52 植物研究雑誌第81巻第1号 平成18年2月 Fig. 1. Cladonia trassii Ahti (M. Togashi 5089,T NS). x7/1O. (圃圃圃圃圃圃Kumagaya,S泊tama, 360__JAPAN 熊 谷 市 - a 富山 b Heinai SHIBUICHl ,aHiroyuki KASHIWADANlb,K ozo YOSHIDAca nd Einar TIMDALd Materials : for the Distribution of Lichens in Japan (15) 地衣類分布資料 (15) (四分一平内 ,柏谷博之b,吉田考造", E.テイムダルd) a Toninia sedifolia (Scop.) Timdal 1). Results of at hin layer chromatography In 2002,o ne of the authors,H . Shibuichi, (TLC) show that the Japanese specimen con- found an unusual colony of crustose lichen tains no chemical substances,an d is identical among mosses growing on limestones,a t with the chemical variation “0" reported by elevation about 1200 m, Todai, Pref. Timdal (1991). These features coincide very Nagano. It had grayish-white squamulose well with those of Toninia sedifolia (Scop.) thalli composed of slightly convex and Timdal. The final identification was made by white-pruinose lobes. The apothecia are the comparison of exsiccatae cited below. black and lecideine; the discs epruinose; This species is widely distributed in arctic 訂 epithecium brown to brownish gray (K + regions of the Northem Hemisphere. The reddish violet); and hypothecium dark only taxon of Toninia known in Japan is T. brown. Spores colorless, fusiform, 1(- 2) tristis (Th. Fr.) Th. Fr. subsp. fujikawae (M. septate and 15.6-21.5x 2 .0μm in size (Fig. Sato) Timdal (Sato 1936,Y oshimura 1961, February 2006 Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 81 No. 1 53 Fig. 1. Toninia sedifolia (Scop.) Timdal (H. Shibuichi 10107,T NS). Bar = 1m m. Yo shida 1979), which has brownish chens in Japan (4). Lecidea fujikawae Sato. J. Jpn. squamules without pruina,g reenish epithe Bot. 54: 168. 四 Yo shimura 1. 1960. Miscellaceous notes on lichen in cium (K -) and simple spores. Shikoku (1). Mis. Bryo1. Licheno1. 2(1): 5-8 (in Specimen examined. Japan. Honshu. Prov. Shinano: Japanese). Riverside of Todai-gawa,H ase-mura,K ami-Ina-gun. Elevatioon about 1230 m. On rock (limestone). Toninia sedifolia (コナフジカワゴケ,新称)は October 15,2 002,H . Shibuichi 10107 (TNS). 北半球の温帯から高緯度地域に広く分布し,南半 Exsiccata examined. Follmann, Lich. Exs. 球ではオーストラリア,ニュージーランド,アル Casselensi 140 (TNS) [as T. αceruleonigricans ゼンチンにも稀に産することが知られているが, (Lightf.) Th. Fr.]; K巧rpt.Exs. Vindob. 754b (TNS) [as 東アジアからは全く報告がなかった (Timdal T. caeruleonigricans (Lightf.) Th. Fr.]; Poelt,J. Lich., 1991) .最近,筆者の一人,四分一は長野県戸台 Al恰pinum340 (TNS) [a部s工T:di砂刀〉均αctωa,(仏Massa討1.)Zah叫ll耐br.] の石灰岩上(標高1200m)に生育する本種を発見 Nash,Lich. Exs. ASU 24 (TNS) [as T. caeruleo- 出 した.本種の地衣体は,灰白色の鱗片状,表面は nigricans (Lightf.) Th. Fr.]; Poelt .,P ,.1 Graec. 110 黄褐色,灰白色の粉霜で覆われている.裏面は淡 (TNS) [as Toninia rosulata (Anzi) Oliv.]; Savicz, 褐色.子器はレキデア型,胞子は紡錘形で 1-2室, Lichenoth. Ross. 148 (TNS) [as T. caeruleonigricans 子嚢下層は黒褐色である.また,日本産の標本は (Lightf.) Th.Fr.]; Vezda,L ich. Se1. Exs. 1822 (TNS) 地衣成分を全く含まない化学的変異株である. [as T. diffracta (Massa1.) Zahlbr.]. 日本産フジカワゴケ属としては T.tristis subsp. fujikawaeがあるが,この種は粉霜を欠く褐色の地 Literature cited 衣体を持ち,胞子は単室,楕円形であるのでそれ Sato M. 1936. Studies on the lichens of Japan (10). 1. とは容易に区別できる. Jpn. Bot. 12(1): 47-49. (a360__熊谷市_, Timdal E. 1991. A monograph of the genus Toninia b国立科学博物館植物研究部, (Lecideaceae,A scomycetes). Opera Bot. 110: 1- c埼玉県立自然史博物館, 137. dオスロ大学植物博物館) Yoshida K. 1979. Materials for the distribution of li-