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McKesson HBOC, Inc. Securities Litigation 99-CV-20743-Joint Pretrial Statement PDF

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Preview McKesson HBOC, Inc. Securities Litigation 99-CV-20743-Joint Pretrial Statement

BERNSTEIN LITOWITZ BERGER BARRACK, RODOS & BACINE & GROSSMANN LLP LEONARD BARRACK 2 DAVID R. STICKNEY (Bar No. 188574) M. RICHARD KOMINS TIMOTHY A. DeLANGE (Bar No. 190768) JEFFREY A. BARRACK 3 NIKI L. MENDOZA (Bar No . 214646) BETH R. TARGAN BENJAMIN GALDSTON (Bar No . 211114) 3300 Two Commerce Square 4 12481 High Bluff Drive, Suite 300 2001 Market Street San Diego, CA 92130 Philadelphia, PA 19103 5 Tel: (858) 793-0070 Tel: (215) 963-0600 Fax: (858 ) 793-0323 Fax: (215) 963-0838 6 -and- -and- MAX W. BERGER STEPHEN R. BASSER (Bar No. 121590) 7 ROCHELLE FEDER HANSEN 402 West Broadway, Suite 850 1285 Avenue of the Americas San Diego, CA 92101 8 New York, NY 10019 Tel: (619) 230-0800 Tel: (212) 554-1400 Fax: (619) 230-1874 9 Fax: (212) 554-1444 10 Attorneys for Lead Plaintiff The New York State Common Retirement 11 Fund and Co-Lead Counsel for the Class 12 13 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 14 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 15 SAN JOSE DIVISION 16 In re McKESSON HBOC, INC. Master File No. 99-CV-20743 RMW SECURITIES LITIGATION And Related Cases 17 CLASS ACTION 18 Date: August 30, 2007 19 This Document Relates To: Time: 2:00 p.m. Place: Courtroom 6, Fourth Floor 20 ALL ACTIONS. Judge: The Honorable Ronald M. Whyte 21 22 23 JOINT PRETRIAL STATEMENT 24 25 26 27 28 JOINT PRETRIAL STATEMENT Master File No. 99-CV-20743 RMW 1 Pursuant to the Court' s Standing Order Re: Pretrial Preparation filed February 24, 2003 2 ("Standing Order"), counsel for The New York State Common Retirement Fund, on behalf of 3 itself and the Class (the "Lead Plaintiff'), and Defendant Bear Steams & Co. Inc. ("Bear 4 Stearns" or "Defendant"), met and conferred on July 20, 2007, July 24, 2007, and July 27, 2007, 5 with respect to the issues set forth below. 6 1. SUBSTANCE OF THE ACTION 7 Lead Plaintiff' s Position 8 This is a securities class action brought against Bear Steams alleging that it made 9 materially false or misleading statements or omissions in a November 27, 1998 Joint Proxy 10 Statement issued jointly by McKesson Corporation ("McKesson") and HBO & Company 11 ("HBOC"), and the accompanying Fairness Opinion by Bear Stearns. The case is brought by 12 The New York State Common Retirement Fund on behalf of a class of investors who owned 13 McKesson stock .1 The claim against Bear Stearns is brought under § 14(a) of the Securities 14 Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 14a-9 promulgated thereunder by the Securities and Exchange 15 Commission ("SEC") 16 Bear Stearns' Position 17 This securities action is brought by The New York State Common Retirement Fund on 18 behalf of a putative class of investors who owned McKesson stock between certain periods 19 during 1998 and 1999. The case was brought against McKesson Corporation ("McKesson") and 20 certain of its officers and directors, HBO & Co., Inc. ("HBOC") and certain of its officers and 21 directors, Arthur Andersen LLP ("Andersen") and Bear Stearns. Lead Plaintiff alleged in its 22 complaint that HBOC and certain of its officers and directors committed securities fraud, 23 including by making materially false and misleading statements or omissions , beginning in 24 January 1997 until HBOC' s merger with McKesson in January 1999; that Andersen committed 25 securities fraud in connection with its audits of HBOC's financial statements for the years ending 26 December 31, 1996, 1997 and its quarterly reviews of HBOC' s financial statements for the first 27 1 28 I The specific definition of the Class is included in Lead Plaintiffs Renewed Motion for Class Certification [Doe No. 1607]. JOINT PRETRIAL, STATEMENT -I- Master File No . 99-CV-20743 RMW 1 I three quarters of 1998; and that McKesson and certain of its officers and directors violated the 2 I federal securities laws by making materially false or misleading statements or omissions in a 3 November 27, 1998 Joint Proxy Statement (the "Joint Proxy") in connection with McKesson's 4 merger with HBOC, and in post-merger press releases and public statements. The complaint also 5 alleges that Bear Steams made materially false or misleading statements or omissions in the Joint 6 Proxy and the accompanying Fairness Opinion by Bear Stearns. All other defendants have 7 settled and paid approximately $1.03 billion dollars to Lead Plaintiff and the putative class. 8 Thus, Lead Plaintiffs sole remaining claim is against Bear Stearns. The claim against Bear 9 Stearns is brought under Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 14a-9 10 promulgated thereunder by the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"). 11 Bear Stearns asserts that the other defendants named in Lead Plaintiffs complaint were 12 solely responsible for any alleged losses by Lead Plaintiff and the putative class. To the extent 13 that Bear Steams may be found liable for any damages proven by Lead Plaintiff, Bear Steams is 14 entitled to a reduction of any judgment in an amount equal to the greater of the settlement 15 amount or the portion of the judgment against Bear Steams that corresponds to the settling 16 defendants' percentage of fault as determined by the jury. Bear Steams further contends that it 17 did not make any material misstatements or omissions. Bear Stearns further contends that Lead 18 Plaintiff and other members of the putative class did not incur any economic loss. Finally, Bear 19 Stearns contends that Lead Plaintiff and the putative class did not incur any economic loss that 20 was caused by any alleged misrepresentation by Bear Stearns. 21 II. STIPULATIONS 22 A. Authenticity 23 Consistent with § B.8.g, of this Court 's Standing Order, the parties anticipate stipulating 24 to authenticity of trial exhibits, and will be in a position to make this determination after 25 reviewing the opposing party's exhibit list. The parties will meet and confer regarding any 26 objections on authenticity grounds and will assert any unresolved objections no later than five 27 court days before the August 30, 2007 pretrial conference, as required by the Standing Order. 28 The parties will also attempt to reach agreement regarding admissibility of exhibits. JOINT PRETRIAL STATEMENT -2- Master File No. 99-CV-20743 RMW B. Stipulation as to Procedure for Use of Depositions 2 Lead Plaintiff' s Position: 3 In the interests of efficiency , clarity, and completeness , the parties stipulate to the order 4 of either playing video depositions, or reading deposition transcripts as the case may be, as 5 follows2: 6 I Lead Plaintiff will play/read in its presentation of its case all deposition excerpts initially designated by 7 Lead Plaintiff of a particular deposition, along with those portions of the same deposition that are 8 counter-designated by Bear Steams. 9 2. Defendant will play/read in its presentation of its case all deposition excerpts initially designated by 10 Defendant of a particular deposition, along with those portions of the same deposition that are 11 counter-designated by Lead Plaintiff. 12 Bear Stearns' Position: 13 During each party's case, to the extent a witness is presented by deposition, the party 14 propounding the witness shall play/read in its presentation of the witness deposition excerpts IS designated by that party for that witness, along with those portions of the deposition of the 16 witness counter-designated by the opposing party. 17 During the propounding party's case, and at the time the non propounding party presents 18 the deposition testimony of a particular witness, the opposing party may read/play excerpts from 19 the deposition that would constitute cross-examination of that witness as if the witness had 20 testified in person. The cross-examination presentation shall consist of deposition excerpts 21 designated by the cross-examining party for that witness, along with those portions of the 22 deposition of the witness counter-designated by the propounding party. The cross-examination 23 testimony may be read/played during direct examination to avoid duplication or confusion. 24 25 26 2 This stipulation regarding the order of playing/reading depositions does not apply to portions 27 of depositions offered solely for impeachment or rebuttal, or played/read during Opening Statements or Closing Arguments. This stipulation also does not waive any objections to 28 admissibility that may be asserted pursuant to the Standing Order. JOINT PRETRIAL STATEMENT -3- Master File No. 99-CV-20743 RMW 1 C. Undisputed Facts 2 During the meet and confer process, the parties exchanged proposed lists of undisputed 3 facts. The parties agree in good faith to continue to meet and confer in an attempt to submit a 4 joint list of undisputed facts prior to the Pretrial Conference on August 30, 2007. 5 D. Live Witnesses 6 Lead Plaintiff's Position: 7 Lead Plaintiff reserves its rights to seek to preclude Bear Stearns from calling any witness 8 to testify live who Bear Stearns failed to make available to testify live during Lead Plaintiff's 9 presentation of its case. 10 Bear Stearns ' Position: Bear Stearns reserves its right to seek leave from the Court to conduct its direct 12 examination of live witnesses called by Lead Plaintiff during Lead Plaintiff' s case to avoid 13 undue burden or inconvenience to live witnesses , the Court or the Jury. 14 III. DISPUTED FACTUAL ISSUES 15 Lead Plaintiff' s Position: 16 The following factual issues remain to be tried: 17 (1) Whether Bear Steams made any materially false or misleading statements or 18 omissions; 19 (2) Whether the misstatements or omissions were the result of negligent conduct; 20 (3) Whether the misstatements or omissions were a cause of the loss incurred by the 21 Class; 22 (4) The damages incurred by members of the Class; 23 (5) The percentage of responsibility of Bear Stearns, measured as a percentage of the 24 total fault of all persons whose violations of the federal securities laws caused the loss incurred 25 by the Class; 26 Bear Stearns' Position: 27 Bear Stearns contends that there are no genuine issues of material fact and that its motion 28 for summary judgment should be granted. To the extent that the Court denies Bear Stearns' JOINT PRETRIAL STATEMENT -4- Master File No. 99-CV-20743 RMW 1 motion for summary judgment, Bear Steams contends that the following facts must be resolved 2 at trial: 3 1. Whether Bear Stearns made any misstatement of fact or omission; 4 2. Whether any misstatement of fact or omission that Bear Stearns may be found to 5 have made was material; 6 3. Whether, if Bear Steams is found to have made a material misstatement of fact or 7 omission, the misstatement of fact or omission was negligently made; 8 4. Whether Lead Plaintiff can establish transaction causation with respect to the 9 alleged misrepresentations by Bear Stearns; I0 5. Whether Lead Plaintiff and other members of the putative class incurred any 11 economic loss; 12 6. Whether Lead Plaintiff or the putative class incurred any economic loss that was 13 caused by any alleged misrepresentation by Bear Stearns; 14 7. Whether Lead Plaintiff or the putative class incurred any damages, and if so in 15 what amount, that was caused by any alleged misrepresentation by Bear Stearns; 16 8. Whether persons other than Bear Stearns violated the federal securities laws; 17 9. What proportion of the total loss or damages, if any, proven by Lead Plaintiff and 18 the putative class were caused by persons other than Bear Steams. 19 IV. DISPUTED LEGAL ISSUES 20 In addition to the issues that will be presented in their respective motions in limine, trial 21 briefs, if any, and proposed jury instructions, disputed legal issues are set forth in the following 22 motions, which are pending: 23 (1) Lead Plaintiff's Renewed Motion for Class Certification 24 (2) Bear Stearns' Motion for Summary Judgment 25 (3) Bear Stearns' Daubert Motion to Exclude the Expert Report and Testimony of J.T. Atkins 26 (4) Bear Stearns' Motion to Strike the Declaration of Robert W. Berliner 27 (5) Bear Stearns' Motion to Strike the Declarations of Blaine F. Nye and Edward J. Sincavage 28 JOINT PRETRIAL STATEMENT -5- Master File No. 99-CV-20743 RMW 1 V. DEPOSITION EXCERPTS AND DISCOVERY RESPONSES 2 A list of the deposition testimony (by page and lines ) or other discovery responses that 3 Lead Plaintiff may offer as evidence at trial, other than solely for impeachment or rebuttal, is 4 attached hereto as Exhibit A. 5 A list of the deposition testimony (by page and lines) or other discovery responses that 6 Defendant may offer as evidence at trial, other than solely for impeachment or rebuttal, is 7 I attached hereto as Exhibit B. 8 VI. WITNESSES TO BE CALLED 9 Pursuant to the Court' s Standing Order, attached as Exhibits C and D are the lists of those 10 11 witnesses that Lead Plaintiff and Defendant, respectively, intend to call or may call if the need 11 arises (with identification as to in which category the witness falls), other than solely for 12 impeachment or rebuttal, together with a brief statement describing the substance of the 13 testimony to be given, and identification as to whether the party presently intends to call the 14 witness live or by deposition. If the party presently intends to call the witness through 15 deposition, the list will state whether the party intends to play the video deposition or present the 16 testimony through other means, so that objection to the means may be made if necessary for a 17 fair presentation of the evidence. 18 VII. EXHIBITS 19 Pursuant to the Court's Standing Order, attached as Exhibits E and F are the Exhibit Lists 20 offered by Lead Plaintiff and Defendant, respectively, of those exhibits the party intends to offer 21 at trial, other than solely for impeachment or rebuttal, identified by an exhibit number, followed 22 by a brief statement describing its substance or purpose, and the identity of the sponsoring 23 witness. 24 As required by the Court's Standing Order, the parties have agreed on an allocation of 25 exhibit numbers as follows: For consistency, including during the playing/reading of 26 depositions, the parties will utilize the exhibit numbers that were marked during the depositions 27 that took place in this case. For any exhibits that were not marked during a deposition, or if a 28 deposition exhibit number or document is duplicated or documents have been marked with JOINT PRETRIAL STATEMENT -6- Master File No . 99-CV-20743 RMW 1 multiple deposition exhibit numbers, the parties will meet and confer to discuss numbering these 2 exhibits, and will inform the Court of the exhibit numbers. 3 If a party wishes to substitute a "clean copy" of a document for the copy that was marked 4 at the deposition, the party may do so and the parties agree to cooperate if one party seeks a clean 5 copy from the other party of a document that the other party is more likely to have in clean form. 6 VIII. RELIEF PRAYED 7 Lead Plaintiff's Position: 8 Lead Plaintiff seeks compensatory damages as a result of Bear Steams' violation of § 9 14(a). 10 Bear Stearns' Position: 11 Bear Stearns requests dismissal in full, with prejudice, of the claim asserted against Bear 12 Stearns and such other and further relief as the Court may deem appropriate. 13 IX. ESTIMATE OF TRIAL TIME 14 Lead Plaintiff estimates that the total number of hours needed for the presentation of its 15 case, including cross-examination of opposing witnesses and opening statement and closing 16 argument , is 35 hours. 17 Bear Stearns is not in a position to feasibly estimate the number of hours for its case in 18 1 chief and cross examination of witnesses called by Lead Plaintiff because Bear Stearns does not 19 know which witnesses will be called by Lead Plaintiff and what evidence will be presented by 20 Lead Plaintiff. Further, the Court must resolve certain disagreements between the parties with 21 respect to protocol and sequence for witness testimony. Moreover, the Court will resolve other 22 evidentiary disputes between the parties that may affect the trial proceedings. At this time, 23 therefore, Bear Stearns' estimate of time required to do opening and closing statements direct 24 and cross examinations is approximately 140 hours. Bear Steams reserves its right to amend or 25 modify this estimate. 26 X. AMENDMENTS 27 The parties do not presently request amendment to the pleadings. 28 JOINT PRETRIAL STATEMENT -7- Master File No. 99-CV-20743 RMW XI. SETTLEMENT DISCUSSIONS 2 The parties participated in a one-day mediation session with the Honorable Edward A. 3 Infante (Ret.) that ended at an impasse. 4 XII. MISCELLANEOUS 5 A. Exchange of New Exhibits 6 The parties agree to exchange copies (in tiff format where practicable) of any exhibits 7 that were not previously marked in deposition or that are not recognizable by a Bates number 8 marked on the document for purposes of this litigation, no later than 21 days prior to the Pretrial 9 Conference, so that timely objections thereto may be made if necessary. 10 B. Exchange of Demonstratives 11 The parties agree to exchange copies of any demonstratives, exhibits pursuant to FRE 12 1006 or other graphics ("Demonstratives") that they intend to use during their Opening 13 Statements, no later than four court days prior to the trial date. Within 24 hours of receipt of the 14 Demonstratives, the opposing party will inform the party seeking to use the Demonstrative, of 15 any objections such that they may be resolved in a timely fashion. 16 The parties agree that as the trial is nearing completion, they will meet and confer 17 regarding an appropriate time to exchange Demonstratives that they intend to use during their 18 Closing Arguments, so that timely objections thereto may be made if necessary. 19 The parties agree that, no less than two court days prior to using a Demonstrative during 20 trial, the party will provide the opposing party with a copy of the Demonstrative such that timely 21 objection, if necessary, may be made. Within 24 hours of receiving a copy of such 22 Demonstrative, the opposing party will notify the offering party of any objections to the 23 Demonstrative and, where practicable, the parties will meet and confer in an attempt to resolve 24 the dispute. If a party was unable to provide opposing counsel with a copy of the Demonstrative 25 I within two full court days prior to its use, the offering party may seek leave to use the 261 I Demonstrative within a shortened time. The parties reserve all rights as to Demonstratives for 27 1 which two court days notice could not be provided. 28 1 JOINT PRETRIAL STATEMENT -S- Master File No. 99-CV-20743 RMW 1 C. Notice of Witnesses 2 The parties agree that at the beginning of every trial week, the party presenting its case 3 (in chief or rebuttal/sur-rebuttal) will give written notice to the other party of the witnesses it 4 intends to call (in alphabetical order) during the following week (that is, 7 calendar days advance 5 notice). In addition, that party will give a second written notice at least 3 calendar days before 6 the week in which the specific witnesses will be called and the anticipated order (which notices 7 shall be made by l I a.m. on the day notice is given). For good cause shown to the Court, 8 adjustments to the foregoing procedure can be requested. 9 D. July Questionnaire 10 Lead Plaintiff previously filed a proposed Jury Questionnaire on July 16, 2007, in II accordance with the Court's Standing Order. Lead Plaintiff requests that the Court mail to each 12 prospective juror, for completion and return prior to trial, the proposed Jury Questionnaire. 13 Bear Stearns does not agree to mailing of Lead Plaintiff's proposed jury questionnaire, 14 and reserves all rights to object to the proposed questionnaire, including rights pursuant to the 15 Court's Standing Order re: Pretrial Preparation. 16 E. Other Trial Documents 17 The parties agree to meet and confer in good faith with respect to accomplishing the 18 additional procedures required by the Standing Order, including but not limited to the submission 19 to the Court of proposed jury instructions and proposed form of verdict. 20 F. Commencement of Trial 21 Lead Plaintiffs Position: 22 Below, Bear Steams seeks to delay trial for a variety of reasons. Lead Plaintiff opposes 23 any such delay. 24 Bear Stearns' Position: 25 Bear Stearns requests that the trial in this action be adjourned until (i) Bear Stearns' 26 motion for summary judgment has been ruled upon, (ii) Lead Plaintiffs Motion for Class 27 I Certification has been ruled upon, (iii) Bear Stearns' Motions to Strike certain expert testimony 28 I and Daubers motions have been ruled upon, (iv) Bear Stearns' appeal of the Court's final JOINT PRETRIAL STATEMENT -9- Master File No . 99-CV-20743 RMW

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