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Matter Coupling to Strong Electromagnetic Fields in Two-Level Quantum Systems with Broken Inversion Symmetry PDF

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Preview Matter Coupling to Strong Electromagnetic Fields in Two-Level Quantum Systems with Broken Inversion Symmetry

Matter Coupling to Strong Electromagnetic Fields in Two-Level Quantum Systems with Broken Inversion Symmetry O.V. Kibis1,∗ G.Ya. Slepyan2, S.A. Maksimenko2, and A. Hoffmann3 1Department of Applied and Theoretical Physics, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Karl Marx Avenue 20, 630092 Novosibirsk, Russia 2Institute for Nuclear Problems, Belarus State University, Bobruyskaya St. 11, 220050 Minsk, Belarus 3 Institut fu¨r Festk¨orperphysik, Technische Universit¨at Berlin, Hardenbergstraße 36, D-10623 Berlin, Germany We demonstrate theoretically the parametric oscillator behavior of a two-level quantum system with broken inversion symmetry exposed to a strong electromagnetic field. A multitude of reso- nance frequencies and additional harmonics in the scattered light spectrum as well as altered Rabi frequency are predicted to be inherent to such systems. In particular, dipole radiation at the Rabi 9 frequencyappearstobepossible. SincetheRabifrequencyiscontrolledbythestrengthofcoupling 0 electromagneticfield,theeffectcanserveforthefrequency-tunedparametricamplificationandgen- 0 eration of electromagnetic waves. Manifestation of the effect is discussed for III-nitride quantum 2 dots with strong build-in electric field breaking the inversion symmetry. Terahertz emission from n arrays of such quantum dots is shown to beexperimentally observable. a J PACSnumbers: 42.50.Hz,47.20.Ky,78.67.Hc,85.60.Jb 2 1 The resonant interaction of quantum systems with and |bi as excited and ground states, respectively. Let ] h strong electromagnetic field [1, 2] is permanently in the the system interacts with a classical linearly polarized p focus of interest, both due to high methodological value monochromatic electromagnetic field. The system is de- - of arising problems and their direct relation to current scribed by the Hamiltonian Hˆ = Hˆ +Hˆ . The free- t 0 int n applied projects,such as new generationof high-efficient particle Hamiltonian, written in the basis of these two a lasers [3], laser cooling of atoms [2], development of ba- states, is Hˆ = ~ω σˆ /2, where σˆ is the Pauli matrix u 0 0 z z sis for quantum information processing [4], etc. One of and ω is the resonant frequency of the two-level sys- q 0 [ bright manifestations of the strong field-matter coupling tem. The interaction Hamiltonian is expressed in terms is the Rabi effect [2]: oscillations of the level population of the amplitude E and frequency ω of the driving field 2 in a quantum system exposed to a monochromatic elec- byHˆ =−Edˆcos(ωt),wheredˆ istheelectricdipolemo- v int 0 tromagnetic wave. The simplest physical model leading ment operator and dij =hi|dˆ|ji are its matrix elements. 9 to harmonic Rabi oscillations is a two-level symmetrical Thecriticalassumption,whichdistinguishesthe systems 0 quantum system placed in a given classical single-mode being considered from standard ones, is the violation of 4 electromagnetic field [2]. Incorporation into this sim- the inversionsymmetry. Since in that case the states |ai . 9 plest model additional physical factors results in many and|bidonotpossessa certainspatialparity,the diago- 0 nontrivialeffects. For example, accountingfor the quan- nalmatrixelementsofthedipolemomentoperatorprove 8 tum nature of light leads to the concept of radiation- to be nonequivalent, d 6= d , dictating thus physical 0 aa bb : dressedatoms[1]andthe‘collapse-revivals’phenomenon effects described hereafter. v inthepopulationdynamicsofasystemexposedtocoher- We shall seek the solution of the Schr¨odinger equa- i X ent light. Time-domain modulation of the field-matter tion with the Hamiltonian described above in the form r couplingconstant[5],local-fieldeffectsinnanostructures of|ψi=Ca(t)|ai+Cb(t)|bi. Substituting this expression a [6,7]andphonon-induceddephasing[8]providenewpos- intotheSchr¨odingerequation,wearriveattheequations sibilities for the control of the Rabi oscillations. Many interesting effects manifest themselves in more complex i~C˙ = ~ω0 −Ed cos(ωt) C −Ed cos(ωt)C , (1) a aa a ab b systems,suchastwocoupledRabioscillators[9],Rabios- h 2 i cillators based on superconducting electrical circuits [4], i~C˙ = −~ω0 −Ed cos(ωt) C −Ed cos(ωt)C .(2) b bb b ba a and systems where Rabi oscillations are strongly influ- h 2 i encedby intrabandmotionof quasi-particles[10]. In the In order to solve these equations with respect to C given Letter we investigate the role in the Rabi effect of a and C , we first rewrite them for modified amplitudes a new physical factor — violation of the inversion sym- b c = C exp[±iω t/2−iφ (ω,t)], where φ (ω,t) = metry. Inherent in many quantum systems, the factor is a,b a,b 0 a,b j Ed sin(ωt)/~ω, and signs ± correspond to indexes a ignored by the conventional physical model [2] of Rabi jj and b, respectively. The system of equations (1)–(2) is oscillations. Meanwhile,ourtheoreticalanalysispredicts then reduced to the form as follows pronouncedmanifestation of the violation in a set of ob- servable effects in different physical systems. ~c˙ =iE∗ d cos(ωt)c eiω0t, (3) a eff ab b Let us consider a two-level quantum system with |ai ~c˙ =iE d cos(ωt)c e−iω0t, (4) b eff ba a 2 where the effective electric field strength is it is suffice to consider the process in the framework of classical electrodynamics. It allows analyzing electronic ∞ E (t)=Ee−iκsin(ωt) =E J (κ)einωt, (5) subsystem, in respect to irradiation of electromagnetic eff n waves, as a classical dipole with the oscillating dipole n=X−∞ moment d(t) = hψ|dˆ|ψi. For definiteness, we identify J (κ) is the Bessel function of the first kind, and initial time as that correspondingto system being in the n κ = E(d − d )/~ω is the symmetry violation pa- excited state, i.e., C (0) = 1 and C (0) = 0. Then, bb aa a b rameter. Let us stress that Eqs. (3)–(4) are analogous substituting wave function |ψi with coefficients (6)–(7) to standard equations of two-level system [2] with the into expression for the dipole moment and omitting the only difference that the driving field amplitude E is re- time-independent terms, we arrive at the expression placed by the effective amplitude (5). That the effec- ttievme atmopbleitcuodmeeEaeffp(at)raims teitmriec-doespcielnladteonrtwciatuhsefsultlhseestyos-f d(t)=(daa−dbb)4ΩΩ2R2eiΩt−dabΩ2ΩR ∞ itnotrrsi.nsIinc pparortpiceurtliaers,,aunmuuslutaitlufdoerosftarnesdoanradntRafrbeiquoesnciclileas- × Jm−n(κ)einωt(cid:20)∆Ω + 12(cid:18)1− ∆Ω(cid:19)e−iΩt n=X−∞ ω = ω /n, n = 1,2,3,... appears in the system. Fur- 0 1 ∆ therweshallassumethatthedrivingfieldfrequencyω is − 1+ eiΩt +c.c. (9) 2(cid:18) Ω(cid:19) (cid:21) in the vicinity of the frequency ω /m (m-th resonance) 0 and the conditions |Ed mJ (κ)/κ~(ω −mω)|&1 and ab m 0 for the dipole moment in the vicinity of m-th resonance. |Ed nJ (κ)/κ~(ω − nω)| ≪ 1 (n 6= m) are fulfilled, ab n 0 As follows from Eq. (9), the radiation spectrum consists allowingusto neglectinteractionofthe two-levelsystem of a singlet at the frequency Ω, and an infinite sequence withallharmonics(5)otherthanharmonicsm±1. Then oftripletswiththefrequenciesnω, nω±Ω(seeFig.1). It Eqs. (3)–(4) resume the form analogous to equations for should be emphasized that the frequency multiplication symmetric two-levelsystems and can easily be solved by is the general property of systems with broken inversion invokingthe rotating-waveapproximation[2]. Assuming symmetryandcanbeusedforthehighharmonicgenera- thenondiagonaldipolematrixelementstobereal-valued, tion[12]. Amplitudesofharmonicsofthetripletsrapidly we obtain Ωt i∆ Ωt C (t)= C (0) cos − sin a a (cid:26) (cid:20) (cid:16) 2 (cid:17) Ω (cid:16) 2 (cid:17)(cid:21) Ω Ωt +i RC (0)sin e−imωt/2eiφa(ω,t), (6) b Ω (cid:16) 2 (cid:17)(cid:27) Ωt i∆ Ωt C (t)= C (0) cos + sin b b (cid:26) (cid:20) (cid:16) 2 (cid:17) Ω (cid:16) 2 (cid:17)(cid:21) Ω Ωt +i RC (0)sin eimωt/2eiφb(ω,t), (7) a Ω (cid:16) 2 (cid:17)(cid:27) where the parameters ∆ = ω −mω, Ω = Ω2 +∆2, FIG. 1: Schematics of the light scattering in a two-level sys- 0 R tem with brokeninversion symmetryin thevicinityof oneof and the Rabi frequency p thepossible resonances ω=ω0/m. Ω =2Ed mJ (κ)/κ~ (8) R ab m decreasewith increasing n or m, while the singlet Ω am- are written in the vicinity of m-th resonance. Since we plitude depends on neither n nor m. Radiation of the consider the strong coupling regime, the driving field E dipole (9) in the vicinity of each resonance is character- is assumed to be sufficiently strong, Ω τ ≫ 1, to ne- ized by its own Rabi frequency (8) decreasing with the R glect impact of the linewidth ~/τ. Note that the Rabi resonancenumber m increase. In systems with inversion frequency in systems with broken inversion symmetry symmetry diagonal elements of the dipole moment are (8) shows nonmonotonic dependence on the driving field identical. As a result, higher resonances (m>1), higher strength and even can turn zero at those values of E triplets (n > 1), and the singlet vanish. In that case, which correspondto roots of the Bessel function J (κ). coefficients(6)–(7)andexpressionforthedipolemoment m It is wellknownthat insymmetricaltwo-levelsystems (9) coincide with the solution of the problem presented the Rabi effect manifests itself in the power spectrum in Ref. [2]. of the scattered light by peaks centered at the incident Further we confine consideration to systems with a light frequency ω and at the displaced frequencies ω±Ω weak violationof the inversionsymmetry, when the con- (Mollow triplet, [11]). In order to reveal peculiarities of dition|κ|≪1holdstrue. Insuchsystemstheasymmetry the scattered light induced by the symmetry violation, effect is expected to be most pronounced in the vicinity 3 ofthefirstresonancem=1(ω ≈ω ). Ifthenwerestrict of different types of QDs, nitride-based confined struc- 0 ourselvestothe mostinterestingcaseofresonantdriving tures seem to be most promising for the effect observa- field, when ∆ = 0 and Ω = Ω , we reduce (9) to the tion (for parameters of III-nitrides AlN, GaN, and InN R expression seeRef. [13]). Indeed, GaNandsimilarIII-groupnitride alloys have a hexagonal (wurtzite) structure. As a con- d −d d(t)= aa bb cos(Ω t)−d sin(ω t)sin(Ω t), (10) sequence of giant piezoelectric effect inherent in hexag- R ab 0 R 2 onal crystals, QDs based on structures AlN/GaN and InN/GaN have a strong built-in strain-induced electric where Rabi frequency (8) takes its conventional form Ω = Ed /~. In typical quantum systems the Rabi field with strength E of several MV/cm [14, 15]. Due to R ab the strong electric field, conduction-band electrons and frequency is much less then the driving field frequency valence-band holes in the QDs get spatially separated ω = ω . Therefore, in addition to the high-frequency 0 [16, 17], and the effective dipole moment of a III-nitride harmonics ω ±Ω (second term in the right-hand part 0 R QDisgivenbysimplerelation|d −d |∼el,wherelis ofEq. (10)),violationoftheinversionsymmetryleadsto aa bb theQDheight. Then,fortypicall ofseveralnanometers, theirradiationoflow-frequencyelectromagneticwavesat the effective dipole moment of nitride QDs is estimated Rabi frequency (first term in the right-hand part of Eq. as |d −d |∼ 10Debye, what is tens thousands times (10)) with the time-averagedradiation intensity aa bb aslargeastheeffectivedipolemomentofhydrogenatom |d −d |2 in the same electric field. IR = aa12c3bb Ω4R. (11) Since the Rabi frequency depends on the driving field strengthE, the brokeninversionsymmetry-inducedlow- Thequantity|daa−dbb|isfurtherreferredtoaseffective frequency singlet ΩR in the dipole emission spectrum dipole moment. Note thatthe frequencyofthe scattered can be used for the tunable generation of electromag- radiation ΩR depends only on the driving field E and netic waves at Rabi frequency with intensity (11). This does not depend on both the frequency of the scattering problem is especially challenging for frequency ranges system ω and the frequency of incident light ω. where traditional methods either fail or inefficient, such 0 The simplest quantum system devoid of the inversion as terahertz domain. Since this domain lies between ra- center is a Rydberg hydrogen atom imposed to a homo- dio and optical frequency ranges,neither optical nor mi- geneous static electric field E. Assuming the atom to be crowavetechniques aredirectly applicable for generating in ground state, we find that the Rabi frequency is ex- THz waves. Therefore, a search for effective THz ra- pressed in terms of the Bohr radius a = ~2/m e2 by diation sources is one of most excited fields of modern B e Ω = 4(2/3)5ea E/~. Correspondingly, for the elec- applied physics [18, 19, 20]. One of the latest trends to R B tric field E much less than the intra-atomic electric field fill the THz gapis using nanostructures as THz emitters e/a2,theintensityoftheradiationattheRabifrequency and detectors. The quantum cascade THz transitions in B is determined by Eq. (11) with the effective dipole mo- QD systems [21, 22] and different electron mechanisms ment given by |d −d | = (1/8)(4/3)11a3E. This ex- ofTHzemissionfromcarbonnanotubes[23,24,25]have aa bb B pressionisapplicablenotonlytohydrogenatombutalso been proposed and are being actively studied. Thus, the canbe usedfor estimating parametersofthe emissionat proposedmechanismofTHzemissionfitswellthecurrent the Rabi frequency in arbitrary quantum systems with tendencies in nanophotonics. broken inversion symmetry. For that aim, the Bohr ra- Parameters of the THz emission from III-nitride QDs dius a should be replaced by the characteristic linear can be evaluated in the following way. Using the esti- B extension of the system. Therefore, the radiation inten- mate d ∼ 10Debye for the QD interband dipole mo- cv sity(11)riseswiththeincreaseofthesystemsize. Inthat ment [13], we obtain that the Rabi frequency turns out connection, confined semiconductor nanostructures with to be lying in the THz range at relatively weak strength discrete energy spectrum and linear extension multiply of the driving field, E ∼ 105V/cm. Then, substitut- exceeding the atomic size, quantum dots (QDs) [3], can ing the previously obtained value of the effective dipole serve as prospective systems for the effect observation. moment |d −d | ∼ 10Debye into Eq. (11), for the aa bb In quantum dots, driving electromagnetic field trans- typical QD area ∼ 10−12 cm2 we arrive at the radia- fers electrons from valence band into conduction band; tive intensity per single QD ∼10−11 W/cm2 in the THz what is why in QDs ground state |bi corresponds to range. This estimate multiples as N2 for array of N the absence of free carriers while first excited state |ai identical QDs with the lateral extension less than the is the state with electron in the conduction band and Rabi wavelength λ = 2πc/Ω . In such an array, all R R hole in the valence band. In that case, ~ω is approx- QDs emit waves in phase. The THz-range wavelength 0 imately equal to the semiconductor bandgap, and the λ ∼ 10−2 cm restricts the array lateral size. Taking R Rabifrequencyisdeterminedbythestandardexpression into account that the typical density of nitride QDs is Ω = Ed /~ with the dipole matrix element d cor- ∼1011cm−2,wecanestimatethenumberofQDsinsuch R cv cv responding to interband transitions. Among a variety anarraybyN ∼107−108. Therefore,the THz emission 4 power from the submillimeter-sized QD array may ap- effect of the carrier-wave Rabi flopping. Such an effect proach the micro-Watt level, which is characteristic for is observed in semiconductors when the Rabi frequency theresonant-tunnelingdiodesbasedoncarbonnanotubes becomes comparable to the band gap frequency [30]. [26]. Certainly, state-of-the-art THz quantum cascade lasers demonstrate essentially larger output power [27]. Toconclude,letusstressthatviolationoftheinversion However, array of QDs with broken inversion symmetry symmetry is common property of quantum oscillators of providessmoothfrequencytuningbythevariationofthe different physical origination and, consequently, the ef- driving field intensity. The reducing impact of inhomo- fect predicted is expected to manifest itself in spectral geneous broadening is beyond of the estimate and will characteristics of different optical processes, e.g. reso- be consideredelsewhere. As to the homogeneousmecha- nant fluorescence of molecules. nismsofthelinebroadening,likephononscattering,they The research was partially supported by the INTAS are accounted for phenomenologically in the linewidth ~/τ and do not impose any specific restrictions on the project 05-1000008-7801, IB BMBF (Germany) project BLR08/001,theEUFP7TerACaNprojectFP7-230778, observabilityoftheeffect,butjustinfluencethecriterion RFBR (Russia) project 08-02-90004, ‘Development of of the strong light-matter coupling regime. Thus, the Scientific Potential of Russian Higher Education’ Pro- upper estimate presented of the radiation output allows gram(project2.1.2/2115),andBRFFR(Belarus)project proposingthe brokeninversionsymmetry-inducedmech- F08R-009. The work of O.V.K. and S.A.M. was par- anism of the radiationfor the development of novel-type tially carried out during the stay at the Institut fu¨r THz emitters based on QDs avoid inversion symmetry. Festko¨rperphysik, TU Berlin, and supported by DAAD Obviously, parametric amplification of THz radiation in and DFG, respectively. QD arrays is also possible and can be applied for THz detecting. Once more type of asymmetrical two-level quantum systemswherethe discussedeffectcanbe observedis su- perconducting quantum qubits [4, 28]. Away from the ∗ Electronic address: [email protected] charge degeneracy point of the superconducting quan- [1] C. Cohen-Tannoudji, J. Dupont-Roc, G. Grynberg, tumcircuits[4]formedbyJosephsonqubitsinmicrostrip Atom-Photon Interactions: Basic Processes and Appli- resonators,thequbitsymmetryisbrokenandtheHamil- cations (Wiley, Chichester, 1998). [2] M.O.ScullyandM.S.Zubairy,QuantumOptics (Univer- tonian of the system (see Eq. (16) in Ref. [4]) takes the sity Press, Cambridge, 2001). formanalogoustothatusedinouranalysis. Atthat,the [3] D.Bimberg,M.Grundmann,andN.N.Ledentsov,Quan- resonanttransitionfrequencyamountsto∼10GHzwhile tum Dot Heterostructures. 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