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Pergamon Unified Engineering Series II GENERAL EDITORS Thomas F. Irvine, Jr. State University of New York at Stony Brook James P. Hartnett University of Illinois at Chicago Circle EDITORS William F. Hughes Carnegie-Mellon University Arthur T. Murphy Widener College Daniel Rosenthal University of California, Los Angeles SECTIONS Continuous Media Section Engineering Design Section Engineering Systems Section Humanities and Social Sciences Section Information Dynamics Section Materials Engineering Section Engineering Laboratory Section The Stability of Elastic Systems S. J. Britvec University of Stuttgart Pergamon Press Inc. New York · Toronto · Oxford · Sydney · Braunschweig PERGAMON PRESS INC. Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, N.Y. 10523 PERGAMON OF CANADA LTD. 207 Queen's Quay West, Toronto 117, Ontario PERGAMON PRESS LTD. Headington Hill Hall, Oxford PERGAMON PRESS (AUST.) PTY. LTD. Rushcutters Bay, Sydney, N.S.W. VIEWEG & SOHN GmbH Burgplatz 1, Braunschweig Copyright © 1973, Pergamon Press Inc. Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 77-173825 All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or other­ wise, without prior permission of Pergamon Press Inc. Printed in the United States of America 08 016859 0 Oportet ilium crescere, nos autem minui. Preface The place of stability theory in modern elastomechanics has gained prominence in the last two or three decades. Demands in the analysis and the design of light and highly stiff metal structures of many types capable of relatively high load- carrying capacities have been indirectly responsible for considerable advances in the theoretical knowledge in this area. Many contributions in this field have been recorded in the last ten years throughout the scientific and technical literature, but no unified approach has brought many of these results together. The purpose of this work is to present to the student and the practicing engineer in one volume some of the most important aspects of the stability and the non-linear behavior at finite deformations of several types of structural elastic systems, which are important for a more precise understanding of the statical performance of such systems. The purpose is also to complete parts of classical (eigenvalue) theories of buckling and to demonstrate the important role played by finite deformations in the theoretical analyses of stability. Some of the material in this work is derived from the author's original research and some from his lectures delivered on this subject at several universities, prin­ cipally while he was teaching at Cornell, Harvard and the University of Pittsburgh. The unstable and stable non-linear statical forms of symmetrical and non-sym­ metrical elastic systems, discussed in the subsequent chapters, were discovered by the author at Cambridge University in England in the late 1950's. His work was carried on by several other investigators, and the author wishes to use this opportunity to acknowledge their contributions. These are referenced later in this book. The writer has endeavored to present the material in a sequence helpful to the reader unfamiliar with the more recent developments in this field, as well as to include the topics that may be of interest to research workers in the future. The emphasis in the book is on the basic principles which are illustrated in a variety of applications. Experimental verification of the theory has been included wherever this appeared to be desirable or even necessary. The author is indebted to Professor W. Zerna for reading the whole manu­ script and for making valuable suggestions particularly in regard to its final xi xii Preface format. He wishes to thank his graduate students Mr. Ming T. Yu and Mr. Donald A. Hoecker for checking problems and exercises in the text. Further, he would like to thank Professor A. H. Chilver for a discussion of a recent investigation into the imperfection-sensitivity of some structural systems described in Sections 1-11 and 1-12 in Chapter 1. Finally, sincere thanks are due to Professor W. F. Hughes for his continued interest in this work and for several helpful suggestions during its preparation. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania S. J. BRITVEC Introduction Analysis and efficient design of many practical light, metal elastic structures are sensitive to the precise relationship between the external loads and the states of deformation, particularly when this relationship becomes non-linear. Then large distortions may be accompanied by small changes in the external loads, while the material deforms according to Hooke's law. Systems which most commonly exhibit this property are two- and three-dimensional light structures, such as light trusses, frameworks, reticulated shells, geodesic and triodetic domes, etc. This type of behavior becomes apparent particularly when the members are slender and when the axial loads in the members are high or critical. Non-linearities in the form of paths of equilibrium states resulting from finite geometrical changes would not be of material importance to the analyst and designer, in order that his design may be safe, if a possibility of sudden motion from rest did not exist in these equilibrium states. This concerns therefore, the change of a physical state in a conservative static system (the structure and the loading it supports) when in a critical range of static loading the system may be set into motion by a small disturbance. To detect the unstable equilibrium states and to prevent this motion, or an onset of large distortions, yïm te deformations of the whole structure must be con­ sidered in the analysis. The designer is therefore, faced with the problem: to establish the actual critical state of the system and to ascertain if collapse by motion is imminent. This requirement is essential in order that the system may be safe and of practical use. Unfortunately, it is not possible to give a simple or unique criterion for the onset of unstable motion for all categories of practical structures, because the criteria differ from system to system, depending on geometrical, material and other properties. It stands to reason to expect the systems which are so sensitive to minute geometrical changes to be also sensitive to small initial geometrical imperfections, and that these could radically alter the equilibrium configurations of a structure. This, indeed, is confirmed later in this work. Such considerations become of XIII xiv Introduction practical significance particularly in the design of slender space frameworks and light but highly stiff reticulated shells. A remarkable feature of many non-linear systems is that initially their deformations depend linearly on the external loading. Sometimes the stiffness of the structure is so high that initial deformations play a completely secondary part. Most conventional analyses, in fact are based on an assumed linear relationship and those which are, do not usually yield reliable solutions for statically unstable structures. Recently, elastic systems composed of discrete elements of one kind or another such as geodesic domes, reticulated shells, etc. have gained in import­ ance. Their usefulness and economy in covering large areas, withstanding high underwater pressures, or enclosing large volumes is well established. High demands therefore, are placed on the accurate performance and reliability of various shell-type structures composed of discrete elements. This requires a correct understanding of the fundamental behavior of elastic systems at critical deformations. Many systems of this kind have been developed and built by empirical or semi-empirical methods, but so far, a synthesis of the fundamental aspects in this behavior is lacking. Independently, theoretical knowledge of the statical response in non-linear elastic structures has progressed considerably in the last twenty years and useful results have been obtained capable of imparting a more precise under­ standing of elastic instability. It is important to remember that instability results from a change of physical states and that usually motion is the cause of failure and not the material breakdown from a state of equilibrium. This breakdown may occur subsequently in the motion or at large deformations which sometimes occur in stable equilibrium states. In this work some of the basic characteristics of the non-linear behavior of elastic systems under static (or nearly static) loading are described, although a detailed analysis of the more complex three-dimensional structures or reticulated shells is outside the present scope. Also, only flexural post-buckling of single members and whole systems under finite post-critical deformations is considered at this stage. The author regrets that it was not possible to include a discussion of other forms of post-buckling, such as the lateral, torsional, torsional-flexural post-buckling of beams and columns of thin-walled cross-sections or buckling by creep at finite post-critical deformations, as this would increase the size of the book beyond the intended limits. It is his hope that at some later date these topics can be put into book form to complement the present theories. Also, a statistical treatment of the imperfection-distributions in various systems and the probabilis­ tic analysis of critical loads, depending on these distributions, had to be omitted for the same reasons. Some relevant publications on this last topic are given at the end of the book under "References and Related Bibliography," but these are far from being exhaustive. The main purpose of this work is to present to the reader the most important knowledge of statical stability necessary for the analysis and the design of imperfection-sensitive structures composed of simple discrete elements. Introduction xv All discrete elastic systems, or such systems that may be represented as discrete, are subject to some common laws which govern their elastomechanical behavior and usefulness. For example, the non-linear forms of the equilibrium paths under conservative static loading which lead to dynamic failure are not unlimited in number, but they are repeated in similar systems so that these can be categorized accordingly. This in turn helps to distinguish the important properties which unite or divide different categories. We study in Chapter 1 the principal forms of equilibrium paths which are of interest in practical structures composed of discrete elements. These paths occur repeatedly in structural systems analyzed in subsequent chapters. Moreover, we establish the relevant criteria which may be used to determine the stability or instability of a certain equilibrium path and not merely its shape, in order that similar paths may be readily recognized in different systems in practical situations. This requires a systematic introduction to which Chapter 1 is devoted. Systems are categorized according to their common properties on the broadest basis using an established generalized analysis. Use is made of simple variational principles in deriving some of the basic equations, since variational techniques based on small perturbations lend themselves particularly well to the solution of this problem. The non-linear forms of equilibrium paths studied in Chapter 1 do not cover all known cases. However, the basic methods of analysis given here may be used in a variety of other situations. Basically two approaches are established. The energy and the equilibrium approach of analysis and theorems and criteria are derived for their use. Many examples of practical structures are solved theoretically using the established theory and these are substantiated by experimental data obtained from tests on model structures. Solutions are given in the analytical or algebraic form. A general theory is developed so that numerical techniques for the solution of more complex frame­ work problems may be devised. The emphasis in the theoretical treatment is on the fundamental aspects to explain the physical behavior and to establish the working tools for the analysis of practical structures for which the elastostatic laws are non-linear. Several features in the analysis should be emphasized for easier reading. The exact theory in Chapter 2 leads in the end to very useful results which are simple to apply in physical situations. It permits a reduction of all cases of plane buckling of prismatic members to merely five basic relations to suit the more accurate and First-ordert Theories which can be applied systematically to a variety of otherwise involved problems using the coefficients tabulated in Appendix I. This is illustrated by means of examples and by detailed solutions of problems. The analysis of pin-jointed structural systems is mathematically quite simple so that algebraic solutions of complex problems may be obtained. The general law for pinned (or nearly pinned) members is established by Eq. (16.2) in Section 2-16, Chapter 2, as a special case of the expressions derived in Section tHere, the First-order Theory is not to be confused with the conventional analysis of buckling. xvi Introduction 2-14. This law simplifies considerably the analysis of complex structures since it is sufficiently general to give a correlation between the finite changes in the axial forces and the deformations, regardless of the choice of buckling modes. Correla­ tion to a particular mode is automatic once the equilibrium equations are written in the final form. Several cases of practical structures are solved and tested experimentally which confirm this theory with reasonable accuracy. Two- and three-dimensional systems are considered in Chapters 3, 4, 5 and 6 covering the buckling analyses of pin-jointed, rigidly-jointed and portal plane frameworks at finite deformations. Further classes of statically indeterminate two- and three-dimensional systems and reticulated shells are analyzed separately in Chapter 7. Non-conservative effects in plastic and dynamic buckling are studied in Chapter 8. Most chapters may be read independently after the reader has acquired familiarity with the basic concepts which are presented in the first six or seven sections of Chapter 1. Sections 1-8, a part of the Sections 1-10, 1-11 and 1-13 will be found useful for a better understanding of the theory in later chapters. Buckling of structural systems is shown to depend essentially on a branching of equilibrium states. It is pointed out that the eigenvalue solutions of the classical theories of buckling, which yield only the critical loads under ideal conditions, are usually inadequate for the analysis and design of imperfection-sensitive elastic structures and that more refined methods proposed in Chapters 1, 3,4, 5, 6 and 7 must be considered in an actual analysis. The branching paths in these structural systems are usually unstable so that in the critical region of loading by weights or mass the possibility of an unstable motion exists. Under static con­ ditions this is reflected in a marked reduction of the critical loads usually followed by unstable motion. The actual behavior is in contrast to a widely ingrained myth that elastic buckling of common frameworks takes place in essentially neutral equilibrium. Most of the past studies of structural buckling are based on the classical eigenvalue solutions of the equations of neutral equilibrium. This view­ point about practical structural systems has persisted for a long time even after the initial discoveries of unstable motion in the buckling processes of thin-walled shells were made. Only in the late 1950's it was discovered and confirmed experimentally (7,9, 10, 13,21,93,95,107) that other common structural systems of widely different geometries such as frameworks or shell-type structures composed of discrete elements, which are not dominated by continuity and non-conservative effects are, essentially, statically unstable, and, therefore subject to an entirely different behavior from that previously accepted. It was also established that equilibrium in the buckling range of all such systems may be possible, but not feasible, because the non-linear equilibrium paths which then exist are unstable. The basic non-linear forms of post-buckling equilibrium paths of symmetrical and non-symmetrical elastic systems, discussed in Sections 1-4 to 1-9 and in Section 1-10 in Chapter 1 and their relevance to structural systems dis­ cussed in the subsequent chapters, were discovered by S. J. BRITVEC at Cambridge University in England between 1957 and 1960 (7). Similar forms are sometimes attributed to W. T. KOITER (58), but, initially, Koiter's work was

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