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Brown & HOFrMEIsTER, L.L.P. Saecage Re Iiheresn, Te 25980 dewey Pa Teitepies 216i G19)347-6100 wewbhamenee Spree bhtnw.neh ‘Faaary 2.2019 Mike Davis Mnckeack News DEFT VR 66134 ANIA Highlund Ave Sommerville, MA 02144-2516 VIA BMAML 61 ¥4-68404 79girequests.mnickrOck com, Re; Reyvest tor Claification or Asklitional Information regarding Public Lnformation Request recived by The Cily wf MeKianey on December 14, 2018 MeKimey TD No. POLOL86 1418, Dear Mr, Davis | represent the City of Mekinney, Texas (the “City, reyunding, te aboveercforenced ater, Qu December 1d, 2038, you silted i request th the City for “lasce nad Body Camers Use aul Data Retenlion Pais'es.” This comespondence is heing seat to You under tho Texas Public Intormagion Act (lhe ‘Aol") because the City equites clavifcation ox additonal information for your reytest in vides le ident the eecords You seek, Specifically, “[rlasor and Body Cumera Cae and Duta Retenvion Policies” is vague or sacleay In aclition. i. likely W produce a large sminber of documents. Tke City asks that you clarify whether your request. lr docanient ig linted solely to data retention poles om taser aad ody eumura wie vr whether you see. the policiss as to taser andl body’ uamera ese ak well a> all swlicies oa dats retention, Please note tha the Act does not requiee a governmental body to comply with a continuing request 19 supply inrnation pn a periodic basis as such information is preparcd in the fulwe: Attomey General Opinin [\M-48 at 2 (1983); Opcn Reconts Decision Nos. 476 al | (1987), 465 nr | ¢1987), Ths, if you wonld fike informslion abwined aller December 14, yuu sill weet seubaniv a new request addition, the Acl does nol reyuire the City 1 compile statsties or roate « new document fn response 40 « reyvest, Sow Open Rewnds Decision No, 452 (1986), However, the Act dies rexjire the Cily us male & good faith effort to explain whit Iype oT revendvare nvailaMle. See Open Revords Decision No. #7 (1975), Themfore, #f you beliove Ihe City maintains or has a eight ot possession to the requested infoumation, please provide the City with addidnal mnformation regarding dhe doeurcents you seek, Uf yo fait to respond to this request for clarification or additional information bn weiting within 67 calendar davs from the date of ths letter. the City will cousider your request for information to have bev withdeaen, Lex. GOV'T Cove § 992.2220), You win respon to this fequcst for slevificulion or addidonal information in writing via email 1 buitlicom2Dmuckinneytexas.org oF by una : Dee Williams Mekinney Police Department Police Revords 290 Taylor Burk Drive MeKinney, V2xas 75071 nox you hve responded to this eoquest for clarification or exditional iniurtuatioa, che City ail notify yon regarding the costs assoetled with your request fr inartation, (fans. Pease rote that the City is only authorized In impase charges that exceed forty dollars (HO) iP co estimate is sent to-a requestor prior te gathering the -esponsive dacuments. Tex, Gow" Cot: § 552.2615, Do nol hevilule io eomact me sliould vou have auy quesiions reyarding this madee. Of ‘course, you may also dieest your questions to the stall wf the Ofice oF the Amomey General at (512) 42R-QPLA (6730) oF tol-fce at (377) OPEN-TEX 673-6839}. Vas - remy R. Page ARP ec: Healer Moody, Police Recoels Suypeevi Doe Willian, Polive Records

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