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Mathematical Geology, Vol. 25, No. 8, 1993 AUTHOR’S INDEX, VOLUME 25 Arik, Abdullah, 713 Herzfeld, Ute C., 881, 901 Hirano, Masashige, 795 Blanchin, Raymonde, 963 Hofierka, Jaroslav, 657 Bourne, James H., 357 Holmlund, Per, 881 Brower, J. C., 937 Hudak, P. F., 161 Bumham, Alan K., 81 Carr, James R., 405, 425, 507 Johnson, Wesley, 145 Chica-Olmo, M., 177 Journel, Andre G., 329 Chiles, Jean-Paul, 963 Kitanidis, Peter K., 525 Christensen, Ronald, 145, 541 Chung, Chang-Jo F., 851 Kushigbor, Cornelius A., 773 Cressie, Noel, 219 Leipnik, R. B., 161 Crovelli, Robert A., 59 Lele, Subhash, 573 Dargahi-Noubary, G. R., 671 Lerche, Ian, 91, 107, 303 Davis, John C., 125, 925 Liu, J., 303 Delay, F., 689 Loaiciga, H. A., 161 de Marsily, G., 689 Deutsch, Clayton V., 41, 329 Ma, Yuan Z., 399 Dietrich, C. R., 439 Mao, Nai-hsien, 425 Dimitrakopoulos, Roussos, 261 Marino, M. A., 161 Dutch, Steven I., 737 Mayer, Helmut, 975 Dzikowski, M., 689 Merriam, D. F., 755, 937 Miamee, A. G., 671 Easley, Dale H., 245 Mielke, P. W., Jr., 483 Eiserbeck, W., 925 Mikhailov, Valentine O., 949 Eriksson, Mats G., 881 Mitas, Lubos, 641 Fabbri, Andrea G., 773 Mitasova, Helena, 641, 657 Forster, A., 937 Morsy, Mohamed A., 833 Moss, Ken, 377 Gaard, Dave, 377 Ghori, Saleem G., 559 Nielsen, Soren B., 81 Gill, Dan, 471 Nishiwaki-Nakajima, Niichi, 819 Goovaerts, P., 281 Gmndy, W. D., 483 Olea, R. A., 125 Orlowski, L. A., 483 Harff, J. E., 925 Harris, DeVerle P., 9 Palmer, Jeffrey A., 507 Heiner, Tim, 377 Pan, Guocheng, 9, 377, 603, 713 Heller, John P., 559 Pardo-Iguzquiza, E., 177 1079 0882-8121/93/1100-1079$07.00/1 © 1993 International Association for Mathematical Geology 1080 Author Index Pawlowsky, V., 125 Valenzuela, Carlos R., 773 Pearson, Larry M., 145 Van der Linde, Angelika, 1 Pierson, Charles T., 59 Van der Meer, Freek D., 773 Ver Hoef, Jay M., 219 Sanford, Richard F., 59 Schumm, S. A., 483 Yamamoto, Kaichiro, 819 Sen, Zekai, 241 Yamamoto, Satoshi, 757, 867 Shurygin, A. M., 759 Singh, Ashok K., 559 Zhao, K., 107 Solow, Andrew R., 53 Zimmerman, Dale L., 453 Mathematical Geology, Vol. 25, No. 8, 1993 SUBJECT INDEX, VOLUME 25 Airborne geophysics, 603 Discrete Fourier transform, 177 Amplitude spectrum, 177 Dynamical tomography, 107 Anisotropic covariance, 177 Earthquakes, 759 Anisotropy, 559 Exchange, 689 Artificial intelligence, 261 Experimental variogram, 525 Atlantic, 901 Exploration target, 603 Auto-cross-correlation, 975 Automatization, 901 Fast Fourier transform, 177 Fault, 819 Basin analysis, 925 Fe/Mg ratio, 867 Bathymetry, 901 Flow lines, 657 Best linear unbiased estimation, 525 Best linear unbiased prediction, 145, 219, 541 Fluid flow, 329 Block diagram, 819 Fourier series, 795 Fractals, 737 Block kriging, 507 BLUP, 145 Gauss quadrature, 507 Boundary value problem, 795 Gauss-Newton, 541 Gaussian model, 329 Cherts, 867 Generalized least squares, 219 Classification, 867, 901, 925 Geochemical exploration, 833 Coastlines, 737 Geologic time scale, 975 Cokriging, 219, 377, 603 Geological mapping, 795 Computers, 737 Geostatistical simulation, 177 Contouring, 125 Geostatistics, 219, 261, 525, 901 Convection-dispersion, 689 Geothermal field, 937 Coordinate free approach, 573 GIS Correlation autoregressive processes, 671 Gold deposit, 713 Correlation coefficient, 867 Correlation length, 559 Goodness-of-fit, 867 Granitic plutons, 357 Correlation matrix, 851 Groundwater flow, 161 Cova functions, 975 Covariance, 507 Heterogeneity, 559 Covariance matrix, 851 High grade connectivity, 713 Cross-validation, 377 Hydraulic conductivity, 161 Cross-variogram, 219, 603 Hydrocarbon exploration, 925 Curvatures, 657 Ice thickness, 881 Datum succession, 795 Image processing, 773 Density, 357 Indicator kriging, 125 Deterministic model, 949 Influence, 145 Dip-strike data, 819 Information synthesis, 603 1081 0882-8121/93/1100-1081$07.00/1 © 1993 International Association for Mathematical Geology 1082 Subject Index Intrinsic correlation, 281 Random permeability field, 559 Invariance principle, 573 Random walk, 689 Kriging, 145, 219, 541, 925, 963 Reconnaissance survey, 833 Regionalization, 925 Laplace equation, 795 Regionalized favorability theory, 603 Least-squares method, 819 REML, 541 Linear model of coregionalization, 281 Reserve estimation, 713 Linear models, 525, 541 Reservoir characterization, 125 Local variography, 963 Resource estimation, 377 Log-normal distribution function, 851 Restricted kriging, 713 Restricted maximum likelihood, 525 Magnetic susceptibility, 357 Risk analysis, 963 Magnetostratigraphy, 975 Maiolica, 975 Scattered data interpolation, 641 Map comparison, 937 Sedimentary basin, 925, 949 Mapping, 819, 881 Segmented processing, 641 Marginal maximum likelihood estimation, 851 Seismic waves, 671 Mass transfer, 689 Simulation, 329 Mathematical morphology, 773 Spatial analysis, 937 Maximum likelihood estimation, 851 Spatial entropy, 329 Mean, 851 Spatial structure analysis, 901 Milankovitch cycles, 975 Spectral analysis, 975 MINQUE, 541 Spectral density, 177 Missing data, 573 Spectral generator, 177 MIVQUE, 541 Spectral theory, 161 Mixture of grade models, 713 Spectrum, 671 Moment estimators, 573 Stationary processes, 671 Multivariate classification, 925 Statistics, 737 Multivariate statistical analysis, 833 Structural discontinuity, 819 Multivariate statistics, 937 Structure analysis, 819 Subglacial topography, 881 Navarin Basin, 107 Subsurface structure, 795 Neighborhood search, 881 Superimposition, 573 Non-central chi-square, 573 Surface modeling, 641 Nonlinear least squares, 541 Survey design, 963 Nuisance parameters, 573 Synthetic measurements of shape, 773 Observations below detection limits, 851 Techniques, 737 Orthogonal rotation, 281 Tectonic-movement rate, 949 Paleotectonic analysis, 949 Terek-Caspian Trough, 949 Pelagic clay minerals, 867 Topographic analysis, 657 Periodically correlated processes, 671 Uniformly modulated, 671 Phase spectrum, 177 Universal kriging, 145, 881 Point-process model, 759 Updating formula, 145 Poisson field, 759 Polymetallic deposit, 377 Variance components, 541 Principal component analysis, 281 Variances, 851 Probability, 925 Variogram, 377 Procrustes methods, 573 Variogram matrix, 281 Qualitative knowledge-information, 261 Wadi Umm Khariga

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