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Mastering Python Lists. Essential Skills For Every Programmer PDF

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Mastering Python Lists MarPco ulin Janu2a0r2,y0 16 Contents BeyoCnRdU D 7 1 Hello World! 9 HelWloor ld! 10 TraiCloimnmga s 10 2 EmptLyi sts 13 The O[p e]r a.t o.r . . . . . . . . . . . 14 TheL isFtu(n)c t.i.o.n. ...... . 14 CreatAi Lnigt eLriaslt Of Empty Lists 16 CreatAi nLgi st Of WEimtphA t yL CiLosimtsp htresen sion 16 AvoiUds iTnhgeR epeOapte ra.t.o.r. ......... .. 18 3 ConverTtoi ngO tThyepre s 21 ConverAt LiinsTgto SAe .t . . 22 ConverAt LiinsTgto DAi cti.o nary 22 ConverAt SitnrgTi on g A List 22 Converat ilnigss te. t t o a 23 4 UnpackaiL nigs t 25 UnpacIkniP nygt h3o.nX. ........ . 28 UnpacAk iLnigsI tn tFou nctAirognu ments 30 5 IteraOtvienargL ist 33 IterOabbjleec. t .s .. 34 IteraOtvieAnrlg Il t ems 36 TheF oSrt ate.m e.n t. 36 TheE numerFautnec tion 36 6 Copyian gL ist 39 LisVta ria.b.l es 40 TheL isFtu(n)c tion 40 3 4 CONTENTS The CoFpuyn(c.)t ion 40 Sli.c.i.n.g. .... 40 Lisats sig.n ment 41 Copywiintgth hl ei sfutn(c)t. i on 41 7 Subscripts 43 ReadAinndgW ritLiinsIgtt ems 44 Lisitn dexes 45 8 Ranges 47 Parameters 48 Examples . 48 9 Range Slices 49 Default Values 50 ForwRaarndgS el ices 50 With PoPsairtaimveet ers 50 WitNhe gatPiavrea m.e ters 51 ReveRrasnegS el ices . . . . . . . 52 With PoPsairtaimve.et ers 52 WitNhe gatPiavrea m.e ters 53 Summary 55 10 LSilsitc es 57 SliScyen .t ax 58 Quick Copy . 58 QuiRcekv erCsoepdy 58 Cop.y. ... 59 Revecrospey . 59 ForwLairsSdtl ices . 61 Default Values 61 SkippIitne.gm s. 64 ReveLrisset Slices 64 Default. .V alues 64 11 List Comprehensions 67 Examp.l.e. .1. ... 68 Examp.l.e. .2. ... 68 DiffereBnectewsPe yent h2o.nAx n d3 .x 69 CONTENTS 5 12B ooleOapne rations 71 EqualaniIdtd ye nt.i t.y . . . 72 Iafn Wdh ile Statements . . . . 72 The AannyAd( l)l () Functions 73 13P rocesMsuilntgi Lpilset s 75 ProceLsissiItnnsg Series 76 TheZ ipF(u)n ct.i.on 76 Unzip.pi.ng. .. . . 77 TranspoAs Miantgr ix 77 TciT aTco e. . .. . . 79 14S orting 81 SortIinPn lga ce 82 CreatAi Snogr tCeodp y 82 ReveSrosre.t . . . . 82 SpeciAf SyoirKnteg y 82 LambFduan ct.i on.s 83 15A ddinIgt emTso LAi st 85 AddiOnngeI teTmo The End 86 ExtenAd Liinsg.t . . . . . . . 86 AddiOnngeI teImn TMhied dle 87 AddiMnulgt iIptleeIm ns TMhied dle 88 16R emoviIntge mFrso ma List 89 RemovinIgt eBAmyn Index . . 90 RemovOinneOg r M orIet eBmysV alue 90 17R eversai nLgi st 91 ReverFsuendc tion 92 18R emoviDnugp licVaatleu es 93 RemovDiunpgl iWciatthueotPs r eseOrrvdienrg 94 RemovDiunpgl iWchaitPlerese seOrrvdienrg 94 19S earchfoirVn agl ues 95 TestFionTrgh eP reseOnfAc neI tem 96 FindTihneIg n dOefxA nI te.m . . . 96 FindTihneIg n deOxfeD su plic.a t.e s 96 FindTihneLg a rgOers tS maVlalleuset 96 FindTihnIeg n dOefxT heL argOers tS maVlalleuset 97 6 CONTENTS 20C ounting 99 The Count() Method . 100 TheC ounCtlears s . . 100 Introduction Lisatrsaep owerfefualt uorfPe y thbounmt o sbto ooknsl syc ratthcsehu rface. Thetye aycohtu h bea ssiycn t(atxh" ew habtu"lt)e aovuept r acteixcaamlp les (th"ew hyT"h)i.bs o ogko ebse yobnadss iycn taanxtd r iteos shotwh reye oaul powoefrl ists. So wahrye lni'smtto srw ei deulsye d? Wheyno fiur slte atropn r ogrtahmfe,o ciusos n l eartnoiw nogrw ki th indi­ vidvuaarli aabnlodeb sj eLcitsst.s reqguoib reey otnyhdoaw uta yot fto h inking ansde yeo udra tian" chuniknss"t ead. Manpyr oblaermbese ssto lvbeymd a nipullaitsoitfdns ag t Pay.t holni'sst operaatraoen r ast ufirtfa oltr h etsyep oefps r oblTehmesly.ey to u wsroiltuet ions thaatrb eo tcho mpaacnetdffi cieInnst h.o brytl ,e artnoi n"gt hliinskyt osui" n wiblelc ombee taPt yetrh porno grammer. Beyond CRUD Iyfo u'wvoer ked with dmaitgabhbetfa asmeiswl,ii ttahyhra oe cu r onCyRmU D C c-reate R - read U - update D d-elete Theasreae l tshofe o ubra sliicos pte ratYioouhn asvt.eo abbelt eoc reaal ties t, reavda lfruoemst hlei msotd,i tfhlyei scto'nst eanntddse ,li etteefrm osmt hlei st. BuPty thobnu'iisln t funclteyitoo un msdu ocm ho rBey.t he time you finish this booyko wui blela l iesxtp ert. 7 8 CONTENTS Chapter 1 HelWloor ld! 9 10 CHAPTER 1. WHOERLLLDO! Hello World! Itc'uss totmosa trayarp tr ogrambmoiownkig ta sh i mp"lHeeW lolrol edx!a"m ple, anwdh oa m I tow ibttrhre aadki tion? greeting = [''HWeolrllod'',] Thiiss " lai tdeerfianli"ot fai l oinsI tt. coonfas c iosmtmsa -sespearroaifte esd valeunecsl osseqdu abrirena ckTehtipssa. r tilciucslotan rt tawisont sr vianlgu es. Lisctascn o ntaanityny poefv alaunedd,i ffetryepncetas bn e m ixteodg eitnh er thsea mlei sLti.vs atl cuaesnsp amnu ltliipnlHeees r.e siasm leti fhsoetr matted a bdiitff er.e ntly greeting = [ 'Hello', 'World' J Trailing Commas Thel aistt em inc abnae f loilsltbo yw eodap nt i"otnraali cloimnmga ". This commhaa nso e ffecbtuP,ty thon alylooduwo sn h'iattv ets rote ota htle a st valduieff erfreonmtt lhoyet hers. greeting = [ 'Hello', 'World', # trailingc omma J

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