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Mathematics for Scientific and Technical Students PDF

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Mathematics for scientific and technical students Second edition This page intentionally left blank Mathematics for scientific and technical students Second edition H. G. Davies and G. A. Hicks First published 1975 by Addison Wesley Longman Limited Second Edition 1998 Published 2014 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OXI4 4RN 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017, USA Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group. an informa business Copyright © 1975, 1998, Taylor & Francis. The right of H. G. Davies and G. A. Hicks to be identified as authors of this Work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part ofthis book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. Notices Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary. Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein. In using such information or methods they should be mindful oftheir own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility. To the fullest extent ofthe law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein. ISBN 13: 978-0-582-41388-7 (pbk) British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Set by MCS Ltd, Salisbury Contents Preface Xl 1 Algebra 1 1.1 Quadratic equations 1 1.2 Equations reducible to quadratic form 4 1.3 Simultaneous equations 5 1.4 Indices 12 1.5 Logarithms 14 1.6 The laws of logarithms 18 1.7 Changing the base of a logarithm 21 1.8 Solution of indicial equations 22 1.9 Transposition of equations containing logarithms and indices 23 1.10 Partial fractions 25 2 Computation 31 2.1 Introduction 31 2.2 Rounding off numbers 31 2.3 Significant figures 32 2.4 Computational accuracy 32 2.5 Definition of error 33 2.6 Error prediction 35 2.7 Standard form 39 3 Trigonometry 42 3.1 Introduction 42 3.2 Trigonometric ratios 42 3.3 Theorem of Pythagoras 44 3 4 Trigonometric ratios for 0°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 90° 46 3.5 Trigonometric ratios of angles greater than 90° 49 3.6 The sine and cosine rules 55 3.7 Area of a triangle 61 vi Contents 3.8 Trigonometric graphs 63 3.9 Other trigonometric ratios 76 3.10 Trigonometric identities 76 3.11 Trigonometric ratios of compound angles 78 3.12 Double angle formulae 81 3.13 Sum and difference formulae 84 3.14 Trigonometric equations 86 3.15 Inverse trigonometric functions 91 4 Differentiation 95 4.1 Functional notation 95 4.2 Incremental values 96 4.3 Limits 97 4.4 The gradient of a curve 100 4.5 Differentiation 102 4.6 Differentiation of y = pxn, where p, n are constants 105 4.7 Another notation for the differential coefficient 106 4.8 Differentiation of polynomials 107 4.9 Repeated differentiation 108 4.10 Differentiation of a function of a function 109 4.11 Differentiation of the product of two functions 111 4.12 Differentiation of a quotient of two functions 113 4.13 The limit of sin () / () as () ---- 0, () being in radians 114 4.14 The differential coefficient of the trigonometric functions 116 4.15 Differentiation of more difficult trigonometric functions 121 4.16 Differentiation of an implicit function 124 4.17 To differentiate the exponential function 125 4.18 To differentiate the log function 128 4.19 Examples of the differentiation of products and quotients of mixed functions 130 4.20 Differential equations 131 4.21 The differentiation of the inverse trigonometric functions 133 5 Applications of differentiation 140 5.1 Application to gradients of curves 140 5.2 Velocity of sound in a gas 141 5.3 Velocity and acceleration 141 5.4 Turning points 145 5.5 Practical examples of turning points 150 5.6 Rates of change with time 154 5.7 Partial differentiation 157 5.8 Application of partial differentiation to the estimation of error 160 Contents vii 6 Integration 166 6.1 The area between a curve and the x-axis 166 6.2 Integration: the method of obtaining the exact area under a curve 167 6.3 The areas under simple curves 169 6.4 Integration of algebraic functions containing coefficients 174 6.5 Area between a curve and the y-axis 176 6.6 Integration as the reverse of differentiation - the indefinite integral 177 6.7 Integration of more difficult algebraic functions 179 6.8 Further examples of areas under curves 182 6.9 Volumes of revolution 186 6.10 Volume of a cone 188 6.11 Volume of a sphere 188 6.12 Integration by substitution 190 6.13 Functions which integrate to give the logarithm function 193 6.14 Integration of the trigonometric functions 195 6.15 Integration of the trigonometric functions containing compound angles of the form (bx + c) 197 6.16 Integration of the squared trigonometric functions 199 6.17 Integration of the exponential function 203 6.18 Integration by partial fractions 204 6.19 Integration of a product of two functions (integration by parts) 206 J 6.20 To determine In x dx 208 6.21 Integrals involving square roots 209 6.22 The integral J 1/(x2 + a2) dx 210 7 Differential equations 215 7.1 Introduction 215 7.2 Differential equations involving direct integration (variables separable) 215 7.3 First-order differential equations 220 7.4 Examples of differential equations in science and engineering 224 7.5 Linear differential equations with constant coefficients 228 7.6 Simple harmonic motion 235 8 Applications of integration 240 8.1 Mean values and root mean square values 240 8.2 Centre of gravity and centre of mass 244 8.3 Centroids 246 8.4 Centroids of more complicated areas and the centroid of a triangle 249 viii Contents 8.5 The centroid of an area beneath a curve y = fix) 251 8.6 Centroid of an arc and a semicircle 253 8.7 The theorems of Pappus (or Guldinus) 255 8.8 Application of Pappus' theorems 257 8.9 Second moments of area and moments of inertia 262 8.10 Two theorems on second moments 268 8.11 Second moment of area of a circle 273 8.12 Second moment of area of an area beneath a curve between the limits x = a and x = b 275 8.13 Moment of inertia of a solid of revolution 277 9 Graphs 284 9.1 Representation of data 284 9.2 Cartesian and polar coordinates 284 9.3 The distance between two points 287 904 Straight line graphs 290 9.5 Perpendicular lines (normals) 294 9.6 The locus of a point 296 9.7 The circle 298 9.8 The parabola, ellipse and hyperbola 300 9.9 Equation of the tangent and the normal at a point on a curve 305 9.10 Quadratic graphs 307 9.11 Cubic graphs 309 9.12 Exponential graphs 311 9.13 Logarithmic graphs 314 9.14 Polar graphs 314 9.15 Laws of experimental data 316 9.16 Logarithmic graph paper 325 9.17 The graphical solution to equations 327 9.18 Curve sketching 331 10 Series 344 10.1 Sequences and series 344 10.2 Arithmetic progression (AP) 344 10.3 Geometric progression (GP) 346 lOA Infinite series 349 10.5 Power series 351 10.6 Binomial series 356 10.7 Applications of the binomial theorem 361 10.8 Exponential series 363 11 Numerical methods 368 11.1 Introduction 368 Contents ix 11.2 Solution of equations with one variable 368 11.3 Evaluation of Nk 372 11.4 Linear simultaneous equations 375 11.5 Difference tables 380 11.6 Numerical integration 383 11.7 Differential equations 387 12 Statistics 393 12.1 Introduction 393 12.2 Sampling 393 12.3 Data presentation 394 12.4 Frequency distribution 394 12.5 Numerical measures of a distribution 399 12.6 Numerical measures of central tendency 400 12.7 Numerical measures of dispersion 404 12.8 Linear regression 409 12.9 Linear correlation 413 13 Probability and sampling 423 13.1 Definition of probability 423 13.2 Scale of probability 424 13.3 Compound probability 424 13.4 Probability distributions 428 13.5 Sampling theory 444 13.6 Statistical quality control 445 14 Complex numbers 452 14.1 Definition of a complex number 452 14.2 Operations on complex numbers 452 14.3 Argand diagram 454 14.4 De Moivre's theorem 460 14.5 Exponential form of the complex number 461 14.6 Applications of complex numbers 463 15 Binary arithmetic, sets, logic and Boolean algebra 470 15.1 Binary number system 470 15.2 Binary counting 470 15.3 Number conversion 471 15.4 Operations on binary numbers 473 15.5 Computer arithmetic 476 15.6 Sets 478 15.7 Algebra of sets 482 15.8 Boolean algebra 487 15.9 Switching circuits 489

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