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Materials Characterization 1991: Vol 26-27 Index PDF

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Preview Materials Characterization 1991: Vol 26-27 Index

AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUMES 26 AND 27 ApvaniA. H., 27:91 HuHner M., 27:133 Perxo A. A., 26:201 pE ALMEIDA L. H., 26:1, 193 Hutt D. A., 26:63 Petzow G., 26:289 AMELINCKx S., 27:59 Pua S. G. K., 27:11 Jeonc W. C., 26:53 PoraieTer J. H., 26:155 BAgESLACK W. A., 26:123 Jimenez J. A., 27:141 Povo.o F., 26:137 Baker I., 27:45, 167 Pratt T. K., 27:269 BARBABELA G. D., 26:1, 193 KACHEVSKY A. N., 26:177 Bartet D. L., 26:201 KANG J. H., 27:231 Ratpu B., 26:211 Benscoter A. O., 26:45 Katz R. N., 27:281 Ramon J. J., 26:17 BIEDERMAN R. R., 27:213 Kayser F. X., 27:127 Rao P. P., 27:11 BIRUDAVOLU R., 27:91 KLEIN R. W., 26:201 Rimnac C. M., 26:201 BourRAUEL C., 27:133 Kosus E., 27:133 Rosi P. S., 27:11 Brewer A. W., 27: 53 Koo H. H., 26:123 Ruano O. A., 27:27, 141 Kout A. K., 26:235 Russ J. C., 27:185 CANZIAN A., 26:137 Krauss G., 27:53 Cesar E., 26:23 KRISHNASWAMY S., 26:123 SATYANARAYANA K. G., 27:11 CHAWLA K. K., 27:19 KuRZYDLOWSKI K. J., 26:57 SHersy O. D., 27:141 CHEN H., 26:85, 93 Kwok J. K. M., 27:111 Sui D., 27:35 CHEN P. S., 26:9 SHIH C. Y., 27:175 Cuou C.-C., 26:85, 93 LarsEN R. A., 27:223 SHORSHOROV M. KH., 26:177 CHUNG J. H., 26:53 Le May L., 26:1, 193, 235, 253 Siapati M. H., 27:19 Cortié M. B., 26:155 Lee M. W., 27:157 DA SILVEIRA T. L., 26:1, 193 Cox B., 26:61 Li W.-P., 27:91 Smirnov O. M., 27:141 CzajKowskI C. J., 27:117 Lin S. C., 27:111 STEELE J. K., 27:213 Liorca N., 26:23 STOYAN D., 26:167 Dainty R. V., 26:235 LiLorca-ISERN N., 26:143 SrreiFF R., 27:261 DANZER R., 26:289 Lovey F. C., 26:23 SrupaK P. R., 27:231 DirnFELD S. F., 26:17 Donovan J. A., 27:231 Maroper A. R., 26:45 TELLE R., 26:289 DreSCHER D., 27:133 ManrtIN J. W., 27:147 TuHierR M., 27:133 Drewien C. A., 26:45 McCammonon D., 26:63 Tyonc S. C., 26:29, 109; 27:175 McEviy A. J., 26:253 TORRALBA M., 27:27 Epwarops D. E., 27:269 McMauon C. J., 26:269 Erven K. A., 27:53 MENG-BuRANY X., 27:1 Ucuz A., 27:147 Munrot P. R., 27:45 Favret E., 26:137 Mourr L. E., 27:91 VAN LANDuYT J., 27:59 Fonc H. S., 27:111, 119 VAN TENDELOO G., 27:59 Fraser D. P., 26:73 NacpPat P., 27:167 VANDER Voort G. F., 27:241 Niou C.-S., 27:91 Gassay R., 26:17 NortHwoon D. O., 27:1 WAGNER H. J., 26:17 GELLER J. D., 27:199 Watters R. T., 27:157 GiaMEI A. F., 27:269 Orero E., 26:149 Waucnore A. J., 27:223 GONZALEZ-DONCEL G., 27:27 WayMaN C. M., 26:85, 93 GuILEMANY J. M., 26:23, 143 Pai B. C., 27:11 WIENCEK K., 26:167 Parvo A., 26:149 Wicox R. C., 26:9 HE .ier W. G., 26:63 ParKINS R. N., 26:303 WrichtT . M., 26:201 HERNAEZ J., 26:149 Pense A. W., 26:225 Hoeppner D. W., 26:63 PEREGRIN F., 26:23 ZANDBERGEN H. W., 27:59 297 ©Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc., 1991 MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION 27:297 (1991) 655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010 1044-5803 /91/$3.50 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUMES 26 AND 27 Characterization Techniques Histories, 26:201 Characterization and Integration of Polymeric and Fracture Mechanisms in a Series of Locomotive Microdiffraction Specimens Using a Two- Axle Failures, 26:235 dimensional Position-sensitive Detector, 27:223 Hydrogen-Assisted Cracking, 26:253 Computer-Aided Characterization of Solidification Mechanisms of Intergranular Fracture in Alloy Processes, 27:269 Steels, 26:269 Computer-Aided Microstructural Analysis of Metallography of Environment Sensitive Fracture, Specialty Steels, 27:241 26:303 Computer-Aided Prediction and Analysis of Microstructural Characterization of Failures, 26:211 Electron and X-Ray Diffraction Patterns, 27:213 Computer-Aided Surface Analysis Techniques, Mathematical Analysis, Modeling 27:199 A Probabilistic Approach To Estimate Particle Size Effect of a Surface Layer on the Investigation of Distribution Without Shape Assumption. Part I: Au-Fe Alloys by Transmission Electron Theory and Testing on Spherical Particles, 27:35 Microscopy, 26:85 Model for the Dependence of the Dihedral Angles Etching and Image Analysis of Prior Austenite Distribution on the Distribution of the Energy of Grain Boundaries in Hardened Steels, 27:53 Grain Boundaries in Polycrystals, 26:57 Identification of the Crystal Structure of Fine Spatial Correlations in Metal Structures and Their Precipitates Using Stereographic Electron Analysis, 26:167 Diffraction Techniques, 27:1 Voronoi Statistics of Hard-Core Systems, 26:73 Metallographic Preparation Technique for Electrodeposited Iron-Zinc Alloy Coatings on Mechanical Behavior, Wear and Erosion Steel, 26:45 Computer-Aided Fractal Analysis of Rubber Wear New Insights on Single-Crystal Orientation by the Surfaces, 27:231 Diffractometer Method, 27:27 Microstructural Defects and Mechanical Properties Observation of Retained Austenite by Secondary of High-Performance Ceramics, 26:289 Electron Imaging in a Scanning Transmission Room Temperature Fracture of FeAl and NiAI, Electron Microscope, 26:53 27:167 Optical Metallography with a Laser Beam: Structural Instability and Damping Properties of Orientation Dependence of the Dispersed Heterophase Materials Based on Aluminium Intensity, 26:137 Alloys, 26:177 Stereographic Technique for Quantitative Analysis for Cleavage Plane Orientation, 26:9 Microstructural Characterization, Composites The Measurement of Grain Boundary Particle Characterization of Microstructures Contributing Distributions in Aged Al-Zn-Mg Alloys, 27:147 to Degradation of Superconductivity in Titanium Prior-Beta Grain Volume Distribution by Explosively Fabricated High Tc Superconductors, Quantitative Serial Sectioning Techniques, 26:63 27:91 Characterization of Tin Dioxide Interphase Coating Crystallography in Alumina/Glass Composite, 27:19 Identification of the Crystal Structure of Fine The Role of Surface Treatments and Magnesium Precipitates Using Stereographic Electron Additions on the Dispersoid / Matrix Interface in Diffraction Techniques, 27:1 Cast Al-Si-Mg-15wt.% SiC,, Composites, 27:11 New Insights on Single-Crystal Orientation by the Diffractometer Method, 27:27 Microstructural Characterization, Metals An Aspect of Intragranular Widmanstatten y Failure Analysis Formation in Al-18% Ag, 27:111 Analysis of Preservice Cracking in a Large Bridge Characterization of Inertia-friction Welds in a Structure, 26:225 High-temperature RS/PM AI-8.5Fe-1.3V-1.7Si Failure of Orthopedic Implants: Three Case Alloy (AA-8009), 26:123 ©Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc., 1991 MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION 27:299-300 (1991) 655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010 1044-5803 /91/$3.50 300 Subject Index Computer-Aided Microstructural Analysis of Microstructural Characterization, Nonmetals Specialty Steels, 27:241 Computers—The Key to Reliable Ceramic Materials Copper Embrittlement by Silver Brazing Alloys, and Components, 27:281 26:17 Electron Microscopy of High Tc Superconductors, Determination of the Microstructure and Alloy 27:59 Element Distribution in Experimental Duplex Microstructural Defects and Mechanical Properties Stainless Steels, 26:155 of High-Performance Ceramics, 26:289 Initiation of Twins at Grain Boundaries During Low Temperature Fast Compression of Mild Steel, Oxidation, Corrosion, Environmental Interactions 27:119 A Coatings and High Temperature Corrosion Metallographic Structure of Bainitic Compacted Computerized Database, 27:261 Graphite Cast Irons, 26:143 Electron Microscope and Raman Characterization Microstructural Studies of a Roll-bonded of the Surface Oxides Formed on the Fe-Cr Alloys Laminated Ultrahigh Carbon Steel Bar, at 400-850°C, 26:29 27:141 Influence of Microstructure on the Intergranular Microstructure of As-Cast Al,,Ti,,Nig, 27:45 Corrosion Resistance of 24.4 Cr/7.4 Ni Duplex Microstructure of As-Cast NiTi Alloy, 27:133 Stainless Steel, 26:149 Phase Characterization in Two Centrifugally Cast Oxidation Characteristics of Some Fe-40Cr-Pd and HK Stainless Steel Tubes, 26:1 Fe-40Cr-Ru Alloys in Air at 900°C, 27:175 Phase Identification in Aged Au-Fe Alloys Using Transmission Electron Microscopy, 26:93 Quantitative Analysis Role of Nb in Modifying the Microstructure of Computer-Aided Fractal Analysis of Rubber Wear Heat-resistant Cast HP Steel, 26:193 Surfaces, 27:231 TEM Study of B and Martensite in Cu-Al-Mn Shape Computer-Aided Quantitative Microscopy, 27:185 Memory Alloys, 26:23 Etching and Image Analysis of Prior Austenite The Measurement of Grain Boundary Particle Grain Boundaries in Hardened Steels, 27:53 Distributions in Aged Al-Zn-Mg Alloys, Physicochemical Method for Determining the Total 27:147 Volume Fraction of Carbides in Annealed High- Transmission Electron Microscope Observations of speed Steels, 27:127 the Dislocation Substructures Induced by Cyclic Deformation of the Ferritic Fe-25Cr-(2-4)Al and Book Reviews Fe-19Cr-4Ni-2Al Alloys, 26:109 Hydrothermal Reactions for Materials Science and Two Plateaux for Palladium Hydride and the Effect Engineering—An Overview of Research in Japan, 26:61 of Helium from Tritium Decay on the Desorption Structure of Metals Through Optical Microscopy, Plateau Pressure for Palladium Tritide, 27:157 27:117

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