102 J. Physiol. (I956) I3I, 102-II4 THE EFFECT OF PITUITARY STALK SECTION ON LIGHT- INDUCED OESTRUS IN THE FERRET BY B. T. DONOVAN* AND G. W. HARRIS From the Department ofNeuroendocrinology, Institute ofPsychiatry, Maudsley Hospital, London, S.E. 5 (Received 18 May 1955) Exposure ofnormal anoestrous ferrets to extra (artificial) illumination during winter induces an oestrous state (Bissonnette, 1932). This reaction does not occur intheblinded (Bissonnette, 1935, 1938), orhypophysectomized (Hill & Parkes, 1933) animal. From this and other data it is clear that the stimulus oflight acts via the retina and optic nerve fibres to excite, in some way, the secretion offollicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) from the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. Several attempts have been made to determine the anatomical pathway involved between the optic nerves and the pars distalis of the hypophysis (Clark, McKeown & Zuckerman, 1939; Thomson, 1951, 1954). On general grounds (Harris, 1948) it seems likely that the hypothalamus and pituitary stalk would form part ofthis path. However, there are data contrary to this view. Burger (1949) mentions that the sexual activation induced by artificial long days was not lost in the stalk-sectioned ferrets studied by Bissonnette (1938), but gives no information concerning post-mortem studies. Thomson & Zuckerman (1953, 1954) have recently reported that complete interruption of the pituitary stalk inthe ferret does not necessarily prevent the occurrence of oestrus following extra illumination in winter. Ifthe hypothalamus and pituitary stalk areimplicated inthelight-induced oestrousresponse oftheferret, itisprobable thatitisthevascular component ofthe stalk, viz. the hypophysialportalvessels, whichisresponsiblefortrans- mitting the stimulus to anterior pituitary tissue (see Harris, 1948; Harris & Jacobsohn, 1952). Since these vessels are known to regenerate in a large proportion ofanimals after simplestalksection, and since validprocedures to control anysuch regeneration do not seemto havebeenundertakeninstudies * BeitMemorialResearch Fellow. OESTRUS AND THE PITUITARY STALK 103 of the light response of the stalk-sectioned ferret, the problem was re-in- vestigated. Thepresentresults do not confirmthose ofThomson & Zuckerman (1953, 1954). METHODS Female albino ferrets, of280-780g body weight, were fed on a controlled diet ofbread, meat, milk,yeast,cod-liveroilandasaltmixture.Threegroupsofanimalswerestudied: (a)fouranimals inwhichthepituitarystalkwasexposedbutnotdamaged; (b) sixanimals in which thepituitary stalkwasexposedandcut; and(c) fourteen animalsinwhichthepituitarystalkwasexposed,cut, andarelativelylargewaxedpaperplateinsertedbetweenthepituitaryglandandhypothalamus. After operation these animals were exposed to extra illumination during the winter months of 1953-4 and the development ofany oestrous response observed. Operative technique. The pituitary stalk was exposed by a temporal route. Under anaesthesia withpentobarbitone sodium (36 mg/kgbodywt., i.P.) theanimalwasimmobilizedonitsleftside onananimalboard.Thetemporalismusclewasfullyexposedbyaverticalskinincisionmadefrom the mid-line ofthe head superiorly to the posterior end ofthe zygomatic arch inferiorly (Text- fig. Ia). AT-shapedincisioninthetemporalismuscleenabledittobesplit,andthetwohalvesto be separated from the skull and retracted anteriorly and posteriorly (Text-fig. 1b). A large areaofskullwasthenremoved (Text-fig. 1c), care being taken to leave the dura intact andto controlanyoozingof blood with bone wax. The dura was next cut, so as to provide flaps to cover the margins ofthe bone. The further stages in the operation were performed with the aid ofahead lamp and with the ferret placed in an inverted position, thus utilizing theeffect ofgravityinseparatingthebrainfromthebaseoftheskull. Afterslowretractionofthetemporal lobe ofthe brain a wide view ofthe hypothalamo-hypophysial region was obtained, the main featuresofwhichareshown in Text-fig. ld. Whenthehypothalamus, pituitary stalk andgland, andsurroundingstructureswereallclearlyvisible,thestalkwastransectedwiththeaidofasmall hookorknife. Inanimalsinwhichtheoperationofsimplestalksectionwasperformed,thecom- pletenessoftheoperationwascontrolledbysweepingabluntprobewidelyacrosstheuppersurface ofthe pituitary gland and observing the two separately movable ends ofthe stalk, by passing cotton-wool pledgelets over the gland and removing them between the two internal carotid arteries,orbyinsertingalargepaperplatebetweenthehypothalamusandpituitaryglandandthen removingtheplate.Thewaxedpaperplatesusedinsomeoftheseanimals,andinothersinwhich theplates wereleft permanently inposition, wereinserted first betweentheoptic nerves and skullbase,inapositionanteriortotheinternalcarotidarteries.Theplateswerethengentlypushed inacaudaldirection,betweenthearteries,sothatabouttwo-thirdsofthe platewas situatedin a planeposteriortotheinternalcarotids.Thedimensionsoftheseplates(5x3mm)weresuchthat theyalmostcompletelyspannedthedistance betweenthetwoarteriesandformedawidebarrier between thehypothalamus and pituitary gland (seeP1. 1, figs. 1-4, andP1. 4, figs. 14, 16). The operation was completed by replacing the dural flaps over the brain, suturing the temporalis muscletocovertheexposedduraandbrainandclosingtheskinwoundwithinterruptedsutures. Injections of40,000 units penicillin and 50mg streptomycin ('Seclomycin', Glaxo Laboratories Ltd.) were given at operation and occasionally onthefollowing day. Recoverywasuneventful and no disabilities were observed. At eventual autopsy the wound was found to be well and cleanlyhealedinallcases. Someadhesionofthebraintooverlyingmuscleortotheskullfloorwas occasionallyseen, aswasslight dilatation ofthelateralventricle ontheoperatedside. Lighting conditions. The animals, in individual cages, were kept under general animal house conditionsuntil26 October 1953 whentheywereallobservedto haveshrunkenvulvae. Atthis timetheywereplacedundertheexperimentalconditionsofprolongedillumination. Eachanimal wasplacedinashadow-lesscageonarack,andwasilluminatedsolelybya40WMazdaDaylight TypeMCF/Ufluorescent lamp (Hart, 1951), placed at adistance of67cm from thefloorofthe cage(P1. 2,fig. 5).Thelightingwasautomaticallyswitchedonandoffat8.00a.m. andmidnight respectively.Thecagescontainedashallowlayerofsawdustorwoodshavingsandwerescreened 104 B. T. DONOVAN AND G. W. HARRIS one from the other. The ferrets in the three different groups were distributed at random in the racks. Eachanimalwasweighedandexamined,andtheconditionofitsvulvaandeyesnoted,at weekly intervals. No case ofcataractwasobserved. Autopsyandhistologicalprocedures.Thefirstanimalwaskilledon13January1954andthelast on25February1954. Fourhoursbeforedeatheachanimalwasinjectedsubcutaneouslywith3,uc of1311, andplacedinaglasstankinordertocollectanyexereta. Afterkillingwithchloroforma sampleofbloodwasdrawnfromtheinferiorvenacavaintoasyringecontainingasmallquantity ofsolidheparin, anyurineinthe bladderwas collected, andthe ovaries, reproductive tractand adrenalglandsremoved. Thevascularsystemwasthenperfusedwithatleast200ml. ofdiluted Mandarin Black indian ink (Winsor & Newton; 1 part indian ink to 3 parts distilled water), injectedtowardtheheartthroughtheabdominalaorta. Afterremovalofthethyroidgland,the thyroid, adrenals, ovaries and uterus were freed from extraneous tissue and weighed. These tissues, except for one lobe of the thyroid gland which was weighed separately and used for radioactive assay, were fixed in Zenker's solution, dehydrated, embedded in paraffin wax and II O.TX c a Text-fig.1.Illustratingthetemporalapproach.Thediagramsshow:(a)Themethodofimmobilizing theheadandtheskinincision.Thenoseispassedthroughawireloopintheoperatingboard and the jaws secured with tape. (b) The exposure and incision in the temporalis muscle. S.,sagittalcrestoftheskull. (c) Theexposureofthecerebralhemisphere.(Theflapsofdura materarenotshown.) S.,sagittalcrestoftheskull; M.,temporalismuscle. (d)Theviewof thehypothalamo-hypophysial region following inversion ofthe ferret andretraction ofthe temporallobe. H., hypothalamus; I.C., internal carotid artery; IW.B., mammillary body; O.N., oculomotor nerve; O.T., optic tract; P.G., pituitary gland; P.S., pituitary stalk; B.,retractor; T.C.,tentorium cerebelli. OESTRUS AND THE PITUITARY STALK 105 sectioned at a thickness of10 . The sections were stained with haematoxylin andeosin. After careful examination ofthe operation site and removal ofthe calvarium, the head was fixed in 10%formalin, decalcifiedinamixtureof40%formicacidand7%sodiumformate (Engelbreth- Holm & Plum, 1951) and a block oftissue comprising the hypothalamic region and skull base dehydrated,embeddedinlowviscositynitrocelluloseandseriallysectionedinthesagitalplaneat a thickness of130-200u. Indian ink was not perfused through the vascular system oftwo an- oestrous ferrets (56 and 59), but instead the heads were dissected and theposition oftheplates* directly observed. The hypophyses were fixed in situ with Susa's solution, and serial sections stained bythe Heidenhain-Azan technique. Treatment ofradioactive samples. One lobe ofeach thyroid gland was dissolved in 2N-NaOH andthevolumemadeupto3or6ml.withdistilledwater.Thebloodsampleswerecentrifugedand the plasma separated. The urine samples were diluted to aknown volume with distilled water. Theradioactivity ofthesolutions soobtainedwas measured, usingaLabgearscalerandanend- windowcounter. Twoaliquotsofeachsolutionwerecountedandaftercorrectionforisotopedecay thecountswereconvertedintomicrocuriesbymeansofacalibrationcurveobtainedfrommeasure- ments ofthe activity ofthe originalsample ofradioactive iodine. Measurement of 'pituitary volume'. The relative volumes ofthe pituitary glands, and ofthe anteriorandposteriorlobes,weremeasuredinthedifferentanimalsbythe'paperweight'method. Theimage ofthehypophysisineach section ofaseries wasprojected ontoasheetofpaperand the outlines traced. The outlines ofeach series from apituitary gland were accommodated on a singlesheetofpaper,andeachserieswastracedthreetimesusingthreeseparatesheets. Bycutting outthedemarcatedareasofpaper,andweighingthem,figureswereobtainedrelatedtothevolume ofpituitarytissue,andofthetwolobes,inindividualglands. Theweightsforeachgland, andthe average valuesfor the three groups ofanimals, are givenin Table 1. Other observations. The water consumption of some ferrets was measured daily for a 16-day period, with the intention ofdetermining whether the stalk-sectioned animals developed a state ofdiabetes insipidus. Toseewhether ovulation wouldfollow copulation in thestalk-cutanimals attempts were made to mate five ofthe oestrous females. Since males were not exposed to the increasedillumination onlysexually quiescent maleswereavailable forthispurpose, andcopula- tion was never observed to follow the sporadic sexual activity. Pairs were occasionally left together overnight. RESULTS Development ofoestrus Twelve ferrets out of the twenty-four developed an oestrous state, as judged by vulval swelling, within 2-7 weeks from the start of exposure to increased illumination. The other twelve animals remained anoestrous till killed after 14-18 weeks of exposure. As is shown in Text-fig. 2, all four blank-operated ferrets, five ofthe six simple stalk-sectioned animals and three ofthe fourteen ferrets with paper plates inserted became oestrous. Hypothalamo-hypophysial region Blank-operated animals. The four animals in which the pituitary stalk was exposed but not damaged provided a basis of comparison for the stalk-cut animals. Thetypicalappearance ofthe region maybe seen in P1. 3, fig. 6. Itis evident that the ferret possesses a poorly developed primary plexus, and the capillary loops passing up into the median eminence are few. However, well- marked portal vessels run caudally along the stalk to enter the anterior pole 106 B. T. DONOVAN AND G. W. HARRIS of the gland. The normal infundibular process (posterior lobe) is large anda prominent cleft separates this structure from the pars distalis. Simple stalk-sectioned animals. Five of this of six ferrets became group oestrousandinallfivesubstantialvesselswereobservedtoconnectthemedian eminence ofthe-tuber cinereum and the distalis of the pituitary (P1. 3, pars fig. 8). Theneurallobeofthepituitaryintheseanimals markedlyatrophic, was Weeks under 'long day' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 conditions 28 34 . 38 C 39 V40 -~46 51 V) 52 55 56 59 26 _ _ _ _ (4) 0~ Text-fig. 2. Illustrating theonsetofoestrusinthethreegroups ofanimals. and found to be vascularized only in the central region. The pituitary stalk oftenappeared swollen at the site ofstalk section, possibly dueto scarforma- tion though special neuroglial stains were not used to investigate this point. The pars distalis was in all cases seen to be well supplied with blood vessels which formed a dense plexus throughout this part ofthe gland. Sectionsthroughthehypothalamicregionofoneanimalinthis group (ferret 26)whichfailedtobecomeoestrousrevealedveryfew,ifany,vesselsconnecting OESTRUS AND THE PITUITARY STALK 107 the well-marked vascular fields of the median eminence and the anterior pituitary gland (P1. 3, fig. 10). Stalk-sectioned animals with plates. Three of the fourteen animals in which the pituitary stalk had been cut and a paper plate inserted between the stalk endsbecameoestrous. Ineachofthesethreeanimalsmicroscopic examination 'showed that the plate had been misplaced (in two being too far forward (P1. 4, fig. 12) and inone beingplacedobliquely) andthatvessels werepresent connectingthemedianeminenceandtheparsdistalis aroundtheborderofthe plate. Eleven animals in this group remained anoestrous for the duration of the experiment. In two of these ferrets the position of the paper plate was in- vestigated by dissection only, and in both cases the plate was found to be situatedsquarelyoverthepituitaryglandandsealedtotheskullfloorbyfibrous tissue (P1. I,figs. 1, 3). Intheremainingnineanimalsmicroscopicexamination showedtheplatesalsowellsituated. Ineachcaseitintervened overawidearea between the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, forming an effective barrier to regeneration ofthe hypophysial portal vessels (P1. 4, figs. 14, 16). The only possible vascular connexions between the median eminence and the anterior pituitary gland consisted ofa few fine capillaries runningin the fibrous tissue surrounding the plate (as shown in P1. 4, fig. 14). In all animals in this group injected with indian ink andexamined micro- scopically, the median eminence contained a prominent primary plexus, the anterior lobe was well vascularized and the posterior lobe was atrophic and vascularized only in its central zone. Volume ofthe hypophysis The results of the measurements of the relative hypophysial volumes are giveninTable 1. Thesedatashowthata markedatrophyoftheposteriorlobe, and a slight reduction in size ofthe anterior lobe, follows stalk section in the ferret. It may be noted that the volume ofanterior pituitary tissue present in the animals that remained anoestrous appears to be greater than in the animals thatdevelopedoestrus. Thisisprobably withoutsignificance sincethe volume of posterior lobe tissue in the two groups is in a similar proportion. Ovaries Theovariesoftheoestrousand anoestrousferretsshowedmarkeddifferences both in weight (Table 2) and in macroscopic and microscopic appearance. In the oestrous group the ovaries showed large follicles. One of the oestrous females (ferret 21), placed with a male, was found to have ovulated. None of the ovaries from the other animals showed luteinization. The ovaries of the anoestrousferrets were small, atrophic structures which containedprimordial, 108 B. T. DONOVAN AND G. W. HARRIS but no antral, follicles. The ovaries ofa normal anoestrous ferret, killed with the operated anoestrous group, were large (weighing 146 mg) in comparison with the stalk-sectioned anoestrous females and contained numerous small follicles with antra. TABLE 1. Therelativevolumes, asdetermined bythe'paperweight' method, ofthe pituitaryglands ofthe controlandexperimental animals Thefiguresin brackets expressthe volume of theglands and the lobes as a percentage of those oftheblank-operated controls No. of Pituitary Anterior Posterior animal gland lobe lobe Blank-operated 44 87 53 34 controls 48 66 32 34 54 71 39 32 58 61 37 24 Average 71 (100%) 40 (100%) 31 (100%) Experimental 14 33 24 9 oestrous animals 21 46 34 12 22 55 40 15 31 40 30 10 32 39 28 11 35 33 25 8 41 47 36 11 43 54 36 18 Average 43 (61%) 32 (80%) 12 (39%) Experimental 26 56 46 10 anoestrous 28 51 38 13 animals 34 52 42 10 38 43 32 11 39 55 36 19 40 55 38 17 46 44 32 12 51 41 27 14 52 50 34 16 55 76 55 21 Average 52 (73%) 38 (95%) 14 (45%) Adrenals As may be seen in Table 2 only a slight reduction in weight ofthe adrenal glandsoccurredintheanoestrousgroup. Calculation, usingthe't'test,showed thedifference inabsoluteadrenalweightsoftheoestrousandanoestrousstalk- sectioned groupsto be significant (P=001). The differenceinadrenalweights calculated on a body-weight basis is only probably significant (P=0.05). Histological differences were not observed in the haematoxylin and eosin stained sections ofthe adrenal glands ofthe two groups. Thyroidglands The difference inthemeanweightsofthethyroidglandsoftheoestrousand anoestrous groups wasnotstatisticallysignificant. Microscopicallytheglands of the anoestrous animals appeared to have flatter epithelium and more colloid than those in the oestrous group, but this observation is rendered OESTRUS AND THE PITUITARY STALK 109 doubtful by the great variation in the microscopic picture found in different areasofanyonegland. Thefiguresobtainedforthe4 hruptakeofradio-iodine, however, show a clear difference betweenthe oestrous andanoestrousanimals (Table 2), and indicate a decreased activity of the thyroid gland in the anoestrous group. A study ofthe plasma concentration of1311 at the time of TABLE 2. Organ weights andthyroidal131Iuptake ofcontrol and experimental animals Thyroid 131Iuptake %inj. Body Ovaries Uterus Adrenals dose/ Ferret wt. (mg/kg (mg/kg (mg/kg (mg/kg 100mg no. (g) bodywt.) bodywt.) body wt.) bodywt.) gland Blank-operated 44 1330 126 652 115 44 19 animals 48 660 171 1318 144 88 24 54 600 142 1415 226 96 19 58 880 122 1370 127 60 14 Average 867 140 1189 153 72 19 Experimental 14 750 141 1264 121 61 22 oestrous animals 21* 760 189 2426 147 106 21 22 860 88 737 152 73 10 31 610 184 1413 187 102 14 32 780 104 1332 146 92 6 35 840 145 1017 125 64 21 41 710 118 1251 155 73 9 43 1000 130 931 155 50 24 Average 789 137 1296 148 78 16 Experimental 26 580 36 426 155 109 7 anoestrous 28 680 34 390 129 119 6 animals 34 1160 15 90 116 84 5 38 610 31 131 93 103 6 39 760 41 125 135 55 7 40 840 30 127 98 102 4 46 840 26 108 86 80 8 51 890 31 111 99 75 4 52 800 26 134 111 75 6 55 680 40 132 143 57 9 56 660 61 136 145 91 9 59 640 58 127 177 83 9 Average 762 36 170 124 86 7 * Thisanimalwaspseudopregnant. death, andoftherenal excretion of1311inthe4 hrpriorto death, showedthat changes inthe fluid space ofthe bodyorin kidneyfunction could not explain thedifferencesinthyroidal-uptakeof131Jobservedinthetwogroupsofanimals. Body weight Little difference was observed in the average body weights of the oestrous and anoestrous ferrets. It was noticed, however, that the weights of the oestrous ferrets tended to fallwhen they came into heat. For example, ferret 43weighed1120 gatthetimeartificialilluminationstarted, 1460g6weekslater 110 B. T. DONOVAN AND G. W. HARRIS whenitfirst showed signs ofoestrus, and only 1000 g whenit was killed after 8 weeks in heat. The anoestrous ferrets showed either a relatively constant weight or a gradual increase in weight. Water consumption A pronounced polydipsia was not observed to follow stalk section in the ferret. When measured over a period of 16 days the maximum daily con- sumptionofwaterwasseeninferret22whoseaveragedailyintakewas 136ml., whilst two control animals drank an average of 50 and 56 ml. water daily. DISCUSSION In drawing conclusions regarding the function of the adenohypophysis from the results ofexperiments involving pituitary stalk section attention must be paid to the possibility that signs of anterior pituitary deficiency are due to ischaemic necrosis of the gland. As pointed out by Greep & Barrnett (1951), section ofthe pituitary stalk might cut offsufficient ofthe total blood supply to the gland to result in atrophy ofanterior lobe tissue and a state of 'hypo- physectomy'. In the present study it was found that 80-95% ofthe normal volume ofanterior tissue was present in the stalk-sectioned animals, and that the ferrets in which a lack ofpituitary response to light was observed had, if anything,largerglandsthanthe stalk-sectionedanimals thatbecameoestrous. Itwouldseem clearthattheloss ofthelight-induced oestrous response cannot be attributed to an inadequacy in the total blood supply with consequent atrophy ofthe gland. The loss of the oestrous response following pituitary stalk section may be mosteasilyexplainedasduetoseverance ofareflexpathinvolvedinpituitary stimulation. The two components ofthe pituitary stalk that might form part of such a path are the hypothalamo-hypophysial nerve tract and the hypo- physial portal vessels. The evidence argues strongly against the possibility that the nerve tract is involved since very few, if any, nerve fibres pass to the pars distalis of the pituitary and, furthermore, this tract does not regenerate if damaged so that uniform results would be expected to follow stalksection. Ontheotherhand, thereisstrongevidencethatthehypophysial portal vessels passing from the median eminence ofthe tuber cinereum to the pars distalis of the gland are intimately concerned with maintaining and regulating anterior pituitary activity (Harris & Jacobsohn, 1952). During the present studyit was observed that regeneration ofthe hypophysial portal vessels may follow section ofthe pituitary stalk in the ferret, thus confirming similar observations made on the mouse (de Groot, 1952), rat (Harris, 1950), ferret (Thomson & Zuckerman, 1953), rabbit (Jacobsohn, 1954) and monkey (Harris & Johnson, 1950). Itwas also observed thatthe occurrence ofalight- inducedoestrousresponseafteroperationcould becorrelatedwiththepresence OESTRUS AND THE PITUITARY STALK ill ofsuch regeneration. No animal in which regeneration ofthe vessels was pre- vented came into heat, but vascular connexions across the site ofsectionwere clearly observed in all eight stalk-cut animals that became oestrous. The con- clusion is drawn that the hypothalamus and the hypophysial portal vessels form part ofa neurovascular path transmitting the reflex stimulus, initiated by light, to the adenohypophysis. In analysing reports dealing with the effects of pituitary stalk section on anterior pituitary function attention should be paid to the following technical points: (a) Operative route used to section the stalk. Two surgical approaches have been mainly utilized. The buccal or parapharyngeal approach is easy to per- form, it allows a clear view of the stalk but not of the general region, and offerslittlescopeforplacingplates betweenthecutendsofthestalktoprevent regeneration. Further disadvantages of the method are that any plates manipulatedbetweenthehypothalamusandhypophysis tendto be eliminated from the wound, and that the anterior pole of the pituitary gland tends to prolapse into the trephine hole in the base ofthe skull (see photomicrographs of Barrnett & Greep, 1951; Thomson & Zuckerman, 1954) so that the inter- pretation ofhistological sections through the region is rendered difficult. The alternative temporal approach may be, in certain forms, a more difficult procedure, but it gives a clear view ofthe whole region and allows easyaccess for placinglarge plates between the ends ofthe stalk. With this latter method the field ofthe pituitary stalk is left clean and surrounded byintact meninges and bone: plates inserted do not tend to become misplaced: and the pituitary gland remains in its normal position. For these reasons the final anatomical study of the region is facilitated. (b) Methods employed to investigate the vascular archttecture of the region following stalk section. Since the hypophysial portal vessels may regenerate with speed and facility around, or through the interstices of, foreign bodies (plates, pledgelets of wool) placed in their path, special attention should be paid to the possibility of such regeneration. To ascertain the presence or absenceofregeneratedvesselsitisnecessarytoperfusethearterialsystemwith a sufficient quantity ofindian ink immediately after death, and to cut serial sections at a thickness of 100-200 through a decalcified block oftissue con- u taining the base of the skull, pituitary gland and hypothalamus. Only with the aid ofsuch thick sections may the vascular pattern be clearlyinterpreted. In the reports of Thomson & Zuckerman (1953, 1954) it was claimed that two ferrets in which hypophysial portal vessels had been completely inter- rupted became oestrous when exposed to additional illumination during winter. It is believed that the discrepancy between these results and those observed in the present study may be adequately explained by the fact that Thomson & Zuckerman used the parapharyngeal approach to the pituitary