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Preview Mathematics for the Trades: A Guided Approach (9th Edition)

Mathematics for the Trades A Guided Approach Custom Edition for Cincinnati State University Robert A. Carman Hal M. Saunders Learning Solutions Corer Art Couey of PhotoDisei tty acs Cig 2 8 St 2, 1, 9181 bp Pate Econ Te Upper sae Rr ery 458 ‘This copy sens atrial werten exprows'y fr thie wom By the editors ae well ge compilation sal nev contr ts incvidualsletons bree chats append Fseshere, Permission (tein hese has beea ‘btnined hy Teaeton Leaning Selsane fr thie elton ony Ful cepeoducten by sy aieats, eleven secant intsding photecrpying and reroing ox by ay information wnrnge ot eine) pec ste ranged with ty inaigsslenggignt hors note tracert service may, rpistoed trademark, and mplved ence mar the papel uf ele ‘iepertve cortra nnd arc used ren for enffeaton poryescr ely "are arin Selon 8 am Son Se Ba, Sseerpearonteleom Print the Unit Stes of Amen tan aazesses89 iH PEARSON [a Dedicated t0 Laurie andl Erie sith much love on appreetanion Brief Contents CHAPTER Arithmetic of Whole Numbers 4 cIMPIER 2 Fractions: o7 CAMPIERS Decimal Numbers aa1 CHAPTER 4 Ratlo, Propertion, and Percent 47a onarIens Measurement 250 OMeIRS Pre-Algebra sas G@MNLI7 Basie Algebra sas CHAMER Practical Plane Geometry ass CHAMEKS Solid Figures 559 CHAPTER 10 ‘Triangle Trigonometry eos one Advanced Algebra seo Anewors to Previews 769 Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems 773 Calculator Appendix B01 Protractor, Multiplication Table, and Metric Fiulor 805 ‘Table of Square Roots 8068 Table of Trigonometric Functions 807 Index aos Index of Applications aia Contents Preface How to Use This Book xix Arithmetic of Whole Numbers Proview 4 ‘Working wih Whole Nua 4 Sehacton of Whole Nuns 20 Multiticaion of Whole Nunes bx Division of Whale Nunes is er oF Operations 4 Semnmary 5 Problem Set 87 ‘Using a Calulatr.1: Whole Number Calculations 0 Cupra? Fractions Proview 67 22) Worsing with teins 8 72° Muplicaion of Fractions . 23. Dinision of Pitions a 24 Auton ane Subutione: Factons a Summary ww Problem Sat 45 ising Cas ton us CIMLHa Decimal Numbers Preview 12 421 Aadtion wa Sobton of imal Numbers Be 42 Mullican! Dison of Dial Nese us Senin ie Problem Sot 165 Using Causa AM: Decimals 170 ours Ratio, Propartion, and Percent ativan Preto Siri pplication f Reo al Tope Tralton ts Pernt sree Probsies Soci! Applications of Person Casltons Measurement Proview ‘Wesking wth Measurenent Numbers Engi Unis and Cnt Camersioe eve Units, Problem Sat Pre-algebra Proview Aton of Sianed Numer Subuaction of Signed Nuross ‘Makipieation and vison of Signal Nuns Exponent aud Square Roos Sunary Problem Set Basic Algebra Proview Algebra Langusg> and Foros “Aeing ane Subtracting Agus Expressions Solving Sie Equations Solving TworSiep Equations Solving Mere Equons and Foretlas Solving Word Prelems ‘Muleplying and Diving Algcnae Expressions Scicptiie Nottioa Somscary Problam Sat Practical Plane Geometry Proview Measurement sd Prime ef Pol Triangles. Reger Hexegens, a Tegan Polygons isis Suary Problem Sat CHATTER @ CHAPTER “0 wo 02 03 oa Solid Figures Proview Piss, Pyramids and russ of Pyramids (Censors and Spas (Cones and Pustum of Comoe Suinmary Problem Set Trlanglo Trigonometry Proview ngs we Tangles ‘Togeaemetic Ries Solving Riuh riangies ‘Oblique Teansles Gptiont Problem Set Advanced Algebra Systems Eaton: Quaatic Evaions Problem Set Answers to Previews Answers to Ocld-Numbered Problems Calculator Appendix Protractor, Multiplication Table, and Metric Ruler Table of Square Roots Table of Trigonomotric Functions Index Index of Applications Preface Moshemaries for the Trades: A Guided Approach provides the practical mathematics skills nando in a wide variety nf trade, technical and other acepationalaeas, incll- ing plumbing, ataative,clstiea an cansiiction rages, machine technolo, a= Seaping, HVAC, alice haelt, and many mos Iris espasally intended For sents who Find math challcaging and for adults wn eve soa ont oF school foe a sine, This text assists students by providing adiect, practical anproach that smphasizes cate, cn plete explanations snd aetusl on-ihe-jp applications. Its intended to provide practical help with real msth, heginning at each students indivicual level ef sii Carel renton bas heen given o readability, anu roading specialists have helped pla beth the ‘wren text and che visual ganization, Several special features are designed with the math-chllengod stent in mia. Fact, ‘hayfaregins with a preview giz keyed ta he extra whic shows enneepts Hat will bbe eovend in thar chapres. A summary is provided tor each chaptr, and each chapter cade with ase af prohiems ta check the seats progesss. The Bonk ean bo used art udiional conse, a come of sel-sty, arantaressisted sty progr, ‘ns format is clear and aasy to follows: It respets the individ nseds of cach wae, providing immodiate fesdhack at cach stop to casurs understanding and contined lention. The cmphasis is on explaining easoepes rater thax simply preseing thet “This is practical presoncaion uher tam a tasorstieul one A caloslator is nccessery tool for workers in tedo and technical acas, We have ie ‘sited ealeuliors extensively nto she text—in Finding numercs solutions to problems {including spootie keystroke soquenses} and in eetormining the values of rxnscende- tal fnetions. We have raken cas o Fest explain all concepts and problem solving with= fu the use of fis calealtar and deseciha how ro estimate sn eheck answers, MEsly Fealistic proems in the exercise sets involv lage monhers, ropento’ calculations, ud large qusntitos af intormstinn ane are thus ideally suite 9 ealeaator nse. They ae cep {esentative of actual job simations in whieh a esleniator is needed. eta instruction ‘ou the use of ealeualosis includ ia special sections atthe ch of Cher L 2, aad 3 1g well as being integrated into the text, ‘Spal stent bas ben given ta on-the-job math sils, by using a wide vvely trea problems and situations. Many problems parallel shose that appesron professional snd apprenticeship esame. Ths answers the ad numbered exercises sre given in the back ‘of the book, New to This Edition + Approximately 300 new eXcicises and exampleshave beeu sda, over 189 af which ‘te applications. Rasee on researc ad interviews wih poop nthe rads, the nes apolictions are satbentc, pica. and unique + Over 150 existing applications have been cevisd to elle eurrent pentices and up ved intormation, +The culeulsarinsimction and key sequeness have been revived ss nocd ty reflect the way dat calculators with ankistine Ssplsy aperate, With those models, ele Tas are enter inthe same ouder thst they ane Wee aul spoken. The majority cf students using this ext now wwe these mone + A Calculator Append has been added to provide aesuate key sequences for those Sten using calculators wil siale-ine cisplays, These mouels sometimes oper ‘Me differently Irom the nevwes, multi-line movls, Studenis using, the sing ‘adels willbe alee to fon in this appends for allem instructions wien wre teoce number appears fo the It uf Ue ealeulator symbal + The step-by-sep snations ta wosked examples have been revised as all step explanations are 10 te lel of tbe mathematics that they describe + Twosections ofthe test, scetion 2 4and section 10-3, have been extensively revised Section 2-4, ndionalinsuuctios und many new exansples have Bee aed to em Drange the treatment oF adiion and subwrction of mixed numbers. Setion 10-3 hs ben totally regunized so that students willbe better able to reoagnize nal distin guia noms the differant rypes orginal problems. Aiton, eenere tr ‘ales have been relaholed shuoughhout Chapter 10 to reflect the standard labeling practice of uppercase tor vewtices and lowercase fr sides, + The following now emepovies have been aldo! to beter deserihe and distinguish ‘mong the upplice problems: Flouring und Carpeting, General Imeest, General ‘Trades, Life Skills, and Ties Management sauples have boon numbered om a ssctio-by section buss for casy cefezene, ‘+ Fioudus oF miseetianecus improvements havs bet wud, ineining Levis und expaded explanations. move wotked solutions, new examples, new aud revised Dunes such s che Units of Measuze bo athe ond of section I-1, and the ine: Siow of inequality symbols in setion 1 + The answers the ace-nobered exercises are provide athe hack ofthe text sed so that Instructor Resources ‘Am extensive puckage of supplematary materials ic meilable with aloption ofthis teu inch tion Mauual + TestGen (computerized test generation software) The test bank fo this edition has ‘een expanded, Lse TestGen to create tests with allemmile versions and print ‘uo post them tn the Web, You ean aso easily add yur own questions to the test ba ‘The Instructors Noltions Mauwal aed TestCen osm be dowsladed from ou struetor Resource Center. fo access supplementary matevals unline, instauctors deed to r= ‘quest a ssirucor aeess code. Go uo wwev-pearsonhighered.comire, where yu can cgister for an instructor access code, Within 18 houts of resisting, you will Reco ‘couliming e-mail inching a instracon cess cade, Once you have seveived yom cade, locate your rext in the auliue catalog and click oa the Insintetor Resourees Dullon on the lof side of the catalog producr page, Selet w supplement and n login ‘page will appear. Once you have logged in, yan ean access insnictnr material Lor all Pearson texthoots,

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