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Preview Mathematical Model оf Plasma Renin Activity After Nifedipine Treatment

Bulgarian Journal of Veterinary Medicine (2008), 11, No 1, 21−29 MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF PLASMA RENIN ACTIVITY AFTER NIFEDIPINE TREATMENT A. TOLEKOVA & K. YANKOV Medical Faculty, Trakia University, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria Summary Tolekova, A. & K. Yankov, 2008. Mathematical model of plasma renin activity after nifedipine treatment. Bulg. J. Vet. Med., 11, No 1, 21−29. A mathematical model of plasma renin activity after nifedipine treatment is developed. The system identification of the process is done applying the cyclic coordinate descent as optimization procedure. The model allows predicting the effects of different drug doses and permits the researcher to examine the behaviour of the system under all conceivable conditions. Key words: mathematical model, plasma renin activity, renin angiotensin system, system identification INTRODUCTION A mathematical model is a collection of the behaviour, confirming or disputing mathematical relationships which describe previous knowledge or hypotheses. Some a process. Models are by necessity of advantages of modeling are: abstractions of the real situations they • trials of tested systems can be accom- represent. The power of modeling lies in plished in much shorter time period; this abstraction, since a single family of • system performance can be observed models may present a vast majority of real under all possible conditions; systems. Mathematical modeling finds out • decisions concerning future systems the mathematical relations that characte- presently in conceptual stage can be rize the internal structure of the delimited examined; system and formalizes the interdependen- • the investigated phenomenon can be cies between the input and output variab- simplified, without affecting its na- les. A model is considered here as a tool ture, in order to make its qualitative for systems representation in an abstract analysis simpler, or possible at all; sense, allowing the simulation and the • modeling can be used in education to prediction of the future behaviour of the describe, interpret, predict or explain system. phenomena; The purpose of mathematical mode- • computer modeling and simulation ling is to translate the observed pheno- are often the only feasible or safe mena into a set of equations, to determine techniques to analyze and evaluate a the parameter values of that model, system. reflecting in a particular experimental set- up, and then through simulation to predict Mathematical model of plasma renin activity after nifedipine treatment • simulation results can be obtained at Ltd.) after oral application of nifedipine lower cost than in real experimen- at doses of 10 (n=35), 20 (n=69), 40 tation; (n=69), or 60 (n=35) mg/kg body weight. These general advantages give the The values of experimental groups were opportunity to speed up and make less compared with these of a control group expensive experiments in biology and me- (n=18). PRA was sampled at the intervals dicine, aimed at formulation of new drugs showed in Table 1. The animals were in the pre-clinical phase and to decrease housed in polycarbonate cages in the number of experimental animals. Also, temperature (18–23oC) and humidity (40– using simulation, the results and conclu- 70%) controlled conditions and 12 h sions could be associated to application of light/dark cycle, with free access to tap the drugs in people. water and standard laboratory chow. They In our previous experiments (Ilieva et received humane care compliant with the al., 1995; Tolekova, 2003) we investiga- Institution's guidelines for humane care of ted the change in the regulatory kinetics of experimental animals of the Trakia Uni- plasma renin activity (PRA) after blocking versity and with the national and Europe- of the transmembrane calcium flow through an regulatory rules (Decree for protection L-type calcium channels. Their dynamic and humane care of experimental animals characteristics were investigated employing 25/10.06.2005, Law on Veterinary Me- system and functional analysis (Тolekova, dical Activities G87/11.01.2005, Art 2 1998; Tolekova et al., 1998; Tolekova et (152 and 153) and Council Directive al., 2002; Yankov et al., 1998a; 1998b). A 86/609/ EEC of 24 November 1986 on the chronological sequel of these experiments approximation of laws, regulations and is the creation of a mathematical model of administrative provisions of the Member the change in PRA as a function of the States regarding the protection of animals applied doses of the drug. The first used for experimental and other scientific formulated model is for application of ni- purposes). cardipine (Tolekova et al., 2006). The application of treatments started at The aim of the present work was to the same time of the day (at 8 AM). Until create a mathematical model of the dyna- the beginning of the experiment the mics of renin (a key enzyme in the regu- animals remained at the specified condi- lation of the arterial blood pressure) after tions in the plastic cages with adaptation the application of different doses nifedi- purposes. The sampling of blood was pine. The model will be a basis of investi- performed under general anaesthesia with gating the enzyme activity of renin from thiopental sodium at 30 mg/kg, applied the point of view of the modern system intraperitoneally. The animals were immo- theory. bilized on operation tables and a laparo- tomy was performed. The arterial and ve- nous kidney vessels were ligated on both MATERIALS AND METHODS sides after which the chest was opened with a sagittal cut. The right heart camera Data acquisition was punctured with a syringe, previously The experiments were carried out on 208 perfused with EDTA solution. Approxi- male Wistar rats. PRA was assessed ra- mately 5 mL of blood were aspired and dioimmunologically (DiaSorin-Biomedica used in the plasma renin analysis. 22 BJVM, 11, No 1 A. Tolekova & K. Yankov Design of the Mathematical Model System identification of PRA In developing a mathematical model of a For modeling of the PRA production real system, two basic approaches are process, the identification was planned possible. The first is based on fundamen- observing the following sequence: tal understanding of the modeled pro- • Input signal U(t). A short oral appli- cesses that give rise to the formulation of cation of nifedipine is considered as the mathematical model. The other is Dirac function. The signal amplitude based on experimental data and is is correlated to the nifedipine dose. essentially a data-driven approach (black- • Identification time t . The maximum p box model). Experimental modeling is duration time was fixed to 11 hours. known in the literature as system This was expected to be sufficient identification. System identification is a and practical. After this time the general term to describe mathematical system response reaches the steady tools and algorithms that build dynamical state level and the system state va- models from measured data. A dynamical riables are time independent. model in this context is a mathematical • Sampling time. The first two samples description of the dynamic behaviour of a were taken at post treatment min 30 system or process. The identification and hour 1 and the subsequent ones experiment is performed by applying a were taken at every 2 h (Table 1). specific input signal U(t), to the system • Output response y(t). During the measuring the observed output y(t) over a experiment, a discrete-time output time interval and trying to determine a Ф(t) ⊂ y(t) is observed: mathematical relation between them Ф(t) = (ф , ф ,... ф )Т, without going into the details of what is 1 2 N actually happening inside the system (Fig. where: N – number of samples. 1). The model is determined from measu- The measured data corresponding to red signals using some adequate identifi- Ф(t) are presented in Table 1. The vector cation methods. For nonlinear models Ф(t) is used during the identification pro- very few results have been obtained and cess. The data in Table 1 are statistically there is no standard algorithm for testing a processed (Statistica 6 for Windows, Stat- global identifiability. Various approaches Soft Inc). Data interpolation is performed have been proposed, e.g., power series applying spline interpolation (Yankov, (Pohjanpalo, 1978), differential algebra 1998a; 1998b). (Carson et al., 1983), similarity transfor- Determination of the system model mation methods (Vajda et al., 1989), stochastic approximation (Petrov, 2005), This stage of identification includes the cyclic coordinate descent (Yankov, 2006). selection of mathematical equations from a set of candidate system descriptions Fig. 1. System description. BJVM, 11, No 1 23 Mathematical model of plasma renin activity after nifedipine treatment Table 1. Plasma renin activity in ng/(mL.h) after treatment with nifedipine at doses of 10, 20, 40 and 60 mg/kg. Data are presented as means ± standard deviation Dose (mg/kg body weight) T (hours) 10 20 40 60 0 7.58 ± 0.8 7.58 ± 0.8 7.58 ± 0.8 7.58 ± 0.8 0.5 28.3 ± 3.1 39.1 ± 10.8 39.6 ± 13.5 40.2 ± 2.9 1 36.3 ± 9.4 50.7 ± 10.2 51.8 ± 15.7 57.3 ± 1.7 3 27.5 ± 3.4 33.0 ± 4.6 55.7 ± 13.6 62.5 ± 2.6 5 15.4 ± 4.5 26.2 ± 4.3 35.1 ± 5.9 40.1 ± 3.9 7 9.8 ± 1.5 11.9 ± 3.7 20.4 ± 4.7 23.7 ± 1.5 9 7.58 ± 0.8 8.98 ± 2.4 10.7 ± 2.8 14.3 ± 1.7 11 7.58 ± 0.6 7.56 ± 1.7 7.58 ± 1.6 9.5 ± 1.4 within which a model is to be found. PRA (CCD) method is applied. The residuals follows an oscillation curve. The most ap- between experimental data and identified propriate model is a second order ordinary model are minimized applying least squa- differential equation (ODE): re or uniform fitting. d2y(t) dy(t) +2ζϖ +ϖ2y(t)+K =KϖU(t) (1) dt2 dt 0 u RESULTS where: ζ(d) – the damping ratio; ω(d) − The calculated values of the ζ(d), ω(d), the undamped, natural frequency of the К (d) and K (d) using CCD are presented 0 u system; К (d) – the base level; K (d) – the 0 u in Table 2. sensibility of the process to the input Natural frequency ω is dose influence (proportionality coefficient). independent. The coefficients ζ(d),К (d) The parameters above are unknown 0 и K (d) are nonlinear toward the nifedipi- and they must be calculated in order to u ne dose d. They must be identified as a identify the process. All of them are dose function of dose quantity. (d) dependent and they form the identifi- As can be seen from the graphs on Fig. cation vector Q(d): 2, the dependence of the change of the Q(d)=Q(ζ(d), ω(d), К (d), K (d)) parameter on the applied dose can be 0 u modeled with exponential decay curve: Because the structure of the mathematical d+∆d F(d)=C exp(− )+C ,F(d)∈Q(d) (2) relation is a priori fixed. the parameters of 0 D const the structure must be fitted to the data The unknown parameters for identifi- applying the algorithms of mathematical cation are: optimization (Bazaraa & Shetty, 1979). C = F(0) − C The mathematical model is identified 0 const D – dose-constant. using the KORELIA-DYNAMIX program ∆d – dose correction parameter; (Yankov, 2006). KORELIA identifies a C – free term const set of most frequently used algebraic, Applying again the CCD, the calcula- transcendental and ordinary differential ted values for identification parameters equations up to third order. As identifica- are obtained (Table 3). tion method, the cyclic coordinate descent 24 BJVM, 11, No 1 A. Tolekova & K. Yankov Table 2. Identification parameters for equation 1 Nifedipine dose (mg/kg body weight) ODE parameters 10 20 40 60 ζ(d) 1.50 1.39 1.40 1.21 ω(d) 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 К (d) 0.24 0.0 −0.73 − 2.51 0 K (d) 61.92 40.42 26.18 15.00 u Finally, the time and dose dependent PRA model is described by the system of equations: ζ(d)=15.11exp(−d+999)−4 1000 d K (d)=−exp(− )+0.602 0 23.81 A K (d)=75.86exp(− d )+11.61 (3) u 22.22 d2y(t,d) dy(t) +1.2ζ(d) +0.36y(t)+K (d)=0.6K (d)U(t) dt2 dt 0 u dy(0) initial conditions: y(0) = 7.58; =0 dt The graphics of the experimental data interpolated using cubic spline and ge- nerated models of PRA for doses of 10, 20 ,40 and 60 mg/kg are shown on Fig. 3. B Error estimation As mentioned above the measured values are ф. The identified values for the same i time points are y. For each point ф, the i i residual (absolute error) is: ∆y = || y ф || , i=1..N i i - i And the relative error r for each i experimental point is: r = |∆y / ф | i i i The maximum absolute error for the C identification interval is: Fig. 2. A. Damping ratio ζ(d); B. Constant ∆Y = max| ∆y | max i base level K C. Proportionality coefficient 0; The calculated errors for tested doses K(d). u and the standard deviations in the cor- BJVM, 11, No 1 25 Mathematical model of plasma renin activity after nifedipine treatment Table 3. Identification parameters for equation 2 ODE parameters Chart C D ∆d C 0 const ζ(d) Fig. 2a 15.11 1000 999 − 4 К (d) Fig. 2b −0.25 23.81 0 0.602 0 K (d) Fig. 2c 75.86 22.22 0 11.64 u A B Fig. 3. Experimental data and simulation curves of PRA: A. after nifedipine treatment at doses of 10 and 40 mg/kg b.w; B. after nifedipine treatment at doses of 20 and 60 mg/kg b.w. responding experimental points are given put and input, assuming zero initial in Table 4. conditions (Lijung, 1999; Wolkenhauer, 2005). A general second-order transfer Transfer function function looks as follows: The transfer function of a system is the ratio of the Laplace transforms of its out- G(s)= KUω2 (4) s2+2ζωs+ω2 26 BJVM, 11, No 1 A. Tolekova & K. Yankov Table 4. Maximum absolute and relative error for different doses nifedipine T PRA PRA Absolute error Standard Relative error Dose (hour) experiment model ∆Y deviation r max i 10 3 27.5 34.012 6.512 3.4 0.2412 20 0.5 39.1 31.890 7.210 10.8 0.1844 40 1 51.8 57.478 5.678 15.7 0.1096 60 1 57.3 61.614 4.314 1.7 0.0752 co efficients from system (3) the dose- After substituting the corresponding dependent transfer function is obtained: d 27.3096exp(− )+4.1796 22.22 (5) G(s,d)= d+999 s2+1.2(15.11exp(− )−4)s+0.36 1000 State-space representation Therefore, the state variables of a system are defined as a minimal set of State space is an alternative representation variables: of a system that is defined by differential equations. Specifically it is a collection of X(t,d) = (x (t,d), x (t,d), … x (t,d))T 1 2 n linear first order differential equations. such that knowledge of these variables at Let the set of time, dose variables x (t,d), 1 any initial time t , plus information on the x (t,d), x (t,d), being chosen to describe 0 2 n dose input excitation subsequently the dynamic behaviour of a system. These applied, are sufficient to determine the variables are state variables of that system state of the system at any time t > t , for and they satisfy the following conditions: 0 any dose d. • at any initial time t = t , the state 0 The nifedipine model is described by variables x (0,d), x (0,d),… x (0,d) 1 2 n second order ODE, therefore two vari- define the initial states of the system ables x (t,d) and x (t,d), are necessary. at the selected initial time. 1 2 Let substitute: • once the inputs of the considered system for t ≥ t and the initial states x (t,d)= y(t,d) 0 1 defined above are specified, the state dy(t,d) dx (t,d) d2y(t,d) variables should completely define x (t,d)= ⇒ 2 = 2 dt dt dt2 the future time behaviour of that sys- tem. And the state space form is: dx2(t,d) =−2ζ(d)ϖ(d)dy(t,d)−ϖ2(d)y(t.d)−K (d)+K (d)ϖ(d)U(t) (6) dt dt 0 u For most practical purposes, analysis the state space. Thus the linearization of the system is conducted by local allows using well established tools from linearization of the nonlinear system near linear systems theory. a particular operating point X (x , x ) in O O1 O2 BJVM, 11, No 1 27

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