CONTENTS. INTRODUCTIN ©. THE POYCHOLOGY OF TRADING... Mastering Hope, Fear and Greed” Disciptina and Protactive Stops Partial Positioning HOH WARKETS MOVE a Four Investment Stratagins Tops, Bottoms, and Consolidations Volume of Salas Trends and Tread Following Techniques THE CYCLE OF YEARS oe Goonatrio Charts Anglas.. Support and fesistance” ‘Akay From The 1x2 Angle Angles and trong or Weak, Positions Fast Angles and Thain Applications Zero Angles Illustrations of Price Squares TRADING A DECADE oe ee Gann's Decade Long Plan The Road Map Applied THE SQUARE OF NINE 2 ee APPLYING THE CONCEPTS 6. ee THE PLANETS AND GEOMETRIC VIBRATION. . CONCLUSION 6s APPENDIX AURUEA Us. steer DDD D Lilli Overnight chart rt Forecasting 6s u 34 43 79 82 = 104 197 = 204 209 1 Bis 227 2838 INTRODUCTION Th the years since W.D. cann's eareer ended, nany people have aptenoted to dunticate, the ppadiotion and trading capabilitiog GLEN ES! acame RaGuee tone Sten ceed many Teach, capehelatise Which ae siaple ant esey’ to understands esis ethers’ are "nore Gbsoure. viet’ become ‘apharont fran 8 quick overview ot the men’s Retory isuthat hw dus "e'precighous amiune of work ite papers, Sbcumlatea avers Lifetia of Study, tilted an grtire newly th thenthey nore purvhated’ by Billy donee; Foam this ane fact, 2 San'be stid’ that’ there waa no Girgle "technique which produced’ the Fetulte that Gann used Ye ne trading. Teaay" jou can find nary andivifiets yro claim to have. found one olapld Ley teat'was the’ cornerstone of aii ofthe proaietive Gori "wnion me? Gang accomplished, but the “secrets ot Gann? Bre'aany nunopaus” faucets of the man’s Workerand e-ones without Af Gundort of generss warke aosutately Sia Weil all of the tina: Tr yout Pancon For reading thie book ie fo find that one secret, Posbibly'the “magic oquare-, or the vupitar. - Saturn aspects which Seen You ta Mfectesk trade” every ties, then” yor wily be sappointed. The purpose of this Book is ‘to giva, you a. grasp of the, Uhncing techniauts. and, Growaage of “chia whlch ‘adnny and Sthere sinee nin, nave uesd suscecerully in determining key dotes fre prise evole' inthe future," Also, wane Go give you" onauh Knowledge to he ‘suocbeeful th your own" trading! Bee prevented herein, if'sssd property very ascurede 1n predicting fowehesnpako,, daye, "and even’ ere Five, eatite perso’ sees “the Waku’ whtsh will Lhange the direction ot The price movonwne An's Beer otaarkets Tn ay Fitteon years of gtudy of tha man*e work, 1 have discovered simple tdcnmaues that Sh sna SP thenwallvas, "ave talgable prodittive ‘toolet and have. conbined these teble ar tea valuable prodistive (goles and have combined thnee, teks ay 19 3 HGMO Ground tr Gann'e werk, not aolngie tool, and not eo many Toole that it becopes confusing. The promise which resulted in Eefstegthod was" Fied cut whet workey wun to apply ity and then T hope you will uge the sinple methods in your work, those wath 4 nitinde anount Of efforts You wilt hays 2 doveve time. £0 Wile hetipds bute thoos ‘time and prices. whieh are. spparent tron Srawung the ‘angiosy uoing the eyealeal courte and dotty the paste artketbeloer Saleudetion®, ‘wil gave you tne tefocwstion you need fe trades “Go not atterpt’ touoe all BF the aathode for every Teados "$s #ind"overy oF division every renger or every high, for PAGE 2 you will find that you haye too much information and it will oecone Sonfuntng. "Et struggled thrauah the originalty. When T wae, Ueing every techniques f found thet’? had too auch information "too any squares, teo'miny counts to nake a doctsion-” Over. tho! yoars, { Reve eittes’ durcigh the indivisual ‘methods, isolating the ohes onion T Know Treaty trade from Realisy that the information which cones Tron these techniquos is only vagtul when one hae a knowledge of How ané nnen they Wark. Goreaimy there are mony hinge to know, aod there are meny” cringe fo consider, out the anin thrust ie to keep the work simple, ‘Don't puch yourself to prove a turning point in tine, ‘merely because you want it to be there. If your simple methods presanted herein, do Tet show it, donst trade st "rhe trade nay be there, but any force Te'when” you cam tind a trade easier tn srother stock or market? lion sald thst gonius was one parvant inspiration and ninety nine percent. perepiration, nd You wail have 10. work fo make this sotnon a success,” It requires « good deal vof time, to cetablish Grading charts and Keep ‘then up fo Gate, but, work reveals the Tonards “The methods explained <n this bask are put to Use in the Biddle’ and Iatter' chapters, in combination with tha “separate Paokige ‘of charts, “‘terafcre, "you can sea how the toglé come Rogether to give you sxcelieme ‘trading oppertunsties. Turge you to try this eathod on Say eeock on commodity. an giving you the, necessary. informacion te start your work, but you GeMol non that dt works, oF realaas bow Le works Until you Use the wethods yourself Take ‘he tine to bring « chart up to date, then find the turning points in tha past, and. find tha ones in the futuray and you will"sea the method. fhare is no better way to prove this to Yourselt Thin Dy Teuna it, "in a Gass: ie toa yeate of work op ndrede of chats tovtind tha applications. cf pectic, rules. °F would axpact thet it will also take you sone taney although this Took otputd epeed the process: “Gnee'you have proven ite ou can Erave fron it tn this text I neve attempted vo. recuce ‘all of Gennes mothods down to. those which are easy ao use. ond work often. ‘Kasp R simple! That is the rule Why theae methods work, I will not attempt to fully explain. Such an attempt would probably do nothing more than confuse. Let ne brush that acide by saying that like many things in life, these are excellent tools. You do not have ta know how or where a” hammer wae Torged in order to drive a nail. But, if you have an intense desire to know why it works, you ara in for years of study. Tn oy stuoies of Gann's’ writing, Phave found that he wrote in the game manner ag the ancient mystics, This method gives a major promise, and possibly a minor pranige, ‘the truth is given, and from that, you have to draw the conclusion. You have to’ earn the kaonledge that is givan, a3 it is not spelled out directly. They wanted ypu to werk far the knowledge. I studied tho ancient qasters for years, and W.0. Gann wrote as they did. Perhaps, that ie why it easy for me to read hie work, I knew that he was speaking in syllogisms. Me did not give you the conclusion. What PAGE 4 be did in the cave of the number ninety, or in virtually any of the ather cases, was give you an idea similar to, "You can look far top 90 to 99 days after a tove etarte.* That is not 100 percant true, if you take every move in a market or stack, and you look for top, or @ change in trend 90 to $9 days after the atart of the move, it going to happen only occasionally. But, there are circumstances where it works almost perfactly. One last point that is very important. The foundation to succesatul trading ia knowledge of price movement and volune- the ability to view a chart and know if thare is a probability of a top or bottom the understanding of "blowoffs* and the opportunities they represent. Therefore, a portion of this text will be devoted ‘to an understanding of pribe movanent. ‘THE PSYCHOLOGY OF THADING UASTERING HOPE, FEAR AND GREED Generally, when a trader writes ebout the psychology of trading it 1s directly from his own experiences in the market. Usually ‘there “is other added” information from the. trader's Observations of the setione of ather traders, Woot, if not all of These "perspectives cone’ from personal. experience, ‘and they generally repeat in each individual "a trading patterns: , Wr Gann’ Hiret"book, written in 1928 and titled, ‘Truth of the Tiokers mas just such 9 Writing. In this book he ‘emphasized the pitfalls to duscesstul ‘trading which cone from hunan emotions, T'teo have gone through most ail of the emotions which Gann arecentad in’ tha? 1923 book- hope, fear, greed, the need far Patience, and the need for both nerve (or courage) and knowledge. Trading is un many waye an art rather than a selene. tho importance af being able to master yourself is far greater than aay syten of anslyeis. Tf you have a’ cystenstic approach that Tinds Eraing gttueelens wnicn alll be right 89 percent of the Time, you may still loose money. You have to be able to execute the trade, ard this is where many traders go wrong.” Many cither wait too Tong, which is a problen with courage on fear. Or ‘they don’t have the patience to wait untai the time is right, and enter the trade fa gariy.” The moet important part of trading the markets is nacterang yoursel?. Gann 3aid that you aust be prepared for hope, fear, and greed, and you must be aware of when you are trading trom a basis of thesé anotiona, Successful trading requires virtually every trader to change certain habite and attitudes. In most cates, identitying and changing hese ateatuden tea di¢ticut propooktion. What makes you Suooeeeful in business and life is ditforent than what makes you Successful in trading. In noraal situations ‘success cones from being able io contrpl sircunstances, subordinates, machines and 2 forth. You'maks “depisions, stick’ by’ thom, make, plano) work and manage your “subordinates.” control is shat helps. make you Succrscfl. If you sake decisions and you don't play out the plan, fou Looge,) But the minket io dittaren’ ta that you cannot “sonttod We market. You may find yoursel? trying te control it with expectations, and thie will lead to trauble, ‘As you sant control the market, you must flow with it, You yon probably find, if you have, not found this already, that you Tava {to change yoursel? to trade successfully. Tha reasons Tor This are numerous, and 2g 1 am pot a psychologist, I can only touch upon thon Tt dame “that many things, thal, g/porson naturally matures with, and learns fron years outoide of the markets, da not apply. ta the markets. Everyone, I do not care who they ‘are, or what they've done, has to change in some way to hocome 2 successful Xrader Te just doesn't come naturally. PAGE S Of the mistakes that traders maks, emotion oan be one of the areatest.” ‘Greed, the desire to gain qore than 2, podltion will Raturally give is’ore of these probion aneae, Greed can cause one fo overstay profitable position, You tay tind yoursoit thinking, STC I jued moves three more points I've gota 100 percent. profitt When you find yourcelf thitking in ‘thee feehiga, or routing. ~ Cheering fara Harker which as moving your direotion, be careful. Areecond effect gros’ has upan many tradera is to cause them €3 Qvae position, orvtake a larger position in a trade than should be fakan if good danay managomant Le being used. When you put more inte" that" position than you kagw you can afford,” you may find yourself ina panio to got our of what ould Stherwise be profitable. trade You should plan your trading in such a fashion ae to Koop yourself out of Stressful situation.” {your norwal position is fen percent of your trading account and you seo that great trade Somig up, ard you put in titty percent ‘of your money, you wilt pranably ganio if the trade. starve to move againet you. "You may EXose out" such 2. trade beTore your plan is complete, before your protective stop is hit, only 10 find you havo cold out of « Long Position st ‘the Jow of 3 gounter trend navenont, a0 out of a shore Poaition st the intra day high and that your plan you devised while Tha narkote were not ¢rading ws correct after all. It 1s One thing. to be “certain that a trade ig a good trade and take a position, but it ie another thing, entirely, to be greedy and ov pogittan’ in that trade. "if your wrong) you will loans tao much, Bnd i? your ‘trade ia correot, you sift Wnd-yoursel? constantly Goncerned with 1 and probably ‘Loose sight’ of the original plan: Some individuals can 'warage theneelvee val in thes type ot situation, but thie is not the norm, If you find that you aro Concerned with 9 trade to the poitt of not being able to sleep, or thinking of that one position constantly, greed 1s a problen. Over positigning, or investing too much capital in a trade, can be a Rraderve worst mistake. Hope, OF expectations, Nill also manifest itself in euch fashion as to fell. ag excellent trading plan. tt you ‘buy Security “tn the hope that it will go us zn price and you will profit, with no method or evidence, or buy on a ‘tip’, what you fight think Lo a bit of inside knowlédge, then you hava catered the market on the wrong Basis. Roaonbar, whan hope io the basis for dhvastaent strategy- beware. Reason’ and evidence. should be tho bacis for trading. A ssoand effect of haps ie when @ position moves against you and you have fot Used 4 protective stop. “In this Situation you kay find yourobit hoping that the price moves back, replacing Zotion wth hope. * Fear is another problem that auct be conquered, I believe nost psychological problens are fear besed. rear’ of mincing the move ali cause you Yo position early and iakely stopped out at the Point You should be gotcrng pooitioned. Tt can caues you to trade Eut'or's Long position near the Low, or exit @ short position cea PAGE @ the high. On the other hand, @ healthy fear of the market ean help you trade by a plan. Gann gaid that a fear of the market was the first sign of a successful trader. On the other hand, you must rot fear taking a loss. Respect of tha market helps to give you the discipline to trade only when you have the right plan and Circumstance, Gut, fear of taking a lone will often result in the failure to taka a trade, So, here you hava to develop a balance which gives you a respect of the macket, so that you trade from Guidende ane plan, and courage to take "that trade’ when the tine is eight. fost traders cun into a problen when they nake a loving trad When you make that losing trade and you take the lose, and you don"t becone enotional abeut it, then you are doing well. “But it you sake that losing trade, (which 19 inevitable), and you punish yourself, or feel bad, Gr. start locking at your checkbook, @tcstera, then you probably had better take ome time to assess your situation Plan to keep yourself out of trouble, Oo not involve your self esteem in your trading, Try not to tail paople what you are ‘trading and why, because this Will involve your self esteem, and you mil find hope coming into your mind. Try not to’ make Bredictions of events trom your work. Qf course with this work, You willl Find it hard to ‘not do ‘that, but If you avoid tefling People what you feel will happen in the market, you will avoi Gpectations "in your trading. If you have wads a cortain prediction, your expectations of that happening wil! increase. You wall want it to happen. Hope becomes involved again, and this will uagie. your thinking. | By Keeping your thoughts to yourself, your self esteom is not involved, and you will not have to tight that peychological problem. Do your best to avoid the omotional problens that trading can being on. You will know that you have reaohed a point of bein peyoholagically able to trada, when you ‘can maka’a plo ‘and ol change it. When you can watch tho market move against you, with your plan in actfon- your stop in the market, and not have the Geaire to get out before the warket hite it, you are ready. You should make your plan whon you are not emotionally involved in the market. When the market starts to gyrate, if you have the urge to Phange’ your plan and you don’t, then you are ready. There. is a cycla that many tradere go through. Often, a erador wall start dut with a feabondble plan. ‘He usea good obey managenont and dosen't expect more fron a trade than it ML! Teasonably give hin, He starts to maka money, only trading what he should trade, and when he should trade it, Ho has respect for the market, ‘but ‘no fear of taking a loss, or of trading from good Ovidence when the tine is right. He begins by doing well, making money, catching sone good moves in the stocks or options or Sommiities, ahd he otarte To" fool ao if he te 2 pretty, good trader. ‘At one tine on another, this trader looses his respect of the warket. He begins to overpceition and lodse eight of the oripinal PAGE 7 plan. We starts loosening yp on stops, and avoiding plans, posvibly even ignoring his Work on’ the market because now he is Gortain that he 1s right. The looses start to catch up mtn this trader, and possibly at one tune on another, he gives back all of the money he had page previously, Now, he starte aver again, with a graater respect for the market. He goes back and ascumés the original plan and the sycie’ ie completed OF all of the valid tines to trade that I will give you in this Book, and thove that you know or Mill learn for yourself over Hise, ahold) there cone a/-Eine’ won you that, you are net veing then) Gut are trading just fo trade, watch out.” ‘The market wil have’ your money. When trading Seems silddanly to ba so easy, Where baors it ‘seomad so hard, take a good look.” it 1s not eagy, and you must do the work. Maintaining the alan, and having the Patience to malt for tho setup to trade from 19 essential to making money in the marker. Frog our earliest days we are taught that to be wrong, wrong in school, wrong our judgemeat of any situation, is undesirable- bag. the’ idea ‘that being wrong is bad, mfich ost people carry with then forever, mist not stop you from admitting that you are ‘rong an trading.’ "Being wrong in trading means ‘taking A 103%, Rduigting defeat. Wa are taught in our youth that tbe wrong 8 fot acceptable, but in tha trading business, we are going to be Wrongs flan fer At. Taka, the loca shen you are wrong and make, it Unemgéional, “When you oan take 9 Lose and st is unemotional, then you have reached the staga where you can trada successfully. ‘one wore problem that 12 caused by the psychology of the individual, io having a bullish on boatioh Ding, T fave analyzed ay on trading record for this and discovered that 1 have a three 3S ‘one tendency towards short trades. You may have a similar fondency, or one towards long positions, but it is important that you, realize your oom tendency.” In a BOLT market, my fearishnans Aorks agains? me, while ina bear market, it worke for me. Thin is just ona aore reason that T have found to trade from evidence and plan rather than foglings about the market or stock. ‘The paychology of trading is an excaptionaliy important part of the ducinege, aad is sonething that you should alvays be aware of. "Hope, far, and greed, are major factors, and must be conquared. ’ Expectations ano part of hope, and I would Like to say Sorething about expectations. Tr'd Zola you that. this was 2 book on how to play golf, and that after reading this book; you could expect to go out an the pro Your and make a Living, whet would you think? You would know that Pellvould fave to put n'a’ lot ot practice, you would nave to play ‘urnanonts, and, if you have ever played golf tor money, you know that you cah choke ona twp foot put. It is @ gama of matering performance under pressure. Ik is paychology, as well as, Knowledge, skill and practice. The sane io true Of trading, Tn'this book Tan going to present you with tools, with setups or situations that are Grasable, If you follow the method, taking Only trades which are based on the setups, and use 2 good ‘trading

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