m o c c. ntifi e ci s d orl w www.only. m e ous oaded frersonal wnlor p oF 14) D4/18. 00 11–2n 05/ 0o na (27.83 Chi2.7 piad in by 80.8 m y Ol al c ati m e h at M 10113_9789813143746_tp.indd 1 25/1/18 5:05 PM Mathematical Olympiad Series ISSN: 1793-8570 Series Editors: Lee Peng Yee (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) Xiong Bin (East China Normal University, China) Published Vol. 15 Mathematical Olympiad in China (2011–2014): m Problems and Solutions o c c. edited by Bin Xiong (East China Normal University, China) & ntifi Peng Yee Lee (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) e ci s d orl Vol. 14 Probability and Expectation w www.only. btrya nZsulant eSdh bany :( SNhaannjipnign gN Woramngal (UEansivt eCrhsiitnya, CNhoirnmaa)l University, China) m e ous oaded frersonal V ol. 13 Cbyo mYubeinfeantogr Fiaeln Egx (tSrehmenizzahteionn Senior High School, China) wnlor p oF Vol. 12 Geometric Inequalities 14) D4/18. by Gangsong Leng (Shanghai University, China) 11–20n 05/0 translated by: Yongming Liu (East China Normal University, China) 0o mpiad in China (2by V Vooll.. 1110 MbBSyoien lYtv hXiononigdog snP Sagrun o( dbE( lSaTetsematc nsChf inohniri qdnGu aUee Nosn moifvoreermt rrPsayilr:t o yUIv,n niUsniivgSge hAIrnts)sei t&aqynu, daC lShittiirneaast)egies for y Ol Mathematical Olympiad and Competitions al by Kim Hoo Hang (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) & c ati Haibin Wang (NUS High School of Mathematics and Science, Singapore) m e h at M Vol. 9 Mathematical Olympiad in China (2009–2010) edited by Bin Xiong (East China Normal University, China) & Peng Yee Lee (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) Vol. 8 Lecture Notes on Mathematical Olympiad Courses: For Senior Section (In 2 Volumes) by Xu Jiagu (Fudan University, China) The complete list of the published volumes in the series can be found at http://www.worldscientific.com/series/mos Suqi - 10113 - Mathematical Olympiad in China.indd 1 19-01-18 10:39:14 AM m o c c. ntifi e ci s d orl w www.only. m e ous oaded frersonal wnlor p oF 14) D4/18. 00 11–2n 05/ 0o na (27.83 Chi2.7 piad in by 80.8 m y Ol al c ati m e h at M 10113_9789813143746_tp.indd 2 25/1/18 5:05 PM Published by East China Normal University Press 3663 North Zhongshan Road Shanghai 200062 China and World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. 5 Toh Tuck Link, Singapore 596224 USA office: 27 Warren Street, Suite 401-402, Hackensack, NJ 07601 UK office: 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 9HE m o c c. ntifi Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data e ci Names: Xiong, Bin. | Lee, P. Y. (Peng Yee), 1938– s d orl Title: Mathematical Olympiad in China (2011–2014) : problems and solutions / editors, Bin Xiong, w East China Normal University, China, Peng Yee Lee, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. www.only. D esWcroiprltdio Snc: i[eSnhtiafincg,h 2a0i,1 C7.h |i nSae]r i:e Es:a Mst aCthheinmaa Ntiocarml oally Umnpiivaedr ssietryi ePsr e; svso ;l .[ H15ackensack, New Jersey] : m e ous Identifiers: LCCN 2017002034| ISBN 9789813143746 (hardcover : alk. paper) | wnloaded fror personal S ubIIMjSSeBBacttNNhs:e 99mL88Ca11tS33icH11s44:- -32ICn79to43em66r np((ahpetabtiiorktdni.o ca:no la svMl-ek-r.Ca t:phh aaieplnmkea.r.a )ptiacpaelr O) |l yISmBpNia d9.7 |8 M98a1th3e1m42a9ti3c0s- (-pPbrokb. l:e amlks., peaxpeercr)is |e s, etc. | oF 14) D4/18. CLCla srseicfiocradt iaovna:i LlaCblCe QatA h4tt3p s.:M//l3c1c4n5.l3o c2.0g1o7v /|2 D01D7C0 0521003.746--dc23 00 11–2n 05/ na (207.83 o BAr ciatitsahlo Lguiber raercyo rCd aftoarl othgius ibnogo-ikn i-sP auvbaliilcaabtlieo nfr oDma ttahe British Library. Chi2.7 piad in by 80.8 Copyright © 2018 by East China Normal University Press and m y World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. Ol al All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, c ati electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval m e system now known or to be invented, without written permission from the Publisher. h at M For photocopying of material in this volume, please pay a copying fee through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA. In this case permission to photocopy is not required from the publisher. For any available supplementary material, please visit http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/10113#t=suppl Typeset by Stallion Press Email: [email protected] Printed in Singapore Suqi - 10113 - Mathematical Olympiad in China.indd 2 19-01-18 10:39:14 AM Preface m o c c. ntifi e worldsci tTwhoesftiursdtentitsmeweCrehisneantptaorttihciepatetdhIinMIOM.OSinwcaesin198C5hi,nawhheans m www.e only. ateamofsixstudentsatevery26IMOexceptin11999886w,henitwas ous heldinTaiwan.Sofar upto Chinahasachievedthe oaded frersonal numberonerankingfor,20tim20es14i,nteam effort.A great wnlor p majorityofstudentsreceivedgoldmedals.ThefactthatChina oF 14) D4/18. obtainedsuchencouragingresultisdueto,ontheonehand, 011–20on 05/0 hCahnindestehsetuedfefonrttsohfatredacwhoerrksainndscpheorsoelsvearnadnctehe,atrnadinoinntghoeffoetrheedr China (22.77.83 byna,tionalcoaches.Webelieveitisalsoaresultofthe piad in by 80.8 terdauicnaitnigonofsbysatseicmskiinllsCinhisncaie,ncienepdaurctaitciuolnar.,theemphasison m y Ol Thematerialsofthisbookcomefromaseriesoffourbooks al atic (inChinese)onForwardtoIMO:ACollectionofMathematical m he OlympiadProblems .Itisacollectionofproblems at (2011 2014) M andsolutionsofthemajormathematicalcompetitionsinChina. ItprovidesaglimpseofhowtheChinanationalteamisselected and formed. First there is the China Mathematical , Competition anationalevent.ItisheldonthesecondSunday , ofOctobereveryyear.Throughthecompetition about , 300 studentsareselectedtojointheChinaMathematicalOlympiad commonlyknownasthewintercamp orinshortCMO in ( ), , ⅴ MathematicalOlympiadinChina thefollowingJanuary.CMOlastsforfivedays.Boththetype andthe difficulty ofthe problems matchthose ofIMO. Similarly studentsaregiventhreeproblemstosolvein , 4.5 hourseachday.From CMO about to studentsare , 50 60 selectedtoformanationaltrainingteam.Thetrainingtakes placefortwoweeksinthemonthofMarch.Afterfourtosix m o c tests plustwoqualifyingexaminations sixstudentsarefinally c. , , ntifi selectedtoformthenationalteam takingpartinIMOinJuly e , ci ds ofthatyear. orl w Inview ofthe differencesin education culture and www.only. economyofwesternpartofChinaincompari,son withthe m e oaded froersonal us cCohaisntaaldpidarntoitndEeavsetloCphiansaf,asmtaatshienmtathiecarlesctoomfpetthietiocnosunitnryW.eIsnt wnlor p ordertopromotetheactivityofmathematicalcompetitionand oF 14) D4/18. toenhancethelevelofmathematicalcompetition,startingfrom 00 11–2n 05/ 2001,ChinaMathematicalOlympiadCommitteeorganizesthe China (202.77.83 o CwihlilnbaeWaedstmeirttnedMtaothtehmeatnicaatilonOallymtrpaiiandin.gTtheeatmo.pTtwhroouwgihnntehres mpiad in by 80.8 tCeaWmMaOnd,trheecreeivihnagveGobledenMetdwaolssftourdtehnetisrepnetrefroirnmgatnhceeantaItiMonOal. y Ol Since foraquitelongperiodtherewasnofemale al 1995, c ati studentintheChinesenationalteam.Inordertoencourage m e h more female students participating in the mathematical at M competition starting from China Mathematical , 2002, OlympiadCommitteeconductedtheChinaGirlsMathematical Olympiad.Again thetoptwowinnerswillbeadmitteddirectly , intothenationaltrainingteam. TheauthorsofthisbookarecoachesoftheChinanational team.TheyareXiongBin LiShenghong LengGangsong Wu , , , Jianping Chen Yonggao Li Weigu Yu Hongbing Zhu , , , , ⅵ Preface Huawei FengZhigang LiuShixiong Qu Zhenhua Wang , , , , Weiye and Zhang Sihui.Those who took partin the , translation work are Xiong Bin Wang Shanping Liu , , Yongming.WearegratefultoQiuZonghu WangJie Wu , , Jianping andPanChengbiaofortheirguidanceandassistance , toauthors.WearegratefultoNiMingofEastChinaNormal m o c.c UniversityPress.Theirefforthashelpedmakeourjobeasier. ntifi WearealsogratefultoZhangJiofWorldScientificPublishing e ci ds forherhardworkleadingtothefinalpublicationofthebook. orl w www.only. XiongBin m e ous October oaded frersonal 2017 wnlor p oF 14) D4/18. 00 11–2n 05/ 0o na (27.83 Chi2.7 piad in by 80.8 m y Ol al c ati m e h at M ⅶ b2530 International Strategic Relations and China’s National Security: World at the Crossroads TTTThhhhiiiissss ppppaaaaggggeeee iiiinnnntttteeeennnnttttiiiioooonnnnaaaallllllllyyyy lllleeeefffftttt bbbbllllaaaannnnkkkk m o c c. ntifi e ci s d orl w www.only. m e ous oaded frersonal wnlor p oF 14) D4/18. 00 11–2n 05/ 0o na (27.83 Chi2.7 piad in by 80.8 m y Ol al c ati m e h at M b2530_FM.indd 6 01-Sep-16 11:03:06 AM Introduction Earlydays m o c c. ntifi e ci s d worl The International Mathematical Olympiad IMO www.only. foundedin1959,isoneofthemostcompetitivean(dhighl)y, m e ous intellectualactivitiesintheworldforhighschoolstudents. oaded frersonal EvenbeforeIMO,there werealready manycountries wnlor p whichhad mathematicscompetition.They were mainlythe oF 14) D4/18. countriesinEasternEuropeandinAsia.Inadditiontothe 011–20on 05/0 epdoupcualtairoiznaatliosnysteomfsammaothnegmdaitfifcesrenatndcoutnhtreiescotnhveersguecncceessionf na (27.83 mathematicalcompetitionsatthenationalle,velprovideda Chi2.7 piad in by 80.8 faossuenrdteatdiognreaftoirnftlhueencseettairneg-HupungoafryIMtOhe.foTrhmeercoSuonvtireitesUntihoant m , y Ol andtheUnitedStates.HereisabriefreviewoftheIMOand al atic mathematicalcompetitioninChina. m he In theDepartmentofEducationinHungarypasseda at 1894, M motionanddecidedtoconductamathematicalcompetitionfor thesecondaryschools.The well-known scientist J.von , Etövös wastheMinisterofEducationatthattime.Hissupport , intheeventhad madeitasuccessandthusit was well publicized.Inaddition thesuccessofhisson R.vonEtövös , , , whowasalsoaphysicistinprovingtheprincipleofequivalence , ofthegeneraltheoryofrelativitybyA.Einsteinthrough ⅸ MathematicalOlympiadinChina experiment hadbroughtHungarytotheworldstageinscience. , Thereafter theprizeformathematicscompetitioninHungary , wasnamed Etövös prize .This wasthe firstformally “ ” organized mathematicalcompetitioninthe world.In what follows Hungaryhadindeedproducedalotofwell-known , scientistsincludingL.Fejér G.Szegö T.Radó A.Haar m , , , o c andM.Rieszinrealanalysis D.Königincombinatorics c. ( ), ( ), ntifi T.vonKármán inaerodynamics andJ.C.Harsanyi in e ( ), ( ci ds gametheory whohadalsowontheNobelPrizeforEconomics orl ), m www.we only. icnom19p9et4it.ioTnh.eyTahleltwoepresctiheentiwfiincnegresnioufsHofungHaurnygamrayt,heJm.atviocanl oaded froersonal us Nceeuntmuraynn.N,ewuamsaonnneowfastheovleerasdeiansgwmhailtehetmhaeticcioamnspeitnititohnet2o0othk wnlor p place.Laterhedidithimselfandittookhimhalfanhourto oF 14) D4/18. complete.Another mathematician worth mentioningisthe 00 11–2n 05/ highlyproductivenumbertheoristP.Erdös.Hewasapupilof China (202.77.83 o FpeajsésrionaantdealsaoboautwinmnaetrheomfattihcealWoclofmPpreitzieti.onErdöasndwassetvtienryg mpiad in by 80.8 cwoamspuetniitqiuoenqaunedstigornesat.lyHissicgonniftirciabnutti.onTthoedirsacpriedtepmroagtrheessmaatincds y Ol development of discrete mathematics overthe subsequent al c ati decadeshadindirectlyinfluencedthetypesofquestionssetin m e h IMO.AninternationallyrecognizedprizenamedafterErdös at M wastohonourthosewhohadcontributedtotheeducationof mathematicalcompetition.ProfessorQiuZonghufrom China hadwontheprizein . 1993 In afamousmathematicianB.Deloneconducteda 1934, mathematicalcompetitionforhighschoolstudentsinLeningrad nowSt.Petersburg .In Moscowalsostartedorganizing ( ) 1935, suchevent.OtherthanbeinginterruptedduringtheWorldWar ⅹ