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Mathematical Methods for Engineers and Scientists 3: Fourier Analysis, Partial Differential Equations and Variational Methods PDF

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Preview Mathematical Methods for Engineers and Scientists 3: Fourier Analysis, Partial Differential Equations and Variational Methods

K.T. Tang Mathematical Methods for Engineers and Scientists 3 Fourier Analysis, Partial Differential Equations and Variational Methods With 79 Figures and 4 Tables 123 ProfessorDr.Kwong-Tin Tang PacificLutheranUniversity DepartmentofPhysics Tacoma,WA98447,USA E-mail:[email protected] LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2006932619 ISBN-103-540-44695-8SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork ISBN-13978-3-540-44695-8SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerial isconcerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation,broad- casting,reproductiononmicrofilmorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationof thispublicationorpartsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLaw ofSeptember9,1965,initscurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfrom Springer.ViolationsareliabletoprosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. SpringerisapartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia. springer.com ©Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2007 Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,etc.inthispublicationdoesnot imply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantpro- tectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Typesettingbytheauthor and SPiusingaSpringerLATEXmacropackage Coverdesign: eStudio Calamar Steinen Printedonacid-freepaper SPIN11580973 57/3100/SPi 5 4 3 2 1 0 Preface Forsome30years,Ihavetaughttwo“MathematicalPhysics”courses.Oneof them was previously named “Engineering Analysis.” There are several text- books of unquestionable merit for such courses, but I could not find one that fitted our needs. It seemed to me that students might have an easier time if some changes were made in these books. I ended up using class notes. Ac- tually, I felt the same about my own notes, so they got changed again and again. Throughout the years, many students and colleagues have urged me to publish them. I resisted until now, because the topics were not new and I was not sure that my way of presenting them was really much better than others. In recent years, some former students came back to tell me that they still found my notes useful and looked at them from time to time. The fact thattheyalwayssingledoutthesecourses,amongmanyothersIhavetaught, made me think that besides being kind, they might even mean it. Perhaps, it is worthwhile to share these notes with a wider audience. It took far more work than expected to transcribe the lecture notes into printed pages. The notes were written in an abbreviated way without much explanationbetweenanytwoequations,becauseIwassupposedtosupplythe missing links in person. How much detail I would go into depended on the reaction of the students. Now without them in front of me, I had to decide the appropriate amount of derivation to be included. I chose to err on the side of too much detail rather than too little. As a result, the derivation does not look very elegant, but I also hope it does not leave any gap in students’ comprehension. Precisely stated and elegantly proved theorems looked great to me when I was a young faculty member. But in the later years, I found that elegance in the eyes of the teacher might be stumbling blocks for students. Now I am convinced that before a student can use a mathematical theorem with confidence,heorshemustfirstdevelopanintuitivefeeling.Themosteffective way to do that is to follow a sufficient number of examples. This book is written for students who want to learn but need a firm hand-holding. I hope they will find the book readable and easy to learn from. VI Preface Learning, as always, has to be done by the student herself or himself. No one can acquire mathematical skill without doing problems, the more the better. However, realistically students have a finite amount of time. They will be overwhelmed if problems are too numerous, and frustrated if problems are too difficult. A common practice in textbooks is to list a large number of problems and let the instructor to choose a few for assignments. It seems to me that is not a confidence building strategy. A self-learning person would notknowwhattochoose.Thereforeamoderatenumberofnotoverlydifficult problems, with answers, are selected at the end of each chapter. Hopefully after the student has successfully solved all of them, he will be encouraged to seek more challenging ones. There are plenty of problems in other books. Ofcourse,aninstructorcanalwaysassignmoreproblemsatlevelssuitableto the class. Professor I.I. Rabi used to say “All textbooks are written with the prin- ciple of least astonishment.” Well, there is a good reason for that. After all, textbooksaresupposedtoexplainawaythemysteriesandmaketheprofound obvious. This book is no exception. Nevertheless, I still hope the reader will find something in this book exciting. ThissetofbooksiswritteninthespiritofwhatSommerfeldcalled“phys- ical mathematics.” For example, instead of studying the properties of hyper- bolic,parabolic,andellipticpartialdifferentialequations,materialsonpartial differential equations are organized around wave, diffusion and Laplace equa- tions. Physical problems are used as the framework for various mathematical techniques to hang together, rather than as just examples for mathematical theories.Inordernottosacrificetheunderlyingmathematicalconcepts,these materials are preceded by a chapter on Sturm–Livouville theory in infinite dimensional vector space. It is author’s experience that this approach not only stimulates students’ intuitive thinking but also increase their confidence in using mathematical tools. These books are dedicated to my students. I want to thank my A and B students, their diligence and enthusiasm have made teaching enjoyable and worthwhile. I want to thank my C and D students, their difficulties and mis- takes made me search for better explanations. I want to thank Brad Oraw for drawing many figures in this book and Mathew Hacker for helping me to typeset the manuscript. I want to express my deepest gratitude to Professor S.H. Patil, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. He has read the entire manuscript and pro- vided many excellent suggestions. He has also checked the equations and the problems and corrected numerous errors. The responsibility for remaining errors is, of course, entirely mine. I will greatly appreciate if they are brought to my attention. Tacoma, Washington K.T. Tang June 2006 Contents Part I Fourier Analysis 1 Fourier Series ............................................. 3 1.1 Fourier Series of Functions with Periodicity 2π .............. 3 1.1.1 Orthogonality of Trigonotric Functions............... 3 1.1.2 The Fourier Coefficients............................ 5 1.1.3 Expansion of Functions in Fourier Series ............. 6 1.2 Convergence of Fourier Series ............................. 9 1.2.1 Dirichlet Conditions ............................... 9 1.2.2 Fourier Series and Delta Function ................... 10 1.3 Fourier Series of Functions of any Period ................... 13 1.3.1 Change of Interval................................. 13 1.3.2 Fourier Series of Even and Odd Functions ............ 21 1.4 Fourier Series of Nonperiodic Functions in Limited Range .... 24 1.5 Complex Fourier Series................................... 29 1.6 The Method of Jumps ................................... 32 1.7 Properties of Fourier Series ............................... 37 1.7.1 Parseval’s Theorem................................ 37 1.7.2 Sums of Reciprocal Powers of Integers ............... 39 1.7.3 Integration of Fourier Series ........................ 42 1.7.4 Differentiation of Fourier Series ..................... 43 1.8 Fourier Series and Differential Equations ................... 45 1.8.1 Differential Equation with Boundary Conditions....... 45 1.8.2 Periodically Driven Oscillator ....................... 49 Exercises ................................................... 52 2 Fourier Transforms ....................................... 61 2.1 Fourier Integral as a Limit of a Fourier Series ............... 61 2.1.1 Fourier Cosine and Sine Integrals.................... 65 2.1.2 Fourier Cosine and Sine Transforms ................. 67 2.2 Tables of Transforms..................................... 72 VIII Contents 2.3 The Fourier Transform ................................... 72 2.4 Fourier Transform and Delta Function ..................... 79 2.4.1 Orthogonality..................................... 79 2.4.2 Fourier Transforms Involving Delta Functions......... 80 2.4.3 Three-Dimensional Fourier Transform Pair ........... 81 2.5 Some Important Transform Pairs .......................... 85 2.5.1 Rectangular Pulse Function......................... 85 2.5.2 Gaussian Function................................. 85 2.5.3 Exponentially Decaying Function.................... 87 2.6 Properties of Fourier Transform ........................... 88 2.6.1 Symmetry Property ............................... 88 2.6.2 Linearity, Shifting, Scaling.......................... 89 2.6.3 Transform of Derivatives ........................... 91 2.6.4 Transform of Integral .............................. 92 2.6.5 Parseval’s Theorem................................ 92 2.7 Convolution ............................................ 94 2.7.1 Mathematical Operation of Convolution.............. 94 2.7.2 Convolution Theorems ............................. 96 2.8 Fourier Transform and Differential Equations ............... 99 2.9 The Uncertainty of Waves ................................103 Exercises ...................................................105 Part II Sturm–Liouville Theory and Special Functions 3 Orthogonal Functions and Sturm–Liouville Problems .....111 3.1 Functions as Vectors in Infinite Dimensional Vector Space ....111 3.1.1 Vector Space......................................111 3.1.2 Inner Product and Orthogonality....................113 3.1.3 Orthogonal Functions..............................116 3.2 Generalized Fourier Series ................................121 3.3 Hermitian Operators.....................................123 3.3.1 Adjoint and Self-adjoint (Hermitian) Operators .......123 3.3.2 Properties of Hermitian Operators...................125 3.4 Sturm–Liouville Theory ..................................130 3.4.1 Sturm–Liouville Equations .........................130 3.4.2 Boundary Conditions of Sturm–Liouville Problems ....132 3.4.3 Regular Sturm–Liouville Problems...................133 3.4.4 Periodic Sturm–Liouville Problems ..................141 3.4.5 Singular Sturm–Liouville Problems ..................142 3.5 Green’s Function ........................................149 3.5.1 Green’s Function and Inhomogeneous Differential Equation .........................................149 3.5.2 Green’s Function and Delta Function ................150 Exercises ...................................................157 Contents IX 4 Bessel and Legendre Functions ............................163 4.1 Frobenius Method of Differential Equations .................164 4.1.1 Power Series Solution of Differential Equation.........164 4.1.2 Classifying Singular Points .........................166 4.1.3 Frobenius Series...................................167 4.2 Bessel Functions.........................................171 4.2.1 Bessel Functions J (x) of Integer Order ..............172 n 4.2.2 Zeros of the Bessel Functions .......................174 4.2.3 Gamma Function..................................175 4.2.4 Bessel Function of Noninteger Order .................177 4.2.5 Bessel Function of Negative Order...................179 4.2.6 Neumann Functions and Hankel Functions............179 4.3 Properties of Bessel Function .............................182 4.3.1 Recurrence Relations ..............................182 4.3.2 Generating Function of Bessel Functions .............185 4.3.3 Integral Representation ............................186 4.4 Bessel Functions as Eigenfunctions of Sturm–Liouville Problems...............................................187 4.4.1 Boundary Conditions of Bessel’s Equation ............187 4.4.2 Orthogonality of Bessel Functions ...................188 4.4.3 Normalization of Bessel Functions ...................189 4.5 Other Kinds of Bessel Functions...........................191 4.5.1 Modified Bessel Functions ..........................191 4.5.2 Spherical Bessel Functions..........................192 4.6 Legendre Functions ......................................196 4.6.1 Series Solution of Legendre Equation ................196 4.6.2 Legendre Polynomials..............................200 4.6.3 Legendre Functions of the Second Kind ..............202 4.7 Properties of Legendre Polynomials .......................204 4.7.1 Rodrigues’ Formula................................204 4.7.2 Generating Function of Legendre Polynomials.........206 4.7.3 Recurrence Relations ..............................208 4.7.4 Orthogonality and Normalization of Legendre Polynomials ......................................211 4.8 Associated Legendre Functions and Spherical Harmonics .....212 4.8.1 Associated Legendre Polynomials....................212 4.8.2 Orthogonality and Normalization of Associated Legendre Functions................................214 4.8.3 Spherical Harmonics ...............................217 4.9 Resources on Special Functions............................218 Exercises ...................................................219

Pedagogical insights gained through 30 years of teaching applied mathematics led the author to write this set of student oriented books. Topics such as complex analysis, matrix theory, vector and tensor analysis, Fourier analysis, integral transforms, ordinary and partial differential equations are
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