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Preview Mathematische Zeitschrift 2001: Vol 237 Table of Contents

Mathematische Zeitschrift Vol. 237 - 2001 Edited by W. Ballmann, Bonn K. Diederich, Wuppertal U. Jannsen, Regensburg J.C. Jantzen, Aarhus E. Kuwert, Freiburg H.R. Miller, Cambridge, Mass. D. Muller, Kiel (Managing Editor) C. Voisin, Paris Advisory Board W.P. Barth, Erlangen E. Becker, Dortmund - G. Faltings, Bonn H. Heyer, Tubingen - J. Jost, Leipzig W. Klingenberg, Bonn - M. Struwe, Zurich E. Zehnder, Zurich Springer ,Mathematische Zeitschrift was founded in 1918 and edited by L. Lichtenstein in cooperation with K. Knopp, E. Schmidt and |. Schur; after Lichtenstein’s death, 1933, it was edited by K. Knopp. The Editorial Committee was increased to include E. Kamke and F.K. Schmidt in 1933, R. Nevanlinna in 1936 and H. Wielanat in 1950. The latter became Managing Editor in 1952. He was succeeded in 1973 by H. Salzmann, 1977 by H. Heyer and 1984 by W.P. Barth and W.v. Wahl. As of 1990 E. Becker is the Managing Editor. Die ,,Mathematische Zeitschrift* wurde im Jahre 1918 von L. Lichtenstein unter der Mitwirkung von K. Knopp, E. Schmidt und /. Schur gegriindet und herausgegeben. Nach dem Tode Lichtensteins Ubernahm K. Knopp 1933 die Herausgabe. Die Schriftieitung erganzte sich 1933 durch E. Kamke und F.K. Schmidt, 1936 durch AR. Nevanlinna und 1950 durch H. Wielandt, der 1952 die Herausgabe Ubernahm. 1973 ging die Federflhrung an H. Salzmann, 1977 an H. Heyer und 1984 an W.P. Barth und W.v. Wahl iber. Seit 1990 ist E. Becker geschaftsfuhrender Herausgeber. Manuscripts may be sent to/Manuskripte nehmen entgegen: W. Balimann, Mathematisches Institut, Universitat Bonn, Wegelerstrasse 10, D-53115 Bonn, Germany E. Becker, FB Mathematik, Universitat Dortmund, Postfach 50 05 00, D-44221 Dortmund, Germany K. Diederich, Universitat-GHS, Fachbereich 7, Mathematik, GauBstrasse 20, D-42097 Wuppertal, Germany U. Jannsen, Universitat Regensburg, Fachbereich Mathematik, 93040 Regensburg, Germany J. C. Jantzen, Matematisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark E. Kuwert, Mathematisches Institut, Universitat Freiburg, Eckertstrasse 1, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany H.R. Miller, Department of Mathematics, MIT, Rm-2-237, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307, USA D. Miller, Mathematisches Seminar, Universitat Kiel, Ludewig-Meyn-Strasse 4, D-24098 Kiel, Germany C. Voisin, Département de Mathématique, Université Paris-Sud, Batiment 425, F-91405 Orsay Cedex, France Copyright Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, review, or thesis); that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that its publication has been approved by all coauthors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities at the institute where the work has been carried out; that, if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree to automatic transfer of the copyright to the publisher (society); and that the manuscript will not be published elsewhere in any language without the consent of the copyright holders. 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Printers: Saladruck, Berlin, Germany Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York a member of BertelsmannSpringer Science+Business Media GmbH. http://www.springer.de © Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2001 Printed in Germany Inhalt/Contents Alias LJ, Palmer B: On the area of constant mean Guijarro L, Walschap G: Transitive holonomy group curvature discs and annuli with circular and rigidity in nonnegative curvature 251 boundaries 585 Hebey E, Vaugon M: From best constants to critical Baranov AA: Infinite dimensional irreducible Lie functions 737 algebras containing transformations of finite rank Heinemann Stefan-M, Stratmann BO: Hausdorff 833 dimension 2 for Julia sets of quadratic Bekollé D, Bonami A, Peloso MM, Ricci F: polynomials 571 Boundedness of Bergman projections on tube Hilgert J, Krétz B: The Plancherel Theorem for domains over light cones 31 invariant Hilbert spaces 61] Berhuy G: On hermitian trace forms over hilbertian Holcman D, Humbert E: A Poincaré-Sobolev type fields 56] inequality on compact Riemannian manifolds Bonami A — BekolléD 31 with boundary 669 Borcea J: Annihilating fields of standard modules Humbert E—> HolemanD 669 for affine Lie algebras 301 Ishii S, Tomari M: Hypersurface non-rational Brin M, Kifer Y: Brownian motion, harmonic singularities which look canonical from theit functions and hyperbolicity for Euclidean Newton boundaries 125 complexes 421 Iwatsuka A — Doi S-i 35 Jacobi T: A representation theorem for certain covering spaces with parameters 815 partially ordered commutative rings 259 Cruz-Sampedro J: Exact asymptotic behavior at Kamiyama Y: Polynomial model for homotopy infinity of solutions to abstract second-order fibers associated with the James construction differential inequalities in Hilbert spaces 727 149 Daskalopoulos P, Lee K: Free-boundary regularity Kifer Y —> BrinM 421 on the focusing problem for the Gauss Curvature Krotz B + HilgertJ 61 Flow with flat sides 847 Krétz B: On the dual of complex Ol shanskii Di Scala AJ, Olmos C: The geometry of semigroups 505 homogeneous submanifolds of hyperbolic space Kumar A: Operator space projective tensor product 199 of C*-algebras 211 Doi S-i, Iwatsuka A, Mine T: The uniqueness of the Lee K —+ Daskalopoulos P_ 847 integrated density of states for the Schrédinger Migliore J, Nagel U, Peterson C Bezout’s theorem operators with magnetic fields — 335 and Cohen-Macaulay modules 373 Gille S: A note on the Witt group of §"— 601 Mine T — Doi S-i 335 Gilmer PM, Zhong JK: On the Homflypt skein Nagel U — Migliore J. 373 moduleo f S' x S? 769 Ojanguren M, Panin I: Rationally trivial hermitian Gobel R, Shelah S: Some Nasty reflexive groups spaces are locally trivial 181] 547 Olmos C — Di ScalaAJ 199 Gongalves DL, Zieschang H: Equations in free Palmer B Alias LJ) 585 groups and coincidence of mappings on surfaces Panin | — OjangurenM_ 181 | Peloso MM -> Bekollé D 31 Gong X: Conformal maps and non-reversibility of Peralta AM: Little Grothendieck*s theorem for real elliptic area-preserving maps 275 JB*-triples 531 Goodman FM, Wenz! H: A path algorithm for affine Peterson C — Migliore J 373 Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials 235 Rabier PJ, Stuart CA: Global bifurcation for Grotowski JF: Finite time blow-up for the quasilinear elliptic equations on N 85 Yang-Mills heat flow in higher dimensions 321 Reimann HM: Rigidity of #7 type groups 697 Guangxing Z: Valuations and convex subrings of a Reineke M: Feigin’s map and monomial bases for commutative ring with higher level preordering quantized enveloping algebras 639 219 Ricci F > BekolléD = 31 Guaraldo F: On the classification of real analytic Shelah S > Gobel R547 fibre bundles 621 IV Inhalt/Contents Slijepéevic S: Construction of invariant measures of Zhong JK >Gilmer PM 769 Lagrangian maps: minimisation and relaxation Zieschang H >Gongalves DL_ 1 469 Stratmann BO —+ Heinemann Stefan-M = 571 Stuart CA —+ Rabier PJ 85 Tomari M — IshiiS 125 >ColtoiuM 815 Vaugon M — Hebey E 737 Comprehensively covered by Walschap G -+ GuijarroL 251 Zentralblatt MATH, Wark HM: Spaces of diagonal operators 395 Mathematical Reviews and Wenzl H — Goodman FM 235 Current Contents

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