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Matricial representation of period doubling cascade 0 1 0 a,b a,c Luc´ıa Cerrada , Jesu´s San Mart´ın , 2 a) Departamento de Matema´tica Aplicada, E.U.I.T.I. n a UPM. 28012- Madrid, SPAIN. J b) Departamento de Matema´tica Aplicada y computaci´on, 8 ETS de Ingenier´ıa ICAI. 1 Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid. ] 28015-Madrid,SPAIN. D c) Departamento de F´ısica Matema´tica y de Fluidos, C Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad Nacional de Educaci´on a Distancia. . n 28040-Madrid,SPAIN. i nl Corresponding author: Jesu´s San Mart´ın. e-mail: [email protected] [ January 18, 2010 1 v 0 2 Abstract 1 Startingfromthecyclepermutationσ associatedwiththe2k-periodic 3 2k orbit of the period doubling cascade we obtain the inverse permutation . 1 σ−1. Then webuildamatrixpermutation relatedtoσ−1,whichincludes 0 th2ek visiting order of the 2k-periodic orbit points. 2k 0 Aftersomemanipulationsarecurrencerelationofmatricialrepresenta- 1 : tion ofperiod doublingcascadeisobtained. Finally theexplicit matricial v representation is reached. i X r 1 Introduction a Theperioddoublingcascade[1,2]isaverywell-knownmechanismoftransition to chaos and it is commonly observed in science. It can be found in chemistry [3],biology[4],physics[5],tomentionafewfields. Thiscangiveanideaofboth its extraordinary importance and the mathematical foundations that supports it. Any advance in the understanding or the reformulation of period doubling cascade will have immediate effects in many fields as those mentioned above. In a period doubling cascade successive orbits of ever increasing (doubling) period are created as a parameter control is varied. The process that underlies in this phenomenon is well-known as well as the scaling among successive bi- furcation parameters [1, 2]. We are going to pay attention to the problem not 1 from analytical but topological point of view, where several questions remain still open. Ifthe2k-periodicorbitofthecascadeisconsidered,thenitcanbecharacter- izedbyitssymbolicsequence[6,7]. Thatis,asequencelikeCI1I2···I2k−1 where I can be R or L, depending on whether the points of the orbit are located to i the right or left of the critical point C of the function undergoing the period doubling cascade. A question immediately arises. How can we distinguish one R(L)fromtheothers? Whicharetheirrelativepositions?. Thisquestionisan- swered by the celebrated kneading theory [8]. By using this theory every point oftheorbitisassociatedwithanumber,thenyouorderthenumbersonebyone and you obtain the relative positions. Obviously if the orbit has many points, let us say 25000, it is better to use some kind of sieve to sort the points. That is what is made in [9]. In that paper it was found the permutation that orders the points of the 2k periodic orbit, k arbitrary,in the period-doubling cascade. To get this goal, the 2k points of the orbit are labeled by their naturalposition in the straight line as follows C , C ,C ,···C . Then the (1,2k) (2,2k) (2,2k) (2k,2k) permutation σ = σ ,σ(cid:8) ,··· ,σ , indicates σ ,(cid:9)the number 2k (1,2k) (2,2k) (2k,2k) (i,2k) ofiteratesfromC ne(cid:0)ededto getthepointC (cid:1),thatis, fσ(i,2k)(C)=C . (i,2k) (i,2k) The inverse permutation σ−1 gives the order the different points of the orbit 2K are visited (see [9] for more details). Nonetheless some unsolved problems remain. i) How to make k →∞ in the 2k-periodic orbit? Such happens in a period doubling cascade. If we had a matricial representation we would be able todosobecausewehavemathematicaltoolsinalgebratogetit. Further- more,inthiswaywewouldhaveamathematicaltooltostudyanalytically the transition to chaos, that is, when k →∞. ii) How to deal with a dynamical system undergoing a period doubling cas- cade that has 2m points of 2k period orbit (m≤k) occupied by particles. That is, the physical system has 2k states generated in a period doubling cascade, and 2m of those states are occupied by particles. Obviously, we can calculate the evolution of any particle by using the permutation σ 2k for all of them, but in this way we would have to use the permutation 2m times,whatiscompletelyuselessif2misverybig. Matricialrepresentation is again the solution, given that we can represent 2k states of the system by a single column vector with 2k rows, the rows are zero except when they are occupied by particles. So the evolution of the system is givenby the matricial representation of σ acting on the column vector. On the 2k other way, the particles occupying the 2m points can have physical prop- erties: spin, charge, etc. since every particle evolution is distinguishable. We shall discuss this topic later. The idea of using matrices in dynamical systems is not new, in fact, it is naturally associated with them. Every periodic orbit is associated univocally withapermutationandthispermutationwithitspermutationmatrix. Matrices 2 have a pivotal role in dynamical systems, for example, they are used either to describe the minimal periodic orbit structure with the transitionmatrix [10] or in kneading theory [8] with the kneading matrix. Inthispaperwearegoingtogetamatricialrepresentationofperioddoubling cascadeorbits,byusingthepermutationσ givenin[9]. Inordertoachievethis 2k goalthepaperisorganizedasfollows. Firstly,somepropositionsandlemmasare proventogetσ−1 fromσ ,giventhatthesoughtformatricialrepresentationis 2k 2k associated with σ−1 instead of σ . Then, after a few manipulations we arrive 2k 2k to a new permutation related to σ−1, the so-called disordered permutation. 2k From this new permutation we obtain the permutation matrix associated with it. Then we get the matricial representation by a recurrence relation. Finally weobtainanexplicitmatricialrepresentationofperioddoublingcascade. After theoreticalresults we will expose conclusionswhere new fundamental questions will arise. 2 Definitions and notation Along this paper, we will use basic concepts introduced in [9]. For the sake of self containing notation and clarity we repeat the following definitions. Definition 1 The set C∗ ,C∗ ...,C∗ will denote the ascending (1,q) (2,q) (q,q) (descending) cardinality onrder of the orbit O = oC,f(C),··· ,fq−1(C) when the unimodal map f has a minimum (maximu(cid:8)m) in C. The point C(cid:9)∗ is (i,q) defined as the i-th cardinal of the q-periodic orbit. Definition 2 The natural number σ , i=1,··· ,q will denote the number of (i,q) iterations of f such that fσ(i,q)(C)=C∗ , i=1,··· ,q. (i,q) Remark 3 The geometrical meaning of definitions 1 and 2 is depicted in figure 1. Introducing the usual order of R in the set of the real numbers O = {C = f4(C),f(C),f2(C),f3(C)} it results f2(C) < f4(C) <f3(C) <f(C), then we label these real numbers according to the usual (ascending or descending) order of N, as C∗ <C∗ < C∗ <C∗ (the label runs in the index ”i” of C∗ ). In 4,4 3,4 2,4 1,4 i,4 this way, we can forget the real numbers given by fσ(i,4) and speak of C∗ . That i,4 is the meaning of the cardinality order in a set whose cardinal is q =4. In fact, what is important is to know how many iterates are needed to move from C∗ i,q to C∗ , that is, to get from label ”i” to label ”j”. j,q Definition 4 We denote as σq the permutation σq = σ(1,q),σ(2,q),···,σ(q,q) , that is the q-tuple formed by the σ(i,q). (cid:0) (cid:1) In particular, along this paper we will take q =2k. 3 1 f22 C1,4 0.8 C 2,4 0.6 f C 3,4 0.4 C 4,4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Figure 1: A 4-periodic orbit. f(C) = C∗ , f2(C) = C∗ , f3(C) = C∗ , 1,4 4,4 2,4 f4(C)=C∗ =C, with σ =1, σ =3, σ =4, σ =2. 3,4 1,4 2,4 3,4 4,4 Definition 5 Let {a1,a2,···,an} be a sequence of real numbers. We define the Reflectionofthesequence{a1,a2,···,an}withincrementα,denotedasR(a1,a2,···,an;α), as the sequence of real numbers given by R(a1,a2,···,an;α)={a1,a2,···,an,an+α,an−1+α,··· ,a1+α} We shall introduce the rest of definitions when the need for them arises. 3 Theorems Withoutlossofgeneralityweshallworkwithunimodalmapshavingamaximun at the critical point C. The next theorem is proven in [9], we reformulate it, by using definition 5, for our convenience as follows. Theorem 6 Let f :I ⊂R→I be an unimodal map, depending on a parame- ter, undergoing a period doubling cascade. Let C∗ ,C∗ ...,C∗ be (1,2k) (2,2k) (2k,2k) n o thecardinalityorderingofthe2k−periodicsuperstableorbitofthecascade, given by fσ(i,2k)(C)=C∗ , i=1,··· ,2k. Then the elements of the permutation (i,2k) σ = σ ,σ ,··· ,σ ≡ σ (1),σ (2),··· ,σ 2k 2k (1,2k) (2,2k) (2k,2k) 2k 2k 2k (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:1) satisfy the recurrence relation σ (n)=2σ (n)−1 2k+1 2k n=1,2,3,··· ,2k (1) σ 2k+n =2σ 2k−n+1 2k+1 2k (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) 4 The reformulated theorem 6 allows us to obtain the inverse permutation of σ by a recurrence relation. 2k Proposition 7 The permutation, denoted by σ−1, defined by the recurrence 2k relation σ−1(2n−1)=σ−1 (n) 2k 2k−1 1≤n≤2k−1 n,k∈N (2) σ−1(2n)=2k+1−σ−1 (n) 2k 2k−1 with seed value σ−1(1)=1 20 is the inverse permutation of σ . 2k Proof. We will prove the proposition by induction on k. i) σ−1◦σ (n)=n, n=1,2. The proof is straightforward. 21 21 ii)Weassumebyhypothesisofinductionthatσ−1istheinversepermutation 2k of σ and we will prove that σ−1 is the inverse of σ , that is, 2k 2k+1 2k+1 σ−1 ◦σ (n)=σ−1 (σ (n))=n, n=1,··· ,2k,2k+1,··· ,2k+1 2k+1 2k+1 2k+1 2k+1 We will distinguish two cases. a) n=1,··· ,2k By theorem 6 it yields σ−1 (σ (n))=σ−1 (2σ (n)−1) 2k+1 2k+1 2k+1 2k By using (2) it results σ−1 (2σ (n)−1)=σ−1(σ (n))=n 2k+1 2k 2k 2k where the last step holds by the induction hypothesis. b) n=2k+1,··· ,2k+1 We write n=2k+m with m=1,··· ,2k, so σ−1 (σ (n))=σ−1 σ 2k+m 2k+1 2k+1 2k+1 2k+1 (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:1) By Theorem 6 it results σ−1 σ 2k+m =σ−1 2σ 2k−m+1 2k+1 2k+1 2k+1 2k (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:1) Then by using (2) it yields σ−1 2σ 2k−m+1 = 2k+1+1−σ−1 σ 2k−m+1 = 2k+1 2k 2k 2k (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:1) = 2k+1+1− 2k−(cid:0) m+(cid:0) 1 =2k+(cid:1)m(cid:1) =n (cid:0) (cid:1) where the hypothesis induction has been used. 5 Lemma 8 The permutations σ−1 and σ−1 satisfy the recurrence relation 2k 2k−2 σ−1(4m)=2k−1+σ−1 (m) 2k 2k−2  σ2−k1(j)= σσ2−k−11(4(m4m−−1)2)==2k2−k1++11−−σσ−2−1k1−2(m(m)) with 1≤m≤k2≥k−22, 1≤j ≤2k 2k 2k−2  σ2−k1(4m−3)=σ2−k1−2(m) Proof. i) According to (2), σ−1(2n−1)=σ−1 (n) 1≤n≤2k−1 2k 2k−1 By using (2) again we get σ−1 (2m−1)=σ−1 (m) if n=2m−1 σ−1(2n−1)=σ−1 (n)= 2k−1 2k−2 k ≥2 2k 2k−1  σ−1 (2m)=2k−1+1−σ−1 (m) if n=2m 2k−1 2k−2  that yields, after substituting n=2m−1 and n=2m, σ−1(4m−3)=σ−1 (m) 2k 2k−2 1≤m≤2k−2, k ≥2 σ−1(4m−1)=2k−1+1−σ−1 (m) 2k 2k−2 ii) According to (2), σ−1(2n)=2k+1−σ−1 (n) 1≤n≤2k−1 2k 2k−1 We proceed as before to obtain 2k+1−σ−1 (2m−1)=2k+1−σ−1 (m) if n=2m−1 σ−1(2n)= 2k−1 2k−2 k≥2 2k  2k+1−σ−1 (2m)=2k−2k−1+σ−1 (m) if n=2m 2k−1 2k−2  and therefore σ−1(4m−2)=2k+1−σ−1 (m) 2k 2k−2 1≤m≤2k−2, k ≥2 σ−1(4m)=2k−1+σ−1 (m) 2k 2k−2 which proves the lemma. Remark 9 Given the 2k−periodic orbit, the inverse permutation σ2−k1 =(cid:18)σ−11(1) σ−12(2) ··· σ−1n(n) ··· σ−12k2k (cid:19) (3) 2k 2k 2k 2k (cid:0) (cid:1) indicates thatwereachtheposition σ−1(n)after n n=1,··· ,2k iteratesfrom 2k C (see [9]). So, the visiting order of the cardinals(cid:0)of the orbit i(cid:1)s given by the sequence σ−1(1)→σ−1(2)→···→σ−1 2k (4) 2k 2k 2k (cid:0) (cid:1) 6 That idea is reflected in the permutation defined as σ−1(n) (cid:18)σ−12k(n+1)(cid:19) with n=1,··· ,2k 2k Because of this, we introduce the following definition. 1 2 ··· n Definition 10 Let σ = be a permutation, we n (cid:18)σn(1) σn(2) ··· σn(n)(cid:19) define the disordered permutation of σ , denoted as Ω(σ ), as the permutation n n σ (1) σ (2) ··· σ (n) Ω(σ )≡ n n n n (cid:18)σn(2) σn(3) ··· σn(1)(cid:19) or using compact notation σ (r) Ω(σ )= n with r=1,··· ,n n (cid:18)σn(r+1)(cid:19) It is assumed that σ (n+1)=σ (1). n n In particular the disordered permutation associated with σ−1 is 2k Ω σ2−k1 ≡(cid:18)σ−σ12−k(1n(+n)1)(cid:19) with n=1,··· ,2k (5) (cid:0) (cid:1) 2k It is assumed that σ−1 2k+1 =σ−1(1). 2k 2k This permutation g(cid:0)ives wh(cid:1)at point of the 2k - periodic orbit is reached after one iteration from a fixed point, that is, if we are located at the point with position σ−1(n) after one iteration we will reach the point with position 2k σ−1(n+1). In other words, we move from C∗ to C∗ 2k (cid:16)σ2−k1(n),2k(cid:17) (cid:16)σ2−k1(n+1),2k(cid:17) As the inverse permutation of Ω(σ ) is n Ω−1(σ )= σn(r+1) with r=1,··· ,n n (cid:18) σn(r) (cid:19) it results Ω−1 σ2−k1 =(cid:18)σ2−σk1−(1n(+n)1)(cid:19) with n=1,··· ,2k (6) (cid:0) (cid:1) 2k 4 Matricial representation of period doubling cascade 4.1 Matrix associated with the disordered permutation Ω−1 σ−1 2k (cid:0) (cid:1) Everypermutationisunivocallyassociatedwithitspermutationmatrix. So,one couldthink thatmatricialrepresentationofperioddoubling cascadeis givenby 7 the permutation matrix of σ−1. However the permutation σ−1 does not give 2k 2k the visiting order of the 2k− periodic orbit but Ω σ−1 (see remark 9); that 2k is, why we have built the permutation Ω σ2−k1 . If P(cid:0)Ω(σn−(cid:1)1) is the permutation matrix associated with Ω σ−1 it results(cid:0) (cid:1) 2k (cid:0) (cid:1) 0 ··· 0 1i 0 ··· 0 PΩ(σn−1) = 0 ··· 0 0 1j ··· 0 (7) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) thatis,aparticlelocatedatthearbitrarypositioni=σ−1(n),n=1,2,3,··· ,2k, 2k reaches the position j =σ−1(n+1), n=1,2,3,··· ,2k after one iteration. 2k Because we usually work with column vectors instead of row vectors, we rewrite (7) as 0 0 . . .  .  . . 0 0     PΩt(cid:16)σ2−k1(cid:17)10i=10j     ..  ..  .  .      0 0     As permutation matrices are orthogonalmatrices, it results Pt =P−1 =P Ω(cid:16)σ2−k1(cid:17) Ω(cid:16)σ2−k1(cid:17) Ω−1(cid:16)σ2−k1(cid:17) That is why we shall work with Ω−1 σ−1 instead of Ω σ−1 . 2k 2k (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) Definition 11 We define the matrix P as the permutation matrix associ- Ω(σn) ated with the disordered permutation Ω(σ ) , that is, n 1 if i=σ (r) and j =σ (r+1), r =1,2,··· ,n P =(p ) with p = n n Ω(σn) ij ij (cid:26) 0 otherwise It is assumed that σ (n+1)=σ (1). n n Therefore from definition 11 and (6) it follows P =(p ) with Ω−1(cid:16)σ2−k1(cid:17) ij 1 if i=σ−1(n+1) and j =σ−1(n), n=1,2,3,··· ,2k p = 2k 2k (8) ij (cid:26) 0 otherwise It is assumed that σ−1 2k+1 =σ−1(1). 2k 2k Without loss of gene(cid:0)rality ((cid:1)8) can be written as PΩ−1(cid:16)σ2−k1(cid:17) =(pij) with 1 if i=σ−1(n) and j =σ−1(n−1), n=1,2,3,··· ,2k p = 2k 2k (9) ij (cid:26) 0 otherwise 8 It is assumed that σ−1 2k =σ−1(0). 2k 2k Wewanttofindthe(cid:0)exp(cid:1)licitexpressionofthepermutationmatrixassociated with the disordered permutation Ω−1 σ−1 . It will provide us the matricial 2k representation of the period doubling c(cid:0)ascad(cid:1)e. 4.2 Matricial representation The matricial representation we are looking for, is enclosed in the following definition. Definition 12 The matrices A , k ∈N, are defined by 2k 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 A2k−2 0 A21 =(cid:18)1 0(cid:19),A22 =0 1 0 0,A2k = I∗0 00 I2k0−2 k >3, 1 0 0 0  2k−1    where I2k−2 is the 2k−2 order identity matrix and I2∗k−1 = (aij) is the 2k−1 order matrix with a = 1 if i+j =2k−1+1 i,j =1,2,··· ,2k−1, that is, ij (cid:26) 0 otherwise 1 I∗ = 2k−1) ·  2k−1 ·   1    To provethat matricesA , giveninthe definition above,arethe lookedfor 2k matricial representationwe divide the proof into a sequence of lemmas. Lemma 13 P is a 2k order matrix whose entries are all zero except three non-nullΩbl−o1c(cid:16)kσs2−kd1e(cid:17)noted by B2k−2, C2k−2 and C2∗k−1 given by B2k−2 =(bij) with 1 if i=σ−1(4m−3) and j =σ−1(4m−4), m=1,2,3,··· ,2k−2 b = 2k 2k ij (cid:26) 0 otherwise C2k−2 =(cij) with 1 if i=σ−1(4m−1) and j =σ−1(4m−2), m=1,2,3,··· ,2k−2 c = 2k 2k ij (cid:26) 0 otherwise C∗ = c∗ with 2k−1 ij (cid:0) (cid:1) c∗ = 1 if i=σ2−k1(2m) and j =σ2−k1(2m−1), m=1,2,3,··· ,2k−1 ij (cid:26) 0 otherwise 9 Proof. Let be the set S = 1,2,3,··· ,2k . S can be divided intro three subsets (cid:8) (cid:9) S = 4m−3 | m=1,2,3,··· ,2k−2 1 S2 =(cid:8)4m−1 | m=1,2,3,··· ,2k−2(cid:9) (10) S3 =(cid:8) 2m | m=1,2,3,··· ,2k−1 (cid:9) (cid:8) (cid:9) 3 such that S = ∪ S , S ∩S =∅, i6=j, i,j =1,2,3. i i j i=1 As (see (9)) P =(p ) with Ω−1(cid:16)σ2−k1(cid:17) ij 1 if i=σ−1(n) and j =σ−1(n−1), n=1,2,3,··· ,2k p = 2k 2k ij (cid:26) 0 otherwise takingintoaccountthepartitionofS givenby(10)itfollows,aftersubstituting by4m−3,4m−1,and2m,thatP hasthreenon-nullblocks,denoted B2k−2, C2∗k−1 and C2k−2 as outlineΩd−b1(cid:16)elσo2−wk1(cid:17). i) B2k−2 =(bij) is a 2k−2 order submatrix, with 1 if i=σ−1(4m−3) and j =σ−1(4m−4), m=1,2,3,··· ,2k−2 b = 2k 2k ij (cid:26) 0 otherwise (11) ii) C2k−2 =(cij) is a 2k−2 order matrix, with 1 if i=σ−1(4m−1) and j =σ−1(4m−2), m=1,2,3,··· ,2k−2 c = 2k 2k ij (cid:26) 0 otherwise (12) iii) C∗ = c∗ is a 2k−1 order matrix, with 2k−1 ij (cid:0) (cid:1) c∗ = 1 if i=σ2−k1(2m) and j =σ2−k1(2m−1), m=1,2,3,··· ,2k−1 ij (cid:26) 0 otherwise (13) being zero the other entries in the matrix P−1 σ−1 . The following lemma indicates where B2kΩ−2,(cid:0)C22kk−(cid:1)2 and C2∗k−1 arelocated in the matrix P . Ω−1(cid:16)σ2−k1(cid:17) Lemma 14 Let B2k−2, C2k−2 and C2∗k−1 be the blocks introduced in lemma 13, then 0 B2k−2 0 PΩ−1(cid:16)σ2−k1(cid:17) = C∗0 00 C20k−2   2k−1  Proof. i) We want to prove that B2k−2 is the submatrix of PΩ−1(cid:16)σ2−k1(cid:17) formed by rows 1,2,··· ,2k−2 and columns 2k−1+1,2k−1+2,··· ,2k−1+2k−2. Accordingto(11)therow-indexesofB2k−2 withentry1aregivenbyσ2−k1(4m−3) and by using lemma 8 we write σ−1(4m−3)=σ−1 (m) with m=1,2,3,4,··· ,2k−2, k >2 (14) 2k 2k−2 10

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