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Matrix representation of the time operator Carl M. Bendera∗ and Mariagiovanna Gianfredab† aDepartment of Physics, Kings College London, Strand, London WC2R 1LS, UK‡ bDipartimento di Fisica, Universita` del Salento and I.N.F.N. Sezione di Lecce, Via Arnesano, I-73100 Lecce, Italy (Dated: January 19, 2012) In quantum mechanics the time operator Θ satisfies the commutation relation [Θ,H] = i, and thusitmaybethoughtofasbeingcanonicallyconjugatetotheHamiltonianH. Thetimeoperator associatedwithagivenHamiltonianH isnotuniquebecauseonecanreplaceΘbyΘ+Θ ,where hom Θ satisfies the homogeneous condition [Θ ,H]=0. To study this nonuniqueness the matrix hom hom elements of Θ for the harmonic-oscillator Hamiltonian are calculated in the eigenstate basis. This calculationrequiresthesummationofdivergentseries,andthesummationisaccomplishedbyusing zeta-summation techniques. It is shown that by including appropriate homogeneous contributions, the matrix elements of Θ simplify dramatically. However, it is still not clear whether there is an 2 optimally simple representation of the time operator. 1 0 PACSnumbers: 03.65.-w,03.65.Fd,11.30.-j,11.30.Er 2 n I. NONUNIQUENESS OF THE TIME For m,n ≥ 0 the operator T is defined as a totally a m,n J OPERATOR FOR THE QUANTUM HARMONIC symmetricaverageoverallpossibleorderingsofmfactors OSCILLATOR of p and n factors of q. For example, 8 1 T = 1, The time operator Θ in quantum mechanics satisfies 0,0 ] the commutation relation T1,0 = p, h -t [Θ,H]=i, (1) T1,1 = 12(pq+qp), p T = 1(pqq+qpq+qqp), 1,2 3 e where H is the Hamiltonian [1, 2]. Even though time is h not a dynamical variable, one may regard Θ as being a T2,2 = 61(ppqq+qqpp+pqqp+qppq+qpqp+pqpq), [ time operator because if one allows a normalized state andsoon. TheoperatorT isthequantum-mechanical m,n 1 |A(cid:105) at t = 0 to evolve to the state |B(cid:105) = e−iHt|A(cid:105) at generalization of the classical product pmqn. v time t, then as a consequence of (1), It is easy to evaluate commutators and anticommuta- 8 tors of the operators T . For example, as shown in 3 (cid:104)B|Θ|B(cid:105)−(cid:104)A|Θ|A(cid:105)=t. (2) m,n Ref. [4], the operators T obey simple commutation 8 m,n 3 It is not known how to solve (1) for the time operator and anticommutation relations: . 1 ΘforanarbitraryHamiltonianH. Evenforthecompar- [p,T ] = −inT , m,n m,n−1 0 atively simple case of the quantum-harmonic-oscillator 2 Hamiltonian [q,Tm,n] = imTm−1,n, 1 {p,T } = 2T , m,n m+1,n : H = 1p2+ 1q2 (3) v 2 2 {q,Tm,n} = 2Tm,n+1. (5) i X the calculation of Θ is difficult because it involves singu- Bycombininganditeratingtheresultsin(5),onecanes- r laroperatorssuchas1/pand1/q. Thetimeoperatorfor tablishadditionalusefulcommutationrelationsforT : a m,n thequantumharmonicoscillatorwasstudiedindetailat a formal level in Ref. [3]. The approach taken in [3] was (cid:2)p2,T (cid:3) = −2inT , m,n m+1,n−1 to express Θ as a series of the form (cid:2)q2,T (cid:3) = 2imT . (6) m,n m−1,n+1 (cid:88) Θ= am,nTm,n, (4) The totally symmetric operators Tm,n can be re- m,n expressed in Weyl-ordered form [4]: where am,n are numerical coefficients and Tm,n (for inte- 1 (cid:88)m (cid:18)m(cid:19) ger m and n) are a set of Hermitian basis operators. T = pkqnpm−k m,n 2m k k=0 n (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 (cid:88) n = qkpmqn−k, (7) 2n k ‡Permanentaddress: DepartmentofPhysics, WashingtonUniver- k=0 sity,St. Louis,MO63130,USA. ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] where m, n=0, 1, 2, 3, ···. The proof that Tm,n equals †Electronicaddress: [email protected] thebinomial-summationWeyl-orderedformsaboveisin- 2 ductiveandrequiresrepeateduseoftheHeisenbergalge- It is important to observe that the formal summation braicpropertythat[q,p]=i. Theadvantageofintroduc- in (12) produces a bounded operator even though the ing the Weyl-ordered form of T is that it allows one individual terms in the summation are unbounded op- m,n to extend the totally symmetric operators T either to erators. (The same effect can be seen in the expan- m,n negative values of n by using the first of these formulas sion eiq = (cid:80)∞ inqn/n!.) The fact that infinite sums n=0 or to negative values of m by using the second of these of ill-behaved objects can be well behaved will be used formulas. The commutation and anticommutation rela- throughout this paper. tions in (5) and (6) remain valid when m is negative or ObservethatiftheHamiltonianH issymmetricunder when n is negative. parity reflection [H,P] = 0, then as a consequence of InRef.[3]itwasshownthatfortheharmonic-oscillator (1) the time operator Θ will also be symmetric under Hamiltonian(3)thecommutationrelationsin(6)maybe parity reflection. Also, if H is symmetric under time used to obtain an exactly solvable recursion relation for reversal [H,T]=0, then Θ will be antisymmetric under the coefficients a in (4). The exact solution for Θ has T because the time-reversal operator changes the sign of m,n the series representation i. (Note that if H is non-Hermitian but PT symmetric, then Θ will be PT antisymmetric [7].) The Hamiltonian (cid:88)∞ (−1)k+1 for the quantum harmonic oscillator is both P and T Θ = T . (8) min 2k+1 2k+1,−2k−1 symmetric because under parity reflection p → −p and k=0 q → −q and under time reversal p → −p, q → q, and i → −i. Thus, the minimal solution in (8) and (12) In Ref. [3] the solution in (8) was called the minimal exhibits the expected P symmetry and T antisymmetry. solution because of its relative simplicity. The question addressed in this paper is similar to that WeemphasizeherethatΘ ismerelyaparticularso- min addressed in Ref. [5, 6] in which the uniqueness of the C lution to the inhomogeneous linear equation (1). To find operator in PT quantum theory was examined [7]. Be- other solutions to (1), we combine Θ with solutions min causethetime operatoris notunique, ourobjectivehere to the associated homogeneous equation is to determine whether there is a solution to (1) that is optimal in some sense. Our approach will be to calcu- [H,Θ ]=0. (9) hom late matrix elements of the time operator Θ and to ask The subscript emphasizes that Θhom is a solution to the whether there is a choice of homogeneous solution Θhom homogeneous equation (9). which, when added to Θmin, gives particularly simple re- In Ref. [3] it was noted that the solution to (1) is not sults. unique and it was claimed that any two operators satis- In Sec. II we construct series representations for the fyingthiscommutationrelationmustdifferbyafunction solutions to the homogeneous commutator equation (9). of the Hamiltonian H because this difference commutes TheninSec.IIIweshowhowtousezeta-functionregula- with H. (We will see in Sec. II that this claim was actu- tion to express matrix elements of the singular operators ally not correct.) in these series representations as polynomials. Next, in One can interpret (8) by going to the classical limit Sec. IV we discuss the detailed mathematical structure T →pmqn. In this limit the series (8) reduces to ofthepolynomialsobtainedinSec.III.Finally,inSec.V m,n we give some concluding remarks. In the Appendix we (cid:88)∞ (−1)k+1 p explain the details of the zeta-function regulation tech- Θclassical = 2k+1 p2k+1q−2k−1 =arctanq. (10) niques used in Sec. III. k=0 Evidently, Θ is conjugate to the harmonic- classical II. HOMOGENEOUS SOLUTIONS TO EQ. (1) oscillator Hamiltonian in the sense of classical action- FOR THE HARMONIC OSCILLATOR angle variables. One can also interpret (8) at the quantum level by In this section we show how to obtain homogeneous using the simple identity [5, 6] (nonminimal) solutions to the commutator equation (1) 1(cid:18) 1(cid:19)n 1(cid:18)1 (cid:19)n fortheharmonic-oscillatorHamiltonian(3). Wewillseek T = q + p . (11) solutions of the general form (4). These solutions can be −n,n 2 p 2 q expressed as a single (not a double) sum on the index k and can be labeled by an integer parameter γ. This formula allows us to sum the series in (8) at the operatorlevel(wheretheorderingofoperatorsiscrucial): Θ = (cid:88)∞ (−1)k+1 (cid:0)p2k+1q−2k−1+q−2k−1p2k+1(cid:1) A. Homogeneous solutions odd in p and odd in q min 4k+2 k=0 In this paper we are only interested in homogeneous (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 1 1 1 solutions that are odd in p and odd in q. The fact that = arctan p + arctan p . (12) 2 q 2 q H in(3)issymmetricunderspacereflectionimpliesthat 3 Θ cannot be odd in p and even in q, or even in p and for −∞<k <∞. Thus, odd in q. Furthermore, since H is symmetric under time reversal, Θ must be either real and odd in p and odd in q, or else imaginary and even in p and even in q. In √ πΓ(k−γ+1/2) the latter case, however, Θ will just turn out to be a a(γ) =(−1)ka(γ) , (15) function of H, and therefore the matrix elements of Θ in k 0 2Γ(1/2−γ)Γ(3/2+k) the harmonic-oscillator-eigenfunction basis will be diag- onal. The point of this paper is to use the homogeneous solutions to simplify the matrix elements of the time op- erator, and therefore even-even solutions will not be of where a(γ) is an arbitrary constant for each value of γ. 0 anyvalue. Thus,wefocushereonodd-oddhomogeneous solutions. Solutions having this symmetry property can The totally symmetric operators Tm,n that contribute be written in the general form to Θ(γ) are shown in Fig. 1 as dots. For each γ these hom dots lie on a diagonal line. The dots that contribute to ∞ Θ(hγo)m = (cid:88) a(kγ)T−2k+2γ−1,2k+1. (13) Θm(γi)n lie on a bold diagonal line. k=−∞ To evaluate the sum in (13) for positive integers γ, we Substituting (13) into (9) gives the recursion relation first use the symmetry property a(γ) =a(γ) to split k −k−1+γ thesumintotwosums. Then,weusetheanticommutator (2k+1−2γ)a(γ)+(2k+3)a(γ) =0 (14) relations in (5) to obtain k k+1 ∞ Θ(γ) = 1 (cid:88)a(γ)(cid:104){q,...{q,{q,T }}...} hom 4γ k 2k+1,−2k−1 (2γ) times k=0 γ−1 +{p,...{p,{p,T }}...} (cid:105)+(cid:88)a(γ)T . (16) −2k−1,2k+1 (2γ) times k 2k+1,−2k−1+2γ k=0 Finally,weusetheidentity(11)tosimplifythetotallysymmetricoperatorsoftheformT . (Thisidentityisvalid −m,m for both positive- and negative-integer m.) This gives the result Θ(γ) = 1 (cid:88)∞ a(γ)(cid:40)q,...(cid:40)q,(cid:40)q,(cid:18)p1(cid:19)2k+1+(cid:18)1p(cid:19)2k+1(cid:41)(cid:41)...(cid:41) hom 22γ+1 k q q k=0 (2γ) times +(cid:40)p,...(cid:40)p,(cid:40)p,(cid:18)p1q(cid:19)2k+1+(cid:18)qp1(cid:19)2k+1(cid:41)(cid:41)...(cid:41) +γ(cid:88)−1a(kγ)T2k+1,−2k−1+2γ, (17) (2γ) times k=0 which we emphasize is only valid for positive-integer γ. and then we proceed as above. Itispossibletosumeachofthefourinfiniteseriesin(17) It is easy to see that Θ(γ) is not a function of H only. in terms of a hypergeometric function hom This is because the operator Θ(γ) changes sign under hom (cid:88)∞ x2ka(γ) =a(γ) F (cid:18)1 −γ,1,3,−x2(cid:19), (18) time reversal T while H does not change sign. Further- k 0 2 1 2 2 more, if Θ(γ) were a function of H only, then its ma- hom k=0 trix elements in the harmonic-oscillator-eigenstate basis butthereisnosimplewaytosumthefiniteseriesin(17). wouldbediagonal. WewillseeinSec.IIIthatthematrix The coefficients in (15) are also valid for negative- elements are not diagonal. integerγ,butnowbecauseγ isnegative,weusethecom- mutator relations in (5) (instead of the anticommutator relations) to obtain the general formula B. Homogeneous solutions odd in p and even in q (−1)γ(m−1)! T = −m−2γ,m (m+2γ−1)! In this paper we are only interested in homogeneous ×[...[[T−m,m,q],q]...,q](2γ) times, (19) solutions that are odd in both p and q, but we point out 4 thattherearealsosolutionsto(9)havingothersymmetry properties. For example, solutions that are odd in p and even in q have the general form Θ(γ) =(cid:88)a(γ)T , (20) hom k 2γ+1−2k,2k k where the parameter γ =0,±1,±2,... . Substituting(20)into(9),weobtainthefollowingtwo- term recursion relation for the coefficients a(γ): k a(γ) (k+1)−(γ−k+1/2)a(γ) =0 (k =0,1,2,...). (21) k+1 k Unlike the recursion relation (14), this recursion relation is self-terminating; that is, if we choose a(γ) = 0, then −1 a(γ) = 0 for k < 0, a(γ) is arbitrary, and a(γ) (cid:54)= 0 for k 0 k k > 0. In terms of a(γ) the solution to this recursion 0 relation is Γ(k−γ−1/2) a(γ) =a(γ)(−1)k (k =0,1,2,...). k 0 k!Γ(−γ−1/2) (22) FIG. 1: Schematic representation indicating the totally sym- The series (20) with coefficients (22) can be summed metric operators T that contribute to the sum in (8) for m,n as a binomial expansion: Θ andtothesumin(13)forΘ(γ) . Eachnonzerotermin min hom these sums is indicated by a dot. For each value of γ these ∞ dots lie on diagonal lines. The dots associated with Θmin lie (cid:88)a(γ)x2k =a(γ)(cid:0)1+x2(cid:1)γ+1/2. (23) k 0 on a bold diagonal line. k=0 Thus, for γ ≥ 0 the odd-even one-parameter family of solutions to the homogeneous equation (9) is a(γ) (cid:40) (cid:40)(cid:40)(cid:18) 1 1(cid:19)γ+1/2 (cid:18) 1 1 (cid:19)γ+1/2 (cid:41) (cid:41) (cid:41) Θ(γ) = 0 ... 1+q q + 1+ q q ,p ,p ...,p . (24) hom 22γ+2 p p p p (2γ+1) times For example, for γ =0 (cid:18)(cid:114) (cid:114) (cid:114) (cid:114) (cid:19) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Θ(0) = a(0) 1+q q p+p 1+q q + 1+ q qp+p 1+ q q . (25) hom 4 0 p p p p p p p p For γ <0 the result is similar, but it involves commuta- commute, (25) simplifies to tors. For γ =−1, we get √ Θ(0) =a(0)sgn(p) 2H. (27) hom 0 Thesolutionsin(24)–(27)aresolutionstothecommu- Θ(−1) = a(0−1) (cid:20)p,arcsinh(cid:18)q1(cid:19)+arcsinh(cid:18)1q(cid:19)(cid:21). tator equation (9), but they are physically unacceptable hom 2i p p becausetheyviolatetime-reversalsymmetry. Thus,they (26) must be rejected. However, the homogeneous solutions in(13),whosenumericalcoefficientsaregivenin(15),are We can see again from (24)–(26) that, as we stated in physicallyacceptablebecausetheyexhibitthecorrectbe- Sec. I, while Θ(hγo)m commutes with the Hamiltonian H in havior under time and space reflection. This raises the (3),itisnotafunctionofH. Weverifythisbyobserving question of which solution for the time operator Θ is op- that Θ(γ) is odd under parity reflection P while H is timal and in what sense it is optimal. We address this hom even. Moreover, in the classical limit, where p and q issue in the next section. 5 III. MATRIX ELEMENTS OF THE TIME The only nonzero matrix elements of Θ are min OPERATOR (cid:104)2n−2j|Θ |2n(cid:105) min We showed in Sec. II that there are many possible i (cid:88)∞ 1 (cid:18)1 (cid:19)2k+1 =− (cid:104)2n−2j| ∂ |2n(cid:105), choices for the time operator Θ because there are an in- 2 2k+1 q q k=0 finite number of one-parameter families of homogeneous (cid:104)2n−2j−1|Θ |2n−1(cid:105) solutionsto(9). Onecriterionfordecidingontheoptimal min choiceforthetimeoperator(ifthereisanoptimalchoice) i (cid:88)∞ 1 (cid:18) 1(cid:19)2k+1 =− (cid:104)2n−2j−1| ∂ |2n−1(cid:105), is mathematical simplicity. To investigate this criterion, 2 2k+1 qq in this section we calculate the matrix elements of the k=0 timeoperatorinabasisconsistingofharmonic-oscillator (cid:104)2n|Θmin|2n−2j(cid:105)=−(cid:104)2n−2j|Θmin|2n(cid:105), eigenfunctions. We begin by calculating the matrix ele- (cid:104)2n−1|Θ |2n−2j−1(cid:105) min mentsoftheminimalsolution(8). Then,weaskwhether =−(cid:104)2n−2j−1|Θ |2n−1(cid:105), (30) min these matrix elements simplify when combined with ho- mogeneous solutions of the type in (13). where j = 1,2,3... and n ≥ j. Note that the diago- In coordinate space the nth normalized eigenfunction nal matrix elements vanish: (cid:104)m|Θmin|m(cid:105) = 0. In Fig. 2 of the harmonic oscillator is the nonzero matrix elements are shown as dots and the vanishing matrix elements are shown as zeros. 1 ψ (q)= √ e−q2/2H (q). (28) The calculation of the matrix elements in (30) is n n π1/4 2nn! lengthy, and we have relegated the discussion to the Ap- If we try to calculate the matrix elements of Θ or pendix. Here, we merely report the results of the calcu- min Θ in this basis, we run into difficulties because each lation. All the even-even and odd-odd matrix elements hom term in the series representation for these operators is of the minimal solution (8) can be expressed compactly singular(becausepowersof1/por1/qappear.) However, as in this section we propose a method for circumventing (cid:104)2n−2j|Θ |2n(cid:105) = i(−1)j2j/2−1(j−1)! these difficulties and thus for obtaining a finite result for min (cid:115) the matrix elements. Specifically, we argue that while n!(2n−2j−1)!! × F(j), individual terms in the series representation for the time (n−j)!(2n−1)!! operator are singular, the sum of the series is a bounded operator [see, for example, (12)]. We then show that the (cid:104)2n+1−2j|Θmin|2n+1(cid:105) = i(−1)j+12j/2−1(j−1)! (m,n)matrixelementofagivensingularoperatorinthe (cid:115) n!(2n−2j+1)!! sum can be made finite depending on the evenness or × F(j), (31) (n−j)!(2n+1)!! oddness of m and n and also depending on whether the singularoperatoristakentoacttotheleftortotheright. where (cid:88)j 2ρ F(j)= Z(ρ), (32) A. Matrix representation of the minimal solution Γ(ρ)Γ(1−ρ+j) ρ=1 To calculate the (m,n) matrix element of Θ , we min mustcalculatethematrixelementofeachindividualterm Z(ρ)= δρ,1 −(cid:88)ρ Sρ1,i (cid:98)i/(cid:88)2+1(cid:99)(cid:18) i−1 (cid:19) 22r−2B2r, (33) T intheseries(8). Theparityofthisoperator 2k+1,−2k−1 2 ρ! 2r−1 r is even, so only the nonzero matrix elements correspond i=1 r=1 to values of m and n that are both odd or both even. B areBernoullinumbers,andS1 areStirlingnumbers 2r ρ,i Referring to (11), we can see that in coordinate space ofthefirstkind. TableIgivesthefirsteightvaluesofthe the (m,n) matrix element of T2k+1,−2k−1 has the form functions Z(ρ) and F(j). The explicit values of some matrix elements are then 1 (cid:90) ∞ (cid:18)1 (cid:19)2k+1 (−i)2k+1 dqψ (q) ∂ ψ (q) (cid:115) 2 m q q n i 2n −∞ (cid:104)2n−1|Θ |2n+1(cid:105) = , 1 (cid:90) ∞ (cid:18) 1(cid:19)2k+1 min 2 (2n+1) + (−i)2k+1 ψ (q) ∂ ψ (q). (29) 2 m qq n (cid:115) −∞ i 2n (cid:104)2n−2|Θ |2n(cid:105) = − , Note that the first integral exists if n is even and the min 2 (2n−1) second integral exists if n is odd. When n is even, we (cid:115) reinterpretthedifferentialoperatorinthesecondintegral 2i n(n−1) (cid:104)2n−3|Θ |2n+1(cid:105) = − , asoperatingtotheleft,andwhennisoddwereinterpret min 3 (2n+1)(2n−1) the differential operator in the first integral as operating (cid:115) totheleft. (Notethatwhentheoperatoractstotheleft, 2i n(n−1) (cid:104)2n−4|Θ |2n(cid:105) = , there is an additional minus sign because 2k+1 is odd.) min 3 (2n−1)(2n−3) 6 B. Matrix representations of the homogeneous solutions The question is whether we can simplify the result in (31) by including the homogeneous solutions in (13). Let us first examine the contribution from the homoge- neous solution corresponding to γ =0. We find that the nonzeromatrixelementsforΘ(0) lieonalternatingdiag- hom onals in Fig. 2; that is, the matrix elements are nonzero on the first dotted diagonals immediately above and im- mediately below the main diagonal. On the next dotted diagonals immediately above and below these dotted di- agonals, the matrix elements vanish; on the next dotted diagonals immediately above and below these dotted di- agonals, the matrix elements do not vanish; and so on. Specifically, we find that FIG.2: Schematicviewofthematrixelementsoftheminimal time operator Θ . The nonvanishing matrix elements are (cid:104)n−4j+2|Θ(0) |n(cid:105)=−2a(0)(cid:104)n−4j+2|Θ |n(cid:105) (34) min hom 0 min shown as dots. j F(j) ρ Z(ρ) for j = 1,2,3,... and n ≥ 4j −2. On the diagonals on 1 1 1 1/2 which the matrix elements of Θ(0) do not vanish, each 2 2/3 2 -1/12 hom matrix element is a multiple of the matrix elements of 3 5/18 3 1/36 Θ . Hence, we can choose a(0) =1/2 in (15) and can- 4 11/135 4 -1/90 min 0 cel half of the nonzero matrix elements of Θ . Thus, min 5 101/5400 5 1/200 including this homogeneous solution causes a dramatic 6 593/170100 6 -113/45360 simplification of the matrix elements of the time opera- 7 2623/4762800 7 29/21168 tor! 8 383/5103000 8 -47/56700 Next, we consider the matrix elements of Θ(γ) for hom TABLEI:FirsteightvaluesofthefunctionsF(j)in(32)and γ ≥ 1. Here are some useful properties of the matrix Z(ρ) in (33). representation of the operators T : m,n (cid:104)n−4j|T |n(cid:105) = −(cid:104)n−4j|T |n(cid:105), m,k k,m (cid:104)2n−5|Θ |2n+1(cid:105) = min (cid:104)n−4j|T |n(cid:105) = 0, (35) (cid:115) k,k 5i 2n(n−1)(n−2) , 9 (2n+1)(2n−1)(2n−3) (cid:104)2n−6|Θ |2n(cid:105) = min for n ≥ 4j and for k,m ≥ 1. For fixed γ, only the (cid:115) columnswithj ≤(cid:98)γ+1(cid:99)arenotempty. Thismeansthat 5i 2n(n−1)(n−2) 2 −9 (2n−1)(2n−3)(2n−5), the nonzero matrix elements of the operators Θ(γ) for hom γ =1 and γ =2 lie on just two diagonals above and two (cid:104)2n−7|Θ |2n+1(cid:105) = min diagonals below the main diagonal; the nonzero matrix (cid:115) 44i n(n−1)(n−2)(n−3) elementsforγ =3andγ =4lieontwoandsixdiagonals − , above and below the main diagonal; the nonzero matrix 45 (2n+1)(2n−1)(2n−3)(2n−5) elements for γ = 5 and γ = 6 lie on two, six, and ten (cid:104)2n−8|Θmin|2n(cid:105) = diagonalsaboveandbelowthemaindiagonal; andsoon. (cid:115) (The diagonals containing nonzero matrix elements are 44i n(n−1)(n−2)(n−3) . indicated in Fig. 3 by dots.) To summarize, 45 (2n−1)(2n−3)(2n−5)(2n−7) 7 FIG.3: SchematicrepresentationofthematrixelementsforhomogeneoussolutionsΘγ forγ =1,2,...,6. Thedotsindicate hom thenonzeromatrixelements. Forγ =1andγ =2thereareonlytwodiagonalswherethematrixelementsarenonzero. When γ =3,4 there are four diagonals of nonzero matrix elements, when γ =5,6 there are six diagonals, and so on. 2j+σ−2 (cid:104)n−4j+2|Θ(2j+σ−1)|n(cid:105)= (cid:88) a(2j+σ−1)(cid:104)n−4j+2|T |n(cid:105), (36) hom k 2k+1,2(2j+σ−k−1)−1 k=0 where we have substituted γ =2j+σ−1 with σ =0,1,2,.... The coefficients a(γ) are given in (15). k The matrix elements of the operators T are associated with interesting classes of orthogonal polynomials. In m,n (cid:110) (cid:111) particular, we are now interested in the case m,n odd. The jth class of orthogonal polynomials P(j)(n) is k k=0,1... defined by the equation (cid:115) n! (cid:104)n−2j|T |n(cid:105)=−i C(j)P(j) (n) (k,(cid:96)≥0, j ≥1, n≥2j) (37) 2k+1,2(cid:96)+1 (n−2j)! (cid:96),k (cid:96)+k−j+1 where (−1)kj((cid:96)+k)!(2k+2)!(2(cid:96)+2)! C(j) = . (38) (cid:96),k 2(cid:96)+k+2((cid:96)+1)!((cid:96)+k+j+1)!((cid:96)+k−j+1)!(k+1)! The polynomials P(j)(n) (j =1, 2, ...) have degree k and argument n and are discussed in detail in the next section. k Substituting (37) with j → 2j −1 and (cid:96) = 2j +σ −k −2 into (36), we obtain the following expression for the nonvanishing diagonals of elements in the matrix representation of the homogeneous solutions Θ(γ) : hom (cid:115) (2j−1)(2σ+4j−2)! n! (cid:104)n−4j+2|Θ(2j−1+σ)|n(cid:105)=−ia(σ+2j−1) P(2j−1)(n), (39) hom 0 22j+σ−1(σ+4j−2)!σ! (n−4j+2)! σ where j =1,2,3,..., n≥4j−2, and σ =0,1,2,.... IV. POLYNOMIAL REPRESENTATIONS OF where P(j)(x)=1. The generating function 0 THE HOMOGENEOUS SOLUTIONS G(j)(t)=(cid:88)∞ tkP(j)(x) (41) k! k In this section we describe the properties of the poly- k=0 nomials in(37). Thepolynomials Pk(j)(x) are orthogonal for these polynomials is and satisfy the three-term recursion relation (2+t)x−2j 1 G(j)(t)=22j+1 . (42) P(j) (x) = (2x−2j+1)P(j)(x) (2−t)x+1 k+1 2 k k From this generating function we identify these polyno- +4(k+2j)Pk(j−)1(x), (40) mials as Meixner polynomials of the first kind [9, 10], 8 whosedefinitionandpropertiesareelucidatedinthenext for r (cid:54)=s. We use the notation subsection. In this paper j ∈ N+, but if we set j = 0, we obtain the Hahn polynomials that were studied in (cid:90) ∞ µ(j) = dyw(j)(y)y2k, (49) Ref. [11]. k −∞ ThepolynomialsP(j)(x)donothaveparity. However, k if we shift the argument by x = iy + (2j − 1)/2 and torepresentthemomentsoftheweightfunctionsw(j)(y). defineQ(j)(y)=(−i)kP(j)[iy+(2j−1)/2], thenthenew These moments are closely related to the Euler numbers k k polynomials do have parity. Below we give the first six En. In particular, for the case j =0 (see Ref. [6]) polynomials Q(j)(y) for j =1 through j =5: k µ(0) =|E |4−k. (50) Q(1)(y) = 1, Q(1)(y) = y, k 2k 0 1 Q(1)(y) = y2− 3, Q(1)(y) = y3− 11y, InTableIIwelistthevaluesofthemomentsforj ranging 2 4 3 4 from 1 through 6 and for k ranging from 0 through 6. Q(1)(y) = y4− 13y2+ 45, The moments defined in (49) and displayed in Table 4 2 16 II have some remarkable mathematical properties. To 25 309 list these properties we first express these moments as Q(1)(y) = x5− y3+ , (43) 5 2 16 polynomials R (j) = 4kµ(j)/(2j +1) of degree k in the k k argument j. The first six of these polynomials are Q(2)(y) = 1, Q(2)(y) = y, 0 1 R (j) = 1, 5 17 1 Q(2)(y) = y2− , Q(2)(y) = y3− y, R (j) = 6j+5, 2 4 3 4 2 Q(2)(y) = y4− 19y2+ 105, R3(j) = 60j2+120j+61, 4 2 16 R (j) = 840j3+2940j2+3486j+1385, 4 Q(2)(y) = y5− 35y3+ 649y, (44) R5(j) = 15120j4+80640j3+163800j2 5 2 16 +148800j+50512, R (j) = 332640j5+2494800j4+7595280j3 Q(3)(y) = 1, Q(3)(y) = y, 6 0 1 +11641080j2+8910726j+2702765. (51) 7 23 Q(3)(y) = y2− , Q(3)(y) = y3− y, 2 4 3 4 We then observe that these new polynomials resemble 25 189 Q(3)(y) = y4− y2+ , the Bernoulli polynomials and the Euler polynomials in 4 2 16 thatwerecovertheBernoullinumbersB andtheEuler 2k 45 1109 Q(3)(y) = y5− y3+ y, (45) numbersE2kwhenweevaluatethepolynomialsatspecial 5 2 16 values of j. As we saw in (50), we obtain the Euler number |E | when we evaluate R (j) at j =0: 2k k Q(4)(y) = 1, Q(4)(y) = y, 0 1 R (0)=|E |. (52) 9 29 k 2k Q(4)(y) = y2− , Q(4)(y) = y3− y, 2 4 3 4 We obtain the Bernoulli numbers when we evaluate 31 297 Q(44)(y) = y4− 2 y2+ 16 , Rk(j) at j =−1/2: 55 1689 Q(54)(y) = y5− 2 y3+ 16 y, (46) Rk(−1/2)= |B22kk|(cid:0)4k−1(cid:1)4k. (53) Q(5)(y) = 1, Q(5)(y) = y, There are many other values of j for which the polyno- 0 1 mials R (j) give simple results: 11 35 k Q(5)(y) = y2− , Q(5)(y) = y3− y, 2 4 3 4 R (−3/2) = (−4)k−1, 37 429 k Q(5)(y) = y4− y2+ , R (−1) = (−1)k−1, 4 2 16 k Q(55)(y) = y5− 625y3+ 213689y, (47) Rk(1/2) = |Bk2+k+12|(cid:0)4k+1−1(cid:1)4k, The polynomials Q(j)(y) are orthogonal on (−∞,∞) Rk(−5/2) = (−1)k−122k−3(cid:0)22k−2+1(cid:1), k withrespecttoaneven,positive-weightfunctionw(j)(y): R (−2) = (−1)k+1 (cid:0)32k−1+1(cid:1). (54) (cid:90) ∞ k 4 dyw(j)(y)Q(j)(y)Q(j)(y)=0 (48) r s −∞ 9 k 4kµ(1) 4kµ(2) 4kµ(3) 4kµ(4) 4kµ(5) 4kµ(6) k k k k k k 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 2 33 85 161 261 385 533 3 723 2705 6727 13509 23771 38233 4 25953 134185 426881 1045161 2170465 4024553 5 1376643 9451805 37611847 110683809 268614731 570100453 6 101031873 892060285 4355312801 15209937261 42750877345 103164046973 TABLE II: Numerical values of the moments µ(j) defined in k (49). A. Connection between P(j)(x) and andareconnectedwiththeMeixner-Pollaczekpolynomi- k Meixner/Meixner-Pollaczek polynomials. als Pλ(x;φ) [12] k The polynomials P(j)(x) defined in (37) satisfy the Q(kj)(x)=2−kk!Pk(j+1/2)(x; π/2). (61) k three-term recursion (40) and are related to the Meixner The Meixner-Pollaczek polynomials are defined as polynomials: Pk(j)(x)=2−kMk(x−2j, 2j+1, −1), (55) Pk(x,φ)≡ Γ(2Γλ(2+λk))ke!ikφ2F1(cid:0)−k,ix+λ;2λ;1−e−2iφ(cid:1). (62) wheretheMeixnerpolynomialsM (x,b,c)belongtothe n For0<φ<πandλ>0,P (x,φ)arecontinuousorthog- k classical orthogonal polynomials of a discrete variable onalpolynomialsonthereallinewithrespecttoacontin- andmaybedefinedintermsofhypergeometricfunctions: uous positive real measure given by the weight function Mn(x,b,c)= Γ(Γb(+b)k)2F1(cid:0)−k,−x;b;1−c−1(cid:1). (56) w(x)= 21π (2sinφ)2λ|Γ(λ+ix)|2ex(2φ−π). (63) For real values of the parameters b > 0 and 0 < c < 1 TheMeixner-PollaczekpolynomialsPλ(x)areanalytic k theysatisfyadiscreteorthogonalityrelationwithweight continuations of the Meixner polynomials Mn(x,b,c) in function the parameter c [13]. The connection is given by Γ(b+x)cx Pλ(x)=e−ikφM (ix−λ, 2λ, e−2iφ)/k!, (64) w(x)= , (57) k k Γ(b)x! which is like the relation between Q(j)(x) and P(j)(x). k k whose moments are µ˜(b,c) = (cid:88)∞ Γ(b+n)cnnk. (58) B. Evaluation of moments associated with Q(kj)(x) k Γ(b)n! n=0 Equations(61)and(64)showtherelationshipbetween The problem with evaluating the moments associated Q(j)(x) and M (x): with the polynomials P(j)(x), that is, the moments of k k k the Meixner polynomials with c = −1, can be solved by Q(j)(x)=(−i)k2−kM (ix−j−1/2, 2j+1, −1). (65) performingazeta-functionregularizationofthedivergent k k series in (58): Moments of the polynomials Q(j)(x) can be evaluated in k twoways. Onewayistouse(64)toexpressthemoments µ˜(b,−1) = lim(cid:88)∞ (−1)nΓ(b+n)nk+s (k (cid:54)=0). (59) µ(j) associated with the polynomials Q(j)(x) in terms k s→0 Γ(b)n! ofkthe regularized moments in (59) assockiated with the n=1 Meixner polynomials The polynomials Q(j)(x) are defined as k k (cid:18) (cid:19) µ(j) = (−i)k(cid:88) k (j+1/2)α Q(j)(x)≡(−i)kP(j)[ix+(2j−1)/2], (60) k α k k α=0 whicharelistedin(43)-(47),satisfythethree-termrecur- (cid:88)∞ (−1)nΓ(2j+n+1) × nk−α. (66) sion relation Q(j) (x) = xQ(j)(x)− k(k+2j)Q(j) (x), n!Γ(2j+1) k+1 k 4 k−1 n=0 10 For (2j +1) > 0 we can express the gamma function and then the zeta regularization (59) gives in (66) as a sum of powers of n, 2j β (cid:18) (cid:19) Γ(2j+1+n) = (cid:88)(−1)2j+βS(β)(cid:88) β nσ, (67) n! 2j σ β=0 σ=0 µ(j) = (−1)k{(j+1/2)2k+ 22j+1 2(cid:88)k−1(cid:18)2k(cid:19) (j+1/2)α k Γ(2j+1) α α=0 2j β (cid:18) (cid:19) ×(cid:88)(−1)2j+βS1 (cid:88) β (cid:0)22k+σ−α+1−1(cid:1)ζ(−2k+α−σ)}. (68) 2j,β σ β=0 σ=0 Equation (68) reproduces the particular values of the form xP (x)=P (x)+a P (x)+b P (x) with n n+1 n n n n−1 Rk(j) = 4kµ(kj)/(2j +1) given in this paper for j = 0 an,bn ∈ R and bn > 0, then there exists a positive and j = 1/2. The special case R (−1/2) is obtained by measure respect to which the polynomials are orthog- k firstdividing(68)by(2j+2)(2j+1)andthensubstitut- onal on R. In our case, because the recursion relation ing the value j =−1/2 in the result (53). for the polynomials Q(j)(x) is xQ(j)(x) = Q(j) (x) + n n n+1 For(2j+1)<0theseriesovernin(66)becomesfinite n(n+2j)Q(j) (x), they are orthogonal with respect to n−1 and regularization is not necessary. The result is a positive measure for j ≥ −1/2, in agreement with the results in (52) – (54). In Ref. [16] an extension of the 2k (cid:18) (cid:19) µ(j) = (−1)k22j+1(cid:88) 2k (j+1/2)α Meixner-Pollaczek polynomials for λ ≤ 0 is studied and k α a nonstandard inner product is defined with respect to α=0 which they are orthogonal. −(cid:88)2j−1 n2k−α ×Γ(−2j) , (69) Γ(−2j−n)n! n=0 V. CONCLUSIONS which gives the same values for R (−1), R (−5/2) de- n n rived earlier in this paper. In this paper we have investigated the question of The other way is to evaluate the moments of the poly- whether the minimal solution for the time operator can nomials Q(j)(x) using their relation with the Meixner- k be significantly simplified by adding homogeneous solu- Pollaczek polynomials (61). Using the result [14] tions. To answer this question we had to make sense of and evaluate infinite sums of singular operators, and to (cid:90) ∞ dxe−(π−2φ)x|Γ(ix+a)|2 =πΓ(2a)(2sinφ)−2a, do this we calculated matrix elements of these sums and −∞ then used zeta summation to sum the series. The ma- (70) trix elements give rise to remarkable Meixner polynomi- differentiating the above formula n times, and dividing als having interesting mathematical properties in which both sides by 2n, we have Euler and Bernoulli numbers repeatedly appear. (cid:90) ∞ Our principal conclusion is that the matrix elements dxxne−(π−2φ)x|Γ(ix+a)|2 of the minimal solution (cid:104)n−2j|Θ |n(cid:105) for j = 1,2... min −∞ and n≥2j cannot all be canceled by adding one or more =2−nπΓ(2a) dn (2sinφ)−2a. (71) homogeneous solutions Θh(γo)m for γ = 0,1,2,... to the dφn minimal solution. Specifically, for the minimal solution thematrixelements(cid:104)n−4j+2|Θ |n(cid:105)forj =1,2...and min From (71) with φ=π/2 and a=j+1/2 and using (61) n≥4j−2 can be canceled by adding to Θ the homo- min and (63) we obtain the moments of Q(kj)(x): geneous solution Θ(0) with the choice of the parameter hom µ2n =2−2n−1ddφnn(2sinφ)−2j−1(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)φ=π/2. (72) afo(0r0)γ=≥1/12.caHnnoowtevcearn,cethlealhlotmheogmenaetoriuxsesloelmuteinotnssoΘf(htγoh)me minimal solution (cid:104)n−4j+2|Θ |n(cid:105) for j =1,2... and min This result is equivalent to (68) and (69). n≥4j−2. Favard’stheorem[15]statesthatifasequenceofmonic To elaborate, we have shown that for a finite value of polynomials satisfies a three-term recursion relation of γ, the number of nonzero columns of the operator Θ(γ) hom

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