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MATH 249B NOTES: ALTERATIONS 1. Resolution of singularities 2 2. Preparations for the proof of ... PDF

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Preview MATH 249B NOTES: ALTERATIONS 1. Resolution of singularities 2 2. Preparations for the proof of ...

MATH 249B NOTES: ALTERATIONS LECTURESBYBRIANCONRAD, NOTESBYTONYFENGANDAARONLANDESMAN CONTENTS 1. Resolutionofsingularities 2 2. PreparationsfortheproofofdeJong’sTheorem 9 3. Preliminaryreductionsteps 17 4. Constructionofgoodcurvefibrations 21 5. Projection...What’sthepoint? 24 6. Three-pointlemma 37 7. Passagetoaunionofsections 42 8. Stablecurves 43 9. Moduliofstablecurves 51 10. Applicationofmodulistacks 63 11. Semistablecurvesoveradiscretevaluationring 78 12. Resolvingsemistablecurvesoveraregularbase 95 References 116 1 2 BRIANCONRAD,TONYFENG,ANDAARONLANDESMAN 1. RESOLUTION OF SINGULARITIES 1.1. Firstdefinition. Wefirstintroducethenotionofresolutionofsingular- ities,whichwewilllaterrefineandmodify. Definition 1.1.1. Let X be a reduced (locally) noetherian scheme. A resolu- tionofsingularitiesof X isamap f : X(cid:48) → X suchthat (cid:48) (1) X isregular, (2) f isproper, (3) f is birational: there exists a dense open U(cid:48) ⊂ X(cid:48) and U ⊂ X such that f restrictstoanisomorphism F|U(cid:48): U(cid:48) (cid:39) U. Exercise1.1. Showthat f isbirationalifandonlyifthereexistsadenseopen U ⊂ Xsuchthat f−1(U) ⊂ X(cid:48) isdenseopenand f−1(U) (cid:39) U. [Hint: shrink U inthedefinitionbyremoving f(X(cid:48) −U(cid:48)).] There are stronger notions of resolution of singularities. To motivate them, let us first mention that for “nice” X (where nice means “excellent”), theregularsetReg(X) ⊂ X,definedas{x ∈ X: O regular},isZariskiopen x in X. If X is finite type over an algebraically closed field, this can be seen concretelyintermsofJacobians. For resolutions of singularities, one could further ask for the open sub- scheme U in (1.1) to be the full regular locus, and (X(cid:48) − f−1(U)) ⊂ X(cid:48) to red have nice geometric structure, namely to be a strict normal crossings divisor (tobedefinedsoon). Remark1.2. Attheendoftheday,we’llbemostinterestedinvarietiesover an algebraically closed fields. However, in the middle of arguments one sometimespassesoutofthisrealm(suchastoworkovercompletionsoflo- cal rings), so it’s useful to have a more general framework. Also, de Jong’s method in [deJ] adapts to apply to a relative situation over discrete valua- tion rings (so, for schemes which are not over a field); this is important for arithmetic applications and is addressed in the final part of his original pa- per (and for reasons of time we will say nothing about that in this course, but we will treat some intermediate steps in wide enough generality to be applicableintheadaptationtoworkingoverdiscretevaluationrings). 1.2. Strictnormalcrossingsdivisors. Definition 1.2.1. Let S be a regular scheme. A strict normal crossings divisor (sncd)in S isaclosedsubscheme D definedbyaninvertibleidealI ⊂ O D S (=: effectiveCartierdivisor)suchthat (1) D isreduced, (2) the(reduced)irreduciblecomponents {D } of D areregular, i i∈I MATH249BNOTES:ALTERATIONS 3 (3) (mostimportant)foranyfinitesubset J ⊂ I, (cid:92) D = D j j j∈J isregularofcodimension#J atallpoints;i.e. forall ξ ∈ D J dimO = dimO −#J. D ,ξ S,ξ J Exercise 1.3. Show that the definition is equivalent to saying that for all ξ ∈ D andtheset {D } of D ’sthrough ξ,wehave i i∈I i ξ I = t O D,ξ i S,ξ i forsuch i with {t } partofaregularsystemofparametersofO . i i∈I S,ξ ξ Oneunfortunatefeatureofthedefinitionsncdisthatitisnot“verylocal”; i.e., not local for the e´tale or “analytic” topologies. This is due to the basic butfundamentalfactthatirreducibilityisnote´tale-local(ormoreconcretely, acompletionofanoetherianlocaldomainneednotbeadomain): Example 1.4. Let D = {y2 = x2(x+1)} ⊂ A2, for char k (cid:54)= 2. This integral k divisor fails to be a sncd because it is non-regular at the origin. However, “very locally” at the origin (namely, upon passing to the finite e´tale cover near (0,0) defined by u2 = 1+x) it looks like the intersection of two trans- versely intersecting regular divisors y = ±ux, which is what an sncd looks likeatitsnon-regularpoints. Anotherwaytomakethispreciseistopassto completions: Spec O(cid:98) ⊃ Spec O(cid:98) is a sncd (since the completion con- √ A2,0 D,0 tains 1+x,byHensel’sLemma). Definition1.2.2. AreducedCartierdivisor DinaregularschemeSisanor- malcrossingsdivisor(ncd)ifforallξ ∈ D,thereexistsane´taleneighborhood S(cid:48) → S of ξ suchthatsuchthat (S(cid:48),D(cid:48) := S(cid:48) × D) isansncd. S Remark 1.5. For S excellent, D ⊂ S is an ncd if and only if for all ξ ∈ D the closed subscheme Spec O(cid:98) ⊂ Spec O(cid:98) is an ncd. This is not obvious; it D,ξ S,ξ uses Artin-Popescu approximation (which we will discuss later); the hard partistoshowthatbeingansncdaftercompletionatapointensurestheex- istence of an e´tale neighborhood (much less drastic than completion!) over which D becomes an sncd. This is useful in practice because completions are often a more convenient framework to perform concrete calculations (e.g.,thenatureofe´talemapssimplifiesalotafterpassingtocompletions). To get back to a sncd from a ncd at the end of the day, we will need to knowtherelationshipbetweenthetwonotions. 4 BRIANCONRAD,TONYFENG,ANDAARONLANDESMAN Exercise1.6. Showthatanormalcrossingsdivisorisastrictnormalcrossing divisor precisely when its irreducible components D (given the reduced i structure)areregular. 1.3. Hironaka’s Theorem. Hironaka proved that in characteristic 0, vari- eties have the best imaginable resolutions of singularities. Here is a sample version of his result (other variants are also available, in analytic settings andfor“embeddedresolution”,etc.): Theorem 1.3.1 (Hironaka). Let X be reduced, separated of finite type over afield k ofcharacteristic0. Thereexistsaresolutionofsingularities X(cid:48) → X suchthat (1) f isanisomorphismoverU := Reg(X) = Xsm ⊂ X. (2) (X(cid:48) − f−1(U)) ⊂ X(cid:48) isncd. red Remark 1.7. What Hironaka proved was much stronger. For example, he showed that f can be built as a composition of blow-ups along smooth closedsubschemes(wewilldiscussblow-upsindetaillater). It is a wide open question whether this holds in characteristic p > 0. de Jong’s alterations provide a substitute notion that works in most applica- tions,inanycharacteristic(andeveninsomerelativesituations). 1.4. Alterations. For most applications, one can weaken the birationality aspectofresolutionofsingularitiesasfollows. Definition 1.4.1. Suppose X is an integral noetherian scheme. An alteration of X isamap f : X(cid:48) → X suchthat (cid:48) (1) X isintegralandregular, (2) f isproperanddominant, (3) [k(X(cid:48)): k(X)] < ∞. Exercise1.8. Showthatthethirdconditionisequivalenttotheexistenceofa dense openU ⊂ X such that f−1(U) → U is finite (and flat, after shrinking again);notethat f−1(U)isautomaticallydensein X(cid:48) sinceitisanon-empty (cid:48) open subset (by dominance of f) and X is assumed to be irreducible (even integral). deJong’smaintheoremisaweakenedformofHironaka’sTheorem,with alterationsinplaceofresolutionofsingularities,inwhichonelosesallcon- trol over the open subscheme U over which the morphism is actually finite (in particular, we cannot guarantee that it contains any particular closed pointintheregularlocus): Theorem 1.4.2. Let X be a variety over a field k; i.e., an integral separated scheme of finite type over k. For Z ⊂ X any proper closed subset, there MATH249BNOTES:ALTERATIONS 5 existsanalteration f : X(cid:48) → X andanopenimmersion J: X(cid:48) (cid:44)→ X(cid:48) suchthat (cid:48) (1) X isregularandprojective, (2) f−1(Z)∪(X(cid:48) − j(X(cid:48)))) ⊂ X(cid:48) issncd. red (cid:124) (cid:123)(cid:122) (cid:125) complementof f−1(X−Z) Remark 1.9. In the statement of the theorem, why not simply take Z to be empty? The answer is that the theorem will be proved by an inductive means, and we really need the flexibility of a closed subscheme Z for the inductive step (even if in practice we may often only care about the case of empty Z). Informally, the role of Z is inspired by Hironaka’s result on embeddedresolutionofsingularities(whichwedidnotdefine). Remark 1.10. If k is perfect, the proof will give that we can arrange for the extension k(X(cid:48))/k(X) to be separable (so f : X(cid:48) → X is finite e´tale over some dense open in X). The proof doesn’t control the degree of this field extension,butGabberlatermadeanimprovementarrangingthedegreenot to be divisible by any desired finite set of primes away from char(k). In laterwork,deJongprovedanequivariantversionofhisresultfortheaction by finite groups. But we stress again that the method cannot control U: it doesn’tevenguaranteefinitenessof f overanyparticularclosedpointof X. 1.5. Applications. We now give some applications of alterations (where they can be used as a substitute for resolution of singularities), and also an example where de Jong’s Theorem appears to be insufficient to replace Hironaka’sTheorem. 1.5.1. Grauert-Remmert Theorem. Let X be a normal C-scheme, locally of fi- nite type. Given a surjective finite e´tale map E → X, the analytification is a finite-degreecoveringspace Ean → Xan. Thisdefinesafunctor Fe´t(X) → Fe´t(Xan) between finite e´tale X-schemes and analytic spaces finite e´tale over Xan (which is categorically “the same” as finite-degree proper local homeomor- phismsto X(C));thesefinitee´talemapsmaynotbesurjective. The theorem of Grauert and Remmert is that this functor is an equiva- lence of categories. This is amazing because it holds even when X is not proper! TheideaoftheproofistouseHironakatoreducetothecasewhere X is the complement of a normal crossings divisor in a smooth projective variety. In the projective case, we can use GAGA. The details are carried over[SGA1,XII]. 6 BRIANCONRAD,TONYFENG,ANDAARONLANDESMAN Exercise 1.11. Adapt Grothendieck’s argument in [SGA1] to use just alter- ations,ratherthanresolutionofsingularities. 1.5.2. Artin comparison theorem. Let X be a separated, finite type scheme over C,andF aconstructibleabeliansheafon X ,oraconstructible (cid:96)-adic e´t sheaf. Theorem1.5.1. Thenaturalpullbackmap (1.1) H∗(X ,F) −→∼ H∗(Xan,Fan) e´t isanisomorphism. Remark 1.12. This is also true, and much easier to prove, for cohomology withcompactsupports. Whyisthatcaseeasiertoprove? Thereasonisthat cohomologywithcompactsupportsismuchbetterbehavedwithrespectto stratification by locally closed sets due to the excision sequence involving ∗ H ’s throughout; in contrast, the excision sequence for ordinary cohomol- c ogy involves an anomalous term H∗(X,·) for cohomology with supports Z along a closed set, and that messes up the induction. The upshot of the ∗ more convenient excision sequence for H is that it permits a reasonably c rapidreductiontothecaseofcurves. The proof of (1.1) uses resolution of singularities in dimension ≤ dimX. For an analogue with non-Archimedean e´tale cohomology allowing posi- tive characteristic, an entirely different proof was developed by Berkovich that adapts almost verbatim to the complex-analytic setting above for con- F structible abelian . So for this much, resolution of singularities is not needed. However, it is needed to bootstrap to the (cid:96)-adic case (that, oddly enough, does not seem to be documented in the literature); this is handled by a beautiful argument of Deligne that can also be carried out using alter- ations. 1.5.3. Deligne’stheoryofmixedHodgestructures. Thereisanotionof“proper hypercovering”,whichisanabstractionofCechcoveringsandallowsother types of maps than “open embeddings” to be used in the study of suffi- ciently topological cohomological investigations. In particular, due to the proper base change theorem in e´tale cohomology, it is fruitful to work with hypercoverings whose constituents are proper smooth varieties with suitable “sncd boundary”, and such hypercovers can be built by systematic use of deJong’stheoreminsteadofHironaka’sTheorem. 1.5.4. A non-application. Here is an example in which de Jong’s alterations do not appear to suffice in place of Hironaka’s Theorem. Let X be a smooth MATH249BNOTES:ALTERATIONS 7 scheme over C, separated of finite type. We can form the algebraic de Rham complex Ω• = (O −→d Ω1 −→d Ω2 −→d ...) XC X X/C X/C Grothendieck defined the algebraic de Rham cohomology to be the hyper- cohomologyofthiscomplex: Hi (X/C) = Hi(Ω• ). dR X/C Ω• There’s a natural “analytification” (being careful about the fact that Xan/C O the d-mapsarenot -linear!),soonehasamap X θi : Hi (X/C) = Hi(Ω• ) → Hi(Ω• ). X dR X/C Xan/C By the ∂-Poincare´ Lemma, the latter is isomorphic to Hi(X(C),C). In the proper case, GAGA combined with a spectral sequence for hypercohomol- ogyimpliesthat θi isanisomorphism. X GrothendieckprovedinIHES29thatθi isanisomorphismevenwithout X properness. AstrikingconsequenceisthatifXisaffine,thenHi(X(C),C) (cid:39) Hi(Ω• ) = Hi(Ω• ) (the first isomorphism by Grothendieck’s result, X/C A/C and the second by acyclicity of coherent sheaves on affines). That is, topo- logicalC-valuedcohomologyofX(C)forsmoothaffineX canbecomputed entirelyintermsofalgebraicdifferentialforms! How did Grothendieck achieve this? The idea is to bootstrap from the proper case by first forming a compactification X (cid:44)→ X and then using a strong enough form of Hironaka’s theorem (applied to X) to find a reso- lution of singularities X(cid:48) → X such that if X(cid:48) is the pre-image of X then not only is X(cid:48) → X an isomorphism but also X(cid:48) −X(cid:48) is a normal crossings divisor. Inotherwords,wehaveaCartesiandiagram X(cid:48)(cid:31)(cid:127) (cid:47)(cid:47) X(cid:48) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:31)(cid:127) (cid:47)(cid:47) X X whose left side is an isomorphism that thereby identifies X as the comple- (cid:48) ment of a normal crossings divisor in the smooth proper X . Grothendieck relatedthedeRhamcohomologyof X = X(cid:48) tothehypercohomologyofthe an deRham complex on X(cid:48) modified to permit controlled poles along that normalcrossingsdivisor. The key point is that one knows that X is untouched by the resolution of singularities, being in the smooth locus of X. This is what breaks down for alterations. IndeJong’sversion,onecannotcontrolwherethemaprestricts 8 BRIANCONRAD,TONYFENG,ANDAARONLANDESMAN to a finite morphism, let alone an e´tale map. This is bad because formation of differential forms interacts badly with respect to a map that is not e´tale, Ω• Ω• soonecan’trelate to inanyusefulway. X/C X(cid:48)/C Remark1.13. Bhattprovedaresultthatgetsaroundthisissueinthelcicase, establishing a version of Grothendieck’s isomorphism beyond the proper casewithlcisingularitiesbyworkingwiththeso-calledinfinitesimalsite(in lieuofthedeRhamcomplex,towhichitiscloselyrelatedonlyinthesmooth case)andusingmoreadvancedhomologicaltoolsthanwereavailableinthe 1960’s. 1.6. Regular vs smooth. We want to emphasize the technical distinction between regular and smooth. Let S be a locally finite type scheme over a field k. O Definition 1.6.1. The scheme S is regular if all the local rings are reg- S,s ular. (It is sufficient to verify this at closed points s ∈ S, in view of Serre’s theorem that the localization at a prime ideal for any regular local ring is againregular.) TheschemeSissmoothoverkifS isregular. Thereareseveralequivalent k formulationsofthis“geometric”condition: • Sk(cid:48) isregularforallfiniteextensions k(cid:48)/k, • Sk(cid:48) isregularforallextensions k(cid:48)/k, • Sk(cid:48) isregularforoneperfectextension k(cid:48)/k, • S → Spec k satisfiestheinfinitesimalcriterionforsmoothness. Smoothness over a field k always implies regularity, but the converse is false (if k is not perfect). For instance, smoothness is preserved by ground fieldextension,butregularityisnot: Exercise 1.14. Let k be an imperfect field of characteristic p > 0, and a ∈ k − kp. Pick m > 1 such that p (cid:45) m (e.g., m = 2 when p is odd). Check that {ym = xp −a} ⊂ A2 is Dedekind, but obviously C = {ym = zp} (for k k z := x−a1/p)isnotregularat (0,0). Example1.15. Let K/k(x) beafiniteextension. Considerthediagram K ⊃ A finite integralclosure K(x) ⊃ k[x] Then Spec A is dense open in a unique projective k-curve C with function field K. It can happen that C is geometrically irreducible over k yet C is k MATH249BNOTES:ALTERATIONS 9 nowhere reduced, even if k ⊂ K is relatively algebraically closed. (We de- mand this final condition on how k sits inside K to avoid the lame example inwhich k admitsanon-trivialpurelyinseparableextensioninside K.) Exercise 1.16 (MacLane). Take k = F (s,t), Spec A = {sxp +typ = 1} ⊂ p A2. Show that A is Dedekind, and k ⊂ Frac(A) is relatively algebraically closed. Evidently, after adjoining the pth roots of s and t the curve Spec A becomeseverywherenon-reduced. In de Jong’s theorem with imperfect k one cannot expect to arrange that the k-variety X has an alteration X(cid:48) → X with X(cid:48) generically smooth over k. To see what is an obstruction to this, suppose a smooth alteration exist, so wehavebetweendenseopensafiniteflatsurjection U(cid:48) ⊃ X finiteflat (cid:15)(cid:15) U ⊃ X(cid:48) (cid:48) Regularitydescendsacrossfaithfullyflatmaps[Mat2,23.7(i)]. SoifU were (cid:48) (cid:48) k-smooth (as we could arrange if X were generically k-smooth) then U k were regular, so U would be regular, so X would be generically smooth; k equivalently, k(X)/k would be separable in the sense of field theory (i.e., k(X)⊗ k is reduced for all finite extensions k(cid:48)/k). But this latter property k canfailevenifk ⊂ k(X)isrelativelyalgebraicallyclosed,asillustratedwith MacLane’s example above. Thus, regularity without generic smoothness is thebestwecanhopeforwhen k isimperfect. Remark1.17. TheregularitywillbeachievedindeJong’sproofbybuilding (cid:48) analteration X thatissmoothoverafiniteextension(typicallyinseparable) of k. Thatis,evenif k isalgebraicallyclosedin k(X),wedonotarrangethat k isalsoalgebraicallyclosedin k(X(cid:48)). 2. PREPARATIONS FOR THE PROOF OF DE JONG’S THEOREM 2.1. Basic outline. Our object of interest is a variety X over k. By a trivial application of Chow’s Lemma, we may assume that X is quasi-projective. Also,wewillseethatitsufficestoreplacekwithk;eventuallywewillchase coefficientsin k tomakethedesiredconstructionover k fromoneover k. The method involves induction on d = dimX. Using normalization, the cases d ≤ 1 are easy. In general, with d ≥ 2, we’ll blow up X appropriately 10 BRIANCONRAD,TONYFENG,ANDAARONLANDESMAN sothatitis“fiberedincurves”,meaningthatthereisasurjectivemap X f (cid:15)(cid:15) Pd−1 k Withallgeometricfibersconnectedofdimension1(butpossiblywithnasty singularities or non-reduced), and such that the generic fiber X is smooth. η M Next we will use properties of the moduli stack and the Semistable g,n Reduction Theorem for curves (which will be discussed shortly), to pro- duce an alteration Y → Pd−1 and also an alteration X (cid:16) X fitting into a k commutativediagram X alteration (cid:47)(cid:47) X f(cid:48) f (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) Y (cid:47)(cid:47) Pd−1 alteration k (cid:48) where f isflatwithsemistablegeometricallyconnectedfibersofdimension 1 (and smooth generic fiber). By induction, we can find a regular alteration of Y(cid:48) → Y, so X(cid:48) := X × Y(cid:48) (which remains integral) is an alteration of X Y (cid:48) thatissemistableoveraregularY (withsmoothgenericfiber). Then,inthis (cid:48) nicesituation,weresolve X byhand(usingcarefully-chosenblow-ups). Remark 2.1. Non-trivial extensions of function fields arise in the method (i.e., alterations rather than birational maps) due to the role of field exten- sionsintheSemistableReductionTheoremasdiscussedbelow. 2.2. Semistable curves. We first discuss the notion of semistable curves over a field k; the version over more general base schemes will be crucial lateron,atwhichtimewewillrevisitthetopicfromawiderpointofview. Theorem 2.2.1. Let X be a finite type scheme over k of pure dimension 1. Forclosedpoints x ∈ X,thefollowingareequivalent: (1) As k-algebras, O(cid:98) is isomorphic to k[[t]] or k[[u,v]]/(uv) for some X ,x k k-point x over x,

finite-degree covering space Ean → Xan. This defines a functor proper base change theorem in étale cohomology, it is fruitful to work with That is, topo- . equivalently, k(X)/k would be separable in the sense of field theory (i.e.,.
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