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Ripped by Jack Truong, if you bought this, you got ripped off. U N I T 1 Cellular Functions Overall I t has been said that we are made of the stuff of Expectations stars. What do you think this means? The pine wood cells pictured on the right and all other In this Unit, you will organisms on Earth are made mostly of only six discover common chemical elements. These elements What molecules make up originated under the conditions of massive cells gravity and heat found in stars. Evidence that the How the cell membrane molecules of life — compounds containing carbon, separates cells from their hydrogen, and oxygen — exist throughout the external environment but universe is found in comets like Hale-Bopp, shown allows substances into below. Scientists have recently found that such and out of the cell rocks, travelling through space, transport compounds What special functions cell and molecules that form the basis of life on Earth. structures have and how Within cells, these molecules are transformed these contribute to into living organisms with a multitude of complex keeping an organism alive strategies for survival. The same few molecules are What processes in cells used over and over in different combinations to capture and release the make literally millions of different structures and to energy needed for survival carry out all the different functions needed by and how we harness these living things. The processes involved in sustaining processes life all begin at the molecular level within the microscopic spaces of the cell. This includes the Unit storage and release of the energy needed to power Contents cellular process — which ultimately comes from the Sun. Chapter 1 Exploring the Micro- universe of the Cell. 4 Chapter 2 The image below may look like a single- Organizing Life. . . . 42 celled organism, but it is actually a comet called Hale-Bopp. What does a comet have Chapter 3 to do with the pine wood cells on the right? Cells, Energy, and Technology. . . . . . . 78 Unit Investigation. . . . . 110 UNIT INVESTIGATION Look ahead to pages 110–111. You can start planning your investigation well in advance by knowing what you will need. As you work through the unit, watch for ideas and materials that will help you prepare your experimental design. 2 3 C H A P T E R 1 Exploring the Micro-universe of the Cell Reflecting Questions What are the key molecules of life? T How does the cell he micro-universe of the cell is a happen, you would not get the membrane define the world of stunning beauty, high nutrients you need to feed the cells living cell and separate it drama, and battles to the death. All of your body. from its environment? of it relies on and revolves around Earlier courses introduced you to How does a cell control the molecules of life. Why does the cells and cell reproduction. In this the movement of materials didinium in the photograph on the chapter, you will discover the that enter and leave it? right hunt the paramecium — a larger molecules of life. In particular, you micro-organism? The didinium will investigate the large molecules cannot make all the molecules it — carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, needs, such as proteins, from the and nucleic acids — that nourish, substances dissolved in its watery build, and direct the living cell. You environment. So the didinium must will also examine the role that the acquire these molecules from its prey. cell membrane plays in transporting It then uses the molecules to build substances into and out of the cell. and repair cellular structures and as a source of energy for cellular processes. The didinium and paramecium, as well as the vorticella pictured below, separate themselves from the outside world with a cell membrane. How then does the didinium “eat” the paramecium? If the didiniumopened Beautiful but deadly, the single- a hole in its cell membrane large celled vorticella pictured below use the coiled spring in their cilia to leap enough to take in the paramecium, out to grab their prey (bacteria). the didinium’s own cell contents would leak out into the water surrounding it. Indeed, how do any of these cells take in molecules they need or excrete wastes? Clearly, the cell membrane must do much more than separate the cell contents from the external environment. How does this living edge of the cell function? Cellular dramas are also taking place in the human body. For example, cells that line your stomach live no longer than four days because the acid produced there eventually destroys them. As the old cells die, replacement cells emerge to face the acidic battleground. If this did not 4 Chapter Contents 1.1 The Molecular Basis of Life 6 MiniLab: Manipulating Design Your Own Investigation Macromolecules 20 1-B: Osmosis in a Model Cell 28 Thinking Lab: Life: A Winning Experiment 6 1.2 Cell Membrane Structure 21 Thinking Lab: Relative Concentration Challenge 32 MiniLab: The Resolving 1.3 Through the Cell Power of Skin 7 Membrane 25 1.4 Bulk Membrane Transport 35 MiniLab: Modelling Sugars 11 MiniLab: Random Walking 26 MiniLab: Freezing Cells 37 Investigation 1-A: What’s Here? Testing for Macromolecules 18 5 The Molecular Basis of Life S E C T I O N 1.1 EXPECTATIONS Describe the structure and function of important biochemical compounds. Test for macromolecules found in living organisms. Use three-dimensional models of important compounds. Figure 1.1 These bacteria remained dormant in a salt crystal, probably from before the time of the dinosaurs. In 2000, scientists revived them by giving them water and carbon-containing compounds. W hen you think about cells, what first comes to Less than two hundred years ago, people did mind? How small they are? How such tiny living not know of the existence of cells. The development things can do so much work? How a single of the first microscopes finally gave scientists fertilized egg cell can produce all the many access to the miniature world of the cell. Early specialized cells of a large organism, such as a investigators discovered what you now take for human being? This chapter, and the other chapters granted: that all living things are made up of one or in this unit, will help you answer these questions more cells. Other scientists determined that cells — and perhaps also help you find new ones to ask. are also the fundamental functional units of life. What does this mean? THINKING LAB Life: A Winning Experiment Background Where do cells come from? Prior to the development and acceptance of the cell theory in 1864, at least one early investigator thought that mice could be generated spontaneously by leaving a dirty shirt in a bucket. In 1860, the Paris Academy of Sciences offered a prize to anyone who could prove or disprove the spontaneous generation of life. The biologist Louis Pasteur took up the challenge. The two Erlenmeyer flasks shown here reproduce the results of Pasteur’s winning experiment. Each flask and the stopper were sterilized. Each contains 100 mL of vegetable broth that was boiled for 10 min. Then, the sterilized stopper was placed in one flask, while the second was left Analyze unstoppered. This is what the flasks looked like five days 1.Describe any differences you observe in the broth of the after they were filled. two flasks. 2.If you see any evidence of life generating life in these photographs, where did the living organisms come from? 6 MHR • Cellular Functions FAST FORWARD To review the cell theory, turn to Appendix 1. Word LINK Look at the ingredients list on a milk package. You will see the word pasteurizedconnected with the ingredients. Find out what this word means. Why does it appear on a milk carton? Explain in your own words where this term came from and how it relates to cells. What must the cells pictured in Figure 1.1 do to stay alive? Like you, they have to obtain and ingest food and water, get rid of wastes, grow, and respond to changes in their environment. At some point, Figure 1.2 The flat, undulating cells (trypanosomes) you see they will reproduce, creating more cells. Each one among the red blood cells enter the bloodstream when a of these cells has to perform key life processes. tsetse fly bites and cause a disease called African sleeping How does one cell do all that? Each cell uses sickness. The structure of their cell membranes can make energy to fashion the structures it needs out of them difficult for the human immune system to destroy. materials available in its external environment — atoms and molecules. Each cell also maintains a the two features as if they consisted of a single sophisticated barrier between itself and the outside point. The features are too close together to block world: the cell membrane. For example, the parasites the light wave separately, which would reveal them pictured in Figure 1.2 have cell membranes that as two points. help them evade the human immune system. Before the invention of the electron microscope, How have scientists learned so many of the cell’s how did biologists gather information about the secrets? Technology and scientific inquiry have inner workings of the cell? Living things depend provided many answers. The technology for on chemical reactions, which take place at the examining cells you probably know best is the level of the molecule. So scientists used chemical compound light microscope. However, its glass knowledge and procedures to learn about the world lenses can only magnify the cell enough to allow of the cell: the molecules that living cells use, you to see some of the larger cell features. Light form, excrete, and interact with. This section will microscopes cannot resolve — or form distinct introduce you to that world. images of — objects as close together as are most structures in the cell. PAUSE RECORD The nature of visible light itself limits the Explain why biologists describe the cell as the unifying resolving power of a light microscope. When a light structure that links all life. wave passes through a specimen with structures less than 0.2 µm apart, the wave bounces back from MINI LAB The Resolving Power of Skin Ask your classmate to record what you felt each time, two points or one. You may not think of your skin as an exploratory tool that has resolving power, but that is one of its functions. The Analyze network of nerves in your skin gives you greater resolving 1.Which part of your skin has the greatest resolving power in some places than in others. What does this power (lets you clearly distinguish the two pencil mean? Tape two pencils together, and ask a classmate to points)? Which has the least resolving power? touch both pencil points gentlyon the following spots while 2.Suggest how differences in sensitivity to touch are you keep your eyes closed: a fingertip, the palm of your related to differences in the number and closeness of hand, the back of your hand, and the back of your neck. nerve endings in your skin. Exploring the Micro-universe of the Cell • MHR 7 Living Organisms Rely on Small Thus, the carbon dioxide and water you exhale are Molecules waste products of this reaction, which occurs in your cells. The compounds produced by the You may not think of your body in terms of process of converting food into energy are small chemical reactions, yet you rely on your cells to molecules. Figure 1.3 uses models to illustrate how perform trillions of chemical reactions every second. atoms in molecules of water, oxygen, and carbon Without these, you could not remain alive. The dioxide are arranged. study of these reactions and the molecules and processes involved in them is called biochemistry. Water: The Primary Molecule of Life Some of the smallest molecules involved in Water is the most abundant molecule in any cell. biochemical reactions are the most important. The unique chemical properties of water enable it Your breath contains three kinds of small to act as a carrier for dissolved molecules inside and molecules critical to life. When you “see your outside the cell, and as a raw material in essential breath” on winter days, what you are seeing? Like cell reactions. It also functions as a lubricant clouds, your visible breath consists of condensed between organs, tissues, and individual cells. water vapour molecules (H2O) released through These properties of water make possible life as your lungs. Your exhaled breath also contains two we know it. other kinds of small molecules important to your remains liquid over a wide temperature range, cells: oxygen (O ) and carbon dioxide (CO ). The 2 2 including temperatures at which most small oxygen is left over from the previous inhalation molecules are gases (such as room temperature) (your body absorbs only a small fraction of the dissolves most substances involved in living oxygen you take in with each breath). processes, such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, Your cells use the oxygen molecules that do glucose, amino acids (components of proteins), pass in through your lungs to help release energy and sodium chloride (salt) from simple food molecules. This process, called cellular respiration, can be summarized in changes temperature gradually when heated or an equation: cooled, so it protects cells from rapid temperature C H O +6O 6CO +6H O+energy changes and provides a stable environment for 6 12 6 2 2 2 cell reactions glucose oxygen carbon water dioxide is the only pure substance that expands when it becomes a solid, which means that it floats when it freezes (see Figure 1.5) O 2 CO 2 H O 2 Figure 1.3 Life as we know it would not exist without these Figure 1.4 Water molecules cling together, which helps small molecules. water to creep up thin tubes, such as those running from the roots to the tops of plants. 8 MHR • Cellular Functions Ice acts as an insulator and prevents the water below it from freezing, which protects aquatic organisms in the winter. ice 0˚ water 4˚ frog hibernating pond Water provides an external in mud micro-organisms environment for many organisms both single-celled and multicellular. Figure 1.5 All organisms require water to live. The special properties of water are determined The molecules that form a more permanent part by its chemical structure. The uneven distribution of living cells all have a carbon “backbone.” This of electrical charges on a water molecule allows abundance of carbon in organic compounds is why one water molecule to attract another water scientists call life on Earth carbon based. Each molecule at room temperature enough to form a carbon atom can form up to four bonds with other liquid. (Larger molecules such as oxygen and atoms. Hydrocarbon molecules (organic molecules carbon dioxide remain gases at room temperature.) containing only carbon and hydrogen) come in an Figure 1.4 shows how this property is important to enormous range of sizes and shapes, including plants. Molecules with uneven charge distribution open-ended chains and closed, loop-like “rings,” are said to be polar (because they have oppositely such as those shown in Figure 1.6. From previous charged “poles”). Although carbon dioxide studies, you may recognize the lines joining the contains oxygen, it has an even distribution of atoms in this figure as covalent bonds. electrical charge. This means that it is nonpolar. H H H H H H H H FAST FORWARD H C C C C C C C C H To review chemical bonding, turn to Appendix 2. H H H H H H H H H Organic Compounds H C H C C The term organic compound refers to molecules that contain both carbon and hydrogen, which C C means that molecules such as oxygen, water, and H H C carbon dioxide are inorganic. Although living things require water to perform their life functions, H and most also require oxygen, these molecules Figure 1.6 These hydrocarbon molecules have relatively can be generated without the involvement of simple structures. living things. Exploring the Micro-universe of the Cell • MHR 9 In addition to carbon and hydrogen, many Math LINK organic molecules contain other elements, the This chart gives you the chemical formulas for a number of most important of which are oxygen, nitrogen, important biological molecules and the mass of each in atomic phosphorous, and sulfur. You may recall from mass units. Use this information to determine the mass of a earlier studies that normal air is about 20% oxygen molecule of table sugar (sucrose), which has the chemical and 78% nitrogen, so it is not surprising that many formula C H O . 12 22 11 organic molecules contain these two elements. Living cells make and use a variety of organic Molecule Chemical formula Atomic mass units molecules, such as glucose (a sugar). The cells of Water HO 18 2 plants and some other organisms manufacture Oxygen O 32 glucose through the process of photosynthesis 2 summarized in this equation: Carbon dioxide CO 44 2 light 6CO2+6H2O 6O2+C6H12O6 Glucose C6H12O6 180 carbon water oxygen glucose dioxide Both plants and animals use glucose as a food from The Structure and Biological which they obtain energy. Function of Carbohydrates In this chapter, you will explore only the principal organic molecules contained in Very interested in the food produced by plants, carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins, as well as early scientists chemically analyzed sugars and the nucleic acids. that make up the DNA in starches. They discovered that these compounds chromosomes. Figure 1.7 illustrates foods always contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen — containing these molecules. All of these organic almost always in the same proportion: two atoms of compounds are very large molecules, or hydrogen and one atom of oxygen for every atom of macromolecules (macromeans large), composed carbon, or CH2O. Since the formula for water is of smaller subunits. H2O, the scientists concluded that sugars and starches consist of carbons with water attached to them, or carbohydrates (hydro means water). FAST FORWARD Carbohydrates provide short- or longer-term energy To view the periodic table, turn to Appendix 11. storage for living organisms. Figure 1.7 Foods rich in carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. 10 MHR • Cellular Functions

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