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Mastering your Macintosh : a user’s guide to Apple’s Macintosh computer PDF

267 Pages·1984·45.866 MB·English
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MASTERING YOUR MACINTOSH A User's Guide to Apple's Macintosh Computer MASTERING YOUR MACINTOSH A User's Guide to Apple's Macintosh Computer William Skyvington -~Halelnle!Tl-.al Englewood Cliffs, N.J. London New Delhi Rio de janeiro Singapore Sydney Tokyo Toronto Wellington l11e cover photograph has been kindly supplied by William Skyving10n. Apple, the Apple logo, Usa, MacDraw, Macl'aint, MacProject, MacTcrminal and IV!acWrite are trademarks of Apple Computer inc. Macintosh is a trademark licensed to Apple Computer Inc. Chart, Microsoft and Multiplan arc trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Photographs and picture of Japanese girl repr<xluced by pcnni.~sion of Apple Computer Inc. Ubrary of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Skyvington. William. Mastering your 1VL1cintosh. Includes index. 1. 1viacintosh (Computer) I. Title QA76.R.M3SS9 19R4 001.64 H4-16071 ISBN 0·13·S S9S27 ·4 ( pbk.) British Ubrary Cataloging in Publication Data Skyvington, William Mastering your 1v!ai ntosh I. Macintosh (Computer) I. Title 001.64'04 QA76.8.M3 ISBN 0-13·559527·4 e 1984 by William Skyvington All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by an)• means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or other.vise, without rhe prior permission of Prentice-Hall International, Inc. For permission within the United Stares contact Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New jersey 07632. ISBN 0-13-559527-4 PRENTICE-HAll INTERNATIONAl~ INC., London PRENTICE-HAll OF AUS'rnAUA PlY., LID., Sydney PRENTICE-HALL CANADA, INC., Toronto PRENTICE-HALL OF INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED, New Delhi PRENTICE-HALL OF JAPAN, INC., Tokvo ASIA PRENTICE-HALL OF SOUTHEAST PTE., lid., Singapore PRENTICE· HAll INC., Englewood Cliffs, New JerSC)' PRENTICE· HALL DO BRASILLIDA, Rio de janeiro WHITEHAJJ. BOOKS LIMITED, Wellington, Nev,. Zealand Typeset by Communit ype lid., Leicester, England Printed in the United States of America 10 9 B 7 6 54 3 2 1 For my friends at Apple France, members of the Usa/Macintosh team, who enabled me to ·write this book: Bruno Rives Miriam Souza Neil Minkley Christophe Droulers Alain Andrieux Christine Thevenot A mountain in labor cried so loud that everyone, hearing the noise, ran up expecting that she would surely give birth to a city bigger than Paris; she brought forth a mouse. -Jean de Ia Fontaine, Fables\1.10 "f11cre are rwo types of Macintosh keyboard: this book follows the style of the American version, which uses words w denote the keys. Readers who are using the 'International' style of Macintosh keyboard will already be aware that the symbols on their keyboard indicate the following: - I Tab D Caps Lock D Shift Option ~ Backspace Return Enter Command \'ii Contents INTRODUCTION 1 Image of a machine 5 Peripheral dcdo:s 6 1 THE MOUSE CONCEPT 8 l11e lllOLISl' button 9 Yocabula1y 10 Menus II 2 THE WINDOW CONCEPT 18 Summary 20 Icons 20 Multiple windows 23 Window manipulations 27 Desk accessories 31 3 THE CUT & PASTE CONCEPT 36 The Clipboard 36 11K· \lote l'acl 43 The Scrapbook 1 I 4 THE HOUSEKEEPING CONCEPT 61 Folders 61 Oisk·to·disk tmnsfcrs 73 Copyin~ documents on the same disk 77 ix CONTENTS X 5 "MacWrite" -WORD PROCESSING R2 Printing using the lmagcwritcr H9 Fonnar modifk~ttions 92 h1SL't1ions and deletions 97 l'n.·t~· print IO'i Hukrship IOH Find it and change it I 1.1 6 "MacPaint" -IMAGE PROCESSING 119 Elct1ronic painting 119 Huhhcr handing 12'i Frel'hand drawing 129 Writell'aint relationships 1-19 Screen dumps and snapslHl iS I 'i I 7 "MacDraw" -GRAPH PROCESSING 153 SetS<lf<>hjct1s l'i·t Demonstmtion I 'i6 Sn:tph<x>k ~•,:tpping 16'i 8 "Multiplan" -ELECfRONIC WORKSHEET 174 ivtanipulating the worksheet 17-i Gtlcubrions 17H Mathematic functions IH-i Other funnions I H6 Dcmon~1tWion IH6 9 "Chart" -BUSINESS GRAPHICS 202 Dcmonsu:ttion 203 10 "MacProject"- PROJECT PlANNING 213 Demon~1mtion 213 0 ll1dusions on Macl'roje<:t 226 EPILOG 227 CONTENTS xi Appendix A SOFIWA RE DEVEWPMENT USING USA 228 Development context 229 Pascal particularities 230 QuickDraw 231 Toolbox 233 ~·lacintosh operating ~ystem 234 The concept of soft\vare components 235 Appendix B SOFIWA RE DEVEWPMENT USING MACINTOSH 236 Demon~1rmion 236 Une-by line description of the demonstf"dtion program 246 Super Basic 24R INDEX 251

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