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Mathematical, philosophical, religious and spontaneous students' explanations of the paradox of Achilles and the tortoise PDF

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Preview Mathematical, philosophical, religious and spontaneous students' explanations of the paradox of Achilles and the tortoise

Mathematid, Philosopbical, RtIigious and Spontancous Students' Expldons of the Psmadox of Achilles and the Tortoise Matheman'cs and Statistics Resmted in partid Fulfïhent of the Requirerncnts for the Degree of Master in The Teaching of Mathematics Concordia University Montre& Quebec, Canada August 1997 Acquisitiins a d Acquisii et Bibliographie Services senices bibliographiques 395 Welhgîon Street 395, rueW- OtîawaON K1AW K1AûN4 canada cmada The audior has granted a non- L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive licence ailowhg the exclusive permettant à la National Libra~yo f Canada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, loan, distriiute or sell reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou copies of thesis in microform, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic formats. la forme de microfichelnlm, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. The author retains ownersbip of the L'auteur conserve la propriété du copyright in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantiai extracts fiom it Ni h thèse ni des extraits substantiels may be printed or otherwise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced without the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. autorisation, MathematicaC, Philosophical, Religious and âpontaneous Studenb' Explanations of the Paradox of Achilles and the Tortoise c. Certain areas in mathematics seem to possess deep secrets. Such are the areas of mathematics that deal with the concepts of infinity. The concepts of infinity have ahys stirred great emotions and produœd seemingly unsovable paradoxes. One such paradox is Zeno's paradox of Achiller. We begin our research by examining thu times in whkh Zeno Iived, the intelledual arguments of that time, and the reasons why Zeno formulated his paradoxes- We will also examine what effects this paradox M do n the development of mathematics. This analysis will indude Anstotie's formulation of the paradox and the general problems of actual infinity. The two viaws on the structure of matter and how the paradox is dealt &th according to each view will also be covered. Ne* we will examine various ways the paradox could be explained: From a mathematid point of view we will examine the paradox in ternis of limitt, transfinite numbers and thmugh geometric proofs. Then we will examine some of the philosophical explanations, and how the lwo views on the structure of matter explain the paradox Finally we wil examine how the concept of infinity is dealt with in Jewish philosophy and what bearing this rnay have on the explanation of the paadon We will condude by Iistening to two pairs of students' spontaneous explanation of the paradox and examining if students background may have any affect on the way they explain and understand the paradox It is with great pleasure and appreclreclatiothna t I acknowledge the help of my thesis adn'sor. Dr. Anna Sierpinska, a tnie educator in every sense of the word Wthout her guidance. knowledge, encouragement and patience this thesis would never have been completed. I also wish to express rny appreciation to the fawlty and staff of the MTM department for the financial assistance and the teaching opportunities they have granted me. I owe a great deal to my wife Risha and daughter Devora Leah for being understanding and encouraging me. I thank you both. The Basic Rmciple of dl basic principlcs d the pillar o f ds cimces is to rralue thet that is a Fitst king who brought cvay cxisting dimg hto being. Moses Moimonides (Misneh Torah,B ook I Chqpter I) Table of Contents The Philorophicd Questions Undcnglng Zcno9rP aradoxes. ......, What bdong to mithemitics and what bclongs to physia? oooo21 Chapter 2:Tbc Mathemitid Explinations of the Parados ofA chiües. Espluution in Ternu of Tninsfiiite Numùer~.-......~..-~..."I19 Chapter 3: Phiiosophid Expl.nritiom oft he Purdox of Achilla Chapter 4: Reügïour Expbtionr of Zeno's Puidox Appendices: Most people view mathematics as a science with no ambiguities. It is believed that in mathematics everything can be proved and solved in a dear cut way. True, most amas of mathematics could be viewed in thb light, but them are many paradoxes that have aept their way into the development of mathematical theories. Some have been solved while other linger on süII stickhg around like an annoying virus that won't go away. Many mathematicians believe that there is no real point wasting time dealing with these paradoxes if they have no pradital effect on mathematical theory and application. One such paradox is the paradox of Achilles and the Tortoise. This paradox was posed in the fffh century BC by Zeno of Elea. The present thesis examines the paradox in its historical context and attempts to understand what was its objective. It will look at the infiuenœ that this paradox has had on mathematics and how it is resolved from both a mathematical and philosophicel point of view, To this analysis, based mainly on the study of the existing literature, I have added two original elements: a religious explanation of the paradox and accounts of two pairs' of students spontaneous explanation of it: one pair with a strong Jewish religious background and another with a calculus background. In conclusion, I will examine if there is anything to be gained by introducing the paradox of Achilles and the Tortoise into the teaching of . mathematics. At what age does it becorne appropriate, if at all. to present this and other paradoxes of infinity to the students? How would introduction of these paradoxes Med students' intuitive understanding of infinitii, Many students Say that they love mathematics (If mis is really loving mathematics, is a separate question). They argue You a h y sk now if you got the corred answer. In mathematics you aiways know exadly what is being asked of you, it's al1 so wt and drÿ. For the most part, mis is bue but fortunafely there are some areas in mathematics that are not at al1 so ciear and not always is there unanimity amongst leading mathematidam as to what the final answer or best approach is. Wth the development of Calwlus many such problems have occurred. Most Calculus teachers, when introducing the notion of limit. division by zero or infinity, choose to handle these topics with a very qui& and general overview of the phiIosophical angle and proceed to instfuct their skidents to dmply accept the concept of limit as being that number that a fundion approaches and Yor al1 intents and purposes' is that number. Is this really the best approach to introduœ students to the exciting and wonderful world of mathematics. After all. as math teachefs, we are given the opportunity to excite our students and give them something to think about Should we allow the opportunity to arouse the passions of out students to pass us by? By introducing students to paradoxes are we giving the student a better understanding of the subjed? Are we forcing them to think, really deep and hard

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