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Materials investigation of thermal triggers used in pressure relief devices on transit buses PDF

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Preview Materials investigation of thermal triggers used in pressure relief devices on transit buses

DOT-FTA-MA- 26-7071-03-1 DOT-VNTSC-FTA-03-06 HE 4211 .U6 no. 03-06 Materials Investigation of Thermal Triggers Used in irtment Pressure ReliefDevices on Transit Buses or iransportation FederalTransit Administration July2003 Final Report REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE FormApproved OMBNo. 0704-0188 The publicreporting burdenforthiscollection ofinformation isestimated toaverage 1 hourperresponse, includingthetimefor reviewing instructionssearching existing datasources, gathering and maintainingthedata needed, and completing and reviewing the collection ofinformation. Send comments regarding this burden estimateoranyotheraspectofthiscollection ofinformation, including suggestionsforreducingthis burden, toWashington Headquarters ServicesDirectorateforInformationOperationsand Reports, 1215Jefferson Davis HighwaySuite 1204,Arlington,VA22202-4302, andtotheOffice ofManagementand Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project(0704-0188), Washington, DC 20503. 1.AGENCY USE ONLY (Leaveblank) 2. REPORTDATE 3. REPORTTYPEAND DATES COVERED June2003 FinalReport-July2003 4. TITLEANDSUBTITLE 5. FUNDING NUMBERS MaterialsInvestigationofThermalTriggersUsedinPressureReliefDevicesonTransitBuses TT-383 U3077 6. AUTHOR(S) NathanRolander*/**,DouglasMatson** ,WilliamP.Chemicoff* 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S)ANDADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION *VolpeCenter **TuftsUniversityDept, ofMechanicalEngineering REPORTNUMBER MA MA Cambridge, 02142 Medford, 02155 DOT-VNTSC-FTA-03-06 9. SPONSORING/MONITORINGAGENCY NAME(S)ANDADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSORING/MONITORING U.S. Department ofTransportation AGENCYREPORTNUMBER Federal Transit Administration Office ofResearch, Demonstration and Innovation FTA-MA-26-7071-03-2 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES U.S. DepartmentofTransportation Thisworkwasperformedundercontractto: VolpeNationalTransportationSystemsCenter MA Cambridge, 02142 12a. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITYSTATEMENT 12b. DISTRIBUTION CODE This document is available to the public through the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161 13. ABSTFRACT(Maximum 200words) This investigation pertains to the composition and general condition of the thermally activated trigger mechanism of Pressure Relief Devices [PRD's], safety devices used on compressed natural gas cylinders commonly used to store fuel on transit buses. These trigger mechanisms provide the essential function of the PRD, and any problems with the trigger will result in poor device performance. The report analyses the condition of the eutectic material used in the triggers, its composition, condition, and any flaws that may occur. Following the experimental investigation, failure criterion for the triggers were computed based on observed flaws in the trigger material. These computations provide a measure of the reliability of the triggering devices, and thereby of their effectiveness. 14. SUBJECTTERMS 15. NUMBEROFPAGES 33 Pressure Relief Device, Natural Gas Safety, Alternative Fuel, Bus Safety 16. PRICECODE 17.SECURITYCLASSIFICATION 18.SECURITYCLASSIFICATION 19.SECURITYCLASSIFICATION 20. LIMITATION OFABSTRACT OFREPORT OFTHISPAGE OFABSTRACT Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298(Rev. 2- 89) Prescribed byANSI Std. 239 18298-102 tn oojfe ( H£ vt// * L)(o NOTICE fU This document is disseminated under the sponsorship ofthe U.S. Department of c 6 Transportation in the interest ofinformation exchange. The United States Government assumes no liability for its contents or use thereof. NOTICE The United States Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trade or manufacturers’ names appear herein solely because they are considered essential to the objective ofthis report. RECEIVED JUN " 1 2094 US.DEPT.OFTRANSPORTATION LIBRARY,NASSIFBRANCH Metric/English Conversion Factors English to Metric Metric to English LENGTH (Approximate) LENGTH (Approximate) 1 inch(in) = 2.5 centimeters(cm) 1 millimeter(mm) = 0.04inch(in) 1 foot(ft) = 30centimeters(cm) 1 centimeter(cm) = 0.4inch(in) 1 yard(yd) = 0.9meter(m) 1 meter(m) = 3.3feet(ft) 1 mile(mi) = 1.6kilometers(km) 1 meter(m) = 1.1 yards(yd) 1 kilometer(km) = 0.6mile(mi) AREA(Approximate) AREA(Approximate) 111ss1qqsuuqsaauqrraueeraermyeiailrnfedocoh((tss(q(qssqmyqidi.,nft,,myifidnt2222)))) ==== 2600....58609sssqqqsuuuqaaaurrraeeeremkcieemlnteotetmireemret(te(merm2rs)s2)((kcmm22)) 1101,ss0qq0uu0aar1sresqequckuaeianrlrteoeimmmmeeeettteteerrersr((((kcmmmm2222)))) ==== 0011...h421e6sscqqtsauuqraauerraeer(ehymeaii)rlndec=sh(2s((.qss5qqmayiicdn,r,,emisyind22)2)) 1 acre=0.4hectare(he) = 4,000squaremeters(m2) “1 1 MASS-WEIGHT(Approximate) MASS-WEIGHT(Approximate) 1 ounce(oz) = 28grams(gm) 1 gram(gm) = 0.036ounce(oz) 1 pound(lb) = 0.45kilograms(kg) 1 kilogram(kg) = 2.2pounds(lb) 1 shortton=2,000pounds(lb) = 0.9tonne(t) 1 tonne(t)= 1.000kilograms(kg) = 1.1 shorttons VOLUME (Approximate) VOLUME (Approximate) 1 teaspoon(tsp) = 5 milliliters(ml) 1 milliliter(ml) = 0.03fluidounce(floz) 1 tablespoon(tbsp) = 15milliliters(ml) 1 liter(1) = 2.1 pints(pt) 1 fluidounce(floz) = 30milliliters(ml) 1 liter(1) = 1.06quarts(qt) 1 cup(c) = 0.24liter(1) 1 liter(1) = 0.26gallon(gal) 1 pint(pt) = 0.47liter(1) 1 quart(qt) = 0.96liter(1) 1 gallon(gal) = 3.8liters(1) 1 c1ubciucbiycarfdoo(tc(ucyud,ft,yfdt33)) == 00..0736ccuubbiiccmmeetteerr((mm33)) 11 ccuubbiiccmmeetteerr((mm33)) == 3163 ccuubbiiccfyeaertds(c(ucuft,ydft,3)yd3) TEMPERATURE (Exact) TEMPERATURE (Exact) [(x-3(2x)+(456/09))/]1°.F8 == yy °°CK [(9(/y5x)y1.+83B24]6°0C) == xx°°FF PRESSURE (Exact) PRESSURE (Exact) 1 psi = 6.8948kPa 1 MPa = 145.04psi ENERGY& ENERGYDENSITY (Exact) ENERGY& ENERGY DENSITY (Exact) 1 Btu = 1.05506kJ 1 MJ = 947.81 Btu 1 Btu/lb = 2.326kJ/kg 1 MJ/kg = 430Btu/lb QUICKFAHRENHEIT-CELSIUSTEMPERATURE CONVERSION -40° -22° 14° 32° 50° 58° 8 >° 104° 122° 140° 158° 17 5° 194° 212° -40° -30° -20° -10° 0° 10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 100° IV 8 7I.. Table ofContents - Table ofContents - v II. ListofFigures - vi III. DocumentNomenclature - vii Ill.a Acronyms - vii IILb Definitions - vii Abstract viii 1. Background 1 2. ThePressureReliefDevice 3 3. TriggeringDevice 5 4. Metallography 7 5. ThermalProfile 11 6. Geometry andForces 15 6.1. Constriction Angle Calculation 15 6.2. Ball Bearing Contact Angle 17 6.3. Spring Constant 18 6.4. ResultantVertical Force 1 6.5. Void ShearReduction Effect 18 6.6. Upper Bound Hodogram 20 7. Conclusions 21 8. Future 23 9. References - 24 v II. List ofFigures - Fig 2.1 - ExplodedMirada PRD Photograph 3 Fig 2.3 - AssembledMirada PRD 4 Fig 2.4 - Pressure Disk inplace (left) andpuncturedwith bayonet (right) 4 Fig 3.1 - Sectioned View ofMirada PRD, ball bearings removed 5 Fig 3.2 - Voidin eutectic material near top surface under microscope 6 Fig 4.1 - Electrolytic Polishing apparatus with Eutectic Trigger 8 Fig 4.2 - Eutectic Material Grain Structure 9 Fig 4.3 - Bismuth-LeadEutectic Imbalance 9 Fig 4.5 - Large Single Leadparticle under close inspection 10 Fig 5.1 - Thermocouple insertedinto eutectic trigger mechanism 11 Fig 5.2 - Temperature Profile Plots ofEutectic Triggers 12 Fig 5.4 - Phase Change Plateau ofTriggers 2 & 3 13 Fig 5.5 - MeltPlateau Measurements 14 Fig 5.6 - Phase Diagram ofBismuth-Lead 14 Fig 6.1 - Ball bearingstaticforce diagram 15 Fig 6.2 - PRD Trigger Geometry 16 Fig 6.3 - Surface Area Reduction Ratio Plot 19 III. Document Nomenclature - IH.a Acronyms - PRD Pressure ReliefDevice CNG CompressedNatural Gas DAQ Data Acquisition SCXI Signal Conditioning and Switching Interface IH.b Definitions - Eutectic Composition - A specific alloy composition which solidifies at a lower temperature than all other alloy combinations. Metal Creep - Progressive deformation ofa metal or alloy over a period oftime. The process occurs via diffusion within the material. This time dependant strain is caused by a constant load or stress, particularly at elevated temperatures. Plastic Deformation - Permanent deformation ofa material caused by continued applied stress exceeding the materials yield strength. Abstract This investigation pertains to the composition and general condition ofthe thermally activated trigger mechanism ofPressure ReliefDevices (PRD's). PRDs are safety devices on compressed natural gas cylinders, commonly used to store fuel on transit buses. These trigger mechanisms provide the essential function ofthe PRD, and any problems with the trigger will result in poor device performance. The report analyses the condition ofthe eutectic material used in the triggers, its composition, condition, and any flaws that may occur. Following the experimental investigation, failure criteria for the triggers were computed based on observed flaws the trigger material. These computations provide a measure ofthe reliability ofthe triggering devices, and thereby oftheir effectiveness. Background 1. Pressure ReliefDevices (PRDs) are standard equipment on all compressed natural gas containers. The function ofa PRD is to vent the compressed natural gas in the case ofa fire, preventing rupture and the subsequent high-pressure gas release with a possible ignition and explosion. Compressed natural gas is stored at a maximum settled pressure of3600 psi. Ifthe gas is released at high-pressure in certain environments, the result could be catastrophic. Therefore, PRD design and manufacture must be ofvery high quality. The PRD must offer a degree ofprotection and reliability that meets or exceeds that ofthe cylinder in order to provide the proper degree ofsafety. The PRDs under this investigation are used on CNG cylinders for transit busses. They came under scrutiny beginning in the early 1990s, when many malfunctions occurred, where the natural gas vented. The importance ofhaving reliable components is increasing with the shift towards alternative fuels, and especially compressed hydrogen-powered vehicles. Because hydrogen storage cells would see even higher pressures and temperature ranges, the performance oftoday's compressed natural gas vehicles may serve as the performance benchmark. A primary goal ofthe study described in this report was to find evidence of material creep or plastic deformation. Creep phenomena have been blamed for previous PRD failures; however, to date no evidence supports this assumption, since trigger material in the PRD is not exposed to high cylinder pressure. The analysis determined the physical condition ofthe PRD by disassembly and dissection, including metallography and thermal profiling. The results obtained provided insight into the functionality ofthe PRDs and possible causes offailure. Metallurgical analysis ofcontemporary PRDs was performed by the Tufts University Mechanical Engineering Department for the U.S. DOT/RSPA/Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. Previous PRD failure studies have not fully identified the failure modes and mechanisms. Without proper failure mode identification a satisfactory solution cannot be implemented. There are currently around 6,200 natural- gas-powered transit buses in the United States. During a 1997 study of703 buses, a total of 132 gas release events were recorded, resulting in one serious fire. In December 2000, 1 another unintentional release resulted in a deflagration. The calculated frequency of release is between 0.0013 - 0.0358 per bus per year. Since that time, releases and failure rates have decreased but still occur. This investigation was conducted in two phases; engineering analysis ofthe physical and metallurgical aspects ofthe failed PRD's, and statistical analysis to support the engineering results and detect failure patterns. 2

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