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THE ADDUCTION AND MANIPULATION OF HUMANS USING ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY by VALM'XAR VALERIAN Matrix II The Abduction and Manipulation of Humans Using Advanced Technology Third Edition By Valdamar Valerian Cover Art 8 l99OIl99 1 by Valdamar Valerian. Reproduction of the cover art in any form is prohibited without consent flom the author and Leading Edge Research. AU Rights Reserved. MATRIX 111 Coyright l99OIl99 1 by Valdamar Valerian AU Rights Reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, except by permission of the author. International Copyright 19 9OIl99 1 by Valdamar Valerian. Published by Leading Edge Research Group, P.O.B ox 7530, Yelm, Washington State, 98597. Other 2 1st Century Books from Leading Edge Research P.O.B ox 7530, Yelm, Washington State 98597 Write for complete information package. All prices listed are U.S. Domestic only. n: Matrix The Abduction and Manipulation of Humans Using Advanced Technolom: The premier book on the investigation into the alien phenomena and its relationship to various governmental programs, including electronic implant technology. Remains the best on the planet, with material no other book will ever have in print. Third edition by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge Research Group, 199 1, 8 112 x 11 Velo Bound, 660 pages, with 1,400 line-item index. $52.50 postpaid bookrate. Matrix ITI: The Psycho-Social. Chemical. BiologJcal and Electromametic Mani~ulationo f Human Consciousness: Delves into the infrastructure underlying the subjects mentioned in the title. This book goes into the precise detail on how the consciousness of human beings is being modified by psychological and social institutions, specific chemicals added to the food, water and environment, and how the tactical aspects of chemical, biological and electromagnetic warfare, including mind control parameters, are being implemented in order to support the aims of the planetary power structure known as the New World Order. First edition by Valdamar Valerian, Volume 1, Leading Edge Research Group, 1992, 81112 x 11 Velo Bound, 913 pages, with 1,540 line-item index. $55.00 postpaid bookrate. Volume 2 of Matrix III , continuing the research into these problems and idenbfiing the underlying paradigms involved, is $59.00, 101 4pgs, October 1995. Matrix IV: The Eauivideum-Paradims and Dimensions of Human Evolution and Consciousness: This latest major work, a huge tome, discusses where humanity is going in terms of the most novel paradigms currently under discussion in society. It provides so much novel data and information, including a mastefil exposition of time wave graphs extending to the year 2012, an in-depth study of the Flower of Life paradigm and a great number of other thought patterns. A complete description of what is in this book, and the other Matrix books, would each take a whole page of text. First edition by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge Research Group, 1994, 8 112 x 11 Velo Bound, 11 34 pages, with 1,000 line-item index. $65.00 postpaid bookrate. Avoiding Extinction: The Transitioning of Humankind from the Present Nig;htmare to the New Enlightenment: This work will probably one of the most significant literary factors to - cause the shift in the basic paradigm in which society operates. Done in association with Leading Edge Research by Dr. Dan Hall, first in the "Dr. Dan" series, this work almost qualifies as a "handbook" to the entire planetary social system currently in operation. A very powehl piece of work. Anyone who has not read this work and claims to understand the American social and political system is sadly mistaken. Leading Edge Research, 1995, 8 112 x 11 Velo Bound, 140+ pages, with index. $24.95 postpaid bookrate. The Leading Edge International Research Journal: Approx 130 pg , $12ppd per month. Oftentimes have I heard you speak of one who commits a wrong as though llc wcrc not one of you, but a stranger unto you md an intruder upon your world. But I say that even as the holy and thc righteous cannot rise beyond the highest which is in ad1 one of you, So the wickcd and the weak annot fall lower than the lowest which is in you also. And as a single leaf turns not yellow but with the silent knowledge of the whole tree, So the wrong-doer cannot do wrong without the lidden will of you all. Like a proasion you walk together towvds your god- stlf, You ate the way and the wayforus. And when one of you f& down lac f& for those behind him, a caution against the stumbling stonc. Ay, and he fills lor those ahad of him, who though fvtel and surcr of foot, yct rcmovcd not tile stumbling stonc UTRIX XI i s the result of MATRIX plus 2 years of intense work. We feel that it i s probably one of the most significant works that hat ever been accomplished. The knowledge contained within it i s a pro- duct of the blood, sweat and tears of many people. The abduction and manipulation of human beings by other species i s a natural process that occurs when the awareness and intelligence of one species i s less than another. It i s the collective goal of many on this planet to ruse the awareness and intelligence of the human species, as well as the awareness and intelligence of some alien species, to a point where , ~ i p u l a t e dev olving harmony can occur. The conflic t, we feel is based on energetic societal variants called "service to self" and "service to others". It i s quite obvious that many species, including the majority of humans, do not realite the true porrsibili ties that exproded awareness can bring. We have tried to balance the problem of polarities with in-depth discussions about states of mind that do not require polarities, which provides individual entities who mad thio material with an "out". Since the abduction of humam is a primam Bod for s o n species, it is important that individual entities know the rcope of what i s happening to them m d why. We have looked r lot deeper into what i s happening with humans here, including alien dad sets and a construction of the societal structure m d operation of son ewcie s. Thio informatio n was obtained in the interest of dl the . rpacies involved, and should be digested by dl partier involved with thi corposi te mu1 tidimensional rcenario called "ma1i ty" 8 This book i s dedicated to all entities who are growing, learning, m d teaching; to dl entities that m the manipulators and the manipulated; to all entities that m "victimswm d "~icipantrr"an d to the continued evolvement of the Universal Intelligent Matrix that is generating dl that they percei ve. -I t i s dedicated to those who view with judgerent or nod-judgement so that they 4 uaderrtrnd each other. Acknowledgments We are indebted to all the researchers whose efforts and trials have provided us all with more understanding and and knowledge.o f the drama unfolding amund us. To all the researchers who have contributed materid, we are deeply grateful. Hopefullr, this effort w i l l be a demonstration of how people can work together toward a common goal. Special Acknowledgementa 8pcial thanks go to Nexue Seven for allowing- u se of selections from him forthuoring book "TOP SECRET/APOTHEOSIS A Multilateral 6et of H~othemema;L ennr Lapon for wCHRONOmY OF PSYCHIATRY AND EUmeSICB IN TEB UNITED STATES AND GERMANY" fror his excellent work entitled m1US6 1IUIU)ERERS IN WHITE COATSw; Jason Bishop I11 for him long mtaading contributions of data and graphics; Cfnthia Ostiro for her contribution of mpecial artwork ; Chan Johnson for him mdvioe, patienee, inmight and fantastic graphicm: Christa Tilton for her oontribution of artwork, data and experience and ruatained aourage; Krimtie Bjork for her frank discummionn of her experienae: M d t i &mk& and Robert Naemlund. for their revealing expome on M i r n b rain trmuit'term; John Leas for his courage and innpiration in the fwe of dimbelief and homtilitr; Oolden Retriever and CAC for tbdr 8ubmimmioam on mmtheticu; Robert Latar for him decirion to 80 publie about government owned alien disks; Oeorge Andrewm and Ikrbrrr, Bartholio for the atorf of Adrian fror their forthcoming book *--. FRIENDS AND FOBSa ; Cmthir Crowell for her r ~ + e d h ge xpome on the 00vern~ntf actor in abductiona, her patience md knowledge; the nmberm of Nevada Aerial Reaearch Qmup worldwide for'their'inputu rd mupport: the entitiem Bashar and Kim&, who have pro+ided*iruight into higher level perception; and Robert airard for him mupport and dimmerination of vital information to the public. rire Baterfril in LYATBIX 11 is presented in the interests of remearch; All fnditr'idudr are enoouraged to maeard there nteridr on tbeir own before arriving at defiaatf ve m d find aonalwfO M. I n the last two years there have been many changes and developments. Research has taken a quantum leap, and a lot of rea 1 ly interesting infonnat ion has come out. For a lot of researchers, the informat ion presents a problem. A great many 'researchers' foster extreme neglect on the populace by taking the stance of: 'We1 1, I can't cope with these ideas and I can't prove them, so I ' m not going to say anything to anyone and damage my credibility'. We believe that attitude is contributing to the coawlacency that has been hallmark of the human population, and we think it is inappropriate. We have never asked anyone to believe anything, and it is the posit ion we take in MATRIX XI. We simply be1 ieve that hrrvnans worldwide have a right to know what be going on, and that they have the right to nrske up their minds for themselves, based on their own experience and that of others, Whi 1e "rnaJmaJoorr' ganizations are 'doing their part', we feel that they are bound by their own se 1f -def ined 1i mitations and cannot disseminate infomation on any kind of timely basis that would make any difference. They seem to be too concerned with their egos, the react ions of others, and themselves. This w i l l be the last MTRIX that w i l l be published. We feel that we have done our 'part over the last three years in disseminating infomat ion and have injected sufficient materia 1 into the cf v i1 i tation to a1 low the process of investigation to continue. When data was f i r s t being released in 1987, very few would take any of this.s eriously. Now, people are jumping on the bandwagon and lecture circuit. A lot of people .are approaching it in terms of 'making mney off the fears of others', just 1i ke the fire a lam salesman or the proprietor of a bar that supplies liquor to the depressed people who con# . in. We view this menta 1 attitude as inappropriate, Uany so-ca 1 led hypno-therapists are seeking to 'nmke a buck' off the situation that abductees find themselves in, mis is a Is0 inappropriate. The abductees do not 'need' hypno-therapy just because they are an abductee. Uany abductees have come out of sessions -w ishing that the therapist could have a wire cage up their anus it might change their attitude, they feel, Over the last 20 years, we have accumulated infornwt ion that suggests that the human popu tat ion on this p lanet has been subject to intense manipulat ion by a 1i en forces, and that the humn population on Earth is considered by same species to be a slave-race, food source, and genetic pool, We feel that this is inappropriate, and that sentient beings have an innate right to evolve without mipulation. There is also a segment of the human population that colllposes the planetary power structure that is slave to negative forces and continues to foster a type of elitism that does not contribute to the development of the human species. .The continuation of Uaster-Slsve domination thought patterns that have been placed - on this planet is no longer appropriate there are other ways to conduct a civilization. A77 of this awaits the eventual realization by a 11 species that their existence is not dependent on any structure, and that cooperat ion promotes a positive differentiation that w i 1 1 pr-te evolvement. There are species who have the goa 1 of conquering the physical universe ( and other dens it ies). They have much to learn, and w i7 1 learn to co-exist with other species as they evolve. Very often, patterns that are perceived as being overtly negative are there to provide i~llpetust o introduce the balancing factors that w i l1 encouraw evolvement of a1 7 species concerned. There is a need for individua 7s of a 7 1 species in physical densities to becom more aware, for through development and growth of awareness cows the rea 7 izat ion that a 1 1 conscious- ness is part of the Un iversa 7 Inte1 7 igent Matrix that under 1 ies everything everywhera, and that thought patterns that depend on polarities are not necessary. H m s o n this planet have great potentia 1. With the develop- mnt and use of the -missing SOX' of the cerebral wrtex, humans have the ability to do things that some alien species require technology to 8-1 ish, That is one of the &or reasons that humans are suppres88d. Prior to or coincident with the develop- mnt of mntal abi 1i t ies nust also be the development of the -spiritual' abflities. Without these, there would be havoc w i t h spiritually i m t u r e beings wielding abilities that would pramte egotist ica 7 aims and results based On ignorance. This is a lso inappropriate. mat is neehd is a break in the mnipulutfve efforte of both the planetary polmsr structures and the a 7 ien atpecies involved. The development of awareness w i l l aid the break in manipulation, and contribute to the evolution of humns and other species, It is part of this awareness to which m, swk to contribute through this work. . . - In regard to research 'fn the field' them fs no such thing as an expert on U m o r a parem who is a 'UFOlogist'. those- tqm pram- cont fnuation in a mind set that is not appropriate one that perceives reality on a limited basis; it is one that boasts a pseudo-ernlpiricaf attitudb and offers a dreluded 'public' differing and continuous vemians of the san system. It is this system Which, enmurages (by the structure of w ltum, language and prograbmad re1i gious be 7 ief system?) naintenanw of a rnind set where entities (specifically hmmns) am encouraned to i&ntify w i t h their bodies, egos, materia 7 objects,etc,, and to maintain a view of ma 1f ty which is intentiom 1l y myopic. It is designed to 1i nit awareness of the mass consciousness of the civi Ifration by use of substances in the food and air, the condition of the e l e c t ~ g n e t i cat mephem (which contains both general emmations f r a n electrical equipent and specific emanations frcm devices designed to entrain and influence the humn brain), and the provarotion of a Maste~Slave-OoJnination rnind set (which causes division of the group into opposing canqps of Elite and Non-Elite). It is the feeling among arcrny that on- this fallacy is recognized, it w i 7 7 be rea 7 ized that conscious promot ion of this situation is no 7onger appropriate. This, in fact, is the spirit in which the MATRIX series was written. It is meant sinfp 7y to provide individua 7s who are pre- disposed to expanding awareness a chance to break away from the 'whee 7 of fortune' and 'take the pause that rea 7 ly refreshes". It is the opinion of many that people are very deserving of the chance to do this, and a77 who oppose freedom of awareness, life, and evolution according to Service to Others should under- stand that their days of Elitism are short numbered. The move in this dire-c tion is a response to Elite acti.o ns over a long period of time it cannot be brought to a- h alt El it ism generates its own balancing and equa 1 iring force a force that is in tune with the development of awareness. When those who promote devolving re8 7 ity systems f ina 1l y have that re8 1i zat ion that they are their own 'worst enemies', and that consciousness by its very nature cannot seek anything but balance, then they w i1 1 cease and des ist and make the contr ibut ion to the genera 1 we 11 be ing of a 11 species and a 11 1i fefoms everywhere, This is by no means 'idea 1i sm', for the very word indicates a myopic state of aware- ness. It is the way things operate best. The disparity between whst the public sees as 'reality' and the true dimensions of reality is incredible. It is so incredible that built-in cultural blocks activate and many people decide to look the other way, because they bas ica 1 1y fee 1 that they have no other recourse when their ma 1i ty structure is threatened. They have yet to understand that their existence is independent of any structure, and that manipulation of reality and perception is very often a matter of understanding sonre key fa-c ts, coup led with an effort toward expansion of their awareness expansion according to a definitive act of w i l l and a plan, not blindly. Basics 1l y, the human population has been led b 1 indly down a series of false paths, and has been nnipulated by a series of nested conspiracies (a conspiracy is an action planned by a group on a covert basis). At the top of the stack of ~ n i p u l u t i v e conspiracies you w i l l find alien influence. I n the middle you w i l l find planetary power and control groups. At the bottom you w i l l find the rest of the human population and the other 1f fefonns on the planet. It is the intent of the non-manipulative side of the w i n to expose these factors, so that peop 7e .wi 11 be ~ i v e nth e chance to discover wh-a t is true for themselves. Someone has to provide this impetus those Elite in power (both on the human and alien sides) w i l l not provide this to you. A6 a result of the suppression and compartmentalization of informet ion, cultures have been fraamented into severa 1 distinct groups and mind sets which both co-exist and oppose each other. Part of our culture does not or w i1 1 not be 1 ieve in the existence of other species; part of our culture acknowledges their existence or the probability of their existence; part of

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