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MATRKA-BTHAENDTAR AM (AB ooko n theA ncieInntd iCahne mistry) E:�ibf�e� DR.B . CHAKRAVART,I M.A,. Ph.D . FormeRrelgyi AodnvailMs ionri,os fHt .rRy(. GDo.vo ffI. n dia) ChairmIannda,in adt hWee sSte ssWioornlS,da nsCkornifte rPehniclea,d (e1l9p8h�i)a DelivAnetroendOi ion iLmeec�tsau tJr aew ahaNrelhUarnlui veHreswDi etly1h,9i 9 7 ChairmSaens,so ifCo rno Csusl tSutruadlIVi Ienst,e rnCaotnifoenraoelfnH cies panism andl bero-AmSetruidcHiaeenwDs e.l 1h9i9,C7 h.a irmSaens,so ifco rno Csusl tSutruad li es. 2nIdn ternCaotnifoenraoelnnW coer ld-HiinCs htionCrahy,a ngc(hPuC.nhR i.n 1a9)9 7 PresiOdaenngOtlh,aa sa-SSaammsskardt.i Kolkata SelEfm ploymeDnutr ea(uP ubli cation) 24-/2/1M9an.d ai ParLaa.n e • Kolkat-a7 00 050 MAT�KA-BHTEADNAT RA M Book (A ont hAen cIinednCitha enm istry) AnciIenndti Sacni eSnecrei VeoslI . J'irs€f� i: lion 26tJha nua2r0y0 ,2 AlRli ghRtess erved 'Pwbfb�i: sge� SelEfm ployBmuernet(a Puu bli cation) 241211Mo9n,d aPla rlaa n e Kolkat0a5- 0700 oCas'ec�rcr 5 cjH: i n DipCom 440R,.N .T agoRroea d Kolk-a7t0a00 77 <Sav{Qerri jn: f in MlsN.. K .G ossaiCno .P vltt. d . & CompuDtoetr ' s 1 I A5,P Ir eC1mh aBno raSdt r eet Kolk-o7t0o00 1 2 {()r:i ce Rs2.0 _9/U,S $ 5 .00 [Eveerfyfh oarbste emna dteo a voeirdr oorro sm issiinto hnpisus b liclantsipooifntt .he ie rsr, o rs mayc reienpA. n ym istearkreoo,rdr i screnpoatnmecadyy b eb routgooh utnr o tice shwa hlilch bet okceonr oefi nt hnee xetd itNioop na.ro tft hbios� mka yb er eporotrce odp iienad n fyo r m orb ya nym eans wwirtihtpoteuertnm isosfti hpoeun b lisThheibrsos oc.ka nb ee xporotnelbdyy thpeu blisBhreeraoscft.h h ciosn ditliioanfb.ollirees g aaclt iAoldnli. s pourtseeu sb jteoCc atl c utta Jurisdoincl tyi.o]n OFT HDEO ONKA MMAE DT RKA-TDAHNETD RAA M Ooookn! hAen ciInedniC!ah ne mistry} CHAPTER PAGE NOS. FrisCthp ate(arP� laa �) 01-0 2 Methoofpd rse paroafpt rcieioomnue astl &s j ewmeeltsh,­ odst uoirfnna gcl ohiotnlom ialnkmd a kiiantdg o rusl se SecoCnhda p(taPe�ra la�) 030-4 Procoefrs esp urcotd ion ThidrC haepr(t aPtala�) 05- 07 Deilvertehnrcoeau ttgahc hmteyenpsot .f;, ip fto rrui atls (Hom")a�k)aug,rl evaritt auhcei veetdh rocuognhs umption ofa lc ohol ForutChh pate(arP� ala�) 08-10 Virtouface losoh l FtihCf haepr(t aP!laa�) 1-131 Procoefps sr eparoafmt eriucornay s hd;en fiiiotnosf difefrtepynetos fb losotda isneecdr oeftf ieamolnge e an lit tra(ucPp�ta ) SixCthpha te(arP! laa �) 1-481 RelFireofdmf i fertyepneotsf s uffesriiginncgiasfno;cf e ecilpessw;o rispohf G oddCeasmslu ")�a SeveCnhtaehpr (t aP!lala)l 1-921 . WorsihopGf o ddTeirspsau ;wr orisophpf er cepetaocrh-etr; " worispoh fG oddeSsasnh dyaI;c ofnowsro rispoh fS i va, " measeumrenatndts y poefis c oonfSs ia vlgiari EihgtChh aepr(t aP�laa �) 223- 2 Mercausrt yh see meonfS ivaan,di tssi igifncanacse Siavlgiari NnitChh atpe(raP !laa �) 24-26 " Procoefms ask gim nercausrahyn wdo rispoh f aSlgiia vri madem eorfc auhs ry TnetChh pate(arP� a la�) 27- 29 Uniicifaotnp roefc aptrom,ra -rntatae dnat cuhteedleiat ryy; / medaittioofMn a hdaev(avS aia)n mde thoofsd asc rifice ElveenCthhae pr(t aP�laa �) 303-2 Descroifrp ittiduouianrnl ogsfe frionhfgo su speosn,wd es l,l s et.fc omra nidkn;d esciroionpfsdt ifefrtyepnetos fs acred thr eads TwetlhCf hpate(arPa� l�a) 33-38 Deefrfetnihtgn s asi caounnn ;ci afotil"!io fS akitso f initiaitomnan,it ainaendn dceset riou;n·-cM·tistkaes m recitoafmt anito-rntae hsirrel sstu acnuedrs .T hirtehenCthha p(taPe�lraa �) 39- 40 Tpyeosfj aptyapseo,sfg arlfaonjrda spt ayspo,efm ss i ta kes injp aaasn tdeh icro rroen csti FotuereCnhtahep r(t aP!a la�) 41-43 Descorn�i fpK tunidaTla inSdna tcakrdaesbchreoidn past;i . . . . ofd iffteyrpeoenfast ps r inast PROLOGUE PROFK.A LY AHK UMARO OHDYOPADYH,Y A PHP FaculMteym ber: AppliPehdy siDcesp t(.C olcuUlnliov ersily) MorinSec ienDceep t(.C olcuUlnliov ersity) FeBow: l nsliluolfiE onng ine(eIrnsd (iFoI)E ) lnlsiluloifoE nl ectroonnidTc e sl ecommunicEonlgiionne (eFrIsE TE) lnsliluolfiE olne clrEincgoiln e(eLrosn doFnI)E T(EU K} \VestD engoSlt ole AcaodfeS mcyi enocned T echnol(oFgAyS T> CharterEendg ine(eIrn doinod U K> J' Amontghs ec ripotftu hHreie nsRd eul i'ga'inToatn-ar,Ss tirasap "rm oniebnrta nIcnh . tihbsr antchaheps iarnctno sdietrhsSe u epmrae s� dyaS aik(t'rpimoerndeirciTglhy e )r.e araeb o,u64tp rintceixptaslo. f t hMeoamser ct o lle�c:ioonfqs eu sotnai nwsesrse sions . betweSveiana ndP arvTahet pia.rw th ergeod edsPsa rivs'aq tuesitonhsva eb e en . , - � anwserbedyL orSvdi ai gsr odua psete h" Aga"m-awihltehp ea trw heLroer Sdi vs a' quesotnihsva eb eeanns werbeygd o ddPeasrsvi agstr io uap.esd" Ntaihmgea a"s cptes. / ThTean tra-oSffaestrthsrrt aey,epo efdsi e frnfigp ractisc:'e P-apsavtVahicraaracana,dr a Divyra'aTc.ha epsaet hsa cacirognret d toh nea tutrheaes: apotnifisr .Teo.ms ai,Rk asiiac orS attvikt'y pes. Teh" MotrkaT-abnhtecrdoaavl]lA e"gr asm aas petchtrsof uoguhrc theaep nt ers. Thfei crhsatp otpeerwn istd hic slosoufar lhecme ym ethodotlhoagty pwraasc itinin c e Paurearnbaiyw c a oy fpr oceosfSsli iv,nae gswr e alscl o nveorfssp iiorlnii otqriuut naoMl i lk. Thsee cocnhpdat -edircsustshepesr ocoefcs osn ceiptnth imeooh nte rw'osm b. Thteh icrhdae prat nyasltehsie tn eirknle"dS exUuniaolwn i"st hpru iiatulin o{noY g)a, if appraetceidipn r opsepr.i rit Thef oucrhtahp htaenrdt lhreees il oantsbheitpwse peruinia tlqliu ocro nsumapntdi on salivoaTnthe.a ssoceidea ftfoef'c Vtvyr aa-ngau{'b'ia llse ,ca ofnch osrhh muealnsl kl,ul ect.h)aa slo bs eeindn iactewdh,o asses oceinanhtcaiethosene ffiocfta hcfeyo r. mer Thfefi thc haphtabeser e dne deidca alttsoowr adascl he(mpyr epa�rfMa etricAousnr}h y. It ahlabsseo e enlb aoraitthnee nd ithn chapitcneldrui intgpsi a tldflusr aidnogp otffia ounl ty stse.p Thsexi tchh patiedrni ceast-hpoewo pcloeub lesd a vferdos me ridoieusass seasd,d est sorreoxwtse,pr omvreet dyit,sr acett ico.n Thsee vecnhtahpl teeartd osw awrodrss ohfTi irpp cu·rSuntdharroitu,h g eh corres'pif1Joan-dmiasnn'glr�a I' Teh ecihgahpctto enrsh iodPwea rrs(a Mdear ccuoryub)lei d d enwtiiLtfohiSr eiddv a, being h(iisc osny)m.bol Thnei ncthha pdtiesrct uhspesr eosco efms ask imnegr causrahyn t dh rei taunadl s worschoinpn ewcittehd it. Thtee ncthha pltaenirdn tsth ose u batslpeoe f"c Sto uinBnrd a ah"Im.ct o nnects how froapm o isnotuo rfic nef diennistfieit neyiv-eteaxer p anUdniinvcgea rmisene bt eoi ng, whihcahasc loaspep roofmao cdhe srcni ein.wceee.al clc e"pBtiegd- tBhaenogr"y . Theel evcehnatpdhti esrct uhspesr eosco edfse sd icoatfte imopwnlee elt, lc . Thtew eclhftahpc toenrst ihdaees rposecif tm aogrre esp resseynmtboaoGftlo isdav sne d Goddeisnscelstu,hda eis npgeof c" tysa n(tGreao"mD eitalg cr am). ThPee nulcthiampratatevoeren t l hesef fiocfRa onscasyrt yrsio ndfgi efdfm eartee nrti als like oTbfeu aldass i-Cpolnacnht-Q-sushatebrelatzmll ,osl rL,s o ,ts ueseR dusd,r eat kc�.a thuel ticmhaatpdeti esrct lh"oePs aessv a'c'aVirraaco"ar",r D ai"v yPa!c9aie<:r_s.fa�b"y aspihraavnitnsg RTaojmoaarsSs iaicttcc v,hi acr acatnetdrh ioesritdroie facr tts a inment towasradlsv ation. Thper eseinlstu actfiiondooo,ntt a erhsei gihnldyi acnahdta ivavede d veadl Suiem.i ­ lariirnte iseopsmfe o cdte srcni ehnytpiofthihacges is vaime so1:1 r ceo nvienxcpioons ngu re at erxatr deilsyc iutnsh sleei dg mhotd eofrflno o ftw h ou ghts. INTRODUCTIQN ITsa nats rcai oearnn oc cec Huoldwto ?ie rtse atchTher uTthhei?drs ie ff eor(e nce opianmiotonhnsge c haonltdahd rees v ioatnne sewste hrqeiusneegs tiotnhse.r eS imilarly idsi ffeorofep nicanebi otouhnite n teropwfro eMrtadat trikato hnnieasn Mm aekil[ i- · . BheTdaa ntram. Thvea rSipoiudrsei vtouttartelyaoe c sh tihetevr ieuVn ta hr wiaosyuossm e-by satitshsfyeei n(nrsPgae vs rtatnoidtm habereyrgx sat )it rhspeea nt(Nsiienvsgr t.t.i marga) HetrheTea ndtirffaf ertrohsYme o ga.· TheT antraan dt heY oga ThTea ndteraa ltshp ehw yistihc tahelen jaosoyplfmeitecfhntertos o u,sur eg nhws he.is l e the ywoigetaxh t dieoraafplsl aselt nisoen apneedrn cjeopytmieonntss . Patanjali defines Yoagsa- YagVarscNtiittrito ad ha�. / Itnh e Tandtewraialyts oh,Sg aaiwk,isht d iiec nwhti tithKfiheue pd� oatrlhe ienn1 e rgy thlaicteo siat lthb eeado s tfehs epu innbteri oluu tpgh hrtto hbueogb dhyyy o dgiiscc iplines. ·TThaen atlrssatosrt eheseffis c oayfca yn tarnmadas n dal(arsid tiuaagalrn oadfm s) mant(rmayss tiocfr o srymAlumlloaatnbhsmgle)o eo ..s.sSf t p iS/r aiTktatunaaat lrtr eha es (Kiu)l arnwahvitacr hoe" falthesaft np dr"a cstuaicrschi e utsnu,oia tfolha n es pwiirtahn t hitsa (kctoin (sitoihKr)eut c l)ua tjamwahuidici hs cusrsietasun (adoilt tish.hi � e)r SaracJatwihlidacekahaa llmseo xsctl wuismtiahvg TeihlMceya. � rJca-Bheda-Tantram demaolwrsie mt ahte t.ehrgo t.wto r anbsamfseeot rtamhol i svg ahl mueetl ailgkso el d ansdi lTvaenirtcn.ro an ttYoro agsbatr, ia nbgofusul tfi lqmfne sntttasi n ndde sires 5.- a 1 thrwohuiogcnhrhe e atlhgieoso aelflsi if.teeh,p.e o woetfrh Ssei va-TShatukhste i . Traenxtpralanossdr e eaf ro.wcrah ty oosv eroclaodgmi een, fi ramndidet awyth hi ch imptehedene j ooyflm iefnet. a ltTsratoynofi tn rda stm aoel alnpesov vibea.yrt tey transbfamoserettm haoiil nvgsgah l ueT hmetertbahelTdsaa.n t arlatmwh,r oiu,tg the n Ma kE ' ·it·nhf eo romtfahTtea n it.Greao. d PadrveasttshMi, oe t hGeerd adncedhs oi tfehSfee ven MatarskkaaisnLn dog Mr adh easnvsawrheaeqr rui ensgit bsia osnitscr aeloalftyi se ch. emainmsdet drieyct icn.e . . a .,\ temwpalolaeflr chiottfeh Sceat putraei- fsMo auatnlrdowk nia9-gtsa h p aen.sd a A Viraobtnhh naeod rrwtaah olefalr g na ionPfoahraansaut ream(mpBelhseuw baarn eswar). J · Itdsai t7set c he ntuTrhyae ryCe Ja muVnaradhlaI;,n dVraarius,Kn aauVi,m, a ii AD. ' Mahe�arinfliBarnabkhVyeni diar aabn-hdaa dnwrehsroae ,p rtehcsheinolttfdh reen � G � . � motdheei(rtM iietTsrh keMasaset)fi r.gk uaarr feeos u r-Chaamnudhpeaal�ds iiib. l u yd anabd ij pau riahnkae trwr oi hgahnatdn alsd o tnrgia dnvedani sttne ht ewl oeh fta .n.d s Hemro u(nVta hoawinlssa e )oe ntn h pee deCsatmauilnts.de ari rfnio fiwrcimt t hhe . . droobpriesnaugsn tbkseea,lnn lb dyu legyiVenasgr.h aru aa ls o atnufidssi hhn e rri ght hanandakds e vaanarvd aa i stnehl eeV fta.i hsonalas dvasina knchdaa ak nravda a isne .. hehra nds.* DrM.. N .D as:S idelightsa nocdnu lhtoiufsOr treoi rs(ys1 a9 7P7P3 )5 2-355 © Matraklasm oe ansa)nno tchoenrt tehxaetl ,p h(aVbaert': loaumotafw l hai)tc hhbe "U a­ mantorrt aheses otseoruisnced e d-syalrfleoa rbmlweehdsi, tc hhTi sa natlrsuaos efso r transftohrbema isneg- mteoht iaglhs- ovnaelIsunf.e a ctthe,en tcirreea ftoilolnfro owms ParVaao krs upra-(sbobiuagnn dga ?st) h meo desmc ieanlcsneoo wa dmits. Ageo ft heT antras Althotuhtgerh u itoshn aen tdh sea mteh,e meotfrh e?osada tainotdne acvhairnfrigoe ms agteo a geT.a ntrai-hse Sltadobs ett hrmeao sstu itSaabsltoerfo a u tri mie.ste h.Ke a li­ erwah,i sctha ritmemde diaaftteterhlM eya habh'!wraarit,n3a 1 B0.2TC h.Ke ulan;ava , Tanstary'assa, u itSaabslitegsr i av teoen a cahg oerY ug:Sa r utoSt aity Sam,rt toT ir etff, . PuratoD7J vaii paanrtdha Te a nttoKr aa'l .i Krtser utymuakrtgsaay hat tr etasymarsmta im bhavah I . . . . , Dvapatruep uralJKoakltiigava�am saa mm�a.t a Sruitsth ide i vrienvee lIatitt sih oOeniJ .g iannatdlh hei ghseosutro cfde h artmhIJ.ae� ,·i s aroen lsye eanrndso atu thofot hrSesr uStiimsi.lta hrTela yn,tc ormafreso m e itthhe·er moutohfL orSdi voaGr o ddPeasr viantt hife o romfc onverbseattwiteohenen m . Agamaa ndt heN igama TheT rantarrvaees ro yft erne fetrora esAd g amaanNds� i amaAns A.g aimssa oc alled becaiuptsr eo ce(eadgsa cfrcomht ahmeto iut)Sh a mofb( hSui anvdga o)et sGo i r(iPjaar vati) beianpgp robvyeV.da sud(eVvia� a!lN u)i gaimssa oc al�lb eecauitse em anates (nirgafrcocmhm atotuhtoeihf ) G itroie jnatt ehre oefaGri r(iS(iavb ae)i�,np gp roved.by VasudTehvuaasT. a ntircsaa lalneA dg amwah eqruee stairpoeun btsyP irvataisd isciple ; anadn swteotr hse asrege i vbeySn i vaasp receapntadoN ri,g awhmeaPr ier vhaetrTsi eslf · thtee acThheMer a.ki t-irBehdaT-antirasan A mga ma. Contenotfst heT rantras TheT antarrseaom s a neyn cycloopfak endoiwalsew dhgiedc,eh a wlista hlm la ttferrosm thdeo ctorfit nhoeer iogfit nhw eo rtlodt hlea wwsh igcohv ekrinn agnstd h seo·c ieties whitchhke i nhgasv bee edni vianpeployi tnort ueldme e,d ictioon veesr cdoemceaa nyd deaatnhod t hsecri eingnce ense TrhaTel a.n dtersacsorf ti hbseeu premet hbceer ienagt,i on andde struocftt hiueon ni vecrlsaes,s iofifcc arteiaotanun rtdeh oser iangdiw no rsohfi p thgeo dtsh,he e avebnoldyid eisff,e wroernltad nshd e lmlasna, n wdo macna,k (rcae n)tsr e ofthheu man dbohdayra,/rm aam,aa nstd h sea crammeannttsy,ra an(,trmaa gdiica g'r ams onw hitcowh o rshviapr)if,oo ursom fss p irtirtauiajnlai pnvagr,,a w toars,eh xitpe arnnadl · intemrendailc,si cniee,an ncmdea nsyu cthh ings. Tantrdao enso ta dmidti ffereonfcc aes tcer,e ed-iistf ora lple ople. TheG autaTmafynaatp rtrale ym atrhkapste opolfae lc la stmeesno, rw omewnh,a tever thcea smea yb em,a yh avaec cetsots hT ea ntrriitcau namdla syb ei nitiinta htSeea dd hana oft hTea ntra. Siidhhaanista os w nh istaonridyt h avsa riweidtr ha caeQ cdr eeTdh.eH indhua s everyrtehgianrgd ingi1nt� haTeda hnatwnrhaai cohnt, h aicsc ouinsct a,lt lheSed5 dh(ma @

The Matrikabheda Tantra is a brief Kaula text which, however, contains some interesting threads alluded to in only a few other tantras. For example, there are clear references to alchemy, so linking this work to Indian texts of the Raseshvaras - Lords of the Rasa or the quintessence. It also clearly
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