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1994 SUBJECT INDEX ACCREDITATION CAREERS/PROFESSIONAI percent? 12/94:36 JCAHO’s new angle on accreditation INFLUENCE HEPA respirator use might simply has positive slant, 5/94:28 Materials managers earn their grades mask the real issue, 11/94:44 Monitor, 12/94:20 from hospital execs, 9/94:48 Infection control inspires new mix of News Update, 1/94:10 respiratory supplies, 8/94:30 AMERICAN HOSPITAI Nurses and materials managers duck Influence shifts among purchase deci- ASSOCIATION job barriers, 4/94:42 sion makers, 10/94:72 AHA ‘action packs’ help hospital Surviving a job change: Tips from Monitor, 3/94:18; 12/94:20 workers take charge of change, the trenches, 2/94:19 News Update, 2/94:8; 9/94:10; 5/94:14 Targeting the top spot: Materials 11/94:8,9 AHA annual meeting: forum for de- managers may have a good shot, Nurses and materials managers duck bate on health reform, 3/94:12 12/94:54 job barriers, 4/94:42 AHA safety, environment committees Three ways to save your CS job: edu- Pacemakers and leads: a team pro- offer expertise, 1/94:27 cation, activity, customer service, cess for cost reduction, 4/94:56 The AHA’s Fourth National Sympo- 2/94:22 Specialty ICU beds: CQI team brings sium on Health Care Safety and The ultimate team player: a purchas- issues down to earth, 11/94:63 the Environment, 1/94:26 ing director’s sporting attitude, 4/ Weighing the benefits of HEPA respi- Editor’s Letter, 10/94:4 94:24 rators, 11/94:46 Foresight + shared control = success, Want to keep your job? Shape your says AHA chair-elect, 9/94:72 own career path, 2/94:18 COMPENSATION From the Publisher, 3/94:4 How much are you worth? 11/94:36 Latest news from the AHA, 9/94:10 CARTS Is CS fit or fat? Benchmarking data News Update, 8/94:6,8 New considerations in furniture and shows your condition, 9/94:28 President’s Letter, 10/94:12 cart purchases, 6/94:44 Self-managed teams improve perfor- Reform: What went wrong, what Using exchange carts in the ED: mance in central processing, went right, 11/94:48 Cost-effective—or not? 7/94:88 11/94:20 Is CS fit or fat? Benchmarking data Understanding labor costs is key to AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR shows your condition, 9/94:28 working smarter, 4/94:38 HEALTHCARE CENTRAL SERVICE PERSONNEI CENTRAL SERVICE COMPUTERIZATION/BAR Editor’s Letter, 10/94:4 A case of sterilization wrap swap, CODING/EDI Materials management and central 1/94:38 Children’s hospital solves inventory service weeks: opportunities to Cutting the cost of carelessness, puzzle with new system, 12/94:59 build great teams, 6/94:18 5/94:52 Choosing and using the best PC soft- Monitor, 11/94:24 Diagnosis: work pain . . . Prescrip- ware for CS business needs, News Update, 3/94:8; 8/94:6; 11/94:8 tion: Job redesign, 12/94:22 2/94:40 ASHCSP President’s Letter, 2/94:14; Fun and games help ensure accurate Common category database calls a 4/94:16; 6/94:8; 8/94:12; record keeping, 11/94:66 scalpel a scalpel, 7/94:22 10/94:14; 12/94:12 Influence shifts among purchase deci- Editor’s Letter, 7/94:4 27th Annual Conference, meeting sion makers, 10/94:72 Focus forecasting: Using computers and exhibition, 9/94:53 Is CS fit or fat? Benchmarking data for inventory control, 9/94:40 shows your condition, 9/94:28 Gauging ROI on computer systems, AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR Materials management and central 2/94:32 HEALTHCARE MATERIALS service weeks: opportunities to Letters to the Editor, 7/94:18; MANAGEMENT build great teams, 6/94:18 9/94:14 ASHMM conference highlights, Monitor, 11/94:24 News update, 2/94:6; 5/94:6-8; 9/94:8 News Update, 8/94:8 6/94:10; 8/94:8; 9/94:7; 11/94:9 Editor’s Letter, 10/94:4 Self-managed teams improve perfor- Executive director Brooks bids fare- mance in central processing, DIETARY well, 2/94:14 11/94:20 Materials management a plus in di- Materials management and central Shedding light on flash sterilization, etary, 3/94:44 service weeks: opportunities to 12/94:30 build great teams, 6/94:18 DISPOSABLES/REUSABLES News Update, 8/94:6,8 CLINICAL DEPARTMENTS Comparing the cost of reusable and ASHMM President’s Letter, 1/94:12; Asset management: Pumping the disposable packs, 2/94:24 2/94:12; 3/94:10; 7/94:10; maximum return out of IV equip- Letters to the Editor, 1/94:6; 4/94:17 8/94:10; 9/94:12; 10/94:12; ment, 5/94:68 News Update, 1/94:10; 2/94:6,8; 11/94:12; 12/94:10 Big plan brings big savings on patient 4/94:6; 5/94:8; 6/94:12 ASHMM’s 32nd Annual conference monitors, 12/94:56 Questions & Answers, 2/94:54 and exhibition, 7/94:60 Check out imaging needs before buy- ing equipment, 11/94:54 DISTRIBUTION/DISTRIBUTORS APPAREL (See LINEN/APPAREL) Could you cut OR costs by 25 News Update, 2/94:8; 9/94:6; 46 December 1994 Materiais Management 11/94:8 FURNITURE Letters, 2/94:16 EDUCATION New considerations in furniture and &) EOLas Closing the skills gap: one hospital’s cart purchases, 6/94:44 approach, 6/94:56 Specialty ICU beds: CQI team brings Fun and games help ensure accurate issues down to earth, 11/94:63 record keeping, 11/94:66 A SIGNIFICANT HEPA respirator use might simply GLOVES ADVANCE IN ETHYLENE mask the real issue, 11/94:44 Allergens spur hospitals to offer la- Monitor, 7/94:20 tex-free care, 6/94:28 OXIDE STERILIZATION News Update, 8/94:8 Minisurveys: inventory software, Self-managed teams improve perfor- gloves, 9/94:92 mance in central processing, Monitor, 1/94:14 11/94:20 News Update, 4/94:6; 7/94:9; Beat the high cost of EO Staff jailed in western-style roundup 11/94:9 sterilization now “wanted” as good 4, 9, and 33 cubic foot cabinets are requisitioners, 3/94:16 GROUP PURCHASING priced below competing sterilizers; News Update, 6/94:10,12; 7/94:6; low installation and utility costs. ENDOSCOPY/ENDOSCOPES 8/94:6; 10/94:6; 11/94:7 LAPAROSCOPY Help preserve the News Update, 2/94:6 HEALTH CARE NETWORKS environment Questions & Answers, 2/94:54 News Update, 7/94:6; 10/94:6 Uses no CFC’s, consumes less Are hospitals staying open past clos- EO than comparable sized units. ESCORT/TRANSPORT SERVICES ing time? 10/94:50 Patient-escort/transport services: Is integration all talk and little ac- Achieve flexibility Who does how much?, 3/94:80 tion? 7/94:50 in sterilizer utilization Survey: Stand-alone hospitals fade Unique system allows multiple EXPENSE REDUCTION away, 7/94:46 loads to be processed simulta- ASHMM President’s Letter, 4/94:14 neously within the EOGas cabinet. Big plan brings big savings on patient HEALTH REFORM Sterilization and aeration are monitors, 12/94:56 AHA ‘action packs’ help hospital accomplished in a single Check out imaging needs before buy- workers take charge of change, cabinet during an overnight ing equipment, 11/94:54 5/94:14 (16 hour) cycle at 50°C. Could you cut OR costs by 25 per- AHA annual meeting: forum for de- cent? 12/94:36 bate on health reform, 3/94:12 Cutting the cost of carelessness, Editor’s Letter, 4/94:4 5/94:52 Monitor, 3/94:18 Doing more with less: New supply News Update, 3/94:6; 4/94:6,8; program cuts total delivered costs, 7/94:8; 9/94:6 8/94:58 Reform: What went wrong, what News Update, 1/94:10; 2/94:6; went right, 11/94:48 3/94:6; 4/94:6,10; 6/94:12; Suppliers’ top reform strategy: Coop- 7/194:6,8,9; 8/94:6; 9/94:7,10; erate in supply chain realignment, 11/94:7,9 $/94:18 Pacemakers and leads: a team pro- Taming the tiger: The economics of cess for cost reduction, 4/94:56 health reform, 4/94:18 Save a bundle with new supply-man- agement method, 3/94:54 HUMAN RESOURCES Specialty ICU beds: CQI team brings Closing the skills gap: one hospital’s issues down to earth, 11/94:63 approach, 6/94:56 Supply channels: Right mix = lowest Diagnosis: work pain . . . Prescrip- possible cost, 8/94:51 tion: Job redesign, 12/94:22 Weighing the benefits of HEPA respi- Employee stress pinches hospitals on rators, 11/94:46 the bottom line, 7/94:72 How to diagnose and treat conflict FACILITY MANAGEMENT within your department, 1/94:34 Toilet makers, flush with new ideas, Materials management and central Andersen Products, Inc. refuse to sit on new technologies, service weeks: opportunities to 9/94:78 build great teams, 6/94:18 P.O. Box 1050 Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Towels vs. hot air: It’s not a dry de- Monitor, 7/94:20 1(800)523-1276 bate, 9/94:76 News Update, 7/94:9; 8/94:6; 10/94:6 Circle no. 70 for FREE information December 1994 Materiais Management Nurses and materials managers duck TB respirators: what’s required and News Update, 4/94:6; 5/94:8 job barriers, 4/94:42 what isn’t, 4/94:30 Questions & Answers, 2/94:54 Protect your organization from The next generation: APIC’s 21st an- Textile processing services: Six tips ADA-compliance scams, 12/94:14 nual conference, 5/94:33 for choosing the best supplier, 2/ Recycling program finds value in Weighing the benefits of HEPA respi- 94:25 people society might have pushed rators, 11/94:46 What’s new in ASTM’s test methods aside, 11/94:16 for liquid and viral resistance? Searching for the best employee? INSTRUMENTATION 8/94:14 Check out this action plan, Costly instrument repairs got you Weighing the benefits of HEPA respi- 10/94:58 down? Chart your own solution, rators, 11/94:46 Self-managed teams improve perfor- 6/94:60 mance in central processing, Device design with reprocessing in LOGISTICS 11/94:20 mind, 5/94:44 Automated tube system pushes pa- Understanding labor costs is key to Quality team ensures best manage- tient-centered care forward, 9/ working smarter, 4/94:38 ment of OR instruments, 3/94:60 94:84 Shedding light on flash sterilization, Children’s hospital solves inventory INFECTION CONTROI 12/94:30 puzzle with new system, 12/94:59 HEPA respirator use might simply Is CS fit or fat? Benchmarking data mask the real issue, 11/94:44 INVENTORY shows your condition, 9/94:28 Infection control inspires new mix of 1994 Materials Management Perfor- Pneumatic tube systems: still moving respiratory supplies, 8/94:30 mance Indicators survey, 9/94:36 along, 4/94:72 Letters to the Editor, 10/94:16; Children’s hospital solves inventory Storage planning: Make the most of 11/94:14 puzzle with new system, 12/94:59 limited space, 8/94:36 Monitor, 7/94:20; 8/94:18; 12/94:20 Could you cut OR costs by 25 per- Supply channels: Right mix = lowest News Update, 1/94:10, 2/94:8; cent? 12/94:36 possible cost, 8/94:51 8/94:8; 11/94:8 Focus forecasting: Using computers Unofficial inventory keeping you up Shedding light on flash sterilization, for inventory control, 9/94:40 at night? Try automated supply 12/94:30 Letters to the Editor, 2/94:16 tellers, 11/94:75 Minisurveys: inventory software, gloves, 9/94:92 MAINTENANCE/SERVICE News Update, 4/94:10; 7/94:8 Biomedical engineering offers more Community Health Ordering inventory for ambulatory than in-house maintenance, 11/ clinics: a formula for success, 94:84 information Networks 2/94:46 Check out imaging needs before buy- Creating the Heaith Care Pacemakers and leads: a team pro- ing equipment, 11/94:54 Data Highway cess for cost reduction, 4/94:56 Costly instrument repairs got you edited by Ralph T. Wakerly and Questions & Answers, 4/94:66 down? Chart your own solution, First Consulting Group Unofficial inventory keeping you up 6/94:60 at night? Try automated supply News Update, 3/94:8, 6/94:10 Provides a Starting point and tellers, 11/94:75 reference work for executives and What’s wrong when materials and MANAGED CARI managers who are ready to act on accounting records don’t agree, Could you cut OR costs by 25 per- the idea of a community health 1/94:36 cent? 12/94:36 information network (CHIN). Explains how an electronic data highway Doing more with less: New supply linking all components of a health LINEN/APPAREI program cuts total delivered costs, care delivery system can facilitate Allergens spur hospitals to offer la- 8/94:58 communication, ease administrative tex-free care, 6/94:28 Get ready for supply capitation, burdens, streamline health care Boots, stockings—and the bottom 11/94:28 delivery, and collect, store, and line, 4/94:52 Materials managers go above and be- provide analytical data for monitoring Few OR staff wear “liquid-proof” yond the call of duty, 8/94:22 the health care delivery process and gowns, 1/94:44 News Update, 11/94:8 its clinical outcomes. HEPA respirator use might simply 1994. 200 pages, 36 figures,15 tables, glossary. mask the real issue, 11/94:44 MANAGEMENT SKILLS Catalog No. B32-093104 (must be included when ordering) is $56.00 (AHA members, $45.00). Add Is dirty linen your problem? You bet ASHMM President’s Letter, 6/94:6; $8.95 (AHA members, $7.95) for shipping/handling. it is. . ., 7/94:76 9/94:12 Letters to the Editor, 9/94:14; 10/ Could you cut OR costs by 25 per- Order today by calling 94:16 cent? 12/94:36 1-800-AHA-2626 Materials management can cover the Diagnosis: work pain . . . Prescrip- necessities when buying gowns, tion: Job redesign, 12/94:22 HL 11/94:45 Express yourself: Help customers un- American Hospital Publishing, Inc., an American Hospital Association company Monitor, 9/94:24; 10/94:22; 12/ derstand materials goals and 94:20 needs, 10/94:18 50 December 1994 Materiais Management Find your department’s rung on the issues down to earth, 11/94:63 trend downward, 6/94:36 ladder of sophistication, 7/94:54 Weighing the benefits of HEPA respi- Foresight + shared control = success, MEDICAL SUPPLIES rators, 11/94:46 says AHA chair-elect, 9/94:72 Allergens spur hospitals to offer la- Fun and games help ensure accurate tex-free care, 6/94:28 NEGOTIATION record keeping, 11/94:66 Are plastic blood collection tubes Big plan brings big savings on patient Get the best from workers: how to worth the price? 10/94:66 monitors, 12/94:56 manage participatory-style meet- Buyers, beware: Short supply of plas- Choose your moves in negotiating, ings, 5/94:60 tic resin could create price explo- 2/94:36 Materials and accounting win tug-of- sion, 11/94:16 Get ready for supply capitation, war with pesky invoices, 8/94:16 Get ready for supply capitation, 11/94:28 Materials management and central 11/94:28 Targeting the top spot: Materials service weeks: opportunities to HEPA respirator use might simply managers may have a good shot, build great teams, 6/94:18 mask the real issue, 11/94:44 12/94:54 Materials managers earn their grades Infection control inspires new mix of from hospitai execs, 9/94:48 respiratory supplies, 8/94:30 NURSES Materials managers go above and be- Materials management can cover the Getting nurses involved in your yond the call of duty, 8/94:22 necessities when buying gowns, product committee, 7/94:38 1994 Materials Management Perfor- 11/94:45 Influence shifts among purchase deci- mance Indicators survey, 9/94:36 Monitor, 1/94:14; 10/94:22; sion makers, 10/94:72 Rules for winning the health care 11/94:24; 12/94:20 Nurses and materials managers duck sales game, 9/94:18 News Update, 4/94:8,10; 5/94:6; job barriers, 4/94:42 Searching for the best employee? 9/94:10 Check out this action plan, 10/ OR supply survey: Whose job is it OPERATING ROOM 94:58 anyway? 3/94:22 Comparing the cost of reusable and Self-managed teams improve perfor- Save a bundle with new supply-man- disposable packs, 2/94:24 mance in central processing, agement method, 3/94:54 Could you cut OR costs by 25 per- 11/94:20 Shopping around: supply prices cent? 12/94:36 Sick of ‘whine and jeez’ parties? Here’s how to convert complain- ers, 3/94:52 Targeting the top spot: Materials managers may have a good shot, Tuberculosis 12/94:54 Want to be a better manager? Then Control listen up, 8/94:48 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT If Performance Asset management: Pumping the were your only maximum return out of IV equip- consideration in buying an ment, 5/94:68 air treatment system to Big plan brings big savings on patient combat TB, you would monitors, 12/94:56 choose the NQ500. Biomedical engineering offers more than in-house maintenance, If Price were your 11/94:84 only consideration, you Check out imaging needs before buy- would stili/ choose the ing equipment, 11/94:54 NQ500. Infection control inspires new mix of respiratory supplies, 8/94:30 The NQ500 Now you can try the NQ500, Letters to the Editor, 4/94:17 completely risk-free, in your Monitor, 1/94:14; 7/94:20; 8/94:18; * Portable or wall mounted own facility. To learn more 9/94:24; 10/94:22; 11/94:24; 12/ * Negative pressure option about this offer, and for complete 94:20 information on the NQ500, call * Meets CDC guidelines our toll-free number: News update, 1/94:10; 2/94:8; 3/94:6; 4/94:6,8; 6/94:12; 10/94:6; 11/94:8,9 1-800-798-6699 Pacemakers and leads: a team pro- 95 Bridge Street, P.O. Box 337 cess for cost reduction, 4/94:56 Haddam, CT 06438 Play a greater part in buying capital equipment, 4/94:48 Tel (203) 345-8577 + Fax (203) 345-3630 Specialty ICU beds: CQI team brings Circle no. 80 for FREE information Materiais Management December 1994 Custom pack bids may save PRODUCTIVITY ment of OR instruments, 3/94:60 $100,000: A pre-bid analysis, Diagnosis: work pain . . . Prescrip- Self-managed teams improve perfor- 3/94:28 tion: Job redesign, 12/94:22 mance in central processing, Few OR staff wear “liquid-proof” Employee stress pinches hospitals on 11/94:20 gowns, 1/94:44 the bottom line, 7/94:72 Shedding light on flash sterilization, Monitor, 4/94:26; 11/94:24 Fun and games help ensure accurate 12/94:30 News update, 4/94:8 record keeping, 11/94:66 Specialty ICU beds: CQI team brings OR supply survey: Whose job is it Is CS fit or fat? Benchmarking data issues down to earth, 11/94:63 anyway? 3/94:22 shows your condition, 9/94:28 Supply channels: Right mix = lowest Panel discussion: building bridges News update, 1/94:8,10; 9/94:7 possible cost, 8/94:51 with surgeons, 10/94:32 Recycling program finds value in Quality team ensures best manage- people society might have pushed RADIOLOGY/MEDICAL ment of OR instruments, 3/94:60 aside, 11/94:16 IMAGING SUPPLIES Shedding light on flash sterilization, Self-managed teams improve perfor- Check out imaging needs before buy- 12/94:30 mance in central processing, ing equipment, 11/94:54 Supply management in surgical ser- 11/94:20 Get ready for supply capitation, vices departments, 6/94:76 11/94:28 PURCHASING Monitor, 1/94:14 PRICES Big plan brings big savings on patient News update, 1/94:10; 2/94:6; 9/94:8 Buyers, beware: Short supply of plas- monitors, 12/94:56 tic resin could create price explo- Buyers, beware: Short supply of plas- REGULATION sion, 11/94:16 tic resin could create price explo- Dear takes the helm at OSHA, Get ready for supply capitation, sion, 11/94:16 7/94:32 11/94:28 Can’t get no satisfaction? Certify Diagnosis: work pain . . . Prescrip- Monitor, 10/94:22 your suppliers, 3/94:34 tion: Job redesign, 12/94:22 News Update, 1/94:8; 2/94:6; Check out imaging needs before buy- HEPA respirator use might simply 3/94:6,8; 4/94:6; 5/94:6; ing equipment, 11/94:54 mask the real issue, 11/94:44 6/94:10,12; 7/94:6; 8/94:6,8; Could you cut OR costs by 25 per- JCAHO’s new angle on accreditation 9/94:6,7; 10/94:6, 11/94:8 cent? 12/94:36 has positive slant, 5/94:28 1994 prices? don’t expect much Custom pack bids may save $100,000: Letters to the Editor, 2/94:16; change, 5/94:76 A pre-bid analysis, 3/94:28 11/94:14 Shopping around: supply prices trend Editor’s Letter, 7/94:4 Monitor, 1/94:14; 3/94:18; 4/94:26; downward, 6/94:36 Get ready for supply capitation, 5/94:26; 6/94:14; 7/94:20; 8/94:18; Up, down or flat—prices are still 11/94:28 9/94:24; 10/94:22; 11/94:24 worth watching, 1/94:20 Influence shifts among purchase deci- News Update, 1/94:8; 2/94:6,8; sion makers, 10/94:72 3/94:8; 7/94:8,9; 8/94:6; 9/94:6; PRODUCT ASSESSMENT/ Materials management can cover the 11/94:8,9 STANDARDIZATION/VALUE necessities when buying gowns, Ohio hospital first to join OSHA’s ANALYSIS 11/94:45 workplace safety honor roll, A case of sterilization wrap swap, News Update, 1/94:8; 2/94:8; 3/94:6 7/94:12 1/94:38 Ordering inventory for ambulatory Protect your organization from Big plan brings big savings on patient clinics: a formula for success, ADA-compliance scams, 12/94:14 monitors, 12/94:56 2/94:46 Reform: What went wrong, what Comparing the cost of reusable and Protect your organization from went right, 11/94:48 disposable packs, 2/94:24 ADA-compliance scams, 12/94:14 Shedding light on flash sterilization, Get ready for supply capitation, Rules for winning the health care 12/94:30 11/94:28 sales game, 9/94:18 TB respirators: what’s required and Getting nurses involved in your Supply channels: Right mix = lowest what isn’t, 4/94:30 product committee, 7/94:38 possible cost, 8/94:51 U.S. Secretary of Labor Reich urges Influence shifts among purchase deci- lawmakers to undertake OSHA sion makers, 10/94:72 QUALITY reform, 7/94:34 News Update, 8/94:8, 9/94:10; ASHMM President’s Letter, 2/94:12, Weighing the benefits of HEPA respi- 11/94:7 5/94:10 rators, 11/94:46 Pacemakers and leads: a team pro- Can’t get no satisfaction? Certify cess for cost reduction, 4/94:56 your suppliers, 3/94:34 SAFETY Product committees: from Could you cut OR costs by 25 per- Allergens spur hospitals to offer la- gatekeepers to facilitators, 1/94:16 cent? 12/94:36 tex-free care, 6/94:28 Product committees try to be produc- Fun and games help ensure accurate Cutting the cost of carelessness, tive—and to prove it, 10/94:26 record keeping, 11/94:66 §/94:52 Questions & answers, 8/94:57 News Update, 1/94:8; 3/94:8; Dear takes the helm at OSHA, Specialty ICU beds: CQI team brings 11/94:7,8 7194:32 issues down to earth, 11/94:63 Quality team ensures best manage- Diag§n osis: work pain. . . Prescrip- 52 December 1994 Materiais Management tion: job redesign, 12/94:22 instructions, 10/94:62 TELECOMMUNICATIONS HEPA respirator use might simply Cold sterilant update: EPA acts on As wireless communications grow, so mask the real issue, 11/94:44 efficacy test results, 5/94:62 do invisible risks to patients, Letters, 2/94:16 Device design with reprocessing in 9/94:16 Monitor, 1/94:14, 3/94:18; 4/94:26; mind, 5/94:44 Cost and performance of hospital 5/94:26; 6/94:14; 7/94:20; Fun and games help ensure accurate telecommunications functions, 9/94:24; 11/94:24; 12/94:20 record keeping, 11/94:66 8/94:68 News Update, 2/94:8; 4/94:8; Letters to the Editor, 1/94:6; 4/94:17 Monitor, 12/94:20 5/94:6; 7/94:8,9; 9/94:10; Monitor, 3/94:18; 5/94:26; 11/94:24 Twice around: savings in the telecom 10/94:22 News Update, 1/94:8; 2/94:8; market, 8/94:44 Ohio hospital first to join OSHA’s 6/94:12; 7/94:6,8; 8/94:6,8; workplace safety honor roll, 9/94:6,7; 10/94:6 WASTE MANAGEMENT/ 7/194:12 Questions & Answers, 2/94:54; ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES U.S. Secretary of Labor Reich urges 7194:78; 8/94:57; 11/94:74 AHA safety, environment committees lawmakers to undertake OSHA Shedding light on flash sterilization, offer expertise, 1/94:27 reform, 7/94:34 12/94:30 The AHA’s Fourth National Sympo- Weighing the benefits of HEPA respi- Why is a little water such a big deal? sium on Health Care Safety and rators, 11/94:46 3/94:68 the Environment, 1/94:26 Buyers, beware: Short supply of plas- STERILIZATION/ SUPPLIER BUSINESS tic resin could create price explo- DECONTAMINATION/ ARRANGEMENTS sion, 11/94:16 DISINFECTION Editor’s Letter, 7/94:4 Monitor, 3/94:18; 4/94:26; 6/94:14; Ask these questions before buying Get ready for supply capitation, 9/94:24; 12/94:20 new sterilization technologies, 11/94:28 News Update, 5/94:6,8; 6/94:12; 6/94:68 News Update, 1/94:10; 2/94:6; 8/94:8; 9/94:7; 10/94:6; 11/94:7 A case of sterilization wrap swap, 3/94:6; 4/94:6,7,8; 5/94:6,8; Recycling program finds value in 1/94:38 6/94:10; 7/94:6,8; 8/94:6; 9/94:6; people society might have pushed The case of the missing 10/94:6,9; 11/94:7,8 aside, 11/94:16 HOSPITALS WITH HIGH STANDARDS CHOOSE... SUBURBAN SURGICAL CO., INC.'s "Tote-al" Carts Simplicity ... Maneuverability ... Durability ... the three key words to describe “Tote-al" Carts manufactured by SUBURBAN SURGICAL CO., INC. Our "Tote-al" Closed Case Carts come in various sizes to fill all requirements of operating rooms plus they efficiently establish a flow between the surgical procedures and supply re- quirements. A Closed Case Cart protects clean, sterile supplies from the environment while being transported from central service to surgery as well as protecting the environment from contaminated supplies after surgery. The "Tote-al" Carri Cart of drawers in offers the con- different heights venience as well as shelves that adjust independently creating Systemizer Cart ‘an indispensable cart for any hospital function. The "Tote-al" Systemizer Cart offers height-adjustable shelves available with optional runners to suspend varying height drawers. "Tote-al" These versatile carts are perfect for a hospital exchange Carri Cart system, deliveries, storage and nursing station supplies. The "Tote-al" Convertible Linen Cart is useful for transporting linens. The Linen Cart has shelves which hold clean linen and then fold-down creating a bin for soiled linen. All "Tote-al" Carts can be adapted to meet all automated hospital systems. For further details on our "Tote-al" carts, please call: "Tote-al" Closed Case Cart ae suburban surgical co., Inc. 1-800-323-7366 275 Twelfth Street, Wheeling, Illinois 60090 (708) 537-9320 (in Illinois) Circle no. 28 for FREE information Materiaits Management December 1994 $83

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