Mathematische Zeitschrift Vol. 231 - 1999 Edited by E. Becker, Dortmund W. Balimann, Bonn K. Diederich, Wuppertal J. C. Jantzen, Aarhus E. Kuwert, Freiburg D. Muller, Kiel! D.W. Stroock, Cambridge, Mass. C. Voisin, Paris Advisory Board W.P. Barth, Erlangen - G. Faltings, Bonn H. Heyer, Tubingen - J. Jost, Leipzig W. Klingenberg, Bonn - M. Struwe, Zurich E. Zehnder, Zurich Springer “Mathematische Zeitschrift“ was founded in 1918 and edited by L. Lichtenstein in cooperation with K. Knopp, E. Schmidt and /. Schur; after Lichtenstein’s death, 1933, it was edited by K. Knopp. The Editorial Committee was increased to include Kamke and F.K. Schmidt in 1933, R. Nevanlinna in 1936 and H. Wielandt in 1950. The latter became Managing Editor in 1952. He was succeeded in 1973 by H. Saizmann, 1977 by H. Heyer and 1984 by W.P. Barth and W.v. Wahi. As of 1990 E. Becker is the Managing Editor Die ,Mathematische Zeitschrift* wurde im Jahre 1918 von L. Lichtenstein unter der Mitwirkung von K. Knopp, E. Schmidt und /. Schur gegrundet und herausgegeben. Nach dem Tode Lichtensteins Ubernahm K. Knopp 1933 die Herausgabe. Die Schriftleitung erganzte sich 1933 durch E. Kamke und F.K. Schmidt, 1936 durch R. Nevanlinna und 1950 durch H. Wielandt, 2 die Herausgabe Ubernahm. 1973 ging die Federflhrung an H. Sailzmann, 1977 an H. Heyer und 1984 an W.P. Barth und W.v. Wahl Uber. Seit 1990 ist E. Becker geschaftsfuhrender Herausgeber Manuscripts may be sent to/Manuskripte nehmen entgegen: E. Becker, FB Mathematik, Universitat Dortmund, Postfach 50 05 00, D-44221 Dortmund, Germany G. Carlsson, Department of Mathematics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA K. Diederich, Universitat-GHS, Fachbereich 7, Mathematik, GauBstrasse 20, D-42097 Wuppertal, Germany J. C. Jantzen, Matematisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark J. Poschel, Mathematisches Institut A, Pfaffenwaldring 57, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany D. W. Stroock, Department of Mathematics, MIT, Rm-272, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307, USA M. Struwe, Departement Mathematik, ETH-Zentrum, Ramistrasse 101, CH-8092 Ziirich, Switzerland C. Voisin, Departement de Mathematique, Université Paris-Sud, Batiment 425, F-91405 Orsay Cedex, France Copyright Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, review, or thesis); that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that its publi- cation has been approved by all coauthors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities at the institute where the work has been carried out; that, if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree to automatic transfer of the copyright to the publisher (society); and that the manuscript will not be published elsewhere in any language without the con- sent of the copyright holders All articles published in this journal are protected by copyright, which covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article (€.g., as offprints), all translation rights as well as the rights to publish the article in any electronic form. 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KG, D-14197 Berlin, Germany Printed in Germany Inhalt/Contents \babou R, Baird P, Brossard J: Polynémes semi Jahandideh M1 Irreducible subalgebras of quasi contormes et morphismes harmoniques 589 normed operator ideals | \bly M, Denis L, Recher I Transcendance de invariant modulaire en caractéristique finie Kapovich I, Weidmann R: On the structure of =) two-generated hyperbolic groups 783 \lmeida M, D’ Alfonso L, Solerné P: On the Karp L, Peyerimhoff N: Horospherica degrees of bases of free modules over a and uniform distribution of curves of constant polynomial ring 679 geodesic curvature 655 Angenent S, van der Vorst R: A superquadratic Kleiner B Phe local structure of length spaces indefinite elliptic system and its Morse with curvature bounded above 409 Conley-Floer homology 203 Kohnen W, Salvati Manni R: A remark on the growth of Fourier coefficients of Siegel Baird P — Ababou R cusp forms 249 Berhanu S, Pesenson I: The trace problem for Korotyaev E: Inverse problem and the trace vector fields satisfying H6rmander’s formula for the Hill operator, I] 34 condition 103 Bertrand-Mathis A: Codage des endomorphismes Matsui S > GigaY de Pisot du tore |Q, I[' et mesures simultané Meinrenken | Woodward C: Cobordism for ment invariantes pour deux homomorphismes Hamiltonian loop group actions and flat dutore 369 connections on the punctured two-sphere = 133 Brion M, Polo P: Generic singularities of certain Mir N: An algebraic characterizationo f Schubert varieties 301] holomorphic nondegeneracy for real algebraic Brossard J > Ababou R hypersurfaces and its application to CR Bullock D: A finite set of generators for the mappings 189 Kauffman bracket skein algebra 91 Mirkovie I, Rumynin D: Centers of reduced Butler DC: Global sections and tensor products of enveloping algebras 123 line bundles over acurve 39 Moller JM: Normalizers of maximal tori Mond D Holland MP D Alfonso I > Almeida M Denis | Ably M Nakamura M, Ozawa T: Global solutions in t Di Rocco S: Generation of k-jets on toric varieties critical Sobolev space for the wave equations 169 with nonlinearity of exponential growth 4 Narita H Fourier expansion of holomory Fang F: Topology of Dupin hypersurfaces with Siegel modular forms with respect to t six distinct principal curvatures 533 mal parabolic subgroup 557 Giga Y, Matsui S, Shimizu Y: On estimates in Oguiso K, Zhang D-Q: On the complete Hardy spaces for the Stokes flow in a halt classification of extremal log Enriques space 383 Surfaces oo Gramchev T, Yoshino M: Rapidly convergent Ozawa T Nakamura M iteration method for simultaneous normal forms of commuting maps 745 Pesenson | — Berhanu S Peyerimhotf N Karp| Hambleton I, Taylor LR: Rational permutation Pichon A: Three-dimensional manifolds which modules for finite groups 707 are the boundary of a normal singularity Holland MP, Mond D: Stable mappings and z*—f(x,y) 625 logarithmic relative symplectic forms 605 Polo P — BrionM Hung NHV: The weak conjecture on spherical classes 727 Ranestad K: A geometric construction of elliptic conic bundles in P* 771 Jacob B: The Weil-Chatelet group, valuations, Recher F — Ably M and the Witt ring 517 Rumynin D — Mirkovic I IV Inhalt/Contents Salvati Manni R Kohnen W Yoshino M Gramchey T Shimizu Y Giga Y Solern6 P Almeida M Zhang D-Q — Oguiso K Supino P: On canonical hypersurfaces of IP? 489 Zhang W-B: The prime element theorem on additive formations 457 Taylor LR Hambleton I Teschl G: On the Toda and Kac-van Moerbeke hierarchies 325 van der Vorst R Angenent S Verma K: Boundary regularity of correspon- dences in ¢ 253 Comprehensively covered by Zentralblatt MATH, Weidmann R Kapovich I Mathematical Reviews and Woodward C Meinrenken E Current Contents