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Mathematical Tables. Tables of in G [z] for Complex Argument PDF

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Preview Mathematical Tables. Tables of in G [z] for Complex Argument

P U B L I S H E R ' S N O T I C E T O R E V I E W E R S A N D R E A D E R S C O N C E R N I N G T H E Q U A L I T Y O F P R O D U C T I O N A N D P U B L I S H E D P R I C E O F T H I S W O R K We much regret that in the interest of speedily making available the information contained in this publication, it has been necessary to produce the text by non-letterpress setting and photo lithography, with the result that the quality of production is not as high as the public have come to associate with and expect from the Pergamon Press. To have re-set this manuscript by letterpress would have delayed its appearance by many months and the price would have had to be increased further. The cost of translating scientific and technical works from the Russian in time, money, and publishing effort is very considerable. In the interest of getting the Soviet Authorities eventually to pay the usual authors' royalties to. Western authors, the Pergamon Press is voluntarily paying to Russian authors the usual authors* royalties on this publication, in addition to the translators' and editors' fees. This and the somewhat limited market and the lack of any kind of subsidy accounts for what may appear to be a higher than usual published price. I. R. M A X W E L L Publisher at Pergamon Press U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences Institute of Precision Mechanics and Computational Technology MATHEMATICAL TABLES TABLES OF In r [z] FOR COMPLEX ARGUMENT A. A. ABRAMOV Translated from the Russian by D. G. F R Y , B.A. Hons. P E R G A M O N PRESS OXFORD LONDON NEW YORK. • PARIS 1960 PERGAMON PRESS LTD., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford. 4 and 5 Fitzroy Square', London W.L PERGAMON PRESS INC., 122 East 55 th Street, New York 22, N.Y. J404 New Yortc Avenue N.W., Washington 5, D.C. F:0. Box 47715, Los Angeles, California. c PERGAMON PPESS S,A.R.L. 24 Rue desEcoles, Paris V . PERGAMON PRESS G,mb.H. Kaiserstrasse 7S, Frankfurt-am-Main. Copyright 19C0 Pergamon Press Ltd. Library of Congress Card Number 60-14845 Printed in Great Britain by PERGAMON PRINTING & ART SERVICES LTD., LONDON IKEEDDUCTION The Institute of Precision Mechanics and Computational Technology of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences compiled these six-figure tables of lnTfz), z~x + iy for the use of a number of scientific research institutes. The tables have been compiled for the range l < z < 2 , 0 < y < 4 . Fonmlao for the calculation of lnT (z) outside the given rectangle are listed. An auxiliary nomograph is given on a separate sheet of paper to facilitate the interpolation procedure. The tables have been calculated for steps in x and y of 0.01 and with an accuracy of one unit in the last (the sixth) decimal place. The tables were compiled by a group headed by A.A.Aferamov in the Department of Approximate Calculations. The necessary evaluations were made by Z.S. Romanova. The calculations were performed on keyboard machines in the Department's calculating section. The work was supervised by A.A. Bunatyan. Some of the calculations (including the rounding off of the results to the sixth place and the calculation of second differences) were carried out on analytical computers in the Institute's Computational Research Laboratory under the supervision of M. G-* Bappoport. Verification was supervised by A. I. Vsorova. The tables were prepared for the press by L. V. Bochek, and G. S. Khovanskii compiled the auxiliary nomograph. The Use of the Tables The numerical material in the tables is arranged in the following manner: each two facing pages contairn values of the function In r (z) for the rectangle x ' < x < ^ , y' < y <y" which correspond to these pages. The lefthand page contains the values for the real part and the righthand page the values for the imaginary part of the corres- ponding values of lnr(z). The arrangement of the material by pages in the table is as follows: the first 40 pages contain the values of In r (z) for 0 < * / < 0.50, the next 40 for 0.50 < y < 1.00 and so on: there are in all eight such sections corresponding to intervals in y of length 0.50. Within each group the material is arranged in order of increasing x % To find the pair of pages which will contain the required value of In r (x + iy) one has first to find the group of pages with the required value of y (the interval of variation of y is printed at the top of the page at the outside edge) and then to find the page 1 2 TABLES FOR A COMPLEX ARGUMENT with the required value of x within the group (the values of x are given in the first column of each page). Example. To find In T(l,07 +i3,21). Here the group of pages for 3*00 O < - 3 * 5 0 is pp. 252-291 on p. 254 w we find Re In F (z) = -3.457847, on p. 255 « find ImlnF(z) = 1.391384 lnr(1.07 + 13.21) = — 3.457847 + i 1.391384. Since lnr(z) =flnf (z)]* lnF(z) can be found directly from the table for l < R e z < 2 , — 4 < I m z<0; thus In F (1.07 —3.21 i) = = — 3.457847 — 1,391384 i. Interpolation is needed for the calculation of lnr(z) for inter- mediate values. Let z~x + iy lie in the square z, z, z, z, where 0 f 2 3 z, z z , z are the tabular values of the argument of z; a , U , U , W 0 v 2 3 0 { 2 3 *re the corresponding values of the raal part, v v <v , v are w v 2 2 the corresponding values of the imaginary part of lnT (z) = u + iv. (These values are arranged in the following manner in the tables Z/ftl/l V — on the lefthand page „ — on the righthand page). u u 3 2 The interpolation is carried out separately for the real and imaginary parts of lnT(z) respectively by the formulas: u = u + c (K — u ) 0 A 0 U = lig + $ (tt — tt ) 2 3 lmhiF(z) = = V + r (V — V) — (A)lm { 2 5 = Vo + M^i — V ) 0 v = v + S(v — v ) t t 9 The values of (A ) and (A )i (smoothed second differences in y of 2 Re 2 m Relnr(z) and Imlnr(z) ) are given in the tables between the four corresponding supporting values at t7he points The inter- polation error does not exceed 5*10~ , i.e. six places are retained in interpolation. If four correct places are sufficient in inter- polation, the bilinear part only o5f the f omnia need be used, the error of which is less than 2 .10~ . Examples: 1 . To find InT (1.52108 + £2.17835). INTRODUCTION 3 u = —1.671735 + 0.108 (—1.663026 + 1.671735) = —1.670794; u = —1.683000 + 0.108 (—1.674254 + 1.683000) = —1.682055; Re In T (z) = —1.670794 + 0.835 (—1.682055 + 1.670794) — v = 0.897539 + 0.108 (0.908776 — 0.897539) = 0.898753; v - 0.906258 + 0.108 (0.917513 — 0.906258) = 0.907474; Im In T (z) = 0.898753 + 0.835 (0.907474 —0.898753) — In T (1.52108 +12.17836) =.—. 1,680197 + #.906034 2 . To find lnT (1.32795 —i3.9?861) t© four places, fa use. the formula lnr(z)=[lnr(z)*j* 5 = 0,795; ?j = 0,86f; o = —4.182878 + 0.795 (— 4.168902+ 4.182878).= — 4;171767; u = —4.196541 +0.795 (—4.182541 + 4.196541) = — 4.185411; Re In T (z) = — 4.171767 + 0.861 ( - 4.18541* + 4,171767) =• — 4.183514; v = 2,717758 + 0.795 (2.731406 — 2.717758) = 2.728608; v = 2.731743 + 0.795 (2.745397 — 2,731743) = 2.742598; Im In T (z) — 2.728608 + 0.861 (2.742598 — 2.728608) = 2.740653 In T(l .32795 — t'3.97861) = —4.1835 +1'2.7407 The calcalation of lnr(s) outside the quadrangle 1 < ^ < 2 ; 0 < y < 4 For the range Re(z)>0; lm(z)>0 outside the given quadrangle calculations are made by the formulae: l) the asymptotic expansion fornula: i.e. Imlnr(z) = 4 TABLES FOR A COMPLEX ARGUMENT 1 B are Bernoulli s numbers n ln27r = 0.91893854. In the diagrams of recommended formulae given opposite this series is cut short at n - 0, 1, 2 or 3. 2) the multiplication formula: lnF (z) +\nT 2ir, When n 2 the formula known as the duplication formula is obtained s from the previous formila: 2 in 2 = 1.38629436, In 4TT = 1.26551213. 3) 1a formula that yields a displacement parallel to the real axis. In T (z + k) = In (z + k — 1) + In (z + k — 2) + . .. + Inz + In T (z). In the range Re(*)<0, lm(z)<0 the calculations are made by the fornula: In T (z) = In x— In sin r.z — In T (1 — z). If we rewrite this formula in the form In r (z) = In K - In T (1 — z) — In m2 x and disregard the tern — e , we obtain Inr (z) « In* — In T (1 — z) — im + ln2 + -j- , i.e. Re In r (z) « — Re In T (1 ~ z) + In 2* + icy; Imlnf —Im InT The error to which this formula gives rise does not exceed 1— This estimation can be used to compile a table for the conditions which y should satisfy (independently of x) for the required accur- acy to be observed* A When calculating by this formula one can, for example, use the "Tables of the logarithms of complex numbers and transformation from cartesian to polar coordinates" published by the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences. 1952. INTRODUCTldN 5 2 3 ^ KS/A range of application of the asymptotic formula; fiTim range of application of the displacement formula; range of application of the duplication formula; range for which the tables have been compiled. _ \\WW//^///A Z 3 The numbers of n and k in the asymptotic and displacement formulas have been included on the diagrams. They are not to scale. 6 TABLES FOR A COMPLEX ARGUMENT Required Given the conditions for The values of lnr(z) in accuracy ranges symmetrical to the 7 ranges Re (z) > 0, Im (2) > 0 5-10- 6 — 2 / > 2.31 and Re (2) < 0, Im (z) < 0 are 5.10-5 - 2 / > 1.95 obtained directly from the 5.10--4 — 1 / > 1 . 5 8 f omnia: 5.10- — y > 1 . 2 2 lnT(2) =[lnT ( 2 ) * ] * The diagrams given above show the division into parts of the range Rez>l, Im z > 0 and indicate in each case the formula recom- mended in relation to the required accuracy of 8. When 0 < R e < 1 it is sufficient, in addition, to use the formula lnr(z) = lnr(2 + l) —lnz. The f ornulae here recommended should not be thought to be oblig- atory. In a number of cases it may be more expedient to use one of the other fornulae. Thus* for example, when x is close to 0 and is sufficiently large it may be possible to m k e direct use of the asymptotic fornula, for example, with n = 0 or n = 1, which is more convenient than the calculation of the value of lnT(2 + l)by the formulae here given and subsequent use of the fornula l n r ( 2 ) = l n r (2 + 1) —lnz. Or, for example, the asymptotic fornula may be preferred to the displacement formula if there are no suitable tables for the calcul- ation of In 2. In addition, the plane is divided into rectangles (or even strips) for the sake of simplicity and for part of the range this increases the number of terms in the asymptotic fornula which are indicated as being essential. The Use of the Nomograph The nomograph has baen constructed for the calculation of the tern in quadratic interpolation. A is the second difference expressed in units of the sixth place, 2 r * = —, i = — are the divided increments of the coordinates of z = x+iy. To find a , the edge of a ruler is applied to the S scale at the given reading and to the point where the lines for r and A t 2 with the given readings intersect. The point where the edge of the ruler intersects scale a will be the answer in units of the sixth place. If the solving line does not intersect scale a, the roles of 5 and 7 ] must be reversed and the sign in the result changed. In the nomograph A is positive. If A is negative the answer should 2 2 be sought for a positive A and the sign changed. 2 Example. Given 5 = 0.115. t) = 0,28. A = 85. 2 INTRODUCTION 7 We apply the edge of the ruler to the reading 0.115 on the scale of 5 and to the point at which the reading 85 on the A line and 2 the reading 0.28 on the TJ line intersect. We read off Che answer on the a scale and find it to he a 4.3. s Compilation of the Tables The tables were calculated in the following way. 0,5 0.5* OS 03* 0.7 0.3 0.8 O.Z^i * At 0J~A t 0 —J Values of lnTfz) were first calculated by the asymptotic fornula in a wide lattice with step k s 0.16. Points were selected more frequently near the lefthand boundary of the lattice and their values obtained by the formula In V (z) = lnT (z + 1) — In z from the values calculated to the right of LB hy interpolations.

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