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We ve got your number puzzles! ‘Number puzzles ——- bythe dozens— . k Work at Home Be a Medical Billing pig muting, choose —< nity of yor COMPARE THESE ADVANTAGES WITH ANY OTHER PROFESSION! You can work as much as you want ‘ You can earn $10 to $20 an hour Choose your hours...any time of day ¢ No time wasted traveling to work Be your own boss ¢ Continuing graduate support throughout your career © Work wherever you want to ive ‘¢ Prestige of working in the medical profession « Plenty of high-pay office jobs, too GET FREE FACTS! NO COST! NO OBLIGATION! MAIL COUPON TODAY OR CALL TOLL-FREE At-Home Prot 2001 Lowe Street, Dept. PDIS8 Fort Collins, CO 80525 YES! Rush me free facts on how I ea | and Biting Speciatist. 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What otter job cm you start with just four smonthe of trajtiing at home and start earning up to $40,000 a year? Plus, you get these extra benetts— xo transportation cost or time wasted going to and from your Job, no expensive clothes because you em do all your work at home, no child day care costs, wort whatever hours you choose.--early smomings, late at night, any time, and talc “breaks™ ‘whenever you want them, And its not only the ‘money you make that’s important—youll be work {ng in a prestigious job making avaliable contribu tion to the medteal profe 1-800-388-8765°%%, | mn train at home to work as a Medical Claims | 1 ! {eee = ie 1 scaress Apr Toy State 2p = ti ay 1998 “Hath Purzles- Logic Problems estorn-Chie: Ase Mave Tao Senior Ears: Dw Sevens, MAME LADAS Filo: rmx Muses, Avner Somer Associne ctor: LANE V. =, (Gums DNAeou, Cama Let Lens ‘asistantEatrs:Rogeer Mote, Semone Kitz ‘our Bosak Procuction Manager: ANGRLA Sar FaReusou ‘Senior Production sistant: Gronsana Soon Production Assistant: Nari Pook Aesistont Art Director: Mamta MeCex anoghg Eto: Kens Kerma Dect, Newsstand Seles: Buc W. Semon ‘Associate Manager, Subscry gts and Maxkste: mages aust culation Services: Suey Manone Pavertsing Reprosoreato: Drstes DIC, New Yrs NW, 10046 ‘CONTRIBUTORS Hairy Arona + Ruby de Aasernta + Gerald Berhovite Uydlan Davi» Kevyn Dymone » Morgaret Exmiston Wat Geretel » Gerole Gipsein + lean Hernogon | Lester Jordan « leery Kroger © Rich uatta* Alon tris Stevens « Linda Tete = Mare Waggoner Mar Zag CONTENTS Bingo Plays 1-3 Black Magic Cross Numbers 18 Cross Sums 120 .. 20, 11, 20, 21, 92, 33,46, 41, 62, 5 Crossmath 46 Deduction Problems 1 & 2 8,23 Bight Ball u Figure Logics 1-10 ... 7, 16, 22, 28, 35, 38, 44, 60, 58, Half Time 13 ‘Logic Probloms 1 ~ 15 5,9, 14, 19, 24, 27, 0, 84, 36, 42,45, 48, 51, 64, 67 Marching Orders aan 8. ‘Math Mazes 1-3 26 Minute Stath ar Namberama 37 Number Place 1-6 23 ‘Oscar's Oetahodron ra Right-Angle Tangle Busca! ‘Square Logie 35 Sum Logic 29 ‘Sam Quote 55 Sam Spots 44 ‘Triangular Square 2 Teigons . 4a ‘Two-Part Math 3 Word Arithmetic 1 — 45 8, 18,29, 96, 47 (over Mustraton 67 0'Net Nano A LETTER FROM THE EDITORS What was the very first math puzzle you ever encountered? Many of us mct our frst. mu tmerical poser in school, and it read something Tike: “It train A is heoding west at 60 ails an hour, and train B is heading east at 40 miles an hour, and the two trains start ‘50 miles apart, in how many minutes will hey mest?” Our renction might have been “Geol! A math puzzle expressed in word! ‘That first pazzle wasn't novessarily an easy ono, For some it was a snp, and seemed to point the sry to something we might be very good at, Others found it hard work, but Telished that feeling of accomplishment at getting the vight answer. Each of us has a personal reaton for enjoying puzzles, probably ane we can't fully explain. But we sus- ett that those reasons can be traced back, at Joust in part, to the feelings we experi- Choad with that vory frst puzzle I's well-known that puzzles are a grest way to learn and practice math. We here at Dell frequontly hear from teachers snd pupils all over the world how featarea in Dell Math Pucelss and Logic Problems have been used in classrooms, and are vory proud to ontribute in any way we ean. At leaet one editor here wae thrillod to recognize a letter of one of her bigh-echool math teachers! (We're also gure the teacher ns just we sur prised to hear from the editor, sod on her grades in thal long-ago class.) Of course, there is a wide variety of math ond reasoning puzzles, going far beyond sim ple addition/subteaction or a sextence or two, Many of them rere created by the won erful constructors hero at Del, and won't he fund anywhere elee. Some involve words, like Logic Problems and Deduction Problems. Others, like Cross Sums, are based on simple moth bul are bs no means simple to solve. And tere are puzzles that combine ‘the two disciplines, such ax Word Arithmetic and Figure Logic, These five puzzles have Shown themselves to be enduring favorites with eolvers, and thuy are the backbone of Dell Math Puzziee and Logie Problems. Folks hae filled ont moilbugs with praise for the collection of 28 Logie Problems, 10 Figure Logics, 20 Cross Sums, and 45 Word ‘Arithmetic puzzles found in every issue. hey are, however, by no means the only popular features youl find on these pages Dont overlaok perennials like Numberama on page 37, Crosemath on page 48, Bingo Plays on pages 12 and 25, Trigons on puge 43, Square Logie on page 38, and Number Place on page 2. Youll aiso find soveral purzies you may never have seen before, like Sum Quote on page 55, Oscar's Qotshedron on page 49, Eight Ball on page 17. and Marching Orders on page 6. And, if you Want a taste of nostalgia, don't overlook medara {and moro difficult) versions of your very arse puzzle in Minuce Math on page 27 Once you've finished solving, take @ minute to drop us a line and let ua know which Stuff you enjoyed, which you didn't, and whet you'd like to#ea in fatura ineuen, And you might just want to drop a note of thane ta one of your pase math teachers, toc! Write to up at Dell Math Puzzles and Logie Problems Dell Puzzle Magazines 1270 Avenue of the Americas ‘New York, NY 10020 Fax: (212) 698-1198, ‘The July issue of Best of Math Puscles and Logie Problems oes onsale May 1, The Editore oa waronanize anes 08 LOGIC PROBLEM 1. FIRST DAY JITTERS by David Champlin Nad Naophyie mos vy each o get is ery fist ata servr of Generel Gundars Homey Chickn resturo, but he was el faery cn he tat We mete in cach of he Br our orders Be Fesoncely Ms, ent und he ether tre canoer wero oll underserirg ond acu in pointing ou bis er Ned oredr isles ond never epeted the seme ero. Fom tn information end the caer below, con you dtamine fe Rl ram of [Neds rat for evsemor, the ere a whch bo wale on hen, ond he stake beads with eoch oer? 1. Ned served cote Reson jot before the an who wat acide ivan Franch hie her thar mashes toes, wh was afr Samay 2, Veins wes served sometime bor ise, whe wos served ut fore theonewho was gen heron sink. eee pe cia ore Tn, Sonkoge ta worn charg li aug pric fob dre the rd pion sed 4. Nether Wailer or hea given the wrong sat wos th our serves ‘Solution i on pope 61 the information obtined from 1 halow in selving this Probl, you do 29 by entering an Ko indicate 9 definite "ne" ‘ahd. dot to show define "yer" Remember: Once You idl place a "ne" Xt inal ee reat of the boxcr in wach tow nd column fet contains se Heep core to ne te Sera dots pc oor jantz| Reston | Santiago] dessert | drink| tries] price] 12/3] « F you with to loam more about the use of Logic Problem charts and how they con ganst you, send for free leaiet of sasy-t-fllow instruchons, “Solving Logic Problems, Sep by Steps? Mail to Dall Math Puscles ond logic Problems, Depl. LP, Dall Magazines Direct, ¢ Prowit St, Norwalk, CI 08855°1220. Please snelose & slomped, salveddrasted eavelope longeter ize posible, ploazs. MARCHING ORDERS Lng horton sequence of addton and/or aban, con you mak You way rom tr Finish in each Rirak below! We've tortad th ft one you conse ha ne wcand number om ror Hon the Bt eH) ond Seliicnmber oo more haha cok 3) Ua We tt sogone ech Ph On our Woy, ou ‘will not ross your own path or pass trough any square ie, Eoch pusse hos © ferent sequence, ie 3. 4 DEDUCTION PROBLEM 1 Carrie. Chris, Miko, and Ruth were relieved to discover that they had all done well on a recent algebra exam, They scored, in some order, 96, 92, 87, and #4 points each. In discussing the results at Tuneh, they made the following statements: Carrie: 1 got the 92, (Chia: My acore was 87, ‘Mike: | mede the Ra Ruth; I von' say what my seore was, but Carrie got the 87 If only the student sho got the highest scare told the truth, what score did cach stadent really Angwer is on page 61. RIGHT-ANGLE TANGLE How mony right |90°1 angles com you find inthe Siogram tothe let? |" Answar's on poge 63 FIGURE LOGIC 1 by Und Tite a rr fen Lab contin see ght ples a cba fa cee fies ig pt get ceo panne ee da eh ae ips dehy ne rs of eS geet ao co a NOTE A eqocre oto nomber is thor number multiplied by Wself. For axomple, the square of 6 i 36 (6.x 6m 36), ‘A starting help ie given on page 66 ‘ACROSS DOWN 1. The digits of 20-Acroas reversed 2, One hundred less than 26-Across 8. Ton less than 28-Doven 8. SL-Aeross minus 28-Down 5. 18-Across minus 22-Down 4. 18-Across plus 20-Down 6. One-half of 15-Down '5."Two tees than 11-Aeross 8, Threc hundred more than 16-Across a 410, One hundred mere than 26-Across . 11. Two hundred less than 24-Across re 49. Onosfith of 14-Down 15. Six more than 5-Aeross, 16. Four leas than 18-Dowm 18, Five times 21-Down 19, Two times 27-Down 22, 6-Across plus 2-Down 24. Thirty more than 20-Down 26, Seventy leaa than 1-Across S5-Across times 21-Down 2-Down plus ¢Down ‘Two more than 13-Aerosa 12, One-half of 28-Down 14, Six more than &-Down, 15, Nine more than 7-Down 17. LAcross plus 12-Down 16, Faxty Tees than 22-Aeross 20, 25-Down minus 10-Acroas 21, One-cighth of 4-Down 25, Across minns 26-Across 28, Two times $0-Acrose £29, 19-Across plus 12-Down 25, ‘Two times 5-Down, 20, Three more than 2-Down 25. Bo more than 21-Down 81, Ten lees than 17-Down 28, Two less than 19-Aero Me mele Bae 3 NES Ia B Py a | a Pag a | ES Pst / 3 Ge wa wl 2 wd Ks Sy Zo wi PAS Ms) 012 Bl S| Solution is on page 60) a Mai a ake agate ot 7 WORD ARITHMETIC hots ove log division problems in which eters are ubaated for numbers Sele the, peblen: determine the miter eed oats ante cM tc ret mst 9 ey a Spall ous word or words ‘Seluiont ere on page 65. i iy ea he Tizaaseieo dtzaaseTe8 ates eaeTes van neD Be net[erone oim[necon aser[acrion NET Dim CEORP URN ELAR Aaoon sites Much SARE 1euE BRAD tT Lone euro rm Lat a CAJOLEDAEM «. GETINMYOAR 123 45e705 O41 ayes TieaaeeTes at y Pha ice 632: TOTRO / VEE ey 39 Gero [Fausie oaw [akev he nun [usnen criti HUH Zatwe VHNe 25392 1) | rere 8 Leos ee ters | Chaia wa ceiR | Ria 378) ania TENS couru Tete ake cnt C250 WPae e9 Gee 7 can 2 SQRINGMEAL Dias seeTee ores aseT es 1234s g7e0 ‘232 v ut wite[oaten nies[reans MIT | eeHMH sorte Te LOGIC PROBLEM 2. THE LOCKSMITH SAVES THE DAY by Mary Powell het S0h Corbell, ve to ag prt Chad as cd ei ol po tng ea Woh rete rh tn: on “Fou Ul Nah ou hl pa re cl ead Sab Co aan deh Seis Fit Soy ie be ee ee ee esis of towne wrap hg igs efor rg ot day atk of re MD cl thane ov. Hon he lor cer, cn yo fhe ll ora aa re ates uanaznt Havre) reac ih ach id oe wate on Won] on he ‘ype door och ended unlocked? 1. Nether Clin nor customer Waldy was the ene who reeded ocr door uloked The person who wae on Jckion Set was nite Eve rr he person who needa on fe door voted Cs Ray, who is tO, won he paren who needed aback hue door nocd ie Yyor wos he parson who needed ror nurs door necked Calin did wal on shar Franklin or Maden Sree. ‘eldy cparmect meneger keep par ay, 1 he raver reads that door nocd ‘There arene Hovis on Jolson Sat “yl ear hes ber inthe shoo fr marth 0 he wos ot oka ou it Oar i ot Waly. “Thar tno ofeet on Melon Ses. eletion ison page 61 Directions forthe use of Logic Problem solving charts are on page S Testo | a = “Kana | Galvin| Bve [Oliver | Franklin | Jackson] Madison] Wile CROSS SUMS 6x 6IQRNS| ON S|7/9 2 7 Al Ga T By NUMBER 1 S515\7 M2 Ws |7 USN [so /4INs eM ale| 313|/7 DIT ING Msls 73a Rais! s[5|7 712031 / RI) CIN FRM 4] 2) 7/15 3 We 519 1816 be We. Gu Salt 63IN2 2 Solutions are on page 59. NUMBER 2 Sill 0 1p ting, Yiotl @ 3 ‘Add more to your total pussle enjoyment with ‘Collector's Series ‘Crass Sums, ‘You find over 100 of your favorites. | te order see page 16

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