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ISBN 978-1-59973-540-5 VOLUME 4, 2017 MATHEMATICAL COMBINATORICS (INTERNATIONAL BOOK SERIES) Edited By Linfan MAO THE MADIS OF CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND ACADEMY OF MATHEMATICAL COMBINATORICS & APPLICATIONS, USA December, 2017 Vol.4, 2017 ISBN 978-1-59973-540-5 MATHEMATICAL COMBINATORICS (INTERNATIONAL BOOK SERIES) Edited By Linfan MAO (www.mathcombin.com) The Madis of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Academy of Mathematical Combinatorics & Applications, USA December, 2017 Aims and Scope: The Mathematical Combinatorics (International Book Series) is an accompaniment of each issue of the International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics sponsored by the MADIS of Chinese Academy of Sciences in USA quarterly, which publishes originalresearchpapersandsurveyarticlesinallaspectsofSmarandachemulti-spaces,Smaran- dachegeometries,mathematicalcombinatorics,non-euclideangeometryandtopologyandtheir applications to other sciences. Topics in detail to be covered are: Smarandache multi-spaces with applications to other sciences, such as those of algebraic multi-systems, multi-metric spaces, , etc.. Smarandache geometries; ··· Topological graphs; Algebraic graphs; Random graphs; Combinatorial maps; Graph and map enumeration; Combinatorial designs; Combinatorial enumeration; Differential Geometry; Geometry on manifolds; Low Dimensional Topology; Differential Topology; Topology of Manifolds; Geometrical aspects of Mathematical Physics and Relations with Manifold Topology; Applications of Smarandache multi-spaces to theoretical physics; Applications of Combi- natorics to mathematics and theoretical physics; Mathematical theory on gravitational fields; Mathematicaltheoryonparalleluniverses;OtherapplicationsofSmarandachemulti-spaceand combinatorics. Generally, papers on mathematics with its applications not including in above topics are also welcome. It is also available from the below international databases: Serials Group/EditorialDepartment of EBSCO Publishing 10 Estes St. Ipswich, MA 01938-2106,USA Tel.: (978) 356-6500,Ext. 2262 Fax: (978) 356-9371 http://www.ebsco.com/home/printsubs/priceproj.asp and Gale Directory of Publications and Broadcast Media, Gale, a part of Cengage Learning 27500 Drake Rd. Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3535,USA Tel.: (248) 699-4253,ext. 1326; 1-800-347-GALEFax: (248) 699-8075 http://www.gale.com Indexingand Reviews: MathematicalReviews(USA),ZentralblattMath(Germany),Refer- ativnyi Zhurnal (Russia), Mathematika (Russia), Directory of Open Access (DoAJ), Interna- tional Statistical Institute (ISI), International Scientific Indexing (ISI, impact factor 1.730), Institute for Scientific Information (PA, USA), Library of Congress Subject Headings (USA). Subscription A subscription can be ordered by an email directly to Prof.Linfan Mao PhD The Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics Chinese Academy of Mathematics and System Science Beijing, 100190, P.R.China Email: [email protected] Price: US$48.00 Editorial Board (4th) Editor-in-Chief Linfan MAO Shaofei Du ChineseAcademyofMathematicsandSystem Capital Normal University, P.R.China Science, P.R.China Email: [email protected] and Xiaodong Hu Academy of Mathematical Combinatorics & ChineseAcademyofMathematicsandSystem Applications, USA Science, P.R.China Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Deputy Editor-in-Chief Yuanqiu Huang Hunan Normal University, P.R.China Guohua Song Email: [email protected] Beijing University of Civil Engineering and H.Iseri Architecture, P.R.China Mansfield University, USA Email: [email protected] Email: hiseri@mnsfld.edu Editors Xueliang Li Nankai University, P.R.China Arindam Bhattacharyya Email: [email protected] Jadavpur University, India Guodong Liu Email: [email protected] Huizhou University Said Broumi Email: [email protected] Hassan II University Mohammedia W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy Hay El Baraka Ben M’sik Casablanca Indian Institute of Technology, India B.P.7951 Morocco Email: [email protected] Junliang Cai Ion Patrascu Beijing Normal University, P.R.China Fratii Buzesti National College Email: [email protected] Craiova Romania Yanxun Chang Han Ren Beijing Jiaotong University, P.R.China East China Normal University, P.R.China Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Jingan Cui Ovidiu-Ilie Sandru Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Politechnica University of Bucharest Architecture, P.R.China Romania Email: [email protected] ii MathematicalCombinatorics(InternationalBookSeries) Mingyao Xu Peking University, P.R.China Email: [email protected] Guiying Yan ChineseAcademyofMathematicsandSystem Science, P.R.China Email: [email protected] Y. Zhang Department of Computer Science Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA Famous Words: The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes. By Winston Churchill, a British statesman. Math.Combin.Book Ser. Vol.4(2017), 1-18 Direct Product of Multigroups and Its Generalization P.A. Ejegwa (DepartmentofMathematics/Statistics/ComputerScience,UniversityofAgriculture,P.M.B.2373,Makurdi,Nigeria) A. M. Ibrahim (DepartmentofMathematics,AhmaduBelloUniversity,Zaria,Nigeria) E-mail: [email protected],[email protected] Abstract: This paper proposes the concept of direct product of multigroups and its gen- eralization. Some results are obtained with reference to root sets and cuts of multigroups. We prove that the direct product of multigroups is a multigroup. Finally, we introduce the notionofhomomorphismandexploresomeofitspropertiesinthecontextofdirectproduct of multigroups and its generalization. Key Words: Multisets, multigroups, direct product of multigroups. AMS(2010): 03E72, 06D72, 11E57, 19A22. §1. Introduction Insettheory,repetitionofobjectsarenotallowedinacollection. Thisperspectiverenderedset almostirrelevantbecausemanyreallife problemsadmitrepetition. Toremedythe handicapin theideaofsets,theconceptofmultisetwasintroducedin[10]asageneralizationofsetwherein objects repeat in a collection. Multiset is very promising in mathematics, computer science, website design, etc. See [14, 15] for details. Since algebraicstructures like groupoids,semigroups,monoids andgroupswerebuilt from theideaofsets,itisthennaturaltointroducethealgebraicnotionsofmultiset. In[12],theterm multigroup wasproposedasageneralizationofgroupinanalogoustosomenon-classicalgroups such as fuzzy groups [13], intuitionistic fuzzy groups [3], etc. Although the term multigroup was earlier used in [4, 11] as an extension of group theory, it is only the idea of multigroup in [12] that captures multiset and relates to other non-classicalgroups. In fact, every multigroup is a multiset but the converse is not necessarily true and the concept of classical groups is a specialize multigroup with a unit count [5]. In furtherance of the study of multigroups, some properties of multigroups and the anal- ogous of isomorphism theorems were presented in [2]. Subsequently, in [1], the idea of order of an element with respect to multigroup and some of its related properties were discussed. A complete account on the concept of multigroups from different algebraic perspectives was outlined in [8]. The notions of upper andlower cuts of multigroupswere proposedand some of 1ReceivedApril26,2017,Accepted November2,2017. 2 P.A.EjegwaandA.M.Ibrahim theiralgebraicpropertieswereexplicatedin[5]. Incontinuationtothestudyofhomomorphism in multigroup setting (cf. [2, 12]), some homomorphic properties of multigroups were explored in [6]. In [9], the notion of multigroup actions on multiset was proposedand some results were established. Anextensiveworkonnormalsubmultigroupsandcomultisetsofamultigroupwere presented in [7]. In this paper, we explicate the notion of direct product of multigroups and its generaliza- tion. Some homomorphic properties of direct product of multigroups are also presented. This paper is organized as follows; in Section 2, some preliminary definitions and results are pre- sentedtobeusedinthe sequel. Section3introducestheconceptofdirectproductbetweentwo multigroups and Section 4 considers the case of direct product of kth multigroups. Meanwhile, Section 5 contains some homomorphic properties of direct product of multigroups. §2. Preliminaries Definition 2.1([14]) Let X = x ,x , ,x , be aset. A multiset A over X is a cardinal- 1 2 n { ··· ···} valued function, that is, C : X N such that for x Dom(A) implies A(x) is a cardinal A → ∈ and A(x) = C (x) > 0, where C (x) denoted the number of times an object x occur in A. A A Whenever C (x)=0, implies x / Dom(A). A ∈ The set of all multisets over X is denoted by MS(X). Definition 2.2([15]) Let A,B MS(X), A is called a submultiset of B written as A B if ∈ ⊆ C (x) C (x) for x X. Also, if A B and A=B, then A is called a proper submultiset A B ≤ ∀ ∈ ⊆ 6 of B and denoted as A B. A multiset is called the parent in relation to its submultiset. ⊂ Definition 2.3([12]) Let X be a group. A multiset G is called a multigroup of X if it satisfies the following conditions: (i) C (xy) C (x) C (y) x,y X; G G G ≥ ∧ ∀ ∈ (ii) C (x 1)=C (x) x X, G − G ∀ ∈ whereC denotescountfunctionofGfromX intoanaturalnumberNand denotesminimum, G ∧ respectively. By implication, a multiset G is called a multigroup of a group X if C (xy 1) C (x) C (y), x,y X. G − G G ≥ ∧ ∀ ∈ It follows immediately from the definition that, C (e) C (x), x X, G G ≥ ∀ ∈ where e is the identity element of X. The count of an element in G is the number of occurrence of the element in G. While the DirectProductofMultigroupsandItsGeneralization 3 order of G is the sum of the count of each of the elements in G, and is given by n G = C (x ), x X. G i i | | ∀ ∈ i=1 X We denote the set of all multigroups of X by MG(X). Definition 2.4([5]) Let A MG(X). A nonempty submultiset B of A is called a submulti- ∈ group of A denoted by B A if B form a multigroup. A submultigroup B of A is a proper ⊑ submultigroup denoted by B ⊏A, if B A and A=B. ⊑ 6 Definition 2.5([5]) Let A MG(X). Then the sets A and A defined as [n] (n) ∈ (i) A = x X C (x) n,n N and [n] A { ∈ | ≥ ∈ } (ii) A = x X C (x)>n,n N (n) A { ∈ | ∈ } are called strong upper cut and weak upper cut of A. Definition 2.6([5]) Let A MG(X). Then the sets A[n] and A(n) defined as ∈ (i) A[n] = x X C (x) n,n N and A { ∈ | ≤ ∈ } (ii) A(n) = x X C (x)<n,n N A { ∈ | ∈ } are called strong lower cut and weak lower cut of A. Definition 2.7([12]) Let A MG(X). Then the sets A and A are defined as ∗ ∈ ∗ (i) A = x X C (x)>0 and A ∗ { ∈ | } (ii) A = x X C (x)=C (e) , where e is the identity element of X. ∗ A A { ∈ | } Proposition 2.8([12]) Let A MG(X). Then A and A are subgroups of X. ∗ ∈ ∗ Theorem 2.9([5]) Let A MG(X). Then A is a subgroup of X n C (e) and A[n] is a [n] A ∈ ∀ ≤ subgroup of X n C (e), where e is the identity element of X and n N. A ∀ ≥ ∈ Definition 2.10([7]) Let A,B MG(X) such that A B. Then A is called a normal ∈ ⊆ submultigroup of B if for all x,y X, it satisfies C (xyx 1) C (y). A − A ∈ ≥ Proposition 2.11([7]) Let A,B MG(X). Then the following statements are equivalent: ∈ (i) A is a normal submultigroup of B; (ii) C (xyx 1)=C (y) x,y X; A − A ∀ ∈ (iii) C (xy)=C (yx) x,y X. A A ∀ ∈ Definition 2.12([7]) Two multigroups A and B of X are conjugate to each other if for all x,y X, C (x)=C (yxy 1) and C (y)=C (xyx 1). A B − B A − ∈ Definition 2.13([6]) Let X and Y be groups and let f :X Y be a homomorphism. Suppose → A and B are multigroups of X and Y, respectively. Then f induces a homomorphism from A to B which satisfies 4 P.A.EjegwaandA.M.Ibrahim (i) C (f 1(y y )) C (f 1(y )) C (f 1(y )) y ,y Y; A − 1 2 A − 1 A − 2 1 2 ≥ ∧ ∀ ∈ (ii) C (f(x x )) C (f(x )) C (f(x )) x ,x X, B 1 2 B 1 B 2 1 2 ≥ ∧ ∀ ∈ where (i) the image of A under f, denoted by f(A), is a multiset of Y defined by C (x), f 1(y)= Cf(A)(y)= x∈f−1(y) A − 6 ∅ 0W, otherwise  for each y Y and  ∈ (ii) the inverse image of B under f, denoted by f 1(B), is a multiset of X defined by − C (x)=C (f(x)) x X. f−1(B) B ∀ ∈ Proposition 2.14([12]) Let X and Y be groups and f : X Y be a homomorphism. If → A MG(X), then f(A) MG(Y). ∈ ∈ Corollary 2.15([12]) Let X and Y be groups and f : X Y be a homomorphism. If B → ∈ MG(Y), then f 1(B) MG(X). − ∈ §3. Direct Product of Multigroups GiventwogroupsX andY,the directproduct,X Y is the Cartesianproductoforderedpair × (x,y) such that x X and y Y, and the group operation is component-wise, so ∈ ∈ (x ,y ) (x ,y )=(x x ,y y ). 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 × The resulting algebraic structure satisfies the axioms for a group. Since the ordered pair (x,y) such that x X and y Y is an element of X Y, we simply write (x,y) X Y. In ∈ ∈ × ∈ × this section, we discuss the notion of direct product of two multigroups defined over X and Y, respectively. Definition 3.1 Let X and Y be groups, A MG(X) and B MG(Y), respectively. The ∈ ∈ direct product of A and B depicted by A B is a function × C :X Y N A B × × → defined by C ((x,y))=C (x) C (y) x X, y Y. A B A B × ∧ ∀ ∈ ∀ ∈ Example3.2 LetX = e,a beagroup,wherea2 =eandY = e,x,y,z beaKlein4-group, ′ { } { } where x2 =y2 =z2 =e. Then ′ A=[e5,a] DirectProductofMultigroupsandItsGeneralization 5 and B =[(e)6,x4,y5,z4] ′ are multigroups of X and Y by Definition 2.3. Now X Y = (e,e),(e,x),(e,y),(e,z),(a,e),(a,x),(a,y),(a,z) ′ ′ × { } is a group such that (e,x)2 =(e,y)2 =(e,z)2 =(a,e′)2 =(a,x)2 =(a,y)2 =(a,z)2 =(e,e′) is the identity element of X Y. Then using Definition 3.1, × A B =[(e,e)5,(e,x)4,(e,y)5,(e,z)4,(a,e),(a,x),(a,y),(a,z)] ′ ′ × is a multigroup of X Y satisfying the conditions in Definition 2.3. × Example 3.3 Let X and Y be groups as in Example 3.2. Let A=[e5,a4] and B =[(e)7,x9,y6,z5] ′ be multisets of X and Y, respectively. Then A B =[(e,e)5,(e,x)5,(e,y)5,(e,z)5,(a,e)4,(a,x)4,(a,y)4,(a,z)4]. ′ ′ × By Definition 2.3, it follows that A B is a multigroup of X Y although B is not a × × multigroup of Y while A is a multigroup of X. From the notion of direct product in multigroup context, we observe that A B < A B | × | | || | unlike in classical group where X Y = X Y . | × | | || | Theorem3.4 LetA MG(X)andB MG(Y),respectively. Thenforalln N,(A B) = [n] ∈ ∈ ∈ × A B . [n] [n] × Proof Let (x,y) (A B) . Using Definition 2.5, we have [n] ∈ × C ((x,y))=(C (x) C (y)) n. A B A B × ∧ ≥ This implies that C (x) n and C (y) n, then x A and y B . Thus, A B [n] [n] ≥ ≥ ∈ ∈ (x,y) A B . [n] [n] ∈ ×

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