/ 'I FORCED-CONVECTION SURFACE- BOILING HEAT TRANSFER AND / 7,~i~~y/ /1 BURNOUT IN TUBES OF SMALL DIAMETER (kpi LY~ ,2-25',/ ARTHUR E. BERGLES WARREN M. ROHSENOW May 25, 1962 Contract AF 19(604)-7344 Report No. 8767-21 Department of Mechanical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology t1 ENGINEERING PROJECTS LABORATORY ,NGINEERING PROJECTS LABORATOR iGINEERING PROJECTS LABORATO' TINEERING PROJECTS LABORAT' NEERING PROJECTS LABORK -EERING PROJECTS LABOR ERING PROJECTS LABO' RING PROJECTS LAB' ING PROJECTS LAB 4G PROJECTS L PROJECTS PROJECTS ROJECT TT TECNICAL REPORT w0O. 8T6T-21 FORCED-CONVECTION SURFACE-BOILING HEAT TRANSFER AND BURNOUT IN TUBES OF SMALL DIAMETER by Arthur E. Bergles Warren M. Rohsenow for Massachusetts Institute of Technology National Magnet Laboratory Sponsored by the Solid State Sciences Division Air Force Office of Scientific Research (OAR) Air Force Contract AF 19(604)-7344 D.S.R. Project No. 8767 May 25, 1962 Department of Mechanical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge 39, Massachusetts iii ABSTRACT A basic heat-transfer apparatus was designed and constructed for the study of forced-convection boiling in small channels. The various regions of forced-convection surface boiling were studied experimentally and analytically. In the region of low wall superheat, the heat flux can be predicted by available correlations for forced convection. Data indicate, however, that these correlations do not properly account for the radial variation of properties for water at high temperature differ- ence. The conventional Dittus and Boelter-McAdams relationship is recommended for design purposes on the basis of its simplicity and con- servative predictions. An analysis for the prediction of the inception of first signifi- cant boiling was developed. Experimental results are in good agreement with analytical predictions. The analysis provides information neces- sary for the prediction of the complete forced-convection surface-boil- ing curve. Data for a small-diameter tube indicate that the bubbles formed at incipient boiling can trip the laminar or transition boundary layer to a fully-developed turbulent boundary layer. The region of vigorous boiling coincides approximately with the extrapolation of the pool-boiling curve in one set of experiments. In other experiments, pool-boiling data were strongly influenced by fluid and surface conditions, as well as by bubble-induced convection in the pool. Due to the complexities in these pool-boiling data, it is impossi- ble to make a conclusive comparison with forced-convection-boiling data. The heat flux obtained by a superposition of pool boiling and forced con- vection is close to the apparent asymptote for fully-developed boiling. For design purposes, it is concluded that fully-developed -forced-convec- tion boiling can be related to pool boiling by either direct extrapolation or superposition of forced convection, The burnout heat flux under conditions of forced convection and sur- face boiling is shown to be a complicated function of subcooling at low values of subcooling. This appears to be due to the velocity increase caused by the relatively large volume fraction of vapor. Burnout flux is shown to increase with decreasing tube diameter. This effect can be attributed to an increase in void fraction with decreasing tube diameter. Entrance effects are significant in forced-convection surface boiling as shown by the decrease of burnout flux with increasing length. Flow oscillations caused by system compressibility can greatly reduce the burn- out heat flux in the subcooled region. This instability is particularly difficult to avoid with tubes of very small diameter. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study was entirely supported by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology National Magnet Laboratory. The investigation was initi- ated by the late Professor Joseph Kaye and was continued in the Heat Transfer Laboratory. Professors Peter Griffith, George A. Brown, and S. William Gouse gave generously of their time to discuss various aspects of the experi- mental program. Mr. Lawrence Fried assisted in preliminary burnout studies. Mr. A. J. Hansen and Mr. E. B. Qvale provided capable assistance in operation and data reduction. The personnel of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Shops and the Heat Transfer Laboratory assisted in construction details. The National Magnet Laboratory staff was especially helpful through- out the research program. Miss Lucille Blake typed the final manuscript as well as the preliminary reports. Miss Nicki Nicholson took care of numerous details for the project. We wish to express our thanks to all concerned. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Title Page i Abstract iii Acknowledgments it Table of Contents v Symbols vii INTRODUCTION 1 APPARATUS 3 Hydraulic 3 Power Supply 6 Instrumentation 8 Measurement of Tube-Wall Temperature -10 Test Sections 14 a. Tubular 14 b. Annular 15 c. Pool Boiling 15 DETAILS OF OPERATION 16 DATA REDUCTION 20 Calculation Procedure 20 Accuracy of Results 121 CHARACTERISTICS OF NUCLEATE BOILING 24 Pool Boiling 24 Forced-Convection Surface Boiling 25 Design Procedures 2T Scope of Heat-Transfer Studies 30 THE INFLUENCE OF TEM'ERATURE DIFFRENCE ON THE 32 TURBULENT FORCED-CONVECTION HEATING OF WATER General 32 Experimental 34 FORCED-CONVECTION SURFACE BOILING AT LOW WALL SUPERHEAT 36 INCEPTION OF FIRST SIGNIFICANT BOILING 39 Analysis 39 Experimental Verification 42 Tripping of Boundary Layer by Incipient Boiling 47 "vi TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page TRANSITION AND FULLY-DEVELOPED SURFACE BOILING 50 Discussion 50 Data for Forced-Convection Surface Boiling 57 at High Wall Superheat Comparison of Pool Boiling and Forced-Convection 58 Surface Boiling a. Tubular Geometry 58 b. Annular Geometry 62 DESIGN-PEOCEWRE SUMMA 67 SUlM4AM OF HEAT-TRANSFER STUDIES 69 BURNOUT 71 Primary Variables 71 Secondary Variables T3 Experimental Considerations 76 Flow Stability in Boiling Systems T8 a. Flow Excursion b. Flow Oscillation 79 Experimental Procedures 81 Experimental Results 82 Summary of Burnout Studies 87 REFERENCES 88 APPENDICES A: PROPERTIES OF TUBING USED IN TEST-SECTION ASSEMBLIES 94 B: TEMPERATURE DROP THROUGH TUBE WALL 95 C: AIR-CONTENT ANALYSIS 96 D: SAMPLE CALCULATION SKEET 98 E: BURNOUT DATA 99 FIGURES 103 vii SYMBOLS A = surface area c = specific heat p D = diameter D = hydraulic diameter e G = mass velocity h = enthalpy h = heat-transfer coefficient h fg = heat of vaporization i = current k = thermal conductivity k' = thermal conductivity at 0 OF L = heated length Lp = pressure-tap length p = pressure = rate of heat transfer q/A = heat flux (q/A)B = heat flux due to bubble agitation (q/A)FC = forced-convection heat flux (q/A)O heat flux at (t - ts) = 0 (q/A), = pool-boiling heat flux at incipient boiling (q/A) = heat flux at intersection of forced-convection 2 and pool-boiling curves (g/A) = heat flux defined by Eq. (5) 3 R electrical resistance r = bubble radius T = absolute temperature viii SYMBOLS (Continued) t = temperature T* = critical temperature defined by Eq. (15) g t = measured inner-wall temperature t = measured outer-all temperature V velocity V = shunt voltage V = tube voltage v = specific volume w = mass rate of flow y = linear distance y, = laminar-sublayer thickness y' = radius ofbubble at incipient boiling n, C constants ()'k temperature coefficient of thermal conductivity = temperature coefficient of resistivity At= wall-minus-bulk temperature difference At = temperature drop through tube wall /g = dynamic viscosity = kinematic viscesity Pe resistivity = resistivity at 0 OF (f = surface tension SYMBOLS (Continued) Dimensionless Groups Nu = Nusselt number = hD/k Pr = Prandtl number = c p/4/k Re = Reynolds number = GD/4L St = Stanton number = h/c G = Nu/PrRe p Subscripts b = mixed-mean condition BO = burnout condition f film condition g = vapor condition i = inlet bulk condition = liquid condition 0 = outlet bulk condition s = saturation condition t = tube w = condition at heat-transfer surface INTROICTION Extensive investigations devoted to experimental and theoreti- cal studies of boiling phenomena have been conducted during the past fifteen years. The study of boiling heat transfer has been an integral part of the development of nuclear reactors and rocket motors where exceedingly high heat fluxes are encountered. Forced convection cannot be used to obtain the high heat fluxes required due to the excessively high velocities which would be necessary. With subcooled nucleate boiling, high heat fluxes can be accommo- dated at much lower velocities and pressure drops. Most research projects have concentrated on boiling at high pressures in order to meet the requirements of pressurized-water reactors and modern steam power plants. At pressures of the order of 2000 psia the wall temperature is not significantly different from the saturation temperature. Accordingly, the study of the peak heat flux in nucleate boiling has received the most attention. With pressures near atmospheric, however, the wall-minus- saturation temperature difference with water is of the order of 100 OF, and it of'ten becomes necessary to predict this temperature difference accurately. Such is the case, for example, in the design of high-field electromagnets utilizing boiling as the cool- ing mechanism. The electrical resistance of such conmmon core materials as copper is very sensitive to temperature. Magnet power requirements are then strongly dependent on cooling-channel wall temperatures.