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Matrix Metalloproteinases of Epithelial Origin in Facial Sebum of Patients with Acne and their Regulation by Isotretinoin Eleni Papakonstantinou,(cid:1)1 Alexios J. Aletras,w1 Evelyn Glass,z1 Panagiotis Tsogas,(cid:1)1 Alexander Dionyssopoulos,y James Adjaye,z Sabine Fimmel,z Panagiotis Gouvousis,w Ralf Herwig,z Hans Lehrach,z Christos C. Zouboulis,2z and George Karakiulakis(cid:1)2 (cid:1)DepartmentofPharmacology,SchoolofMedicine,AristotleUniversity,Thessaloniki,Greece;wLaboratoryofBiochemistry,DepartmentofChemistry,Universityof Patras,Patras,Greece;zDepartmentofDermatology,Charite´ UniversityMedicineBerlin,CampusBenjaminFranklin,Berlin,Germany;yDivisionofSkinOncologic Surgery-PlasticSurgery,SchoolofMedicine,AristotleUniversity,Thessaloniki,Greece;zDepartmentofVertebrateGenomics,MaxPlanckInstituteforMolecular Genetics,Berlin,Germany Acnevulgarisisaskindisorderofthesebaceousfollicles,involvinghyperkeratinizationandperifollicularinflam- mation. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) have a predominant role in inflammatory matrix remodeling and hyper- proliferative skin disorders. We investigated the expression of MMP and tissue inhibitors of MMP (TIMP) in facial sebumspecimensfromacnepatients,beforeandaftertreatmentwithisotretinoin.GelatinzymographyandWest- ern-blot analysis revealed that sebum contains proMMP-9, whichwas decreasedfollowing per os or topical treat- ment with isotretinoin and in parallel to the clinical improvement of acne. Sebum also contains MMP-1, MMP-13, TIMP-1,andTIMP-2,asassessedbyELISAandwesternblot,butonlyMMP-13wasdecreasedfollowingtreatment with isotretinoin. The origin of MMP and TIMP in sebum is attributed to keratinocytes and sebocytes, since we foundthatHaCaTkeratinocytesinculturesecreteproMMP-2,proMMP-9,MMP-1,MMP-13,TIMP-1,andTIMP-2.SZ95 sebocytes in culture secreted proMMP-2 and proMMP-9, which was also confirmed by microarray analysis. Is- otretinoininhibitedthearachidonicacid-inducedsecretionandmRNAexpressionofproMMP-2and-9inbothcell types and of MMP-13 in HaCaT keratinocytes. These data indicate that MMP and TIMP of epithelial origin may be involved in acne pathogenesis, and that isotretinoin-induced reduction in MMP-9 and -13 may contribute to the therapeutic effects of the agent in acne. Key words: acne/isotretinoin/keratinocytes/MMP/sebocytes/TIMP J Invest Dermatol, 2005 Acne vulgaris is the most common skin disorder, initiated topical treatment of hyperproliferative skin disorders, in- due to sebaceous gland hyperactivity and hyperseborrhea, flammatory diseases, and cancer (Orfanos et al, 1997; abnormal hyperproliferation of ductal keratinocytes and Zouboulis, 2001c), the non-aromatic retinoid isotretinoin keratinization of the acroinfundibular epithelium of the se- (13-cis-RA) secures effective treatment of acne, but it may baceous follicle, and inflammatory signaling giving rise to also cause adverse and toxic effects (Zouboulis and Orfa- microcomedones(Zouboulis,2001a).Sebumconsistsprin- nos, 2000). The antiproliferative effectof isotretinoin on se- cipally of triglycerides, which are subsequently hydrolyzed bocytes is manifested through its isomerization into all- toyieldfreefattyacidsandglycerol,andinadditionsebum trans-RA and binding to nuclear RA receptors (Zouboulis, also contains keratinocytes, microorganisms, neutrophils, 2001b; Tsukada et al, 2002). Isotretinoin displays key reg- andmacrophages(ToyodaandMorohashi,2001).Although ulatory functions on epidermal growth and differentiation individual acne lesions spontaneously regress, persistent (Fisher and Voorhees, 1996) but the cellular and biochem- cases of acne vulgaris often require pharmacological inter- ical alterations associated with them are not fully clarified. vention. Isotretinoin has been reported to affect matrix metal- Pharmacotherapy of acne vulgaris includes a variety of loproteinases (MMP) (Jimenez et al, 2001; Zhu et al, 2001; compounds, with the retinoids possessing a prevailing po- Devy et al, 2002), a family of Zn-dependent metal- sition (Zouboulis, 2001c). Among the retinoic acid (RA) an- lopeptidases that has been implicated in skin biology dur- alogues that have been established for systemic and/or ing inflammatory matrix remodeling, neovascularization, wound healing, and malignant transformation. Thus, it ap- pears that MMP have a predominant role in pathological Abbreviations:aRNA,amplifiedRNA;cDNA,complementaryDNA; manifestations of diseases treated with retinoids, such as MMP, matrix metalloproteinases; RA, retinoic acid; SDS-PAGE, hyperproliferative skin disorders, inflammatory diseases, sodiumdodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis;TIMP, and cancer (Orfanos et al, 1997). MMP degrade extracel- tissueinhibitorsofmetalloproteinases 1Thefirst4authorshavecontributedequallytothismanuscript. lularmatrixmoleculesduringphysiologicalandpathological 2Thelast2authorsshareseniorauthorship. tissueremodeling(VisseandNagase,2003).TheMMPgene Copyrightr2005by TheSocietyforInvestigativeDermatology,Inc. 1 2 PAPAKONSTANTINOU ETAL THE JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY family encodes for several proenzymes (proMMP) with revealed the presence of P. acnes (propionibacterium common and distinctive structural and functional proper- acnes) in all 0 d samples and of Staphylococcus epider- ties,classifiedas:(a)collagenases1–4(MMP-1,-8,-13and midis in two samples. No other microorganisms were de- -18, respectively), (b) gelatinases A and B (MMP-2 and -9, tected in 0 d samples. Furthermore, no bacteria could be respectively), (c) stromelysins 1–3 (MMP-3, -10, and -11, detected in any of the 60 d samples. respectively), (d) matrilysins 1–2 (MMP-7 and -26, respec- tively),(e)membranetype1–6(MT-MMP:MMP-14,-15,-16, Gelatinase activity Gelatin zymography analysis revealed -17, -24, and -25, respectively), and (f) various others that0d sebumsamplesoffacial acnelesionsexpressgel- (MMP-12, -19, -20, -21, -23, -27, and -28) (Visse and atinase activity, which produced major lysisbands (Fig1a), Nagase,2003).TheactivityofMMPistightlyregulateddur- which comigrated as purified proMMP-9 (92.0 kDa). Gela- ingproMMPexpression(Stetler-Stevensonetal,1993) and tinolyticactivitywascompletelyinhibitedbydevelopingthe byproteolytic activation ofsecretedlatentMMP (Caoetal, zymogramsinthepresenceofthemetalchelatorsNa2EDTA 1995). MMP, both in latent and activated form, are also (20mM)or1,10-phenanthroline(4mM),butwasunaffected regulatedbytheformationofstoichiometric1:1complexes byN-ethyl-maleimide(5mM)(datanotshown),indicativeof with specific inhibitors, known as tissue inhibitors of met- a metalloproteinase, corresponding to proMMP-9. Zymo- alloproteinases (TIMP) (Stetler-Stevenson et al, 1993). Four graphy analysis of samples obtained at 30 and 60 d fol- TIMPhavebeenidentified,butinactivationofMMPbyTIMP lowingsystemicperosortopicaltreatmentwithisotretinoin ispredominantlyattributedtoTIMP-1and-2.TIMP-1forms (Fig 1a), indicated that gelatinolytic activity was reduced high-affinity, non-covalent complexes with latent MMP-9 in relation to the duration of treatment. Quantification of andactiveMMP-1,-3,and-9,whereasTIMP-2formscom- zymography lysis bands of all acne samples tested, using plexes with latent and active MMP-2 (Gomez et al, 1997). a computer-assisted image analysis program (Fig 1b), re- TIMP-1/proMMP-9 and TIMP-2/proMMP-2 complexes are vealed that thedecreasein gelatinolytic activity was statis- also capable of inhibiting active MMP through the unoccu- piedN-terminaldomainoftheinhibitorinthecomplex(Itoh et al, 1995). TheeffectofisotretinoinonMMP,however,iscontradic- tory, since there is evidence suggesting that retinoids in- crease (Jimenez et al, 2001), reduce (Neuville et al, 1999; Leville et al, 2000; Axel et al, 2001; Frankenberger et al, 2001; Tsang and Crowe, 2001; Devy et al, 2002; Osteen etal, 2002),ordonot affect(Zhuet al, 2001) theactivity or gene expression of MMP in various human and animal bi- ological systems and cell lines. Furthermore, there is no report concerning the presence of MMP in lesions of acne vulgaris or the effect of isotretinoin treatment on MMP in sebum of acne patients. In this study, we investigated the presence of gelatin- ases, collagenases, and TIMP in sebum samples of facial lesions from patients with acne vulgaris, as well as in cul- turesofHaCaTkeratinocytesandSZ95sebocytes,andthe effect of isotretinoin in these parameters. We found that proMMP-9, MMP-1, MMP-13, and TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 are present in the sebum of facial lesions from acne patients, possiblyoriginating fromkeratinocytes andsebocytes, and that MMP-9 and -13 are reduced in parallel to treatment withisotretinoinandtheclinicalimprovementofthelesions. Figure1 Results Gelatinaseactivityisreducedinsebumoffacialacnelesionsina time-dependent mannerduring therapy with isotretinoin. (a) Rep- Acne sebum samples resentative gelatin zymography in aliquots of sebum (5 mg of protein) duringsystemicperos(lanes4–6)andtopical(lanes7–9)treatmentwith isotretinoin. Arrows indicated pre-stained standard protein molecular Keratinocyte and bacteriologic findings Examination of se- weight markers (lane 1): phosphorylase b (97.4 kDa), bovine serum bum specimens, diluted to contain the same amount of albumin (66.2 kDa), L-glutamic dehydrogenase (55.0 kDa), and oval- protein per mL, revealed the presence of keratinocytes un- bumin (42.7 kDa). Lane 2: migration of purified promatrix metal- loproteinase(proMMP)-2(72kDa);lane3:proMMP-9(92kDa);lanes4 der a light microscope in all 0 d samples from 59 patients. and7:0dsamples;lanes5and8:30dsamples;lanes6and9:60d After 60 d of topical (0.05% once daily) or systemic (1 mg samples.(b)Quantitativeanalysisofgelatinolyticactivityinsebumfol- perkgperdperos)treatmentwithisotretinoin,examination lowing systemic per os (n¼23) or topical (n¼36) treatment of acne of 60 d sebum samples showed that keratinocytes were patients with isotretinoin using a computer-supported image analysis program.Eachbarrepresentsthemean(cid:1)SDfromnspecimens.Sta- present only in 11 of 59 patients and in considerably di- (cid:1) (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) tisticalsignificance: po0.05; po0.01ascomparedwith0dsam- minished numbers. Bacterial cultures of sebum specimens ples,whichwereregardedas100%gelatinolyticactivity. 2005 MATRIX METALLOPROTEINASESIN ACNEVULGARIS 3 tically significant at 30 d (po0.05) and 60 d (po0.01) of described bands of MMP-9 (Fig 2a, lane 5, per os treat- treatment, wherreas the route of administration of is- ment). Quantification of the chemiluminescence of each otretinoin did not influence the decrease in gelatinase band using a computer-assisted image analysis program activity. revealed that the observed reduction was statistically sig- nificant at 30 d of treatment (po0.01, po0.05, po0.01, Detection of gelatinases and effect of isotretinoin treat- respectively, for each band) (Fig 2b), whereas the route of ment Using human MMP-2 antiserum, we found that there administrationofisotretinoindidnotinfluencethedecrease was no immunoreactivity for MMP-2 in 0 and 30 d sebum in MMP-9 immunoreactivity (results not shown). samples (Fig 2a, lanes 2 and 3). Using human MMP-9 an- tiserum, three distinct immunoreactive bands with M 94.0, Effect of isotretinoin on gelatinases in vitro In order to in- r 78.0,and64.0kDawererevealedin0dsebumsamplesby vestigate whether isotretinoin has a direct inhibitory effect western blotting (Fig 2a, lane 4). The upper band corre- ontheactivityofgelatinases,wesubjectedsebumsamples sponds to proMMP-9 and comigrated as reference sample (0 d, corresponding to 5 mg protein) or commercially avail- ofproMMP-9(94.0kDa)thathasbeenpreviouslyfullychar- able proMMP-2 and -9 (1 ng) to gel electrophoresis, re- acterized from human periprosthetic tissue of loose hip moved sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), and conducted endoprostheses (Syggelos et al, 2001). The two lower gelatin lysis of the gels by incubating in enzyme buffer in immunoreactive bands may be attributed to endogenous the presence of isotretinoin (0–1 mM) for 18 h, at 371C. activationordegradationofthe94.0kDaproenzyme,dueto Alternatively, we pre-incubated sebum samples (0 d, cor- the experimental conditions adopted (Kerkela and Sa- respondingto5mgprotein)orcommerciallyavailableproM- arialho-Kere, 2003). The fact that the 78.0 and 64.0 kDa MP-2 and -9 (1 ng), with isotretinoin (0–1 mM) for 30 min proteins identified by western blotting could not be visual- at room temperature, subjected samples to gel elect- izedbygelatinzymographyindicatesthattheseproteinsdo rophoresis, removed SDS, and conducted to gelatin lysis notpossessgelatinolyticactivity.Treatmentwithisotretinoin ofthegelsbyincubatinginenzymebufferfor18h,at371C. for 30 d resulted in reduced expression of all the above- Analysisoftheresultsrevealedthatneitherthepresenceof isotretinoin during gelatin zymography (results not shown) norpre-treatmentofthesampleswithisotretinoinfor30min influenced proMMP-9 present in 0 d sebum samples (Fig 3a) or purified latent gelatinases (Fig 3b). Detection of collagenases by western blotting and effect of isotretinointreatment UsingpolyclonalantibodiesforMMP- 1,threedistinctimmunoreactivebandswererevealedin0d sebumsamplesbywesternblotting(Fig4a,lane2),withM r 52.4, 45.0, and 43.5 kDa as estimated using molecular weightmarkers.Thesebandscorrespondedtopurifiedhu- manMMPstandards:proMMP-1(52.4kDa)andfullyactive MMP-1 (45.0 and 43.5 kDa), respectively, in comparison with reference samples of proMMP-1 and MMP-1 (Fig 4a, lane1),whichhavebeenpreviouslyfullycharacterizedfrom human periprosthetic tissue of loose hip endoprostheses (Syggelos et al, 2001). The ratio of latent to active MMP-1 wasapproximately8/1.Treatmentwithisotretinoinfor30or 60ddidnotaffecttheexpressionoflatentoractiveMMP-1 (Fig 4a, lane 3, topical treatment, 30 d). Using polyclonal antibodies for MMP-13, two distinct immunoreactivebandswererevealedin0dsebumsamples Figure2 by western blotting (Fig 4b, lane 1), with M 65.0 and 52.0 r Western blot analysis of gelatinases in sebum samplesindicates kDa as estimated using molecular weight markers. These the presence of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 but not of bands corresponded to purified human MMP standards: MMP-2.(a)Representativewesternblotanalysisofsebumduringsys- temicperostreatmentwithisotretinoin.Analysiswasperformedusing proMMP-13andfully active MMP-13,respectively, incom- humanMMP-2antiserum:lane1:purifiedpromatrixmetalloproteinase parison with reference samples of proMMP-13 and MMP- (proMMP)-2(72.0kDa),lane2,0dsample;lane3,30dsample,and 13 (Fig 4b, lane 3), which have been previously fully char- human MMP-9 antiserum: lane 4, 0 d sample; lane 5, 30 d sample. ArrowontherightindicatesthereferencesampleofproMMP-9(94.0 acterized from human periprosthetic tissue of loose hip kDa),whichhasbeenpreviouslyfullycharacterizedfromhumanperi- endoprostheses(Syggelosetal,2001).Theratiooflatentto prosthetic tissue of loose hip endoprostheses. Arrows on the left in- active MMP-13 was approximately 1/2. Treatment with is- dicate molecular weight size markers (phosphorylase b, 97.4 kDa; otretinoinfor30or60dsignificantlyreducedtheexpression bovineserumalbumin,66.2kDa;L-glutamicdehydrogenase,55.0kDa). (b) Quantitative analysis of western blots of MMP-9 immunoreactive oflatentoractiveMMP-13(Fig4b,lane3,topicaltreatment, bandsofsebumfollowingsystemicperostreatmentofacnepatients 30 d). (n¼23) with isotretinoin for 30 d, using a computer-supported image analysis program. Each bar represents the mean(cid:1)SD from n spec- (cid:1) (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) Determination of collagenases by ELISA and effect of is- imens.Statisticalsignificance: po0.05; po0.01ascomparedwith 0dsamples. otretinoin treatment Measurement of MMP-1 and -13 by 4 PAPAKONSTANTINOU ETAL THE JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY Figure3 Isotretinoindoesnotinfluencegelatinaseinvitro.(a)Sebumsam- ples (0 d, corresponding to 5 mg protein) were preincubated with is- otretinoin(0–1mM)for30minatroomtemperatureandsubjectedto Figure4 gelatinzymography,asdescribedinMaterialsandMethods.Lane4,0 Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1 and MMP-13 are expressed in mM;lane5,0.01mM;lane6,0.1mM;lane7,1mM.(b)Commercially sebumoffacialacnelesions,andMMP-13expressionisreduced available purified promatrix metalloproteinase (proMMP)-2 and proM- during isotretinoin treatment. (a) Representative western blot anal- MP-9(1ngprotein)weretreatedasabove.ProMMP-2:lane4,01mM; ysisofsebumduringtopicaltreatmentwithisotretinoinusingpolyclonal lane5,1mM.ProMMP-9:lane6,0.1mM;lane7,1mM,lane7.Arrows antibodiesforMMP-1.Lane1andarrowsontheleft:immunoreactive andlane1indicatemolecularweightmarkers:phosphorylaseb(97.4 bands from referencesamples of promatrix metalloproteinase (proM- kDa), bovine serum albumin (66.2 kDa), L-glutamic dehydrogenase MP)-1 (52.4 kDa) and MMP-1 (45.0 and 43.5 kDa), which have been (55.0kDa),ovalbumin(42.7kDa),andaldolase(40.0kDa).Lane2:pu- fullycharacterizedpreviouslyfromhumanperiprosthetictissueofloose rifiedproMMP-2(72kDa)andlane3purifiedproMMP-9(92kDa). hip endoprostheses. Lane 2: immunoreactive bands of 0 d sebum samples. Lane3:immunoreactive bandsof30 dsebumsamplesfol- lowing topical treatment with isotretinoin. Lane 4 and arrows on the rightindicateproteinmolecularweightmarkers:bovineserumalbumin ELISA revealed that sebum samples expressed both colla- (66.2 kDa), ovalbumin (42.7 kDa), and soybean trypsin ihibitor (21.5 genases(Table I,Fig 4c).In 0dsebum samplesof patients kDa).(b)Representativewesternblotanalysisofsebumduringtopical groupedforperostreatment,MMP-1was105(cid:1)20pgper treatment with isotretinoin using polyclonal antibodies for MMP-13. Lane1andarrowsontheleftindicateproteinmolecularweightmark- mgofproteinandMMP-13was92(cid:1)8pgpermgofprotein. ers:bovineserumalbumin(66.2kDa),ovalbumin(42.7kDa)andsoy- Similar values were obtained in 0 d sebum samples from beantrypsinihibitor(21.5kDa).Lane2:immunoreactivebandsof0d patientsgroupedfortopicaladministration.MMP-1wasnot sebumsamples.Lane3:immunoreactivebandsof30dsebumsam- affected following treatment with isotretinoin for 60 d, irre- plesfollowingtopicaltreatmentwithisotretinoin.Lane4andarrowson theright:immunoreactivebandsfromreferencesamplesofproMMP- spectiveoftherouteofadministration.Incontrast,MMP-13 13(65.0kDa)andMMP-13(52.0kDa)fromhumanperiprosthetictis- was significantly reduced by about 55% and 58% after 30 sue. (c) Aliquots of sebum samples were assessed for MMP-1 and and 60 d of per os treatment with isotretinoin, respectively MMP-13 by ELISA, prior to and following per os (n¼23) and topical (n¼36) treatment of acne patients with isotretinoin, for 30 and 60 d. (po0.02). This effect was also evident after topical admin- Eachbarrepresentsthemean(cid:1)SDoftriplicatedeterminationsfromn istrationofisotretinoin,resultinginasignificantdecreaseof samples. Statistical significance: (cid:1)(cid:1)po0.02 as compared with 0 d MMP-13byapproximately50%and60%after30and60d sample. of treatment with isotretinoin, respectively (po0.02). HaCaTkeratinocyteandSZ95sebocytecultures Inorder Production of TIMP Measurement of TIMP-1 and -2 by toelucidatetheoriginofMMPandTIMPinsebumsamples, ELISAin0dsebumsamplesofpatientsgroupedforperos we examined their expression in HaCaT keratinocytes and administrationindicatedthepresenceofTIMP-1(405(cid:1)198 SZ95sebocyteculturesafter12,24,and48hofincubation pgpermgprotein)andTIMP-2(219(cid:1)84pgpermgprotein) withorwithoutarachidonicacid,inthepresenceandinthe (Fig5).Similarvalueswereobtainedin0d sebumsamples absence of isotretinoin. Arachidonic acid, a pro-inflamma- from patients grouped for topical administration. Treatment tory essential fatty acid, was included in the study since it with isotretinoin did not influence the production of TIMP, hasalsobeenreportedtoinducesebaceouslipidsynthesis irrespective of the route of administration (Fig 5). (Wro´bel et al, 2003) and may be involved in acne patho- 2005 MATRIX METALLOPROTEINASESIN ACNEVULGARIS 5 TableI. Expressionofcollagenases,gelatinases,andTIMPinacnesebum,HaCaTkeratinocytes,andSZ95sebocytesasdetected bygelatinzymography,westernblotting,ELISA,andRT-PCR HaCaTkeratinocytes SZ95sebocytes Sebumofacne patients:proteins Proteins mRNA Proteins mRNA Nomenclature Untreated Iso Untreated AA Iso Untreated AA Iso Untreated AA Iso Untreated AA Iso Collagenases MMP-1 D $ D " $ D " $ ND ND ND ND ND ND MMP-13 D # D $ #c D "c # ND ND ND ND ND ND Gelatinases MMP-2a ND ND D " #b D " #b,c D " #b D " #b,c MMP-9a D # D " #b D " # D " #b D " #b TIMP TIMP-1 D $ D " $ D " $ ND ND ND ND ND ND TIMP-2 D $ D $ $ — — — ND ND ND — — — aProteinsand/orenzymeactivity. bReductioninthearachidonicacid-treatedsamplesonly. cNotstatisticallysignificant. Iso,isotretinointreated;AA,arachidonic acidtreated;D,detected;ND,notdetected; $,notaffectedbytreatment; #,reducedbytreatment;", increasedbytreatment;—,notexamined;TIMP,tissueinhibitorsofMMP,MMP,matrixmetalloproteinases. genesis (Zouboulis et al, 2005). Cells cultured in the pres- replicate experiments indicated the detectability. The level ence of arachidonic acid will better represent follicular ker- of 0.9 was used to judge expression of genes. For each atinocytes of acne patients than HaCaT keratinocytes not cDNA’sexpressionsignal,thelogratio(base2)ofthissignal under inflammatory challenge. was computed with the median expression signal of all 15,657cDNA onthe array. We foundthat while gelatinases wereexpressed,mRNAforcollagenasesMMP-1and-13as MMP and TIMP mRNA expression in SZ95 sebocytes The well asfor TIMP-2was not detected (Table I). Furthermore, mRNA expression of MMP and TIMP in SZ95 sebocytes SZ95 sebocytes expressed with high probability (p40.95) was investigated by analyzing the results of expression mRNAforMMP-7,-14,-15,-21,and-24(eventuallyMMP-3 profiles generated from untreated SZ95 sebocytes, follow- and-11,too)aswellasforTIMP-3and-4,whereastheydid ing complementary DNA (cDNA) microarrays and image notexpressmRNAforMMP-10,-12,-16,-19,-20,-25,-26, analysis (Fig S1). Expression was judged by signal detect- -27, and -28 (Fig S1). Caution should, however, be exer- ability using a negative control sample present on each ar- cisedininterpretingtheseresults,sincesomeoftheabove- ray. The average proportion of negative samples that was mentionedMMPandTIMP-2thatcouldnotbedetectedby expressed below the probe’s signal threshold across the cDNA microarrays may be expressed if they are examined by more sensitive methods such as quantitative PCR. Gelatinase activity Gelatin zymography analysis revealed that both HaCaT keratinocytes and SZ95 sebocytes, after 24hinculture,secretedgelatinaseactivity,whichproduced two major lysis bands (Fig 6a and c, respectively, Table I). The upper band comigrated as commercially available proMMP-9, with M corresponding to 87.0 kDa. The lower r band comigrated as commercially available proMMP-2, withM correspondingto68.0kDa.InHaCaTkeratinocytes, r the minor lysis band with M 65.0 kDa, comigrating as r commerciallyavailableMMP-2,mayrepresentactivationof proMMP-2. In SZ95 sebocytes, minor lysis bands with Figure5 M487.0 kDa may be attributed to disulfide polymers of Tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1 and -2 are r expressed in sebum samples of facial acne lesions but are not MMP molecules. Gelatinolytic activity was completely in- influenced during isotretinoin treatment. TIMP were measured by hibitedbydevelopingthezymogramsinthepresenceofthe ELISAinaliquotsofsebumspecimens(2mgofprotein)duringperos metal chelators Na EDTA (20 mM) or 1,10-phenanthroline treatmentof23acnepatientsandtopicaltreatmentof36acnepatients 2 (4 mM), but was unaffected by N-ethyl-maleimide (5 mM) with isotretinoin for 0, 30, and 60 d. Each bar represents the mean(cid:1)SDoftriplicatedeterminationsfromnspecimens. (Fig 6a and c), indicating that the activity is due to metal- 6 PAPAKONSTANTINOU ETAL THE JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY loproteinaseandexcludingserineorcysteinproteinaseac- tivity, respectively. These results indicate that the 2 major lysis bands described above are MMP, corresponding to proMMP-9 and -2, respectively (Karakiulakis et al, 1988; Visse and Nagase, 2003). Quantification of zymography lysis bands obtained from all cell cultures tested revealed that arachidonic acid induced the secretion of MMP-9 by 45% (po0.02) and of MMP-2 by 30% (po0.05) in HaCaT keratinocytes, and by 300% (po0.01) and 25% (po0.05), respectively, in SZ95 sebocytes. Zymography analysis of Figure7 Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1 is secreted by HaCaT keratin- ocytesandupregulatedbyarachidonicacid.Aliquotsofsupernat- antsfromHaCaTkeratinocytesincubatedfor12–48hwereassessed forMMP-1byELISA.Eachbarrepresentsthemean(cid:1)SDoftriplicate determinationsfromfourassays.Iso,isotretinoin,AA,arachidonicacid (10(cid:2)4 M). Statistical significance: (cid:1)po0.05; (cid:1)(cid:1)po0.02, as compared withcontrol(untreatedcells). samples obtained at 12 or 48 h in culture revealed similar profilesforbothcelllines(resultsnotshown),asfor24hin culture.Isotretinoin(at10(cid:2)8and10(cid:2)7M)didnotaffectgel- atinolyticactivityinkeratinocytesorSZ95sebocytesatany time point (Fig 6, for 24 h in culture). In both cell lines, however,isotretinoinreducedthearachidonicacid-induced secretionofMMP-2and-9tolevelscomparabletocontrols (po0.05 to 0.01) (Figs 6b and d). Secretionofcollagenases MeasurementofMMP-1and-13 byELISArevealedthatHaCaT keratinocytes secretedboth MMP-1 (29.8(cid:1)2.6 ng per mg protein after 48 h of incuba- tion,Fig7)andMMP-13(48.1(cid:1)2.9ngpermgproteinafter 48 h of incubation; data not shown). In contrast, neither collagenasecouldbedetectedinSZ95sebocytes(TableI). Arachidonic acid significantly increased MMP-1 in HaCaT keratinocytes in a time-dependent manner (Fig 7), but did notinfluenceMMP-13(datanotshown).Isotretinoin(at10(cid:2)8 and 10(cid:2)7 M) did not influence the basal (Fig 7) or the arachidonic acid-induced MMP-1 secretion in HaCaT ker- atinocytes up to 48 h of incubation (data not shown). Is- otretinoin appeared to reduce MMP-13 production in HaCaTkeratinocytes,inatime-andconcentration-depend- ent manner (14%–20% reduction), but this effect was not statistically significant (data not shown). Figure6 HaCaTkeratinocytesandSZ95sebocytessecretepromatrixmet- alloproteinase pro(MMP)-2 and -9, which are upregulated by arachidonic acid and downregulated by isotretinoin. Representa- tivegelatinzymographiesfromthecellculturemediumofHaCaTker- atinocytes (a) and SZ95 sebocytes (c), incubated for 24 h. Lanes 1: untreated (control), lanes 2: arachidonic acid (AA; 10(cid:2)4 M), lanes 3: isotretinoin (Iso; 10(cid:2)8 M), lanes 4: isotretinoin (10(cid:2)7 M), lanes 5: arachidonic acid (10(cid:2)4 M)þisotretinoin (10(cid:2)8 M), lanes 6: AA (10(cid:2)4 M)þisotretinoin(10(cid:2)7M),lanes7:untreated(control),lanes8:N-ethyl- maleimide(NEM,5mM),lanes9:Na EDTA(EDTA,20mM),andlanes 2 10:1,10-phenanthroline(Phen,4mM).ArrowsindicateproMMP-9(92 kDa),proMMP-2(72kDa),andMMP-2(64kDa).Quantitativeanalysis of the gelatinolytic activity present in the culture media fromcell cul- tures of HaCaT keratinocytes (b) and SZ95 sebocytes (d). Each bar representsthemean(cid:1)SDfrom4zymograms.Statisticalsignificance: (cid:1) (cid:1)(cid:1) (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) po0.05; po0.02, po0.01,ascomparedwithcontrol(untreated cells)(),orwithAAalone[].Iso,isotretinoin;AA,(10(cid:2)4M). 2005 MATRIX METALLOPROTEINASESIN ACNEVULGARIS 7 SecretionofTIMP MeasurementofTIMPbyELISAindicat- (po0.05), and arachidonic acid-induced gene expression ed the presence of TIMP-1 (16.7(cid:1)4.2 ng per mg protein was downregulated by isotretinoin by 33%. MMP-9 was after 48h of incubation) and TIMP-2 (39.4(cid:1)5.5 ng per mg enhanced by arachidonic acid by 36% (po0.05), and both protein after 48 h of incubation, data not shown) in HaCaT basal-andarachidonicacid-inducedgeneexpressionwere keratinocytes, whereas neither TIMP could be detected in downregulated by isotretinoin by 42% and 49%, respec- SZ95sebocytes(TableI,FigS1).Arachidonicacid(10(cid:2)4M), tively,(po0.05).TIMP-1wasenhancedbyarachidonicacid significantly increased TIMP-1 in HaCaT keratinocytes in a by 60% (po0.05) but was not affected by isotretinoin. (b) time-dependent manner (63% increase after 12 h to 132% SZ95 sebocytes: Arachidonic acid enhanced the gene ex- increase after 48 h of incubation, po0.01), but did not in- pression of MMP-2 by 38% (po0.05), and isotretinoin fluence TIMP-2 (data not shown). Isotretinoin (at 10(cid:2)8 and downregulated the arachidonic acid-induced gene expres- 10(cid:2)7 M) did not influence either basal TIMP or the sionby48%(po0.05).Similarly,arachidonicacidenhanced arachidonicacid-inducedTIMP-1productioninHaCaTker- MMP-9 by 42% (po0.05), and isotretinoin downregulated atinocytes up to 48 h of incubation (data not shown). the arachidonic acid-induced gene expression by 44% (po0.05). With the exception of MMP-13 (Fig 8, inset), however, Gene expression of MMP and TIMP-1 Gene expression of caution should be exercised in interpreting the changes in MMP and TIMP-1 was investigated by RT-PCR analysis. gene expression of other MMP and TIMP-1 in treated Ha- MMP-1, -13, -2, -9, and TIMP-1 mRNA were expressed in CaT keratinocytes and SZ95 sebocytes, as detected by HaCaTkeratinocytesafter24hofincubation(Fig8,TableI), semi-quantitativeRT-PCR,sincethemagnitudeofchanges and MMP-2 and -9 in SZ95 sebocytes (Table I). Glyceral- in expression relative to GAPDH were less than 2-fold, dehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase gene (GAPDH) was which is generally not considered to be significant, despite used as the internal standard. Quantification of chemilumi- the statistically significant differences in the relative chemi- nescencewasperformedusingacomputer-assistedimage luminescence values obtained from the ethidium bromide- analysis program. The ratio of chemiluminescence of each stained gels. parameter measured to GAPDH revealed the following: (a) HaCaT keratinocytes: The gene expression of MMP-1 was enhanced by arachidonic acid (10(cid:2)4 M) by 42%, (po0.05), but was not affected by isotretinoin (10(cid:2)7 M). MMP-13 (Fig Discussion 8, inset) was enhanced by arachidonic acid by 37% and In this study, we investigated the involvement of MMP and both basal- and arachidonic acid-induced gene expres- TIMP in sebum from facial acne lesions, and the effect of sions were downregulated by isotretinoin by approximately isotretinoin treatment on these molecules associated with 50%(po0.05).ArachidonicacidenhancedMMP-2by37% inflammatory matrix responses. Gelatin zymography and western blotanalysisindicatedthepresenceofgelatinases in sebum, attributed mainly to proMMP-9, whereas ELISA and western blot analysis revealed the presence of colla- genases MMP-1, mainly as proMMP-1 and MMP-13, both inlatentandactiveforms.TheexpressionofTIMP-1and-2 was also demonstrated using ELISA, and their presence may account for the existence of MMP mainly in the latent form. The predominant types of cells that could be identified under light microscopy of sebum specimens were keratin- ocytes, P. acnes, and Staphylococcus epidermidis. Light microscopy of sebum samples revealed that keratinocytes andbacteriacountdecreasedwithprogressionoftreatment with isotretinoin. The cell source of MMP and TIMP in sebum that we Figure8 observed cannot be attributed to P. acnes or other micro- HaCaTkeratinocytesexpressmRNAformatrixmetalloproteinase organisms found in the pilosebaceous unit, such as (MMP) and tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1, and isotretinoin inhibits MMP-9 and MMP-13 de novo and Pityrosporum ovale, Propionibacterium granulosum, and arachidonic acid-induced mRNA. Quantitative analysis of chemilu- S. epidermidis, since these bacteria do not comprise a minescenceofRT-PCRanalysesofHaCaTkeratinocytesincubatedin source of MMP activity. Therefore, the cell origin of MMP the absence or in the presence of isotretinoin (10(cid:2)7 M, 24 h) using primersforMMP-1,MMP-9,MMP-13,andTIMP-1,asdescribedunder andTIMPinsebumislikelytobekeratinocytes.Sebocytes ‘‘Materials and Methods’’. Each bar represents the mean(cid:1)SD from may also be responsible for MMP and TIMP expression in (cid:1) four assays. Statistical significance: po0.05; AA, arachidonic acid, sebum,since the latter is a holocrine product of sebocytes 10(cid:2)4 M; Iso, isotretinoin, 10(cid:2)7 M. Inset: Representative analysis of (Zouboulis et al, 2003). The possibility that keratinocytes chemiluminescenceofRT-PCRanalysesofHaCaTkeratinocytesincu- batedintheabsenceorinthepresenceofisotretinoin(10(cid:2)7M,24h) and sebocytes may comprise the cell source for MMP and usingprimersforMMP-13.GAPDHofexpectedsize263bpwasused TIMP in sebum is supported by our findings that HaCaT asaninternalstandard.Theexpectedsizeofthereactionproductfor keratinocytes in culture express and secrete proMMP-2, MMP-13isindicatedbythearrow.Lane1,DNAladder(100bp);lane2, untreated;lane3,AA(10(cid:2)4M);lane4,isotretinoin(10(cid:2)7M);andlane5, proMMP-9,MMP-1,MMP-13,andTIMP-1andTIMP-2,and AA(10(cid:2)4M)andisotretinoin(10(cid:2)7M). that SZ95 sebocytes in culture express and secrete pro- 8 PAPAKONSTANTINOU ETAL THE JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY MMP-2 and -9, which was also confirmed by cDNA micro- The effects of isotretinoin in sebum MMP and TIMP fol- array analysis. Sebocytes may be a source of other MMP, lowing topical or systemic treatment of acne patients cor- which may also contribute to the pathogenesis of relatewiththeeffectsinducedbyisotretinoininarachidonic acne. These findings are in agreement with reports that acid-treatedHaCaTkeratinocytes, whichmaybetterrepre- human keratinocytes of normal or pathological origin pro- sent follicular keratinocytes of acne patients than HaCaT duce or express latent and active gelatinases and TIMP keratinocytesnotunderinflammatorychallenge.Isotretinoin (Baumann et al, 2000; Fleischmajer et al, 2000; Kobayashi significantly inhibited the arachidonic acid-induced proM- et al, 2000). MP-2 and -9 and MMP-13 secretion by HaCaT keratin- ProMMP-2 was not detected in sebum, even though ocytes, although the latter was not statistically significant, both HaCaT keratinocytes and SZ95 sebocytes produced as well as the arachidonic acid-induced mRNA of MMP-9 proMMP-2. This may be attributed to the fact that cells in and -13. In SZ95 sebocytes, isotretinoin also inhibited the culture are not confronted with proteases at the level that arachidonic acid-induced increase of proMMP-2 and -9 inflammatory human tissue does. In the latter case, the secretion, and the arachidonic acid-induced expression of presence of proteases may lead to deactivation, inhibition, mRNA for MMP-9. The above-described effect of is- or destruction of MMP-2 in the diseased human follicle otretinoin on MMP production by keratinocytes and se- in vivo. Even though the results from HaCaT keratinocytes bocytes is in good agreement with studies on the effect of and SZ95 sebocytes in culture are of considerable value, RAonvariouscellculturesortissues,whichdemonstrated: caution should be exercised in extrapolating the results (a)thatall-trans-RAinhibitedtheactivityofMMP-2and-9in from cellcultures to the invivo situation, sinceHaCaTcells human arterial smooth muscle cells (Axel et al, 2001), the are not a model for follicular keratinocytes and differences activity of MMP-9 in human bronchoalveolar lavage cells may exist in MMP expression between normal and HaCaT (Frankenbergeretal,2001),theactivityofMMP-2and-9in keratinocytes. Thus, the possibility that the cell sources of a rabbit model of vein bypass grafting (Leville et al, 2000), sebum MMP and TIMP are follicular keratinocytes remains and pro- and active MMP-9 protein in myelogenous le- to be verified by using tissues of sebaceous follicle and ukemia cell lines (Devy et al, 2002); (b) that retinol and all- glands of acne patients. trans-RA decreased 98–96, 72–68, and 46–45 kDa gelatin- The prospect that other type of cells associated with olytic activity in capillary endothelial cells (Braunhut and MMP and TIMP production, such as skin fibroblasts or in- Moses, 1994); (c) that retinoids reduced the activation of filtrating macrophages in the inflammatory acne lesions, MMP in fibroblasts (Overall, 1995), and (d) that locally pro- may comprise the cell source of MMP and TIMP in sebum duced all-trans-RA suppresses MMP during endometrial should also be considered. In this respect, it has been re- differentiation(Osteenetal,2002).Similarly,thelackofany ported that retinoids reduce the activation of MMP in fib- effect of isotretinoin on TIMP secretion in sebum or in cell roblasts (Overall, 1995) and that tretinoin downregulates culturesisinagreementwithreportsindicatingthatoralall- MMP-9 mRNA and protein in alveolar macrophages from trans-RA did not affect TIMP-1 in a rabbit model of vein patientswithchronicobstructivepulmonarydisease(Frank- bypass grafting (Leville et al, 2000), and that it did not in- enbergeretal,2001)andemphysema(Maoetal,2003),and fluence expression of TIMP-1 in human primary melanoma that it reverses upregulation of MMP-13 in human keloid- (Jacob et al, 1998). derived fibroblasts (Uchida et al, 2003). The inhibition of proMMP-9 following treatment with is- The pro-inflammatory essential fatty acid arachidonic otretinoin is not due to a direct inhibitory effect of the drug acid significantly induced proMMP-2 and -9 in both cell on the enzyme, since isotretinoin, up to 1 mM, did not ex- typesinvestigated,aswellasMMP-1andTIMP-1inHaCaT hibit any direct effect on proMMP-9 isolated from sebum keratinocytes. The association between arachidonic acid specimens of facial acne lesions or on commercially avail- and MMP and TIMP expression has also been reported for able gelatinases. The decrease in proMMP-9 and MMP-13 several cell types and tissues, as e.g., in the human athe- that we observed following treatment with isotretinoin may rosclerotic plaques (Cipollone et al, 2003), in synoviocytes beattributedtothereductionoftheexpressionrateofthese (Burger et al, 2003), in renal tubular cells (Cussac et al, MMP. This is in agreement with our observation that is- 2002), and in calvaria and bone marrow cells (Choi et al, otretinoin downregulated MMP-9 and -13 mRNA in HaCaT 2003). keratinocytes and MMP-9 in SZ95 sebocytes. It is also Topical or systemic treatment of acne patients with is- supported by reports that RA reduces the mRNA expres- otretinoin did not affect MMP-1 or TIMP but resulted in re- sionofMMP-2and/or-9inhumanarterial(Axeletal,2001) duced activity of MMP-9 and secretion of MMP-13 in and rat aortic (Neuville et al, 1999) smooth muscle cells, in sebum, an effect that was enhanced with the duration of tumor (Tsang and Crowe, 2001) and leukemia (Devy et al, treatment and in parallel to the improvement of the clinical 2002) cell lines, and in a rabbit model of vein bypass graft- picture. The effects of per os or topical administration of ing (Leville et al, 2000), whereas tretinoin reverses upreg- isotretinoin on proMMP-9 of sebum samples that we ob- ulation of MMP-13 in human keloid-derived fibroblasts served are in good agreement with reports that per os ad- (Uchida et al, 2003). ministration of all-trans-RA to patients with emphysema ThepresenceofMMP-9activityandprotein,andofcol- reduced plasma MMP-9 protein and activity, while having lagenases MMP-1 and -13 and TIMP protein of epithelial little effect on TIMP-1 levels (Mao et al, 2003), and that origininacnesebum,andtheisotretinoin-induceddecrease topical administration of retinol in healthy humans reduced of proMMP-9 and MMP-13 in parallel to the clinical im- MMP-9 activity in punch biopsies of human buttock skin provementofthelesionsindicatethattheseMMPandTIMP (Varani et al, 2000). may be involved in the pathophysiology of acne lesions, 2005 MATRIX METALLOPROTEINASESIN ACNEVULGARIS 9 possiblybycontributingtoabnormalhyperproliferation,and penicillin/streptomycin (all from Biochrom) at 5% CO2 and 371C. degradation and remodeling of extracellular matrix struc- Cells werecultured for 2 d in the presenceor absence of arachi- donicacid(Sigma-Aldrich,Deisenhofen,Germany),anddissolved tures, such as the basement membrane of the acroinfundi- inethanoltogiveafinalarachidonicacidconcentrationof10(cid:2)4M. bulumof the sebaceous follicle and the sebaceous glands. The final concentration of ethanol in medium without and with Although the precise functional role of MMP and TIMP in arachidonicacidwas0.1%.Subsequently,cellsweretreatedwith acne pathology remains to be clarified, it appears that the isotretinoin(Sigma-Aldrich)dissolvedindimethylsulfoxidetogive isotretinoin-induced reduction in proMMP-9 and MMP-13, final isotretinoin concentrations of 10(cid:2)8 and 10(cid:2)7 M. The final via mechanisms that do not affect TIMP, may contribute to concentration of dimethyl sulfoxide in medium without and with the therapeutic effects of this agent in acne. isotretinoin was 0.2%. Isotretinoin was handled under dimmed yellowlight.Culturesupernatantswerecollectedafter12,24,and 48 h of treatment with isotretinoin or DMSO into sealed plastic tubesandfrozenat(cid:2)401Cuntilfurtherevaluation.Cellswerealso Materials and Methods collectedseparatelyafter48hoftreatmentandstoredundersim- ilarconditions. Patients Lesions in acne vulgaris patients ranged from clinically non-inflammatory microcomedones, closed or open comedones, toinflammatorypapules,pustules,andcysts,intermingledtovar- Gelatinzymography Gelatinzymographyanalysiswasperformed in sebum specimens and medium of cell cultures, collected as ious extents. The criteria of the Global Alliance to Improve Out- described above. In addition, gelatin zymography was performed comesinAcnewereusedtoclassifyacneintomild,moderate.and severe (Gollnicketal, 2003). Fifty-nine female patients with acne following invitroexperiments to test the effects of the agent on gelatinasespresentinsebumaswellasoncommerciallyavailable vulgaris,aged17.8(cid:1)1.7y(mean(cid:1)SD)weretreatedwithtopical gelatinases.Sebumsamplesweresuspendedin1mLddH Oand (0.05% once daily, 36 patients with mild and moderate papulo- 2 subjected to ultrasonication in a Clifton Ultrasonic bath (Nickel- pustularacne)orsystemic(1mgperkgperdperos,23patients with moderate nodular or severe acne) administration of is- Electro,Weston-Super-Mare,NorthSomerset,UK)(3(cid:3)5min)and precipitation from saturation with 25%–50% (NH ) SO at 41C otretinoin for 3–4 mo, after providing their written consent. The 42 4 (Karakiulakis etal, 1988). For cell cultures, aliquots of the supe- medical history of all patients was free from recent microbial in- rnatants were diluted to contain the same amount of protein per fectionsoranyotherdisordersoftheskin.Patientshadnotbeen treated with retinoids in the past and were not under any other mL. The gelatinolytic activity of MMP was determined by gelatin zymographyanalysisusingsodiumdodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide medicationforatleast3mopriortotheinitiationofthetreatmentin gel electrophoresis(SDS-PAGE) under denaturing but non-reduc- thisstudy.Allpatientswerethoroughlyinformedabouttheadverse effectsofisotretinointreatmentandreceivedother,butnohormo- ingconditions(Karakiulakisetal,1997).Molecularsizesofbands displaying enzymatic activity were estimated in comparison with nal, contraception during and 3 mo after discontinuation of the purifiedproMMP-2(72.0kDa),activeMMP-2(64.0kDa),proMMP- treatment. Participants gave their written informed consent. The 9 (92.0 kDa) and active MMP-9 (68.0 kDa) (Anawa Trading, Wan- medical ethical committee of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki hasapprovedallthedescribedstudies.Thestudywasconducted gen). The pre-stained standard protein molecular weight markers used were: phosphorylase b (97.4 kDa), bovine serum albumin accordingtotheDeclarationofHelsinkiPrinciples. (66.2 kDa), L-glutamic dehydrogenase (55.0 kDa), ovalbumin Sebumsamples Sebumfromfaciallesions,suchascomedones, (42.7 kDa) and aldolase (40.0 kDa) (all from Promega, Madison, papules, and pustules, were collected under standardized condi- WI).Gelatinolyticactivitywasquantifiedusingacomputer-assisted tions from individual acne lesions. Sebum collection was per- imageanalysisprogram(1DImageAnalysisSoftware,version3.0 formedusingsterile,blunt,plastic‘‘spatulas’’torupturethelesion ofKodak DigitalScience, Eastman Kodak, Rochester,New York). andgentlysqueezeoutthesebum.Sebumwascollectedatthetip The nature of the proteolytic bands was further characterized by of the spatula and transferred into sterile 1 mL Eppendorf plastic including specific protease inhibitors: Na2EDTA (20 mM), 1,10- vials.Sampleswerepooledinoneplasticvialperindividualpatient, phenanthroline (4 mM), orN-ethyl-maleimide (5 mM) (all obtained per time point, and stored at (cid:2)701C until use. Sebum sampling fromSigma-Aldrich)intheenzymeincubationbuffer.Theeffectof wasperformedatthreetimepoints:priortotreatment(0dsample), isotretinoinon0dsebumsamples(correspondingto5mgprotein) 31(cid:1)3d(30dsample),and63(cid:1)4d(60dsample)aftertreatment orpurifiedlatentMMP-2and-9(1ngprotein)wasstudiedbypre- withisotretinoin.Aliquotsofsebumsamples,dilutedtocontainthe incubating samples withisotretinoin (0–1mM)for 30 minat room sameamountofproteinpermL,wereanalyzedinablindedfashion temperature, followed by gelatin zymography. SDS was then re- forthepresenceorabsenceofkeratinocytesand/orbacteria.Light movedfromthegelsbyequilibrating(2(cid:3)30min)in2.5%(vol/vol) microscopyof sebumsamples was performed using an Olympus Triton X-100 (Sigma-Aldrich) and gels were incubated in enzyme BX50 microscope (Tokyo, Japan). Bacterial cultures of sebum buffer (50 mM Tris-HCI, pH 7.3, containing 200 mM NaCI, 5 mM specimensobtainedbeforeandduringtreatmentwereperformed CaCl2and0.1%TritonX-100),inthepresenceofisotretinoin(0–1 under strict aseptic techniques in Columbia blood agar and an- mM)for18h,at371C. aerobe blood agar. Bacteria were identified on the basis of mor- phological and biochemical characteristics employing the VITEK Western blot analysis for determination of MMP Sebum sam- system (bioMerieux, Marcy l’Etoile, France). Identification was ples,containingthesameamountoftotalprotein,wereenrichedin confirmedbytestingforvariouspropertiesusingtestsaccordingto MMPbyprecipitationwith(NH4)2SO4(60%saturation)(Karakiula- Murrayetal(1999). kis etal, 1988); the resultant precipitates were dissolved in La- emmlisamplebuffercontaining5%b-mercaptoethanol,boiledfor Cultures and treatment of HaCaT keratinocytes and SZ95 se- 5min,andthensubjectedtoSDS-PAGE(Laemmli,1970)on10% bocytes Spontaneouslyimmortalized,nontumorigenichumanHa- polyacrylamidegels.Afterelectrophoresis,theseparatedproteins CaTkeratinocytes(Boukampetal,1988)(generouslyprovidedby wereelectro-transferredontonitrocellulosemembranesaccording Prof.N.E.FusenigandDrD.Breitkreuz,GermanCancerResearch tothemethodofTowbinetal(1979).Thefreebindingsitesonthe Center,Heidelberg,Germany)andimmortalizedhumanfacialSZ95 nitrocellulose membranes were blocked with 5% skim milk in 20 sebocytes(Zouboulisetal,1999)wereseededataconcentration mMTris-HCl,pH7.4/150mMNaClbuffer(TBS),containing0.05% of 3(cid:3)104 cells per well in 24-well culture plates (Nunc, Wiesb- Tween-20(TBS-T),atroomtemperaturefor1h.Afterthree10min aden,Germany)andweremaintainedinSebomedmedium(Bioch- washes with TBS-T, the membranes were incubated with rabbit rom, Berlin, Germany) containing 10% (vol/vol) fetal calf serum, antiserum produced against human MMP-2 or MMP-9, (a gener- 5 ng per mL recombinant human epithelial growth factor, and ous gift from Dr. P. Koolwijk, Gaubius Lab. TNO-PG, the Nether- 10 PAPAKONSTANTINOU ETAL THE JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY lands)(Hanemaaijeretal,1998),oraffinitypurifiedanti-rabbitpo- plification specific for GAPDH (MWG-Biotech AG) (263 bp, an- lyclonal AB806 for MMP-1 and AB8114 for MMP-13 (Chemicon nealingat611C,30cycles)wasusedtoestimatetheefficiencyof International, Temecula, California), at dilution 1:1000, in TBS-T, the reverse transcription reaction for MMP and TIMP-1. Five mi- containing1%skimmilk,at41Cfor20h.Afterwashingthreetimes croliters of each PCR reaction mixture were analyzed in a 2% withTBS-T,theywereincubatedwithperoxidase-conjugatedgoat agarose gel, using a 100 bp DNA ladder (Invitrogen, Life anti-rabbit IgG at dilution 1:4000 in TBS-T, containing 1% skim Technologies, Carlsbad, California). Visualization of DNA bands milk, at room temperature for 2 h. Then, the membranes were was achieved with UV illumination of ethidium bromide-stained washedwithTBS-Tthreetimes,oncewithTBSandtheimmuno- gels.Quantificationofchemiluminescencewasperformedusinga reacted proteins were detected by the enhanced chemilumines- computer-assisted image analysis program (1D Image Analysis cence method, according to the manufacturer’s instructions Software,version3.0ofKodakDigitalScienceEastmanKodak). (Pierce, Rockford, Illinois). For negative controls, nitrocellulose membranes were subsequently treated with stripping solution Analysis of MMP and TIMP expression by cDNA microar- (Chemicon). After stripping, membranes were re-blocked, as de- rays SZ95 sebocytes were maintained under the conditions de- scribedabovewithoutarachidonicacidandisotretinoinfor120h. scribed above, and incubated with rabbit anti-ovalbumin IgG Subsequently, RNA extraction was performed using the RNeasy (Chemicon)(insteadofthespecificrabbitantibodiesforMMP),at dilution1:1000,inTBS-T,containing1%skimmilk,at41Cfor20h. Midi kit (Qiagen) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. RNA Subsequent steps were as described above. When the non- wasphotometricallymeasuredinaPharmaciaGeneQuantIIspec- specific antibody was used, no immunoreactive bands could be trophotometer(Freiburg,Germany)andstoredat(cid:2)801Cuntiluse. AmplifiedRNA(aRNA)wasgeneratedfrom3mgofDNase1-treat- detectedforanyMMPexamined.Quantificationofchemilumines- cence was performed using a computer-assisted image analysis edtotalRNAusingtheMegaScriptT7HighYieldTranscriptionkit (Ambion, Austin, Texas). RNA purity, integrityand concentrations program(1DImageAnalysisSoftware,version3.0ofKodakDigital were evaluated on the Agilent 2100 bioanalyzer. Cy3- and Cy5- Science).Molecularsizewasestimatedbycomparisonprestained labelled cDNA was reverse transcribed from 3 mg of aRNA per standard proteins: phosphorylase b (97.4 kDa), bovine serum al- bumin (66.2 kDa), ovalbumin (45.0 kDa) and soybean trypsin in- reaction. All labeling reactions used the Cyscribe First-Strand cDNA labeling Kit (Amersham Pharmacia). Purification of labeled hibitor (21.5 kDa) (all from Promega, Madison, Wisconsin), which cDNA was carried out using Microcon YM-30 columns (Millipore, wereelectrophoresedunderreducingconditions. Billerica,Massachusetts).Fourreplicatedhybridizationsconsisting ofduplicateddyeswapswerecarriedoutontheHumanENSEMBL ELISAfordeterminationofcollagenasesandTIMP MMP-1and chipusingprotocolsdescribedpreviously(Adjayeetal,2004).The -13 were determined in aliquots of sebum samples or the supe- cDNA microarray consists of 15,500 non-redundant, fully se- rnatantsofcellculturesbyELISA.SampleswereenrichedinMMP quenced,annotatedhumancDNA(HumanEnsemblsetRZPD1.1) byprecipitationwith(NH ) SO (60%saturation)(Karakiulakisetal, 42 4 spottedinduplicateonsuperAmine-coatedglassslides(Telechem, 1988) and assayed for MMP-1 and -13 as previously described Sunnyvale, California) with each slide containing positive/internal (Papakonstantinouetal,2003),usinganti-MMP-1(1mgpermL,Ab controls(b-actin, HPRT), and a selection of Arabidopsis cDNAas 806,Chemicon)oranti-MMP-13(1mgpermL,Ab8114,Chemicon) negative controls. Slides were scanned using the Affymetrix 428 polyclonalantibodiesinPBS-Tandperoxidase-conjugatedsecond ArrayScanner(SantaClara,California). antibody (goat anti-rabbit IgG, Chemicon). The concentration of collagenases was estimated in pg collagenase protein per mg of DataanalysisofcDNAmicroarrays Imageanalysiswascarried totalproteinpersebumsample,usingreferencesamplesofMMP- out with the AIDA Array Matrix software (Raytest, Straubenhardt, 1 and -13 from human periprosthetic tissue of loose hip endo- Germany).Intotal,11replicateexperimentswerecarriedout.Data prostheses(Syggelosetal,2001).TIMP-1and-2weremeasuredin were normalized as described in Herwig etal(2001). In order to aliquots of sebum samples or the supernatants of cell cultures, judgewhetheragivengenewasexpressedinSZ95sebocytes,for using ELISA systems (Biotrak RPN 2611 for TIMP-1 and Biotrak each experiment, the signal of the gene was compared with a RPN2618forTIMP-2;AmershamPharmacia, Freiburg,Germany) reference distribution derived from 3626 negative control signals thatrecognizetotalhumanTIMP-1or-2,bothfreeandthatcom- by computing the proportion of negative spots having a smaller plexedwithMMP. signalthanthegeneofinterest.Theaverageproportionacrossall replicateswasdefinedasthe‘‘expressionprobability’’forthegene RT-PCR for expression of MMP and TIMP-1 Isolation of RNA andwasusedasanindicatorfortheexpressionstrengthinSZ95 was performed by the RNeasy spin mini kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Ger- sebocytes.Visualinspectionofhybridizationimagesindicatesthat many),accordingtothemanufacturer’sinstructions.Geneexpres- ahighprobability(p40.95)correspondstovisiblesignals,whereas sionofMMPandTIMP-1wasascertainedbysemi-quantitativeRT- spots with po0.9 correspond to absent signals. Probabilities in PCRanalysisaccordingtoPapakonstantinouetal(2004),adjusted betweencorrespondtoweaklyexpressedsignals. asfollows:totalRNA(50ngforMMP-1,400ngforMMP-13,200 ngforMMP-2,200ngforMMP-9,20ngforTIMP-1,and10ngfor Proteinmeasurement Proteincontentwasdeterminedinaliquots GAPDH) was added to each RTreactioncontaining one-step RT- ofsebumspecimens,aliquotsofcellculturesupernatantsandcells PCRmix(RobusI,Finnzymes,Espoo,Finland)andtheappropriate with the standard Bradford assay (Bio-Rad, Glattbrugg, Switzer- PCRprimers(15pmole)in50mLtotalvolume.Reversetranscrip- land) using bovine serum albumin (Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Stein- tionwascarriedoutfor30minat501C,followedbya2minstepat heim, Germany) as standard. All data presented were normalized 941C. PCR was then performed on a PTC-100 programmable perproteincontentforeachsebumorcellculturespecimen. ThermalController(MJResearch,Waltham, Massachusetts), pro- grammed for several cycles of 1 min at 941C, 1 min at optimal Statisticalanalysis Whererelevant,dataarepresentedasmean annealing temperature, and 1 min at 721C, followed by a 10 min (cid:1)SD. Differences between means were evaluated by anal- stepofextraextensionat721C.TheamountoftotalRNAused,as ysisofvariance.po0.05wasconsideredstatisticallysignificant. wellasthenumberofPCRcycles,wasadjustedsothateachPCR amplificationwasinthelinearrange.PrimersforMMP-1(428bp, annealing at 551C, 30 cycles, Konttinenetal, 1999), MMP-2 (605 bp,annealingat581C,40cycles,Giambernardietal,1998),MMP- We acknowledge Prof. N. E. Fusenig and Dr D. Breitkreuz, German 9(519bp,annealingat551C,30cycles,Mooreetal,2000),MMP- CancerResearchCenter,Heidelberg,Germanyforkindlyprovidingthe 13(517bp,annealingat531C,35cycles,Mooreetal,2000),and HaCaT keratinocyte line, and Dr P. Koolwijk, Gaubius Lab. TNO-PG, TIMP-1(534bp,annealing at601C,30cycles,Mooreetal,2000) The Netherlands, for kindly providing rabbit antiserum produced wereobtainedfromMWG-BiotechAG(Ebersberg,Germany).Am- againsthumanMMP-2orMMP-9.Thisworkwassupportedbygrants

Matrix Metalloproteinases of Epithelial Origin in Facial Sebum of. Patients with Acne and their Regulation by Isotretinoin. Eleni Papakonstantinou,.
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