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Inside this Edition ... Diocese of Owensboro St. Thomas Aquinas • Page 4 - Fr. Jerry Calhoun to Retire Catholic Campus Center • Page 6 - Parish Picnic Schedule • Page 7 - 2011 Priests Assignments World Youth Day • Page 8 - Parish Mass Schedules • Page 11 - Safe Environment Audit Pilgrimage • Page 21 - Diocese Welcomes Madrid, Spain Travel Dates - 273 New Members August 13-23, 2011 • Page 22 - Sr Joseph Angela Boone Serves Diocese Estimated Cost- $2,500 per person, • Page 24 - -Fr. Ed Bradley Open to young adults, ages 18-30. Retires as Pastor Registration Deadline and • Page 28 - May, June, July $500 deposit. Wedding Anniversaries Western Kentucky Catholic Graphic by Jennifer Farley Hunt For questions and registration, • Page 39 - Diocese Hosts First Annual Western Kentucky Catholic, 600 Locust Street, Owensboro, Kentucky 42301 contact Mary Reding, 270-872-7818 Prayer For Protection and Healing Volume 38, Number 5 May, 2011 [email protected] Diocese Celebrates Chrism Mass Rev. Mr. Ryan Harpole to be Ordained to the The Diocese of Owensboro celebrated the Chrism Mass April 19 in the Owensboro Sportscenter. The priests of the diocese renew their promises Priesthood for the Diocese of Owensboro to the bishop during this Mass, and another central part of each Chrism Mass is the blessing of the Holy Oils. The Diocese of Owensboro Announces with Great Joy The Ordination Ms. Martha Hagan, co-director for the Office of Worship explained of “Three oils are blessed during the Mass. Olive oil is used in all three Rev. Mr. Ryan Harpole sacramental oils. The Oil of the Sick is used for anointing the sick, and Called by God and the Church To the Order of Presbyter the Oil of the Catechumens is used for those preparing for baptism. The Though the Imposition of Hands And the Invocation of the Holy Spirit sacred Chrism oil has balsam in it and is used for holy orders, baptisms By The Most Reverend William F. Medley D.D., Bishop of Owensboro and confirmation. It is also used for building dedications. On Saturday, the twenty-first of May, Two thousand and eleven “Father Richard Meredith makes the balsam, an aromatic oil, which Ten o’clock in the morning includes myrrh, oil of cinnamon and cloves. Parish priests can bless oil At Blessed Mother Church, 601 East 23rd St. ,Owensboro, KY 42303 if they need more for the Oil of the Sick and the Oil of the Catechumens during the course of a year, but only a bishop can bless the Chrism. Reception to Follow At Blessed Mother School Cafeteria “There is a special character to that oil,” Hagan said. “We believe that when someone is anointed with sacred Chrism, there is a change that hap- pens in that person or place. ... There is a defining change that happens when that oil is used.” C h a n g e S e r v ci e R e q u e s et d P O N Ttdhhoeew OnPw raieennsdts sbs oaoifrd ot h aSe p pDoriarotysceceres one fto ecfr .oO Anwst eernicgrshabtto,i orBnoi. s rAhenoftepew rM eMedad tslhesey, i rtb hpreer aootmhilseis,d e wso hntoi ct hhBe iss Oihgoinl piof yWf Cailhnlira iimsnmd Me tleiobd lsleey ymm abatr otkhli zepe lAa tpchereidl H 1o9on lCy t hhSrepis isrmiot uMclo,a mwssein ringe ermit No. 1142301wensboro, KPaidU.S. Postageonprofit Org divided up and given to representatives of each parish for sacramental ministries. Mel Howard Photos 1 Y . 2 Remember That Even God Bishop Medley’s Calendar ... Rested On The Seventh Day! ... for May 2011 ... May 1 9:00 a.m. Confirmation, St. Mary, Franklin My dear sisters and What has become of the Sabbath in our May 3 9:00 a.m. Catholic Pastoral Center Staff Mass and Meeting brothers, nation and in our culture? Now we must 6:30 p.m. Confirmation, Blessed Mother Parish, Owensboro “Thus the heav- grant that we are not and cannot expect to May 4 11:00 a.m. Mass, Region V Vocation Dirs, Passionists Monastery ens and the earth return to the agrarian centered culture of 6:00 p.m. Confirmation, St. Leo, Murray and all their array ancient Israel, where God’s chosen people May 5 Fredonia Correctional Center, KY Penitentiary were completed. first heard the word of God. But we do be- May 9 5:30 p.m. PC Leaders/YM Appreciation Meal, CPC Since on the sev- lieve that the truth of the Bible is timeless May 11 6:00 p.m. Confirmation, Sacred Heart, Union County enth day God was and ageless. So all of us must assess what May 12 Presbyteral Day finished with the has become of the Sabbath in our lives and May 14 10:00 a.m. Brescia University Graduation, Riverpark Center work he had been in our families’ lives. For many it appears 5:30 p.m. Confirmation, St. Michael the Archangel, Oak Grove doing he rested on that the Sabbath has become the busiest if May 15 10:30 a.m. Confirmation, Sts. Peter and Paul, Hopkinsville the seventh day not the most stressful day of the week. 5:30 p.m. Confirmation, Holy Name of Jesus, Henderson from all the work We see families pulled in scores of Most Reverend May 16 9:30 a.m. Personnel Board he had undertaken. directions on Sundays. And sadly these William F. Medley 1:30 p.m. Priests’ Council God so blessed the rarely include old fashioned visits to Bishop of May 17 9:00 a.m. Catholic Pastoral Center Staff Mass and Meeting Owensboro seventh day and grandparents or other relatives, times of May 18 8:30 a.m. Administration/Finance Committee Meeting made it holy, be- rich leisure with the extended family who May 21 10:00 a.m. Priesthood Ordination of Ryan Harpole, cause on it he rested from all the work he gives us roots and a sense of history, times Blessed Mother, Owensboro had done in creation.” Genesis 2: 1-3 with cousins. How many families still 6:00 p.m. Graduation, St. Mary High School, Paducah How many times have we all read gather for Sunday dinners as the best and May 22 9:30 a.m. Confirmation, St. Peter of Alcantara, Stanley this conclusion of this first account of the most lavish meal of the week? These laid 2:00 p.m. Celebration for Fr. Jerry Calhoun, Christ the King, Madisonville creation of the world from the Book of back experiences that many of us knew as May 23 6:00 p.m. Confirmation, St. Ann, Morganfield Genesis, the first book of the Bible, and children are now relegated to an annual May 24 10-3 Paducah Office, Lourdes Hospital, Paducah yet never paused to consider God “rest- family reunion or a couple of hours on May 25 CCK Board Meeting, Louisville ing”? Our images of God as prime mover, Christmas, Easter and Mother’s Day. May 26 10:00 a.m. Mass, Gasper River Camp, New Summer Staff supreme being, source of all life and en- We have replaced these family-orient- 7:00 p.m. Graduation, Trinity High School, Hines Center ergy do not seem to permit much time for ed times with among other things athletic May 28 5:00 p.m. Confirmation, Sacred Heart, Russellville resting. If it is God who brings up the sun practices and games, certainly wonderfully May 29 2:00 p.m. Graduation, Owensboro Catholic High School, in the morning and sends the gentle rains, valuable experiences within themselves. Sportscenter if it is God who dwells in the corridors of We hear of families routinely heading out hospitals around the clock, if it is God who by 6:00 a.m. many Sundays to travel to a ... for June 2011 ... bends an ear to hear the prayers of children, soccer game for their eleven year-old half are we really comfortable with the thought way across the state. The rewards are June 4 10:00 a.m. Ordination, Fathers of Mercy, South Union of God resting? Suppose I am offering my plenty, but are we pausing to consider the 5:30 p.m. Confirmation, St. Augustine, Reed prayers while God is off the clock. cost? June 5 10:30 a.m. Confirmation, Rosary Chapel, Paducah Yet just after the scriptures tell us that Christians throughout the centuries 3:00 p.m. Mass of Thanksgiving for Fr. Austin Litke, Holy Name, Henderson God created us in the divine image they go have observed the Sabbath as the Lord’s June 11 6:30 p.m. Confirmation, St. Stephen, Cadiz on to tell us that God rested. The implica- day, commemorating the resurrection of June 12 9:00 a.m. Confirmation, St. Stephen Cathedral tion is unmistakable; we who are created Jesus Christ on the first Easter Sunday, June 13-18 USCCB General Assembly, Seattle, Washington in God’s image are created to reflect the Christian Churches gather in prayer and June 23 2:00 p.m. Brescia University Board Meeting glory of God, and the glory of God will praise on the seventh day. But in our cul- June 24 Brescia University Board Meeting be manifest in our resting just as surely ture, more and more families do not have June 26 3:00 p.m. Corpus Christi Procession, St. Stephen Cathedral, Oboro as in our noble and necessary labors. So time to gather with a church community to June 26 8:00 p.m. Christian Leadership Institute, Brescia University emphatic is our God about this that it is re- pray and worship. Not too long ago, I had a June 27-30 Episcopal Ongoing Formation Institute, Norfolk, VA vealed as one of the Ten Commandments: seven year-old boy who was preparing for “Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day. his First Holy Communion, an important ... for July 2011 Six days you may labor and do all your rite of passage in our Catholic tradition, to work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath tell me, “Mom and Dad say that we’re too July 1 1:30 p.m. Mass of Religious Profession, Passionists Monastery, Whitesville of the Lord, your God. No work may be busy to go to church on Sunday.” Out of July 29 9:15 a.m. Mass, Prof. Dev. Day, Catholic School Principals and done then either by you, or your son or the mouths of babes. Teachers, Holy Spirit, Bowling Green daughter, or your male or female slave, or This youngster’s parents are good, July 31 11:00 a.m. Mass and Dedication, St. Leo Parish, Murray your beast, or the alien who lives with you. hard-working people who believe in God In six days the Lord made the heavens and and truly want to impart their faith and community committees and boards. Let’s the earth, the sea and all that is in them; values to their children. They are making just hope they will remember that even but on the seventh day he rested. That is great sacrifices to give their children “the God rested on the seventh day! Most Reverend William F. Medley why the Lord blessed the seventh day and best of everything.” They work overtime, Yours in Christ, Bishop of Owensboro made it holy.” Exodus 20: 8-11 they coach youth athletes, they serve on 3 We Are All Called To Foster Vocations OWENSBORO,Ky. - Dr. Fred Litke was guest speaker for the Owensboro Serra Club’s weekly meeting on April 8, 2011. He introduced his role as Associate Director of Vocations and Seminarians, and invited parishes and schools in the diocese to call on him to help with their vocations efforts to help young people hear and respond to God’s call to priesthood and religious life. A former president of the Henderson Serra Club, Dr. Litke has long been active in vocations ministry with his wife, Nancy, and his sons, one of whom, Jared, will be ordained in May in Washington, D.C. Many Owensboro seminarians know the Litkes well from knowing the many ways the couple supports our seminarians. Dr. Litke, a Henderson optometrist for 25 years, retired from his practice in 2007, and wanted to do Dr Fred Litke speaking to the more for the church upon hearing many people, Owensboro Serra Club April SUPPORT THERE BE DRAGONS including Bishop Bill Medley, say to him that he 8 in Owensboro. Mel Howard was an effective Serran, and that the diocese needed Rev. Msgr. Robert J. Panke, President of the The National Photo his help to invite young people to the life of a priest Conference of Diocesan Vocation Directors has asked Vocation or a vowed religious person. Directors across the nation to support “There Be Dragons,” a new Litke told the Serrans, “Involvement in in fostering vocations is important to us, This has to be important to every Catholic everywhere. Catholics have to answer with mainstream, Hollywood film based on a true story that focuses on the ‘Mary’s Yes.’ We all need to be on the look out for young men whom we feel are hear- life of a Catholic priest-Saint Josemaria Escriva will be in theater’s ing God’s call to be a priest.” on May 6th. This film is directed by Roland Joffe, who also directed Litke said that our responsibility to foster vocations is a part of family life. He said “The Killing Fields” and “The Mission.” that surveys show that about 88% of priests did not consider a call to priesthood in their This film is an opportunity to promote vocations and uphold a life until someone asked them if they had thought about being a priest. “Priests come positive image of the priesthood that we rarely see in the mainstream from families,” he said, “God places that desire into a man’s heart. We help the young media. man listen to his heart.” Viewing There Be Dragons can provide a good opportunity for vocation promotion around World Day of Prayer for Vocations. • Story Deadline: 15th of month prior • View the trailer at http://www.youtube.com/therebedragonsfilm#p/ to publication. a/u/1/kwgo9sldmwU . • The Western Kentucky Catholic is Please contact the NCDVD office at 631-645-8210 or office@ncdvd. published monthly except June and org if you have any questions. Interested persons may also contact July from The Catholic Pastoral Cen- Owensboro Diocesan Vocations Director, Father Andy Garner, ter, 600 Locust Street, Owensboro, KY. 42301 Secratary of the National Conference of Vocations Directors, at •Publisher: Most Reverend William F. [email protected], or Diocesan Associate Vocations Director, Medley, Bishop of Owensboro, Ky. Western Kentucky Catholic Graphic by Jennifer Farley Hunt Dr. Fred Litke at [email protected] or 1/270-683-1545. • Editor: Mel Howard, [email protected] • Business Address: Catholic Pastoral Center, 600 Locust St., Owensboro, KY 42301 CHRISM MASS 2011 Phone: 270-683-1545. Fax: 270-683-6883 Bishop William Internet Address: www.rcdok.org/wkc. Subscription Cost: $10.00 per year Medley spoke introductory prayers The Western Kentucky Catholic comes to your home as a direct use of your parish assessment dollars. “Those who exercise authority in the Church will take at the April 19 Chrism Mass in the care to ensure that there is responsible exchange of freely held and expressed Sportscenter assisted opinion among the People of God.” -Pastoral Instruction Of The Means Of Social by Fr. Larry McBride, Communications, #116, Jan. 29, 1971. left, Deacon Ryan Opinions expressed in columns and letters to the editor submitted for Harpole, Deacon publication in the Western Kentucky Catholic must be signed and with contact Heriberto Rodriguez, information, may be edited for space, a lack of charity or a lack of clarity, and are CPC employee Mark not necessarily those of the publisher or editor of The Western Kentucky Catholic. Vollman holding Please let us know politely if you find proofing or factual errors in items of this the lectionary, and publication. seminarian Julio Barrera. Mel Howard Please send all Western Kentucky Catholic address additions, address Photo deletions or address changes to Cathy Hagan at [email protected]. 4 Father Jerry Calhoun’s Fifty Years of Priesthood Has Blessed Thousands in The Diocese As was announced in last month’s seminarians and professors. Western Kentucky Catholic,(WKC) Having grown up in Western Bishop William F. Medley has announced Kentucky, I had much to some changes in key administrative posi- learn regarding interracial tions within the diocese to be effective in relations. I became good the months to come. friends with several of the The Very Reverend Gerald Calhoun African-American seminar- will retire as Vicar General. Father Cal- ians. When one was to be houn is a native of Owensboro, KY and ordained in St. Louis, he was ordained in 1961 and has served the asked me to be the deacon Diocese of Owensboro in a variety of in his First Mass. Traveling assignments over his 50 years of priest- to St. Louis with three black hood, most recently as Pastor of Christ the seminarians and I only being King parish in Madisonville, Ky. Having white presented a different reached the retirement age of 75 in De- challenge when we stopped cember, 2010, Fr. Calhoun will step down to eat. There were places from these posts and plans to continue to that would not serve blacks live in the Madisonville area and assist as and places that would not needed throughout the diocese. serve whites. Stopping at a The Western Kentucky Catholic asked Fr Jerry Calhoun, Vicar General, at right, giving to large truck stop, one of the Fr Jerry Calhoun blessing a Moument Father Jerry about his ministry within the Bishop John McRaith a Memory Book, gift from the seminarians went in to ‘test to the Unborn in Forest Lawn Cemetery, diocese for fifty years. His assignments priests of the diocese on March 17, 2009. Photo by the waters.’ Stopping at the Madisonville, with parishioner Bob have been: Father John Vaughan counter, he asked a waitress Schaefer. WKC File Photo Sts. Peter and Paul, Hopkinsville me to begin thinking about the priesthood. The week for a glass of water. Instead naming of a new bishop for Owensboro. 1961-1964; St. Stephen Cathedral, Owens- after graduation my girlfriend called and suggested that of giving him a paper cup, About ten days after Henry J. Soenneker boro, 1964-1965; St. Sebastian, Calhoun, we go to a party the next day. What came out of my she invited him to be seated. was installed as the second bishop of the 1965-1968; Owensboro Catholic High mouth I still can’t believe. I said, ‘No, I have decided This was the unspoken signal diocese, I was ordained a priest on May School, 1965-1980. Teacher & Pastor, to go to the seminary and I am not dating any more.”’ that we all were welcome. 20, 1961. 1965-1968, Pastor at Calhoun; Dean of Then I decided to speak to a priest about my interest. “I was ordained to the “Things were different in the Church Students, 1968-1970, also Associate at After that I talked to my parents. They were surprised, sub-diaconate in May of in 1961. I remember being escorted from Blessed Mother; Principal, 1970-1980, but very supporting. 1960 by Bishop Francis Cot- the seminary to a practice session at the also Chaplain at Carmel Home; St. Mary “In my high school years at Owensboro Catholic I had ton. This ordination as well Cathedral the night before ordination. High School, principal, 1980-1984. Pastor a great time. My twin brother and I both played on the as the Diaconate ordination Then I was escorted to the chaplain’s home St. Joseph, Leitchfield, 1984-1989; Pastor varsity basketball team. We both worked at odd jobs and took place in the seminary at Mount Saint Joseph to spend the night. Holy Spirit, Bowling Green, 1989-1997; enjoyed an old car that we purchased. We did not really without much fanfare. How- Then I was escorted to the Cathedral for the Pastor St. Francis, Paducah & Rosary study in high school. I did just enough to pass the grade ever, the sub-deacon set one Ordination ceremony. After the ordination Chapel, 1997-2000; Pastor Christ the King, and remain on the basketball team. When I requested to aside into the clerical state. mass (not a concelebrated mass), people Madisonville, 2000-present. enter the seminary, the authorities saw a big red flag. I The candidate made the came to the communion railing and I gave The WKC asked Fr Jerry some ques- had no language background and Latin was a necessity promise to live a celibate an individual ‘First Blessing’ to all who tions about his life as a priest, and this is in the seminary in those days. On a trial basis I was al- life and to pray the Divine came – and there were many. what he wrote for us: lowed to enter St. Mary Seminary, Lebanon, Kentucky, Office (Liturgy of the Hours) “My family only lived a few blocks “After fifty years as a priest there have where they specialized in special Latin classes. We had in total each day of his life. from the Cathedral. I recall leaving the been so many experiences that it is difficult thirteen classes of Latin each week. I was forced to study The sub-diaconate ordination Cathedral that Saturday morning as I was to recall many of them. But then that might for the first time in my life. When the grades were given was a big step, but done in walking home, thinking, “free at last.” I also be good. at the end of the first quarter, I was convinced I would the privacy of the seminary. am actually going somewhere without be- “I was not a person who always get my ‘walking papers.’ To my surprise, I had the next “Prior to being ordained ing escorted. thought that the Lord was calling me to the to the highest grade in my class. I could see the hand of Deacons in the fall of 1960, “I was assigned as Associate Pastor of priesthood. I did not seriously consider it God working in my life. Each year in the seminary was we received word that Bish- Sts. Peter and Paul Church, Hopkinsville, until the last week of my high school years. a challenge. op Cotton had died suddenly Kentucky, with Fr. Ezra Willett, the pastor. However, God must have been working in “Having completed my four years of undergraduate of a heart attack. A couple of These were great years for me. I was so my life. I recall stopping in the Church one work I was assigned to St. Maur Major Seminary at months after Bishop Cotton’s insecure I did not unpack the books from Saturday morning for a visit. I also recall South Union, Kentucky, for my four years of theology. death, Bishop Haggerty, a my car for a month. I felt I was intruding saying, ‘Lord, I don’t know what you are I continued to get good grades and enjoyed those years. Benedictine Bishop of the on the pastor’s space since the rectory was asking of me. I just want to do whatever We even had meat for breakfast, an item that was served Bahama Islands stopped in small. I grew to love Fr. Willett, although you ask even if it is to be a priest.’ one time a year at St. Mary…Easter Monday. St. Maur for a visit. He was com- he was very rigid according to our present “The week of high school graduation Seminary was operated by the Benedictine Fathers for missioned to ordain the dia- standards. (1953), a friend of mine was talking about St. John’s in Minnesota. It was the first interracial semi- conate class…13 of us. I “I was told up front that I was not to becoming a religious Brother. This caused nary in the South, having a number of African-American anxiously waited for the Continued on page 5 Father Jerry Calhoun’s Fifty Years of Priesthood: A Life of Prayer and Love For People 5 Continued from page 4 St. Francis de Sales parish. This is an older parish and I found great pride in take a day off without his permission or to the lives of parishioners in belonging to the parish of their ancestors. accept any outside marriages or funerals “After only three years at St. Francis, Bishop McRaith requested that I without his permission. Furthermore, I move to my present assignment, Christ the King in Madisonville. I will serve was not to accept any invitations to dinner here for eleven years before retiring. I find a great spirit of love for the faith with any of the parishioners unless he was in a community with a small percentage of Catholics. This also happens to be invited also, and he would not accept any the parish in which my identical twin brother, Sherrell, his wife, and several invitations without me being invited. That children live. This has added to my joy in being in Madisonville. Many hu- is the way things were done and I felt no morous events have taken place in the confusion of myself and my twin. For resentment. I needed that type of guidance instance, he operated a large hog business. I went into a restaurant soon after and after three years at Sts. Peter and Paul, my arrival in Madisonville and was greeted by a gentleman I had never met. I received a letter that I was being assigned I said, ‘You don’t know who I am.’ I was wearing my clerics. He said, ‘Sure to the Cathedral. My heart was broken as I do, you are Sherrell Calhoun.’ I said, ‘No, I am his twin brother.’ He said, I left my first assignment. It didn’t help ‘What a relief. When I saw you dressed as you are I said to myself, ‘Has the hog Father Jerry Calhoun discussing an agenda any either as I saw Fr. Willet cry as he told item during a November, 2005 meeting of business been that bad?’ There are many similar stories that have transpired. me good-bye. the diocesan Committee for Total Catholic “Having the unique position of serving as principal of two of the three “The week after I arrived at the Cathe- Education held at Christ The King Parish in Catholic high schools in the diocese, I have often been asked to make com- dral I made a retreat with half of the priests Madisonville. WKC File Photo parisons. I can only say that both schools had a great spirit and a great pride. of the diocese. The other half made their Catholic High was much larger (over 1,100 students compared to 300 students were chosen to examine our textbooks, etc. They retreat the previous week. All priests had at St. Mary) but both schools were proud of their accomplishments and both were growing years for all and certainly wonderful the same retreat master. Bishop Soenneker schools have a positive influence upon the Catholic community. years as the CBS group (Calhoun, Bradley, Shonis) was present to welcome the priests for each “During my fifty years as a priest, I have been asked to serve on various had leadership at OCHS. retreat. As we were about to begin, the boards and committees. I have had the honor of being on the Diocesan Person- “After fifteen years at OCHS, Bishop Soenneker Bishop said to me, ‘You need to register nel Committee, the Priest Council, the Educational Board, Diocesan Consultor, requested that I be the principal at St. Mary High at Brescia next week.’ That did not sound and Vicar General. School, Paducah. This task not only included be- strange since he had me to attend an inter- “When asked what events have affected my life the most, I can easily answer, ing principal, but also to bring the three elementary racial seminar on race relations at St. Louis three. To be ordained a priest and all that was required was simply awesome. schools together as one, and to develop a middle University and the University of Kentucky I could not help but see the hand of God forming a very insecure person. The school that would be on the campus of St. Mary the two previous summers. I arrived at second was receiving my Principal’s Certification plus extra hours. Finally, High School. I found the people of Paducah to Brescia and asked to register for the semi- being asked by Bishop McRaith to be the Vicar General of the Diocese and to be very cooperative in this project. That was the nar. I was told that there were no seminars. have the appointment renewed by Bishop Medley was and is a great honor. beginning of the present St. Mary School System. However, they were having registration for “Bishop Soenneker retired after my second year Continued on page 6 summer school. ‘No, that is not why I am at St. Mary. When Bishop John J. McRaith arrived, here,’ I said. Then I learned that the Bishop he visited the Catholic leaders in Paducah. When had told the registrar that a young priest I told him I was in my 18th year in education, he would be attending Brescia to prepare for responded, “You must be very happy in what you teaching at Owensboro Catholic. That was are doing.” I remember saying, “They have been the extent of my knowledge of events that good years, but I don’t want to die doing this.” led me into nineteen years in secondary “Give me one more year,” he said. The following education. During my first three years as year he called and I was assigned my first full time a full time teacher, I was also pastor of St. pastorate at St. Joseph, Leitchfield. Sebastian Church, Calhoun, Kentucky, “The five years at St. Joseph were also learning and school bus driver. I transported kids years. The parishioners appeared happy to have to St. Martin School in Rome, Kentucky, me. We established a Parish Council, expanded and the high school students to Owensboro the school board to include all parishes, and had an Catholic. My days were full. active Cursillo movement in the parish. All good “When I was asked to be the Dean of things come to an end…but point to a brighter Students at OCHS, I was also assigned as future. a part-time associate at Blessed Mother “My next assignment was to Holy Spirit in Church, Owensboro. After my third year Bowling Green. Since it was the second largest as Dean of Students, I was appointed Prin- parish in the diocese, there was need to expand. cipal of Owensboro Catholic. These were Ultimately we built a parish hall, put offices in the great years, but years that also presented former parish hall, and built a new rectory. While great challenges. Seeking to implement in Bowling Green, I took a four month sabbatical. Bequest from the estate of Harold J. Carron. a plaque was placed in the the teachings of Vatican II as we under- It was a great renewal for me. In Holy Spirit, St. Vincent de Paul Store in honor of Mr. Carron. Pictured here with the stood them presented a challenge to many many parish programs were in place including a plaque are the Rev. Jerry Calhoun, pastor of Christ the King Church, families who knew we were not teaching Bonnie Burns, representative of the Carron estate, Joe Rocha, president large Catholic school. Again it was a period of the Catholic faith as they learned it, and of the St. Vincent de Paul Madisonville Conference, and Stan Kelly, vice- eight years filled with joy. My next move was to thereby we must be wrong. Committees president. Submitted by Joe Rocha 6 2011 Parish Picnic Schedule Date Serving Time Parish May 13-14 International Barbecue Festival Downtown, Owensboro, Ky. May 21 11:00 a.m. Carmel Home, Owensboro May 29 11:00 a.m. St. Mary of the Woods, Whitesville June 4 4:00 p.m. Precious Blood, Owensboro June 4 5:00 p.m. St. Ann, Morganfield June 11 4:00 p.m. St. Pius Tenth, Owensboro June 11 11:00 a.m. Saint Joseph, Leitchfield June 12 Holy Spirit, Bowling Green, Ky. June 12 11:30 A.M. St. Pius X, Calvert City, KY June 18 3:00 p.m. St. Romuald, Hardinsburg June 18 3:00 p.m. Our Lady of Lourdes, Owensboro June 25 4:00 p.m. Mass; serving following-St. Peter, Waverly July 2 4:00 p.m. St. Mary Magdalene, Sorgho July 2 2:00 p.m. St. Anthony, Peonia July 2 3:00 p.m. St. Anthony, Axtel (Rough River) July 4 11:30 a.m. St. Denis, Fancy Farm July 9 4:00 p.m. St. Alphonsus, St. Joseph July 16 11:30 a.m.; 4:30 p.m. St. Charles, Bardwell July 16 4:00 p.m. St. Peter of Alcantara, Stanley July 23 4:00 p.m. St. Mary of the Woods, McQuady July 24 4:00 p.m., parish family picnic, St. Anthony, Browns Valley July 30 3:00 p.m. St. Paul, Leitchfield. Aug. 2 5:00 p.m. St. Martin, Rome Aug. 6 10:00 a.m. St. Jerome, Fancy Farm Aug. 6 Noon Blessed Sacrament, Owensboro Aug. 13 4:00 p.m. Blessed Mother, Owensboro Aug. 20 3:00 p.m. (EST) Holy Guardian Angels, Irvington Aug. 27 4:30 p.m. St. Columba, Lewisport Aug 28 1:00 p.m parish family picnic, St. Thomas More,Paducah Sept. 10 4:30 p.m. St. Agnes, Uniontown Sept. 10 11:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. St. John the Evangelist, Paducah Sept. 11 11:30 a.m. Mount St. Joseph, Maple Mount Paducah KCs Host Annual Religious and Sept 17 11:00 am St. Stephen Cathedral, Owensboro Sept. 17 4:00 p.m. Immaculate Conception, Hawesville Vocational Meal Sept. 17 4:00 p.m. Christ the King, Madisonville September 18 11:00 a.m. St. Lawrence/St. William Parishes Picnic PADUCAH,Ky. - The Father Jon Sept. 18 St. Leo, Murray Fallon Assembly #312 and the Holy Sept 23-24 Holy Name Fall Festival, Henderson, Ky. Rosary Council #1055 Knights Sept 24 3:00 p.m. Immaculate, Owensboro of Columbus hosted their annual Oct. 1 4:00 p.m. St. Mary of the Woods, Whitesville Religious and Vocational Meal to express appreciation to the Priests, Father Jerry Calhoun ... munity.” Sisters and Brothers that serve our Sister Marga- (Continued from page 5) communities on February 18th at ret Ann Seasly added, the K of C Hall in Paducah. The “It’s really nice to be “I will be retiring in June, Knights prepared the food and the together with these 2011. I do so with mixed feelings. Daughters of Isabel Youth Group rt. to lt Sister Cecelia Joseph Olinger, OSU, sisters and people I have loved doing the ministry of served the meal to over 80 indi- Sister Mary Jude Cecil, OSU, and Sister from the parishes.” a priest. I have really liked all my viduals. Bishop Medley, 3 priests, Kateri Kaufman, OSF, Tiffin, OH; at center, Lawrence and assignments, although others could 6 sisters, 1 Deacon and 3 Deacons standing, Sister Margaret Ann Seasly, OSF, Rosetta Mlitchell and have done a better job. We all in training were recognized for their Tiffin, OH Edie Keeney Photo service to the area Catholics. mented, “It is a great occasion when people from St. Edward have our personal talents and must Sister Lucy Bonifas ex- honor our priests and sisters. I wouldn’t have Catholic Church in be grateful to God for his gifts. I will pressed her appreciation, “It is gen- missed it”. Fulton, KY were continue living in Madisonville, and erous of the Knights to honor us and Sister Mary Jude Cecil said, “I have been happy to attend. “We expect to give weekend assistance Father Jerry Calhoun at it is good to have an opportunity to coming to these Knight dinners for years. The met and had a picture to my brother priests in the future. a Dinner for Priests on get together with them. It is much Knights are always so generous, giving and made with Bishop March 17, 2009. Photo by appreciated.” Bishop Medley com- helpful to the poor in our church and in the com- Medley.” Father John Vaughan Please Help if You Can! volved in their faith. Make their faith active! If you’re too Diocese Of Owensboro 7 old to be a camper, come as a volunteer counselor. You will By Ben Warrell need to fill out the form on our website, www.gasperriver- Priest Assignments For 2011 GASPER RIVER RETREAT CENTER - Reg- retreatcenter.org and be Safe Environment certified. There is istrations are coming for camp at a wonderful PARISH PASTOR no greater reward than knowing that God chose you to help pace! It’s so exciting to see how many camper • Cash, Rev. Richard: Pastor of St. Denis Parish, Fancy Farm make a difference in the life of a young person! If you’d like forms will be in the mailbox each day. It’s won- and St. Charles, Bardwell, Kentucky effective June 14, 2011. more information on camp, please contact our staff at 270-781- derful because each form represents a young • Kalombo, Rev. Jean Rene: Pastor of Holy Redeemer Parish, 2466 and we’d be glad to come to your parish and share about person who is actively seeking God! There is Beaver Dam, Saint John the Baptist Parish, Fordsville and Holy the camp experience. Our goal this summer is 400 campers. no telling the wonders that the Holy Spirit will Trinity Parish, Morgantown, Kentucky effective June 14, 2011. Please help us exceed that goal! do for the campers, volunteers and staff this • Kreutzer, Rev. Dan: Pastor of St. Rose of Lima Parish, Third, these are very tough financial times for many fami- summer. So far, each summer has been more Cloverport and Holy Guardian Angels, Irvington, Kentucky, lies. We’ve had more requests for financial aid this summer spiritually powerful than the last! effective June 14, 2011. than we have in our first three summers combined. If you, This is your camp. We try to tell each group • McBride, Rev. Larry: Pastor of Holy Name of Jesus Parish, your family, your men’s or women’s group, your parish, your and camper that comes here that “We work for Henderson, Kentucky, effective June 14, 2011. Knights of Columbus Circle, or your youth group is able, them, they are our boss.” We are here to serve • Meredith, Rev. Richard: Pastor of Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, please sponsor a camper to come to camp. The cost for a the diocese and all those who live in Western Hopkinsville, Kentucky, effective June 14, 2011. week of camp is $250 (this is less than half the national aver- Kentucky. We need your help with several • Riley, Rev. Eric: Pastor of St. Joseph Parish, Mayfield, Ken- age for a week long camp experience) So many people have things to ensure this summer builds on the oth- tucky, effective June 14, 2011. already accepted the challenge and we are so grateful for their ers. • Suvakkin, HGN, Rev. Masilamani: Pastor of Sacred Heart, generosity, again because we know that God will do amazing First of all, we need your prayers. Please Russellville, effective June 23, 2011. things with these gifts for the young people at camp. If you make an effort to pray for this ministry. Prayer • Thomas, Rev. John: Pastor of Christ the King, Madisonville, need any fund raising ideas, please contact our staff and we’ll is the greatest gift we can give each other. There Kentucky, effective June 14, 2011. be willing to help in any way that we can. is nothing better than seeing the Holy Spirit • Trawick, Rev. Greg: Pastor of St. Ambrose Parish, Henshaw, Lastly, thank you for all of your support as we move for- change a child’s heart right before your eyes! Saint William of Vercilli Parish, Marion and Saint Francis ward in this ministry. We could not exist if not for the time, Please pray that the God will be experienced in Borgia Parish, Sturgis, effective June 14, 2011. treasure and talents of so many people in our diocese. To our amazing ways at camp this summer and offer staff, this is true church. People of faith sharing their gifts to prayers for the safety and grow of the campers, OTHER honor God and bring others closer to Him! What a blessing it volunteers, staff and the camp grounds them- • Bradley, Rev. Ed: given permission to retire as pastor. Volun- is to serve the Catholic of Western Kentucky! Be sure to check selves. teer Chaplain at Owensboro Catholic High School 2011/2012 out the pictures on our website to see all that is happening at Secondly, please help promote the camp. school year. camp this summer! Thanks and God bless. The Gasper River Encourage young people to come and be in- • Mikulcik, Rev. Ken: Study Canon Law at Saint Paul Uni- Catholic Youth Camp & Retreat Center Staff. versity, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Calhoun, Rev. Jerry: given permission to retire as pastor and Wisdom retired I prayed that I could be of service to Vicar General effective July 1, 2011. by Ginny Knight-Simon God. Now everything I do is for the Church. • Reynolds, Rev. Pat: appointed Vicar General, effective July I do everything that Father asks me to do. I 1, 2011. buy the supplies, pick up the mail, unlock the church, serve on the altar, help with the picnic, clean, and start the opening prayers for Mass if Father is running late. I work 7 days a week for the Church,” said Mr. Davis. “We all work in this church. There are a lot of people here who volunteer and do a lot of good things for our parish.” Mr. Davis is married to Shirley who is from Kentucky, and they came back to the Morgan- town area from California after his retirement. They have four children between them. “Shir- ley is not Catholic and I was married out of the Church for about four years. When I came here I got back in the Church about 18 years ago.” Mr. Davis helps care for an elderly couple that are sick. “I take them to doctor appoint- ments and visit with them to make sure they have lunch and I do errands for them too.” “I like to fish and I use to golf, but my real Al Davis Holy Trinity Parish, Morgantown, Kentucky enjoyment comes from serving the Lord and I found out very quickly while talking to Al Davis that working for the Church. My greatest blessing he is a man of the Church. “I do all I can for the Church,” is coming here and this church. All I do I do said Mr. Davis. I’m originally from California and when I for the Church.” said Mr. Davis. 8 Mass Times for Western Kentucky Catholic Parishes, Spring, 2011 AXTEL, St. Anthony Vigil 5:00 pm (April-September); OWENSBORO: Vigil 5:00pm Winter, 6:00pm summer; Sunday 10:30 am Blessed Mother Precious Blood Sunday 6:30am (Mem-Lab Day only) HENDERSON, Holy Name Vigil 4:00 pm, Sunday 7:00 am & Vigil 5:00 pm; Sunday 8:00 am and & 10:00 am Vigil 4:00 pm; 10:00 am, 5:30 pm (LifeTeen) 10:30 am BARDWELL, St. Charles Sunday 7:30, 9:30, & 11:30 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel Sts. Joseph and Paul Sunday: 10:00 am 1:00 pm (Spanish), 5:30 pm (Youth) Sunday: 10:00 am Vigil 4:30 pm; Sunday – 8:00am, BEAVER DAM, Holy Redeemer HENSHAW, St. Ambrose Brescia University 10:00am, 12:00pm (Spanish), Vigil English 4:00 pm & 5:00 pm (Spanish) Vigil 5:30 pm Saturday Sunday: 10:00 am, 8:00 pm 6:00pm , 10:30pm (Spanish) Sunday English 9:30 am HICKMAN, Sacred Heart Immaculate Parish St. Pius Tenth BOWLING GREEN, Holy Spirit Vigil 5:00 pm Saturday Vigil 4:30 pm; Sunday 8:00 am and Vigil 5:00 pm; Sunday 8:00 am, Vigil 4:30 pm; HOPKINSVILLE, Sts. Peter & Paul 10:00 am 11:00 am, 8:00 pm Sunday 8:00, 9:00 & 11:30 am Vigil 5:00 pm; Sunday 8:00 am, Our Lady of Lourdes St. Stephen Cathedral BOWLING GREEN, St. Joseph 10:30am, 1:30 & 10:30pm (Spanish) Vigil 4:30 pm; Sunday 8:00am and Vigil 5:00 pm; Sunday 7:00 am, Vigil 5:00 pm & 7:00 pm (Spanish), IRVINGTON, Holy Guardian Angels 11:00 am 9:00 am, 11:00 am Sunday 8:00 am, 10:30 am, Vigil 5:00 pm; Sunday 11:00 am EST 12:30 pm (Spanish) KNOTTSVILLE, St. William Church PADUCAH: BROWNS VALLEY, St. Anthony Vigil 4:00 pm; St. John the Evangelist Vigil 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:30 am Sunday 6:30 am, 10:00 am Rosary Chapel Vigil 5:00 pm; Sunday 7:30 am CALHOUN, St. Sebastian LACENTER, St. Mary Sunday: 10:30 am and 9:30 am Vigil 5:00 pm; Sunday: 8:00 am Sunday: 8:30 am St. Francis de Sales St. Thomas More CENTRAL CITY, St. Joseph Vigil 5:00 pm; Sunday 8:30 am, Vigil 5:30 pm; Sunday 9:00 am & Vigil 4:30 pm; Sunday 9:30 am GRAYSON COUNTY 11:00 am, 5:00 pm 11:00 am, 1:00 pm (Spanish) CLINTON, St. Jude • Clarkson, St. Elizabeth Sunday: 10:30 am Sunday: 10:30 am MORGANFIELD, St. Ann SEBREE, St. Michael CLOVERPORT, St. Rose of Lima • Grayson Sprgs., St. Augustine Vigil 5:00pm; Sunday 8:00 &10:30am Sunday 10:30 am, 12:00pm (Spanish) Vigil 6:00 pm; Sunday: 8:00 am Vigil 4:00 pm winter, 5:00 pm MORGANTOWN, Holy Trinity CURDSVILLE, St. Elizabeth summer (changes with Sunday:11:15 am, 12:30pm (Spanish) SORGHO, St. Mary Magdalene Sunday: 9:00 am Daylight Savings time) MURRAY, St. Leo Vigil 5:00 pm; Sunday 8:00 & DAWSON SPRINGS, Resurrection • Leitchfield, St. Joseph Vigil 6:00 pm & 8:00 pm (Spanish), 10:30 am Sunday: 10:00 am Vigil 5:00 pm; Sunday 10:00 am Sunday 8:00 am, 11:00 am STANLEY, St. Peter of Alcantara EARLINGTON, Immac. Conception • Peonia, St. Anthony (6:00 pm MSU Newman Center Vigil 5:30 pm (Jan, Mar, May, July, Sunday: 8:00 am Sunday-8:00 am Mass Fall and Spring semesters) Sept, Nov) Sunday 9:30 am ELKTON, St. Susan • St. Paul OAK GROVE, St. Michael Archangel ST. JOSEPH, St. Alphonsus Sunday: 10:00 am, 12:30 pm (Spanish) Vigil 5:00 pm; Sunday 8:30 am Vigil 5:30 pm; Sunday 8:30 and Vigil 5:00 pm; Sunday 8:30 am FANCY FARM, St. Denis • Wax, St. Benedict 11:30 am; Latin Mass - 2:30 p.m. (ex- ST. JOSEPH, Mount St. Joseph Sunday: 8:00 am Sunday: 10:00 am cept last Sunday of month) Sunday: 10:30 am FANCY FARM,St. Jerome PHILPOT, St. Lawrence Church STURGIS, St. Francis Borgia Vigil 5:00pm; Sunday 8:00&10:30 am LEWISPORT, St. Columba Sunday: 8:00 am Sunday: 9:00 am FORDSVILLE, St. John the Baptist Vigil 5:00 pm (October-March); PRINCETON, St. Paul SUNFISH, St. John the Evangelist Sunday: 8:00 am Sunday 8:30 am Sunday: 10:00 am Sunday: 8:00 am FRANKLIN, St. Mary LIVERMORE, St. Charles Borromeo PROVIDENCE, Holy Cross UNIONTOWN, St. Agnes Vigil 5:00 pm; Sunday, 10:00 am Vigil 5:30 pm Vigil 5:30 pm;Sunday8:00 &10:00 am Sunday 9:00 am, 12:00 pm (Spanish) MADISONVILLE, Christ the King REED, St. Augustine WARREN, St. Thomas Aquinas FULTON, St. Edward Vigil 5:30 pm; Sunday 8:00 am, Vigil 5:30 pm (Feb, April, June, Aug, Sunday: 10:00 am Sunday: 8:30 am 10:30 am, 10:00 pm (Spanish) Oct, Dec), Sunday 8:00 am (8:00 pm WKU Newman Center GUTHRIE, Sts. Mary and James MARION, St. William of Vercelli ROME, St. Martin Mass Fall and Spring semesters) Sunday: 8:00 am Sunday: 11:00 am Vigil 4:00 pm (Nov-Mar), 5:00 pm WAVERLY, Sacred Heart HARDINSBURG, St. Romuald MAYFIELD, St. Joseph (Apr-Oct), Sunday 7:00 am Sunday: 8:00 am Vigil 5:00 pm; Sunday 7:00 & 10:00 am Vigil 5:00 pm; Sunday 8:00 am, RUSSELVILLE, Sacred Heart WAVERLY, St. Peter of Antioch 10:30 am, 2:00 pm (in Spanish) Vigil 5:00 pm; Sunday 9:30 am Vigil 4:00 pm; Sunday: 10:00 am HAWESVILLE, Immac. Conception MCQUADY, St. Mary of the Woods SCOTTSVILLE, Christ the King WHITESVILLE, Sunday: 8:00 am Sunday: 11:00 am St. Mary of the Woods Vigil: 4:00 pm, Sunday 7:00 am, 8:30 THE LAKES: am, & 10:00 am Aurora, St. Henry Calvert City, St. Pius X Grand Rivers, St. Anthony Passionist Nuns Monastery Vigil 4:00 pm; Sunday 10:30 am Vigil 4:30 pm; Sunday 10:00 am Vigil 6:00 pm (Memorial Day thru Sunday: 8:00 am Cadiz, St. Stephen Eddyville, St. Mark Labor Day Weekends) Vigil 6:30 pm; Sunday 8:00 am Sunday: Vigil 6:00 pm, 8:00 am Sunday 7:30 am 4H Purchase Area Communications Day Catholic High Senior Recognized as 9 National Merit Finalist Winners from Saint Mary, Paducah, Schools OWENSBORO,Ky. - Ann-Claude Ra- kotoniaina of Owensboro Catholic High School has been recognized as a National Merit Finalist, placing her in the running to receive scholarships and an exclusive honor. She was chosen as a finalist based on scores she received on the PSAT. Stu- dents who are named as finalists consist of only 1 percent of students who took the PSAT as juniors. OCHS Interim Principal Kurt Osborne said the honor looks good for the school, but looks best for the students who achieve it. “I think it says from a school standpoint, we’re doing some good things,” Osborne said. “This is more a reflection on Ann- Claude and the work she’s done than anything we do because it is an individual honor.” Ann-Claude said she hopes to attend Washington University in St. Louis to pur- Ann-Claude hammered a nail into a sue a degree in biochemistry and molecular stud wall of a new house being built biology. She ultimately hopes to pursue a The 4H Purchase Area Communications Day was held Saturday, March by Habitat For Humanity chapters from 26 at Ballard County Middle School. Saint Mary Elementary School, Paducah, career in medicine. OCHS and Brescia University. (See students won first place in every age category, 9-15! The winners will now “I think it’s pretty neat,” Rakotoniaina story on page 8) Mel Howard Photo advance to the state communications contest held on July 9 at the University of said. “I hope to get recognition from the Kentucky! Winners were: Age 9: Lexi Carter SMES; Age 10: Lindy King SMES; school I want to go to, because it’s a pretty changed. “It’s not that different from be- Age 11: Evan Culbertson SMMS; Age 12: Hannah West SMMS; Age 13: Davis difficult school to get into.” But Rakoto- ing the usual everyday me,” Rakotoniaina Sims SMMS; Age 14: Katie Clark SMMS; Age 15: Katie Stewart SMHS. Photo niaina said otherwise, not much else has said. submitted by Jackie Hopper Connect, Awake, Share MAPLE MOUNT,Ky. - The Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center wel- comed 46 people on March 5 for a catechist retreat called “Connect, Awake, and Share.” This professional development workshop provided new and creative ways to engage parents in the faith formation of their children through a series of activities, interactions, stories, reflections, and prayers. There was also a Loyola Press display. Third Sunday in May : Catholic Communication Collection : May 14/15 Elaine Robertson takes notes during The two speakers for the day were the Connect, Awake, Share workshop. Steve Conner and Nikki Doherty. 10 Quilting Friends volunteer their talents to benefit retired sisters Eighteen accomplished quilters arrived grandchildren’s.” at Maple Mount the evening of Feb. 20, Mari Lynn Korte, of Rockport, Ind., ready to work hard for three days piecing was also working on a log cabin quilt. quilt tops that will eventually be among the This is her third year at the Mount. “I was beautiful quilts raffled off each month as invited by a friend, now Sister Amelia part of the Ursuline Sisters Quilt Club. invites me,” she said. “It’s fun to sew with “I guess I’m obsessed,” said Denise the quilters, and to make the quilts for the Stewart, of Dunnville, Ky. “Eat, sleep, sew, sisters.” that’s what I do,” she said with a smile. On Mary Ruth Clark, of Newburgh, Ind., Feb. 22, she was working on a medallion was appropriately wearing a green sweater quilt, which begins in the center and works while she worked on her Evening in Ire- its way out. land quilt. She enjoys the whole experience “I’ve been coming to Mount Saint at the Mount. “It’s my favorite retreat,” she Joseph for 20 years,” Stewart said, first said. “You can be with the girls, or if you as a Runaway Quilter, then as one of the want to be alone, you can walk along the quilting friends who come each Febru- grounds. It’s peaceful.” ary. “I majored in clothing and textiles in Carolyn Carver and Virginia Hancock college, but you can only make so many are both from Paducah, Ky., where they clothes, so I started making quilts.” volunteer as tour guides at the National All the women volunteer their time Quilt Museum. “I started coming to the to make quilts for the raffle, the proceeds Runaway Quilters, some of the ladies told of which are used to support the Ursuline me about this,” Carver said. “I thought it Sisters in their retirement. would be fun to do something for the com- “This is my eighth year to come here,” munity. We love to sew.” said Merline Long, of Louisville. “It’s a joy Mary Teder stitching a quilt. The name of the quilt is “Remembering the Civil Carver was working on a Variable being here and supporting these sisters in War”. The pattern is called a bear paw pattern and it goes back to the period of Star quilt, while Hancock was working (Saint Joseph) Villa. It’s the best charity the civil war. The fabric in the quilt is all civil war reproduction material. The quilt on Jacob’s Ladder. “I like the atmosphere work I’ve ever done,” she said. “It’s loving will be auctioned at the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph annual dinner and the people here,” Hancock said. “It’s on April 30, “A Night at the Antique Auction.” For dinner tickets, contact Sister work.” just a fun thing to do.” Amelia Stenger at 270-229-2008. MSJ Photos. Brenda Schinzel comes from Bartlett, Tenn., near Memphis, every year with two piper for some of the quilters present. Inez Tickets for the remaining six friends, but this year neither of her friends Brown, of Clay, Ky., made her second trip drawings of the 2010-2011 Quilt could come. “There’s not enough money to to Maple Mount after being invited by Club are still available for $20 by keep me from coming,” she said. She was Margaret. “It’s really nice here, they treat calling (270) 229-4103, ext. 278, working on a red and white Valentine quilt. us so nice,” Brown said. or by contacting an Ursuline “The ladies I’ve been with have taught me Diane Dement had a much longer trip so much.” to make – all the way from San Antonio, Sister. There were a couple of mother- Texas. She first came as a guest of C daughter teams on hand. Mary Teder, an Margaret’s four years ago when atholic Ursuline Associate from Farmington, Mo., she and her husband were living in was quilting the completed tops, and her Bowling Green. After her husband Charities daughter Ann Jacobs, from Moscow Mills, died, she moved back to San Anto- Mo., was stuffing pillows. Teder is Sister nio, but still makes the yearly trip to A doptions Amelia Stenger’s sister. “I do whatever be with her quilting friends. She was Carolyn Carver stitching a quilt. working on “Inez’s Quilt,” designed Sister Amelia asks me to do, she’s my by Inez Brown. aunt,” Jacobs said. Madge Reising, of Benton, Ky., Providing help, creating hope. Margaret Fitzgerald and her daughter was using contemporary batik fabric Sally, both of Bowling Green, Ky., were to make a log cabin quilt. It was For information also on hand. “I’ve been quilting 48 years,” her second trip to the Mount, and Margaret said, and is glad she taught her she is so happy to be using her 50 on adopting domestically or daughter. “She kept saying, ‘Do it for me,’ years of sewing expertise to help the and I said, ‘You’re old enough to do it for sisters. internationally, or for help yourself,’” Margaret said. The two have “I’m a Catholic, it made it been coming to the Mount for three or four more wonderful and special, giv- with a crisis pregnancy, call years. Sally was working on a Water Lily ing back the time that’s been given quilt and Margaret was helping her iron to me,” Reising said. “Catholic pieces. education has been a mainstay of us at 270-852-8328. Denise Stewart at her sewing machine. Margaret has proven to be a pied my children’s lives and now my

lieve that the truth of the Bible is timeless and ageless. So all of us Steve Conner and Nikki Doherty. said Merline Long, of Louisville. “It's a joy.
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